NOTE: The Chrome (Silver) Ring Should Be: ! Caution

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ATV-1069 ATV-1085B

2. Install the compression rings (1 and 2) so the let-

Measuring Piston Skirt/ ter(s) on the top surface of each ring faces the
Cylinder Clearance dome of the piston. Rotate the rings until the ring
end gaps are on directly opposite sides of the pis-
1. Measure the cylinder front to back in six places. ton according to the illustration.
„NOTE: The chrome (silver) ring should be
installed in the top position.

2. Measure the corresponding piston diameter at a
point 15 mm (0.6 in.) above the piston skirt at a
right angle to the piston-pin bore. Subtract this MD1343A

measurement from the measurement in step 1. The ! CAUTION

difference (clearance) must be within specifica-
tions. Incorrect installation of the piston rings will result in
engine damage.
Installing Piston Rings
1. Install ring expander (4) in the bottom groove of ASSEMBLY
the piston; then install the thin oil rings (3) over
the expander making sure the expander ends do „NOTE: If the cylinder/cylinder head assembly
not overlap. Stagger the end gaps of the upper and
lower thin oil rings according to the illustration. cannot be trued, they must be replaced.

„NOTE: Note the direction of the exhaust side of Cleaning/Inspecting Cylinder Head
the piston (5) for correct ring end gap orientation.
The cylinder head studs must be removed for this

1. Using a non-metallic carbon removal tool, remove

any carbon buildup from the combustion chamber
being careful not to nick, scrape, or damage the
combustion chamber or the sealing surface.
2. Inspect the spark plug hole for any damaged
threads. Repair damaged threads using a
“heli-coil” insert.

3. Place the cylinder head on the surface plate cov- 2. Inspect the cylinder for pitting, scoring, scuffing,
ered with #400 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper. Using warpage, and corrosion. If marks are found, repair
light pressure, move the cylinder head in a figure the surface using a cylinder hone (see Honing Cyl-
eight motion. Inspect the sealing surface for any inder in this sub-section).
indication of high spots. A high spot can be noted
by a bright metallic finish. Correct any high spots 3. Place the cylinder on the surface plate covered
before assembly by continuing to move the cylin- with #400 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper. Using light
der head in a figure eight motion until a uniform pressure, move the cylinder in a figure eight
bright metallic finish is attained. motion. Inspect the sealing surface for any indica-
tion of high spots. A high spot can be noted by a
bright metallic finish. Correct any high spots
! CAUTION before assembly by continuing to move the cylin-
Water or parts-cleaning solvent must be used in der in a figure eight motion until a uniform bright
conjunction with the wet-or-dry sandpaper or dam- metallic finish is attained.
age to the sealing surface may result.
Water or parts-cleaning solvent must be used in
conjunction with the wet-or-dry sandpaper or dam-
age to the sealing surface may result.


Measuring Cylinder Head

1. Remove any carbon buildup in the combustion
Inspecting Cam Chain Guide
2. Lay a straightedge across the cylinder head; then
using a feeler gauge, check the distortion factor 1. Inspect cam chain guide for cuts, tears, breaks, or
between the head and the straightedge. chips.
3. Maximum distortion must not exceed specifications. 2. If the chain guide is damaged, it must be replaced.
Honing Cylinder

1. Using a slide gauge and a dial indicator or a snap

gauge, measure the cylinder bore diameter in three
locations from top to bottom and again from top to
bottom at 90° from the first measurements for a
total of six measurements. The trueness
(out-of-roundness) is the difference between the
highest and lowest reading. Maximum trueness
(out-of-roundness) must not exceed specifications.


Cleaning/Inspecting Cylinder

1. Wash the cylinder in parts-cleaning solvent.

CC127D ATV-1068A
2. Wash the cylinder in parts-cleaning solvent.
Measuring Camshaft Runout
3. Inspect the cylinder for pitting, scoring, scuffing,
and corrosion. If marks are found, repair the sur- „NOTE: If the camshaft is out of tolerance, it must
face using a ball hone. be replaced.
„NOTE: To produce the proper 60° cross-hatch
1. Place the camshaft on a set of V blocks; then posi-
pattern, use a low RPM drill (600 RPM) at the rate tion the dial indicator contact point against the
of 30 strokes per minute. If honing oil is not avail-
able, use a lightweight petroleum-based oil. Thor-
shaft and zero the indicator. 3
oughly clean cylinder after honing using soap and
hot water. Dry with compressed air; then immedi-
ately apply oil to the cylinder bore. If the bore is
severely damaged or gouged, replace the cylinder.

2. Rotate the camshaft and note runout; maximum
tolerance must not exceed specifications.
Measuring Camshaft Lobe Height
4. If any measurement exceeds the limit, bore the 1. Using a calipers, measure each cam lobe height.
cylinder and install an oversized piston or replace
the cylinder.
„NOTE: Oversized piston and rings are available.
The oversized piston and rings are marked for

2. The lobe heights must not exceed minimum speci-

Inspecting Camshaft Bearing

1. Inspect the bearing journal for scoring, seizure

marks, or pitting.
2. If excessive scoring, seizure marks, or pitting is
found, the cylinder head assembly must be
Measuring Camshaft to
Cylinder Head Clearance

1. Remove the adjuster screws and jam nuts. CC145D

6. If clearance is excessive, measure the journals of
the camshaft.

2. Place a strip of plasti-gauge in each of the cam-
shaft lands in the cylinder head. CC287D

3. Place the valve cover on the cylinder head and „NOTE: If the journals are worn, replace the cam-
secure with the valve cover cap screws. Tighten shaft; then measure the clearance again. If it is still
securely. out of tolerance, replace the cylinder head.
„NOTE: Do not rotate the camshaft when measur- Inspecting Camshaft Spring/Drive
ing clearance. Pin
4. Remove the cap screws securing the valve cover to 1. Inspect the spring and unloader pin for damage.
the cylinder; then remove the valve cover and


MD1261 „NOTE: With the weight extended, the unloader

5. Match the width of the plasti-gauge with the chart pin should be flat-side out; with the weight
found on the plasti-gauge packaging to determine retracted, the unloader pin should be round-side
camshaft to cylinder head and valve cover clear- out.


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