Q4 G7 Reviewer For Health
Q4 G7 Reviewer For Health
Q4 G7 Reviewer For Health
2. Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways to the lungs. It makes breathing difficult and
can make some physical activities difficult or even impossible. Asthma may be prevented through
lifestyle changes, and medications.
Congenital heart disease defect-is an abnormality in the heart’s anatomical structure that
you were born with.
Example: The heart is located at the right of your chest, the heart’s position is opposite.
Other common congenital heart diseases are Ventricular Septal Defect, Atrial Septal Defect,
and Atrioventricular septal defect.
Stroke most commonly occurs when a clot blocks a small vessel in the brain and thus brain
cells die due to lack of oxygen supply. It is an emergency! Once you observe signs and
symptoms, call for help.
The American Stroke Association uses the acronym F.A.S.T. to detect early warning signs of
stroke. Look for F- face drooping, A-arm weakness, S-speech difficulty. Once detected, it is T-
time to call 911 or any local emergency hotline.
Hypertension also known as High Blood Pressure is defined by the American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association as the following:
As a reference, the normal blood pressure for adults is Systolic <120 mmHg and
Diastolic <80 mmHg.
Once diagnosed, lifestyle change is advised, and maintenance medications are given to
control hypertension. It is important to be compliant with medications and follow-up
consultation as complications of uncontrolled hypertension can occur such as stroke, heart
attack, and kidney failure.
Myocardial infarction commonly known as Heart Attack occurs when one or more of
coronary arteries supplying the heart suddenly becomes blocked, stopping the flow of blood
to the heart muscle. Typically, it presents with chest pain, chest heaviness, cold sweats,
dizziness, and shortness of breath. Although it may have atypical presentation, especially in
the elderly. Be wary of these symptoms. If your parents, and/or grandparents mentioned
sudden onset of chest pain, and chest heaviness it may warrant a visit to the doctor
immediately. Early recognition and action may save lives.
4. Cancer is caused by abnormal cells growing without control, they form masses called tumors.
According to National Cancer Institute, cancer is a genetic disease. It is caused by changes to genes
that control the way cells function, especially its growth and differentiation. Genetic changes that
cause cancer can be inherited from parents or may arise during a person’s lifetime as a result of
errors in DNA replication caused by certain environmental exposures. Cancer-causing
environmental exposures include substances, such as the chemicals in tobacco smoke, and
radiation, such as ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Types of tumor
• Benign tumor is characterized by masses of cells that are not cancerous and do not
• Malignant tumor is characterized by masses of cells that are cancerous. They may spread
to other parts of the body by moving along the blood vessels or through the lymphatic
Cancer may be identified in different ways depending on the location of the primary tumor. To give
few examples; bone marrow aspiration is used to diagnose leukemia, pap smear is used to screen
cervical cancer, and mammogram is used to screen and/or diagnose breast cancer. Common
diagnostic tests used are biopsy, and imaging modalities such as CT Scan, and x-ray.
• Biopsy The removal of cells or tissues for examination by a pathologist. The pathologist
may study the tissue under a microscope or perform other tests on the cells or tissue. There
are many different types of biopsy procedures. The most common types include: (1) incisional
biopsy, in which only a sample of tissue is removed; (2) excisional biopsy, in which an entire
lump or suspicious area is removed; and (3) needle biopsy, in which a sample of tissue or
fluid is removed with a needle. When a wide needle is used, the procedure is called a core
biopsy. When a thin needle is used, the procedure is called a fine-needle aspiration biopsy.
• Curettage is a brief surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated and a special
instrument is used to scrape the uterine lining and a tissue from within the body is removed.
Specimen from the sample is then used for biopsy.
• X-ray a quick, painless test that produces radiographic images of the structures inside
your body. Other common diagnostic imaging modalities used in screening and/or
diagnosing cancer include Computed Tomography Scan (CT Scan) with or without contrast,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Ultrasound.
Consult a doctor once you observed any warning signs. If you have a family history of cancer,
early screening is recommended.
5. Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that prevents the body to convert food into energy. Carbohydrates
are normally changed into a simple sugar called glucose (a source of energy). Insulin, the hormone
produced in the pancreas, regulates the level of glucose in the blood.
• Type I Diabetes Mellitus is the result of little or no insulin produced by the pancreas. This
can be due to a defective immune system which attacks and destroys the cells that produce
insulin. This kind of diabetes usually begins before the age of 40.
• Type II Diabetes Mellitus is the result of too little insulin produced by the pancreas or
failure of the insulin to function normally, most often it begins in overweight adults.
Once diagnosed, lifestyle changes such as diet modification is advised. Maintenance medication
may be given especially if not controlled with diet. It is important to be compliant to the medication
and diet restriction to control diabetes. Uncontrolled diabetes may result in complications such as
peripheral neuropathy particularly tingling sensation, and/or decreased sensation in extremities,
poor wound healing, diabetic retinopathy which may cause blindness, diabetic nephropathy which
can lead to kidney failure.
• Urination
• Thirst
• Hunger
• Joint pain
• Stiffness, which typically worsen with age
7. Kidney or Renal Failure is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to adequately filter the
waste products from the blood. It may be caused by an underlying primary kidney disease, a
complication of untreated or uncontrolled co-morbidities such as hypertension, and diabetes,
and/or a result of a nephrotoxic substances.
• Itching
• Muscle cramps
• Nausea and vomiting
• Not feeling hungry
• Swelling of face, feet and ankles
• Too much urine or not enough urine
• Trouble sleeping
“Health is wealth” is a famous saying that refers to the importance of health to us. Our health is the
key to our happiness. But sad to say there are practices in the world that contradict the proper way
of being healthy. This module will help you understand the different myth and fallacies about non-
communicable diseases and how to be equipped with right knowledge and correct practices to
become healthy.
What is a myth? And what is a fallacy? According to Merriam dictionary, myth is a popular belief or
tradition that has grown up around something or someone. Meaning it is only a form of practice
established through the span of time without any form of scientific study, in short it is a false
perception. While fallacy is an often conceivable argument using false or invalid inference. Both
concepts have the same definition of a false and mistaken idea.
This module will focus on the myths and fallacies about noncommunicable diseases. It will help
you be aware of the wrong practices you thought was right about non-communicable diseases.
Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write TRUE if you think a statement is a fact.
Write FALSE if you think the statement is a myth. Do this in your activity notebook.
1. All non-communicable diseases (NCDs) cannot be prevented- they always run in families.
2. Anemia means you have low blood pressure.
3. Non communicable diseases mainly affect elderly.
4. Eating gecko or lizard may cure asthma.
5. Taking a bath on Friday will make one sick.
6. Relapse or “binat” caused by eating certain kinds of food or by cutting the hair too soon after the
illness is best treated by fumigating the patient with smoke produced by burning the offending food
or the hair. 7. A pregnant woman’s cravings will affect the baby’s appearance.
8. “No one in my family has diabetes, so I won't get the disease.”
9. Lung cancer only affects smokers.
10. Allergies can persists even after childhood.
11. Cancer is a disease of the rich, and affluent people.
Now, let us check if you are also a believer of these unfounded beliefs in relation to the causes of
some diseases. Let us check your activity.
1. FALSE – All NCD CAN BE PREVENTED by healthy lifestyle, environmental sanitation and early
2. FALSE – Anemia is a condition where there is a deficiency of healthy red blood cells in the blood.
Red blood cells (RBCs) are essential to carry oxygen to all parts of the body.
3. FALSE – All people can be affected by NCD.
4. FALSE – Not at all! No scientific basis for this.
5. FALSE – There is no scientific basis for this. *But to follow your elders will also not make you
6. FALSE – There is no scientific basis for this.
7. FALSE – No scientific basis for this.
8. FALSE – Diabetes can also develop due to unhealthy lifestyle.
9. FALSE – There is also other causes of cancer such as exposure to radiation (ultraviolet rays from
the sun) and other substances that are carcinogens (engine exhaust, formaldehyde, pollution,
alcohol etc.).
10. TRUE – Yes it is true especially when not treated.
11. FALSE – All people can be affected by cancer.
12. TRUE – All people can be affected by arthritis.
13. TRUE – Yes because it is also linked to Acute Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis, the sudden
inflammation of pancreas. The doctors also called this sudden unexpected death syndrome.
14. FALSE – No scientific basis for this.
15. FALSE – No scientific basis for this. There are other factors that cause a person to feel sick after
the sudden exposure to cold water but not directly because of the act of exposure to cold.
Below are preventive measures to avoid non-communicable diseases or at least reduce the severity
of the symptoms.
• Drinking enough amount of water – helps your kidney to eliminate water soluble waste
• Stress management – it is a skill to reduce stress in your life for you to be more productive
and to lessen the risk of having non-communicable diseases.
• Eating healthy and nutritious foods – this is needed by your body for growth and repair,
helping you to stay strong and healthy, and helps to prevent diet-related illness.
• Exercising regularly – helps to reduce weights and help prevent or control many diseases.
• Avoiding smoking- this will prevent you from getting lung illnesses, cancer, and heart
disease and gives you a strong immune system.
• Managing weight – helps you get a better sleep, hormonal balance, and mood.
• Getting enough sleep – it can benefit your heart, weight, and mind. It helps you to be in a
better mood, increases productivity, and boosts your immune system.
• Screening- if you have a family history of non-communicable diseases it is recommended to
be screened by a physician.
In this part of this module, you will encounter the different agencies that work hand in hand to fight
the increasing cases of non-communicable and lifestyle diseases. But before that you need to be
familiarized with the function of each agency that supports the prevention of non-communicable
The Department of Health is the primary government agency responsible for the equitable,
sustainable and quality health for the Filipinos. The department of health implemented many
programs in prevention and control of non-communicable diseases such as:
In 2009, the Department of Health revitalized and repackaged its healthy lifestyle campaign into a
new brand called “HL to the Max” campaign. It sought to promote a healthy lifestyle among Filipinos
by advocating seven vital, yet simple, healthy practices it includes:
- No smoking
- Don’t drink alcohol
- No to illegal drugs
- Eat low-fat, low salt and high fiber diet
- Prevent hypertension and diabetes
- Do physical activities
- Manage stress
In 2011, in support of the goals for Universal Health Care, the Secretary of Health signed the
Administrative Order (AO) No. 3, series of 2011. The purpose of this administrative order is to push
the development of national program and plan of action on the prevention and control of non-
communicable diseases.
In addition, with the enactment of the Food and Drug Authority (FDA) Act of 2009, it implements
stricter policies on issues such as marketing of food products labeling, and tobacco regulation.
Health is one of the most important concerns among Filipinos as we strongly value our well-being.
However, many of us have paid no attention about the way we live because we are busy working on
some important things in life that we easily forget the value of our health. In this case, it affects our
bodies, minds, or even the cost of our lives. For these reasons, many people turn to the agencies
seeking for help and support.
Read the information below to help you understand better the function of the different agencies that
support and implement their own policies and programs in preventing and controlling NCDs.
I. Government Agencies
Supported by resources that generally come from grants and from self-generated funds, civil society
organizations, through their own initiative and in partnership with international development
agencies, have made outstanding contributions to support programs and projects on NCDs and
health promotion. Some of these programs and projects are described as follows: