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01 INTRODUCTIONS Dr A: Okay eversbod, ca we make a start? Fin ofall allow me to welcome yo all to Adibourme Management College. My ‘name is Mariah Wilson and Iam the ‘main tntor fr one Performance Through People’ course It's always seful to know something about the hackground of the oer participants so we normally begin by asking you to intradace yourself tothe rest ofthe group. Perhaps we could start with sou, Jan? B: Yes, hello. My name is Jan Werner. Fork for Metronet Fibre. Our mii business isfibre optics. We install urban fibre ‘optic network for teeconumnication eld. Tm director of Try Norwegian bt {ive ad work in the Czech Republic. Our head office isin Prague. That’ where I'm based tthe moment, thoush, Lam spending «lot of time visting our other offices in Eisope Longanise and nin different management raining courses for or senior management A: Thank you Jan. Silvia? Well, Fim SilkiaFortani Im Catalan and Fn ftom Barcelona. work fora big retail ehain with franchises ll over te world. Wemannfaetureand sll elothes and fashion accessories but of couse, my role is eated to personel work out four headquarters in Barcelona and 1 am director of stall taining responsible for eeritment and taining inthe European area. [have tos I love rm fob il I welcome the oppor to lea something more abot performance ad motivation. [think that's it you want to “now angthing more, vou can ask me My tums? Hi everbody, My name is Ja Christophe Marchal but most people just fe Do eae etd job in the HR department of Aquat Yon mainly involved with staff taining. As say, its new job for me but [have five yeas experience working in the HR field, You probably think om my acce that Fv French, Actually, 'm Belgian bot om based in Paris where we have our alice. Aquahis is utlities company ane our main activity she supply and treatment of water and waste A: Thank you JC. Now, Elem, I think its Bic Helland welcome to sine Talk. youve ever ada mel in a dan restau in the UK, youve probably sampled the beet ofthis wee’ prime. Ths month ne a loking tthe rl fo rade ard ty we ean the amaring sues of ne of the neti es tts UR Cobra expos more than 45 cous werlvide, and now with sibs In, South Aves snd the US, itis becoming ‘mainstream, global beer brand, Later on we talk tothe founder and managing dtector, Karan Bilimoria, but fit, her's «quick profile of the compan: Back in 1989 an unknown Cambridge sacha with previons business experience set ‘up Cobra Beer to ila very specific gap in the ‘marke. Karan Bilimoria noticed hows normal beets left eaters of euy feling very fall and bloated, sole ha the idea ofa lighter, less pen eu Thi ts USE unten point but his ain was to brew the bes ian heer pessibe and to make ita global brand He started by importing his beer from Indi, bt aowadays Cobra is brewed in the UR, Poland, Belg, the Netherlands and luda “obea Beer uses only natural ingredients Dou etna premium strength oF 3%. Asan indeation of ts quality: Cobra Beer wor 6 ind Gold Medals and 14 Gold Medals at the 7477 Mande Selon be Brassels Cobra Beer asa humover of £75 milion ‘year and supplies aver 6,000 restaurants ‘and most major supermarkets and retail ‘ink chains in the UK. Isso available in ‘neatly 6,000 pabs and clubs. The company is ‘pani rails with a gromth eae of 12% in the last ten yea, ‘The company headquarters ae in ‘ham, in southwest London but it now thas subsidiaries in nda, South Africa and the US, Ava current development it isextending ‘operations to meet the demand for Cobra inthe European and workwide market, but Karan says that innovation sil the key to the Cobra philosophy. His business principles fom the out are very aightforward. Thay ar: the product comes ithe different and better; never ask for exclusivity treat suppliers ind eustomers with the same respects ‘maintain an informal yet profesional office atmos 02 WOMAN AT WORK Bie A: What's that? B, Oh, tsa blog bya woman who's atop manager in a big telecom compa Av What does she say? B, Its about her daly routine, Lwonder how she can survive on Five hour’ sleep, A. Is probably not tue, People can inven ansthing they like in Blogs. What do yor think about people blogging? B: It depends what you mean by blog A, Well fds that most people who are normal don't have mal to sy that’ of any interest fo anyone else B: Yes, you're probably exile ype ot blog, Toc aguite use What do you mean? You have some problem with the computer, do a search on Google and find the solation in some techie’ blog. A: Okay, but thatsan example of blog but it depends eal logs con be \ B whieh as useful information om a very specific subject: Mont blogs ae just people’ opinions Well that's democratic in not ste about that, he information ight just be rubbish Aren't vou being bit negative? For example, from a business point of view they ean be ver sei Our company blog for example? Yes it'-a good way For us to shane bee lion ed idea You mean connplain about things and gossip. Isa gond theory but in practice it doesn't work, fa any ease, you can't what you relly think beemse you might sgctinto trouble, Maybe, but look a Sally MeDermott’s blog It makes her company look more human, I goad public relations Do you realy thin 2 W's ging tn Lats of people. Me, fra star Dro x fs \ B \ B re B Hi Badie, How are you? Ob hello Jennie. Ln 6 Fine thanks. How’s Fiona? ‘Oh, shes okay: She's gota mew job, Really, thats good, Well, es, suppose so but in worried shes working too hard ‘Oh dear, Does involve long hours? Officially 40 hors but she often works late. We dont Whatshe doin Iesthe aime company -you know = ehicational software, but she's now tein marking manage or Westen itope Souls impressive. What dos it involve? Apa ro heing in change ofthe sles praliWalarcodiail ich paul development and the whole marketing strategy ofthe company. Does it mean a lot of tavelling? Irseems to, At Teast couple of trips a snonth Lee. I don’t ind that, Is the weekend’ that cause problems Does she have to work weekends? Not every weckend but we ca never make plans (Oh dear. How much holiday does she get? Ws not bad. Three weeks ear. But thar a long way of You're being. hit negative, Does she enjoy it? Ws hard work bur 1 dni she enjoys the challenge But you're not very happy Ta bayggi be be Ti caged and its reat for her career but there ia tlosrside Well, its alvaysdifcut atthe begining, Anya, give her my regards. Why dont wwe go fora drink sometime? Okay, Iwill and yes, like that. And you? USTENING SCRIPTS.

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