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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

Name: Cheyselle Anne Altabano Block/Section: BEED-1B


1. Enumerate and define the different learners with additional needs.

Learners who are gifted and talented

Learners who are gifted and talented are students with higher abilities than average and
are often referred to as gifted students.

Learners with difficulty seeing

Learners with difficulty in seeing are those with issues regarding sight that interfere with

Learners with difficulty hearing

Learners with an issue regarding hearing that interferes with academics.

Learners with difficulty communicating

Some learners are observed to have difficulty communicating, either verbally expressing
their ideas and needs and/or in understanding what others are saying.

Learners with difficulty moving/walking

Learners with difficulty in moving and/or walking, thus focusing on physical and motor
disabilities, their learning characteristics, abilities, and the support they need in an
inclusive classroom.

Learners with difficulty remembering and focusing

Learners who find difficult to remember lessons, concepts, and even instructions as well
as those who find it a challenge to sustain their focus.

Learners with difficulty with self-care

Learners with specific difficulties in self-care, or caring for oneself.

2. Compare and contrast the learners with additional needs based on the
identification and learning characteristics.
Different learners with Identification Learning characteristics
additional needs
Learners who are gifted Locate the student's High level of intellectual
and talented domain of giftedness. curiosity.
Describe the student's level Reads activity.
of giftedness. Keen power of observation
Get bored easily.
Can retail and recall
Excited about learning
new concepts.
Strong, well-developed
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Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

imagination Looks for new

ways to do things.
Often gives uncommon
responses to common

Learners with difficulty Learners with difficulty Learners with difficulty

seeing seeing often have physical seeing have restricted ways
signs, such as crossed to learn incidentally from
eyes, squinting, and eyes their surroundings since
that turn outwards. They most of them learn through
may also be clumsy, visual clues. Because of
usually bumping into this, the other senses are
objects which causes them used to acquire knowledge.
to fall down. Due to the limited ability to
explore the environment,
low motivation to discover
is present.
Learners with difficulty Speaking loudly. Most learners with difficulty
hearing hearing use various
Positioning ear toward the
methods of communication.
direction of the one
The most common is the
use of hearing aids,
Asking for information to be combined with lip- reading.
repeated again and called These students are referred
again. to as "oral" since they can
communicate thru speech
Delayed development of as opposed to sign
speech. language. Some hearing-
impaired students use note-
takers in class since it is
difficult to lip-read and take
notes simultaneously.
Learners with difficulty Communication difficulty is Expressive Language
communicating oftentimes one of the most Difficulties:
common red flags observed
Limited vocabulary
by family members,
Incorrect grammar or
daycare workers, and early
childhood teachers. Noted
absence, delays, and
difficulties in speech and/or Receptive Language
language often prompt Difficulties:
family members to consult
their general pediatrician Following oral directions
who then makes referrals to Responding to questions
developmental pediatricians appropriately.
and other specialists.
Learners with difficulty Development coordination Motor difficulties and
moving/walking disorder. Identifying disabilities are known to
children with motor significantly affect a child's
difficulties begins with ability to perform daily
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Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

family members and early activities which include

childhood practitioners. memory, perception and
processing, planning
Stereotypic movement carrying out coordinated
disorder. Typically movements. Speech may
developing children may also be affected as motor
display stereotypic control is needed in
movements, or behaviors, articulation and production.
often referred to as
stereotypies, between ages
two and five as well as
children with other
neurological conditions
such as Autism Spectrum
Disorder and other
developmental disabilities.
Learners with difficulty Students with learning Students with LD and
remembering and disability, a discrepancy ADHD are known to be
focusing between academic forgetful of daily activities
achievement and and routines, can be
intelligence needs to be disorganized with their
established using tests that personal belongings and
measure intelligence and even schedules, and have
standardized achievement problems monitoring
tests while children with comprehension.
specific learning disability,
Students with LD and
do not adhere to the
ADHD are known to have
strong artistic abilities and
visual-spatial skills.
There are four components
that are needed in
identifying students with
ADHD: medical
examination, clinic
interviews, use of teacher
and parent rating scales,
and behavioral
Learners with difficulty Young children suspected Students who have difficulty
self-care to have cognitive deficits with self-care oftentimes
which manifest as reach developmental
difficulties with self-care milestones at a larger age
can be identified at a very compared to typically
young age. The traditional developing peers. They
approach to measuring learn to sit up, crawl, walk,
levels of severity of ID was and talk later than other
determined through the use children and may have
of intellectual tests. trouble remembering and
consequences of actions.

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Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

3. What challenges do learners with speech and language difficulties encounter in

the areas of communication and socialization?

Children with communication disorders may have limitations in the linguistic and
interpersonal areas such as limited vocabulary, incorrect grammar or syntax, and
difficulty in formulating questions and constructing sentences. Children with
communication disorders may also experience behavioral difficulties. Because they
struggle in expressing their needs and ideas, some children resort to inappropriate
behaviors out of frustration or to get the attention of significant others.

4. What accommodations can be given to learners with communication


Different stages and accommodations may be used to provide a level playing field for
children with communication difficulties or disorders such as the use of Universal
Design for Learning (UDL) and practical tips to be used in the classroom such as
speaking slowly and clearly without exaggerating speech and use of gestures to clarify

5. What are the similarities and differences between learners with Developmental
Coordination Disorder and Stereotypic Movement Disorder?

Developmental coordination disorder refers to significant and persistent deficits in

coordinated motor skills that are significantly below expected typical development.
Difficulties are manifested as clumsiness, slowness, and inaccuracy of motor skills while
stereotypic movement disorder is characterized by repetitive, seemingly driven and non-
functional behavior.

6. How can a classroom be arranged to help learners with difficulty in

-Adjust chair and/or desk height to maximize posture and stability
-Place a non-skid mat on the chair
-Provide opportunities for movement breaks

7. How is Learning Disability (LD) different from Specific Learning Disability

(SLD)? What are the different types of SLD?
Learning disability is a general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders
manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking,
reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities. Specific learning disability focuses
on difficulties in "one or more basic psychological processes involved in understanding
or in using language, spoken, or written, which may manifest as difficulties in the ability
to listen, think, spark, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations.

Different types of SLD

 Dyslexia
 Dyscalculia
 Dysgraphia

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Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education

8. How can lessons and concepts be presented to maximize learning among

students with memory and focusing difficulties?
The use of Universal Design (UDL) principles, such as providing multiple means of
representation, expression, and engagement. Examples are audio books alongside real
books, provide variety of ways to demonstrate understanding of concepts/lessons, and
provide varied activities to support student engagement.
9. What educational approaches can be used to teach learners how to care for
Specific approaches have been found to be effective in teaching students with difficulty
with self-care, namely the use of direct/explicit instruction, task analysis, forward and
backward chaining, as well as the use of video modeling.

Ruby Ruth Abanto


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