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Alternatives to advertising. Publicity is not the same as personal selling is not the same as advertising.

Audiences segmentation, deciding target audience, geographic audience.

Integrate marketing communication (IMC)

Integrated marketing communications involves coordinating various promotional elements and other marketing activities that affirm uses to communicate with its customers.

It requires that a firm develops a total marketing communication strategy that recognizes how all of affirms marketing activities, not just promotion, communicate with its

By coordinating marketing communication efforts a company can avoid duplication, take advantage of interaction among promotional tool and develop more efficient marketing
communication programs.

The IMC approach is becoming popular due to significant changes such as increasing role of sales promotion, power shift from manufacturer to retailer, rapid growth of
database marketing etc.

IMC is a concept if marketing communication planning that recognizes, the added value of a comprehensive plan. Such a plan evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of
communications disciplines for example, general advertising, direct response, dales promotion, and public relation combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency
and maximum impact through these seamles combination of seperate messages.

Advertising must be combined with the other elements of the communication mix, direct marketing, consumer and trade promotions, publicity and public relation, these different
elements of the communication mix in marketing should be used in such a way that strength of one is used to offset the weaknesses of the other.

For ex, advertising can create high awareness and favourable attitudes but it often fails to induce immediate action. Personal selling and sales promotion can be used to
overcome this weakness of advertising.

It is necessary to ensure consistency of positioning, message and tone across different elements of the communication mix.

Advertising is much cheaper than personal selling to reach targeted customers, unlike sales calls, complex visuals and emotional device can be used to make the message
more persuasive. But sales people can often communicate more complex information better than advertising.

Advertising also need to reinforce product, price and distribution elements of marketing mix. For ex advertising for a prestige product with a premium price should re-inforce the
idea of high quality and prestige. On the other hand incase of a low price product advertising should stress the price appeal by using a hard hitting copy.

Benefits of integrated marketing communication:

IMC helps companies to channel in order to create a lasting message, moreover they help in developing a more comfortavle view for the marketer.
Synergies channels in order to create a lasting message:

IMC is a medium available to the marketers where the logical conclusion of one plus one is not 2 but 3.

Pepsi and samsung have made use of synergistic marketing communication.

Benefit for innovaters when a new company is entering a new market IMC helps the company to sell the new product, concept to the target market. Through IMC the marketer
can introduce him to a new lifestyle that would revolve around the product.

The marketer can allow him to touch, feel amd experience the product and can create a new set of aspirations and value for him.

The nicher, if the company makes specific products with specific values for specific customers then it does not make sense to go with only a generic set of communication
through various channels.

Instead the company should try to harmonize various communication channels. IMC helos in improving the company ability to reach thr right customers with the right messages
at the right time and at the right place.

Through integration of various tools of promotion a marketer can provide clarity, consistency and maximum impact in reaching the target audience.

Developing IMC:

Identifying the target audience, the audience may be potential buyers for the company's products, current users, influencers. The target audience will determine what to say,
how to say it, when to say it, where to say and to whom to say it.

Audiences alanysis involves assessing the audience current image of the company, its products, and its competitors. Judging how memebers of the audience feel toward it.

Determining the communication objectives, one the target audience and its characteristics are identified, the firm must decide on the desired response from its audience. The
communication objectives can be decided with the help of the hierarchy of effects model. According to this model the buyer passes through various stages:

Awareness - incase most of the target audience is unaware of the product, the task is the build awareness by repeating the name of the product.

Knowledge - incase the audience is aware of the product, provide knowledge of the product.

Linking - incase target audience knows, create positive or favourable attitudes toward it.

Preference - build preference for the product,

Conviction - build conviction among the interested people

Purchase - memebers of the target audience who have conviction, but wait for more information or plan to act later be let to take purchase action. Such action may
includeoffering a premium or price reduction

Rational appeals to the self of the audience in terma of quality, economy, value, performance. Emotional appeals attwmpt to stir positive or negative emotions, that will motivate
purchase, humor, love, pride, and joy are positive emotions, fear guilt and shame are negative emotions.

Moral appeals are directed to the audience sense of what is right and proper.

Message structure (how to say it logically)

Structuring the message involves choosing the arguements (one sided or two sided) and order of presentation. One sided messages work better with less educated and
positively disposed people. Two sised messages are more effective with better educated audience. In a one sided message the strongest arguememt is presented first to
atrract attention and create interest.

In a two sided message the negative arguement may be put first incase the audience is initially opposed.

Message format, how to say symbolically a strong format for the message must be developed. In a strong format for the message must be developed in a print ad, the
headline, copy, illustration and color are decided. In a radio ad words, voice quality, vocalization amd sound are decided.
In tv copy, body language is also important.

Message source (who should say it)

Messages delivered by popular or attractive sources achieve higher attention and recall, therefore advertiser often use celebrities, film star, sports star as a spokesperson.

The spokesperson should be highly credible in the terms of expertise, trust worthiness, and like-ability.

Selecting the communivation channel

The marketer must select efficient channels to carry the message. Communication channels are of two broad types. Personal and non - personal. In personal channels it is
possible to individualize the presentation and obtain feedback. Companies sales people, independent experts and word of mouth publicity by satisfied customers and online
chats are examples of personal channels.These channels are quite usefull incase of expensive and infrequently purchased products. Non personal chamnels include media,
atmospheres and events.

Establishing the total promotion budget

How much to spend on promotion is a difficult decision. Promotion budgets differ from company to company and from time to time for the same company. Several methods are
used, percentage of sales method, affordable method and objective task method are used.
A mojor portion is how much weight promotion should be given in the total marketing mix. It depends on the stage of the product in its lifecycle, degree of product
differentiation, type of product and other considerations.

Difference between advertising and publcity

Basic distinction

Sponsor: clear known, not clear

Source: message originates from the advertisers - message originates from the media
Payment: the advertiser has to pay to the media owners paid firm - individual or firms involved does not have to pay directly non paid firm
Control: the sponsor has control over the contents and timing of the message - mefia has control ober the contents and timing.
Nature of message: persuasive message designed to persuade customers to favour a product, service, idea organization product related message - informative message
designed to inform public message, message is public interest
Transaction: commercial transactions - not a commercial transaction
Credibility: less credible - more credible
Nature: subjective - objective

Differce between advertising and sales promotion

Meaning : any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of any product, service or idea by an identified sponsor. - marketing activities designed to stimulate
consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness.

Time horizon : long term, built up image of the company and its products - short term, increase immediate sales.

Regularity : repetitive and routine - non repetative and non routine.

Focus : inform, persuade and remind customers about the product - push product toward the buyer and supplement advertising and personal selling.

Techniques: newspapers, magazines, radio, tv, cinema, outdoor, and other media - free samples, premium offers, contest, display, etc.

Scope: very wide - limited

Contact: moves buyers toward the product - moves product towards buyers.

Orientation: consumer oriented - product oriented.

Necessities: an essential and basic ingredients - an additional or supplementary ingredient.

Control : controlled by media - controlled by company.

Q1. Does advertising increase the overall demand for products?

Does advertising decrease the production cost of goods sold?

Is advertising satisfactory for the consumer to use in buying products.

Types of advertising

Breakthrough advertising: makes impact, breaks inattention and Mindless scanning. Relevant and original. Speaks to concern and interest of the audience.

Interactive advertising: deliverd to individual customers who have access to a computer and the internet. Advertisemnt are delivered through webpage, banner ads. Consumer
can respond to the ad, modify it or ignore it.

Pre - testing of promotion campaign.

A pre test may be carried out employing relatively small samples, however, it is important to stimulate the actual environment as the one in which audience would read, hear,
and also see the advertisement. Pre-testing is also known as copy testing is a form of customized research that predicts in the market performance of an ad

Before it airs, by analysing audience levels of attention, brand linkage, motivation, entertainmant and communication, as well as breaking down the ads flow of attention and
flow of emotion, pre testing is also used on ad stills in layout forms that is animatics. Pre testing is also used to identify weak spots within an ad to improve performance and to
more effectively.

The basic purpose of pre testing or copy testing various possible advertisements is to establish weather the message content and presentation are likely to perform their
allocated task efficiently.

Pre test are held in the following situations.

1. When there are uncertainties or contradictions are expressed about the content of the advertisement.
2. To introduce a product or a brand
3. To substitute an ongoing campaign with a new campaign.

Features of pre testing

It provides measurements which are relevent to the object advertised. It requires agreements about how the result will be used in advamce of each specific test
It provides multiple measurements because single measurements are inadequate to asses the performance of an advertisement.
Pre testing is based on a model of human response to communication. It allows for consideration of weather the advertising stimuli should be exposed more than once.
It provides control of the biasing effects of the exposure context.
It demonstrates reliability and validity.

Post- testing

Post testing is also known as ad tracking. Post testing aims at a certain the extent to which advertising achieves its specified objectives following its release, post testing or
ad-tracking provide either periodic or conitinuation in market research monitoring a bramd performance including brand awareness, brand preference, product uses and
attitudes. Some post testing approaches simply track changes over time while others use various method to quantify the specific changes produced by advertising either the
campaign as a whole or by the different media utilized.

Overall advertisers use post testing to plan future advertising campaigns so the approaches that provide most detailed information of the accomplishment of the campaign are
most valued.

The two types of campaign post testing that have achieved the greatest use among major advertisers include continues tracking in which changes in advertising spemding are
correlated with changes in brand awareness, ad trackimg is also referred to ad effectiveness, tracking is in the market research that monitors a performance including brand
and advertising awareness, product trial and uses. The purpose of post testing that is ad tracking is commonly provides a measure of the combined effect of the media weight
or spending level, effectiveness of media by or targeting an quality of asvertising execution. Advertisiers use the results of ad tracking to estimate the return on investment
(ROI) amd to refine advertising plans. sometimes tracking data are used to provide inputs to marketing mix model.

Media buying.

Each and every agency has their own media department by which an agency is capable to advertise their product and identify that product toward the audience. These media
departments of an agency have the capability to find the most effective way to identify the product in the market. Once the taeget audiece has been identified an agemcy media
department determines the most effective way to delivering the message to that target.

The media planner is the person who decides which media will be used, the media planner must consider 3 factors

1. Thw numbers of people to be exposed to the message, known as the reach.

2. The number of times each person needs to be expsed to the message in order to remember it, known as the frequency.
3. The cost
Acvording tonthese factors media planners are capable of various functions by it.

The media planner wants to reach the largest possible percentage pf the target audience, to accomplish that goal the media planner must employ the media that have
audience closely resembling the target audience. If the target is very broad such as the national market for medium price automobiles, the media planner which probably select
network television which has a broad reach. If the target is more narrow and specialized then the media thatbrwachbmore specified audience such as magazines would be
Media planner must also determine that how the advertising should run in each medium very frequently. Frequemcy is most important because repetition helps the consumer
remember both the product and advertising message.

Once the types of media have been determined the agency creatibe department develops the presentation of the ads, the principal figures in the creative department are the
copywriter and the art director.

The copywriter is the person who writes the advertising message.

The art director is the person who oversees the design of the ad.

The copywriter and the art direcotr work together to fin find creative ways to deluver the message that research found would have the greatest appeal to the target audience.

Art deirector and copywriter create the concept behind the ads but they do not literally make the advertising, making the ads is the job of the production department. In print
advertising the art director works with the print production manager to hire a photographer or illustrator and then supervise the work. Once the photographer has been takes or
the illustration completed the image is scanned onto a computer and placed in the proper position. The art director alos selects typeface for the headline amd bodycopy. And
then using the computer directly, coreectly position the body copy, once all the elements are in place, the computer file is sent tot the newspaper or magazine in which the ad
will run, the publication then prints the ad directly from the computer file.

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