Book One-B
David L. Dawson
This page is intentionally left blank to indicate the back side of the front cover.
“…for the work of the ministry, for
the edifying of the body of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:12
Book One - B
by David L. Dawson
he Equipping The Saints Course consists of Nine Books covering Eleven Major Subject
Areas essential to growth and discipleship in the Christian Life. These subjects are
“layered” throughout the various courses so that a student is normally working on at
least three areas simultaneously. This structure will be indicated in the numbering system
used throughout the Course. The first number (example: 1/1) refers to the book; the second
number refers to the chapter (see Contents pages 2 and 3).
4 Evangelism
6 Follow–Up
7 Discipleship
8 Advanced Follow–Up
9 Leadership
10 Christian Character
3/15 Introduction to Leadership
3/16 Biblical Leadership
4/4 Leadership and Planning
4/5 Leadership and Organizing
4/6 Leadership and Leading
4/7 Leadership and Evaluation
4/8 Leadership and Motivating
Chapter Chapter
1 Assurance of Salvation 9 The Bridge Presentation
2 Prayer 10 Opening and Controlling a Conversation
3 Quiet Time 11 The Obedient Life
4 The Victorious Life 12 The Lordship of Christ
5 The Word of God 13 Perspective
6 Biblical Perspective on Time 14 The Great Commission and Its Fulfilling
7 How to Organize My Time 15 The Priesthood of the Believer
8 Introduction to Evangelism 16 Semester Evaluation
Equipping The Saints
Book One-A Disciple Lesson Plan
1/2 The Great Matthew * Pray for 2 Converts • The Need of the Hour
pg. 39 Commission and 28:18-20 * Pray for 1 Disciple
Its Fulfilling
1/3 The Priesthood Colossians * Pray for 2 Converts • The Great Commis-
pg. 67 of Every Believ- 1:28,29 * Pray for 1 Disciple sion…and Pole Town
er USA
• 100 Word Essay
Equipping The Saints
Book One-B Disciple Lesson Plan
• Living a Life of
1/13 The Word of God Matthew 4:4 Love • 5 PSMA
pg. 147 1 John 4:11 * Pray for 2 Converts • 6 AWG
* Pray for 1 Disciple • Fill out Objective Chart
* Share Bridge (The Word of God)
* Evangelism Report
• Living in Christian
1/14 The Obedient Hebrews 5:8 Fellowship • 5 PSMA
pg. 179 Life 1 John 1:7 * Pray for 2 Converts • A One Year Bible
* Pray for 1 Disciple Reading Program
* Share Bridge • Bible Reading Chart
* Evangelism Report
• Living as a
1/15 The Lordship of Acts 2:36 Witness • 5 PSMA
pg. 211 Christ 1 Peter 3:15 * Pray for 2 Converts • Bible Reading Chart
* Pray for 1 Disciple
* Share Bridge
* Evangelism Report
• Living a Life of
1/16 Semester 2 Corinth- Generosity • 5 PSMA
pg. 235 Evaluation ians 9:7 * Pray for 2 Converts • Bible Reading Chart
(Book 1) * Pray for 1 Disciple
* Share Bridge
* Evangelism Report
Equipping The Saints
Book One-A Convert Lesson Plan
• Do 6 Personal and
1/7 How to Organize Ephesians • Living by the Spiritual Management
My Time 5:15,16 Word of God Aid (PSMA QT)
Acts 20:32 • A One Year Bible
Reading Program
pg. 177 • Bible Reading Chart
• Do 6 PSMA (QT)
1/8 Introduction Matthew • Living by the • Bible Reading
to Evangelism 4:19 Spirit of God Chart (BRC)
Romans 8:14 • Whatever Became of
* Pray for two to win Evangelism?
pg. 201
* This lesson plan guide is provided for students without individual copies of Convert Guide Books 1A and 1B.
You may reference ETS Books 1A or 1B for the lesson material needed. vii
Equipping The Saints
Book One-B Convert Lesson Plan
1/14 The Great Ephesians * Share Bridge • The Need of the Hour
Commission and 4:11,12 * Evangelism Report • 6 PSMA
Its Fulfilling * Pray for 2 Converts • Bible Reading Chart
pg. 135 Convert Guide 1A, Chapter 7
Equipping The Saints
Ministry Outreach Plan
The next three pages are the most important pages in the Equipping The Saints course for several
reasons. They:
The end product or objective of Equipping The Saints is to make you a reproducing disciple. From the
onset of your training you must start praying for two people to win to Christ. This engages you in evan-
gelism—fishing for people. You also begin praying for one person to disciple. This causes you to reach
back into the church for people who are not growing the way they should in their walk with God.
Non-Christian Friends
Make a list of all your non-Christian friends and begin to pray for them. When you have peace from God
about a name, move the person to the evangelism section of your Ministry Discipleship Guide and follow
their four line syllabus. Move the person to the Ministry Prayer Tree in the space marked “Convert”.
Christian Friends
Make a list of Christian friends who do not seem to be growing in their walk with God. When you have
a commitment from a person to go through Equipping The Saints with you, write the name in the
Disciple-Making section of your Ministry Discipleship Guide and on your Ministry Prayer Tree on the
line marked “Disciple.”
The four-point outline will guide you in what to do with the people you want to win.
The nine-point outline will guide you in what to do with your new convert or disciple as you help the
person grow toward discipleship.
Both of these initial guides will be replaced in lessons 2/13 and 2/14 by a more detailed instructive guide.
Equipping The Saints
Ministry Prayer Guide
Non-Christian Friends
Make a list of your Christian friends who are not growing in their walk with God. When you have
peace about one of these, enter that person’s name on your Ministry Discipleship Guide.
Christian Friends
Equipping The Saints
Ministry Prayer Tree
Paul Timothy Faithful Men Others
Equipping The Saints
Ministry Discipleship Guide
Decision Decision
Disciple Making
You are also to ask God to give you one person to disciple. This person may be a Christian friend
who is not growing, and for whom you are praying, or it could be one of the above converts.
Received Christ
Equipping The Saints
Class Attendance Record
Leader Group
Book One - B
Names 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Equipping The Saints
Disciple Application Guide
Disciple’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review Assurance of Salvation
Bible Study
Complete Living in Christ (Be Ready to Discuss)
Outside Reading
Read Going on with Christ (Be Ready to Discuss)
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Pray for one person to disciple
Memorize and review complete Bridge presentation
Scripture Memory
Memorize 1 John 5:13
Memorize John 15:5
Review all previous verses
Equipping The Saints
Convert Application Guide
Convert’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review The Bridge Presentation (1/7)
Bible Study
Complete Living by Faith (1/12) (Be Ready to Discuss)
Outside Reading
Bible Reading Chart
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Memorize first half of Bridge presentation
Scripture Memory
Memorize Romans 10:9,10
Memorize 2 Corinthians 5:7
Review all previous verses
of Salvation
When a person becomes a Child of God, there are certain
truths that God wants him to know. One of the most im-
portant of these truths for a new babe in Christ has to do
with assurance of salvation.
Definition of Assurance
Assurance is the believer’s complete conviction or guaran-
tee that through the finished work of Christ upon the cross
NOTES which he has received by faith, he now has eternal life and
will be eternally kept by God.
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, NOTES
nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor
things present nor things to come, nor height
nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be
able to separate us from the love of God which
is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38,39
NOTES • The indwelling Holy Spirit witnesses with our own
spirit that we are children of God and joint heirs
with Christ.
Basis of Assurance
Unchangeable Truths
Unconditional Promises NOTES
Completeness of Atonement
Righteousness of Christ
NOTES Life and Sonship
• A man’s accountability at the Judgment Seat of Christ NOTES
and loss of rewards are deterrents to sin.
David lost the joy of salvation after his sin against God—
but not his salvation.
Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that
it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot
hear. But your iniquities have separated you
from your God; and your sins have hidden His
face from you, so that He will not hear.
Isaiah 59:1,2
Importance of Teaching NOTES
NOTES renew them again to repentance, since they
crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and
put Him to an open shame.
Hebrews 5:12-6:6
Equipping The Saints
Bible Study:
Living In Christ
Begin Memorizing John 15:5
How is the relationship between a branch and vine similar to the Christian and Christ?
2. What will be true of your life if you are abiding in Christ? 1 John 2:6
4. How does Paul describe his relationship to Christ? Galatians 2:20
6. What fruit does the Spirit produce in the life of the believer? Galatians 5:22,23
8. What else does Jesus promise those who follow Him? Matthew 4:19
10. If Christians can do nothing apart from Christ, what can they do with Him? Philippians 4:13
Application of John 15:5
Is there anything that hinders you from abiding in Christ? What is it?
Review John 15:5 daily along with your other Scripture memory verses.
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Going on
Used by Permission
Going on with Christ
Without a doubt you have experienced some of Sturdy, sprawling grapevines with lush green
the temptations that confront new Christians, branches and clusters of fruit were a common
and hopefully, you have met them through sight in Palestine. Jesus used this picture to
God’s appointed means, His Word. 1 Peter portray the abiding relationship of the believer
5:8 describes Satan as a “roaring lion” and with Himself. Just as a branch cannot bear
cautions Christians to be alert to his subtle fruit if it has been cut off from the vine, so your
attacks. God’s Word has the power to alert potential to live a fruitful, godly life is a direct
you to his attacks and to enable you to resist result of living in close union with Him.
temptation. The psalmist prayed, “Thy Word
have I hid in mine heart, that I might not It is vitally important to put Christ first in
sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11). your thoughts, desires, relationships and ac-
tivities. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
The Word also has power to guide you in and His righteousness; and all these things
making decisions. God has given his Word to shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).
lead you into a daily experience of His will.
“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light But how can you abide in Christ? 1 John 2:6
unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). says, “He that saith he abideth in Him ought
himself also to walk, even as He walked.”
The Word has power to bring joy into your life, That means daily obedience to the will of
too. Jesus said, “These things have I spoken God as He reveals it in His Word. It means
unto you...that your joy may be full.” As you responding to God just as Christ did. “...for
begin to look at life in the light of who God I do always those things that please Him”
is and what He has said, the tensions and (John 8:29).
perplexities of life will start to fade. Although
circumstances may remain the same, you As you memorize John 15:5, meditate on
can understand what God’s purposes are and Christ’s sufficiency for growth and fulfill-
experience real inner peace and joy. “Thy ment to the person who fully surrenders to
words were found and I did eat them; and His will.
Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing
of my heart…” (Jeremiah 15:16). Living by the Word of God—Acts 20:32
“And now, brethren, I commend you to God,
The importance of God’s Word and the power and to the Word of His grace, which is able
it imparts to each obedient Christian cannot to build you up, and give you an inheritance
be overemphasized. among all them which are sanctified.”
as you need food for physical growth, so the Living by Faith—2 Cor. 5:7
Word of God nourishes you in your spiritual “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
development. “…Man shall not live by bread
alone, but by every word that proceedeth out Faith is believing God and trusting His Word.
of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Paul pointed out the relationship between
faith and the Word of God, “ cometh
It has become common practice to plan a day’s by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”
activities around three meals. Should any (Romans 10:17).
less attention be given to a regular intake
of God’s Word? Peter says Christians should At one time or another every Christian
“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk experiences doubt regarding some of God’s
of (God’s) Word, that ye may grow thereby” promises. Perhaps this has already hap-
(1 Peter 2:2). pened to you. You may have doubted that
you will ever get victory over sin; you may
As you memorize Acts 20:32, meditate on the have doubted that God really loves you or
ways God’s Word can build you up and look that your salvation is an accomplished fact.
for evidence in your own life of God at work Since faith comes from the Word, hiding God’s
building you up through His Word. Word in your heart is one of the best things
you can do to deal with doubt.
Living by the Spirit of God—Rom. 8:14
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, The Bible explains God’s purposes and will
they are the sons of God.” reassure you of His power as you spend
time in it. As you store it up in your heart,
When you became a Christian, your heart your faith will grow. God’s Word gives you
became the home of the Holy Spirit. You can spiritual insight—the ability to view life from
be sure of this. Paul exclaimed, “What? Know His perspective. Abraham experienced this
ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy when “He staggered not at the promise of
Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, God through unbelief: but was strong in the
and ye are not your own?” (1 Corinthians faith, giving glory to God; And being fully
6:19). Not only does the Holy Spirit live in persuaded that, what He had promised, He
Christians, He also desires to live through was able to perform” (Romans 4:20,21).
them, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk
in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25). As you memorize 2 Corinthians 5:7, resolve to
obey God by keeping His Word at any cost.
If you want to experience the Holy Spirit
more fully, yield to His will, confessing and Living a Life of Love —1 John 4:11
forsaking the sin that He brings to your at- “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought to love
tention. As you follow Him, He will change one another.”
you into a Christ-like person and you will
learn what it is to be led by the Spirit of God. The ability to love others grows as you expe-
As you meditate on this verse, thank God for rience God’s love for you. 1 John 4:10 says
all that He is able to do for you through the “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but
Holy Spirit. that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the
propitiation for our sins.” Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall
have the light of life” (John 8:12). To walk
God is the source of love. He also is the perfect in the light means to walk in constant com-
example of what love is. His love is sacrificial. munion with Christ. Thus, your fellowship
He has already demonstrated that at the cost with Christ is the key to your fellowship with
of His own Son. “For God so loved the world, other Christians.
that He gave His only begotten Son…” (John
3:16). Christ’s death stands as an eternal John goes on to say that “If we say that we
reminder of God’s sacrificial love. have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the
truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He
God’s love is also unconditional so you never is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
have to worry about God’s love diminishing. and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
His love is not dependent upon the worthi- (1 John 1:8,9).
ness or unworthiness of the one loved. No one
can earn or deserve God’s love—yet He loves How then do you live in fellowship with other
everyone. What a joy to be the recipients of believers? By confessing and forsaking sin.
this kind of love! Don’t carry anger and resentment toward
others around. Confess it and forsake it. God
Jesus urges Christians to give the same en- is eager to cleanse and forgive. As you learn 1
during, sacrificial, unconditional love to each John 1:17, search your heart for any matters
other that He gives, “A new commandment I that need to be confessed. Ask God to forgive
give unto you, That ye love one another; as I you and lead you into His way.
have loved you; that ye also love one another”
(John 13:34). Living as a Witness—1 Peter 3:15
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and
As you memorize 1 John 4:11, meditate on be ready always to give an answer to every
some ways you can demonstrate God’s love man that asketh you a reason of the hope
toward others. that is in you with meekness and fear.”
Living in Christian Fellowship—1 John 1:7 What would you tell someone who inquired
“But if we walk in the light, as He is in about your faith in Christ? Would you be
the light, we have fellowship one with an- ready with an answer? Peter says that the
other, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son first step is to “sanctify the Lord God in your
cleanseth us from all sin.” hearts.” To sanctify means to “set apart or
consecrate.” You sanctify God in your heart
When you trusted Christ you entered into by honoring Him and consciously acknowl-
a special fellowship as a member of God’s edging His Lord ship. The more you love and
family. The harmony of this family is the worship Him, the more eager you will be to
responsibility of every member. John says tell others about Him.
the secret is to “walk in the light.”
The imprint of fellowship with Christ will
But what is walking in the light? Jesus said, not be unnoticed by people around you, so be
“.I am the light of the world: he that followeth ready with an answer. When Peter and John
were questioned they said, “For we cannot As you memorize 2 Corinthians 9:7 think
but speak the things which we have seen prayerfully about giving to another what
and heard” (Acts 4:20). You too have seen God has freely given to you.
Christ bring peace and joy to your life. You
have heard His words of love and forgiveness After you have memorized these verses and
in the Scripture. learned to apply them, you will be aware of
the strength and blessing that come from
Let your answer be those things you have hiding God’s Word in your heart.
seen and heard. As you memorize 1 Peter
3:15 pause and take a fresh look at your
Saviour, then be ready to share with others
what you have seen.
Equipping The Saints
Disciple Application Guide
Disciple’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review The Quiet Time
Bible Study
Complete Living by the Word (Be Ready to Discuss)
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Pray for one person to disciple
Share Bridge with a non-Christian
Complete Evangelism Report
Scripture Memory
Memorize Mark 1:35
Memorize Acts 20:32
Review all previous verses
Equipping The Saints
Convert Application Guide
Convert’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review Opening and Controlling a Conversation (1/8)
Bible Study
Complete Living a Life of Love (1/13) (Be Ready to Discuss)
Outside Reading
Bible Reading Chart
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Memorize second half of Bridge presentation
Scripture Memory
Memorize 1 Timothy 1:7
Memorize 1 John 4:11
Review all previous verses
Quiet Time
Every Christian—young or old in the Lord—needs to know
God in a personal way. The only way we can get to know
God is by spending personal time with Him. As we do this
on a regular basis, we establish a growing relationship with
Him. This pleases the heart of God, since He loves us and
wants to spend time with us. We often call this time with
God a quiet time or a daily devotional time.
NOTES As we spend time beholding Him through the Word of God,
we are being changed. We mature from children in Christ
to adults who have the likeness of the Son of God.
Any type of growth requires time. If you
want to get to know someone you must
spend time together in developing the
relationship. Time spent alone with God
will water our roots, strengthen our stem
and nurture our leaves.
The key to a developed relationship is the presence of clear lines
of communication. We cannot understand one another unless
we talk to one another. True communication involves not only
facts and ideas but also feelings and attitudes. We must know
what is on God’s heart and then we can share our hearts with
Him. God communicates with us through His Word, and we
communicate back to Him through our prayers.
Circumstances NOTES
Understanding one another comes from observing one an-
other in different circumstances. Through the circumstances
of life God will mold us. The Quiet Time helps us see God in
our daily lives, how He is at work, how He is in control, how
He is responding to us and how we are responding to Him.
Our attitudes toward a relationship will determine the prior-
ity of developing that relationship. If I am not interested or
think it is not worthwhile, then I am not prepared to spend
time and effort in cultivating that relationship. A positive
mental attitude will invariably determine the success of the
development of the relationship. We must have the correct
attitude in our Quiet Time. We must be willing to be both
hearers and doers of God’s Word as well as His Will.
Going nowhere will get you nowhere. Without objectives,
relationships will remain stagnant or will flounder when
difficulties or conflicts come. Clearly defined objectives help
us get where we are going.
Convictions from Scripture
This was not Moses’ command to Joshua; this was God Him-
self commanding Joshua to be daily in the Word of God. If
Joshua was to be God’s man, there was only one way to do
it—to meditate on and obey God’s Word daily.
• David’s Example:
“the way wherein I should walk” during the day, we must NOTES
approach God in the morning.
• Jesus’ Instruction:
NOTES A doration
C onfession
T hanksgiving
S upplication
God’s Word does many things for the growing Christian. NOTES
2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that the Word is profitable for the
NOTES • Daily time in the Word of God is essential if we
hope to be equipped to witness the truth to others.
Where are you concerning your Quiet Time? If you are not
doing it already, the thing to do is start now!
Time_____________Place ________________________ NOTES
Jesus said:
“It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceeds from the mouth
of God.”
Matthew 4:4
NOTES Before a person receives Christ into his life, he is spiritually
dead. When Christ enters his life at conversion he becomes
spiritually alive. The Holy Spirit comes to take up residence
in the new believer at conversion. Now a person has a new
spiritual nature and must take care of it like he does his
physical nature in order for it to remain strong.
The Bible is the food which we must feed our spiritual na-
ture. Daily we must nurture it if we are to grow to maturity.
It is a shame that so many Christians try to live spiritually
by one or perhaps two spiritual meals per week. It is no
wonder so many of God’s children never grow up.
If you study the lives of the great men of the Bible, you soon
realize that their secret of success was feeding daily from
God’s Word.
Equipping The Saints
Bible Study:
Living by the Word of God
Begin Memorizing Act 20:32
“...which is able...”
5. Study Psalm 19:7,8 and fill in the chart below:
John 15:7
Review Acts 20:32 daily along with your other Scripture memory verses.
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Used by Permission
The most exciting and dynamic relationship you will ever experience is available to you
as you get to know Jesus Christ. This relationship, however, will not mature naturally. It
requires careful attention and energy and cannot be accomplished without a plan.
The men who have most fully illustrated Christ in their character, and have most
powerfully affected the world for Him have been men who spend so much time
with God as to make it a notable feature in their lives…to be little with God is to
be little for God.
E. M. Bounds
Regardless of the name you prefer—daily devotions, morning watch, quiet time, daily ap-
pointment with God, or any other—this time serves as a method in building a vital rela-
tionship with Jesus Christ.
A person’s relationship with God is established when he accepts Jesus Christ as his Savior
and becomes a child of God. Then it becomes the responsibility of each individual Christian
to actively cultivate a growing relationship with God. Appointment with God explains this
relationship, provides you with the tools necessary to develop your own plan for a maturing
relationship with Jesus Christ and helps you put this plan into action.
God the Initiator
In keeping with His character as Creator of the universe, God throughout history has been
the One to initiate the relationship between man and Himself.
God created man in His own image so that they might fellowship together. More specifically,
every man is designed to have both the potential and the need for a personal relationship
with God. Sin is man’s declaration of independence from God, and, thus, man needs to
have his relationship restored.
And again, it was God who initiated the plan to bring man into an eternal relationship
with Him in the Person of Jesus Christ. “But God shows His love for us in that while we
were yet sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). The Cross re-established the potential
for this relationship which was once broken by sin.
Just as God sought out Adam after Adam’s sin, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9), He is still
seeking men today, “Where are you?”. What was true then is true today; God, who restored
at free cost the potential for being part of His family, loves you and desires a personal
relationship with you. This relationship begins when you accept God’s solution to your sin
problem by inviting Jesus Christ into your life.
God is seeking you. He wants personal fellowship with you rather than a ritual you
might perform.
Why you do something is more important to God than what you do. “And he did what was
right in the eyes of the Lord, yet not with a blameless heart” (2 Chronicles 25:2). Man is in-
terested in how people appear externally while God is interested in attitudes of the heart. “…
Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
If a man does the right things for the wrong reasons, he may soon begin to do the wrong
thing. The process, as well as the end product, is important to God because it is the pro-
cess that builds and reveals attitudes. Regardless of how successful a physician may have
been in diagnosing illnesses in the past, who would go to him for help if he revealed all
his conclusions were based on luck rather than on analysis? The process, therefore, is as
important as the product. To begin to develop a relationship with God for any reason other
than love and your desire to know Him would be futile. Even love was initiated by God.
In this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His
Son to be the expiation for our sins.
1 John 4:10
For no other reason except that He loves men, He has said, “For the Lord’s portion is His
people…”. He wants you!
A Relationship with a Purpose
Every man and woman has a desire to grow into his full potential as a person. Just as Jesus
developed in every area, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with
God and man” (Luke 2:52), you should grow and develop mentally, physically, spiritually,
and socially as Jesus did. Your growth into spiritual maturity only begins to develop as
you establish a close personal relationship with your Lord through God’s written word.
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word that ye may
grow thereby…
1 Peter 2:2 (KJV)
Just as each person has certain apparent aptitudes and abilities, God has provided each
individual with a certain set of spiritual gifts. “As each has received a gift, employ it for
one another…” (1 Peter 4:10). These gifts are developed through a personal relationship
with Christ and the outworking of that relationship. God had a purpose in mind when He
designed you with your specific set of gifts. When you function in the purpose for which you
were designed, you are fulfilled in every way. Freedom and order, not slavery and chaos,
are God’s eternal purpose.
There are those who neglect their relationship with God and the result is spiritual im-
maturity. God designed you with strengths in some areas, but He also fashioned you with
weaknesses in others. A neglected relationship allows your weaknesses to begin to control
you while your strengths dwindle in effectiveness. And yet, God is sufficient in every area
of your life in the Person of Jesus Christ.
For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have come
to fullness of life in Him, who is the Head of all rule and authority.
Colossians 2:9,10
But unless you develop a close relationship with Him, you will never experience His
Sin pollutes your relationship to God just as man pollutes the environment. In man’s haste
to get what he wants out of nature, he unthinkingly upsets its balance and is now well on
the way to destroying it completely. Once he realizes his error, however, it is not possible
to immediately restore its delicate balance. In the same way, once you realize that you
have neglected your relationship with God, it takes time and concentrated effort to build
a mature relationship with Him. Even though confession immediately restores fellowship
(1 John 1:9), a quality relationship with God, like nature’s delicate balance, takes time to
be restored.
Without the development of a maturing relationship with Christ, you will be out of step with
the world around you. It is impossible to relate properly to other people or to accept yourself
without this relationship; you are controlled by your circumstances and unable to measure
up to your own standards. A neglected relationship with Christ is not a pretty picture.
In contrast, you can relate properly to other people when you are continually learning
more about God and His values. You can accept yourself because you know God accepts
you according to His Word. You can have victory over circumstances because you know
God is in control and He loves you; and He gives you the strength to live as He desires.
You can also experience the sufficiency of Christ as you begin to make Him the center
of your life. You will find guidance for your life in the never changing Word of God, “All
Scripture is inspired by God…that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every
good work” (2 Timothy 3:16,17). This relationship is continually refreshed through prayer
and meditation. Your relationships with other people become more meaningful as you en-
gage in Christian fellowship. A natural outgrowth of a personal relationship with Christ
is sharing Him with others. The purpose of developing a relationship with Christ is to
know Him and to become a channel of His love to the world.
A Biblical example of a man who desires to know God is found in Psalm 1, “Blessed is the
man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits
in the seat of scoffers; but His delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he medi-
tates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in
its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers” (Psalm 1:1-3). A
key to a successful relationship is realizing that knowing God is different from knowing
about Him!
Essentials of Relating
Just as there are essentials that cannot be overlooked in erecting any structure, there are
essentials you cannot afford to neglect in building a relationship. These essentials are the
foundation of successful building. A visible example today of that relationship is found
in the few truly successful marriages. The fifth chapter of Ephesians characterizes the
husband-wife relationship as one permeated with love, submission and order. This rela-
tionship between a husband and his wife communicates visibly to the world the kind of
relationship you can have with Christ. Unfortunately, in many marriages, the essentials
of building a good relationship are not employed by husbands and wives. The consequences
are obvious.
There are at least five essentials in building a good relationship: (1) time, (2) communica-
tion, (3) circumstances, (4) attitudes, and (5) objectives.
Any type of growth requires time. Obviously, if you are going to get to know someone, it is
necessary to spend time together. Your emotions, as well as your intellect, are involved in
the development of a meaningful relationship. Every relationship needs time to mature
and develop, but time with Jesus is often neglected. The key is coming to a point of empa-
thy with Jesus Christ by getting to know how He thinks. Everyone needs to develop the
understanding and appreciation for Him that He already has for them.
Any type of growth requires time. The transmission of thoughts
Obviously if you are going to from one person
get to know someone to another is
it is necessary necessary to build
to spend a relationship.
The transmission of thoughts from one person to another is necessary to build a relation-
ship. No matter how close you grow to a person, you will never get to know each other
without talking, since talking is the primary means of transferring thoughts. You must
develop a listening ear. Listening is the key to understanding. It is helpful to listen to what
a person can, can’t, and won’t say. You cannot understand someone without listening to
him talk, nor will you ever feel understood until you feel you have been heard. God speaks
to you through His Word and His indwelling Holy Spirit, and you have the privilege of
communicating to Him in prayer. Remember that God is interested in all aspects of your
life, even the little things.
True communication not only involves transmitting words, it also involves transmitting
feelings. In many marriages, communication is limited to exchanges of information without
feeling. When this happens, understanding is soon lost. There should not be long periods
of silence in which barriers develop. Both parties must participate in an exchange of ideas;
one party alone is not sufficient.
You grow to know someone as you observe him in a variety of circumstances. There needs
to be variety in the time spent getting to know someone. In order to get inside someone’s
mind, you must observe his reactions in different situations. Learning how someone thinks
is not an easy task. It usually takes difficult times together as well as enjoyable ones. The
disciples got to know Jesus in a variety of situations.
You grow to know someone
as you observe them in a variety
of circumstances.
In any relationship
your attitude is Houston All too often people begin
important because it
with no objective,
determines your
no direction.
approach to any
given circumstance. When they arrive
at the familiar place,
they wonder
…it is specified that the Twelve are appointed in the first place ‘That
they might be with Him’ (Mark 3:14). For close to three years these men
experienced not the limited contact of the classroom or the pulpit, but
full contact in every phase of life.
Dr. W. Maxfield Garrott
In any relationship, you share life itself. Your life cannot be separated from the variety of
circumstances in which it occurs and still have meaning.
In any relationship, your attitude is important because it determines your approach to any
given circumstance. If you feel a project is unworthy of your time, no matter how much
time you devote to that particular task, it will never receive your best. Your relationship
with God deserves your best—Jesus is God’s best and He is waiting for fellowship and
communion with you, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock…” (Revelation 3:20). In any
relationship with other people, attitudes of mutual respect are built on knowledge about
each other. This log of knowledge must not only contain likes and dislikes, but failures,
successes, and aspirations as well. In establishing a relationship, the proper attitude is
foundational for the growth of the relationship.
All too often, people begin without direction. When you arrive at the familiar place called
“nowhere,” do you wonder why? Your objective wasn’t clearly defined; therefore, it was
never attained. The building of relationships should be related to your life goal. What is a
legitimate life goal? Jesus said, “For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will,
but the will of Him who sent Me” (John 6:38). By developing a close relationship with Christ,
your life can begin to take on divine purpose as He reveals His will for you. Only when your
objective is to fulfill His purpose, will your relationship with Him become vital.
Time, communication, circumstances, attitudes and objectives are five foundational es-
sentials in building any good relationship. They are basic to your accomplishment of the
too often neglected task of developing a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Method
Principles without methods to apply them result in hollow idealism. It is important,
therefore, to devise methods to put into practice the essentials you have discovered about
developing a relationship. Creative methods built on a foundation of essentials will result
in a continually vital relationship with the Saviour.
It is important to understand from the beginning the difference between essentials and
methods. Without the essentials, your relationship with Jesus will become anemic. Meth-
ods, however, are not universal. Feel free to vary, change, combine, or even create new
methods at any time. If you marry yourself to one method or become closed except to a
select few, the result may be a dry relationship strangled by legalism. It is not difficult to
fall into the trap of performing a method, rather than getting to know the Person of Christ.
Many people have spent time reading their Bibles and praying without developing a vital
relationship with Christ.
In order to approach any task properly, you must first make a decision. Ask yourself if you
actually desire a relationship with Christ. After making your decision, commit yourself to
the job of working at developing a relationship with your Lord. You might also make your
commitment known to a friend who will be faithful to encourage you. Every person has
been entrusted with 168 hours each week. Part of that time should be set aside for time
with God. In fact, why not an appointment with God daily?
It is important to have a time and place for your appointment planned before you actually
meet with God. The place should be quiet and private, away from as much disturbance as
possible—when you are at your best.
David decided, “O Lord, in the morning Thou dost hear my voice; in the morning I prepare
a sacrifice for Thee, and watch” (Psalm 5:3). Again in Psalm 143:8, David refers to his daily
appointment with God, “Let me hear in the morning of Thy steadfast love, for in Thee I
put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to Thee I lift up my soul.”
You may find that morning is best for you because it enables you to dedicate your life that
day to the discipline of walking with Christ.
Now that you have determined the time and place for your appointment with God, explore
how you might spend this time with Him in worship, prayer, His Word, meditation and
Worship involves recognizing and acknowledging who God is and what He has done. A
rewarding way of doing this is to read all or any part of Psalms 145 to 150 aloud. In prayer,
it is possible to express your own personal recognition of the attributes of God. This is
accomplished by word and attitude.
Prayer is the method by which you communicate with God. “With confidence draw near to
the throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16).
Prayer is spiritual work; and human nature does not like taxing, spiritual
work. Human nature wants to sail to heaven under a favoring breeze, a full,
smooth sea. Prayer is humbling work. It abases intellect and pride, crucifies
vain-glory, and signs our spiritual bankruptcy, and all these are hard for flesh
and blood to bear. It is easier not to pray than to bear them. So we come to
one of the crying evils of these times, maybe of all times—little or no pray-
ing.... Little praying is a kind of make-believe, a salve for the conscience, a
farce and a delusion.
—E. M. Bounds
There are different approaches to prayer. The following are four approaches to prayer
which form the acronym:
A doration is a selfless kind of prayer because it is primarily for God. There is
something, however, in it for you—it establishes your relationship as you tell
the Lord that you love Him. Reflect on His greatness, His power, His majesty
and His sovereignty!
C onfession is making sure every known sin is acknowledged to God and forsaken.
Confession comes from a root word meaning “to agree together with.” Apply this
to prayer and agree with God about sin in your life using 1 John 1:9. Call sin
what God calls it—sin. “If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would
not have listened” (Psalm 66:18).
S upplication is asking for things, earnestly and humbly. Ask for others then for
This is the part of your prayer life where you make your petitions known to God. Why not
include your family, friends, even other people from around the world—missionaries and
the nationals of many lands who have yet to hear about Jesus Christ. You might want
to develop your own prayer list. Make your prayer specific—praying specifically requires
faith, but then you can see the results.
God’s Word
The Bible (God’s Word), is His written revelation to man. Your greatest need is to hear
some Word from God—allow the Word to strike fire within your heart. Don’t race. This is
Bible reading for the pure joy of reading and allowing God to speak to you personally. Feel
free to stop reading and meditate if you feel God is speaking to you.
Meditation is the process by which you appropriate the very life of the Lord Jesus into your
spiritual bloodstream. Meditation involves pondering and reviewing various thoughts by
mulling them over in your mind and heart. It is the processing of mental food. You might
call it “thought digestion”—“chewing” upon a thought deliberately and thoroughly, provid-
ing a vital link between theory and action.
Meditation is also analysis. It is the art of taking a good, long look at a given object as the
craftsman does his dazzling jewel...polishing the diamond to reflect all its light and beauty.
Meditation on a portion of the Holy Bible is like gazing at a prism of many facets, turning
the stone from angle to angle in the bright sunlight. Steady and constant reflection reveals
unlimited beauties from the Scriptures which otherwise may not be seen. “Open my eyes,
that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law” (Psalm 119:18). A practical way to
facilitate meditation throughout the day is to memorize God’s Word.
Beware of getting alone with your own thoughts. There is danger in rummaging through
waste and barren desert—thoughts that can be labeled daydreaming or worse. There
is always danger in meditating on your problems. Get alone with God’s thoughts. Don’t
meditate on yourself but dwell on Him. Seek God in your inner thought life. Develop the
habit of reflection upon the Word of God and therein find the answers to your problems.
“My soul is feasted as with marrow and fat, and my mouth praises Thee with joyful lips,
when I think of Thee upon my bed, and meditate on Thee in the watches of the night”
(Psalms 63:5,6).
The importance of meditation is seen by the commands and promises of Joshua 1:8, “This
book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and
night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall
make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.”
Without meditation, it is impossible to develop a healthy relationship with the Lord. Per-
haps you will want to develop your own technique. THE PLAN introduces several ways
of approaching the art of meditation.
Application is putting the new truth God has revealed to you into practice. The visible
result of appointments with God is the changed life. Unless your life changes, further de-
velopment of your relationship stops. This was the problem Jesus had with the Pharisees
of His day. They knew the facts and were experts in doctrine. They were conscientious,
possibly sincere and dedicated men. But the Lord called them sons of Satan, “...You are of
your father the devil...”. Why this stinging indictment? Because in spite of all their study
of the Old Testament, their lives didn’t change. There was no heart application. There
were many who still oppressed the poor, defrauded widows and pursued doubtful business
practices (Matthew 23).
Beware of meditation that ends in pious words only. True meditation ends in moral action.
A changed attitude toward God and your fellow man is the result. A changed work habit. A
changed relationship to your family. In short—a changed life! Anything less is not enough.
“Oh, How I love Thy law! It is my meditation all the day” (Psalm 119:97).
Your appointment with God may not be the highlight of your day—but it should be the
renewing of a vital relationship with Him that lasts throughout the day. God will prob-
ably speak to you at other times in addition to your appointment with Him. Therefore, it
is important to be available to Him throughout the day and experience Him in all your
activities. Do not become devoted to the habit of a daily appointment, but to the Person
of Christ.
The Plan
Begin now to develop the habit of having a daily appointment with God—not because others
are doing it—not as a spiritless duty every morning nor merely as an end in itself—but as
a means to begin developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Will you covenant
with Him right now to guard, nourish and maintain your daily appointment so that your
relationship with Him will deepen week by week?
The following appointment calendar contains a plan to help you get started building your
relationship with Jesus Christ. This plan will familiarize you with a variety of methods to
use in the future and furnish you with ideas to expand on later. The appointment calendar
will give you an overview of your month of appointments.
In the accompanying Planned Appointments with God, you will find the daily plans for
these appointments. Keep them as a record of your growing relationship with God. Start
now—you don’t have to wait until a certain date. Simply mark the date in the small box
provided in the upper left hand corner of the first day’s box on your calendar, turn to the
page for Appointment No. 1 and you are on your way. You’ll also want to record the time
of your appointment in the space provided on the calendar. Complete your month of ap-
pointments before going on.
Remember, go to bed on time in order to be awake and alert for your appointment. Choose
a quiet place where you are less likely to be distracted. Don’t rush! Your appointment with
God is not a time to “get something”—it is a time to begin developing a relationship. Begin
to consciously experience the presence of God and continue throughout the day.
Appointment Calendar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PRAY and
PLAN FOR Becoming Acquainted With Jesus YOUR
THE WEEK (John 1:1-13) (John 1:14-18) (John 1:19-28) (John 1:29-42) (John 1:43-51)
___to___ ___to___ ___to___ ___to___ ___to___ ___to___ ___to___
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
PRAY and
Getting Closer To Him YOUR
THE WEEK (John 2:1-12) (John 2:13-25) (John 3:1-15) (John 3:16-21) (John 3:22-26)
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
PRAY and
PLAN FOR Observing The Psalmist’s Relationship With God YOUR
THE WEEK (Psalm 1) (Psalm 5) (Psalm 15) (Psalm 23) (Psalm 112)
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
PRAY and
PLAN FOR Begin Your Own Appointments With God
Continual Development
Vast opportunities lie ahead of you in further developing your relationship with God.
However, don’t expand these at the expense of your relationship with God. This chapter
of suggestions on how to keep your relationship with Him vital is designed to be read after
completing your month of Planned Appointments with God.
Man is a creature of habit. Most people do something once or twice and it becomes a habit—
be careful not to do this in your appointments with God. For your continual development
in establishing a close personal relationship with your Lord, this chapter lists methods
you can employ during your appointments with God. View them as starting points and not
ends in themselves. This is not an exhaustive list. Don’t try everything at once or feel you
must employ every method in order to have a maturing relationship. You can implement
them with your own ideas to make them more meaningful to you.
- Confession
T - Thanksgiving
S - Supplication
2. George Muller’s approach to application
Is there any...
3. Devotional Diary
4. Verse Analysis
Date_____________________________ Passage______________________________________
• Are there any recurring thoughts exemplified by repeated use of the same word,
phrases, contrasting words or thoughts, words that sound alike or begin with the
same letter?
• Use the prayer of Jesus as a guide for your prayer (Matthew 6:9-13).
• Find out what the approach to God’s Word should be (Psalm 119:9-16).
As you further your relationship with God, you may wish to vary your use of prayer, read-
ing, memorization, study and meditation.
1. Pray through a Psalm. Read a thought, then pray the same thought back to God, asking
how it may apply to you personally.
2. Pray through Beginning with Christ. Beginning with Christ (which are the Bible Stud-
ies found in lessons 1/4 - 1/8) contains five assurances that all Christians have from the
Word of God.
• Assurance of Salvation (1/4)
• Assurance of Answered Prayer (1/5)
• Assurance of Victory (1/6)
• Assurance of Forgiveness (1/7)
• Assurance of Guidance (1/8)
3. Pray through the Bible Study. Select a study you will do in this course or another study
you have done and meditate on it.
4. Pray through a hymn. Read and meditate on verses of hymns that glorify God. You might
like to pray through the verses and ask God to speak to you concerning the words of the
1. Read Psalms and Proverbs. Read five Psalms and one chapter of Proverbs each day. This
enables you to cover the entire 150 chapters of Psalms and 31 chapters of Proverbs each
month. You may also get more satisfying results if you do not read consecutively. Take
the date on the calendar and select the psalm corresponding to the date. Add 30 to it and
read that psalm. Add 30 to that number and read another. Continue in this way until
you have read five psalms. For example, if this is the 25th day of the month, you would
read Psalms 25, 55, 85, 115 and 145.
2. Read the Bible through in one year. The Navigators have a plan you can use to read
through the Bible in a year by reading three short passages daily, two in the Old Testa-
ment and one in the New Testament. This plan is a part of the Equipping The Saints
course. You may obtain a copy of this plan from The Materials Department, The Naviga-
tors, P. 0. Box 6000, Colorado Springs, Col., 80934.
3. Read through the chapters from which your memory verses come.
4. Read an entire book. Most of the books in the New Testament can be read in 20 minutes
or less. This is no more reading than two or three columns in a newspaper. You wouldn’t
want to do this type of reading all the time, but sometimes you can get an overview that
could not otherwise be obtained by reading parts at different sittings.
1. Memorize a verse from a passage you are meditating on during your appointment
with God.
2. Memorize a verse and draw a picture or a diagram to help you recall it. This can be done
on a verse card.
1. Study a character or topic. Plan on spending several appointments on this project. Look
up the references related to the topic or character in a concordance. List the references
on the left side of your page and record the key thoughts from these verses next to them.
Ask questions concerning the verses:
• Who is mentioned?
• How do they relate to your topic or character?
• What is being said?
• By whom?
• When did these things take place?
• Where did they happen?
• How are they related?
Answer these and any other questions you have, then categorize your discoveries about the
topic or character—for example: truths to explain your topic, or strengths and weaknesses
of the character. Finally, write out a personal application on the basis of your study.
Meditation is not mind-wandering. Meditation has a form and an object. It is directing our
thoughts to a single topic. Meditation is thinking with a purpose.
❶ Paraphrasing
Some exciting insights can come from rewriting a verse or passage in your own
words. This exercise is made even more challenging by using as few words as pos-
sible in your paraphrase phrase.
For example: Isaiah 26:3 (RSV)
“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he
trusts in you.”
“You promise freedom from worry to the person who trusts you
completely without any doubts in his mind.”
❷ Asking Questions
You can sort through the information in a verse by asking who, what, where, why and
how questions about the verse or by jotting down random questions that come to mind
as you memorize and reflect on it. (You may not come up with answers for all your ques-
For Isaiah 26:3 you could ask, “Who does God give perfect peace to?”… “What attitude
toward God do I need to have in my mind?”… and “Why does God provide this perfect
❸ Praying
Pray over the passage. Praise God for the way his character is revealed in the verse.
Thank Him for any promises you see. Claim these promises in your own life, and con-
fess any failure which the verse may bring to mind. Think “out loud” with God as you
For Isaiah 26:3, you could emphasize these words and think of their implications:
“You will keep in perfect peace…”, “You will keep in perfect peace…”, “You will keep
in perfect peace...” and so on.
❺ Finding Cross-References
Try to think of other passages which relate directly to the meaning of the verse you are
memorizing. Looking for the relationships between various parts of Scripture can be
stimulating and will help you gain an overall view of the major themes in God’s word.
Again considering Isaiah 26:3, you might think of Philippians 4:6,7; 1 Peter 5:7; or
Matthew 11:28.
In all these forms of meditation, relate the verse to your own circumstances. Suppose you
are worried and restless and are not experiencing inner peace. You know this doesn’t
please the Lord, but you can’t help it. You decide to meditate on Isaiah 26:3 as a source
of help.
As you think about the verse, begin to ask yourself, “What does it mean to have perfect
peace?… Is this really available to me?… How can I trust God more?”… Then you might
make a list of the things that trouble you. For each item on the list ask yourself, “Am
I ready to trust God to take care of these things for me?”… or, “Am I willing to make a
conscious effort to really trust him?”
Some Christians confuse Bible knowledge with spiritual maturity, assuming that know-
ing more about the Bible automatically makes them better Christians. This is not true.
The Pharisees knew the Old Testament, yet they were spiritual reprobates. The key to
spiritual maturity is applying God’s word to your life.
Used by Permission
Week One
What will you do during your first appointment with God? After getting out of bed and
taking care of your personal needs, you will want to find a quiet place and there, with your
Bible, spend five to ten minutes in solitude with God.
1. Invest the first few seconds preparing your heart as you look forward to the new day
by committing it to the Lord in prayer. You may not be in a good mood, but emotions
are subject to your will, and they can be changed if you really want them changed. Ask
God to change your mood if need be. Ask Him to give you an expectant and alert mind
toward this new adventure of developing a relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. The purpose of this time is to fix firmly in your mind the objective for the week—becoming
acquainted with Jesus Christ. Look over your appointment calendar. You will be exploring
a portion of God’s Word daily. Note that you will only cover a small portion of Scripture.
You will find that there are deep spiritual truths in each portion.
3. A good place to begin getting acquainted with Jesus is the Gospel of John. Now take
several minutes to look over Chapter 1. Read it through, taking time to think about
what you have read.
4. Ask God to give you the proper heart attitude to know Him and His truth, that you will
be diligent in digging for truth as it applies to you personally throughout the week.
Remember to take the first few minutes to make the transition from sleep and thoughts of
yourself to spending time with God. Prepare your heart to seek God (Ezra 7:10). Commit
the new day to Christ as you seek to become acquainted with Him throughout the day.
Now take several minutes to read the Bible. Your greatest need is to hear some word from
God. Allow the Word to speak to you personally. Meet the Author! Begin reading in the
Gospel of John. Read verses 1 through 13.
After God has spoken to you through His book, then speak to Him in prayer. Remember
the acronym A C T S :
What the Church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more
and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use—men of prayer. The Holy Ghost does
not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He
does not anoint plans, but men—men of prayer. —E. M. Bounds
Date____________________ Questions:
What does the Word refer to?
Prepare your heart in prayer.
Pray using A C T S :
What is the function of light?
Date____________________ Questions:
Is there any example for me to follow?
Is there any example for me to follow?
Prepare your heart in prayer.
Is there any command for me to obey?
Read John 1:29-42.
Pray using A C T S :
Is there any error for me to avoid?
Supplication Is there any sin for me to forsake?
Date____________________ Questions:
Is there any example for me to follow?
Equipping The Saints
Evangelism Report
Student’s Name Date
Equipping The Saints
Disciple Application Guide
Disciple’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review Prayer
Bible Study
Complete Living by the Spirit of God (Be Ready to Discuss)
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Pray for one person to disciple
Share Bridge with a non-Christian and complete Evangelism Report
Begin filling out ETS Prayer Guide
Scripture Memory
Memorize Matthew 18:19
Memorize Romans 8:14
Review all previous verses
Equipping The Saints
Convert Application Guide
Convert’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review The Obedient Life (1/14)
Bible Study
Complete Living in Christian Fellowship (1/14) (Be Ready to Discuss)
Outside Reading
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Memorize and review complete Bridge presentation
Scripture Memory
Memorize Romans 13:11,12
Memorize 1 John 1:7
Review all previous verses
Prayer is the vehicle by which we communicate with God.
At any hour of the day or night we may bow our heads or
hearts to talk with Him; when we do, we are instantly in
direct communication with the Living God.
NOTES Early in the Morning
An Entire Night
The Lord’s Teaching NOTES
Jesus’ first disciples, like many of us, really wanted to learn
how to pray as God would have them to pray. They asked
Jesus one day,
All over the world people are praying, but their prayers are
not addressed to the One True God.
NOTES have, but they do not walk; Nor do they mutter
through their throat. Those who make them are
like them; So is everyone who trusts in them.
Psalm 115:3-8
You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and NOTES
honor and power; for You created all things, and
by Your will they exist and were created.
Revelation 4:11
NOTES In Heaven God’s will is perfectly and constantly carried out,
but on earth sinful man has rejected it. We need to pray for
God to work out His will on earth through us. Jesus was
the perfect example for us to follow in seeking and doing
God’s will.
And my God shall supply all your need according NOTES
to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
NOTES forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to
him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but
up to seventy times seven.”
Matthew 18:21,22
The Bible reminds us that we should not let the sun go down
on our wrath (Eph. 4:26). We must forgive and be done with
the shortcomings of others, or when we seek forgiveness
from God in the future, we will not receive it.
We need to realize that everyone faces temptation but that NOTES
God is faithful to deliver us from defeat if we look to Him.
• Has Satan sold you the lie that there is no hope of break-
ing the chain of your sinful habits?
NOTES Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, the power
and the glory, the victory and the majesty; for
all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours;
Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and You are
exalted as head over all. Both riches and honor
come from You, and You reign over all. In Your
hand is power and might; in Your hand it is
to make great and to give strength to all. “Now
therefore, our God, we thank You and praise
Your glorious name.”
1 Chronicles 29:11-13
worked in Christ when He raised Him from NOTES
the dead and seated Him at His right hand in
the heavenly places, far above all principality
and power and might and dominion, and every
name that is named, not only in this age but
also in that which is to come.
Ephesians 1:19-21
In Faith
NOTES For let not that man suppose that he will receive
anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded
man, unstable in all his ways.
James 1:5-8
Be Careful What You Ask For NOTES
Pray Continually
Balanced Prayer
There are five key facets of a balanced prayer life:
ss ion
Co nfe
The Prayer
Hand Intercession
We need to start with confession to prepare us to enter
God’s presence as clean vessels.
NOTES Adoration
Adoration is praising God for who He is. Even if God had
never done anything for us, He is still worthy of our praise
because He is God, our Creator. It is good to use Scripture
verses that tell us who God is as a basis for this part of our
prayer time.
The Bible instructs us to give thanks:
called according to His purpose. NOTES
Romans 8:28
Intercession is praying in behalf of another, for another’s
needs. Not to intercede for others is a sin against God.
NOTES Petition
Petition is laying my own needs before God.
ETS Under the Umbrella of:
Prayer tion • Confession • ThanksgNOTES
ora ivin
Ad g
Guide We Intercede for Needs of Others
Leaders (Govt.)
ETS Evangelism
ETS Disciple
ETS Leaders
His Will
Daily Needs
Forgiving Spirit
Help in
Answered Prayer
A Record of God’s Faithfulness
Date Started Request Date Answered
Equipping The Saints
Bible Study:
Living by the Spirit of God
Begin Memorizing Romans 8:14
Meditation on Romans 8:14
Who is led?
Who does the leading?
What does being led indicate?
5. What did Jesus tell His disciples the Spirit would do? John 14:26
“...are the sons of God.”
8. Does every Child of God have the Holy Spirit? Galatians 4:6
9. How does the Spirit of God help you understand you are a Child of God? Romans 8:16
10. How should the Holy Spirit’s presence affect your life? 1 Corinthians 6:19,20
Review Romans 8:14 daily along with your other Scripture memory verses.
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Week Two
8 Date__________________
You will find that as you pray you will naturally begin to fall into a pattern of praising
God, confessing your sin in accordance with 1 John 1:9, thanking God for what He has
done and will do, thanking God for who He is, praying for others, and praying for yourself.
You may not use this order, but you will want to use different aspects of prayer. You may
not even know when in your prayers you make the transition from one aspect of prayer
to the other. Remember the acronym ACTS is not a law; it is only a guide. The important
thing is to pray!
1. The second week of your appointments with God will be aimed at developing your
relationship with Jesus Christ. You will continue to explore a portion of the Book of
John daily. Take time now to look over the second and third chapter of the Gospel of
John. Read it through, taking time to think about what you have read.
2. The purpose of this appointment is to allow you to pray about your upcoming week of
appointments and get fixed firmly in your mind the objective of the new week. Ask God
to make you open and receptive to His Word, and gain new insights from each passage
that you can apply to your life.
3. Commit the new week before you in prayer and agree with God to keep your appoint-
ments. Ask God to allow you to get closer to Him as you learn about Jesus Christ and
seek to develop a relationship with Him.
Wondrous Thing:
Date____________________ Wondrous Thing:
Pray using A C T S :
Wondrous Thing in Context:
Wondrous Thing:
Date____________________ Wondrous Thing:
Pray using A C T S :
Wondrous Thing in Context:
Wondrous Thing:
Are you remembering to stay in contact
with God throughout the day in prayer?
Was the second week of meeting with God
as profitable as the first? You may have
Pray through those things that stood out
found that you had not allowed enough
to you during the week. What is the action
time for your appointments with God.
you should take based on the new truth
Record the time on your appointment cal-
you have discovered about Jesus Christ?
endar in the space provided. The time you
spend with God may increase as you con-
tinue to develop a relationship with Him.
How to get
Through Prayer
Used by Permission
How to get Results
Through Prayer
Two men can go fishing at The Navigator’s He has taken the time to learn about fish and
Eagle Lake in Colorado. One can come back adapted himself to their habits.
without anything—completely skunked—
while the other comes back with his limit. The man who doesn’t catch anything is just
playing at the game. He’s just going up for
What makes the difference? the fun—for a little relaxation. If he happens
to catch a fish, fine. If not, fine. He might
How can two men fish in the same lake and wonder, “Why is my ‘luck’ always so bad?
one catch his limit while the other hardly Why does this other fellow always have such
catches anything? good ‘luck’?” The reason is he has never taken
the time to learn about fish and how to catch
The one who gets hardly anything doesn’t them on their terms.
know a great deal about fishing. He just
puts his lure on his rod and flicks it out into Perhaps you are wondering what fishing has
the lake. When he reels it back in, there’s to do with the subject of prayer. Two men
nothing on the line. He puts it out again and and women can kneel down to pray. One
reels it back in—still nothing. So he walks of the two can consistently and regularly
down the shoreline 20 or 30 yards thinking see God answer his prayers. This person is
the fish might be biting there. He flicks the known as a prayer warrior. While the other
lure in and still nothing. Perhaps during the person prays quite frequently, he has never
course of his afternoon or evening he might taken the time to learn about God and about
make one catch. God’s conditions and method of prayer. So
he doesn’t pray on God’s terms. The one who
The other man will go up, cast his line and consistently receives answers to his prayers
immediately pull one in. A few more casts is the man or woman who prays on God’s
and he’ll pull another one in. The difference terms. Many people pray helter-skelter—
between the two is that the man who catches when something is happening.
his fish has taken the time to learn something
about the fish—not about fishing, but about For example, the other day I was having
the fish. He knows where the fish are. He radiator trouble and I prayed, “Lord, help
knows their habits. He knows the time of me to get to the garage before this thing
day they strike. He knows the kind of lures blows up.” Or maybe we are convicted that
or bait that attract them. He knows the effect we ought to remember Grandmother and so
of the wind, rain and sun upon the fish. And we pray, “God bless Grandma.” And that’s
he adapts his fishing methods to the fish he about the extent of our praying. All of us
is trying to catch. The methods he would use can be like the successful fisherman. We can
at Eagle Lake will not work down in Texas become prayer warriors, if we will take the
where there is a different kind of fish with time to study God’s Word and His conditions
different habits. You might say that the ef- for prayer.
fective fisherman catches fish on their terms.
God’s Conditions As the treasurer of The Navigators, I have to
Let’s consider some of God’s conditions for use our line of credit at the bank from time
prayer. Most of these conditions are couched to time. For those of you who are not familiar
in the form of promises. God gives us a with finances, that means I borrow money.
promise regarding prayer. That promise is So I call up one of the vice presidents there,
conditional; if we pray in accordance with and say, “George, The Navigators have a
these conditions, then God says we will re- situation where we need $4,000 for a year to
ceive our answers. use in Indonesia.” Of course, he doesn’t care
where we are going to use it. He says, “Fine.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes Come on down. I’ll fix up a note. You sign it
in Me will also do the works that I do; and and we’ll put it in the Navigator account.”
greater works than these will he do, because Now that’s very easy. In fact, I could probably
I go to the Father” (John 14:12). Notice that walk in off the street and if he happens to be
Jesus is talking about doing His works. First, free, we could consummate this transaction
the works that He does and then the works in about ten minutes.
we are going to do on His behalf.
But suppose I were to go down and say,
“Whatever you ask in My name, I will do it, “George, I would like to borrow $4,000 for
that the Father may be glorified in the Son; my personal use.” Well, he would clear his
if you ask anything in My name, I will do it” throat, take off his glasses, look at me and
(John 14:13,14). This is the first condition say, “What are you going to do with it?
we want to consider. What’s your security?”
What does it mean to ask—to pray—in the What makes the difference in his attitude?
name of Jesus? All of us probably conclude our In the first case, I am the representative
prayers with this term or something similar, of The Navigators. He doesn’t care about
“Lord, we ask this in Jesus’ name.” We are my personal bank account. What he cares
not just signaling people that this is the end about are the resources of The Navigators.
of the prayer so that they can open their eyes Because The Navigators have a good credit
and look up. And, hopefully, it is not just a standing with the bank, I can go in and very
formality that we have fallen into because easily transact this business. I am simply a
that’s the way we always have heard other representative of The Navigators.
people pray. To pray in the name of Jesus is
much more than this. Notice again that the Two things are involved. First, The Naviga-
context is doing His work. We are praying tors have a good credit standing. You might
as His agents —as His representatives. Paul say The Navigators have earned the right to
writes in 2 Corinthians 5:20, “...We beseech borrow that $4,000—by the figures on our bal-
you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” ance sheet, by our past performance, etc. The
What was he saying? “I am an agent, I am a second is that the money is going to be used
representative.” The term he actually uses for The Navigators. He is depositing it in The
here is “I am an ambassador”—an official Navigators account—not mine. I’m simply
representative of Jesus Christ. acting as an agent of The Navigators.
Now when I come to God and pray in Jesus’ know that He hears us in whatever we ask,
name, I’m coming first of all in His merit. we know that we have obtained the requests
There is absolutely no reason within me made of Him.” Now this is a very categorical
why God should answer any of my prayers. statement. John says that we know that we
Considering myself, I am utterly bankrupt. I have the request we make of Him if we ask
have no credit with God. But I’m not coming according to His will.
as myself. I’m coming as a representative of
Jesus Christ. Secondly, I’m coming on His Naturally, the question comes up, how can
behalf. That’s what it means to ask in the we know we are praying according to the will
name of Jesus—in His merit and to ask on of God? If we have a Scripture passage we
His behalf. can say, “Well, Lord, this is what You say in
Your Word so it is Your will.” But so often it’s
You notice that He says in John 14:13, “...I will not that clear-cut. There are many decisions
do it, that the Father may be glorified in the in life for which there is no clear guidance
Son...” This is the end result of all prayer— in the Scriptures. You have to determine the
that God has purposed that the Father may will of God. It’s the same way in prayer. If
be glorified in the Son. An article entitled we would take the time to determine the will
“I Was Afraid to Fly” appeared in Power of God concerning this matter of prayer, we
some time ago. In it a man had prayed that might pray less but we would receive a lot
the Lord would deliver him from a fear of more answers. John plainly says that if we ask
flying. He had a job that took him back and according to His will, we have those requests
forth across the continent all the time and made of Him. It’s as simple as that.
flying was the only practical means. Yet he
always ended up riding the train and wast- Let’s consider the situation where we do
ing time because of his fear of flying. Finally, not know what God’s will is. We can come
there came a time when he was on the West and say, “Lord, I’ve given thought to this.
Coast and his wife was on the East Coast I’ve thought about Your Word, about Your
and a call came that she was going into the character (who You are) and I’ve tried to
hospital for emergency surgery. He knew he put myself in Your position. I’ve tried to see
needed to fly, but he was still afraid. He got the situation as You would see it. As best as
down on his knees and said, “Lord, for your I know, I believe that this is Your will and
glory I ask that you would deliver me from this is what I’m asking.”
this fear.” And God did when he finally came
to the place where he wanted it for God’s When you come on these terms, you can come
glory—then he might be used in the life of with confidence. You have not just rushed
someone else. He finally learned about God’shelter-skelter into the presence of God. You
prayer requirements. have, as it were, prepared your case. You
can come and say, “Lord, to the best of my
According to His Will knowledge, I believe it is Your will for such
There is a companion passage in 1 John and such to happen. This is what I’m praying.”
5:14,15. “And this is the confidence which In Matthew 18:19 Jesus says, “...if two of you
we have in Him, that if we ask anything ac- agree on earth about anything they ask, it will
cording to His will He hears us. And if we be done for them by my Father in heaven.”
Jesus is getting at the same thing here. It’s ing, and we are going to begin to get things
not that Bud and I just say, “Well, we are out of the Word of God.
going to agree to pray to God that it will rain
this afternoon.” But assume that Bud and I I can guarantee that if we will begin to take
get together and discuss this and consider the God seriously when He says if we pray ac-
Scriptures and agree that, according to our cording to His will, He hears us, we will
understanding of the Scriptures, such and begin to see answers to our prayers. So often
such is the will of God. Then we agree and we are like the fisherman who casts out his
pray together. Jesus says that kind of prayer lure and hopes that a fish just might hap-
gets answered. This is thoughtful prayer. It’s pen to be swimming by about that time. We
doing our homework before we come into the pray hoping that God might just happen to
presence of Almighty God. answer that prayer. Let’s get on a footing
where we have the assurance that God is
There are some specific things we know are going to answer. Then we will begin to see
according to the will of God because men of some answers.
God in the Word have prayed these prayers
or told us they were praying them. We know Ephesians 3 contains a prayer which Paul is
these are according to the will of God. praying for the Ephesians. In verses 17-19
he says, “And that Christ may dwell in your
Praying for the Healthy hearts through faith; that you, being rooted
I told my Bible class a few weeks ago that it is and grounded in love, may have power to
pretty hard to get prayed for unless we’re sick comprehend with all the saints what is the
or out of a job. Stop and think about that for breadth and length and height and depth, and
a moment. It’s not so funny. Ninety percent to know the love of Christ which surpasses
of the prayer requests concern someone who knowledge, that you may be filled with all
is sick or out of a job. The implication is that the fullness of God.”
someone who is healthy and working doesn’t
need prayer. That’s not true. The greatest need we have today is to be filled
with the love of God—to be overwhelmed by
Let’s look at some of the things we can pray the insight and perception of God’s love for
for those who are healthy and working. Psalm us. If during the nitty-gritty of daily living
119:18 says, “Open my eyes, that I may behold when the little things come in and take
wondrous things out of Thy law.” Have you away our joy, we could just be gripped by
ever opened the Word of God for your quiet the love of God through Jesus Christ and
time or Bible study and found it just like filled with all the fullness of God, our lives
dry dust? You just didn’t understand it. Get would be transformed. Paul said he was
down on your knees, or however you pray, praying this for these people. I think Paul
and pray, “Lord, open my eyes—the eyes of knew what the will of God was. I can pray
my understanding that I might behold the that for myself, my wife and everyone I pray
wonders in Your law.” God says that if we for might come to know the love of God and
ask according to His will, He hears us. This be filled with all the fullness of God. God
is according to His will. If we pray that, God says if we pray according to His will, He
is going to open the eyes of our understand- hears us and answers.
In Colossians 1:9 Paul tells the people at God would give him boldness and clarity
Colossae what he is praying for them. He of expression.
says, “And so, from the day we heard of it,
we have not ceased to pray for you, asking What was he doing? He was asking that
that you may be filled with knowledge of His they would pray that God would enable him
will in all spiritual wisdom and understand- to use the gifts God had given him. Paul
ing.” You know, it’s the will of God that you was an evangelist. He had a special task
and I be filled with the knowledge of His will of proclaiming the Gospel throughout the
through spiritual wisdom and understand- whole Roman Empire. This was his call-
ing— through insight into God’s ways, God’s ing. It was his gift. He was praying that
character, God’s person. Paul says that the God would help him to use that gift which
Colossians might lead a life that is worthy required boldness and clarity of expression.
of the Lord. I’m sure you want this. If you Now whatever your gift is—whatever it
are working with some young Christians is God has called you to do in the Body of
trying to help them in the Christian life, it Christ—you can pray according to the will
is certainly the desire of your heart that they of God that God will enable you to develop
lead a life that is worthy of Jesus Christ. and fulfill that gift. My particular respon-
God says we can pray this according to His sibility in The Navigators is in legal and
will. A study of Paul’s epistles and prayers financial affairs. The thing I need more
reveals that they are all different because than anything else is wisdom in making
they were adapted to the particular needs of decisions. I need wisdom to know how to
each church. These things were all prayed handle my responsibilities. The Naviga-
according to the will of God. tors have relationships with some 20 or 30
state governments, as well as the federal
Personal Prayer government. The State of Colorado made
I want to draw your attention to one more a decision this year which cost us $5,000.
prayer of Paul’s. In Ephesians 6:18-20 he I need wisdom in our dealings with them.
requests prayer for himself. He says to God has given me the responsibility for
pray at all times and begins to give them making many financial decisions. But I’m
some brief instructions on prayer. In verse not alone.
19 he asks them to pray for him “. . .that
utterance may be given me in opening my James 1:5 says, “If any of you lack wisdom,
mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of let him ask God, who gives to all men gen-
the Gospel.” Usually we use this verse from erously and without reproaching, and it
Paul as an instruction to us that we can and will be given him.” I believe with all my
should pray for boldness in evangelism. But heart that God will give me the wisdom
if you go back and read the Book of Acts, that I need to make the necessary deci-
you will discover that Paul was a very bold sions. If I didn’t believe that, I’d walk out
man, and he certainly knew how to articu- today and quit because I couldn’t take it.
late the Gospel. He was not afraid to stand I said to someone the other day, “I really
before kings, judges, soldiers or anyone to don’t see how an unsaved man makes it
proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet in the business world. There are just too
he was asking that these people pray that many contingencies and unknowns. Too
often you just have to make a choice. I’m Believing God
grateful today that God had given me the In 2 Kings 6 the northern kingdom of Sama-
promise that I can ask for wisdom.” ria was besieged by the Syrian army. The
food situation had become so critical that
You may say that the main responsibility two women had agreed together to boil their
that God has given you right now is raising children and eat them. The king of Israel
your children. You can pray to God for the comes to the prophet Elisha who says that
necessary resources, for the poise, grace, wis- tomorrow this siege is going to be lifted and
dom and patience to do a good job of raising food is going to be so plentiful that it will be
your children. God has not left you alone. on sale. It is going to go at bargain prices (2
Whatever it is He has called you to do, you Kings 7:1). “Then the captain on whose hand
can pray according to His will, and He will the king leaned said to the man of God, ‘If
give you the resources to do that job. Isn’t the Lord Himself should make windows in
this a wonderful assurance? This is the kind heaven, could this thing be?’” (2 Kings 7:2). If
of thing that gives life a solid foundation. God would open the windows of heaven and
This is why we can plant our feet firmly on rain down grain, could this thing be? I don’t
the Rock of Jesus Christ and face the things see how this thing can possibly happen. I
of life that come to us. But if we have never don’t believe it will happen. Then Elisha says,
come to this assurance, then we are easily “You shall see it with your own eyes, but you
shaken and battered with all the winds of shall not eat of it” (2 Kings 7:2). Elisha was
circumstances that come our way. telling the captain, you will see this happen,
but you won’t partake of the blessings.
Often we pray for a particular need which
we believe is for God’s glory and is accord- The next day three lepers who were sitting on
ing to God’s will. We pray and say, “Lord, I the wall of the city said to themselves, “Let’s
need $1,000 to fix the leaky roof and get rid go out to the camp of the Syrians. They have
of the termites under the house, etc. Uncle food. Now, we might die, but that’s going to
Ned died a few months ago and I might be happen to us anyway. On the other hand,
in his will.” But suppose Uncle Ned hasn’t they might give us some food.” When they got
died. There is just no way in the world that there they found the Syrians had deserted
we see how God can provide $1,000. The their camp.
amount really doesn’t matter. In these situ-
ations our expectations are rather low. We After these three lepers began to eat, they
say in our minds something like, “Well, Lord, said to one another, “It isn’t right for us to be
I’m going to pray and ask You for this, but I out here enjoying all of this. We ought to go
don’t really believe you are going to answer back to the city and tell the good news.” So
because I don’t see how you could.” If we they went back and told the people who then
were really honest with God and expressed began to go out and gather up the food. So,
our thoughts, this is how it would come as Elisha had prophesied, the next day they
out, “You know, Lord, it’s just a long shot. did have barley and wheat on sale at bargain
I’m going to pray and see if something just prices. And what happened to the captain who
might happen.” said, “Can this thing be if the Lord were to
open the windows of heaven?” The king told
the captain to go stand in the gate of the city how foolish the transaction was. So God comes
and take charge of this operation. So he posted right back to him in verse 26, “The word of
himself there and the masses of people going the Lord came to Jeremiah: ‘Behold, I am
back and forth trampled him to death. Thus, the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too
Elisha’s prophesy that he would not partake hard for Me?’” God does not need our help.
of the food was also fulfilled. He does not need our assistance figuring
out how He is going to bring certain things
As the passage illustrates, God is not lim- to pass. A cross-reference of this thought is
ited to our ability to see how He is going to Genesis 18:14 where God said, “Is anything
answer prayer. too hard for the Lord?” to Abraham concern-
ing the son He was to give him.
In Jeremiah 32 God told Jeremiah that the
southern kingdom of Judah was going to Ephesians 3:20 is a well known verse, “Now
be taken over by another country, and they to Him who by the power at work within us
would be taken to their captor’s country—they is able to do far more abundantly than all
were to be exiles out of their land. Then out that we ask or think.” The idea we carry
of the blue one day God said to Jeremiah, with this is that God is not only able to an-
“Jeremiah, go buy this field.” swer our prayers but far beyond whatever
we could even imagine, ask or think. God
Suppose someone were to come to me and say, is able to answer all our prayers. I’d like to
“You know, Jerry, there is not going to be any just point out to you that the context of this
water in Colorado Springs three years from verse is the prayer I referred you to earlier
now. All the sources of water are going to be where Paul says he is praying that they
dried up. The people are going to leave here might be filled with the love of God. He says
by the thousands. In view of this, I want you that God is able to do this. He is able to do
to go down and buy this piece of property.” “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask
Now what would my reaction be? I would not or think.” Look at that prayer. He says you
be interested in buying a piece of property in may have power to comprehend with all the
a ghost town. This is, in effect, what God was saints what is the breadth, length, height
telling Jeremiah to do. But God went on to and depth, and know the love of Christ which
explain, “Jeremiah, they are going into exile surpasses knowledge that you might be filled
70 years, but I’m going to return them again with all the fullness of God. It seems like
into this land. Your heirs are going to own and Paul has pressed his prayer request right
enjoy this piece of property you are buying.” out of the very outer limits—that you may
So Jeremiah paid the money and the deed be filled with the fullness of God. You can’t
was executed. Then he prayed in Jeremiah reach any farther than that. Then he says,
32:16,17, “After I had given the deed of pur- “Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly
chase to Baruch the son of Neriah, I prayed abundantly above this.” When I have thought
to the Lord, saying: ‘Ah Lord God! It is Thou of the greatest prayer request I can think of,
who hast made the heavens and the earth God’s resources have just begun to come into
by thy great power and by Thy outstretched operation. Never take time to try and figure
arm! Nothing is too hard for Thee.’” Then he out how God is going to answer that prayer.
proceeds to tell God how impossible it is and Very likely He will fool you. For even if you
think you know how He might answer that
prayer, He’ll probably come up with a differ-
ent way just to keep you on your toes.
Equipping The Saints
Evangelism Report
Student’s Name Date
Equipping The Saints
Disciple Application Guide
Disciple’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review The Victorious Life
Bible Study
Complete Living by Faith (Be Ready to Discuss)
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Pray for one person to disciple
Share Bridge with a non-Christian
Complete Evangelism Report
Scripture Memory
Memorize 1 Corinthians 15:57
Memorize 2 Corinthians 5:7
Review all previous verses
Equipping The Saints
Convert Application Guide
Convert’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review The Lordship of Christ (1/15)
Bible Study
Complete Living as a Witness (1/15) (Be Ready to Discuss)
Outside Reading
Bible Reading Chart
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Share Bridge with a non-Christian
Complete Evangelism Report
Scripture Memory
Memorize Hebrews 5:8
Memorize 1 Peter 3:15
Review all previous verses
The Victorious
One of the most important doctrines that Christians, young
or old, must grasp is that God wants each believer to have
victory over sin. God has already given it to each child of
God, but many are not appropriating it in their lives.
We have been delivered from sin’s penalty.
We are being delivered from sin’s power.
We will be delivered from sin’s presence.
NOTES As Christians, each of us is faced with the problem of sin.
But although we are all faced with the problem of sin, many
Christians are not enjoying victory over sin in daily living.
They are still in bondage to old habits and temptations.
Why are so many Christians not experiencing the victory
that is already theirs in Christ?
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying NOTES
Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely
eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that
thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Genesis 2:16,17
Sin came into the world when man chose to abuse his God-
given freedom and disobey God’s restrictions. Ever since our
first parents sinned, all men born have the same nature of
Adam when he sinned—one which abuses God-given free-
dom and disobeys God’s restrictions.
The Bible classifies all fallen men as “in Adam.” For this
reason all men are dead in sins.
NOTES Because of God’s great love for us in Christ, we who are
saved are no longer dead in sins (in Adam), but alive together
with Christ (in Christ).
And not only they, but we also who have the NOTES
firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves
groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the
adoption, the redemption of our body.
Romans 8:23
NOTES saints what is the width and length and depth
and height—to know the love of Christ which
passes knowledge; that you may be filled with
all the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:16-19
Before a person becomes a Christian, he is spiritually dead.
We inherit Adam’s sin nature and the Bible classifies us
as being “in Adam.” Because of God’s love, we who have
received Jesus are made alive “in Christ.” God’s Spirit now
lives and dwells within us. However we still often find our-
selves wanting to act in the old nature of Adam rather than
the new nature of Christ. This struggle exists because our
outer man is still unredeemed even though we have a new
inner man as the result of God’s Spirit living in us. This
struggle will continue until our bodies are one day changed
to be like His. Until that change takes place, victory is pos-
sible if we will choose to act in accordance with our new
identity “in Christ.” By living in obedience to God’s Spirit,
He gives the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the NOTES
Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary
to one another, so that you do not do the things
that you wish.
Galatians 5:17
NOTES The sting of death is sin, and the strength of
sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives
us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:56,57
Achan’s Sin NOTES
The people of Ai were able to defeat the Israelites because
Achan took spoils which he had been commanded not to
take. In his confession he said:
From these two passages we can easily identify the four stages.
❶ Sight
Sin always begins with sight. We see something, either in
our minds or with our eyes, which we would like. At this
point we must deal with the problem if we are serious about
having victory. We are not responsible for the first look, but
we are responsible for the second.
❷ Desire
The second stage into sin is desire. If we have not dealt with
the problem at the eye gate, the problem will make its way
into the heart, and we will begin to covet the desire. Sin is
very hard to deal with if it gets to this point.
❸ Taking/Action
At this stage the act of sin is committed. Sin never just
happens spontaneously. Sometime in the past it has been
entertained in the mind and heart, and when the opportunity
presents itself, the act is almost inevitable. At this point
victory has surrendered to defeat. It is too late for anything
but forgiveness.
❹ Hiding
Sin always ends with fear and shame. Adam and Eve hid
themselves from the presence of God. Achan hid his stolen
NOTES treasures. The sinner no longer wants to look God in the
eye, so he seeks cover and darkness.
Jesus said:
Categories of Sin
In John’s first epistle, he warned his readers to beware of
three kinds of sin.
Any sin which we battle will come under one of these three
The LUST of the Eyes
of the Flesh
Think for a moment about the sin you battle. Into which of
these three categories does it fit? Remember, these things
are not of the Father but of the world, and John warns us
in the very next verse:
Overcoming Sin
Realize Its Terrible Consequences
Playing with sin is like playing with fire. It can only be a
matter of time before you are hurt. Remember that:
Although you cannot lose your eternal life once you have
become a child of God, sin can still cause your daily wit-
ness, your family and your general enjoyment of life to be
dead and unproductive. Sin is like termites. For a long time
things may look good on the outside, but underneath the
whole structure is being eaten away. Eventually, sin will
catch up with you.
But simply asking forgiveness over and over again for the
same sin is not the same as living a victorious life. We must
also forsake the sin, determine to be done with it and seek
God’s help in daily victory.
When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, God warned NOTES
them not to let the inhabitants remain in the land. He com-
manded them to destroy all the godless kingdoms that were
in the Promised Land.
NOTES And do not present your members as instruments
of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves
to God as being alive from the dead, and your
members as instruments of righteousness to God.
Romans 6:13
Resist Satan
Satan is a defeated enemy. Christ has conquered him. If
we are submitted to God, we can confidently resist Satan,
knowing that he will have to back down.
Don’t give up. Don’t stop resisting sin. Satan wants you to
lose heart and feel defeated, but in reality it is he who has
already lost!
And do not be conformed to this world, but be NOTES
transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and
acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2
The next time you are under attack from the enemy, reach
for your Bible verses and start reviewing them. The devil
has no counter-defense against the Word of God. His only
defense is to keep you from picking up the Word. I often
tell people the difference between victory and defeat is in
your recollection of the Scripture. If you pick up the Sword
of the Spirit (Word of God), you will be able to fight back.
If you don’t review what the Bible has to say—you will be
defeated in the end. Your renewed mind will give you the
power and encouragement to resist the enemy. Knowing
the Word of God is the key to a victorious life.
Equipping The Saints
Bible Study:
Living by Faith
Begin Memorizing 2 Corinthians 5:7
“…walk by faith…”
6. Why should you be joyful when your faith is tested? James 1:2-4
“...not by sight.”
7. Contrast the things which are seen with those which are unseen in 2 Corinthians 4:18.
8. What results from walking by sight? Jeremiah 17:5,6
9. What can you do even though you have not seen Jesus? 1 Peter 1:8
What is one area of your life where you are walking by sight?
Review 2 Corinthians 5:7 daily along with your other Scripture memory verses.
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Equipping The Saints Date
Basics Prayer
Follow Up
Week Three
15 Date__________________
Remember that the time you spend with God during your appointment need not necessar-
ily be the high point of your day. God may choose to speak to you dramatically one day,
but not the next. Allow yourself to be flexible and available to His leading throughout the
day. A good way to learn how to establish a relationship with God is to observe another
person’s relationship with Him.
1. The third week of your appointments with God will be aimed at observing the Psalm-
ist’s relationship with God. Most of the psalms were written by King David. You will
be exploring a different psalm each day. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself
with the Book of Psalms by thumbing through and observing chapter titles or reading
passages that happen to catch your eye.
2. The purpose of this time is to fix firmly in your mind the objective of the week. Look
over your appointment calendar and ask God to illuminate each psalm to you. Ask
Him in prayer to allow you to see how the Psalmist’s relationship with God might be
different from yours. How can you have a similar relationship with God?
3. Commit the new week before you in prayer and agree with God to keep your appoint-
ments. You might like to share your appointments with someone. Perhaps you have a
friend who also wants to develop a relationship with God. Plan to meet together and
follow the outline, each taking part in reading, prayer and making observations from
the Scripture.
What is the thought before the verse?
Date____________________ What is the thought before the verse?
Key Verse____________________________
What is another verse that teaches the
Pray. same thought?
What are your questions/observations
about the verse?
What is the thought before the verse?
Date____________________ What is the thought before the verse?
Key Verse____________________________
What is another verse that teaches the
Pray. same thought?
What are your questions/observations
about the verse?
What is the thought before the verse?
Date____________________ Did observing another man’s relation-
ship with God give you any ideas to em-
As you look back over your week investi- ploy in developing your own relationship
gating the Psalmist’s relationship, you will with Him? What are they?
probably see many applications that you can
make in your own life that would enhance
your relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not
important to have many applications, but it
is important that you apply those that God
brings to mind and confirms in your heart.
Take time now to pray over your applications
from the previous week. Ask Him to give you
the wisdom to choose one you need to work
Are you continuing to pray and let God
on now. Read the passage again and ask God
know how grateful you are for His love?
to clarify His thoughts to you. How can you
put this application into action? What are some of the things you thanked
Him for this week?
Equipping The Saints
Evangelism Report
Student’s Name Date
Equipping The Saints
Disciple Application Guide
Disciple’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review The Word of God
Bible Study
Complete Living a Life of Love (Be Ready to Discuss)
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Pray for one person to disciple
Share Bridge with a non-Christian
Complete Evangelism Report
Scripture Memory
Memorize Matthew 4:4
Memorize 1 John 4:11
Review all previous verses
Equipping The Saints
Convert Application Guide
Convert’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review Perspective (1/1)
Bible Study
Complete Living a Life of Generosity (1/16) (Be Ready to Discuss)
Outside Reading
Bible Reading Chart
Read Born to Reproduce (1/1) (Be Ready to Discuss)
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Share Bridge with a non-Christian
Complete Evangelism Report
Scripture Memory
Memorize Acts 2:36
Memorize 2 Corinthians 9:7
Review all previous verses
The Word
of God
The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to us in written
form. It contains 66 books divided into two sections: the
Old Testament and the New Testament.
The Bible
• History — 12 books
• Poetry — 5 books
• Prophecy — 17 books
• History — 1 book
• Prophecy — 1 book
NOTES Authorship and Inspiration
The Spirit of God Himself was the Author of the Bible. It was
recorded by men of God to whom God spoke over a period of
some 1500 years. Holy Scripture is inspired by God. The
Greek word for inspired means God-breathed.
This means that as our words come from our mouths with
our breath, so the Word of God or the Bible actually pro-
ceeded from the breath of God’s mouth. Men were not the
authors—only the scribes.
own destruction, as they do also the rest of NOTES
the Scriptures.
2 Peter 3:15,16
Authority of Scripture
Because the Scriptures are God’s Word, they are to be the
final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
NOTES Jesus Accepted the Total Scripture
The Importance of the Word of God NOTES
NOTES For everyone who partakes only of milk is
unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he
is a babe.
Hebrews 5:13
And take the helmet of salvation, and the NOTES
sword of the Spirit, which is the word
of God.
Ephesians 6:17
NOTES Keeps Us from Going Astray
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness.
2 Timothy 3:16
It is an Eternal Investment NOTES
❶ Hear ❸ Study ❺ Meditate
❷ Read ❹ Memorize
Most of us begin to learn the Word and to know about God
first through hearing it. Hearing the Word is an important
part of Christian growth. We listen to God’s teachers as
they explain the Word to us.
Jesus said:
NOTES He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit
Revelation 2:7
Moses instructed the leaders to read the law of God all the
days of their lives.
John says we are blessed if we read and keep God’s Word. NOTES
Most people have never read the Bible from Genesis to Rev-
elation. Somehow Bible reading is not a part of their lives.
It is of little wonder that they don’t have a better grasp of
the Word of God.
If you read three chapters a day and four on Sunday, you
will complete the whole Bible in a year.
Paul commended the Berean believers because they did
not just accept someone’s teaching lightly but went back to
study the Scriptures themselves.
There are four basic ingredients to a good Bible study
Personal Investigation
This means not only listening to someone else’s dis-
coveries, but discovering Bible truths for yourself.
NOTES Regular and Consistent Bible Study
Not spasmodic
This is where the rubber meets the road.
We must take what we have studied and begin
to put it into specific practice in our lives.
In Deuteronomy we are commanded by God to memorize
His Words.
Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine NOTES
in your heart and in your soul, and bind them
as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as
frontlets between your eyes.
Deuteronomy 11:18
NOTES This is exactly what happens when we allow our minds to
be filled with the Word of God.
Practical Hints for Memorizing:
• Choose a time when your mind is free.
• Read and study the context of the verse.
• Include the reference and topic
as you memorize.
• Memorize by phrases.
God commands Joshua to meditate on His Word.
be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that NOTES
brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf
also shall not wither; and whatever he does
shall prosper.
Psalms 1:2,3
What is Meditation?
Meditation is not putting your mind in neutral and drifting
off into some quasi-state of consciousness. It is prolonged
thought directed to a single object. One Bible dictionary
likens it to a cow chewing on its cud. Meditation is like
digestion—or it is like passing a light through a prism where
the different light rays are refracted and separated.
How to Meditate
Basic Ingredients for Meditation:
Take a verse apart word by word
and phrase by phrase.
Recall personal thoughts and applications
in the light of the passage under consideration.
Take the verse apart by asking it:
Five Ways to Master the Bible
The Word
Hand Memorize
Fill out the following objective chart. Set new goals that are
reachable. Do it now!
Equipping The Saints
Bible Study:
Living a Life of Love
Begin Memorizing 1 John 4:11
Meditation on 1 John 4:11
Whom should you love?
What is love?
4. What else does Romans 5:8 tell you about God’s love?
5. List the things which cannot separate you from the love of God. Romans 8:38,39
7. What is Christ’s new commandment? John 13:34
9. From 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, list the four characteristics of love that you think are most
God‘s Love
What action are you going to take to show love to this person?
Review 1 John 4:11 daily along with your other Scripture memory verses.
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Week Four
22 Date
God’s Word is important to you. Jesus said, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). God’s truth is life
itself in the Person of Jesus Christ. Make sure you are getting to know Him. Allow Him
to make the Word operative in your life. Take time as you read the Bible for thoughts of
God to penetrate your innermost being. Consider your own character and life in the light
of God’s Word.
During the fourth week of your appointments with God you will be concentrating each day
on one of the ways in which to spend your appointment. These are:
God’s Word
Familiarize yourself with this week’s schedule and pray that God will give you a better
understanding of these essentials.
Commit the new week before you in prayer and ask God to give you an expectant heart for
what He is going to do this week.
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed there-
to according to thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let
me not wander from thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine
heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Psalm 119:9-11
23 Date____________________
Topic: Worship—Recognizing and acknowledging who God is and what He has done.
In the course of a busy life, it is easy to neglect the worship of God. Take time to select your
Psalm for today and read it aloud. Something happens that is unexplainable when you
hear yourself worshipping God. Psalms 145 through 150 are primarily praise. Give praise
to God who is the only One worthy to be praised.
Topic: Prayer—Man’s method of communi- How can you incororate some of the aspects
cating with God into your prayer life?
What does it say about using God's
Date____________________ Word?
Date____________________ Let God direct you to these recurring
thoughts to help the passage become
Prepare your heart in prayer. more meaningful to you. Pray through the
passage—read it several times—underline
Read Romans 4:20,21. anything that stands out to you.
Topic: Application—What God wants you You can pray this prayer and ask God to
to do about the new truth He has apply His Word to your life. The Holy Spirit
revealed to you. will be faithful to bring up unconfessed sin.
Look closely at what you are asking. Are
In the permissive society of today, it is you willing to change once God reveals sin
sometimes difficult to determine what is to you specifically?
sin and what is not. People have become so
brainwashed with the world’s approach to Why not memorize these two verses for your
life that often truth becomes obscure. Per- own use?
haps during the past four weeks you have
wondered about sin. What is it and how do
you recognize it in your life? Meditate on the
Bible reading for today looking for answers.
How was your week? Have you been giving God the praise and honor that He deserves
during your appointments with Him? Have you found that it is easier to praise Him with
your lips during your appointment than it is to bring Him honor and praise by the way
you live your life during the remainder of the day? Remember He is with you continually,
“…I will never leave thee or forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).
Take time now to look back over your ap- Choose one of the topics from the week and
pointment record. Did you notice that each ask God in prayer to give you diligence and
topic you concentrated on during this week wisdom in incorporating this into your life.
was actually incorporated in every other
appointment you have had with God for the
last four weeks?
What can you do to ensure
that you continue to grow into maturity
in the areas of worship, prayer,
God’s Word, meditation and application?
Equipping The Saints
Evangelism Report
Student’s Name Date
Equipping The Saints
Disciple Application Guide
Disciple’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review The Obedient Life
Bible Study
Complete Living in Christian Fellowship (Be Ready to Discuss)
Outside Reading
Bible Reading Chart
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Pray for one person to disciple
Share Bridge with a non-Christian
Complete Evangelism Report
Scripture Memory
Memorize Hebrews 5:8
Memorize 1 John 1:7
Review all previous verses
Equipping The Saints
Convert Application Guide
Convert’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review The Great Commission and Its Fulfilling (1/2)
Bible Study
Outside Reading
Bible Reading Chart
Read The Need of the Hour (1/2) (Be Ready to Discuss)
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Share Bridge with a non-Christian
Complete Evangelism Report
Scripture Memory
Memorize Ephesians 4:11,12
Review all previous verses
The Obedient
At the very heart of the Christian’s life and discipleship to
Jesus is the matter of obedience. From the very beginning,
when God first created man in His image with the power
of choice, obedience has been a real issue.
Eve found out the hard way that when we disobey God, we
don’t become like Him. We just become disobedient children.
In Eve’s attempt to defend herself before God, she said:
NOTES Definition of Obedience
Obedience is a willingness to be subject to the will of another.
For the Christian this means being subject to the laws and
commands of God.
Just because God made us with the ability to choose does not
mean that we are to be free moral agents. We have been created
to obey. We will therefore obey someone or something—whether
for evil or for good.
Jesus’ Example
As we examine the life of the Lord Jesus, we can see that
He obeyed God perfectly in everything He did.
the Son of Man, then you will know that I am NOTES
He, and that I do nothing of Myself; but as My
Father taught Me, I speak these things.”
John 8:28
The Importance of Obedience
Obedience—The Expression of Faith
By faith Abraham, when he was tested, NOTES
offered up Isaac, and he who had received the
promises offered up his only begotten son
Hebrews 11:17
NOTES flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against
that house, and could not shake it, for it was
founded on the rock. But he who heard and did
nothing is like a man who built a house on the
earth without a foundation, against which the
stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell.
And the ruin of that house was great.
Luke 6:47-49
Abiding through obedience is extremely important because: NOTES
NOTES the sand which is on the seashore; and your
descendants shall possess the gate of their
enemies. In your seed all the nations of the
earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed
My voice.
Genesis 22:15-18
Courage NOTES
NOTES livestock, that you may eat and be filled.
Deuteronomy 11:13-15
Answered Prayer
Growth in Godliness
Governmental Leaders NOTES
Masters (Employers)
Wives to Husbands
Equipping The Saints
Bible Study:
Living in Christian Fellowship
Begin Memorizing 1 John 1:7
Meditation on 1 John 1:7
What do you think it means to walk in the light?
2. What is true of a person who is not walking in the light? 1 John 1:6
6. What are some objectives of fellowship? Hebrews 10:24,25
8. What were some things the Christians in Acts 2:42 did together?
11. What is a practical step to take for cleansing and fellowship? 1 John 1:9
What are some things you can do to improve the quality of your fellowship?
Review 1 John 1:7 daily along with your other Scripture memory verses.
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
Equipping The Saints Date
Daily Schedule ity
Do List Errands & Projects
Time 10
Manage- 11
ment 1
1:30 Write
4 Phone
7 See
A One Year
Reading Program
Used by Permission
Bible Reading Program
The Bible is God’s revealed Word to men. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to discover what
it says and obey it!
Many Christians confine their Bible reading to certain favorite portions and only when they
feel the need. But the Scriptures declare, “The whole Bible was given by inspiration from God
and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it
straightens us out and helps us do what is right. It is God’s way of making us well-prepared at
every point, fully equipped to do good to everyone” (2 Timothy 3:16,17, Living Bible).
Want to know a secret of the Apostle Paul’s dynamic, fruitful life? Listen to his testimony, “This
is why we never collapse. The outward man does indeed suffer wear and tear, but everyday
the inward man receives fresh strength” (2 Corinthians 4:16, Phillips). To keep spiritually fit
we need the whole Bible, and we need to feed our souls from it daily.
Bible reading helps us know Jesus Christ better. We learn most about Jesus in the New Tes-
tament, particularly the Gospels, but He is actually the theme of the entire Book. After His
resurrection Jesus astounded two of His disciples by beginning at Moses and all the prophets
(the Old Testament) and interpreting to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Him-
self (see Luke 24:27). Look for Jesus Christ throughout the Bible.
People are groping for purpose and meaning to life. But we have undermined the very founda-
tion for purposeful living by substituting God’s truth with humanistic speculations. The result
is more and more people confused, frustrated and in despair. How assuring are the words of
Jesus to His Father, “Thy Word is truth!” Yes, the Book is true. And it is absolutely trustwor-
thy. Men’s theories undergo constant change, but the Bible needs no alteration. It is the most
up-to-date Book there is. It is anchored in historical events and invites honest investigation.
You can unreservedly place your confidence in it.
Develop the habit of regular, consecutive Bible reading and meditation and mark your growth
in spiritual vitality, joy, stability and usefulness.
The Plan
1. You will read the New Testament in one year, and you can read the Old Testament either
in one or two years.
2. Check the appropriate squares when you have read the specified portions. If you follow the
one-year plan you will check both outside columns for the Old Testament, but only the left
column in the shaded New Testament area.
3. Don’t fall behind in your reading. If you miss a day continue to read according to date and
as soon as possible make up the missed passages.
4. The Old Testament books are read in the order in which they appear in the Bible. If
you follow the one-year plan, you will read in two sections of the Old Testament each day,
beginning with Genesis and Ezra.
5. In keeping with the object of knowing Christ, the reading of the four Gospels is spaced
throughout the year.
6. You will read an average of 54 verses a day for the two-year plan and 86 verses for the
one-year plan. Bible Reading Quiet Time Program
In this lesson you are introduced to a Bible Reading Program which allows you to use these
passages of Scripture to guide you in developing your relationship with God. These Bible
Reading charts will take you through the entire Bible in one or two years.
If you do not have some other Quiet Time reading program you are following, let me encour-
age you to let the Bible Reading Program become your guide for Quiet Time passages.
Equipping The Saints Month
Equipping The Saints
Evangelism Report
Student’s Name Date
Equipping The Saints
Disciple Application Guide
Disciple’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review The Lordship of Christ
Bible Study
Complete Living as a Witness (Be Ready to Discuss)
Outside Reading
Bible Reading Chart
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Pray for one person to disciple
Share Bridge with a non-Christian
Complete Evangelism Report
Scripture Memory
Memorize Acts 2:36
Memorize 1 Peter 3:15
Review all previous verses
Equipping The Saints
Convert Application Guide
Convert’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review The Priesthood of Every Believer (1/3)
Bible Study
Outside Reading
Bible Reading Chart
Read The Great Commission…and Pole Town U.S.A. (1/3)
(Be Ready to Discuss)
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Share Bridge with a non-Christian and complete Evangelism Report
Write a one hundred word essay on your convictions about the Great
Commission and whose responsibility it is to see that the nations
are discipled.
Scripture Memory
Memorize Matthew 28:18-20
Review all previous verses
The Lordship
of Christ
When a person receives Jesus Christ, he is born again into
the family of God.
Lordship is giving back to God the controls of
my life so that He may use me to accomplish
and fulfill His will through me.
Jesus has a plan for you! Just as Paul yielded his life to God NOTES
so that he could live out that plan, you also can discover God’s
unique plan for your life as you yield your life to Him.
Satan’s Syllogism
Major Premise
• God’s plan is restrictive
Minor Premise
• Restrictions are bad
• God’s plan is bad
NOTES desire what God had forbidden. He appealed to her intellect
with his deceptive reasoning. And he at last caused her to
use her will to break God’s law.
Major Premise
God’s plan is restrictive. (This is correct. God has placed
restrictions upon man as He did with Adam and Eve.)
Minor Premise
Restrictions are bad. (This is incorrect. God’s restrictions
are for our good and are for the purpose of allowing us to use
our will, intellect and emotions to choose for Him. He could
have created robots which needed no restrictions because
they were programmed to do only what He desired. But He
didn’t. He created people made in His image.)
God’s plan is bad. (If one premise is incorrect, the conclu-
sion will always be incorrect. But Eve bought the conclusion
that God must be holding out on them and that disobedience
to God’s plan would profit them.)
The Consequences
When man chose to disobey God and to become independent
of God’s will, sin entered the human race.
The very simplest definition of sin
is Independence from God.
Since that terrible day of disobedience and independence, NOTES
God has been forced from His rightful throne in the human
heart. Things which God created, and self, have taken over
the rulership of our lives. Men are constantly saying NO to
God’s will to pursue their own ambitions of material gain.
God Things
The Solution
The only way to escape Satan’s logic and begin to grow in
the Christian life is by again crowning Christ Lord of our
lives—turning the controls of our lives back to Him.
NOTES He is the image of the invisible God, the
firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things
were created that are in heaven and that are
on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones
or dominions or principalities or powers. All
things were created through Him and for Him.
And He is before all things, and in Him all
things consist.
Colossians 1:15-17
By Creation
I was created by Him.
By Redemption
I was purchased by Christ’s blood.
By Re-Birth
I am His son or daughter.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave NOTES
the right to become children of God, even to
those who believe in His name.
John 1:12
Many times people think that they will not follow either
God or Satan, but this is not possible. We are created to
be dependent, and independence from one master means
enslavement to the other. This is what Paul is trying to
communicate in Romans, where he says:
NOTES having been set free from sin, you became slaves
of righteousness.
Romans 6:13,14,18
Sin always begins here—either with our physical eye or our
mind’s eye. Some stimulus causes us to have a picture in
our minds which leads to temptation. If we deal with the
problem here, we can overcome and have victory.
If Satan cannot gain entrance to our minds and hearts
through the physical eye, he will try to enter via the ear
gate. What we hear can, in turn, produce the mental picture
which leads to sin. Coarse jokes and stories, suggestive song
lyrics, or simply listening to bad reports or gossip can give
Satan the inroad he desires.
Usually we will not be led into sin through the sense of
smell. But many people seem to have a “nose” for trouble.
They seem constantly to have this member into areas where
they have no business interfering. Both Peter and Solomon
warn us about this.
NOTES But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a
thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other
people's matters.
1 Peter 4:15
It is a rare Christian who is not tempted in this area. The
opportunities to sin with this two-sided member are legion.
We can be tempted in what goes into the mouth through
eating or drinking, or we may sin by what comes out of the
mouth in our words.
The godly wife of Proverbs 31 was one who had evidently NOTES
given this member to God.
God gave us hands for the purpose of doing good and for
providing our needs through work.
Hands are not to be idle, for when they are, they become the
target for Satan’s temptations. Idle hands are the Devil’s
NOTES for your whole body to be cast into hell.
Matthew 5:30
By the stomach we refer to all the bodily appetites of the
human body. Sensual pleasure of all kinds can so take over
our lives that we can become actual enemies of Christ—
living only for temporal and physical gratification.
Satan loves to control our feet and legs so that we will walk
into things that drag us down and cause us to compromise
our relationship to Christ. He loves to take us window shop-
ping at the department store of sin. We may not intend to
buy anything, but more frequently than not we fall victim
to the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes as we stroll
with our enemy.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And NOTES
in His law he meditates day and night.
Psalm 1:1,2
Are you walking with Jesus, or do your feet and legs need
to be committed to Him?
How to Surrender
• In a special act of dedication, yield each member
specifically to God for His control.
Equipping The Saints
Bible Study:
Living as a Witness
Begin Memorizing 1 Peter 3:15
Meditation on 1 Peter 3:15
What precedes telling others about Christ?
What would stimulate someone to ask you about the hope that is in you?
2. What did God want Paul to do since he was to be His witness? Acts 22:14,15
3. How does a person acknowledge Christ as Lord in his life? Romans 12:1
6. What should you tell others? Acts 4:20
7. How can you follow Paul's example in Romans 10:1?
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Equipping The Saints
Evangelism Report
Student’s Name Date
Equipping The Saints
Disciple Application Guide
Disciple’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review Semester Evaluation
Bible Study
Complete Living a Life of Generosity (Be Ready to Discuss)
Outside Reading
Bible Reading Chart
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Pray for one person to disciple
Share Bridge with a non-Christian
Complete Evangelism Report
Scripture Memory
Memorize 2 Corinthians 9:7
Review all previous verses
Equipping The Saints
Convert Application Guide
Convert’s Profile
Yes No
Topic Notes
Review Semester Evaluation
Bible Study
Outside Reading
Bible Reading Chart
Ministry: Evangelism/Follow-Up/Discipleship
Pray for two people to win to Christ
Pray for one person to disciple
Share Bridge with a non-Christian
Complete Evangelism Report
Scripture Memory
Memorize John 15:16
Review all previous verses
Group _______________________________
Semester Evaluation
We are happy you have completed Book One of Equipping The Saints. In this lesson we
will evaluate our progress together to ensure the basic concepts have been grasped by each
student. The first step will be for you to give an oral presentation of The Bridge Illustration
to your instructor. You will be evaluated according to the chart below. Then, you will write
out the verses you have committed to memory during your training. And our last exercise
will be an “Open Book” review of the major concepts contained in each chapter of the Book.
Memory Review Exercise
Write out the following verses in FULL from memory. State your version:
Ephesians 4:11,12
Matthew 28:19,20
1 John 5:11,12
Matthew 4:19
2 Timothy 1:7
Mark 1:35
Romans 8:14
Hebrews 5:8
1 Peter 3:15
God does not give Heaven to Christians in reward for their faithfulness. State briefly
why this is so, and give a verse of Scripture to support your answer.
What is the imperative of the Great Commission, and why is this so vital to the
fulfilling of it?
Why has the Church of Jesus Christ failed to gain ground in the fulfilling of the
Great Commission?
What is your vocation in life as a child of God? Explain your answer.
“It’s easy for a pastor or missionary to give 2.4 hours of each day to God; but as a disciple,
I just cannot afford to give the Lord that much time out of my already busy schedule. ”
In 25 words or less, how would you respond to a person who made this statement?
God has given us a test by which we can measure our real objective in life. Within
this test, there are two things which will not lie to us as we seek to discover where
our priorities in life are. Name these two things, and tell why they are such an ac-
curate indicator of our objectives.
In the process of evangelism, we have a two-fold responsibility. We are to help a
person do these things:
Name the three types of relationships which we have with people and tell what our
evangelistic responsibility is to each.
You are speaking with a person, and you want to guide the conversation to the
subject of spiritual matters. Name some things you could do (as suggested in the
chapter) to accomplish this.
God wants us to know for certain that we have eternal life. What passage tells us
this? Why do you think God considers it so important?
Our feelings are definitely not the basis for our assurance of salvation. Name four
truths which help form the foundation or basis on which our assurance of salvation
In 25 words or less, how would you tell someone what a Quiet Time is, and how
would you convince him that he should be having one?
Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer as a pattern to follow when we pray. Name five
things which we can learn from this prayer, thus making our prayer life more ef-
In order for a Christian to have a balanced prayer life, there are five essential in-
gredients which must be present in his prayers. Name them and give a very brief
description of each.
What are the four stages which lead us into sin, and what steps can we take in order
to have victory over them? (Keep your answer brief.)
Name some things which the Word of God can do for our lives. What are five means
by which we can take it in?
God places a premium on obedience. Why is it so essential that we are obedient
children of God?
Define the Lordship of Christ. Explain what you consider the key issue to making
Jesus Lord over your life involves.
Equipping The Saints
Bible Study:
Living a Life of Generosity
Begin Memorizing 2 Corinthians 9:7
4. Why is it better to invest in spiritual treasures than material wealth? Matthew 6:19-21
5. What was the people’s response in 1 Chronicles 29:9 after they gave to God?
“...not grudgingly, or of necessity...”
6. What example did Christ set for Christians to follow? 2 Corinthians 8:9
7. What does God desire in the life of one who gives? Exodus 35:5
9. What is promised to those who give cheerfully? 2 Corinthians 9:8
Review 2 Corinthians 9:7 daily along with your other Scripture memory verses.
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Equipping The Saints Date
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Equipping The Saints Date
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Equipping The Saints Date
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Equipping The Saints Date
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Equipping The Saints
Evangelism Report
Student’s Name Date
1 John 5:13 1/9 John 15:5 1/9
These things I have written to you who believe I am the vine, you are the branches. He who
ETS Book 1B Scripture Memory Cards
in the name of the Son of God, that you may abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
W know that you have eternal life, and that you for without Me you can do nothing.
E may continue to believe in the name of the
Son of God.
9 Assurance of Salvation
NKJ NKJ Living in Christ
Now in the morning, having risen a long while So now, brethren, I commend you to God and
W before daylight, He went out and departed to to the word of His grace, which is able to build
a solitary place; and there He prayed. you up and give you an inheritance among all
E those who are sanctified.
NKJ Quiet Time NKJ Living by the Word of God
Again I say to you that if two of you agree on For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,
earth concerning anything that they ask, it will these are sons of God.
W be done for them by My Father in heaven.
NKJ Prayer NKJ Living by the Spirit of God
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory For we walk by faith, not by sight.
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
NKJ The Victorious Life NKJ Living by Faith
Matthew 4:4 1/13 1 John 4:11 1/13
But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to
ETS Book 1B Scripture Memory Cards
shall not live by bread alone, but by every word love one another.
W that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”
NKJ The Word of God
NKJ Living a Life of Love
Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedi- But if we walk in the light as He is in the light,
ence by the things which He suffered. we have fellowship with one another, and the
W blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us
E from all sin.
NKJ The Obedient Life NKJ Living in Christian Fellowship
Therefore let all the house of Israel know as- But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and
suredly that God has made this Jesus, whom always be ready to give a defense to everyone
W you crucified, both Lord and Christ. who asks you a reason for the hope that is in
E you, with meekness and fear…
NKJ The Lordship of Christ NKJ Living As a Witness
NKJ Giving
This page is intentionally left blank to indicate the inside of the back cover.
Discipleship Training Program.
The Equipping The Saints Course consists of Nine Books
covering Eleven Major Subject areas, designed for one-on-one
disciplemaking or small groups. If groups meet weekly, the
program is completed in under eighteen months.
• Introductory Guide Master Plan for Biblical Discipleship
• Book 1A Establishing The Vision
• Book 1B Building The Basics
• Book 2A Evangelizing As A Lifestyle
• Book 2B Conserving Evangelism’s Fruit
• Book 3A Discipling In Small Groups
• Book 3B Reproducing Laborers
• Book 4A Developing Leadership
• Book 4B Mastering The Bible
ETS has been adopted by numerous denominations, mission agencies and churches throughout
the United States and around the world. In use in over fifty countries of the world, ETS has been
translated into numerous languages, with many others in various stages of translation. Course work
includes teaching and outside assignments (reading and Bible Study) as well as scripture memory.
Classes are broken into smaller accountability groups to ensure application of truths being learned.
Covering all the major doctrines of the Bible, and practical areas such as money and time manage-
ment, as well as leadership skills, the course is aimed at training participants to help fulfill Christ’s
Great Commission to “…go and make disciples of all nations.”
For further information, please contact:
4006 Walnut Street • Greenville, Texas 75401 U.S.A.
Tel (903) 455-3782 • Fax (903) 454-8524 • [email protected]
“Of all the discipleship material I have been exposed to in my teaching ministry, Equipping The Saints™ is the most
thorough, taking believers through the total spectrum of the Christian life. I highly recommend it for training disciples.
I think David Dawson is one of the most competent trainers of men available to the Church today.”
—Dr. Howard Hendricks, Chairman, Center For Christian Leadership, Dallas Theological Seminary
Copyright © 1996 Ephesians 4:12, Inc., Greenville, Texas U.S.A. Rev. 1/08