Deaths Caused by Gluteal Lipoinjection
Deaths Caused by Gluteal Lipoinjection
Deaths Caused by Gluteal Lipoinjection
ith the introduction of liposuction in Although liposuction developed into a pro-
1976 by Fischer1 and subsequent refine- cedure that achieved very satisfactory results, it
ments in the technique by Illouz,2 the also gave rise to techniques that had been forgot-
procedures of body contouring in aesthetic sur- ten, including autologous fat transfer, which has
gery underwent a complete change. The proce- become another surgical method that is indis-
dures, with large cuts and deforming scars,3,4 were pensable for any plastic surgeon. The acceptance
transformed into highly gratifying operations with and use of this operation has increased in recent
minimal signs of surgery. years, with hip augmentation by lipoinjection cur-
rently peaking as a treatment.5–8 Lipoinjection has
been used in the buttocks to increase volume, and
From the Instituto Jaliscience de Cirugia Reconstructiva, injection into the muscle is being performed to
INNOVARE Cirugía Plástica Especializada; Security aid in integration. Although most authors believe
Committee of the Mexican Association of Plastic Esthetic
that the procedure is safe, others report many
and Reconstructive Surgery; Anesthesiologist and Reani-
mation Critical and Intensive Care Medicine, Clínica complications, some of which are severe and
“El Pinar”; and Universidad Nacional de Colombia, In- even fatal. Complications can be only local (e.g.,
stituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses abscess development) or general (e.g., pulmonary
Regional Colombia.
Received for publication December 29, 2014; accepted January
30, 2015. Disclosure: The authors have no financial interest
Copyright © 2015 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to declare in relation to the content of this article.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000001364
Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 136, Number 1 • Deaths Caused by Gluteal Lipoinjection
thromboembolism and fat embolism).9,10 There- the 13 deaths caused by lipoinjection (61.5 per-
fore, we analyzed deaths associated with this surgi- cent), death occurred during surgery, and in the
cal procedure in two of the countries where more remaining five (38.5 percent) it occurred between
gluteal lipoinjection is performed, namely, Mex- 1 and 24 hours after lipoinjection. In the analyzed
ico and Colombia. records of the patients who died in Colombia
between 1993 to 2008 that had been diagnosed by
PATIENTS AND METHODS autopsy by the National Institute of Legal Medi-
cine and Forensic Sciences Regional Bogotá, 28
A retrospective study was performed analyz-
deaths were found to be related to liposuction.
ing cases in which death was associated with lipo-
In nine of these cases, there was a combination
suction combined with gluteal lipoinjection. The
of liposuction and lipoinjection. Autopsy revealed
study was carried out simultaneously in Mexico
that the cause of death was macroscopic fat embo-
and Colombia, countries where this procedure is
lism in seven of the nine cases (77.7 percent) and
widely performed. The methodology for captur-
microscopic fat embolism in the two remaining
ing data in each country was different, because of
cases (22.2 percent). There were six deaths during
the feasibility of obtaining data in each of them.
surgery (66.6 percent) and three (33.3 percent)
In Mexico, an online survey was sent to all mem-
within the first 18 hours in the intensive care unit.
bers of the Mexican Association of Plastic, Aes-
All of the patients were women aged between 27
thetic and Reconstructive Surgery (AMCPER by
and 53 years, with an average age of 39.5 years, and
its initials in Spanish), the official organ of Mexi-
all of the patients underwent fat infiltration in the
can plastic surgeons. This survey requested infor-
buttocks to improve contour. The body mass index
mation about the surgical procedures associated
ranged from 19.4 to 27.2 kg/m2, with an average
with liposuction and lipoinjection and deaths over
of 24.1 kg/m2. The amount of fat removed varied
the past 10 years associated with these operations
between 2000 and 7200 cc, with an average of 3697
that occurred during the first 24 hours of initiat-
cc, and the amount infiltrated per buttock varied
ing surgery. In Colombia, the cases were analyzed
between 120 and 300 ml, with an average of 214 ml
by reviewing the records of patients who had died
per buttock. All of the patients died within the first
in that country during a 15-year period and who
18 hours after surgery had started, six during sur-
had been diagnosed by autopsy at the National
gery and three in the intensive care unit within
Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences
the first 18 hours after initiation of surgery. The
Regional Bogotá (Instituto Nacional de Medicina
results, with the specific characteristics of the nine
Legal y Ciencias Forenses Regional de Bogotá)
patients, are listed in Table 1. Autopsy findings are
with fat embolism as the cause of death. The data
shown in (Figs. 1 through 10). One representative
were analyzed by descriptive statistics by determin-
case is presented.
ing the frequency and proportions.
Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Results of the Autopsies of the Dead Patients in Colombia
Height Weight
BMI Moment of Liposuction Lipoinjection
Patient Age (yr) Meters Feet Kilograms Pounds (kg/m ) Death (cc) (cc) Most Significant Data from the Autopsies
1* 39 1.54 5.05 59 130 24.88 During 2600 120 Presence of thrombi at the level of pulmonary vessels,
surgery corresponding to massive fat embolism, in small, medium,
and large vessels, associated with pulmonary edema, mas-
sive fat embolism
2 27 1.60 5.24 55 121 21.48 During 6000 300 Special coloration for positive intravascular fat in lung with
surgery focal infarctions; negative for intravascular fat in the brain;
vessels with presence of intravascular fat in the marrow
3† 42 1.54 5.05 55 121 23.19 During 2300 150 Large and medium pulmonary vessels with large fragments of
surgery adipose tissue, with septa of fusiform cells typical of the adi-
pose matrix; embolism adipose tissue in small and medium
vessels in the brain; fragments of fat in the right cavities of
the heart
4 39 1.60 5.24 60 132 23.44 1 day after 4500 260 Presence of adipose tissue in small pulmonary and cardiac
surgery, in vessels, in lung in both veins and arteries, abundant fat
intensive globules surrounded by fibrin and occasional white cells
care unit or mature adipose tissue; in the heart in venous vessel
fragments of adipose tissue; suprarenal capsule with abun-
dant lipids and cerebral edema
5 53 1.63 5.34 69 152 25.95 18 hr after 3000 180 Presence of fat embolisms in the brain and the lung circula-
surgery, in tion; in small and medium vessels of the lung, yellowish
intensive white embolisms protrude, consistent with fat embolisms;
care unit histologically mature adipocytes in the arteries
6‡ 51 1.54 5.05 60 132 25.30 10 hr after 2000 200 Lung vessels with fat thromboembolism, thrombi of fibrin;
surgery, in acute tubular necrosis; thrombi with fat vacuoles in small
intensive brain vessels; pulmonary and brain fat thromboembolism;
care unit noncrepitant lung with fat globules in all pulmonary lobes
and segments; no blood thrombi found
7 28 1.61 5.28 68 150 26.23 During 4000 250 Drops of fat are seen in pulmonary vessels of lower lobes;
surgery abundant adipose tissue inside of the blood vessels
8 52 1.53 5.01 65 143 27.27 During 7200 230 Presence of large fragments of adipose tissue with some
surgery fusiform cells typical of the matrix of this tissue, which fills
large and medium pulmonary vessels; no fibrin thrombi
in vessels; no hemorrhaging or fat globules observed in
kidneys; section of upper gluteal vein seen
9§ 25 1.47 4.82 42 93 19.4 During 1680 240 Abundant adipose tissue in the vena cava, cardiac ventricles,
surgery and pulmonary vessels; upper right gluteal vein perforation;
hematomas in subcutaneous and dorsal and abdominal mus-
cle planes, extensive hematoma mediastinal; section of upper
gluteal vein seen
Mean ± 39.5 1.56 5.11 59.22 130.5 24.12 6 during 3697 ± 1900 214.44 ± 57 Fat embolism
SD ± 11 ± 0.5 ± 0.5 ± 8.2 ± 8.2 ± 2.5 surgery
3 after
BMI, body mass index.
*Photographs of this patient’s autopsy are shown in Figures 1 through 3.
†Photographs of this patient’s autopsy are shown in Figure 4.
‡Photographs of this patient’s autopsy are shown in Figure 5.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2015
Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 136, Number 1 • Deaths Caused by Gluteal Lipoinjection
Fig. 2. Case 1. Macroscopic adipose tissue in the right atrium in a patient who died
during surgery. (Printed with permission from Aguirre-Serrano H, Bernal M, Navarro
A, Montes G, Morales P, Téllez N. Embolia grasa macroscópica por lipoinyección
glútea. ¿Una nueva patología?. Rev Colomb Cir Plast Reconstr. 2011;17:43–48.)
hundred cubic centimeters of clear liquid was increased in size and were edematous, with sub-
found in the pleural cavities without the pres- pleural purplish hemorrhagic areas based on
ence of any fibrous adherences. The lungs had predominantly right lower lobe firm purplish
Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2015
Fig. 4. Case 3. Pulmonary tissue with presence of large frag- Fig. 5. Case 6. Noncrepitant lung with fat globules in all pulmo-
ments of fat globules. nary lobes and segments.
clots that were similar in appearance to tooth- the survey of Mexican plastic surgeons, 92 per-
paste, which is consistent with thrombi. A micro- cent reported that they usually combine gluteal
scopic study showed that the lungs contained a lipoinjection when performing lipoinjection.
pink material in the alveoli and histiocytes with Because of multiple studies and clinical series
pigment inside. Obstructive thrombi were found with very good results,4–8,12–15 lipoinjection has
in large, medium, and small vessels, consisting become a procedure widely accepted by the
of fibrin, blood cells, and abundant fat. All cuts entire medical community worldwide. In the
showed fat thrombotic damage. There were focal search for better survival, experimental stud-
points of autolysis. The kidneys, heart, and spleen ies in rats have shown that injecting the fat into
showed congestion. The brain weighed 1200 g muscle allowed a high integration of adipose tis-
and was found to have edema and vascular con- sue.16 This procedure provided the adipocytes
gestion. In the peritoneal cavity, 600 cc of hematic with greater vascularity, and survival of the adi-
serum fluid was found, with marked congestion pose cells was much greater than when fat was
of the intestinal areas. The retroperitoneum pre- injected outside of the muscle.
sented with an adipose appearance with a slight Initially, lipoinjection was used in small vol-
right hematoma that contained approximately umes and very circumscribed areas to achieve
100 cc of blood. No perforation was found. precise localized improvements, especially in the
The principal findings were massive pulmo- face.12–22 Because of the excellent results, its use was
nary fat embolism with pulmonary edema and extended to other areas to achieve improvement
generalized visceral vascular congestion. The of body contouring. Therefore, it was applied to
cause of death was a massive pulmonary fat embo- areas such as the buttock, an area where it pro-
lism with pulmonary edema (Figs. 1 through 3). duces more benefit and which previously had few
treatment options.5 Gluteal lipoinjection became
DISCUSSION a treatment with excellent results regarding the
Body contouring surgery has evolved since volume and shape of these areas.5–8 With longer
1976 with the appearance of liposuction.1,2 fat survival through muscular injection, which
Because of perfecting the techniques, the fat has been shown by experimental studies16 and
obtained was used in improving results by ratified with clinical studies,12,14,18 fat injection was
implementing the transfer of autologous fat by performed into the muscular area of the buttock.
lipoinjection.5–8 According to reports from the However, the fact that the application of an experi-
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Sur- mental study for a clinical purpose is completely
gery, liposuction was the second most common different was never taken into account. Cases with
aesthetic surgical procedure worldwide in 2013,11 fat embolism and fat embolism syndrome began
and although there are no exact data on the fre- to occur. Studies have reported that during fat
quency of gluteal lipoinjection combined with management during liposuction or lipoinjec-
liposuction, there are multiple reports regard- tion, particles of fat can enter the bloodstream
ing the combination by multiple doctors.4–8 In and facilitate the appearance of a fat embolism
Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 136, Number 1 • Deaths Caused by Gluteal Lipoinjection
syndrome or a fat embolism.23–28 The physiopathol- attention can resolve the manifestations without
ogy of these two entities is different; therefore, the major sequelae. In fat embolism, the problem is
clinical manifestations are different as well. We immediate and caused by blockage of medium and
feel that the amount and size of the fat particles large vessels, which occurs during lipoinjection.
along with the speed with which the fat particles This occurs at the time of the fat infiltration, when
enter the bloodstream determine the type of clini- signs and symptoms indicate a blockage at the car-
cal manifestations that appear. The fat embolism diac level or in pulmonary vessels, and the patient
syndrome is caused by a systemic inflammatory usually dies despite immediate attention.27 If dur-
response.23,27,28 In contrast, fat embolism is essen- ing lipoinjection a patient shows sudden cardiovas-
tially a mechanical problem. In addition, although cular changes, such as hypoxia and bradycardia,
the fat embolism syndrome is serious, critical we must think of this problem. In these cases, we
Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2015
Fig. 9. Case 9. Heart with adipose tissue in the interior of the Fig. 10. Case 9. Right ventricle saturated with
right atrium. adipose tissue.
can speak of a macroscopic fat embolism, which and large vessels, such as the vena cava, right car-
has been rarely reported in the medical literature. diac cavities, and pulmonary tissue (Figs. 1, 2, 4
It is undeniable that fat injection in highly vas- and 7 through 10). In contrast, patients who died
cularized beds involves better survival of the adi- during the first 24 hours after surgery had a less
pose tissue, but it is also true that any injection evident embolism, observed in small pulmonary
into highly vascularized tissues involves a higher vessels using special dye for fat tissue. These data
risk of producing entry of the injected substance guide us toward understanding the difference
into the blood vessels of the area. In addition, between these two manifestations, which are dif-
in the case of fat, the consequences can be very ferent but have the same causal agent, fat in the
serious. There are multiple reports of permanent bloodstream. It is important to emphasize that the
blindness29–32 and even damage to other organs amounts of fat infiltrated were not large volumes,
from the occlusion of arteries resulting from fat with the largest amount being 300 cc per buttock,
infiltration.32–37 Regarding the buttocks, the large with an average of 214 cc. We consider that the
venous vessels in the area—specifically, the gluteal main factor causing the problem is the muscle
vein in the subpiriformis or suprapiriformis chan- area where fat is injected. At the time of autopsy,
nels—and the large muscular vascularity facilitate fat was found in the deep muscle tissue near the
entrance of fat into the bloodstream. Secondary vessels, with rupture of venous vessels.
to its entry into the bloodstream, a fat embolism Mortality studies on buttocks fat infiltration are
syndrome or fat embolism may be produced, controversial and insufficient. The diagnosis of fat
depending on the factors listed above. embolism cannot be established easily with clinical
A consensus of Colombian plastic surgeons studies, laboratory tests, or pathologic evaluation.
and Colombian anesthesiologists shows that they Therefore, the diagnosis is often only suspected,
considered buttocks lipoinjection to be a risk fac- when the cause cannot be determined.1–15,38–45
tor and the cause of fulminant massive throm- Many cases with a diagnosis of death from unknown
boembolism.38 In our studies of both series, we cause or exacerbation of a disease may be related
found that 12 of the 21 deaths (57.1 percent) to fat embolism, which would increase the percent-
occurred at the time of lipoinjection during the age of mortality attributable to this cause. The fat
surgical procedure, whereas nine (42.8 percent) globules that enter the circulation during surgery
occurred immediately postoperatively within the may have obstructive, inflammatory, and immune
first 24 hours after initiation of surgery. Coin- effects, and the amount circulating, inflammatory
cidentally, in patients with data from the opera- diseases, and patient sensitivity are responsible for
tion and the autopsy, it was found that the deaths the magnitude of the response.46–48
during surgery occurred when the fat embolism This study shows through necropsy the presence
was clearly macroscopic, and damage to blood of fat in large, medium, and small vessels secondary
vessels was found, specifically, the gluteal vein. to gluteal lipoinjection. This confirms that buttocks
In these cases, fat was found obstructing medium lipoinjection can lead to entry of fat into the gluteal
Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 136, Number 1 • Deaths Caused by Gluteal Lipoinjection
Copyright © 2015 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2015
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