PLAXIS LE - Groundwater - Theory - Manual
PLAXIS LE - Groundwater - Theory - Manual
PLAXIS LE - Groundwater - Theory - Manual
Theory Manual
Written by:
The Bentley Systems Team
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BENTLEY SYSTEMS Table of Contents Page 3 of 53
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
2 FUNDAMENTALS OF SEEPAGE THEORY........................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 CONSERVATION OF MASS ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Changes in Volume of Stored Water .......................................................................................................................................................................7
2.2 FLOW LAWS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Flow of Liquid Water ..............................................................................................................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Anisotropic Flow of Liquid Water............................................................................................................................................................................9
11 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................. 51
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Introduction 5 of 53
Groundwater flow problems in geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering involve the solution of a partial differential
equation referred to as a PDE. The PDE must be solved for all “finite elements” which when combined form a “continuum” (or
the geometry of the problem). The theory of groundwater flow expressed in mathematical form embraces the physical behavior
of the material (e.g., constitutive laws) and the conservative laws of physics (i.e., conservation of energy). The physical behavior
of many materials, (particularly unsaturated soils), is nonlinear and as a consequence, the PDE becomes nonlinear in character.
It is well known that the solution of nonlinear PDEs can present a challenge for numerical modeling.
The purpose of the theory manual is to provide the user with details regarding the theoretical formulation of the PDE as well as
the numerical method used in the solution. The intent of the theory manual is not to provide an exhaustive summary of all
theories associated with groundwater flow. Rather, the intent is to clearly describe details of the theory used in the PLAXIS LE
- Groundwater software.
The generic finite element solver solves the partial differential equation for groundwater flow. The solver algorithm has
implemented cutting-edge numerical solution techniques that can accommodate linear and highly nonlinear PDEs. The solution
technique utilizes adaptive time steps algorithm and automatic mathematically designed mesh generation. The application of
these advanced numerical techniques is particularly valuable in solving highly nonlinear and complex problems. Most commonly
it is the unsaturated soil portion of the soil continuum that brings in nonlinear soil behavior. The advanced solvers make it
possible to obtain converged and accurate solutions for many problems that were previously unsolvable.
Continuum mechanics principles and partial differential equations (PDEs) have been traditionally used for modeling seepage in
saturated/unsaturated soil systems. The partial differential equations governing seepage may involve transient coupled soil-
atmosphere processes with nonlinear and heterogeneous soil properties along with nonlinear boundary conditions. Relatively
simple steady-state saturated confined flow can also be addressed.
Seepage can be modeled as follows within the context of continuum mechanics principles:
• Identify the physical processes of concern associated with the problem at hand,
• Establish the “continuum variables” acting upon a representative elemental volume (REV) of the medium,
• Develop field equations governing the physical processes of concern by making the assumption that the medium
can be considered as a continuum from a macroscopic standpoint (i.e., considering a REV of soil) while using
measurable soil properties:
• Establish initial, internal, and boundary conditions for the problem, and
• Provide a mathematical solution for the PDE or system of PDEs.
A series of assumptions form the backdrop for the derivation of the partial differential equations governing seepage. The
following set of assumptions can be considered generally valid:
The four assumptions described above may become inadequate under certain situations. For instance, the compressibility of
water may have a significant effect in an analysis of regional groundwater systems (i.e., large domains). Therefore, the software
provides the capability of taking the compressibility of water into account as part of aquifer storativity (Freeze et al. 1979).
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Fundamentals of Seepage Theory 7 of 53
A differential equation for the conservation of mass of water can be derived by considering a REV of soil (Figure 1). The continuity
equation can be applied by taking into consideration the flow rates in and out of the REV and equating the difference to the rate
of change of mass (or heat) to storage within the REV with time. The following differential equation is obtained by considering
three-dimensional flow conditions using the Cartesian coordinate system:
qxw q w
y qzw 1 M w [1]
− − − =
x y z Vo t
= total water flow rate in the i-direction across a unit area of the soil, kg/m2-
qi w
s; qiw = wviw, kg/m2-s,
The total water flow rate, vw, also known as specific discharge, is a macroscopic measure of the rate of flow through soils. A
measure of the “average actual flow velocity” for a saturated soil can be obtained by dividing vw by the soil porosity (n = Vv
/V). The total water flow rate, vw, can occur as liquid water and/or water vapor flow.
q y
qy + dy
y q z
qz + dz
y z
z q x
dy qx + dx
qz x
O qy
qx, qy, qz – rate of flow of mass
dx of air, mass of water, or heat
Figure 1 Soil representative elemental volume and fluxes at the element faces
= m2w d ( ua − uw ) [2]
m2w = d (Vw / Vo ) = e dS
d (ua − uw ) 1 + e d (ua − uw )
The above equation is based on the assumption that changes in the volume of pore-water stored in the soil are a function of
soil suction and are independent of changes in total stress. The soil property, m2w, is obtained by taking the derivative of the
soil-water characteristic curve, swcc, (i.e., the slope), as shown in Figure 2.
Using the derivative of the SWCC provides a smooth transition between saturated and unsaturated conditions, provided that
appropriate coefficients of water storage are used. As the soil saturates, the effects of changes in soil suction and changes in
effective stresses (in a saturated soil) become equal (i.e., m2w = mv). Consequently, for saturated conditions, changes in water
volume can be referenced to changes in void ratio. Usually, the value of mv is considerably lower than the maximum value of
m2w, which occurs as the soil desaturates.
Numerical difficulties can arise from the use of extremely low values of m2w. This is a possible source of convergence problems
when modeling ground surface infiltration problems. In order to alleviate convergent difficulties, the value of mv must be slightly
(but not excessively) raised as illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Soil-water characteristic curve showing the water storage characterization at low suction values.
Table 1 Overview of types of flow within an unsaturated soil and the corresponding mechanisms, driving potentials, and flow laws
Flow mechanism Driving Potential Flow Law
(1) (2) (3)
Liquid water Hydraulic head, h (m) Darcy’s law
Mass concentration of vapor per unit
Water vapor diffusion Modified Fick’s law
volume of soil, Cv (kg/m3)
Pore-air and pore-water have both miscible and immiscible mixture characteristics. Water can flow as liquid water or as water
vapor diffusing through the free air-phase. PLAXIS LE - Groundwater takes into account both liquid and vapor flow. Both flow
mechanisms are essential in the modeling of certain water flow conditions. For instance, evaporation requires the consideration
of the phase change from liquid to vapor water and the flow of water vapor (Wilson et al., 1994).
v wx = − k wx ( )
h ; vwy = −k wy ( ) ; v wz = − k wz ( )
h [3]
x y z
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Fundamentals of Seepage Theory 9 of 53
vwi = liquid pore-water flow rate in the i-direction across a unit area of the soil
due to hydraulic head gradients, m/s,
= hydraulic conductivity in the i-direction, m/s. For unsaturated soil, it is the
function of soil suction.
= soil suction, kPa, which is equal to matric suction, ua – uw, plus osmotic
suction, ,
The hydraulic conductivity function, kw() provides the relationship between the hydraulic conductivity and the soil suction. The
hydraulic conductivity function can also be written in terms of volumetric water content. As a soil dries, there is less and less
water present in the soil. Since water will flow only where there is water present, the hydraulic conductivity decreases
accordingly as the volumetric water content decreases. This behavior is represented in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater by entering a
hydraulic conductivity function for each soil. In the following context, the kwi() is simplified as kw.
The use of a continuous kw function provides a smooth transition between saturated and unsaturated soil conditions. For
saturated conditions, kwsat is generally considered a constant and equal to the saturated hydraulic conductivity.
The hydraulic conductivity function can be obtained experimentally using laboratory tests or field tests. The hydraulic
conductivity function can also be estimated using the saturated hydraulic conductivity and the soil-water characteristic curve
(Fredlund and Xing, 1994). PLAXIS LE - Groundwater provides several options for estimating the hydraulic conductivity function.
Figure 3 illustrates how angled anisotropy is considered. The angle origin, reference orientation, is in the horizontal direction
and the angle increases counter-clockwise.
A mathematical transformation must be performed to translate rotated anisotropic permeability parameters on to the coordinate
system used to solve the problem. The general form of the conductivity matrix in two-dimensional problems is as follows (Bear,
− k wxx
vwx − k wxy x
v = − k h
− k wyy
kw1 and kw2 are the values of hydraulic conductivity at the principal directions of anisotropy. These values can have constant
values for saturated conditions or can vary according to water content in unsaturated soil conditions. The angle defines the
principal directions of anisotropy (Figure 3).
The transformation in 3D is slightly more complex than in 2D. Three angles are required to describe the hydraulic conductivity
transformation. The theory for the hydraulic conductivity transformations is not presented in this manual.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Fundamentals of Seepage Theory 10 of 53
3.1.1 1D Seepage
Considering the reference volume, Vo, and assuming that water is incompressible, the following equation is obtained for one-
dimensional transient saturated/unsaturated seepage:
h u w w h
k wy + kvd = − w m2 [5]
y y y t
y = coordinate in vertical direction, (corresponding to elevation).
The PDE governing the flow and storage of water within a saturated/unsaturated soil is presented using total head, h, as the
primary variable. However, pore-water pressure, uw, can also be used producing identical results provided the geometry
dimension in the y-coordinate is small. It is also possible to use pore-water pressure as the primary variable when studying the
dissipation of excess pore-water pressures.
Three soil property functions can be identified for the transient seepage PDE; namely:
The above-mentioned soil properties functions vary with soil suction. Therefore, the PDE is physically nonlinear.
The partial differential equation for water flow is based on the assumption that the rate of water mass flow across a REV is
continuously distributed in space. Therefore, the spatial distribution of water flow rate can be described using the partial
derivative of water flow in a particular direction. These comments apply to the all the seepage PDEs presented in the next
For steady-state conditions, the PDE for liquid and vapor water flow reduces to the following equation:
h u
k wy + kvd w = 0 [6]
y y y
The hydraulic conductivity can be considered as being constant when solving saturated seepage problems. Therefore, the PDE
for saturated and unsaturated water seepage has the same form.
3.2.1 2D Seepage
Assuming the reference volume, Vo, remains constant and the water is incompressible, the following equation can be written
for transient saturated/unsaturated seepage:
BENTLEY SYSTEMS PDE’s For Seepage Analysis 12 of 53
h u h u h
+ kvd w + k wy + kvd w = − wm2w [7]
k wx
x x y y y t
x = horizontal direction, and
y = vertical direction, (corresponding to elevation).
The partial differential equation, PDE, is presented for anisotropic properties with the principal direction of anisotropy
corresponding to the x- and y-directions. Anisotropic material properties that do not coincide with the Cartesian coordinate axis
can be considered as presented in the previous chapter.
For steady-state conditions, the water storage portion of the equation is set to zero and the PDE reduces to the following
h u h u
+ kvd w + k wy + kvd w = 0 [8]
k wx
x x y y y
The governing PDE for steady state seepage can be further reduced by assuming vapor flow is negligible and soil is saturated.
The resulting PDE can be considered to be in its simplest form for two-dimensional seepage.
h h
k wx + k wy = 0 [9]
x x y y
3.3.1 3D Seepage
The PDE used in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater for the solution of three-dimensional transient saturated/unsaturated seepage
problems is as follows:
h u h u h u
+ kvd w + kwz + kvd w + kwy + kvd w
x x z z z y y y
= − w m2w
x = first horizontal direction,
z = second horizontal direction, orthogonal to the x-direction, and
y = vertical direction, corresponding to elevation
The partial differential equation for flow in the three main orthogonal directions is equal to the flow along each direction, (i.e.,
the x, y, and z-directions). For steady-state conditions, the PDE for seepage reduces to the following equation:
h u h u h u
k wx + kvd w + k wz + kvd w + k wy + kvd w = 0 [11]
x x x z z z y y y
Neglecting vapor flow and assuming the soil is saturated, the PDE governing steady state seepage reduces to:
h h h
k wx + k wz + k wy =0 [12]
x x z z y y
BENTLEY SYSTEMS PDE’s For Seepage Analysis 13 of 53
There are several advantages associated with the q-based form. One advantage is that it can be formulated to be perfectly
water mass conservative. It is not commonly used, however, because this form degenerates in fully saturated systems and
material discontinuities produce discontinuous q profiles.
The h-based form of the PDE seepage equation is the most commonly implemented form. Its primary drawback is that it can
suffer from poor water mass balance when solving transient seepage problems. The poor water mass balance problem is
exacerbated in situations where the soil-water characteristic curve for the material is highly nonlinear.
Celia (1990) proposed a “mixed form” of the Richards equation. The “mixed form” was designed to improve the water mass-
balance of the “h-based” formulation.
x x y
) y
(k wx + kvd ) h + k wy + kvd h − kvd = − wm2w h
The partial differential equation governing water flow and the storage of water within a saturated/unsaturated soil is formulated
using total head, h, as the primary variable. However, pore-water pressure, uw, (written as a water head, uw/w), can be used
when solving certain seepage problems.
The formulations presented above satisfy the condition that the difference between the water flow entering or leaving a unit
volume is equal to the change in volumetric water content. Under steady-state conditions, the water flux entering and leaving
a unit volume is the same and as a consequence, the storage term (i.e., right-hand side of the equation) becomes zero.
The above formulation makes the assumptions that there is no loading or unloading of the soil mass during the transient
process. Pore-air pressures are assumed to remain constant and at atmospheric pressure. Changes in volumetric water content
are assumed to be strictly dependent on changes in the soil suction state variable.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Boundary Conditions In Seepage 14 of 53
The two basic boundary conditions intrinsically related to the formulations normally used in the finite element solutions are:
Essential (or Value) boundary condition and Natural boundary conditions. Essential boundary conditions are assigned to nodes
as fixed values. Natural boundary conditions are assigned to the sides of elements (and are defined by a surface integral).
Natural boundary conditions correspond to the surface integral of the term inside the outer derivative of second order partial
differential equations.
Natural boundary conditions are called “flux boundary conditions” in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater.
Natural boundary conditions are appropriate choices for the representation of situations such as simple soil-atmosphere fluxes,
the water uptake inside a well, and the groundwater flow taking place at the bottom of a domain. The absence of a boundary
condition corresponds to a zero flux natural boundary condition.
Natural boundary conditions can be applied as constant values). An expression can be a function of time, space, or any other
meaningful variable. Flux expressions can be used to represent several hypothetical and real world scenarios such as the
increase in water uptake in a well during the course of a day or the increase in groundwater flow with depth.
The natural boundary conditions associated with the seepage PDEs do not make a distinction between the types of flow (i.e.,
whether it is liquid or vapor flow). The determination of the amount of flow taking place in the form of a liquid or a vapor is not
required for the application of a natural boundary condition.
For instance, the imposition of a negative flux at a soil surface can result in both liquid and vapor fluxes at the surface. The
partitioning of the imposed total flux into vapor and liquid flux will depend on the soil properties and pore-water pressures.
Nevertheless, the total amount of flux at the surface will always correspond to the applied boundary conditions. The fractions
of liquid and vapor flow can be determined from the resulting pore-water pressure gradients, temperature gradients and the
soil property functions.
h = specified hydraulic (total) head value = +y
uw = pore-water pressure,
w = unit weight of water,
y = elevation (y in a model).
This type of boundary condition is called “head” or “hydraulic head” in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater. Essential boundary conditions
can be used to represent numerous situations such as the head imposed by a water reservoir (Figure 4) or the head at the
bottom of a domain where the water table is relatively constant. Essential boundary conditions are always required in steady-
state problems. Transient problem may or may not present an essential boundary condition.
Specified head
Free surface
(Pressure = 0)
Figure 4 Head upstream boundary conditions in the case of rapid drawdown simulation
Essential boundary conditions can be applied as constant values.Similar to the natural boundary condition, an expression can
be a function of time, space, or any other meaningful variable. Head expressions can be used to represent several hypothetical
and real world scenarios such as the increase in the filling of a reservoir or transient heads imposed by tides.
Essential boundary conditions must be consistent with the initial conditions of a problem. Discontinuity not only misrepresents
the actual problem, but also results in numerical oscillations. For instance, the simulation of a sudden reduction in pore-water
pressure at a surface should always be done using the ramping of head over time, starting with an initial head equal to initial
conditions. An appropriate ramping time interval that represents the actual rate of change should be selected.
The user must be careful when applying a head boundary condition to the upstream side of an earth levee or dam during a
rapid drawdown scenario. The head boundary condition may be inappropriate for some situations as it inherently forces
unsaturated soil conditions above the water table. Professional judgment is needed to determine whether or not the “forcing”
of negative pore-water pressures is appropriate within the context of the problem under consideration.
More complex boundary conditions are required in order to model certain seepage problems. An example is the situation of a
free drainage surfaces with an unknown seepage exit point. This situation commonly occurs on the downstream slope of an
earth fill dam (Figure 5). The downstream face of the dam can be represented as a modification of the natural and essential
boundary conditions.
The boundary condition used to represent the free flow condition is shown in Figure 5. The boundary is called a “Review boundary
condition” in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater. The terminology “drain boundary condition” is sometimes used to refer to this type of
boundary condition.
• If pore-water pressures are negative, then the boundary condition has zero flux,
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Boundary Conditions In Seepage 16 of 53
• If pore-water pressure is positive, then the boundary condition is equal to a negative (outward) flux that brings
pore-water pressures on the surface to zero.
If the amount of negative flux is large, changes at the boundary will take place nearly instantaneously. A large negative flux is
equivalent to setting the essential boundary condition equal to the elevation relative to the datum:
h= y [16]
The essential boundary condition creates another degree of nonlinearity in the system that must be solved through the use of
an iterative process. Another type of special boundary condition available in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater is called the “climate
boundary condition”.
Climate boundary conditions are used to model complex soil-atmosphere fluxes. Additional input data is required in order to
use climatic boundary conditions. The following chapter presents the theory for this type of boundary condition.
q = −kA [17]
q = rate of water flow (volume per unit time)
k = hydraulic conductivity of the medium,
A = cross-sectional area of the column through which the water flows through,
dh/dl = hydraulic gradient, that is, the change in head over the length of interest.
For a unit gradient boundary condition, dh/dl = 1. This type of boundary condition is typically applied to the bottom of a 1D
numerical model when performing cover design as there is reasonable precedence for the unit gradient boundary condition in
the cover design application. The solver implicitly applies dh/dl = 1 and no value is required to input from the user. For a
gradient boundary condition, a value other than 1 can be entered by the user. Since the gradient boundary conditions assume
the flow is always outward of the model, the entered gradient value should not be negative. The recommended value should be
in the range of 0 < dh/dl <= 1.
The current implementation allows control of the gradient in one direction only, i.e., the flow to move outward in the vertical
direction only. Hence, the recommended use of a gradient or unit gradient boundary condition is at the bottom of the model
uw = w ( h − y ) [18]
uw = pressure, kPa,
w = unit weight of water, kN/m3,
h = total water head, m, and
y = elevation, m.
when h=y uw = 0; represents the phreatic surface
Defining a water table as initial conditions is well-suited for some situations requiring a quick solution. For more complex
situations, using hydrostatic conditions may not be realistic and may cause convergence problems. To overcome convergence
problems with complex models it is best to import the initial head conditions from a steady-state run of the model.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Flux Sections 18 of 53
In PLAXIS LE - Groundwater, the flux of water across a user-defined section can be determined in either steady state or transient
analysis. This flux section tool is used to calculate water fluxes into or out of a specific line segment, region segment or other
places of interest. Some common applications are to determine the amount of seepage on the downstream face of a dam or
below cut-off walls.
q x
q = = − DB( x, y )H [19]
q y
qx = flux in x-direction
qy = flux in y-direction
D = material property matrix
B = matrix for head gradient interpolation, and
H = vector of of total head at the element nodes
k x 0
D= [20]
0 k y
N1 N 2 N 3
B = x x
N 3 [21]
N1 N 2
y y y
N1, N2, N3 = shape functions at nodes 1, 2 and 3, respectively
H = H 2 [22]
H 3
H1, H2, H3 = the total head at nodes 1, 2 and 3, respectively
The total head at a point (x, y) within the element can be defined using the shape functions and head values at the nodes as:
H ( x, y ) = N H
i =1
i i [23]
The above shape functions are usually expressed in local (natural) coordinates and for triangular elements (shown in Figure 7)
they are defined as:
N1 = 1 − −
N2 = [24]
N3 =
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Flux Sections 19 of 53
x y N1 N 2 N3 N1 N 2 N3
B= =J [25]
x x N1 N1 N1 N1 N1 N1
x y
The matrix J = is called Jacobian matrix and J–1 is the inverse of J.
x x
For iso-parameter elements, the same shape functions are used to determine coordinates of a point (x, y) within the element
in global coordinates.
x= N x
i =1
i i
y= N y
i =1
i i
Combining the equations [19], [20], [22] and [25], the flux vector q(qx, qy) at the centre point of the flux section is
determined. The flux crossing the flux section is determined as:
q = q x2 + q 2y
l = ( xa − xb ) 2 + ( ya − yb ) 2 [27]
q x 0 xa − xb
Q y 0 qy
ya − yb
Qn = ( q n ) l [28]
n = unit normal vector to the flux section shown in Figure 6
l = length of the flux section
= fluxes in x-, y-directions and normal flux across the flux section,
Qx, Qy, Qn
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Flux Sections 20 of 53
This section will present the theory behind material properties used in the PLAXIS LE - Groundwater modeling software.
In 1 +
w = s 1 −
106 nf
In 1 +
hr In exp (1) +
= soil suction value (kPa).
w = volumetric water content at soil suction, ,
s = saturated volumetric water content,
= material parameter which is primarily related to the air-entry value of the
soil in kPa,
= material parameter which is primarily a function of the rate of water
extraction from the soil once the air-entry value has been exceeded,
ln 1 +
1 1
1 − 3000
w = ws s + (1 − s ) [30]
n fb m fb
a fb k fb l fb
j 1000000
ln 1 +
ln exp(1) + ln exp(1) + fb 3000
w = gravimetric water content at any soil suction,
ws = gravimetric water content at any soil suction,
= soil suction, kPa,
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Material Properties 22 of 53
+ ( ws − wrvg )
ww = wrvg [31]
1 + ( avg ) vg
ww = gravimetric water content at any soil suction,
wrvg = residual gravimetric water content,
ws = saturated gravimetric water content,
ww = wrm + ( ws − wrm ) 1
nm 1− n
1 + ( am ) m
ww = gravimetric water content at any soil suction,
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Material Properties 23 of 53
ww = wrg + ( ws − wrg ) 1 [33]
1 + ag ng
ww = gravimetric water content at any soil suction,
wrg = residual gravimetric water content,
ws = saturated gravimetric water content,
ww = wr + ( ws − wr ) c [34]
ww = gravimetric water content at any soil suction,
wr = residual gravimetric water content,
ws = saturated gravimetric water content,
ac = bubbling pressure (kPa),
nc = pore size distribution index (dimensionless), and
kw =
1+ a
w g
kw = hydraulic conductivity or permeability of the water phase,
ks = saturated hydraulic conductivity of the water,
w = density of water,
a = fitting parameter,
n = fitting parameter,
g = acceleration of gravity, and
= soil suction (kPa).
The Gardner (1958) equation provides a flexible permeability function that is defined using two parameters, a and n. The
parameter, n defines the slope of the function, and a is a parameter related to the breaking point of the function. The Gardner
(1958) equation is meant to be obtained from laboratory data.
Figure 8 shows the sensitivity of the parameters, a and n. The permeability function has been quite often used in saturated-
unsaturated flow modeling. The Gardner (1958) equation is sensitive to the air-entry value of the soil and the rate of
desaturation. These features are modeled in a continuous manner.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Material Properties 25 of 53
Figure 8 Sensitivity of Gardner’s (1958) equation for the coefficient of permeability as a function of the matric suction (from
Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993)
A set of data is presented in Figure 9 to demonstrate the ability of the Gardner (1958) equation to fit laboratory data of the
coefficient of permeability for various soils. The equation is easy to apply for saturated-unsaturated flow modeling.
Figure 9 Comparison between the measured and the predicted coefficient of permeability values for different materials using the
Gardner (1958) equation (from Huang et al., 1994)
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Material Properties 26 of 53
2 + 3
k = ksat b for suction, b
k = hydraulic conductivity (or coefficient of permeability) with respect to the
water phase, m/s
ksat = saturated hydraulic conductivity with respect to the water, m/s
b = Brooks and Corey (1964) soil-water characteristic curve fitting parameter,
= Brooks and Corey (1964) soil-water characteristic curve fitting parameter,
= soil suction, kPa.
Required input: Saturated hydraulic conductivity and a fit of the soil-water characteristic curve using the
Brooks and Corey (1964) equation.
Applicable material types: All soils
The Brooks and Corey (1964) equation that fits some soil-water characteristic curve data can be written in the form of a power-
law relationship.
= b for suction, b [37]
= normalized water content (defined in Equation [38]),
b = air-entry value,
= any suction, and
= pore-size distribution index.
s = saturated volumetric water content, and
r = residual volumetric water content.
Equation [40] is suitable for fitting laboratory SWCC data for coarse materials that have a low air-entry value.
Brooks and Corey (1964) also suggested a procedure for estimating the residual water content. The Brooks and Corey (1964)
permeability function is based on the model of a porous media developed by Burdine (1953), Kozeny (1927), and Wyllie and
Gardner (1958). The recommended function is shown below:
k w = k s for b [39]
k w = k s for b [40]
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Material Properties 27 of 53
kw = coefficient of permeability with respect to the water phase for the soil
saturation (i.e., S = 100%),
= empirical constant.
The Brooks and Corey (1964) model is simple to use and appears to be quite reasonable for coarse-grained soils such as sands
and gravels.
ln 1 +
k ( ) = ( k s − kmin ) 1 − + kmin [41]
ln 1 +
hr ln exp (1) +
k = hydraulic conductivity or permeability of the water phase, m/s
ks = saturated hydraulic conductivity of the water phase, m/s
kmin = calculated minimum hydraulic conductivity, m/s
p = parameter used to control the modified Campbell (1973) estimation of
hydraulic conductivity,
af = Fredlund and Xing (1994) soil-water characteristic curve fitting parameter,
nf = Fredlund and Xing (1994) soil-water characteristic curve fitting parameter,
mf = Fredlund and Xing (1994) soil-water characteristic curve fitting parameter,
hr = Fredlund and Xing (1994) soil-water characteristic curve fitting parameter,
= soil suction.
Required input: Saturated hydraulic conductivity and a fit of the soil-water characteristic curve by the
Fredlund and Xing (1994) equation.
Applicable material types: All soils
As a material dries, there is less and less water present in the soil matrix. The hydraulic conductivity then decreases accordingly
as the volumetric water content decreases. The modified Campbell equation reflects this behavior by using the following
k = ks p ( ) [42]
k = hydraulic conductivity at any level of suction, m/s
ks = saturated hydraulic conductivity, m/s,
= soil suction, kPa,
= normalized volumetric water content or θw/θs represented with any equation
(i.e., van Genuchten, 1980; Fredlund and Xing, 1994), and
p = power factor to adjust the prediction (same as in Equation [41]).
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Material Properties 28 of 53
A modification was made to Campbell’s (1973) equation before it was implemented into the PLAXIS LE - Groundwater software.
The modification adjusts the Campbell equation such that the function flattens once a minimum permeability has been reached.
The hydraulic conductivity remains relatively constant once the water phase in the soil becomes discontinuous. Water flow in
the soil is then primarily the result of vapor diffusion through air. The vapor phase flow can be accommodated through use of
the Campbell (1973) equation as shown below:
The above equation allows the hydraulic conductivity versus soil suction function to level off after a particular soil suction has
been reached. Initially, it was suggested that the equation could be set to level off once the residual water content conditions
had been reached. However, it was observed for some laboratory data that the permeability function tended to flatten at about
one log cycle of suction higher than the suction corresponding to the residual water content.
The method proposed by Campbell (1973) is implemented in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater. The implemented algorithm uses the
soil-water characteristic curve and the saturated hydraulic conductivity to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of a soil at all
levels of suction.
Equations available in the literature for predicting the coefficient of permeability use the soil-water characteristic curve data
only for a limited range of suction values (e.g., Brooks and Corey, 1964; Mualem, 1976; van Genuchten, 1980). These equations
require knowledge of the residual water content. The residual water content θr is the water content below which a large increase
in suction is required to remove additional water. Kunze et al., (1968) investigated the effect of using a partial soil-water
characteristic curve for the prediction of coefficient of permeability and concluded that the accuracy of prediction significantly
improved when the complete soil-water characteristic curve was used.
Fredlund et al., (1994) proposed an equation to estimate the coefficient of permeability of a soil over an extended range of soil
suction values. The estimation procedure makes use of the soil-water characteristic curve data for the entire suction range of
0 to 1,000,000 kPa. This equation tends to be more practical for the estimation of the coefficient of permeability over a large
range of suction values. The coefficient of permeability function is of interest at large suction values particularly for structures
such as soil covers, as well as other near-ground-surface structures.
The equation suggested by Fredlund et al., (1994) for predicting the coefficient of permeability is given below :
( e y ) − ( )
( e y ) dy
ln ( ) ey
kr ( ) = [44]
( e y ) − ( aev )
( e ) dy
ln ( aev )
b = ln(1,000,000),
y = dummy variable of integration representing the logarithm of suction, and
= soil suction, given a function of volumetric water content, and
The Fredlund et al., (1994) permeability equation makes use of the Fredlund and Xing (1994) equation (i.e., equation for fitting
the soil-water characteristic curve data for the entire range of suctions). The Fredlund and Xing (1994) equation has been found
to fit the soil-water characteristic data for essentially all type of soils and over all suction ranges (Benson et al., 1997; Leong
and Rahardjo, 1997). More details are available in Fredlund et al., (1994).
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Material Properties 29 of 53
n −1− n
1 − ( a ) n 1 + ( a )
k ( ) = ks 1
1− 2
1 + ( a ) n n
k = hydraulic conductivity or permeability of the water phase, m/s,
ks = saturated hydraulic conductivity of the water phase, m/s,
Required input: Saturated hydraulic conductivity and van Genuchten and Mualem fit of the soil-water
characteristic curve
Applicable material types: All soils
The equation proposed for fitting the soil-water characteristic curve by van Genuchten (1980) is flexible, continuous and has a
continuous slope. The closed-form equation proposed for estimating the coefficient of permeability function has been extensively
used for saturated-unsaturated soils flow modeling.
1 − ( a ) 1 + ( a )
nm n
k ( ) = ks
1 + ( a ) n
m 2
k = hydraulic conductivity or permeability of the water phase, m/s,
ks = saturated hydraulic conductivity of the water phase, m/s,
Required input: Saturated hydraulic conductivity and van Genuchten fit of the soil-water characteristic curve
Applicable material types: All soils
The van-Genuchten’s equation (1980) for fitting the soil-water characteristic curve data is given below:
= r +
( s − r )
( )
1 + a n
= volumetric water content,
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Material Properties 30 of 53
a, n, m = material constants.
van Genuchten (1980) suggests the use of 1,500 kPa to represent residual conditions for a soil. For many soils, a volumetric
water content corresponding to a residual suction of 1,500 kPa is a reasonable approximation. An analytical procedure has also
been suggested for estimating the residual water content.
Figure 10 provides the comparison between the predicted and measured values of the soil-water characteristic curve along the
drying and wetting paths with respect to suction for Guelph loam (van Genuchten, 1980). Also shown is the variation in the
coefficient of permeability. The equations proposed by van Genuchten (1980) provide excellent fits for many soil types.
Figure 10 Comparison between the predicted (continuous solid lines) and measured values (circles) of the soil-water characteristic
curve along drying and wetting paths and the variation of coefficient of permeability with respect to suction (from van Genuchten,
k ( ) = ks [48]
ln exp(1) +
k = hydraulic conductivity or permeability of the water phase, m/s,
ks = saturated hydraulic conductivity of the water, m/s,
p = parameter used to control the Leong and Rahardjo (1997) estimation of
hydraulic conductivity,
af = Fredlund and Xing (1994) soil-water characteristic curve fitting parameter,
nf = Fredlund and Xing (1994) soil-water characteristic curve fitting parameter,
mf = Fredlund and Xing (1994) soil-water characteristic curve fitting parameter,
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Material Properties 31 of 53
In Leong and Rahardjo (1997), the best fitted permeability function was used when comparing the predicted and measured
coefficient of permeability for several soil types. The results were tested for both the wetting and drying curves. A good fit
was obtained for a wide range of experimental data. It was found that if the exponent p was known for a given soil, the
coefficient of permeability could be obtained indirectly from the soil-water characteristic curve. Otherwise, p needed to be
determined using a curve fitting process with permeability data. The value of p varied from 4.3 to 52.1 for the soils studied.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Soil Atmosphere Modeling 32 of 53
• Infiltration fluxes,
• Runoff, and
• Evaporative fluxes.
Moisture infiltration and runoff can be modeled by considering the amount of precipitation and the infiltration capacity of the
soil. The infiltration capacity is determined by applying a modified version of the “Review boundary condition”.
Evaporative fluxes are modeled by using an appropriate negative flow boundary condition and by considering moisture
movement through vapor flow. Consideration of vapor flow becomes important when modeling soil-atmosphere fluxes. Liquid
flow alone cannot represent the entire moisture migration associated with evaporation at the soil surface. Eventually there will
essentially be a shut-off of both liquid and vapor moisture movement near the ground surface. The vapor flux component theory
has been presented in the previous chapters.
The following section presents a detailed description of the theory of soil-atmosphere modeling.
P = AE + NP + Roff [49]
Qn = Qh + Ql + Qg [50]
P = precipitation, m3/m2/day, or m/day
AE = actual evaporation from ground surface, m3/m2/day or m/day
NP = net Percolation or infiltration, m3/m2/day or m/day
Roff = runoff, m3/m2/day or m/day
Qn = net radiation, kJ/m2/day, or equivalently converted into m/day,
= sensible heat transferring from ground surface to air, kJ/m2/day, or
equivalently converted into m/day,
= latent heat associated with the water phase change including evaporation
or freezing, kJ/m2/day, or equivalently converted into m/day, and
Qg = ground heat flux, kJ/m2/day, or equivalently converted into m/day.
Precipitation information can be obtained from weather station records and is usually provided on a daily basis. Preferably
precipitation data should be collected on an hourly basis when modeling near-ground-surface phenomena. The mechanics of
net infiltration, NP, can be described by Darcy law. Net radiation, Qn, can also be obtained from weather station records or it
can be approximated using an equation suggested by Penman in (1948). The latent heat component, Ql, can be estimated using
actual evaporation, AE, or the formation of ice near the ground surface during freezing. The sensible heat component, Qh,
reflected from the ground surface to the air is described as follows (Penman, 1948; Gray, 1970; Wilson 1990):
Qh = C f f (u )(Ts − Ta ) [51]
Qh = sensible heat, m/day,
Cf = conversion factor, (i.e., 1 kPa = 0.0075 mHg),
= psychometric constant, 0.06733 kPa/ oC at 20 oC,
f(u) = function depending on wind speed, f(u) = 0.35(1+ 0.146 Ww), and
Ww = wind speed, km/hr.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Soil Atmosphere Modeling 33 of 53
Actual Evaporation, AE, is difficult to measure directly but can be calculated from fundamental thermodynamic considerations.
Equations [49] and [50] are fundamental to describing the coupling of moisture and heat flow processes. Actual evaporation,
AE, depends on the water content and temperature of the soil at ground surface. In addition, the rate of evaporation also
depends on the air temperature and air relative humidity. The air temperature and soil temperature at the ground surface are
generally not the same but are inter-related through net radiation, Qn, latent heat, Ql, and sensible heat, Qh. The available
surface water is controlled by total precipitation, actual evaporation, and runoff. These variables play an important role in
partitioning convective heat flux into sensible heat and latent heat (Wetzel and Boone, 1995).
P = NP + Roff [52]
The amount of precipitation and the hydraulic properties of the soil are the main variables required when calculating net
infiltration. Runoff is computed in an iterative manner and the amount of infiltration can be determined by consideration of
previous conditions.
Normal flux boundary conditions can be set to include the effects of runoff.
Depending on the amount of moisture flux applied to the uppermost boundary, the pore-water pressure, uw, may tend to
become higher than zero. The higher the influx, the higher the pore-water pressure, uw becomes. If uw becomes higher than
zero, a condition occurs that corresponds to ponding.
However, if the ground surface is assumed to be well-drained with no ponding, a mechanism must be implemented in order to
limit the amount of infiltration to a lowest possible value. The low value would keep the uw value at the surface equal to zero.
One common way of applying this limiting condition is to switch the boundary condition to an essential boundary condition equal
to zero. This would occur when the pore-water pressure, uw, becomes equal to zero. Another option, switches the boundary
condition to a different natural boundary condition that is equivalent to the essential boundary condition (Gitirana Jr., 2004).
The natural boundary condition is similar to the “Review Boundary Condition” presented in the previous chapter.
The ponding height for a model is by default set to zero. This means that when water is applied to the boundary of a model,
the maximum pore-water pressure will be restricted to a maximum of 0 kPa. Any additional water applied which causes the
upper boundary to exceed 0 kPa and will be re-classified as runoff. If a value greater than zero is specified for ponding then the
maximum pressure allowed at the ground surface is increased to the pond height times w. Runoff conditions will not occur until
the increased maximum pressure is encountered.
The calculation of runoff adds significant complexity to the calculations in a numerical model. It is possible that adding a runoff
calculation might double or triple computational times. A simple model should be set up and solved prior to the addition of a
model implementing a runoff calculation.
The effects of evaporation on a soil near the ground surface depend on the vapor pressure gradient between the soil surface
and the atmosphere. Atmospheric coupling is achieved in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater in the form of an evaporative flux boundary
condition. PLAXIS LE - Groundwater provides a number of methods for defining the evaporative flux in terms of potential
evaporation (PE) or actual evaporation (AE).
When an evaporative boundary condition is being considered in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater, the governing equations must include
vapor pressure gradients.
The original Penman method is used for the calculation of potential evaporation (PE). The Penman equation uses the routine
weather data as input, namely, relative humidity, air temperature, wind speed, and net radiation.
The potential evaporation at a material-atmosphere boundary can be calculated using the following formulation (Penman,
Qn + Ea
PE = [54]
PE = potential evaporation, m/day,
Ea = flux associated with “mixing”; f(u) Cf uv0air (1 – hr), m/day,
f(u) = 0.35 (1. + 0.146 Ww),
Ww wind speed, km/hr,
Cf conversion factor, (i.e., 1 kPa = 0.00750 mHg),
hr = relative humidity in the air above the ground (i.e., hr = uvair/uvoair), obtained
from weather station record,
uvair = water vapor pressure in the air above ground surface, kPa,
uvo air
= saturated vapor pressure at the mean air temperature, kPa,
Γ = slope of saturation vapor pressure versus temperature curve, kPa/oC,
Qn = net radiation at the water surface, m/day,
η = psychrometric constant, (kPa/oC), η = 0.06733 kPa/oC.
The uvair , uvoair and Γ can be calculated from temperature as proposed by Lowe (1977).
The net radiation can be calculated (as suggested by Penman) in the following manner:
( )
Qn = (1 − r ) Rc − (273.15 + Ta )4 0.56 − 0.92 pvsat air ( 0.10 + 0.90n / N ) [55]
Qn = net radiation, m/day,
r = reflection coefficient,
Rc = 0.95 Ra(0.18 + 0.55n/N) = shortwave radiation , m/day,
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Soil Atmosphere Modeling 35 of 53
= coefficient suggested by Penman for evaporation from a wet and bare soil
as compared to evaporation from an open water surface,
Ra = solar radiation, MJ/m2/day,
= Stefan Bolzman’s constant, W/m2/K4,
Ta = air temperature, oC,
Pvsatair = vapor pressure of the air above the surface, mmHg, and
= sunshine ratio (actual/possible hours of bright sunshine).
In addition to the above equation suggested by Penman (1948), the net radiation data can be measured in the field, and is a
typical weather station reading. The net radiation is usually measured in units of MJ/day-m2. Entry of the measured net radiation
is also in units of MJ/day-m2. The software will automatically convert the net radiation from units of MJ/day-m2 into the units
of m/day used in the evaporation calculations in the following expression:
Thornthwaite incorporated the variables of length of daylight hours, mean monthly temperature, and an empirical constant into
the calculation of potential evaporation (Fredlund et al., 2012). The daily potential evaporation can be calculated as follows:
L N 10T
PE = 0.0005333 d a [57]
12 30 I
PE = potential evaporation, m/day,
Ld = length of daylight, hr,
N = number of days in the month,
Ta = mean monthly air tempterature, oC,
I = summation for 12 months of the function (Ta/5)1.514 ; i.e.,
I= a ,
month =1
at = complex function of the variable I (i.e., at = (6.75 10-7) I3 – (7.71 10-5)
I2 + (1.79 10-2) I + 0.492.
The Thornthwaite (1948) equation is commonly used to assess the climatic conditions of aridity and humidity based on the
calculation of a moisture index Im. The moisture index Im can be calculated following the modification of the moisture index
equation by Thornthwaite and Mather (1955), and Thornthwaite and Hare (1955):
I m = 100 − 1 [58]
Im = 1955 Thornthwaite moisture index,
P = Total annual precipitation,
PE = total annual potential evapotranspiration calculated as the summation of
the Thornthwaite (1948) monthly potential evaporations.
The climate classification criteria are as shown in Table 2. The moisture index Im is as defined in Equation [58].
In 1994 Wilson proposed a modification to the well-known Penman (1948) equation for the calculation of Potential Evaporation,
PE. The modified equation has become known as the Wilson-Penman (1994) equation to calculate the actual evaporation. The
Wilson-Penman equation took into consideration the difference in temperature and relative humidity (and therefore vapor
pressure) between the soil surface and the overlying air. The difference in conditions between the air and the water at ground
surface has formed the basis for the Soil-Atmospheric Model which was subsequently implemented into the SoilCover, version
1.0, computer code (1994).
In 1997 a “Limiting Function” type relationship was proposed by Wilson, Fredlund and Barbour. The “Limiting Function” related
Actual Evaporation and Potential Evaporation by scaling the vapor pressures associated with the relative humidity at ground
surface and the relative humidity in the air above ground surface. Inherent in the derivation was the assumption that the air
and soil temperatures were the same.
Wilson (1994) also presented experimental results that showed a unique relationship between total suction at any soil surface
and the ratio of Actual Evaporation to Potential Evaporation, AE/PE. Wilson et al., (1997) presented a unique equation that
passed through the experimental data. As a consequence, there was now another way to empirically relate Actual Evaporation
and Potential Evaporation fluxes.
The above-mentioned relationships give rise to different possibilities for the calculation of Actual Evaporation from the ground
surface. The major difference in the methodologies is related to the assumption regarding the air and soil temperatures. For
example, the soil temperature can be assumed to be equal to the air temperature. This is known to not be the case but there
does not appear to have been a thorough study performed that quantifies the magnitude of the error in calculating AE based
on this assumption.
The Case 1 Solution presented below for Actual Evaporation considers the isothermal case (i.e., no ground thermal flux, Qg =
0). This assumption greatly simplifies the solution for AE since all temperature values are taken as equal to the air temperature
recorded above ground surface. The “Limiting Function” proposed by Wilson et al., (1997) was used to relate Actual Evaporation
and Potential Evaporation. The procedure for solving this case is referred to as the Case 1 Solution.
The second solution procedure considered for calculating Actual Evaporative, AE, utilizes the Wilson-Penman (1994) equation
for the case where ground thermal flux, Qg, is equal to zero beneath the soil surface. However, the soil temperature at ground
surface can be different from the air temperature above ground surface. The solution procedure is referred to as the Case 2
The third solution procedure is quite similar to the Case 1 Solution, except that the Actual Evaporative, AE, is approximated
using an empirical expression that is best-fit with Wilson’s 1994 experimental results. This solution procedure is referred to as
the Case 3 Solution.
• There can be liquid and vapor flow through the soil, (i.e., liquid and vapor flow is in response to a hydraulic head
gradient and a vapor pressure gradient, respectively).
• The soil temperature in the entire domain is assumed to be the same, and equal to the air temperature above the
soil surface. (i.e., ground thermal flux is neglected, Qg = 0).
• The ground surface temperature is assumed to be equal to the air temperature.
• Actual evaporation is calculated using the “Limiting Function” proposed by Wilson et al., (1997).
h h
kwy + kvh
− kvh = − wm2w
a gDvv sv 0 hr
kvh = [60]
w R(273.15 + T )
Dv = 2.29 10−5 1 + [61]
= ( a )
= ( n − L ) 2/3 [62]
− gv
w R (273.15 + T ) [63]
hr = e
= (ua − uw ) + [64]
h = water head, m,
The osmotic suction in a soil is related to the salt content in the soil. For typical field water content conditions, osmotic suction
may range from 100 kPa to 1000 kPa or more. As the soil dries, the salt contents increase, and the osmotic component increases
(Fredlund, 1991).
It should be noted that PLAXIS LE - Groundwater supports one-dimensional, two-dimensitonal, and three-dimensional
formulations for moisture flow; however, only the one-dimensional partial differential equation is shown (i.e., Equation [59]).
qy = P − AE − Roff [65]
qy = moisture flow rate at soil surface, m/day,
P = precipitation flux, m/day,
Roff = water runoff, m/day,
AE = actual evaporation, m/day
u soil − u air
AE = PE v v
− uvair
AE = actual evaporation, m/day,
PE = potential evaporation, m/day,
uv soil
= actual vapor pressure at the soil surface, kPa,
uvosoil = saturated vapor pressure in the soil at the ground surface, kPa, and
uv air
= vapor pressure in the air above the soil surface, kPa.
For the Case 1 Solution, it is assumed that Ts = Ta, and this leads to the vapor pressure in the air being equal to the saturated
vapor pressure in the soil (i.e., uvair
0 = uv 0 ). Equation [66] can also be written in term of relative humidity as follows (Wilson
et al., 1997):
h − hr
AE = PE s [67]
1 − hr
hr = relative humidity of the air above the ground surface, and
hs = relative humidity at the soil surface.
Equations [59], [65], and [66] or [67] together with the initial water content conditions are the equations required to solve
for Actual Evaporation, AE.
Figure 11 and Figure 12 shows two options of several possible methods implemented in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater to describe
the daily changing pattern of air temperature and relative humidity based on the daily minimum and maximum value. Figure
11 indicates that the relative humidity has a maximum value at about 6:00 a.m. and a minimum value at about 1:00 p.m. The
time at minimum and maximum value can be specified with other value. In Figure 12, the maximum value of relative humidity
is assumed at the midnight (24:00 a.m.), and minimum value is at noon (12:00 p.m.). The daily changing pattern of air
temperature is in general, opposite to the pattern for relative humidity.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Soil Atmosphere Modeling 39 of 53
80 40
Relative humidity
Air Temperature
6:00 AM 13:00 PM
50 15
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (Day)
Figure 11 Daily changing pattern of air temperature and relative humidity of overlying air
85 32
Relative Humidity
Air Temperature
Relative Humidity and Air Temperature (C)
12:00 PM
60 20
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Tim e (day)
Figure 12 Symmetric distributions of daily changing of air temperature and relative humidity
The calculated relative humidity at the unsaturated soil surface based on Edlefsen and Anderson (1943) equation may be larger
than the actual value particularly for an unsaturated sand. It can be seen from Figure 13 that when the total suction in soil is
less than about 3000 kPa, the relative humidity at the soil surface approaches 100% (i.e., hs → 1 ). Consequently, AE = PE,
which is not valid for sand soil since the sand may have desaturated at a suction considerably below 100 kPa.
Figure 13 Relationship between relative humidity and total suction using Edlefsen and Anderson (1943) equation
PLAXIS LE - Groundwater provides options to improve the accuracy and stability of evaporative and atmospheric modeling.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Soil Atmosphere Modeling 40 of 53
When the Surface Suction Correction option is selected, the total suction that is used to calculate the relative humidity at the
soil surface is adjusted based on an empirical correction factor (Alvenas and Jansson, 1997). In other words, the relative
humidity at soil surface is modified in accordance with the following expression:
= (ua − uw ) + [69]
= total suction, kPa,
ωv = molecular weight of water, 0.018 kg/mol,
w = unit weight of water, 9.807 kN/m3,
g = gravity acceleration, m/s2,
R = universal gas constant, 8.314 J/(mol-K),
Ts = soil surface temperature, oC,
Ta = air temperature obtained from weather station, oC
ua = pore-air pressure, kPa,
uw = pore-water pressure, kPa,
= osmotic suction, kPa.
corr = correction factor of soil surface suction ranging between 1 to 103.48, and
= empirical number changing from 0 to 3.48. By default, fcorr = 1.2, which
corresponds to corr = 15.8.
There are two ways the surface suction adjustment factor can be applied: a) Manual input of fcorr value at Evaporation Properties
dialog, or b) estimation of the fcorr value based on soil suction relationship proposed by Fredlund et al. (2016). In the case of
manual input of fcorr value, the same suction correction factor will be applied to all the surface materials whereas the latter
option will calculate different fcorr values for each surface material based on its residual suction.
Fredlund et al., (2016) used the residual suction of the drying SWCC as a reference point to calculate the correction factor, corr.
This correction factor translates the SWCC to a suction value of 3000 kPa on the Lord Kelvin’s curve (Fredlund et al., 2016).
Equation [71] shows the relationship between the residual suction and the empirical number, fcorr and the equation is plotted
in Figure 14 The fcorr adjustment factors for various residual suction values. For coarse-grained soils, the maximum correction
factor, fcorr, is 3.48 and there is no correction factor required for fine-grained soils with a high air-entry value (Fredlund et al.,
1 10 100 1000 10000
Residual soil suction (kPa)
Figure 14 The fcorr adjustment factors for various residual suction values
When the Apply Maximum Gradient Limit option is selected, it is possible for extremely high gradients to develop at the upper
boundary during evaporative conditions when using the Wilson-Penman climate boundary condition. Extremely high surface
gradients can lead to unreasonable numerical instability. Limiting the gradient to a reasonable maximum value can improve
convergence of climate-based numerical models. A reasonable Gradient Limit might be between 50 to 1000; however, it could
go as high as 10,000.
The vapor pressure of uvsoil used in diffusive flow Equation [66] can be calculated using the following equation.
gv corr
uvsoil = uvo
soil soil
hs = uvo exp [72]
w R(273.15 + Ts )
The saturated vapor pressure is a function of soil surface temperature as given by the following expression (Lowe, 1977;
Gitirana, 2004):
uvsoil 2 3 4 5
0 = a0 + a1Ts + a2Ts + a3Ts + a4Ts + a5Ts [73]
a0 = 0.6183580754
a1 = 0.0411427320
a2 = 0.0017217473
a3 = 0.0000174108
a4 = 0.0000003985
a5 = 0.0000000022
• Soil temperatures in the entire domain are the same. In other words, the ground thermal flux is neglected (i.e.,
Qg = 0 ).
• The soil temperature at soil surface can be different from the air temperature. The heat exchanged between air
and soil surface follows the convection law as given the closed-form Equations [50] or [51]. However, the surface
temperature is not imposed as a boundary condition for distribution through the underlying soil.
• Actual Evaporation, AE, is calculated using Wilson-Penman (1994) equation.
k wy + kvh
− kvh = − wm2w
Since the soil temperature is different from the air temperature, it is necessary to use another equation to determine the soil
temperature. Because this is an isothermal model (i.e., Qg = 0 ), controlled by Equations [50] and [51], a closed-form for the
soil temperature can be written (Wilson, 1994):
Ts = Ta + (Qn − AE ) [75]
C f f (u)
Ts = soil temperature at soil surface, oC,
Ta = air temperature, oC,
Cf = conversion factor (i.e., 1 kPa = 0.00750 mHg),
η = psychometric constant , 0.06733 kPa/oC,
f(u) = function depending speed, f(u) = 0.35 (1. + 0.146 Ww),
Ww = wind speed, km/hr,
Qn = net radiation, m/day, and
AE = actual evaporation, m/day.
Ts = Ta [76]
qy = P − AE − Roff [77]
qy = moisture flow rate at soil surface, m/day,
P = precipitation flux. m/day,
Roff = water runoff, m/day, and
AE = actual evaporation, m/day
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Soil Atmosphere Modeling 43 of 53
Qn + Ea
AE =
+ / hs [78]
AE = actual evaporation, m/day,
PE = potential evaporation, m/day
Ea = flux associated with “mixing”; f(u) Cf uvair (1/hr – 1/hs), m/day,
f(u) = 0.35 (1. + 0.146 Ww),
Ww wind speed, km/hr,
Cf conversion factor, (i.e., 1 kPa = 0.00750 mHg),
hr = relative humidity in the air above the ground (i.e., hr = uvair/uvoair),
hs = relative humidity at the soil surface (i.e., hs = uvsoil/uvosoil),
uvair = water vapor pressure in the air above ground surface, kPa,
uvo air
= saturated vapor pressure at the mean air temperature, kPa,
uvsoil = vapor pressure in the soil at ground surface, kPa,
uvo soil
= saturated vapor pressure in the soil at ground surface, kPa,
Γ = slope of saturation vapor pressure vs. soil temperature curve (kPa/oC),
Qn = net radiation at the water surface, m/day, and
η = psychrometric constant, kPa/oC, η = 0.06733 kPa/oC.
The governing Equations [74] and [75], initial condition Equation [76], boundary condition Equations [77] and [78] are
essential for solving the isothermal model with atmospheric coupling.
Note: To calculate Actual Evaporation, AE, using Equation [78], the soil temperature at the ground surface must be known.
But when using Equation [75] to calculate the soil temperature, the Actual Evaporation, AE, must be known. In other word,
the Equations [75] and [78] are coupled to each other (i.e., must be solved simultaneously). The coupling Equation [75] is
one of governing equations. Therefore, it must be initialized to a specific value. The Actual Evaporation can be calculated initially
using Equation [78].
uvair 2 3 4 5
0 = a0 + a1Ta + a2Ta + a3Ta + a4Ta + a5Ta [79]
Ta = air mean temperature, measured at a weather station.
The parameters of a0, a1, a2, a3, a4 and a5 are previously given in Equation [73]. The water vapor pressure in the air, uvair, is
defined as follows:
uvair = uvair
0 hr [80]
hr = relative humidity of the air above the soil surface.
The relative humidity, hr, of the air above the soil surface is measured at a weather station. The relative humidity, hs, and water
vapor pressure, uvsoil, at the soil surface are calculated using Equations [68] and [72]. It should be noted that soil surface
temperature, Ts, in Equations [68], [72], or [73] are calculated using Equation [75].
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Soil Atmosphere Modeling 44 of 53
• Moisture flow and vapor flow beneath the soil surface are driven by the hydraulic head gradient and the vapor
pressure gradient, respectively.
• Soil temperatures in the model domain are the same, and assumed to be equal to the air temperature above the
soil surface. In other words, the ground thermal flux can be neglected (i.e., Qg = 0 ).
h h
kwy + kvh
− kvh = − w m2w
qy = P − AE − Roff [82]
qy = moisture flow rate at soil surface, m/day,
P = precipitation flux. m/day,
Roff = water runoff, m/day, and
AE = actual evaporation, m/day. Determine an empirical expression for the ratio of actual evaporation, AE, to potential evaporation, PE
If the soil suction is known at the ground surface, then the rate of evaporation from the ground surface can be estimated from
the empirical “experimental-based” relationship shown in Figure 15.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Soil Atmosphere Modeling 45 of 53
The ratio of actual evaporation to potential evaporation, AE/PE, can be approximated using the form of the thermodynamic
equilibrium relationship between relative humidity and total suction (Edlefsen and Anderson, 1943). However, a correction
factor, δcorr, must be applied to the calculation of AE and the magnitude of the correction is dependent upon the type of soil
near the ground surface. The ratio of AE/PE has a format similar to that used for Equation [68].
The ratio of AE/PE has a format similar to that used for Equation [68].
− gv corr
AE / PE = exp [83]
w R (273.15 + Ts
AE = Actual evaporation, m/day,
PE = Potential evaporation, m/day,
ψ = total suction (i.e., matric suction plus osmotic suction), kPa,
ωv = molecular weight of water, 0.018 kg/mol,
w = unit weight of water, 9.807 kN/m3,
g = gravity acceleration, m/s2,
R = universal gas constant, 8.314 J/(mol-K),
Ts = soil surface temperature, oC, and
fcorr = correction variable, and
δcorr = correction factor by which total suction must be multiplied.
The correction factor, δcorr, is computed based on the difference between the residual suction of the soil and a total suction of
3000 kPa. The variable fcorr, is determined based on the shift of the SWCC of the soil and Lord Kelvin’s thermodynamic equilibrium
equation. The fcorr, variable is typically about 1.8 for a coarse sand soil.
To include the relative humidity of the overlying air in equation [83], the equation can be modified to the following format:
− gv corr
AE / PE = exp [85]
(1 − ha ) w R (Ts + 273.15)
= a dimensionless empirical parameter with a suggested value of 0.7,
ha = relative humidity overlying air.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Soil Atmosphere Modeling 46 of 53
Figure 16 shows the predicted values for the ratio of AE to PE when using Equation [67], equation [83], and Equation [85].
In Figure 16, the data for the “Limiting Function (1997)” is calculated using Equation [67]. The data for the Wilson-Penman
(1994) ratio of AE to PE is calculated using Equation [83]. The data for the empirical “experimental-based” ratio of AE to PE is
calculated using Equation [85].
Radio of AE/PE
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Total Suction (kPa )
Note: Equation [85] is currently utilized in PLAXIS LE - Groundwater for obtaining the Case 3 Solution.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Stream Traces 47 of 53
For seepage models, the underground water flow velocity can be expressed using the following formulas. With vx and vy, the
direction of the stream trace can be determined at a specific point.
Vx = k x = flux _ x
Vy = k y = flux _ y
kx = hydraulic conductivity in the x-direction,
ky = hydraulic conductivity in the y-direction,
h = total head,
flux_x = the flow in the x direction,
flux_y = the flow in the y direction.
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Particle Tracking 48 of 53
The Particle Tracking feature allows the user to track the advective movement of contaminant particles in a solution. Clicking a
location in the mesh will initiate the plotting of a path of a particle moving from the clicked location. The calculations assume
zero diffusion.
The particle tracking feature is only for transient models. The theory behind the particle tracking is defined as follows:
x1 = x0 + wk x t
y1 = y0 + wk y t
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Numerical Implementation 49 of 53
The PLAXIS LE - Groundwater module makes use of a finite element solver. The following sections provide a brief overview of
some of the more significant numerical methods used in the software.
• Fully implicit approach in the solver, which provides for a robust solution of difficult models with convergence
• 2-noded line elements for 1D analysis, 3-noded triangle and 4-noded quadrilateral as elements for 2D analysis
and 4-noded tetrahedron elements for 3D analysis,
• Automatic generation and control of time steps,
• The implicit integration scheme using the Weighted Residual Method,
• Newton-Raphson convergence iteration schemes, and
• Uses a high performance linear solver engine allowing solution of large models with more than million nodes.
The implicit method has been selected in the software as the most robust method for general application. The research literature
supports this decision.
Mh + Kh = q [88]
M = mass matrix,
K = stiffness matrix,
q = flux vector reflecting the boundary conditions,
h = unknown hydraulic head vector, and
The time derivative of Equation [88] can be approximated using a finite difference technique. The relationship between the
nodal heads of an element at two successive time steps can be expressed using the backward difference approximation (implicit
K + ht +t = ht + q [89]
t t
The finite element flow equation (i.e., Equation [88]) can be written for each element and assembled to form a set of global
flow equations. The set of global flow equations for the whole system is then solved using the sparse linear solver for the
hydraulic heads at the nodal points, h. However, Equation [88] is nonlinear because the coefficients of permeability are a
function of matric suction in unsaturated seepage analysis, which is related to the hydraulic head at the nodal points.
The hydraulic heads are the unknown variables in Equation [88] or [89]. Therefore, Equation [89] must be solved using an
iterative procedure that involves a series of successive approximations. In the first iteration, the coefficients of permeability are
BENTLEY SYSTEMS Numerical Implementation 50 of 53
estimated based on the initial conditions of the hydraulic head or water table in order to calculate the fist set of hydraulic heads
at the nodal points. The computed hydraulic heads are used to calculate the average matric suction in the element. The
coefficient of permeability is adjusted in the subsequent iteration with the new set of matrix suctions. The adjusted set of
coefficients of permeability is then used in the finite element formulations to calculate the new set of hydraulic heads. The above
procedure is repeated until the difference in hydraulic heads at two successive iterations are smaller than a user specified
The convergence criterion used is known as relative residual norm criterion. The solution is deemed to have converged when
the following criterion is satisfied:
h k +1 − h k
tol [90]
where h k +1 is the solution of Equation [89] at (k+1)th iteration for a particular time step and hk is the solution at kth iteration.
The tolerance (tol) is a user specified parameter. Once a solution for a particular time step satisfies the criterion [90], the
calculation for the time step concludes and moves forward for the next time step.
The convergence rate is highly dependent on the degree on nonlinearity of the permeability function of the materials and spatial
discretization of the problem. A steep permeability function requires more iterations and a larger convergency tolerance. A finer
discretization in both element size and time step will assist in obtaining convergence faster with a smaller tolerance (Fredlund
and Rahardjo, 1993).
Staged analysis is obtained by discretizing a stage into several small time-steps and using an incremental analysis. The time-
step for each sub-step is controlled by the following:
• The time discretization set by the user
• The time discretization set by the user for the outputs such as Contour plots and Graph plots or for any other printed
output of the simulations results
• The time discretization of the applied boundary conditions
• The time discretization based on automatic adjustment of the time-step based on the global error in solution in each
subsequent iteration
The adaptive time steps algorithm implemented is based on a slightly modified form of the error control algorithm proposed by
Söderlind (2002). The solver adopts the next time-step considering above controls. If the solution failed to converge within the
maximum iteration set by the user, the time-step is reduced based on the global error in the solution and re-try using a smaller
time step. The above procedure repeats until the solution converges. If the time increment reaches to the “minimum” time
cincrement set by the user in the Stage Settings dialog, the solution is deemed to have failed to converge. If such situation
occurs, the user is advised to review the material properties if there are any materials with a sharp changes in coefficients of
permeability. Similarly, the initial conditions, boundary conditions, and the mesh density can also be reviewed for problems
with convergence issues.
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