Legal Aspects of Health

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Name Be NG beerciincians Invigilator’s Signature : ..... CS / MHA / SEM-3 / MHA-304 / 2010-11 2010-11 LEGAL ASPECTS OF HEALTH Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70 ‘The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. GROUP -A ( Multiple Choice Type Questions } 1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following: 10 x 1 = 10 i) Euthanasia is legalized in a) India b) Oregon c) Australia a) Canada. ii) The Indian Majority Act was formed in the year a) 1874 b) 1875 c) 1876 a) 1877. 40832 [Turn over iii) i) v) vi) 40832 CS / MHA / SEM-3 / MHA-304 / 2010-11 West Bengal Clinical Establishment Rules were given effect from a) 2001 b) 2000 <) 1999 d) none of these. “The compulsory duties” of a doctor is / are a) maintaining secrecy b) report cases of birth, death and infectious diseases c) maintaining records d) all of these. “Ignorantia juris not excusat” means a) Justice to all b) Ignorant person will get no justice ©) Ignorance of law is no excuse d) none of these. Every hospital where USG is performed a) must disclose the sex of an unborn child b) _ never disclose the sex of an unborn child c) may disclose the sex of an unborn child d) none of these vii) viii) ix) x) 40832 CS / MHA / SEM-3 / MHA-304 / 2010-11 Medical Council of India is a) a Government body b) a Professional elected body ¢) both fa) and (b) a) none of these. A person who is permanently of unsound mind and hence unable to contract is called a) idiot b) lunatic c) insane d) _allof these. The oldest code of medical ethics was a) The Declaration of Geneva b) The Hippocratic oath c) Medical council of India d) The Declaration of Helsinki. According to the West Bengal Clinical Establishment Act, ‘Category E’ refers to a bed capacity of a) 501-750 beds b) 25-50 beds c) 301-500 beds d) 101-300 beds. 3 [Turn over | CS / MHA / SEM-3 / MHA-304 / 2010-11 GROUP -B ( Short Answer Type Questions } Write short notes on any three of the following. 3 § 2. Unnatural death. 3. _ Rights of patient as a consumer. 4, . Donation of bodies. 5. Professional Indemnity Schemes. GROUP - C ( Long Answer Type Questions } Answer any three of the following. 3x 15 = 45 6. Discuss the essential conditions of liability in Tort ? How is tort different from the criminal law ? Give two examples of torts committed in the medical profession. B+5+2 7. Discuss in detail the PNDT Act with its applications in a large hospital having both USG and CT Scan machines. 8. Distinguish between Professional Secret and Privileged Communication, Under what conditions, can the doctor disclose bonafide information regarding his patients? 8 + 7 9, What is Medical Jurisprudence ? How does it benefit the Criminal Justice System ? Discuss briefly with examples. 408.— 4

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