Legal Forms Reviewer
Legal Forms Reviewer
Legal Forms Reviewer
– the act that ensures the document express the
Legal form is an instrument/document to be employed
true agreement b/w parties.
in a legal transaction or a judicial proceeding. (Templates
of a legal forms)
Two Reasons/purpose of Notarization.
Legal - means conforming or permitted by law or
1. for the lawyer to check to ensures that the provisions
in the document true agreement.
Forms - printed or typed document with blank spaces for
2. it converts private document to public document (it
insertion of requested information.
will render the document to be admissible in the court
• ex of forms use in legal transactions w/o further proof of authenticity)
✓ Contract, MOA,MOU,sales of property
Authorized to Perform Notarial Acts
• ex of forms use in Judicial proceedings
✓ affidavits, complaint, information, investigation • Notary Public - refers to any member of the
report Philippines Bar in good standing who is issued a
Important Guidelines in Making Legal Form National Commission (lincense) by Executive Judge.
1.3. Motion - is a procedural device to bring a limited, • Petition - is a legal document formally requesting a
contested issue before a court for decision. It is a request court order and setting out the petitioner's version
to the judge (or judges) to make a decision about the of the facts at issue.
case. Motions may be made at any point in
ex. Petition for divorce
administrative, criminal or civil proceedings, although
that right is regulated by court rules which vary from • Motion - An application for an order not included in
place to place. a judgment. An application made to a court or judge
for the purpose of obtaining a ruling or order
1.4. Cross-claim- A claim brought by a plaintiff against a
directing some act to be done in favor of the
coplaintiff, or by a defendant against a codefendant.
2.1. Interpleader - is a remedy whereby a person who
• Three General Types of Cases
has personal property in his possession, or an obligation
to render wholly or partially, without claiming any right 1. Civil Case - (money/payment/property)
in both, comes to court and asks that the persons who - preponderance of evidence
claim the said personal property or who consider -Fine / Monetary damages
themselves entitled to demand compliance with the 2. Criminal Case
obligation, be required to litigate among themselves, in - proof beyond reasonable doubt
order to determine finally who is entitled to one or the
-Imprisonment & Fines /monetary punishment
other thing.
3. Administration Case
2.2 Declaratory Relief- A declaratory judgment is a - substantial evidence
binding judgment from a court defining the legal - filed only of government employee
relationship between parties and their rights in a matter - remove/disqualification on government position
before the court. -non- judicial bodies
Additional info.
A. Ordinary Civil Action
1. Business forms -perform by person or a party something in the court in
2. Judicial Forms order for his right to be protected.
-party sues another for enforcement or protection of a
I. Ordinary Civil Action is one by which a party sues
right or protection of a wrong.
another for the enforcement or protection of a right or
➢ Complaint (civil case)- written accusation furnishes
the prevention or redress of a wrong.
by a complainant
II. Special Civil Action is an action whereby one party ➢ Motion- formal request made to a judge for an order
sues another to enforce or protect a right or protect a or judgement. Motions are made in court for many
right or to prevent the commission of a wrong by times for many purpose; to continue/postpone a
following special rules of procedure. trial, modification of order, or for dismissal of the
3. Special Proceeding is a remedy by which a party seeks opposing party’s case. ex. motion for
to establish a status, a right, or a particular fact (1997 reconsideration.
Rules of Civil Procedures)
➢ Answer -defendant first formal written statement to Importance of Legal Forms
plaintiff initial complaint. This opening written • The memory of people is short. Parties to a verbal
statement will admit or deny the allegations or agreement often disagree as to what they have
demand more information. agreed several months or years after they have
entered into a verbal agreement.
B. Special Civil Action (special proceedings) • To avoid such situation and in order to have a clear
-perform by person or a party to file something in the guide and evidence of the terms they have agreed,
court in order for his right to be protected. lawyers, or even the parties themselves, request a
➢ Mandamus (order of higher court)- is an action written agreement for their contract or legal
whereby a court of jurisdiction commands inferior transaction. Moreover, form is important when the
tribunal, or person to perform duty w/c the requires law requires a document or other special form.
to be done resulting from such office or trust.
➢ Quo warranto - special form of legal action used to Affidavits
resolve a dispute whether the specific person has • A formal written statement from an individual before
legal rights to hold the public office. a notary or officer of the court outside of the court
➢ Cross claim - demand made in pleading against party asserting that certain facts are true to the best of
on the same side of the lawsuit. that person’s knowledge. It is an oath that what an
➢ Prohibition - to prohibits someone from doing individual is saying is the truth.
further proceeding where there is grave abuse of • written statement declaration of facts w/c is
discretion or absence of jurisdiction. voluntary executed and confirmed by the affiant and
subscribed before a Notary Public or an officer
C. Special proceedings - is a remedy by w/c a party authorize to administer oath.
seeks to establish a status, a right, or a particular • Facts -
fact. Does not involve civil proceeding.
To be clearer, aside from the court, the Office of the • Section 1. Where to appeal. MTC-RTC-CoA-SC
Prosecutor, Office of the Ombudsman, National Bureau
• Sec. 2. When to appeal. The appeal shall be
of Investigation, House of Representatives, and the
taken within fifteen (15) days from notice of the
Senate of the Philippines, among others, can issue a
judgment or final order appealed from.
• Sec. 3. How to appeal. The appeal is taken by
What is Motion for Reconsideration
filing a notice of appeal with the court that
RULE 23 - MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION rendered the judgment or final order appealed
Section 1. Filing of Motion for Reconsideration. - A party
adversely affected by a final order, resolution, or
decision of the Commission rendered in an adjudicative
Efficient use of Paper rule (Legal Forms)
proceeding may, within fifteen (15) days from receipt of
a copy thereof, file a motion for reconsideration. In its 1. Format and style - all pleadings, motions, and similar
motion, the movant may also request for reopening of papers intended for the court and quasi-judicial body’s
the proceeding for the purpose of taking additional consideration and action shall be written in SINGLE
evidence in accordance with Section 17 of Rule 18. SPACE W/ 1 1/2 SPACE B/W PARAGRAPHS using an
easily readable font style of the party’s choice, 14 FONT
Section 2. Opposition. – Any party to the proceeding
may object to a motion for reconsideration filed under
Section 1 by filing an opposition thereto within ten (10) Margins and Prints - a left hand margin of 1.5 inches
days from receipt thereof. from the edge, an upper margin of 1.2 inches from the
edge. a right-hand margin of 1.0 fr. the edge, and lower
margin of 1.0 inch from the edge.