Kebs 103
Kebs 103
Kebs 103
Rationalised 2023-24
Anita, a student of Class XI, was going through some newspapers. The headlines
stared at her face, Government plans to disinvest its shares in a few companies.
The next day there was another news item on one public sector company incurring
heavy losses and the proposal for closing the same. In contrast to this, she read
another item on how some of the companies under the private sector were doing
so well. She was actually curious to know what these terms like public sector,
disinvestment, privatisation meant.
She learnt there are all kinds of business organisation-small or large, industrial
or trading, privately owned or government owned existing in our country. These
organisations affect our daily economic life and therefore become part of the
Indian economy. Since the Indian economy consists of both privately owned and
government owned business enterprises, it is known as a mixed economy. The
Government of India has opted for a mixed economy where both private and
government enterprises are allowed to operate. The economy, therefore, may be
classified into two sectors, viz., private sector and public sector.
Then there are businesses which operate in more than one country known as
global enterprises. Therefore, you may have observed that all types of organisations
are doing business in the country whether they are public, private or global.
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Indian Economy
Departmental Government
Undertakings Companies Partnership Joint Cooperative Multinational
Hindu Corporations
Statutory Sole Family
Properietorship Company
Public Private
(Ltd.) (Ltd.)
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undertakings are railways and post (i) These undertakings facilitate the
and telegraph department. Parliament to exercise effective
control over their operations;
Features (ii) These ensure a high degree of
The main characteristics of public accountability;
Departmental undertakings are as (iii) The revenue earned by the
follows: enterprise goes directly to the
(i) The funding of these enterprises treasury and hence is a source of
come directly from the Govern- income for the Government;
ment Treasury and are an annual (iv) W h e r e n a t i o n a l s e c u r i t y i s
appropriation from the budget concerned, this form is most
of the Government. The revenue suitable since it is under the
earned by these is also paid into direct control and supervision of
the treasury; the concerned Ministry.
(ii) They are subject to accounting
and audit controls applicable to Limitations
other Government activities; This form of organisation suffers from
(iii) The employees of the enterprise serious drawbacks, some of which are
are Government servants and as follows:
their recruitment and conditions (i) Departmental undertakings fail
of service are the same as that of
to provide flexibility, which is
other employees directly under
essential for the smooth operation
the Government. They are headed
of business;
by Indian Administrative Service
(ii) The employees or heads of depart-
(IAS) officers and civil servants
ments of such undertakings are
who are transferable from one
not allowed to take independent
ministry to another;
decisions, without the approval
(iv) It is generally considered to be
a major sub division of th e of the ministry concerned. This
Government department and is leads to delays, in matters where
subject to direct control of the prompt decisions are required;
ministry; (iii) These enterprises are unable
(v) They are accountable to the to take advantage of business
ministry since their management opportunities. The bureaucrat’s
is directly under the concerned over-cautious and conservative
ministry. approval does not allow them to
take risky ventures;
Merits (iv) There is red tapism in day-to-day
Departmental undertakings have operations and no action can be
certain advantages which are as taken unless it goes through the
follows: proper channels of authority;
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From the above it is clear that the (vi) These companies are exempted
government exercises control over the from the accounting and audit
paid up share capital of the company. rules and procedures. An auditor
The shares of the company are is appointed by the Central
purchased in the name of the President Government and the Annual
of India. Since the government is Report is to be presented in
the major shareholder and exercises the Parliament or the State
control over the management of Legislature;
these companies, they are known as (vii) The government company obtains
government companies. its funds from government
shareholdings and other private
Features shareholders. It is also permitted
to raise funds from the capital
Government companies have market.
certain characteristics which makes
them distinct from other forms of Merits
organisations. These are discussed
as follows: Government companies enjoy several
(i) It is an organisation created under advantages, which are as follows:
the Companies Act, 2013 or any (i) A government company can
other previous Company Law. be established by fulfilling the
(ii) The company can file a suit in requirements of the Indian
a court of law against any third Companies Act. A separate Act
party and be sued; in the Parliament is not required;
(iii) The company can enter into a (ii) It has a separate legal entity,
apart from the Government;
contract and can acquire property
(iii) I t e n j o y s a u t o n o m y i n a l l
in its own name;
management decisions and takes
(iv) The management of the company
actions according to business
is regulated by the provisions of
the Companies Act, like any other
(iv) These companies by providing
public limited company;
goods and services at reasonable
(v) The employees of the company prices are able to control the
are appointed according to their market and curb unhealthy
own rules and regulations as business practices.
contained in the Memorandum
and Articles of Association of Limitations
the company. The Memorandum
and Articles of Association are Despite the autonomy given to
the main documents of the these companies, they have certain
company, containing the objects disadvantages:
of the company and its rules and (i) Since the Government is the
regulations; only shareholder in some of the
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(ii) Access to new markets and to get quality products for their global
distribution networks: When a requirements. India is becoming an
business enters into a joint venture important global source and extremely
with a partner from another country, competitive in many products.
it opens up a vast growing market. For There are many reasons for this,
example, when foreign companies form low cost of raw materials and labour,
joint venture companies in India they technically qualified workforce;
gain access to the vast Indian market. management professionals, excellent
Their products which have reached manpower in different cadres, like
saturation point in their home markets
lawyers, chartered accountants,
can be easily sold in new markets.
engineers, scientists. The international
They can also take advantage of
partner thus, gets the products of
the established distribution channels
required quality and specifications
i.e., the retail outlets in different local
markets. Otherwise, establishing their at a much lower cost than what is
own retail outlets may prove to be prevailing in the home country.
very expensive. (vi) Established brand name: When
(iii) Access to technology: Technology two businesses enter into a joint
is a major factor for most businesses venture, one of the parties benefits from
to enter into joint ventures. Advanced the other’s goodwill which has already
techniques of production leading to been established in the market. If the
superior quality products saves a lot joint venture is in India and with an
of time, energy and investment as Indian company, the Indian company
they do not have to develop their own does not have to spend time or money
technology. Technology also adds in developing a brand name for the
to efficiency and effectiveness, thus product or even a distribution system.
leading to reduction in costs. There is a ready market waiting for
(iv) Innovation: The markets the product to be launched. A lot of
are increasingly becoming more investment is saved in the process.
demanding in terms of new and
innovative products. Joint ventures 3.7 Public Private Partnership (PPP)
allow business to come up with
something new and creative for The Public Private Partnership model
the same market. Specially foreign allocates tasks, obligations and risks
partners can come up with innovative among the public and private partners
products because of new ideas and in an optimal manner. The public
technology. partners in PPP are Government
(v) Low cost of production: When entities, i.e., ministries, government
international corporations invest in departments, municipalities or
India, they benefit immensely due to the state-owned enterprises. The private
lower cost of production. They are able partners can be local or foreign
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PPP Model
• Contract with the private party to design and build public facility.
• Facility is financed and owned by the public sector.
• Key driver is the transfer of design and construction risk.
• Suited to capital projects with small operating requirement.
• Suited to capital projects where the public sector wishes to retain the operating
• Transfer of design and construction risk.
• Potential to accelerate project.
• Conflict between parties may arise on environmental considerations
• Does not attract private finance easily.
• Kundli Manesar Expressway Ltd.: In this 135 km expressway, land has been
provided by the government and surface has been laid out by the company.
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Key Terms
Private sector and public sector: There are all kinds of business
organisations — small or large, industrial or trading, privately owned or
government owned existing in our country. These organisations affect our
daily economic life and therefore, become part of the Indian economy. The
government of India has opted for a mixed economy, where both private and
government enterprises are allowed to operate. The economy, therefore, may
be classified into two sectors viz., private sector and public sector. The private
sector consists of business owned by individuals or a group of individuals.
Various forms of organisation are sole proprietorship, partnership, joint
Hindu family, cooperative and company. The public sector consists of various
organisations owned and managed by the government. These organisations
may either be partly or wholly owned by the central or state government.
Forms of organising public sector enterprises: Government’s participation
in business and economic sectors of the country needs some kind of
organisational framework to function. A public enterprise may take any
particular form of organisation depending upon the nature of it’s operations
and their relationship with the government. The suitability of a particular form
of organisation would depend upon its requirements. The forms of organisation
which a public enterprise may take are as follows:
(i) Departmental undertaking
(ii) Statutory corporation
(iii) Government company
Departmental undertakings: These enterprises are established as
departments of the ministry and are considered part or an extension of the
ministry itself. The Government functions through these departments and the
activities performed by them are an integral part of the functioning of the
Statutory corporations: Statutory corporations are public enterprises
brought into existence by a Special Act of the Parliament. The Act defines its
powers and functions, rules and regulations governing its employees and its
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Rationalised 2023-24
1. Make a list of Indian companies entering into joint ventures with foreign
companies. Find out the apparent benefits derived out of such ventures.
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