HRK - Physics I: Key Takeaways
HRK - Physics I: Key Takeaways
HRK - Physics I: Key Takeaways
HRK - Physics I
• Heat is energy that flows between a system and its enviroment be-
cause of a temp. diff. between them.
Q + W = ∆Eint .
• Specific heat (capacicty) is the h.c. of the material of which the body
is composed:
c= =
m m∆T
• The heat energy needed to bring an object composed of a material
w/ s.h. c from T1 → T2 is
Q = mc(T f − Ti ).
R R Vf
• The work done on/by an ideal gas is W = − pdV = − Vi
pdV. From
this we have the follow special cases:
2. For isobaric (đẳng áp) processes, W = −p(V f − Vi ).
3. For isothermal (đẳng nhiệt) processes , W = −nRT ln .
4. For adiabatic (đoạn nhiệt) processes, W = (p f V f − pi Vi ),
where γ is called the ratio of specific heats.
5. The theorem of equipartition of energy: When the # of molecules
is large, the average energy per molecule is kT
for each indepen-
dent degree of freedom. This means that
3 3
– For monoatomic gasses, Eint = NkT = nRT (3 transla-
2 2
tional axes)
5 5
– For diatomic gasses, Eint = NkT = nRT (3 translational
2 2
axes + 2 rotational axes)
– For polyatomic gasses Eint = 3NkT = 3nRT (3 translational
axes + 3 rotational axes)
6. The internal energy of an ideal gas depends only on its temper-
7. Molar (isothermal) heat capacicty Cv is defined by
Q ∆Eint
Cv = = .
n∆T n∆T
Cp = Cv + R.
a. ∆Eint = 30J =⇒ W = −6 J
b. = −∆Eint − W = −43 J.
c. Eint, f = 40 J.
d. For ib, Q = 0
∆Eint,ib = 22 − 10 = 12J, Eint,b f = 18J. As b f is isobaric,
Qb f = 18J and Qib = Qib f − Qi f = 18J.