Kids 2 2015 Final
Kids 2 2015 Final
Kids 2 2015 Final
The students …
CAN ask and answer simple questions with some support.
CAN understand simple stories and dialogues with visual prompts and with some
CAN describe what they are doing, what they like, describe the clothes they are
wearing and what they can do.
CAN describe what’s in their homes.
CAN count to 100.
CAN tell the date, talk about the weather and complete sentences with visual support.
By the end of the course the students should be able to understand and
produce the following in addition to the contents listed in
the Pre‐Kids and Kids 1 syllabi.
* The expressions in bold represent what the students are meant to produce; the rest is
Functions Exponents*
Greetings Hi/ Hello!
How are you?
I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Very well.
What’s your name?
I’m…. / My name is ….
How old are you?
Interacting in the classroom What’s (…) in English?
It’s …
I don’t know.
How do you spell …?
Silence, please.
Listen, look, read, etc.
Put up your hand
Have you got a sharpener?
Yes, here you are / No, sorry.
Identifying and asking about objects What’s this?
It’s a ruler
Is it a sharpener?
Yes, it is / No, it isn’t.
(This /that) isn’t a (lion), it’s a (parrot).
(These /those) aren’t (birds), they are (cats).
Where’s the (elephant)?
(In the water)
Talking about likes and dislikes (do/does) What’s your favourite (colour)?
What do you like (eating for breakfast)?
I like cereal and milk.
Do you like (eggs)?
Yes, I do / No, I don’t
Talking about ability (can/can’t) What sports can you do?
I can (swim)
I can’t (climb)
Can you/he/she (climb)?
Yes, (I) can / No, (I) can’t
He can (play football)
He can’t (jump).
Expressing possession (have got/has I’ve got a (pen).
got/haven’t got/ hasn’t got) I haven’t got (a felt‐tip marker).
Has (Sally) got (sharpener)?
Yes, (she) has / No, (she) hasn’t
Talking and asking about what people are What are you wearing?
wearing I’m wearing …
What is he wearing?
He’s wearing (a hat)
He isn’t wearing (a coat).
Is he wearing (a jacket)?
Yes, he is / No, he isn’t.
Describing and answering questions about What are you doing?
actions at the moment of speaking (present I’m (swimming in the river)
continuous) What is she doing?
She’s (cooking)
Is he playing the piano?
Yes, he is / No, he isn’t
He isn’t (running), he’s (jumping).
Talking about everyday routines (simple Do you study French on Monday?
present) Yes, I do / No, I don’t
What do you do every day?
I (watch TV)
Describing and answering questions about There’s (a beach)
scenes, places and rooms.(there is/are – There isn’t (a mountain)
prepositions) Is there a river?
Is there a TV in your bedroom?
Is there a girl behind the tree?
Yes, there is / No, there isn’t.
There’s (a ball) (between) (the chair and the
There are (two lamps) (near the sofa)
Recognising question words (who‐where‐ Who is that man?
which‐when‐ how many) My father
Where is the lion?
In the jungle
Which girl?
This girl
When do you have breakfast?
In the morning
When’s your birthday?
(On) July (the) 3rd / (On) 3rd July.
Expressing feelings How do you feel?
I’m (hungry)
Expressing quantity How many (cars) can you see?
I can see (three)
This list does not provide an exhaustive register of all the words which can be taught at
the level and could appear in our exams; therefore it is meant to be open and flexible
although all the Lexical Areas should be covered
Lexical area Vocabulary
Numbers up to 100
Clothes goggles, helmet, sunglasses, scarf, bracelet, earrings, watch, badge,
cap, jumper, swimsuit, etc.
Actions & free time listen to stories, watch DVDs, use a computer, read books, read
magazines, look for information, do the homework, play football,
play tennis, play basketball, run, swim, skateboard, ski, cook, sleep,
do gymnastics, ride a bike, do judo, rollerblade, get up, have a
shower, get dressed, have breakfast, go to school, study, have lunch,
go home, have dinner, go to bed, etc.
Parties & Celebrations balloons, cake, sweets, card, candles, presents, king, queen,
princess, pirate, ghost, alien, clown, fancy‐dress party, witch,
cowboy, birthday party, happy birthday, Christmas, Easter,
Halloween, etc.
Animals bear, cheetah, zebra, gorilla, seal, whale, dolphin, kangaroo, rhino,
shark, orang‐utan, turtle, hippo, hummingbird, etc.
Parts of the house & bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, hall, garden,
furniture sofa, chair, lamp, table, bed, night table, rug, case, fridge, cupboard,
bathtub, etc.
Nature and the world island, river, lake, mountain, forest, cave, waterfall, beach, palm
around us tree, path, grass, rocks, rivers, etc.
Collectibles shells, marbles, stickers, badges, pins, cards, boats, dolls, stamps,
Food turkey, sprouts, pudding, crackers, tea, box of chocolates, sausages,
Location / next to, behind, between.
Weather the sun/sunny, cloud/cloudy, rain/rainy, snow/snowy,
storm/stormy, wind/windy, etc.
Months of the year January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September,
and day of the week October, November, December.
Monday to Sunday
Jobs basketball player, ballet dancer, fire‐fighter, police officer, farmer,
film star, astronaut, teacher, doctor, etc.
Feelings & Emotions sad /crying, happy/laughing, smiling, thirsty, angry, hungry, tired,
sleepy, etc.
Music guitar, trumpet, drums, violin, recorder, piano, CD player, MP3
player, etc.
Adjectives big, small, tall, short, fast, slow, hungry, thirsty, tired, angry, excited,
funny, fat, thin, etc.
At school Felt‐tip pen, chalk, library, toilet, playground, dining room,
classroom, garden, etc.
Parts of the body Revision of all items previously taught
Colours Revision of all items previously taught
Friends and family Revision of all items previously taught
Toys Revision of all items previously taught