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WEEK 6: R.A. 1425 “Rizal Law & R.H. Bill

2nd Semester I S.Y. 2022-2023
Instructor: Mr. Isidrian Paolo S. Montes
inspiring source of patriotism for the
Republic Act 1425 Summary: minds of the youth.
• The Catholic church finds some
• Approved on June 12, 1956 passages of Rizal’s novels were
• Also called Rizal Law, mandating all deemed offensive to the catholic
faith. Thus, the church argued that
public and private schools to include
Catholics just read selected passages
in their courses or subjects about the
from the novels to compel its
life, works and writing of Jose Rizal, uncensored version to force and
particularly his noble Noli Me Tangere violate their freedom of conscience.
and El Filibusterismo. • A compromise was suggested with a
• The most controversial law-making proposition to utilize “expurgated”
process under the presidential term versions of the novels as books in the
of late President Ramon Magsaysay. course reading, with its copies to be
held and kept in the school libraries
Bonus trivia: There is no law-making Rizal only accessible with the authority of
as the national hero. He is such by higher school officials.
tradition and acclamation. • A conflict in the Section 1 of the RA
1425 stating that “Courses on the life,
works and writings of Jose Rizal,
Rizal was made “official” when the
particularly his novels, shall be
Department of Education in the
included in the curricula of all schools,
1950s made a list of distinct icons of colleges and universities, public or
national nature: the national tree is private; Provided that in the
narra, the national flower is collegiate courses, the original or
sampaguita, the national animal is unexpurgated editions or their English
the carabao, the national hero is translations shall be used as basic
Jose Rizal, etc. texts.”, thus for the action, the Board
of National Education authorized and
ISSUES RAISED FOR R.A. 1425 directed to adopt forthwith measures
to carry out on the provisions of this
section. The Board shall promulgate
• Re-dedication for the ideals of
rules and regulation providing the
freedom and nationalism for which
exemptions of students, for reason of
our heroes lived and died. strict conviction expressed in a
composed articulation, from the
• Honoring our fallen heroes,
necessity of the arrangement
particularly the national heroes and
contained in the second piece of the
patriot Dr. Jose Rizal to remember principal passage of this segment; but
the fondness and devotion of their not from taking the course.
works that shaped the national • For Section 2 of the RA 1425 directing
character. the schools to keep an adequate
number of copies of the novels in the
school libraries. The question here was
is there any enough supply for the
• The controversial part on the RA 1425 school to accommodate to give free
was in mandates the reading of Noli access to all students and as if the
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo school libraries have enough shelves
considering that the novel in some to contain them.
parts were anti-Catholic. For the • Section 3 the printing of cheap copies
church, it is not a constant and and popular editions of Rizal’s novel

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WEEK 6: “R.A 1425 & RH BILL”

and distributing it in the barangays, free of ₋ The RH Bill and the Rizal Law
charge, or those who desire to read them. are separate legislative acts in the
Philippines. The RH Bill focuses on
RH BILL reproductive health, while the Rizal
₋ Law promotes education and
The reproductive health (RH) bill promotes nationalism. Here are five of their
information on and access to both natural similarities and differences:
and modern family planning methods,
which are medically safe and legally Similarities:
permissible. It assures an enabling 1. Both laws aim to promote the welfare of
environment where women and couples Filipinos, although with a different emphasis:
have the freedom of informed choice on the the RH Bill on reproductive health and family
mode of family planning, they want to planning, and the Rizal Law on education
adopt based on their needs, personal and nationalism.
convictions, and religious beliefs. 2. Both laws have led to debate and
opposition from various segments of society.
The bill does not have any bias for or against Some religious organizations opposed the RH
either natural or modern family planning. Bill, while some academic and nationalist
Both models are contraceptive methods. organizations opposed the Rizal Law.
Their common purpose is to prevent 3. After years of debate and discussion,
unwanted pregnancies. Philippine presidents signed both laws.
4. Both laws aim to raise awareness and
The bill will promote sustainable human educate people. The RH Bill promotes
development. The UN stated in 2002 that reproductive health and family planning
“family planning and reproductive health education, whereas the Rizal Law promotes
are essential to reducing poverty.” The the study of national hero Jose Rizal's life and
UNICEF also asserts that “family planning works.
could bring more benefits to more people at 5. Both laws are considered landmark pieces
less cost than any other single technology of legislation in the Philippines and are
now available to the human race.” viewed as crucial in shaping the country's
social, political, and cultural landscape.
Coverage of RH.
(1) Information and access to natural and Differences:
modern family planning 1.The RH Bill primarily deals with reproductive
(2) Maternal, infant and child health and health, while the Rizal Law focuses on
nutrition (3) Promotion of breast feeding education and nationalism.
(4) Prevention of abortion and management 2.The RH Bill was passed relatively recently, in
of post-abortion complications 2012, while the Rizal Law has been in effect
(5) Adolescent and youth health since 1956.
(6) Prevention and management of 3.The RH Bill is a controversial issue, with many
reproductive tract infections, HIV/AIDS and debates about its morality, while the Rizal
STDs Law has been accepted by most Filipinos as
(7) Elimination of violence against women (8) an important part of their education.
Counseling on sexuality and sexual and 4.The RH Bill aims to provide affordable
reproductive health access to contraceptives and reproductive
(9) Treatment of breast and reproductive health services, while the Rizal Law aims to
tract cancers promote the study of Jose Rizal's life and
(10) Male involvement and participation in works to enhance nationalism among
RH; (11) Prevention and treatment of Filipinos.
infertility and (12) RH education for the 5.The RH Bill focuses on health issues
youth. affecting both women and men, while the
Rizal Law is concerned with the education of
the Filipino youth.

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