JOBEX - Human Rights Policy
JOBEX - Human Rights Policy
JOBEX - Human Rights Policy
Jobex Company Ltd is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and meeting or
exceeding all applicable laws and regulations wherever we operate. In cases where local laws
are in conflict with international human rights standards, we comply with applicable laws while
seeking ways to meet the underlying international human rights principles.
The Human Rights Policy applies to Jobex Company Ltd and its subsidiaries and applies to
everyone in the company including the Board of Directors and all colleagues when doing work
for Jobex Company Ltd. This Policy also applies to our business partners, vendors, and partners
across our supply chain. Given our commitment to upholding and protecting human rights we
will continue to look for ways to support the promotion of human rights within our sphere of
Focus areas
At Jobex Company Ltd, we have conducted a corporate-wide human rights review and have
mapped our human rights risks and opportunities. Given our findings our primary focus areas in
human rights are in the following areas:
Colleagues: At Jobex Company Ltd, we recognize that our employees are our greatest
asset, and our business is most successful when they are treated with dignity and
Supply Chain Workers: We are committed to operating with integrity and this
extends to our supply chain. We require our suppliers to provide fair and safe
working conditions for all workers and to treat their employees with dignity and
Respect for human rights is expressed in our company’s workplace policies and practices,
including the following:
Code of Conduct, which all employees must accept on an annual basis to certify that
they will uphold the highest ethical standards and comply with the law.
Equal Opportunity statement which highlights our commitment to recruit, hire, train,
develop and promote the best people available based solely upon job-related
Customer Non-discrimination commitments outlining our non-discrimination policies
and our commitment never to profile or discriminate against people based on their
identity, appearance, or any personal characteristic.
Jobex Company Ltd employees are responsible for upholding the company’s commitment to
human rights across our business operations. We foster compliance with these policies through
thorough training for all employees during our annual Code of Conduct review.
To ensure our respect of human rights, we endeavor to conduct reasonable due diligence to
become aware of, prevent and address the adverse human rights impacts of our supply chain
and our operations and to provide reasonable disclosure of our efforts. At Jobex Company Ltd,
we are committed to advancing human rights through practicing continuous improvement.
At Jobex Company Ltd, we have various channels to report and address human rights concerns.
Colleagues may use the Jobex Company Ltd Ethics Line to report concerns or issues
or ask questions without fear of retaliation by calling the Jobex Company Ltd Ethics
Line anonymously at 0243649038
Customers and the public can contact Jobex Company Ltd, Customer Relations, Plot
19. Airport City, Accra, Suppliers and contractors may use the Jobex Company Ltd
Ethics Line 0243649038.
Workers in our supply chain can report concerns through the Jobex Company Ltd
Ethics Line 0243649038.
This policy was approved by executive leadership, and oversight and responsibility for the
implementation of this policy rests with a cross-functional team with members from
compliance, legal, corporate social responsibility, diversity, strategic procurement, and HR.
Jonathan Perry Kweku Ainoo Chief Executive Officer