Your Hormone Blueprint Questionnaire
Your Hormone Blueprint Questionnaire
Your Hormone Blueprint Questionnaire
Use this self-assessment to help you connect the dots and to track improvement as you go through the
plan and beyond. Scoring >4 points in any of the 8 patterns suggests that you have some measure of
the associated imbalance. Scoring >8 points in any section suggests a more significant imbalance. It’s
common—in fact likely—to have more than one imbalance. The Hormone Intelligence Plan is all about
addressing these symptoms and imbalances!
Heavy periods
Painful periods
Varicose veins
Short menstrual cycles (<21 days)
Gallbladder problems
Bloating, fluid retention
History of using estrogen-containing
Breast tenderness, cysts
birth control or medication (in the
Mood swings
last three months)
Menstrual migraines
A pear-shaped body
Uterine fibroids
YOUR SCORE____________
Irregular periods
Skipped periods
Weight gain
Fertility challenges
Aggression, irritability
Hair in unwanted places
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Hair loss (head)
High LDL cholesterol
YOUR SCORE____________
Fatigue, sluggishness
Low sex drive
Low motivation
Decreased sexual satisfaction,
difficulty achieving orgasm
Muscle weakness or loss of muscle
Weight gain
Hair loss
Irregular menstrual cycles
Sleep disturbances
YOUR SCORE____________