Aidan Nichols. What Is Theology-1
Aidan Nichols. What Is Theology-1
Aidan Nichols. What Is Theology-1
outstanding teachers of the Church.13 Particular popes, acting as the infinite in its implications for human understanding. To be a theologi-
Church's chief pastors, thus attempted to draw the attention of the cal student in the full sense of those words cannot be a temporary state
community to some figures more deserving of the title "teacher" than or a preamble to something else, such as the ministerial priesthood
others. Here studiousness and conformity to the fides quae are presup- or an all-round education. Rather, it is a solemn engagement to de-
posed, and to the resultant qualities of erudition and orthodoxy is veloping over a lifetime the gift of Christian wonder or curiosity, which
added the test of holiness, by which faith, the subjective response to is the specifically theological mode of faith. As theologians, then, we
the self-revealing God, is rooted in mind and heart. It is perhaps in- commit ourselves to the lifelong study and reflection which the satis-
structive to reflect on the implications of the difference between these faction of such curiosity wUl need. Our faith is from now on, in St.
liturgical and canonical titles and the professional titles of lecturers in Anselm's words, fides quaerens intellectum, "a faith that quests for un-
a university theology faculty today. derstanding."15
Yet, though the root of the theological habit is supernatural faith, Such an engagement implies another aspect of the theological habit,
that faith takes on a particular quality when exercised theologically be- the willingness to be stimulated by appropriate objects: the kind of
cause of its entering into symbiosis with the natural human quality objects which have, in point of fact, stimulated the curiosity of theo-
of studiousness. The specific mode in which faith lives in the theolog- logians. Such objects can be thought of as arranged in three concen-
ical enterprise is Christian wonder, or curiosity.14 The studious believer trie circles. The first and largest of these circles can be labelled
who wishes to become a theologian wants to know. Why? Why do "existence" or, more colloquially, "anything you care to mention."
we say that God exists? Why did this God make the world? How, if In principle, any existent thing could elicit theological wonder. We
the God of Christian faith exists, does evU coexist with such a God? should not fall into the trap of thinking that only directly religious
Why did God's Word, or self-expression, become man and, more spe- things can be cues for theological reflection. For those like myself whose
cifically, a Jew of the house of David? Why did he conduct his minis- work takes them to Rome, where the symbols of Catholicism lie all
try as he did? In what way did he save the world? By what means is about them and where most of their colleagues and students and they
he still present and active through his Spirit m the Church? All of these themselves live in ecclesiastical institutions, it is tempting to narrow
questions and a hundred and one others deserve an answer. Probably the theological vision to the internal life of the Church and that alone.
everyone who takes his or her faith at all seriously has thought about But giving in to such a temptation would be a disaster. The work of
one or more of them at some time. But there is a difference between God is as wide as the whole of creation, and the story of grace includes
the ordinary person who may discuss these things occasionally over every human soul, whether he or she knows it or not. Two examples
a pint of beer at the local pub, or worry about them for a while before drawn from the history of culture may help to illustrate this.
dropping off to sleep, and the person who makes a serious lifelong The first is the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, the Jesuit priest
commitment to struggling with them and turns that commitment into and writer who lived in England and Ireland from 1844 to 1899. Hop-
a part of his or her very self-definition. For one cannot say, I've fin- kins, looking at nature with the penetrating eye of an artist, found in
ished theology; now I'll move on to another subject. There is a sense it evidence of the divine creativity. Thus, Hopkins brought to life a
in which one might say something similar of Akkadian grammar or commonplace of patristic and medieval theology, namely that nature
the family tree of the Hapsburg dynasty, but one cannot reasonably is a book in which we read of God. In fact, a study of his visual world
assert it of exploration into God's revelation, which is, by definition is entitled, significantly. All My Eyes See.16 With Hopkins' help, we learn
how to see the most ordinary things—a bud, a star in the night sky—
13. V. Pugliese and others, "Dottori della Chiesa," Encicopledia Cattolica 4 (Rome:
1950) cols. 1902-7. The first Western list, that of Bede in his Epistola responsoria ad Accam
episcopum, depended like Lossky's modem Eastern triumvirate on received custom; but 15. The subtitle o,f Anselm's Proslogion; Cf. his Epistola de incanwtione Verbi 1: "The
stimulated by Trent's praise of Thomas, Pope Pius V began the practice of canonically one who does not believe has no experience, and the one who has no experience, does
naming new Doctors in 1567. The most recent creations are the first two women Doc- not know." For Thomas' version see Scriptum super libros sententiarum III. 23, 2, 2,1 ad ii.
tors, Catherine of Siena and Teresa of AvUa, named by Pope Paul VI in 1970. 16. R. K. R. Thomton, All My Eyes See: The Visual World of Gerard Manley Hopkms (Sun-
14. Schillebeeckx, Revelation and Theology, 109. deriand: 1975).
20 Part One: Introducing Theology The Habit of Theology 21
in a new, theological light, as marked or, in Hopkins' word, "in- two thousand years ago. And this central figure cannot himself be un-
stressed" by God's creative act. We also learn how to see certain ex- derstood without a grasp of the religion of his people Israel, a religion
traordinary and terrible things—such as shipwreck—as related not whose own history dates back at least another fifteen hundred years.
simply to the continuous act of creation but to the finer divine activity Similarly, the central figure of Christianity cannot be understood with-
of re-creation through a travail of suffering and destruction.17 A sec- out a grasp of the tradition that flowed from him, the tradition of the
ond example is the writings, more especially the thoughts, Pensees, of Church. The historical nature of the Christian religion means that we
Blaise Pascal, the devout French scientist-philosopher who lived from cannot reinvent the Christian faith in our own age to suit our own tastes
1623 to 1662. Pascal looked at the people around him in order to give and using our own speculation. We are always in dependence on the
us dramatic evidence of the Christian understanding of humankind. people of the past. Certainly, our age has its own contribution to make
According to Christianity, people are made for God and open to God. to an understanding of the faith. Each generation is open to God, and,
At the same time, they are sunk in origmal sin, having a built-in ten- in fact, this century has seen a positive torrent of theological writing,
dency to what is evil. Humans are essentially a paradox, what Pascal unprecedented, at least m quantity, in the history of the Church.
calls "the glory and the refuse of the universe."18 To see this as really Nevertheless, we make our contribution as part of a dialogue, and in
the truth we need the assistance of men like Pascal, of novels, plays, this dialogue the initiative belongs firmly with the past, since it is out
and films as well as our own observation of the people we meet. of the past that Christ comes.
In these two cases, then, nature and people rather than anything This basic truth about Christianity, a truth often minunized or over-
specifically religious spark off theological wonder. They invite us to looked by people looking for unmediate relevance, means that our ohgi-
set out on a theological exploration. In Hopkins' case, we would be nal outer circle labelled "existence" or "anything" is not a sufficient
exploring the doctrine of creation, and of re-creation, through sharing guide to the field of play of theological wonder. We need a second
in Christ's death and resurrection. In Pascal's case, we would be ex- circle, a circle for the special history that has defined the Christian faith.
ploring theological anthropology: the doctrine of humans, their origi- Much of the time, specifically Christian theological wonder takes the
nal righteousness, fall, and need for redemption. To take a leaf out form of what we can call "historical sympathy," sympathy for the
of their books, I advise my students at the Angelicum in Rome to go people of the past. By sympathy I do not mean that we should feel
walking in the AIban hUls, or to read some classical novels, or just to sorry for them. I mean that we should deliberately try to put ourselves
loiter in the Pincio Gardens or the Piazza di Spagna on a Sunday af- on their wavelength. By historical sympathy we place ourselves in the
tenioon, places where all Romans go to play the favorite Roman sport, position of those in the past, insofar as that is humanly possible. We
which is people watching. This is not necessarUy time subtracted from try to understand their viewpoint, their mind-set, their hopes and fears.
theological study. In principle, theological wonder can be stimulated Historical sympathy is a very special kind of charity toward our neigh-
by any human experience, and any human experience is a proper start- bor. It is a kind of love in which we reach out to the long-dead genera-
ing point for theological reflection. tions and make their thoughts and words live again by re-creating them
Coming now to the second, smaller concentric circle, I would label in our own minds.20 This is not an easy task, because many of these
this "the sacred history." Although anything can spark off theologi- people lived in a world very different from ours, with preoccupations
cal wonder, the central focus of that wonder for the Christian must that are, at first, quite alien to us. It requires an enormous effort on
lie in history.19 Christianity is a historical religion. Its central figure lived our part to get inside the mind of the author of the Book of Lamenta-
17. See, e.g., G. M. Hopkins, "The Windhover," "The Starlight Night," "The Loss tions, to grasp the situations and problems facing St. Paul or St. Au-
of the Eurydice," "The Wreck of the Deutschland": The Poems of Gerard Manley Hop- gustine. But if we are not willing to make this effort, then there is little
kins, ed. W. H. Gardner and N. H. Mackenzie (Oxford: 1967) 69, 66, 72-76, 51-63. A point in our trying to study the theology of a historical religion at all.
theologically informed reading of the poems is presented in J. F. Cotter, Inscape: The
Christology and Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins (Pittsburgh: 1972).
18. B. Pascal, Pensees, ed. L. Lafuma (Paris: 1962) no. 131; cf. nos. 78, 149, 430, 470,
613, 629. See A. KraUsheimer, Pascal (Oxford: 1980) 50-68. 20. R. G. Collingwood, The Idea of History (London: 1946) remains valuable on this
19. 0. Lewry, The Theology of History (Cork: 1969) 10. aspect of the historian's approach.
22 Part One: Introducing Theology The Habit of Theology 23
The third and smallest concentric circle I propose to label "the tions and notes. In practice, in the English-speaking world, this will
Bible." This may sound like a strangely Protestant remark in what is mean the New Jerusalem Bible which is as well adapted for such study
intended to be an essay on getting the habit of Catholic theology. After as it is Ul adapted to the needs of Christian worship.23 It is never too
all, in the scheme I am presenting, the smallest circle is the nearest soon to become familiar with the layout and content of the Bible. In
to the center of all. But it is in point of fact a sound principle of Catho- the recent past, few lay Catholics were capable of finding relevant pas-
lie theology that all of Christian revelation is contained in Scripture sages in Scripture, but in a theological student this deficiency would
in some manner.21 The crucial phrase there is obviously the words "in be inexcusable. In the course of working with the Bible, the theologian
some manner." Naturally, Catholics will say that certain aspects of learns to see it as a human product, like any other text from the an-
revelation cannot be found easily in Scripture unless one reads Scrip- cient world. But if we are to study Scripture as theologians, and not
ture within Tradition, but they will also say that the idea that one could simply as Semitic scholars or students of Hellenistic Greek, then we
read Scripture theologically outside of the tradition of the Church that have to sustain our sense that this very human product is also a di-
produced it is crazy anyhow. (Evidently, the Church only canonized vine gift. In a saying no less true for being oft repeated, the Bible is
the Old Testament, though it created the New; but quite apart from the Word of God in the words of men.
the "preexistence" of the Church in Israel it is the union of Old and Theological wonder may begin anywhere in any of these three
New Testaments which definitively constitutes Scripture.) The ecdesio- circles, but the closer it is to their common center (the self-revealing
logical a priori works here just as well as everywhere else in theology, God), the closer it will be to the heart of Christian truth. However,
for the operation of theological wonder in a Christian presupposes the the three circles are not, of course, mutually exclusive. Their concen-
faith of the Church as well as one's own individual act of faith. If can tricity shows their interconnection. A practical example may illustrate
be said that tradition is more a medium than it is an object. Though this. Suppose that my theological wonder is aroused during the Mass
tradition has its own loci, it is more an environment or context or at- of Christmas Day by hearing the words of St. John's prologue: "In
mosphere in which we read Scripture than an object set side by side the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
with Scripture. If we are looking for an actual object, a tangible monu- Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things
ment to serve as the supreme concentration of stimuli to theological were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was
wonder, an object that expresses in a paramount way the historical made."24 Stimulated by this great text (starting point), I might trace
religion which is Christianity, then that object can only be the Bible. back the idea of the living and creative Word of God, here identified
Pondering on the Scriptures is the most important and fertile source with Jesus Christ, through the sapiential and prophetic books of the
of theological wonder that we have. For the average Catholic, such Old Testament (Bible). From there I might try to find out how faith
stimulus wUl come through the reading of the Scriptures in the liturgy in God as Creator arose among the people of Israel (sacred history),
and, if he or she is fortunate, the comments thereon of the Church's thus moving from the first circle to the second. Finally, I might reflect
ministers. For the contemplative monk, one thinks in addition of the on what philosophers of science today might think of the idea of crea-
longstanding custom of lectio divina, the prayerful chewing over of the tion, perhaps themselves stimulated by research into the origins of the
Bible in one's private room. For the young or the enthusiastic cosmos (existence, or anything). Having thus crossed into the third
"groupie," there are Bible study groups meeting in presbyteries or circle, I might begin the journey back to the origmal starting point more
parishioners' homes.22 richly furnished with data and reflection relevant to the prologue, and
The theological student must take further the trajectory that all of use that to study further the presentation of the figure of Jesus in the
these represent. Every theological student shoiild possess a copy of Gospel of John, and so come at last to the mystery of the incarnation
the Bible in a study edition, that is, a Bible with good critical introduc- of the Creator within his own cosmos, which the liturgy of Christmas
presents as the full meaning of the Johannine text.
21. Y. M.-J. Congar, Tradition and Traditions (English trans., London: 1966) 376-424.
22. For a general orientadon in the Catholic use of the Bible, see C. Charlier, The Chris- 23. New Jerusalem Bible (London: 1985).
tian Approach to the Bible (Westminster: 1958). 24. John 1:1-3.
24 Part One: Introducing Theology The Habit of Theology 25
Cultivating theological wonder by openness to such stimuli and duce practical theology to the concerns of social politics or social
developing his or her natural studiousness in order to exercise it with economics would mean a grave impoverishment of its human materials.
profit, the theologian wUl be led to ask a very large number of ques- In any case, if the theological habit is in good working order, it
tions. In order to understand the organization of contemporary theo- will not wish to deal with any one of these five types of question on
logy, it is imperative to sort out these questions into various distinct its own, despite the fact that each is rich enough to occupy the ener-
types. In all, the theological habit finds itself confronted by five basic gies of a lifetime. If theology is to be studiousness made supernatural,
kinds of question. Fust, there are questions concerned with the foun- enquiring faith stimulated by various kinds of objects to ask a variety
dation of faith. How is faith to be justified? On what is it based? This of questions but in a specifically Christian way, then it must always
leads the theologian into what was formerly called "apologetics" and keep in mind the meaning and truth of Christianity as a whole. And
is now more usually termed "fundamental" or "foundational" the- so another vital aspect of the habit of theology emerges, and this is
ology, a less combative but somewhat bland title. Second, there are the urge to connect. In the Christian religion there are a great number
questions about the historical origin and development of the faith. What of beliefs and practices. There are special texts, special ritual actions,
does the biblical text mean? How is later doctrine derived from it? This
special institutions, special ethical qualities, all of which are said to be
would take us into historical theology—if the exegetes will forgive us distinctively Christian things. Also, within any one set of these things
for including biblical studies under this more capacious term. Third, there is a sometimes bewildering diversity. The Bible, for instance, is
there are questions about the interconnection of the contents of the not just one book, but a whole library of books of different kinds from
faith. How does it all hang together? How is one truth related to an- different periods. The theologian wants to know how all of these differ-
other? Such questions entail trying to relate in a systematic way the ent books are connected into a single, unitary whole. He or she wants
various elements that make up the teaching or dogma of the Christian to know how the Christian religion is a unitary belief system, and how
religion. So they belong to systematic or dogmatic theology. Fourth, it offers a unitary way of life. The attempt to show that Christianity
there are questions to do with the way faith should affect the behavior is a coherent system of beliefs is another definition for systematic the-
of the individual or the group. How are my ethical standards altered ology. The attempt to show how the Christian religion can be lived
by becoming a Christian? How should a Christian community behave? as a coherent way of life for an individual or a community is another
Answering these questions would involve an exploration of the basic definition of moral and pastoral theology. And these two types of the-
principles of Christianity as a life, an exploration known as "moral" ology are siirely theology's central themes, since questions dealing with
or "pastoral" theology. Finally, we can group together a number of the rationale and genesis of Catholic Christianity (fundamental and
rather heterogeneous questions that deal with the implications of the historical theology) have something of the nature of a preamble, while
Christian faith for the rest of human knowledge. What does natural questions dealing with the implications of theology for the practice of
science look like in the light of faith? Or social studies? How does faith other human disciplines (what I have called practical theology) are by
modify our approach to literature or art or psychology? There is no way of being a coda, though in practice—as we would say—a pro-
generally agreed portmanteau for such questions, but a suitable one foundly important one for human living.
might be "practical" theology. Such theology would look at the con- In order to preserve this sense of the unity of God's approach to
sequences that faith has for our practice of a variety of human disci- us through a medley of discrete facts and truths, the theologian must
plines (anything from parapsychology to poetry), the manifold ways always be concerned to develop his or her own personal relationship
that we have of moving intelligently about the world. And certainly with the Christian Absolute found in all these particulars: the God of
we could include here such disciplines as sociology, economics, and Jesus Christ. And this brings us back in conclusion to the idea that
politics, thus making a connection with an increasingly widespread to see the theological habit at work, we should look to its highest prac-
use of the term "practical theology" in writers influenced by the po- titioners, the Doctors of the Church. The final aspect of that habit,
litical and liberation schools of theological thought.25 However, to re- which needs highlighting, is the quality of the intersubjective friend-
25. A. T. HenneUy, Theologies in Conflict: The Challenge of Juan Luis Segundo (Maryknoll: ship between a theologian and the Lord. IdeaUy, the theologian should
1979) 9-10.
be a saint; at any rate, all theology should be what the Swiss theologian
26 Part One: Introducing Theology
Hans Urs van Balthasar called die betende theologie or hi theologie a genoux:
"theology on one's knees."26
Although the personal relationship of the theologian with God is
a reality wider than prayer, since it necessarily involves the entire Chris-
tian life, nevertheless prayer is its conscious heart. The fourth-century
desert Father Evagrius of Pontus had a saying, "If you pray, you are
a theologian."27 The saying has been, perhaps, a little overexposed 2
and not a little misunderstood. The term "theologian" here carries a
somewhat specialized meaning. It really means someone who contem- The Task of Theology
plates God as the Trinity. But at least we can echo Evagrius and say,
"If you do not pray then you are not a theologian." It is a necessary
(though not a sufficient) condition for becoming a theologian (in the
non-Evagrian sense) that one has some kind of prayerful quality to I will begin by mentioning three possible definitions of the theologi-
one's life and thought. How we should understand this is a delicate cal task that I cannot accept, on the principle that many good defini-
business. Clearly, it is not the case that if we flop down in a church tions are arrived at by ruling out what things are not. Each of these
for half an hour a day we shall emerge from the pew reborn as a latter- negative definitions wUl be to some extent a caricature, yet all carica-
day Duns Scotus. But continued exposure to God and a God-centered tures have some relation to reality. Moreover, each of the rejected defi-
vision of reality brings a greater quality of intuitive ability when it comes nitions will prove to have incorporated an element of value. This
to theological judgment. In other words, if two people who differ on element is capable of being disengaged and used afresh in a positive
some aspect of theology share a comparable theological culture, but definition of the theological task, to be offered in the second part of
the chapter.
one prays and the other has stopped praying, it is the one who stUl
prays that we should be well advised to follow.28
From an account of the habit of theology, we must now pass on Three Negative Definitions
to an investigation of its task. Having learned something of the sub- A first account of the theological task that one might meet has it that
jective preconditions of theology, we need to enquu-e further into its theology is the misguided attempt to turn into a science something
objective content and its wider place in the Christian community, the that is strictly mysterious: the dogmas, or as we say more precisely,
Church. the mysteries of the Christian religion. Since these mysteries by defi-
nition transcend the scope of the human mind, what is the point of
trying to work them out intellectually? As Lord Dacre of Glanton has
put it, theology is "sophisticated ninnery."1 If we have accepted a re-
vealed religion we must take the consequences. The consequences are
that we cannot theorize about a revelation. We can only reform our
own attitudes and feelings on the basis of it. In other words, one can
have a spirituality but not a theology. One can claim that grace has
changed one's heart, but it does not make sense to claim that grace
has changed one's mind. This tendency to dismiss the rational claims
of theology is not, of course, restricted to retired regius professors of
26. H. U. von Balthasar, "Theology and Sanctity," in Word and Redemption. Essays modern history. A conviction of the superfluity of theology often ac-
in Theology 2 (English trans., New York: 1965) 49-86.
27. Evagrius, On Prayer 60. See I. Hausherr, Les Lefons d'un contemplatif (Pans: 1960). 1. Cited in H. A. WUUams, Some Day I'll Find You: An Auto-Biogmphy (London: 1982,
28. J. Leclerq, Theology and Prayer (English trans.. St. Meinrad, Ind.: 1963). 1984) 90.
28 Part One: Introducing Theology The Task of Theology 29
companies periods of spiritual revival as well as of agnostic debilita- logical student needs the basic natural desiderata of all students of any-
tion: classically, in the devotio modema of the Netherlandish Middle thing, which we have summed up as argumentativeness, retentiveness,
Ages. More recently, Raissa Maritain, despite her adiniration for the and imagination. But such qualities, taken by themselves, are insuffi-
Catholic poet-prophet Charles Peguy, wrote blisteringly of his deliber- dent equipment for a theological mind. The mind must be in some
ate espousal of a "discord between the soul's infused faith on the one way in love with God or it will lose a certain fundamental sympathy,
hand and on the other the actions and the very thoughts of a man who or tact, for Christian truth. There is indeed such a thing as theological
has received this gift of God . . . scorning, in the name of faith, the sensibility, a kind of theological good sense which is not simply ra-
theological wisdom which he glories in not knowing."2 However, if tional but which depends on our remaining within a spiritual culture.6
faith contains, as Thomas Aquinas insists, an inbuilt tendency toward This appeal to the authority of God as providing theology, via reve-
the vision of God, being the inchoate form of that vision, this first defi- lation and faith, with its distinctive epistemological basis may suggest
nition will not do. Though, to begin with, whUe faith is less perspicu- a second definition of the theological task. On this second version, the
ous, less clear, than are other kinds of knowledge, it is in fact moving task of theology is said to be the transcribing in a more intelligible,
toward a state of total clarity, intellectual union with Truth himself.3 or rationally acceptable, form whatever the divinely guided voice of
If this is so, then faith must permit continuous growth in the under- Church authority may determine. Certainly, theologians have a duty
standing of what it believes, and the spiritual (or not so spiritual) anti- to defend the defined teaching of Holy Church and to cooperate with
theologism of the first definition may be set aside. En passant, we can the pope and bishops in clarifying or refining such teaching as may
note that in claiming for theology a continuity with the vision of God have an inadequately articulated form. But such duties, on this view,
on the grounds that it is an intellectual habit rooted in the act of faith, cu'cumscribe the task of theology itself: they constitute the very bor-
we are accepting that it is a science—in the special, and now archaic, ders of its home ground. Here the idea is that the starting point of all
sense of the word indicated by Thomas.4 For Thomas, theology is a theology is the pronouncements of pope and bishops in both theu' ex-
science insofar as it draws its own first principles from an utterly cer- traordinary and ordinary magisterium, theology's job being to prove
tain and transparent or self-evident kind of knowing, namely God's authorized ecclesiastical pronouncements by a regressive method which
own knowing of himself. Theology cannot be reduced to spirituality seeks arguments in the sources, Scripture and Tradition, as well as
because it is a way of knowing and understanding and not just a way in reason, for their truth. The support given by Pope Pius XII to this
of feeling. While Christian affectivity is itself a valuable theological picture of theology in his encyclical Humani generis of 1956 was rightly
theme, this does not mean that the only sensible theology would be criticized by Fr. (now Cardinal) Joseph Ratzinger in his essay on the
a description of Christian affectivity.5 Second Vatican Council's dogmatic constitution on revelation, Dei
The element of truth in the attempted transposition of theology verbum.7 Theology is something wider than the direct assistance the
into spirituality derives from the fact that the fire of spirituality should theologian can afford the magisterium. The bishops, and especially the
be burning in all theology. Faith, together with its necessary attendants, pope, are the guardians of the fides quae, doctrine, the objective con-
hope and charity, is the foundation of all spirituality, all lived relation- tent of the Christian creed. But the fides quae itself is the heritage of
ships with God, while at the same time, by entering into union with every believer who, on the basis of theological wonder, explores the
studiousness, faith is also the foundation of the theologian's work. One riches of this shared faith by putting ever-new questions to it and about
cannot approach theology as though one were a humanist. The theo- it. There is no reason to think that episcopate and papacy have ever
thought of all these questions, much less of the answers to them. The
2. R. Maritain, Les Grandes Amities (Paris: 1948) 272.
3. See Summa theologiae IIa IIae, qq. 1-7; Compendium theologiae 1, 2. For Thomas' 6. The value of a spiritual culhire vis-^-vis theological activity is evoked in J. Leclerq,
account of faith and its intellectuality, see St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae, vol. The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Study of Monastic Culture (2nd ed., English
31: Faith, ed. T. C. O'Brien (London: 1974) passim. trans.. New York: 1974). Needless to say, monastic culture provides a paradigm for a
4. la q. 1, a. 2, corpus. Christian culture here, rather than being its exclusive content.
5. For a splendid example of such spiritual theology, fully conscious of its task and 7. In Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II, ed. H. Vorgrimler, III (English tians.,
limitations, see C. A. Bernard, Thtologie affective (Paris: 1984) and notably 10. New York: 1969) 197.
30 Part One: Introducing Theology The Task of Theology 31
role of Church authority is to say when a given theology has detached and bishops lean—since the charism of truth bestowed on the apostolic
itself from the fides quae. It is not to prescribe in advance what the theo- ministry will naturally have its effect on the expression of that minis-
logian's work shall be. Let us also note here that the fides quae does try, both in the local Church and in the Church universal.9
not come to us simply from learning what the ecumenical councils or The appeal to the fides quae as a common inheritance, embedded
the popes when teaching ex cathedra have defined, nor by listening to in the rich historical data of Scripture and Tradition, might suggest,
what the bishops and pope are teaching today. It also comes to us, however, a third definition of the task of theologian. For some, theol-
and in more ample fashion, from Scripture, and from Tradition—of ogy consists in the acquisition of a very large number of facts about
which the past teachings of Church authority are only one element, the Bible and the Church. Fundamentally, on this view, theology is
one set of "monuments." From this point of view, we might even say an exercise in the memorizing of data. Theologians are "professional
that theology does not so much echo the present-day teaching of rememberers." The trouble with this picture of theology is that just
bishops and pope as make it possible—by providing the Church's heaping up facts and references does not in itself give one a coherent
pastors with an informed and circumstantial grasp of what the sources account of the Christian faith. Christian curiosity about the revelation
of revelation contain. received and the urge to connect its various facets, something that mir-
And yet there is a nugget of truth in the assertion that the task rors the ultimate unity of God and the irdnd of man, cannot rest satis-
of theology is the transcription of the teachings of the magisterium. fied with this purely factual or, in the technical word, "positive" view
Because of theology's dependence on the Church's life of faith, it can- of theology. The emergence of historical theology in the sbcteenth cen-
not ignore what the pastors of the Church are saying at any given time. tury as a mode of theological practice created the possibility of mistak-
By the sacrament of orders, the bishops, and preeminently the Roman ing for the theological task the registering of what others have thought
bishop, are set over the Church by the Church's Lord. Through their of God. It may be that Anglican theology has been peculiarly subject
distinctive activities of preaching the gospel to the unconverted, to this temptation, as such different voices in the Church of England
catechizing the faithful, explaining the mysteries celebrated in the as Dr. E. L. MascaU and Prof. S. W. Sykes have suggested.10 In Catholi-
Church's liturgy, and caring for the lives of Christians from the cradle cism, similar strictures have been levelled against Cornelius Jansen
to the grave, the bishops, and those other ministers—notably, priests— (1585-1638), who roundly declared that theology was an affair of the
whom they co-opt to assist them, are m a good position to see the Chris- memory and not of the reasoning faculty, and against his French dis-
tian faith as a lived totality. They can help the theologian to see the ciple Antoine Arnauld (1617-94)."
fides quae in its complete outline rather than to concentrate on some Nevertheless, we can agree that without positive theology, without
one aspect of it that may happen to be of particular interest in a given a knowledge of facts about the Bible and Church tradition, the con-
culture. Conversely, the pope and bishops may also, through their tent of systematic theology would be extemely thin gruel. In the open-
reading of what the Second Vatican CouncU called the "signs of the ing question of his Summa theologiae, Thomas gives the impression at
times," specifically encourage theologians on behalf of the whole one point that the only materials theology has to go on are the articles
Church to devote thek attention to some aspect of theological research of the Creed.12 Were this true, theology would be mightily diminished.
deemed likely to be especially helpful at some given time.8 Finally, in In point of fact, Thomas had an impressive famUiarity with Scripture,
those unresolved disputed questions, which from time to time mar the the Fathers, and the early medieval divines as well as with the teach-
unity of the Church's life of faith, the theologian may, by and large, ings of councils and popes, the texts of the Roman liturgy, and the
have confidence in the tightness of that side of a case to which pope
9. Sullivan, Magislerium 172.
8. For the mutual aid which should mark the relations of episcopate and theologians, 10. E. L. Mascall, Theology and the Gospel of Christ: An Essay in Reorientation (2nd ed.,
see the International Theological Conunission's "Theses on the interrelationship between London: 1984) xvi. The difficulties such "positivism" can create for an entire ecclesial
the ecclesiastical magisterium and theology," which can be consulted, with a commen- tradition are characterized in S. W. Sykes, The Integrity of Anglicanism (London: 1978) 79ft.
tary, in F. A. Sullivan, Magisterium: Teaching Authority in the Catholic Church (Dublin: 11. This must surely have had its effect in their reading of Augustine's achievement
1983) 174-218. For the concept of the "signs of the times," see M.-D. Chenu, "Les signes as Jansenism.
du temps," Nouvelle revue Mologique 90 (1965) 29-39. 12. la q. 1, a. 2, ad i.
32 Part One: Introducing Theology The Task of Theology 33
principles of canon law. The quality of his factual or positive resources are committed from the start to the position that at the origins of the
concerning the fides quae is one major reason for the quality of his the- Church, an authentic revelation of the one tme God took place, and
ology as a whole.13 The same could be said of the work of more modern that we are put into contact with this same God revealing himself
writers like Matthias Josef Scheeben (1835-88) or Hans Urs van Baltha- through our share in the Church's coinmon life. Theology is, there-
sar (1905-88).14 Thus it is true that facts are important, though they fore, essentially concerned with revelation.15
are not all-important. Theology may be termed, indeed, a ministry carried out in the serv-
To sum up, then, what theology is not. It cannot be dissolved ice of revelation. Theologians have a high calling, and they must ac-
without remamder mto spuituality, though it cannot do without spirihi- quit themselves with a profound sense of responsibility. They are
ality either. Nor can it simply be a commentary on papal or episcopal servants of the divine Word, the Logos, just as much as are the bishops
utterance, though papal and episcopal utterances are vital to it, as it or the pope, though in a different mode. Theologians consecrate them-
to them. Nor, again, can it just consist of positive theology, facts and selves to the meaning of revelation, and this suggests a more intimate
figures, though these give it much of its concrete substance. relation with revelation than that possessed by the Church hierarchy,
who are its guardians more than they are its interpreters. Unfortu-
A Working Definition nately, the Holy Spirit has not been vouchsafed to theologians qua theo-
logians, whereas the Spirit has been vouchsafed to the guardians of
What, then, is the task of theology? The working definition I propose revelation, the Church hierarchy. The reason for this is simple. If the
to suggest is brief and unadventurous yet would suffice to sustain the deposit of faith has not been successfully guarded, there will be noth-
rest of a theological life. The task of theology is the disciplined explora- ing there to interpret. If the deposit of faith has not been successfully
tion of what is contained in revelation. Each of the main component interpreted theologically, it will still be there for someone else to in-
terms of this definition, "disciplined," "exploration," "revelation," terpret in another age.
must now be unpacked. How can our theological efforts be said to serve revelation? The
Starting fust with "revelation," it is surely plain that we would wonder, curiosity, and ever-deepening pursuit of truth implicit in the
not be interested in theology without an acceptance of revelation. If act of faith generates (as we saw in the last chapter) a variety of ques-
we regarded Catholic Christianity as one religion among many, a be- tions, which may be sorted into five portmanteau categories. These
lief system that happens to exist in some parts of the world just as do, are fundamental, historical, systematic, moral, and practical theology.
say. Buddhism or Hinduism, we might be interested in studying the- The attempt to answer these questions has applications of great utility
ology from outside, as spectators, but we would not wish to study it to all actual or potential recipients of revelation. Thus, fundamental
from inside, as participators. Theology presupposes the truth of the theology helps one to help other people keep the faith by removing
Christian faith. It assumes from the outset that what we are involved
difficulties they may have about believing. It also helps one to convert
with in the life of the Church is a divine reality and not just a figment others to the faith by suggestmg considerations relevant to the truth
of the corporate imagination of a group of people. Whereas in pursu- of Catholic Christianity. Historical theology helps one to discern the
ing religious studies, we are not committed to the view that a given impression Jesus Christ made upon those who fast met him (the New
religion is true, or even partly true, in learning to be theologians we Testament), the situation he lived in (the Old Testament), and the way
13. Well brought out in M.-D. Chenu, Toward Understanding Saint Thomas (English his image and teaching have been preserved and presented in the
trans., Chicago: 1964) 150-55. Church (the history of doctrine). In these ways, historical theology en-
14. An introduction to the work of M. J. Scheeben can be found in G. Fritz, "Scheeben, ables one to present the faith in a way that is concrete/ circumstantial/
Matthias Joseph," DTC 14/i (1939) cols. 1270-74. A hill study is E. Paul, Denkweg und and historically correct. Systematic theology helps one to show people
Denkform der Theologie van Matthias Joseph Scheeben (Munich: 1970). A useful introduc-
tion to von Balthasar is the prefatory essay by D. MacKinnon in H. U. van Balthasar,
Elucidations (London: 1972). A well-nigh exhaustive account is found in A. Moda, Hans 15. See R. Latourelle, "From Revelation to Theology," in Theology: Science of Salva-
Urs van Bcdthasar (Ban: 1976). See also A. Nichols, "Balthasar and his Christology," New tion (New York: 1969) 3-10. This section can be regarded as a bridge to the subject of
Blackfriars 66, 781-82 (1985) 317-24. theology from his earlier study of revelation. Theology of Revelation (New York: 1966).
34 Part One: Introducing Theology The Task of Theology 35
how the faith hangs together, how it all makes a satisfying design that pope and bishops, what is termed technically the "ordinary magiste-
is an inspiration to live by. Moral theology is useful in showing people num." In all these ways—Scripture, Tradition, Christian experience,
how they might be growing personally in relation to God and their and the teaching office of the bishops—theology is concerned with and
neighbor. Practical theology shows them the relevance of their religion dependent on revelation and the personal and corporate grace which
to their professional work or private passions, to their general accompanies and enables our response to the self-revealing God.
knowledge or social situation. In putting it so, I may be giving the im- But I also said, in my working definition, that theology was the
pression that it is nearly always someone else who wants help and disciplined exploration of revelation. Fust of all, then, theology is an
never, well, hardly ever, oneself. In fact, just as preaching is directed exploration. It is not simply the reassertion of something that is obvi-
first toward (or even against) oneself, so is theology. ous to all believers. The statement that, for instance. God is our Creator
Theology, then, is bound up with revelation, and is a form of ser- is a straightforward statement of a truth of faith such as might be found
vice by some individuals on behalf of the whole Church. From this, in a catechism or a prayer book. It is not in itself a theological state-
certain other things immediately follow. Above all, it must follow that ment, or perhaps a better way of putting this would be to say that the
the primary sources of theology will not be found in the world around ability to make this statement does not yet prove that one is a theo-
us as with other disciplines, but in the revelation to which the Church logian. The exploratory role of theology takes many different forms.
is the witness. These primary sources, therefore, will be Scripture and I have outlined the five great questions that theology asks, questions
Tradition. How Scripture and Tradition are related as the source of that lead to its primordial forms: fundamental, historical, systematic,
revealed understanding is a question of some moment in its own right, moral, and practical theology. But in order to answer these questions,
but the fust thing to realize is that they are our primary materials. theology finds itself moving out into a whole host of subdisciplines.
Whether they are seen as two separate but complementary sources or For example, in order to understand the context of the life of Jesus,
as two aspects of a single source is a relatively minor question com- central to historical theology (taking this to include the history of Chris-
pared with the basic point: Scriptiu-e and Tradition are the font of theo- tian origins) and vital also to fundamental theology, the theologian may
logical knowledge. This means, in turn, that in order to be theologians want to learn more about the geographical sites involved in the minis-
we must have a good knowledge of, on the one hand, the Old and try of Jesus. Thus arises biblical archaeology as an offshoot of theologi-
New Testaments, and on the other, of the Tradition of the Church as cal exploration. Or again, for the same basic reasons, one may wish
expressed in ways other than Scripture. If one asks. What are these to know more about the way the Gospels were written so as to achieve
other ways of expressing Christian truth that bring us revelation, the a better insight into the reactions to Jesus of the first disciples. So a
only possible answer is that in effect, they are everything involved in new theological subdiscipline joins the club, historical-critical exege-
the Church's life. They include the liturgy, the Fathers of the Church, sis. In such ways a question which has started life in historical the-
the creeds and other doctrinal definitions, the evidence of Christian ology pure and simple, or even in fundamental theology, cannot be
art and archaeology, the witness of ordinary believers. When we talk answered without further exploration, which generates whole new dis-
about the Church's Tradition we are referring to all these (and more), ciplines like biblical archaeology and New Testament criticism. It should
seen as an interconnected unity, the life of the Church. be obvious that answers to questions about what exactly happened in
As we come to study these primary sources. Scripture and Tradi- the ministry of Jesus, in the concrete context of his time and place,
tion, we find that we have two what may be termed "aids to discern- are going to be quite complex and detaUed. A catechism answer would
ment" which will help us. In the fast place, we have our own Christian hardly siiffice. So theology is not just any expression of revealed tmth.
experience. The gift of faith makes possible for each of us our own It is different from the expression of revelation that we find in preach-
Christian sense of reality. Through the sensibility which faith gives, ing or in catechizing or in devotion. It differs from these by being an
each of us can to some degree recognize what is an exaggeration in exploration of what is not at first obvious, even to someone who knows
theology, what is a deviation in theology, and what, on the contrary, and accepts the faith of the Church.
sounds right in theology. In the second place, we have the help, as Finally, m my working definition, I said that this exploration which
already mentioned, of the contemporary day-to-day teaching of the is theology has to be disciplined exploration. Certain elements of order
36 Part One: Introducing Theology The Task of Theology 37
and structure should be present. The question as to what these ele- sideration of it until, having mastered the other elements of theology,
ments of order and structure ought to be is the question of theological we come to look at the history of theology in Part 6 of this book. The
methodology, method in theology. It seems to me that the structural reason for this is that until we have some idea of the enormous vari-
or ordering element in theology is twofold. First, there is a principle ety of writings that have counted as Catholic theology in past and
of order in all theologies which derives from outside of theology. In present, what I might have to say about the theological ordering prin-
a broad sense, this pretheological principle of order may be said to come ciple would be somewhat rootless and abstract.
from philosophy, assuming that we take the word "philosophy" in That suggests that I plan to take the other three elements we have
a sufficiently general kind of way. Many people have what are in ef- identified—sources, aids to discernment, and philosophical principle
feet phUosophical convictions or philosophical questions without reaUz- of order—in that chronological sequence. But in fact I propose to deal
ing that these are in fact philosophical. Every culture carries with it with the role of philosophy in theology first, and only then to go on
one or more basic ways of interpreting the world, of saying what is to look at the sources and the aids to discernment. The reason for this
important in life, what questions are the most urgent, what values are is that, really, philosophy has two roles to play in theology, and one
paramount. From this pretheological or, in a broad sense, philosophi- of these two roles is logically prior to a consideration of the sources
cal background, we come to the exploration of revelation with a cer- and how we might be helped to interpret them.
tain agenda, a certain list of priorities, a certain number of already Apart from being a principle of order in theology, phUosophy also
formed convictions about the nature of reality. Because of the intrin- has a vital part to play in laying the foundations for acceptance of reve-
sic richness of revelation, no matter what questions we bring to it, it lation and so in providing the essential groundwork for theological ac-
is able to throw light on them. So we interrogate the sources of revela- tivity. Philosophy is vital to what is called the "preamble of faith,"
tion. Scripture and Tradition, using our aids to discernment, Chris- in other words, to the way in which we justify our acceptance of reve-
tian experience and magisterium, and we come up with a theology, lation in the fust place. Philosophy has to help theology to get started
a disciplined or ordered exploration of what is contained m revelation. by showing the basic compatibility of revelation with human ration-
The second structural element in theology derives not from out- ality. Obviously, if revelation were basically incompatible with human
side revelation but from inside it. Once again, because of the intrinsic rationality, then there would be no point in doing theology as classi-
richness of revelation, no one theology can hope simply to reproduce cally understood, and the "spiritual antitheologians" mentioned above
revelation in some kind of complete and unconditional way. We can would be fully justified. In the preamble of faith, theology calls on
say of no one Christian theology. There, that is the Christian truth. philosophy to help deal with such issues as the existence of God, the
Every theology takes as its central axis some facet of revelation and problem of evil, the possibility of revelation, and the nature of the claim
tries to relate everything to that. It selects one item within revelation that the actual revelation we have is historically well grounded. But
and arranges all the others around it, like planets cirding a sun.So, this role of philosophy vis-a-vis theology is obviously prior to anythmg
for instance, Augustine's theology revolves around the theme of grace; else in theology, because without it theology could not get off the
Thomas' theology revolves around the idea of the coming forth of crea- ground at all. Consideration of the task of philosophy in the preamble
tures from God and their return to him; Rahner's theology, around of faith then leads naturally to looking at philosophy as a principle of
a version of the doctrine that people are the image of God, and so on. order in theology, since many of the ideas philosophy uses in the
Here we have a second ordering or structuring or disciplining prin- preamble of faith—ideas about God, for instance—are still relevant
ciple in theology, and this time it is itself strictly theological, that is, when one comes to theology proper. Another way of putting this
it derives from within revelation and not from outside it.16 So far as would be to say that phUosophy has two contributions to make to the-
this theological principle of order is concerned, I want to defer con- ology: one is to fundamental theology, to an account of the founda-
tions of the act of faith; the other is to systematic theology, to an
16. See for a hiller account of this idea, A. Nichols, "Unity and Plurality m Theology:
Lonergan's Ivlethod and the Counter-claims of a Theory of Paradigms," Angelicum 62 explication of the content of faith. So this is the order we will be fol-
(1985) 30-52. Also, ch. 20 in this book. lowing: the role of philosophy, both as rational foundation of theology
38 Part One: Introducing Theology
and as principle of order within theology; the roles of Scripture and
Tradition as sources; the roles of experience and magisterium as forms
of illumination of those sources; and, finally, the theological principle
of order in the context of the history of Catholic theology, its plural-
ity, and its unity.
Part Two