Vasant Brass-Bba-Mba Project Report
Vasant Brass-Bba-Mba Project Report
Vasant Brass-Bba-Mba Project Report
As per the syllabus of SY BBA we are to undergo practical training by visiting any of industrial unit. The main objective behind this practical training is to Give some practical guidance or some experience of management affairs.
The theoretical knowledge and main prospectus of business management is gain by a student in classroom. But so far the practical field is concerned we were to visit a particular unit i.e. VASANT BRASS WORKS CO.PVT.LTD.
The report is the reflection of what I have noticed and came across during the visit. I helped myself to collect the most information regarding the various department of the unit.
Thanking you.
I am a student of S.Y.B.B.A. from GYANYAGNA COLLEGEOF SCIENCE &MANAGEMENT it is my great pleasure to present this industrial report before you. I that all who helped me through out to get the necessary information regarding the unit I visited. First I am very thankful to our dynamic principal who has arranged this visit and allowed us to have training at the unit. I also thankful to my guardians MS.ALPA JOSHI who guided preparation of this industrial study report. I am thankful to the managing director of vasant brass works pvt.Ltd. Shree Mahendrabhai Patel for giving us information regarding various especial in the unit.
I am thankful to everyone who made efforts whether directly or indirectly in preparing this report.
I am LAKKAD RAVI Student of S.Y.B.B.A. Here declares that the project work prepared is own work under the supervision of MS.ALPA JOSHI of GAYNYAGNA COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT.
This work has not been previously submitted to any other university or institution for any other examination.
Place: Date:
SR,NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 General information Production department Personnel department Marketing department Finance department Future plan Swot analysis Conclusion Suggestion Bibliography
VASANT BRASS WORKS PVT LTD Was established in 1970 at Rajkot was taken by Mr. Vipul Patel in a short span of time vasant brass works pvt. Ltd. Has made its presence felt globally among the industries of agriculture grading tools with highest installed capacity in India. I-implements cater to the need of agricultural, Horticulture, industry, maintenance of roads, railway etc.
There are many products. In vasant brass works he selling has been in India. Oil parts the working and is dressed to reasonably smooth finish. The implements are coated with a protective layer of anticorrosive paint, making it adaptable to different conditions.
All the implements are manufactured to comply with the requirements of the Indian standard institution under a well defined system of inspection. Tasting quality control also the goods confirm to the specifications laid by the various reshipment and testing agencies. We take the manufacture of implements to individual specification and designs as per international samples and sizes.
Name: -
Address: - Vasant brass works, Bhaktinagar station road, Rajkot. 360002 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Site: Product: 91-281-2481871 91-281-2481873 [email protected] Engine bearing spear part
There is a very special history of Vasant Brass Works pvt Ltd Which started in 1970 on the basis of various practical on trial errors has it started to produce oil bearing spear part. Collected of different capacity after a long experience vasant brass works shifted magically qualified technical engineers for well driving and designs and having a staff of more than 29 qualified well trained young men for marketing and services.
Vasant brass works has own R-&-D canter for design and driving for up gradation and to implement day to day new technology modification in machinery system failed.
By considering size of the unit. There are three types of business organization.
(1) Small scale (2) Medium scale (3) Large scale The unit having the investment up to 3 corers is known as small scale unit. Having investment between 5 corers is known as medium scale unit. The unit having investment more than 12 corers is the large scale unit. Vasant brass started in 1970 as small scale industry.
The main object with which any business concerns are started is to earn maximum profit by capital. Labours machineries and type of business concern can be started either by one person or more than one person i.e. partners by the government or by other public bodies in public as well as private sector also from this point of view, there are four main form of org. which is as under. Sole proprietorship Partnership Co-operative society Company
Organization is a group of people working together co-operatively under authority to wards goals and objecting that mutually benefits the org. it may also be said as establishing relationship for the purpose of handing peoples to work effectively by maintaining horizontal and vertical co-ordination.
Managing director
Management Representative
General Manager
Vasant brass works pvt ltd is working for whole 12 hours and a total of 29 workers working in company there is a compulsory holiday in the company that is on for the management department and for the workers also.
The company has its own time keeping system for its own workers and that is as follows.
Companys work flow start at morning 7:45 am. To 12:00 pm. After having a recess of one hour work start again at 12:30 pm. To 4:30 pm.(8 hour a day)
The company is using time keeping resister to record the regularity of a workers in this card the absence presence leaves arrival time. Departure time over time etc. is recorded in this card.
Nileshbhai Patel
Chetanbhai Movaliya
Pravin Patel
Theoretically speaking a part of industry is a place where main money and machinery are brought together for manufacturing the product thus it involves the basic problems of the place where the plant to be located.
VASANT BRASS WORKS PVT.LTD. Vasant brass works, Bhaktinagar station road, Rajkot. 360002
Some of the main factors are affecting to take the decision of plant locate are as a follows Near to the market Transportation facilities Infrastructure facilities Raw material availability Labour availability Natural resources
Every company wants to achieve the higher goal but as on behalf of this industry VASANT BRASS WORK PVT.LTD. to scale their product only national level but they planning to international level and achieve the higher growth.
And try to provide the more and more satisfaction customer and prepare higher quality product and scale it in the market.
Production mean creation of utility and cover all the activity of resources such has labour energy materials machinery etc.
Production must be operated in an economic and efficient because cost of production is a vital factor in facing market competition and in ensuring normal profit or return on investment.
Vasant brass works pvt ltd manufactures and exports various types of agricultural implements eater to the need of agricultural, horticulture, industry maintenance of machinery etc.
We know that for any industry that one and only one important stage is raw materials raw material is one of the vital stage in any industries without raw material no one can draw the business in company vasant brass works pvt.Ltd. Uses m.s.plate, bars, lokhand, as any more then Raw Material Company manufactures various products using above raw products to be produced. We can say that raw material is the
Machinery is considered as one of the most important asset of any unit. This machinery is to be handled with due care and are to be maintained properly and serviced at regular time intervals.
Preventive maintenance Preventive maintenance: means the maintenance before the machines get any fault every day machines are checked before they are started for the use.
Annual maintenance
Annual maintenance: The name itself suggests what it means. It is undertaken at the end of a year here the machines are serviced are completed and the damaged parts. Are removed by the new parts.
In the production department manufacturing is the core activity and company always try to maintain a low manufacturing coast can take place with the productivity and reputation in variance and waste. Vasant Brass has the good machinery and equipment for a manufacturing.
Raw material
Layout problem is fundament ion to every type of organisation enterprise and are experienced in all kinds of understandings.
Plant layout is the overall arrangement of the production process store room, tool room; material handling equipment and sub stores employees service and all other accessories required for facility the production in the factory. The layout of the manufacturing system can be classified into 2 main categories namely 1 PROCESS OR FUCTIONAL LAYOUT In this layout more emphasis is given to specialisation or functional homogeneity or varios components of the system all operation of similar nature is grouped together in the same department or part of the factory. 2LINE OR PRODUCT LAYOUTS Here the position of particular machine equipment is determined at some definite stage or place where the machine required performing some operation designed to manufacturing the product this layout can be in the shape of line
The efficiency of the production functional reliability of the production facilities, which are nothing but a package of land, building,etc., and plant services such as power plant, gas, water supply, etc. All these facilities are subject to wear and tear simply by elapse of time or by the frequency of their use. The basic aim is to keep all the production facilities in a constant and smooth servicing function and thus involves indirect costs of production activity.
In other words, maintenance is not just a repair function, but also a combination of any actions carried out to retain an item in, or restore it to an acceptable condition. This, contributing to the revenue by reducing the operating cost and increasing the quality and quantity of the production.
It is necessary to devise appropriate maintenance system. In VASANT BRASS PVT LTD. maintenance request maintaining the production staff details, the defect and the possible rectification required. There is an Asset or Facilities register where there is detailed description of each physical asset such as name, code, vendors spares vendors, interchangeable parts, etc. the register is maintained on the basis of the asset classification in terms of usage, technical category and maintenance methods.
The quality control department inspects the basic raw material, which is procured, for quality assurance test.
In this department various physical and metallurgical tests are undertaken before issuing the raw material to the production department.
In VASANT BRASS PVT LTD. not only the raw material is checked but also the final output is checked before it is dispatched off. The material is tested in the laboratory with some special tools and equipments.
This process is necessary in order to get sufficient and effective management production.
Inventory control refers to the process whereby the Investment in materials and parts is carried in stock is regulated within the predetermine limits set in accordance with the inventory policy established by the management. Inventory is defined as a usable resource, which is physical and tangible such as materials. Though inventory is a usable resource, it is also an idle resource, unless it is managed efficiently and effectively. Inventories constitute the largest component of current assets in many organizations. So poor management would therefore result in the business failure. Hence, efficient inventory control therefore can significantly contribute to the overall profit-position of the organization. In VASANT BRASS PVT LTD. the inventories are adequately and efficiently maintained so that they are made available as and when required.
Personal mgt. is concerned with the obtaining and maintaining of satisfactory and satisfied work force.
The whole business org. may be regarded as a master system. To accomplish the org. objective this system consists of various sub system: (1) Production (2) Personal (3) Marketing (4) Finance etc. All these sub system are closely inter related and inter depended to each other this org. may be a business concern manufacturing firm. Government agency etc. human beings are also equally important for the success of failure of the business. Most of the problem in an org. is human social rather than the physical and economic ultimate goal of any business org. available resources.
It is planning organizing staffing directing and order to contribute individual and social goals to the business organization.
Recruitment is the first stage in the process, which continues with selection and cease with the appointment of the candidate. It is the next step after manager planning in procurement. Function Recruitment helps to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure continued of the organization. There are two source of recruit mean.
Selection is concerned with the department of Policies and Procedures evaluation of potential employee in terms of job specification
It divided in two classes those who are to be offered employment and those who are not thus only. The side candidates who are fit for the job Employment.
(1) Qualified personnel have better grasping power. They can understand the Technique of the work better and in on time. (2) The org. can develop training program for different persons on the basic of their individual difference, thus reducing the time and cost of training considerably.
Personal reduce personal problems in the org. such as labour turnover and monopoly small not experienced in their org. labour relation will be better because workers will be fully satisfied by their work
Induction is a technique by which a new employee is rehabilitated into enhanced surrounding and introduced to the practiced, policies and the objective of the organisation. In other words it is a welcoming process. The idea is to welcome a new comer make him\her fell at home and generate a feeling of belongingness, however its small but is meaningful and has significance as a part of total organisation. Process of Induction. Firstly, information is given to newly appointed person to whom he has to given a report and the place of report. Secondly, the respective manager welcomes the employees. Thirdly, it gives overall information about the department in which he is designated.
Every org. needs to have the web trained and experienced staff to perform the activities that have to be done.
GWPL provides the training to the semiskilled and unskilled employees on their knowledge basis. They are providing training to their workers in two different way and they are those.
Here the semiskilled and unskilled employees are put under the hands of highly skilled and experienced employees. They are continuously guided by them and their performance is observed by them continuously.
Cost production through quality improvement. Achieving effectiveness through self awareness
Workers in a firm as an organizations as an org. workers for the reward. Which is known as wage and salary, wages are given on the daily basis and mainly given to the workers on the daily basis salary is given completion of the wage as a month as predicated period the chemical staff and executive get salary on the basis on their qualification and experience.
Company being a registered company the wages and salary as prescribed by the government. It pays the wages and salary on the basis of month by basis. It means that the company pays the fix salary at the end of every month as divided by the top level management. It various as the authority and responsibility varies.
Each every workers is soul heart of every industry worker can run industry smoothly so industry always try to satisfy their workers by giving them afford type of incentives.
Transportation Quarters Salary advantages Loan facility F. S. I. facility Medical facility Bonus facility
Job analysis involves formal study of jobs. It attempts to provide information on both the requirement of a job in terms of time for completion necessary performance standard on the one hand and also the behaviour knowledge, skills and attitudes needed among the personnel to meet those job requirements on others. It is a written recorded of the duties responsibilities and requirement of a particular job. It is a statement describing the job in such terms as its title, location, duties, working condition and hazards. It is a standard of a function in that it defines the appropriate and authorized contents of the job.
A promotion may be defined as an upwards movement of an employees in an organisation to another job which commands better pay, better status and higher opportunist and responsibility better working condition hours of work and facilities etc. Transfer is the movement of an employee from one job to another without involving any substantial change in his duties responsibilities requirement skill status and compensation. In VASANT BRASS PVT LTD.. there is less chance of assistant when any vacancy occurs they fill up the vacancy from within the organisation according to the merit, seniority of the persons.
Trade union is any combination of person whether temporary or permanent primarily for the purpose of regulation the relation between workers and employers or between workers and workers and for imposing restrictive condition on the conduct of any trade or business and includes the federation of two or more trade union. In VASANT BRASS PVT LTD.. there is no trade union as the need for it is not felt any grievance on the part of the employees is handled by the management effectively and immediately. So all the workers are satisfied with the management and there is no need for them to create a trade union.
Marketing has become new a days very important areas for all org. because through marketing one can create the demand of the product in the customer happy they will make you happy because customer are always right that the marketing says through marketing we can create image on the customer mind and first impression always remain in mind thud we can say that marketing department create the dirge between the producers and the consumer.
The marketing is helpful icon increasing sale of product. Marketing has been viewed as dynamic process marketing research is the starting point in the process of marketing field. To know the customers demand through the market analysis and investigation resources of men money materials and mgt are employed in the marketing system to prepare the product for the customers it takes a long period of time for marketing research but companies do it because it is the place where the company has to create this image.
Ever company has a particular organization structure for their different department and in marketing also a particular structure is maintained. The organization is as follows.
Following is the ling org. structure of marketing department of this company. In this department all the officers are responsibility for their work there is one head of this department and other is follower they have to work under his instruction .
In Vasant Brass Works price of a product is decided considering various factors like.
Raw material porches. Transportation Processing expenses Taxes marketing expenses Packing labelling Commission to middleman
The channel of distribution is the way by which the product reaches to ultimate customer the channel of distribution for the different this also affects the price of the goods. The channel of distribution of the Vasant Brass Works is as follows.
Advertising purpose and task are set by marketing plan and the strategies. It is very powerful tool for the creation and retention of consumer demand. Advertising programmers as an integral part of promotion campaign may have one as more of the following specific objective.
To increase sales To introduce a new product To face Competition Support sales force Enter new market segment Build up goodwill Build up brand preference To help dealer Presale goods Immediate buying action
In India there many agricultural implements manufacturing industries. Have many competitors of may be temporary as traditional main competitors of Company are thus there is stiff competition because so many brands are available in the market.
Every company is having its export market. So company export it product other countries across the world. The yearly export of the company and gets success to increase the export.
The company transports its product to be the main port I.E. candela.
A product planning is accompany plan marketing for marketing its products product planning means planning for the product that is to decide what type of product to be produced or what need or requirements the products should satisfy. In VASANT BRASS PVT LTD. product planning is done very carefully they first contact dealers and ask for the demand of product in the market & new demand of customer them they few samples and give to dealers.
It means the process of taking the total homogenous market for a product and dividing it into several sub homogenous parts.
In local segment, the firm covers all the areas of Saurashtra in which it sells out its products to its customers.
In national segment, they provide their product to various other states of their country.
In international segment, they provide their product to various other foreign countries.
It has a wider meaning and scope. It is the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing the data about the problems connected with the market place, problems like pricing etc.
New VASANT BRASSS PVT LTD. goes for market research through internal sources. They conduct meetings with their agents and collect information about the present market conditions. It is useful in the field of high selling and rising demand
New VASANT BRASS PVT LTD. goes for both policies that is, it gives goods on cash and credit also Generally, it goes for credit policy.
Finance department is the misses of all monitoring activities undertaken by the company and also we know it is obligatory. It has to maintain high secrets and high confidential matter in its care so it stands in front of and department as advisor directors chief guides.
In Vasant brass works department has been fully computerized and uses well designed accounting software system application.
The statutory audit takes place on a yearly basis external auditor and by companies internal audit as per the department schedule.
Any person want to start a business, he faced many problems. The main problem is capital; a person must have some capital for start the business. If person has no capital from various people bank & also he can capital by equality shares etc.
Vasant brass works gets capital from their partner. They also get capital from their relative and also get capital from other persons, known as creditors vasant brass capital from ICICI, SBI banks Rajkot dist co-operative banks in the form of loan.
The fixed assets are required to suit the business operations of the organization for large scale unit by investment in land building plant and equipment are required.
Small scale unit having plant and machinery also a building for mgt. works houses for staff land etc. as fixed assets. This organization invest large amount of financial in such type of fixed assets in an efficient by a try maintain it with
o o o o o
25, 00,000 50, 00,000 15, 00,000 20, 00,000 10, 00,000
Profit is the ultimate aim of every business. It is the motivation factors behind the every business. Profit is the unit which measures. Which measures the success of the business firm as organization all the tasks are presumed so as to in cease the profit after year.
Right from the year of the established the profit of company is in ceasing year by year this shows that gwpl is a successful company every years profit 50, 00,000.
One of the most important function of finance manager is that of planning financial planning is essentially concerned with judicious procurement and profitable use of funds an use which is determined by realistic inventories decisions finance planning helps management to avoid waste by providing policies and procedures which make possible a closer co ordination between various functions of the business enterprise financial planning is responsibility of top level management. Financial planning is primarily a statement estimating the amount of capital and determining its composition it includes. Determination of the quantum of finance for example: the amount needed for implementing business plan The determination of the form and proportionate amount of the securities. Laying down the policies as to the administration of the financial plans. VASANT BRASS PVT.LTD. has the policy of yearly financial planning the management does this financial industries systematically in order to meet current and future requirement the soundness of any company can be known from its financial planning due to proper financial planning the company is earning its desired profit.
Capital budgeting may be defined as making process by which an organisation evaluation the major investment proposals keeping due consideration for the Amount needed for investment Amount that can be required from different sources The cost of raising funds Future cash inflow
According to S.KUCHCHAL capital budgeting process involves planning the availability and controlling the allocation and expenditure of long term investment funds VASANT BRASS PVT LTD. is the medium scale unit which has invested most of its capital in purchasing the machines and the plant required for it as the company is a medium scale. There is not much burden of long term investment plants.
Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat The SWOT analysis of New VASANT BRASS Pvt. Ltd. is as follows: -
Happy and contented work force
Efficient management
Less production capacity comparatively Capital related problem
Expansion in untouched markets
They want to emphasize on the field on the Windsor. They want to emphasize on the field on Biogas a Plant. They want to emphasize on the field on Similar Non Convention Energy.
In my conclusion this firm is read progressive one and whole staff is working with full responsibility so firm can achieve they altimeter goal.
As this is a private limited company. It is owned and managed by efficiently person. There was pervasion among the employees and mgt and thus they be not face any problem workers are satisfied with mgt and reward they gats gwpl has employee in unit so its provides emplacement in large number its provides to skilled and unskilled employees and help them to earn according to their.
I wish my best regards for its continuous process by which it can be achieve their a limiter goal.
I am proud to quote that VASANT BRASS WORKS As a leader in its sector contributing much to company of our country and well director by top mgt. Officials and staff on Vasant and well determined about its goal is one of the important and well managed industrial units in the country since from 1948 giving good class products to the uses of society with care.
Name of Books
S.A. Sherlekar