2.7. Kiln and Raw Mill

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Cement Technology 14.

Kiln & Raw Mill System

Cement Manufacturing Technology

14. Kiln & Raw Mill System

We have now reached the heart of the cement

manufacturing process, the combined kiln and raw mill
system. We have discussed raw mills and kiln feed
homogenisation silos, but these equipment items cannot be
considered in isolation.

We can visualize the entire system as a block diagram with a block for each
equipment item. Firstly we can follow the feed through the system as it is
converted from raw materials to kiln feed raw meal to clinker.

Homo Rotary
Raw Mill Preheater Precalciner Cooler
Silo Kiln

The exhaust gases from the preheater are ducted to the raw mill to dry the raw
materials, and then to the exhaust gas cleaning in the precipitator or bag filter.
When the raw mill is stopped the exhaust gases are routed through the
conditioning tower with precipitators, or air-to-air heat exchangers. Some of the
preheater exhaust gas is separately ducted to the coal mill for drying the coal in
inert coal grinding systems, and then to its own exhaust gas filter.

Exhaust Exhaust Fuel Exhaust

Gas Gas Preparation Gas
Cleaning Condition Cleaning

Homo Rotary
Raw Mill Preheater Precalciner Cooler
Silo Kiln

Cement Technology 14. Kiln & Raw Mill System

The raw coal is delivered into the coal grinding system and the fine coal to the
kiln main burner and the precalciner. Cooling air is blown into the cooler from
atmosphere. Combustion air is drawn from the cooler to the main burner of the
rotary kiln and separately via the tertiary air duct to the precalciner. More air is
required for cooling the clinker than is needed for combustion in the kiln main
burner and precalciner and the excess air is separately exhausted to its own gas

Exhaust Exhaust Fuel Exhaust Exhaust

Gas Gas Preparation Gas Gas
Cleaning Condition Cleaning Cleaning

Homo Rotary
Raw Mill Preheater Precalciner Cooler
Silo Kiln

On modern cement factories there are many variants of the system block
diagram. There are also variants on the individual equipment items within each
block. During the next sessions of the course it will be our intention to explain the
different combinations and equipment that is found on cement factories around
the world.

An understanding of the combinations and the overlap of the different equipment

items is as important as the individual items themselves.


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