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- • A versa�le, robust and easy to use training system used for teaching,
learning and implemen�ng various motor star�ng, control, wiring and
maintenance & etc.

• Covers commonly used motor control starters such as DOL, Star-Delta,

Auto-Trans, Rotor- Resistance and So� Starter.

• Able to adapt to various type of motors as covered by these starters.

• Bundle with comprehensive opera�onal/user guide, experiment lab

manual, wiring diagram and related accessories that makes the whole
system func�onal and user friendly.
* Design layout for ilustration only, subjects to upgrading changes

1.1 This motor control panel are designed to start, operate and 1.8 Moun�ng: Equipment is mobile with heavy duty locking swivel
control the electrical motor castor wheel approx. 127 mm diameter
1.2 All of the standard controls, protec�ons and instruments are 1.9 Panel Box: Heavy sheet steel metal console finished by baked
contain IEC standards and safety (include cable connec�on to epoxy powder coa�ng
terminal) 1.10 Provision for external connec�on via safety type terminal socket
1.3 All equipment/components must be mounted on panel box and on terminal box
fully wired (with cable lug) 1.11 Transparent Acrylic plas�c window
1.4 All cables are neatly and systema�cally arranged and bunched 1.12 Approx. size: 600 (L) x 500 (W) x 1500 (H) mm
1.5 All front panel compartments/parts are clearly labelled marked to
ensure easy reference and be�er understanding of the internal Cover studies on:
circuitry and/or components func�ons a) Types of motor, usage, difference and movement
1.6 All terminal connec�ons and termina�ons are clearly numbered, b) Maintenance, damage detec�on and repair
marked and labelled c) Starter including characteris�cs of protec�on
1.7 Marking: Engraved legends


2.1 Front Panel complete with accessories specifica�on: 2.2 Internal panel complete with accessories specifica�on:
2.1.1 1 unit Analogue AC Ammeter: 0 - 30 A 2.2.1 1 unit Molded Case Circuit Breaker 60 A 3 Pole
2.1.2 1 unit Analogue AC Voltmeter: 0 - 500 Vac 2.2.2 3 unit Miniature Circuit Breaker 32 A 3 Pole
2.1.3 1 unit Selector Switch for Auto-Off-Manual 2.2.3 1 unit Miniature Circuit Breaker 6 A 2 Pole
2.1.4 1 unit Ammeter Selector Switch 2.2.4 3 unit Miniature Circuit Breaker 6 A 1 Pole
2.1.5 1 unit Voltmeter Selector Switch 2.2.5 5 unit Magne�c Contactor 2 NO 2 NC 30 A 230 Vac
2.1.6 2 unit Selector Switch On-Off for Trip func�on 2.2.6 3 unit Analog Timer 8 pin DPDT (all func�on) (0.05 sec. – 100 hour,
2.1.7 1 unit Mushroom Head Emergency Stop Bu�on selectable) c/w base
2.1.8 2 unit Green Push Bu�on Switch (2 x Start) 2.2.7 3 unit Thermal Overload Relay 4 terminal (12 - 18 A)
2.1.9 2 unit Red Push Bu�on (2 x Stop) 2.2.8 3 unit Relay 230Vac 14 terminal c/w base
2.1.10 1 unit Green Push Bu�on (1 x Forward) 2.2.9 1 unit Auto Transformer 7.5 kW 3 Phase (wired to terminal block
2.1.11 1 unit Green Push Bu�on (1 x Reverse) 10 way, 600 V max, 30 A)
2.1.12 3 unit LED Pilot Lamp (Red/Yellow/Blue) - Main Phase Lamp 2.2.10 1 unit Rotor Resistance 7.5 kW (wired to terminal block 10 way,
2.1.13 5 unit Red LED Pilot Lamp (2 x Stop, 2 x Trip and 600V max, 30 A)
1 x Emergency Switch) 2.2.11 1 unit So� Starter 7.5 kW/ 415V
2.1.14 2 unit Green LED Pilot Lamp (2 x Run) 2.2.12 3 unit Current Transformer 30/5 A, 5 VA c/w bracket
2.1.15 1 unit Blue LED Pilot Lamp (1 x Forward) 2.2.13 Terminal Block with marker: 60 way, 600 V max, 10 A
2.1.16 1 unit White LED Pilot Lamp (1 x Reverse) 2.2.14 DIN Rail
2.1.17 2 unit Amber LED Pilot Lamp (1 x Auto and 1 x Manual)
2.3 Side panel complete with accessories specifica�on:
2.3.1 6 unit ven�la�on fan 100 mm x 100 mm (3 x le� side and
3 x right side)

2.4 Back panel complete with accessories specifica�on:

2.4.1 Supply Compartment: Approx. size: 600 (L) x 45 (H) x 220 (D) mm 1 unit Door Panel Lock Knob
2.4.2 Incoming Industrial Socket Outlet: Flexible Cable 4.0 mm2 5 core 5 meter long 32 A TPN industrial male socket


Our best solution for your technical laboratory ablelogic


3.1 5 set of Technician Tool Kit with case up to 55 pieces tools
3.2 20 units of True RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter up to approx. 600V/1 000A
3.3 20 units of contact and non contact dual- purpose Tachometers

4.1 Four (4) copies for each documenta�on (include 1 original)
4.2 User's manual, opera�on manual and maintenance manual of the equipment must be provided
4.3 Machine Standard Opera�on Procedure must be provided
4.4 Product compliance cer�ficate and technical report a�er tes�ng and commissioning
4.5 All documenta�on above must be in English or Malay
4.6 Coursework/Exercise book for training purpose

1 year warranty against manufacturer defects

1. Accessory are provided (where applicable)
2. Manual are included
3. Training will be provided(where applicable)
4. Design and specifica�on are subjected to changes without no�ce


Our best solution for your technical laboratory ablelogic


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