This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating a new project file in Autodesk Inventor. It describes how to create folders, set up a new project, add subfolders, select template units, and save a new part file.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating a new project file in Autodesk Inventor. It describes how to create folders, set up a new project, add subfolders, select template units, and save a new part file.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating a new project file in Autodesk Inventor. It describes how to create folders, set up a new project, add subfolders, select template units, and save a new part file.
This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating a new project file in Autodesk Inventor. It describes how to create folders, set up a new project, add subfolders, select template units, and save a new part file.
• Add frequently used folders. • Select Folder Options > Templates > Metric option. • Review Content Center standards.
The completed exercise
1. In File Explorer, create a new folder named
Bottle Filling Station.
2. Create five new subfolders.
i. Assemblies ii. Drawings iii. Parts iv. Presentations v. Purchased Parts
Optional: Create a folder named Content
Center Files.
3. Open Autodesk Inventor.
4. Click File > Manage > Projects.
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5. In the Projects dialog, click New. i. For Type, select New Single Use Project. ii. Click Next. iii. For Name, enter Bottle Filling Station. iv. For Project (Workspace) Folder, navigate to the new Bottle Filling Station folder then select the folder. v. Click OK. vi. Click Next. vii. Click Finish.
6. Expand the Workspace folder.
7. Right-click Workspace then click Edit.
8. Rename Workspace to Station. The folder
name should be Bottle Filling Station.
NOTE: Your drive letter may be different.
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9. Click in the background of the project window.
10. Right-click Frequently Used Subfolders then
click Add Path.
11. For Folder, enter Assemblies then navigate
to the Bottle Filling Station \ Assemblies subfolder. Select the folder then click OK.
12. Right-click Frequently Used Subfolders then
click Add Path.
13. Repeat the previous workflow and add the
four subfolders as shown.
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14. Expand Folder Options. i. Right-click Templates = [Default]. ii. Click the Folders icon. iii. Select Metric then click OK.
15. On the right-side of the dialog box, click
Configure Content Center Libraries.
16. Remove the checkmark from the following
libraries. i. Inventor DIN. ii. Inventor IDF. iii. Inventor JIS GB. iv. Inventor Mold Metric. v. Inventor OTHER. vi. Inventor Parker. vii. Inventor Routed Systems.
17. Click OK.
18. Click Save then click Done. Bottle Filling
Station is now the active project.
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19. On the Launch panel, click New. i. Under Part – Create 2D and 3D objects, select Standard (mm).ipt. ii. Click Create.
20. On the Sketch panel, click Start 2D Sketch.
21. Select the XZ plane as shown.
22. On the Create panel, click 2 Point Rectangle.
23. Click the origin to start the rectangle then
move up and to the right.
24. Click to create the rectangle.
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25. On the Exit panel, click Finish Sketch.
26. On the Create panel, click Extrude.
i. For Distance, enter 25. ii. Click OK.
27. Click Save.
i. Select the Parts subfolder. ii. For File name: enter W1-L01-01. iii. Click Save.