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Received: 30 July 2020 Revised: 16 September 2020 Accepted: 5 October 2020

DOI: 10.1002/cnr2.1310


Two cycles of adjuvant carboplatin for clinical stage

1 testicular seminoma in New Zealand centres: A retrospective
analysis of efficacy and long-term events

Elias A. Chandran1 | Aaron Chindewere1 | Richard North2 | Michael B. Jameson1,3

Department of Oncology, Waikato Hospital,
Hamilton, New Zealand Abstract
Department of Oncology, Tauranga Hospital, Background: Adjuvant carboplatin reduces relapse risk in clinical stage 1 (CS1) semi-
Tauranga, New Zealand
noma, though there is a paucity of long-term safety data.
Waikato Clinical Campus, University of
Auckland, Hamilton, New Zealand Aim: Our objective was to report long-term outcomes of two cycles of adjuvant car-
boplatin dosed at area under the time–concentration curve (AUC) of 7.
Elias A. Chandran, Cancer and Blood Research, Methods and results: We performed a retrospective analysis on treatment and out-
Level 12, Building 1, Auckland City Hospital, comes of patients with CS1 seminoma who received adjuvant carboplatin from 2000
Grafton, Auckland 1023, New Zealand.
Email: [email protected] to 2016 at our centres in the Midland Region, New Zealand. Of 159 patients, median
age 39 years, 153 received two cycles of carboplatin: 147 dosed at AUC7 and 6 at
Present address
Elias A. Chandran, Department of Medical AUC6. Six patients had one cycle of carboplatin AUC7. One patient relapsed at
Oncology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, 22 months and died of bleomycin pneumonitis 2 months after achieving a complete
New Zealand
response with BEP chemotherapy. Neither RTI (present in 21.3%) nor tumor size
Aaron Chindewere, Department of Oncology,
North West Regional Hospital, Burnie, >4 cm (in 43.3%) was predictive of relapse. Median follow-up was 106 months. At
Tasmania, Australia 15 years, outcomes were: relapse-free survival 99.4%, overall survival 91.4%,
disease-specific survival 100%, subsequent malignant neoplasm rate 7.6%, and sec-
ond testicular germ cell tumor rate 3.85%. One patient had persistent grade 1 throm-
bocytopenia at 46 months.
Conclusions: These data add to the body of evidence that two cycles of carboplatin
AUC7 is safe and effective adjuvant treatment for CS1 seminoma.


adjuvant chemotherapy, carboplatin, long-term safety, seminoma, testicular cancer

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N treatment.1,4,5 However, the high curability at relapse has led to ongo-

ing debate about whether optimal postoperative management is adju-
Seminoma accounts for more than half of testicular germ cell tumors vant treatment or surveillance.1,4,6
(GCTs), with peak incidence at 35 to 45 years of age.1,2 New Zealand Historically, adjuvant radiotherapy was given but was associated
Ministry of Health data from 2005 to 2017 show that Maori men with increased incidence of subsequent malignant neoplasms (SMNs)
have consistently higher rates of testicular cancer than non-Maori and cardiovascular events.7,8 When the MRC TE19 study showed
men. About 80% of seminoma present with clinical stage 1 (CS1) dis- noninferiority of a single dose of adjuvant carboplatin chemotherapy
ease, with an estimated relapse rate of 13% to 20% without adjuvant to radiotherapy, the use of adjuvant radiotherapy diminished.7,9

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Cancer Reports published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

Cancer Reports. 2021;4:e1310. 1 of 7

Adjuvant carboplatin has been further explored in nonrandomized tri- 3 | RE SU LT S

als, using one or two cycles dosed at an area under the time–
concentration curve (AUC) of 7 and effectively reduces relapse6,8 3.1 | Patient characteristics
without association with significant late toxicities or SMN.10,11
Surveillance avoids treatment in the majority of patients and has There were 159 patients with CS1 seminoma treated with adjuvant
largely become the preferred strategy.4,8,12 However, relapsed carboplatin. Three patients who developed a metachronous contralat-
patients are exposed to the far greater toxicity of cisplatin-based che- eral CS1 seminoma within the study period were treated with adju-
motherapy.7,13,14 There is no consensus on duration of surveillance, vant carboplatin on both occasions and are counted twice.
which can be up to 10 years, requiring up to 10 abdominal CT scans. Patient and disease characteristics are shown in Table 1. Median
This exposes patients to significant doses of radiation, raising con- follow-up for survival was 106 months (interquartile range
cerns of long-term SMN risk. From a psychological perspective, it 72-159 months). Six patients had a prior history of testicular semi-
is well known that patients with testicular cancer experience fear of noma at a median of 7 (range 6-10) years earlier, three of whom had
relapse; however, it is unclear whether this is increased by received radiotherapy. Three patients had stage S1 due to
surveillance.16,17 raised LDH.
Risk-based management is proposed by some studies and
guidelines,22 reserving adjuvant carboplatin for patients with one or
both of rete testis involvement (RTI) or tumor size more than 4 cm. 3.2 | Treatment
However, significant heterogeneity in the predictive value of these
risk factors questions the reliability of this approach.23,24 One hundred forty-seven of 153 patients (96%) received their
Since 2000, the standard of care for patients with CS1 seminoma planned two cycles of carboplatin AUC7. Six patients received one
at the Waikato, Lakes and Bay of Plenty District Health Boards (DHB), cycle: one patient by intention, three due to adverse effects (one each
New Zealand, has been to consider two cycles of adjuvant carboplatin of nausea and vomiting, neuropathy, and hypersensitivity reaction),
AUC7, given 3 weeks apart. Our objectives were to analyze this
cohort and determine relapse-free survival (RFS), overall survival (OS),
disease-specific survival (DSS), cause-specific survival (CSS), which
TABLE 1 Patient characteristics
includes deaths from seminoma and treatment, and rates of long-term
toxicity, SMN, and second GCT. We also wanted to observe the asso- Characteristic N = 159 %
ciation of RTI and tumor size >4 cm with relapse. Age – median (range) years 39 (20-73)
New Zealand European 110 69.2
2 | METHODS Maori 46 28.9
Other 3 1.9
We retrospectively analyzed data of patients over 18 years old with
AJCC staging (seventh edition)
CS1 seminoma who received adjuvant carboplatin from 2000 to
T1 130 81.8
2016. Data were sourced from a proprietary database (Aesculapius) of
T2 23 14.5
Medical Oncology patients seen at the Waikato and Lakes DHBs, the
T3 6 3.8
Bay of Plenty DHB cancer database, and the New Zealand Health
Information Service. This included age, ethnicity, disease stage, tumor N0 159 100.0

size, RTI status, tumor marker levels pre chemotherapy, chemotherapy N1 0 0.0

regimen including number of cycles intended and delivered, relapse, S0 139 87.4
mortality, cause of death, and incidence of SMN (including contralat- S1 3 1.9
eral GCT). Mortality and SMN data acquired from the national data- Sx 16 10.1
base were updated to December 12, 2017. Tumor size
Descriptive statistics were used for patient, tumor, and treatment >4 cm 69 43.3
characteristics. Relapse according to RTI and tumor size >4 cm was <4 cm 78 49.1
analyzed using Fisher's exact test, and actuarial survival was estimated
Not known 12 7.5
with the Kaplan–Meier method with asymmetrical 95% confidence
Rete testis invasion
interval (CI) recommended as more accurate than the more commonly
Yes 34 21.4
used symmetrical confidence intervals by GraphPad Prism version
No 72 45.3
8.4.3 (GraphPad, CA, USA), which was used for all analyses. The study
Not known 53 33.3
was conducted under approval from the Southern Health and Disabil-
ity Ethics Committee (ref: 16/STH/251). Note: Sx: serum tumor marker status unknown.

one due to attempted suicide and one due to incarceration. Six

patients received two cycles of carboplatin AUC6, one due to chronic
kidney disease; the other five had no documented reason for this
dose. Glomerular filtration rate was largely estimated by the
Cockcroft-Gault equation; however, in patients at extremes of body
habitus, it was measured by 51Cr-EDTA clearance.
Acute toxicity was not systematically recorded, but there were
only two acute admissions during treatment: one with nausea and
vomiting and the other with headache. Persistent adverse effects
were rare: there was one case of ongoing grade 1 thrombocytopenia
46 months post chemotherapy.

3.3 | Follow-up

After completing chemotherapy, patients had clinical examinations

and tumor markers checked every 3 to 6 months for the first 2 years
and up to 5 years depending on clinician preference. Most patients
only had one CT scan at month 12, but, depending on estimated risk
of relapse, some had up to four CT scans over the first 5 years. Fifteen
(9.4%) patients were lost to follow-up due to noncompliance.

3.4 | Outcomes

One patient aged 47 years at initial diagnosis, of NZ European

descent, relapsed in his para-aortic nodes at 22 months following two
cycles of carboplatin dosed at AUC7, resulting in actuarial RFS of
99.4% (95% CI 95.6-100) at 15 years (Figure 1A). He achieved a radio-
logical complete response after four cycles of BEP but unfortunately
F I G U R E 1 Survival. A: relapse-free survival; B: overall survival.
Dotted lines represent asymmetrical 95% CI died 2 months later of bleomycin pneumonitis precipitated by a large

TABLE 2 Subsequent Malignant Neoplasms

Time from chemotherapy

SMN Age at SMN diagnosis (months) Died of SMN
Second germ cell tumors
Contralateral CS1 seminoma 36 80 No
Contralateral CS1 seminoma 37 48 No
Contralateral CS1 seminoma 41 58 No
Contralateral CS1 seminoma 41 126 No
Other SMNs
Neuroendocrine carcinoma of axilla 44 36 No
Melanoma 48 130 Yes
Glioblastoma multiforme 51 38 Yes
Rectal adenocarcinoma 51 51 No
Myeloma 56 96 Yes
Small cell lung cancer 64 132 Yes
Prostate adenocarcinoma 69 102 No

Abbreviation: CS1: clinical stage 1.

TABLE 3 Studies of CS1 seminoma treated with adjuvant carboplatin (dosed at AUC7 unless stated otherwise)
4 of 7

Cycles of Patients F/U Relapse Second GCT 5y DSS
Author Type of study carboplatin (N) Population (months) Rate (%)/time rate (%) SMN % (site/months) DFS (%) (%) 5y OS (%)
Carboplatin 1 cycle
Oliver 20119 RCT 1 573 pT1-3, normal post-op 78 5.1 (NS) 0.3 (NS) 0.9 unspecified (NS) 94.7 (RFR) 100 99
Tandstad 20117 Prospective, non- 1 188 All comers (T > 4 cm 41 3.9 (0.9 -32 m) NS NS NS 100 99.2
randomised 52.7%)
Carboplatin 2 cycles
Aparicio 201820 Prospective non- 2 64 RTI 33 1.6 (20 m) NS NS 98.2 at 3y 100 at 3y 100 at 3y
Aparicio 201129 Prospective, non- 2 74 RTI and T > 4 cm 74 1.4 (25 m) NS NS 88.1 at 3y 100 at 3y 100 at 3y
Steiner 201030 Retrospective 2 cycles 282 All comers (T > 4 cm 75.2 (mean) 1.06 (9-22 m) 1.9 (2-10.8y) 1.8 (2 prostate, 2 98.1 100 NS
400 mg/m2 48.2%, RTI NS) melanoma, 1
Argirovic 200931 Prospective 2 cycles 230 All comers 84 2.6 (median 31 m) 1.7 (median 0.4 (Lung/28 m) NS 100 at 7y 99.1 at 7y
400 mg/m2 20.3 m)
Aparicio 200532 Prospective, non- 2 214 RTI 38.8%, T > 4 cm 34 3.3 (4-28 m) 0.9 (NS) 0.9 (1 RCC, 1 CLL/NS) 96.2 100 100
randomized 84.6%, both 23.4%
Aparicio 200333 Prospective, non- 2 cycles 60 T2 or venous/lymphatic 52 3.3 (median 11 m) NS 0% 96.6 100 NS
randomized 400 mg/m2 vascular invasion
Reiter 200110 Prospective, non- 2 cycles 107 All comers 74 0 0 0.9 (rectal/26 m) 100 at 74 m 100 at 74 m 94.4 at 74 m
randomized 400 mg/m2
Krege 199734 Phase 2 single arm 2 cycles 43 All comers 28 0 NS NS NS NS NS
400 mg/m2
Carboplatin varying number of cycles or not stated
Ruf 20195 Retrospective 1 161 All comers 96 NS NS 5 (ALL/2, prostate/ NS 100 NS
10-210, CUP/16,
2 82 100
NET/34, MGUS/74,
RCC/111, Pancreas/
Tyrrell 201721 Prospective, non- NS 175 All comers NS 6.2 (NS) NS NS NS NS NS
Diminutto 201635 Retrospective 1 107 CS1 seminoma, normal 22.1 5.2 (11.1-16.6 m) 0.9 (27 m) 0.9 (multiple myeloma 94.8 PFS at 2y 99.5 at 2y 99.5 at 2y
post-op HCG in patient with pre-
2 8
RTI 28.7% existing MGUS/47.4)
T > 4 cm 17.4%
Both 35.7%
Dieckmann 201636 Prospective, non- 1 362 All comers 30 5 (NS) NS NS NS 100 NS
2 66 30 1.5 (NS) 100
Glaser 201537 Retrospective NS 3508 All comers 67 NS NS NS NS NS 97.7

tumor; m, month; MGUS, monoclonal gammopathy of uncertain significance; NPC, nasopharyngeal carcinoma; NS, Not stated; PFS, progression-free survival; RCC, renal cell carcinoma; RFR, relapse-free rate;
Abbreviations: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; AUC, area under the time concentration curve; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; CS1, clinical stage I; CUP, carcinoma of unknown primary; GCT, germ cell
pulmonary embolus requiring high-flow oxygen. Including the relapsed
patient, there were five deaths, the remaining four due to SMN

96.5 at 9y
5y OS (%) (Table 2), of whom one was Maori. No patients died from progressive
seminoma. OS was 98.7% (95% CI 97.7-100) and 91.4% (95% CI




85.9-100) at 10 and 15 years, respectively (Figure 1B). DSS and CSS
100 at 9y

at 15 years were 100% and 99.4%, respectively.

5y DSS

100 RTI status was reported in 106 patients (Table 1): 21 patients



(13.2%) had both RTI and tumor size >4 cm. The relapsed patient had
both risk factors. However, neither RTI nor tumor size >4 cm signifi-
DFS (%)

cantly affected the relapse rate (P = .32 and .47, respectively).




2.5 (5.8-11.4y) 2 (SCLC, meningioma,
Hodgkin, Prostate/
SMN % (site/months)

3.5 | Subsequent malignant neoplasms

3.1 (NPC/4y)

Eleven SMNs occurred, four of which were contralateral seminomas

(Table 2). Actuarial second GCT incidence at 15 years was 3.85%



(95% CI 0-30.1). Seven non-GCT SMNs were diagnosed at a median


of 96 months post chemotherapy, with actuarial incidence 7.6% at

Second GCT

15 years (95% CI 0.3-31.3). None occurred in patients who previously

rate (%)

1.1 (4y)

received radiotherapy for prior GCT. Median age at diagnosis of sec-


ond GCT and SMN was 39 and 51 years, respectively.

8.6 (median 16 m)
Rate (%)/time
2 (24-72 m)

1.75 (NS)
0.7 (NS)

RTI, rete testis involvement; SCLC, small cell lung cancer; SMN, subsequent malignant neoplasm; T, tumor; y, year.


The 15-year RFS of 99.4%, OS of 91.4%, and DSS of 100% in our


population provides further evidence for the efficacy of two cycles of


adjuvant carboplatin for CS1 seminoma. The ideal number of cycles of






carboplatin has not been defined in a randomized controlled trial

T > 4 cm 47%, both

(RCT), but nonrandomized studies and interstudy comparison suggest

All comers (RTI 24%,

inferiority of one cycle compared to two, summarized in Table 3.

Relapse rates were 0% to 8.6% vs 0% to 3.3% for one vs two cycles

All comers

All comers

All comers

of carboplatin, respectively, though there was considerable heteroge-

neity of follow-up duration and study populations (Table 3). The
absence of an adequately powered RCT is likely due to the require-

ment for about 5000 patients to detect superiority of two cycles vs







one cycle of adjuvant carboplatin.

Controversy remains about the predictive value of tumor size
2 (cisplatin n = 3)

>4 cm and RTI for relapse.24 They were not predictive of relapse in
400 mg/m2

400 mg/m2

our study.
Cycles of

2 cycles
1 cycle

While we did not prospectively record adverse events in our

study, others report relatively mild toxicity with carboplatin, excellent


treatment completion rates, and no excess in overall mortality or

death from cardiovascular disease.10,11 A recent study by Ruf et al
randomized and
Prospective, non-

Dieckmann 200039 Prospective, non-

Prospective non-



Type of study

with median follow-up of 142 months reported a 13.2% hyp-

Phase 2 non-

ogonadism rate but no major impact on fertility among 234 patients


who had received one or two cycles of carboplatin.5

There has been a general shift toward surveillance to minimize
treatment burden in CS1 seminoma.4,8,12 A 2015 meta-analysis

Oliver 200138

Oliver 199440
Powles 2008

including 12 075 patients from 13 trials found no OS benefit of che-


motherapy or radiotherapy over surveillance despite an 80% reduc-


tion in relapse, justifying the role for surveillance.6 However

surveillance requires excellent compliance with frequent clinical

reviews and investigations for up to 10 years.8 Radiation from CT AC KNOWLEDG EME NT S

scanning increases the SMN risk by 1 in 1000 per 10mSV, with We would like to acknowledge Dr Ian Kennedy, Waikato Hospital for
each abdominopelvic CT scan equivalent to 10 to 20mSV. Non- the use of his electronic database, Aesculapius, which greatly assisted
compliance with surveillance was only 4.7% in a large Danish study; this study. This research did not receive any specific grant from
however, patients who default surveillance may compromise their funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
chances of cure.12 While the relapse risk after adjuvant chemotherapy
is much lower, it is still concerning that 9.3% of our patients were CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
noncompliant with recommended follow-up. Elias A. Chandran received the ANZUP/AstraZeneca Travel Fellow-
Relapsed patients are mostly treated with BEP chemotherapy, ship 2019. The authors make no other declarations.
which has much greater acute and late toxicity than carboplatin,
including hearing loss, tinnitus, neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, gonadal AUT HOR S' CONT R IBUT IONS
toxicity, increased cardiovascular risk, and possibly SMN.25-27 Our All authors had full access to the data in the study and take responsibil-
relapsed patient and one of 69 relapsed patients in SWENOTECA VII ity for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
died of BEP-related complications.19 However, no significant differ- Conceptualization, A.C., R.N., M.B.J.; Data curation, E.A.C., A.C., R.N., Pro-
ence in noncancer mortality between surveillance and adjuvant car- ject administration, E.A.C., R.N., M.B.J.; Methodology, A.C., M.B.J.; Investi-
boplatin treatment has been found.6 gation, M.B.J.; Formal Analysis, E.A.C., M.B.J.; Writing - Original Draft,
In frail or older patients with CS1 seminoma who may be poor E.A.C.; Writing - Review & Editing, E.A.C., M.B.J.; Supervision, M.B.J.
candidates for cisplatin-based chemotherapy, the significant lowering
of relapse risk with adjuvant carboplatin may be desirable. ETHICAL STATEMENT
Our second GCT rate of 3.85% at 15 years appears higher than in Data collection and analysis for this study was approved by the South-
other studies (0.54%-2.5%, Table 3), though the 95% CI includes zero, ern Health and Disability Ethics Committee (ref: 16/STH/251). Patient
and our follow-up is longer than in some of these studies. While the consent statment was not applicable.
TE19 trial suggested that carboplatin reduced the second GCT rate,
perhaps due to effects of in-situ neoplasia in the contralateral testis, DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
second GCT rates in other carboplatin groups have been similar to De-identified raw data from this study will be available on request
The 15-year non-GCT SMN rate of 7.6% also appears higher than
in other studies (0.9-5%),5,27 although the 95% CI includes zero, and
Elias A. Chandran
there are differences in follow-up duration. Prospective studies have
Michael B. Jameson
reported similar SMN rates between patients treated with adjuvant
carboplatin compared with surveillance or the general population.11,18
Our rates of prostate cancer and melanoma (both 0.6%) are lower
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