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Ind Guidelines RestWaterBodies

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“Indicative Guidelines

for Restoration of Water Bodies”

(in compliance to Hon’ble NGT Order dated 10.05.2019 in M.A.No. 26/2019 in OA.No. 325 of 2015)

Central Pollution Control Board

(Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India)
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar
DELHI-10 032
June 2019

S.No Description Page No.
1 Introduction 1
2 Recognition Phase 5
3 Restoration Phase 8
4 Protection Phase 16
5 Improvement Phase 23
6 Sustenance Phase 38
7 References 39
8 List of Figures

Figure 1. A Model Lake or Pond Restoration Technique 28

Figure 2. Model Flow Chart for Restoration of Pond or Lake 29
Figure 3. Model Flow Chart for Rejuvenation of Polluted Rivers 37
Figure 4. Flow Chart Showing Criteria for Categorization of River 48
Monitoring Location
List of Annexures
Annexure-I: Water Quality Criteria-Designated Best Use 41
Annexures-II: Criteria for categorization of river monitoring 42

Indicative Guidelines
for Restoration of Water Bodies
(Polluted Lakes, Ponds and Rivers)

1 Introduction

Adequate availability of water of required quality is pre-requisite for survival and

quality of human life. Surface water bodies like lakes, ponds, reservoirs, tanks
and rivers were treated as community resource or asset over the centuries. In
urban areas also such water bodies played an important role as a source of
drinking water, absorption of flood water and a conduit for ground water
recharge. They were being nurtured, protected, conserved and managed by the
active participation of the local community without any code of conduct or rule. In
turn, these water bodies have been catering the local human and livestock
populations. The introduction of public water supply and ground water
development through tube wells and hand pumps in the modern times, coupled
with urbanization and industrialization induced pollution, a tectonic shift in the
attitude of the people towards these water bodies has been witnessed. Both
locals as well as the government have started neglecting this asset and have
stopped caring, nurturing and conserving these community resources.
Mushrooming urban, industrial and infrastructure development has further
changed the status of these water bodies from community resources to a mere
dumping ground or sink for solid wastes, construction debris, domestic sewage,
industrial effluents, religious offering etc. resulting in severe degradation in the
quality of such resources.

India has had abundant supply of water resources. However, from being a water
abundant country India is gradually progressing towards water scarcity due to
increasing population pressure, urbanization and uncontrolled growth. At present
it is sustaining 18 per cent of world population with 4 per cent of global water
resources. Therefore, management of water resources has assumed great
importance. Today availability of water resources is a major issue and is a big
challenge facing our country.

In order to revive, restore and rehabilitate the traditional water bodies, the
Government of India launched a Scheme for Repair, Renovation and Restoration
(RRR) of water bodies which has multiple objectives like comprehensive
improvement and restoration of water bodies thereby increasing tank storage
capacity, ground water recharge, increased availability of drinking water,
improvement in agriculture/horticulture productivity, improvement of catchment
areas of tank commands, environmental benefits through improved water use
efficiency by promotion of conjunctive use of surface and ground water,
community participation and self-supporting system for sustainable management
for each water body, capacity Building of communities in better water
management and development of tourism, cultural activities, etc. by providing
Central Grant to State Governments under a Pilot Scheme directly linked to
agriculture during the remaining period of Xth Five Year Plan in January 2005.
Keeping in view the benefits arising out of the implementation of the scheme, it
was extended to XII Plan as well. Further, the Ministry of Environment, Forest
and Climate Change is implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National
Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems (NPCA) since February, 2013 for
conservation and management of identified lakes and wetlands in the 11 country
in a holistic and integrated manner. Under the scheme financial assistance is
provided to the concerned State Governments for undertaking various activities
for conservation of wetlands and lakes, which also include a small component of
lake front development and beautification, especially in urban lakes.

The National Water Policy (2012) formulated by MoWR,RD&GR advocates

conservation, promotion and protection of water and highlights the need for
augmenting the availability of water through rain water harvesting, direct use of

rainfall and other management measures. Further, the Standing Committee on

Water Resources (2012-13) in their 16th Report on “Repair, Renovation and

Restoration (RRR) of Water Bodies” also substantiated that encroachment on
water bodies is threatening the existence of a large number of water bodies and
throwing consequent challenges of depleting ground water resources,
occurrence of devastating floods in urban areas as well as water scarcity. Afore-
said Committee suggested steps required to remove encroachment and to
restore the water bodies.

In recent years several metro cities such as Mumbai and Chennai have
witnessed unprecedented flood. Encroachment of river bed is one of the reasons
of flooding since it reduces the desired waterway of the river. Inadequacies of
flood protection works, reduction in the water holding capacity of natural
reservoirs in the basin due to progressive siltation, breaching of river banks,
raising of river bed caused by deposition of silt are also the reasons.
Encroachments happen due to number of local factors, thus issue is to be looked
into by concerned State Government as per the prevailing rules and regulations
of the respective State/UT.

As per MoWR, RD & GR, total number of water bodies have declined in the
States which may be attributed to (i) increase in population and density of
population per square kilometer; (ii) change in land use pattern; (iii) shift from
paddy based agriculture to cash crop cultivation; (iv) depletion of ground water;
(v) rapid Urbanization; (vi) unplanned urbanization and development activities;
(vii) boom in construction activity; (viii) new water bodies have been developed to
meet the additional requirement of water for drinking water and irrigation arising
due to increase in population; (ix) some of the water bodies mainly, wells in
southern group of islands were lost due to submergence of coastal area during
tsunami in 2004.

NITI Aayog based on a study warning that India is facing its ‘worst’ water crisis in
history and that demand for potable water will outstrip supply by 2030 if remedial
steps are not taken. Nearly 600 million people faced high to extreme water
stress. Also, made predictions that twenty-one cities, including Delhi, Bengaluru,
Chennai and Hyderabad will run out of groundwater by 2020, affecting 100
million people. If matters are to continue, there will be a 6% loss in the country’s
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2050. Moreover, critical groundwater
resources, which accounted for 40% of India’s water supply, are being depleted
at “unsustainable” rates and up to 70% of India’s water supply is “contaminated”
‘Therefore, water resource available to the country should be brought within
the category of utilizable resources to the maximum possible extent.

Therefore, existing scenario necessitates formulation of guidelines for restoration

of water bodies keeping in view (i) to make pollution free water bodies and to
meet the desired water quality criteria; (ii) to preserve excess water during
monsoon, (iii) to restore and augment storage capacities of water bodies (iv) to
serve and enhance ground water recharge; (v) increased availability of water for
different intended purposes etc., These guidelines are only indicative guidelines
and limited to restoration of ponds, lakes, polluted rivers or streams and divided
into two parts i.e., stagnated surface water bodies such as ponds, lakes and
rolling surface water bodies such as rivers or streams. However, concerned
stakeholders are advised to conduct detailed gap analysis to enable to include
related action plans for restoration of water bodies for ensuring compliance to
Hon’ble NGT order dated 10.05.2019. For understanding aspects relating to
restoration of water bodies, the documents already published or issued by
Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
(MoWR, RD & GR), Ministry of Housing and Urban Development also be referred
as given at Sl. No. 7 References of these indicative guidelines.

This requires an understanding on the status of the water bodies, their suitable
use, need for management and conservation so that they serve as a good
resource for future, potential strategies for long-term management especially in
the urban areas, which are facing severe water shortage. It should include
(i) Recognition Phase, (ii) Restoration Phase; (iii) Protection Phase;
(iv) Improvement Phase and (v) Sustenance phase

2. Recognition Phase

Identification and recognition of the problem (inventory of existing and lost water
bodies (due to encroachment, pollution, diversion etc.), analysis of cause of the
problem and its effect and development of alternative solutions of problem as
detailed below: -

2.1 Collection and maintenance of historical information relating to the water


Based on the records available or remote sensing data or GIS maps, interaction
with the public living in the vicinity of the water body, following information
relating to the water bodies should be collected and records maintained by the
concerned department in the State/UT: -

2.1 .1 Stagnated water bodies such as ponds/lakes

A. Geographical details of the water body: - GPS Location and address of

the water body, size or dimensions, area, elevation above mean sea level,
ownership of the water body, boundaries with earmarking, map of water
body (Digital map or remote sensing or satellite map over the
years/National Wetland Atlas) with salient features

B. Hydrological description of the water body: - area, category of lake or

pond (natural or man-made), average and maximum depth of stored
water (during monsoon and non-monsoon period), total storage capacity,
main source of water (rainfall/groundwater seepage/catchment

runoff/direct or indirect flow from any river or stream or creek), water
permanence ( permanent or intermittent), destination of excess water from
pond or lake, purpose used to serve (like drinking water source, fisheries
and agriculture or cultivation of aquatic food plants, recreational and
aquatic sports, ground water recharge, act as a sink for sediments, habitat
for noteworthy animal species, migratory birds or any other purpose),
status of lakes or ponds in terms of % open water and aquatic vegetation.

C. Catchment Description

 Details on natural drains or flood channels and their flows

contributing to water accumulation.

 Major Towns, total population living around the water body, any
sewage contribution from the towns, total sewage generation, total
no. of existing STPs and their treatment capacities, if any.

 Major industrial clusters or estates contributing to pollution in water

body, total no. of industries (sector-wise), sector-wise total industrial
effluent generation, existing industrial effluent treatment capacity
[(both captive and Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs)], if

 Total waste generation (waste like municipal solid waste, plastic

waste, industrial hazardous waste, construction and demolition
waste), existing provision for collection, transportation, treatment
and disposal practices in the vicinity;

 Any other relevant information such as: - (i) Declared Wetland

Ramsar sites, (ii) Bio-diversity details such as flora and fauna
biodiversity (list of plant species, list of animal species, species of
conservation significance (rare, endangered, threatened, endemic
species), major plant invasive alien species and extent of invasion,
major animal invasive alien species and extent of invasion.
2.1.2 River or streams

A. Digital map of river under consideration with its tributaries showing salient

B. Geographical and Hydrological description of polluted river

Origin of the river and confluence with any other water body, length of
travel of the river before confluence with any other water body, velocity of
flow (in m/sec), average cross-sectional area (in m 2), average depth of
flow (in m) during monsoon and non-mon-soon period, volume of flow or
discharge (in m 3 /sec), tributaries of the river under consideration for
restoration, GPS location details of all the tributaries and drains
confluence with the river or stream; drains or channels contributing to river

C. Catchment description

 Purpose used to serve by the river or streams

 Major towns along the banks of the river, town-wise total population
(with projection for the next 20 years), total water consumption (both
supply by local or urban bodies and the ground water consumption),
total sewage generation pattern, no. of STPs and the treatment
 Major industrial estates or clusters along the banks of the river,
Industry-sector –wise no. of industries, total water consumption, total
industrial effluent generation and existing mechanism for treatment of
industrial effluent.
 GPS location details of STPs, CETPs and their capacities, if any
 Ground water status, its utilization and the quality.

 Agricultural practices and the control measures with respect to
agricultural runoff.
 Flora and fauna including biodiversity etc.

Also, water being state subject, the State Government or Union Territory
Administration should assign the task of maintaining historical records pertaining
to each water body to concerned Department in the State/UT and also to
designate one responsible Department to enable to take necessary remedial
actions as and when situation demands.

2.2 Digital Mapping of all the collected information

All the collected information to be located on the map and such details to be
periodically updated and maintained by the concerned department in the

3. Restoration Phase includes declaring the ‘designated best use’ in order to

formulate strategies and to decide degree of treatment required for restoration of
such water body, if required, selection of best solution to problems identified and
application of the solution to the problems of the land which vary from case-to-
case, to achieve the designated best use water goals as detailed below: -.

3.1 Designation of water body for its use by the State/UT

The landscape of India is dotted with large number of lakes, reservoirs and
wetlands. Historically, the water bodies such as ponds or lakes have met water
demands of the population for centuries and a community management system
had sustained them for a long period of time.

In a water body or its part, water is subjected to several types of uses.

Depending on the types of uses and activities, water quality criteria have been
specified to determine its suitability for a particular purpose. Among the various
types of users there is one use that demands highest level of water quality or
purity and that is termed as “Designated Best Use” in that stretch of water body.
Based on this, water quality requirements have been specified for different uses
in terms of primary water quality criteria. The Primary Water Quality Criteria for
bathing water already prescribed under Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986.

Every pond, lake, river or stream falling under the jurisdiction of the concerned
Department of the State Government or UT Administration is required to declare
for its ‘designated best use’ in order to formulate strategies and to decide degree
of treatment required for restoration of such water body, if required. In the
absence of such information, it would be difficult for the regulatory authorities to
formulate the strategies to be prepared in case restoration of such water bodies
is required.

Water being the State subject, such list of water bodies with designated best use
with all the relevant information collected by the concerned Department of the
State/UT Administration is required to be submitted to the concerned State
Pollution Control Board (SPCB)/Pollution Control Committee (PCC), Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB) as well as MoEF & CC, MoWR, RD & GR.

3.2 National Restoration Goals (Ponds, Lakes and Rivers)

‘Water quality criteria-designated best use’ water quality parameters as given at

Annexure-I is required to be followed as ‘National Restoration Goals (for Ponds,
Lakes or Rivers)’. However, this national restoration goals or criteria given at
Annexure-I is only indicative and national restoration goals issued from time to
time need to be followed for restoration of water bodies.

Monitored water quality of the water body (lakes and ponds) for relevant
parameters (monitored at least 8 times in a year) (average mean value) is
compared with the ‘National Restoration Goals’. In case of ponds or lakes, if the
monitored water quality of the selected water body is complying at least i.e.,
6 out of 8 times to the designated best use water quality parameters, then such
pond or lake is fit for the ‘designated best use’ and if not then requires remedial
measures for its restoration. This criterion is applicable only in case of ponds and

In case of rivers or streams, the criteria issued from time to time by CPCB for
categorization of monitoring location need to be followed and accordingly, the
strategies to be formulated for its restoration to achieve at least bathing water
quality criteria. Criteria for categorization of river monitoring location is are given
in Annexure-II. This criterion is to screen the potential locations having
pollution (w.r.t bathing water quality parameters i.e., BOD and Faecal
Coliform only) and requires more comprehensive examination to identify all
the possible sources of pollution.

3.3 Steps to be followed for restoration of stagnated polluted ponds or lakes

Conservation and restoration requires a systematic and comprehensive plan to

study selective and representative freshwater ecosystems. Details of the study
should include the status of ponds or lakes or rivers, their suitable use,
management and conservation so that they serve as a good resource for future
use and formulation of strategies for long-term management especially in the
urban areas.

3.3.1 World Lake Vision

The World Lake Vision has been developed by International Lake Environment
Committee (ILEC), Japan (https://www.ilec.or.jp/en/pubs/), in collaboration with
UNEP , aiming at illuminating the growing crisis in management of lake
ecosystem, articulating principles to guide the transition towards managing lakes
for their sustainable use and to provide a practical blueprint for ensuring long-
term health of lakes and integrity of their survival and economic development.
The Seven Principles of Sustainable Lake Management are:

 A harmonious relationship between humans and nature is essential for the
sustainable use of lakes.

 A lake drainage basin is the logical starting point for planning and
management actions for sustainable lake use.

 A long-term, preventive approach directed to preventing the causes of

lake degradation is essential.

 Policy development and decision making for lake management should be

based on sound science and best available information.

 The management of lakes for their sustainable use requires the resolution
of conflicts among competing users of lake resources taking into account
the needs of present and future generations and of nature.

 Citizens and other stakeholders should be encouraged to participate

meaningfully in identifying and resolving critical lake problems.

 Good governance, based on fairness, transparency and empowerment of

all stakeholders, is essential for sustainable lake use.

The restoration of any water body should be considered only based on the
needs and its utilities. General steps to be followed for restoration of water
bodies includes following: -

3.3.2 Assessment of water quality of the selected water body

Water quality of all the designated best use water bodies are required to be
monitored for relevant parameters and as per frequency prescribed under
‘guidelines for water quality monitoring 2017’ by Ministry of Environment, Forest
and Climate Change (MoEF & CC). Wherever, frequency is not suggested,
water bodies are required to be monitored following the standard protocols for
collection of samples by the concerned department at least once in a month or
but not less than 08 months in a year ( covering pre and post-monsoon period)

3.3.3 Need for restoration of water body

The monitored values of the water body is analyzed based on the criteria
suggested under these guidelines or criteria issued from time to time by CPCB
for identification of polluted lakes or ponds or rivers or streams and decision be
taken for restoration of water body. The criteria suggested for river monitoring
location is to use for initial screening and identification of potential hotspots on
the river. A comprehensive examination of water quality is required for identifying

3.3.4 Identification of sources of pollution, quantification and assessing detailed

gap analysis

Following steps to be followed for idenfication of sources of pollution, its

quantification and for carrying out detailed gap analysis

A. Desk Review and Reconnaissance Survey

Identification of various sources contributing to pollution in ponds or

lakes need to be carried out based on desk survey (available
information or data/ google map/ historical records) and physical
reconnaissance survey (based on physical visual observations,
interactions with the local public etc.,) for identification and
ascertaining the sources of pollution of ponds or lakes. All the
possible sources of pollution should be identified which may be

 open channels or drainage channels contributing untreated sewage

or untreated or partially treated effluent discharge from existing
sewage treatment plant in the vicinity (or)

 any untreated industrial effluent discharges either from the

individual industry or any common effluent treatment plant
(CETP) located in the vicinity (or)

 improper disposal of solid waste (plastic waste/ municipal solid
waste/industrial hazardous waste/sludges from septic tanks or
sewage treatment plants (STPs) or hazardous waste disposal
from common effluent treatment plants (CETPs) (or)

 Run off from nearby agricultural fields, if any.

 Social and cultural misuse of ponds or lakes by local communities

especially for immersion of idols during festival seasons.

 Any open-defecation around the ponds or lakes by the people living

in the vicinity due to lack of sanitary facilities in their dwellings or
colonies and fencing all around such water body.

 Physical condition of weed growth and necessity for dredging-

Aquatic plants growing in ponds and lakes are beneficial for fish and
wildlife as they provide food, dissolved oxygen, and spawning and
nesting habitat for fish and waterfowl. Aquatic plants can trap
excessive nutrients and detoxify chemicals. However, dense growths
(over 25% of the surface area) of algae and other water plants can
cause (i) Fish kills; (ii) Fish flavor problems; (iii) Pond water odor
problems; (iv) Drinking water taste problem and (v) Stunted fish

 Silting or sediments in the ponds or lakes due to improper

disposal of waste including construction and demolition waste
or silt contribution from drainage channels which reduces
storage capacity and accumulation of contaminated sludges.

 Status of aesthetic conditions around the water body

 Condition of the banks or bunds, spill over (provision to ensure

smooth flow of excess floods on downstream especially during
monsoon period) or flood channels including obstructions if any.

 Encroachment of waterbodies due to urbanization

 Condition of Eutrophication of lakes or ponds due to inadequate

measures (due to indiscriminate discharge of Industrial effluents, run-
off from agricultural fields, refuse and discharge of sewage, domestic
wastes like food remnants, soaps, detergents cause depleted levels
of dissolved oxygen in water lead to a situation where other aquatic
life-forms cannot survive).

 Available In-situ available technological options for restoration

of ponds or lakes (such as aeration, bio-remediation) in lakes or

B. Detailed gap analysis

Detailed gap analysis to be made w.r.t municipal sewage, industrial

effluent and waste management with a projection of at least 15 to 20
years, existing infrastructure for management of municipal sewage,
industrial effluents and waste management in the catchment area of
the water body under consideration for its restoration including
volumetric flow details of all the channels or drains contributing to
pollution in water body, as detailed below: -

 Sewage management: - Total population (with projected

population at least for the next 20 years) living around the water
body, total water consumption (taking into account both water
supply by local/urban bodies as well as ground water consumption),
total sewage generation (with projected generation quantities), total
no. of existing STPs and their treatment capacities and the
observed gap with regard to the sewage management (gap may be
estimated in the catchment of waterbody).

 Industrial effluent management: - Industrial clusters or estates
contributing to pollution in water bodies, total no. of industries,
estimation of total water consumption by the industries, total
industrial effluent generation, existing treatment capacity (both
captive and common effluent treatment plants (CETPs), gap in
industrial effluent management and the requirement for captive or
common effluent treatment plants

 Waste Management: - waste-wise total waste generation, existing

provisions for collection, transportation, treatment and disposal (in
compliance to the concerned rules) with their capacities and waste-
wise gap analysis and the requirements for their management

C. Identification of other associated issues which requires

attention as a part of restoration of pond or lake

Apart from identification of all possible pollution sources, detailed

gap analysis, additional measures required on case-to-case basis to
be identified especially in case of ponds or lakes w.r.t the following
aspects: -

 Buffer Zone development maintenance and the existing

activities within the buffer zone.

 Feasibility for Bio-diversity park in case adequate land is

available in the vicinity of ponds or lakes.

 Greenery development in the vicinity of the ponds or lakes.

 Introduction of recreation facilities such as paddle boats,

building jetty.

 Machinery and the man power requirement for maintenance of

the restored water body.

 Existing provision for disposal of waste arising from the de-

siltation and de-weeding activity of a pond or lake.

 Awareness and training requirements.

 Any other related measures required also be analyzed for

inclusion of such actions while making action plans for
restoration of water body (E.g., aesthetic point of view, bins for
rubbish management which may be generated due to visitors).

4. Protection Phase that takes care of the general health of the water body and
ensures normal functioning. A long-term, preventive approach directed to
preventing the causes of waterbody degradation is essential.

4.1 Preparation of action plans

Action plans to be prepared based on the historical information collected, desk

review, reconnaissance survey conducted, detailed gap analysis for ensuring
additional measures required for restoration of water body (vary from case-to-
case) covering both direct and indirect measures with specific time targets and
the organization responsible for implementation of action plans with budget
estimates. Action plans should include covering following aspects: -

A. Sewage Management: - for management of sewage inflow if any (which

is causing eutrophication of lake or pond) by having adequate
infrastructure for treatment of sewage through adequate capacity of
sewage treatment plants (STPs) or combination of other low cost
treatment technologies for ensuring discharge norms notified under
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and same should be ensured by an
individual generator of sewage as well as by the concerned local or urban
B. Industrial effluent management: - for management of industrial effluent
inflow by having adequate infrastructure for treatment of industrial effluent
in the form of captive industrial effluent treatment plants or through
common effluent treatment plants by the respective industry contributing to
the pollution of water bodies and same also should be ensured by the
respective State Industrial Development Corporations or State Pollution
Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC). Adoption of
state-of-the technologies for production processes and for ensuring
treatment of generated industrial effluent (feasibility adoption of zero liquid

C. Management of waste

 Adequate infrastructure should be ensured for management of

wastes (such as municipal solid waste, industrial hazardous waste,
construction and demolition waste, plastic waste, e-waste) in
accordance with the respective provisions notified under the
Environment (Protection) Act,1986, by all the concerned.

 Periodic physical removal of improperly disposed wastes (such as

municipal solid waste, construction and demolition waste, plastic
waste, industrial hazardous waste, human and animal night soils) by
the concerned local or urban body.

D. De-siltation

 Periodic removal of nutrient enriched accumulated sludges in ponds

and lakes helps in ground water recharge potential, removal of
contaminated sediments as well as increases storage capacity of
lakes or ponds.

 Sediments removed from the ponds or lakes should be stored in a
designated area (till moisture is completed drained out) at a suitable
distance away from ponds or lakes and such dried sediments should
be removed immediately so that sediments will not become a part of
ponds or lakes once again especially in the event of any rain fall.
Depending on the characteristics, such sediments after draining may
be used as manure (complying to the manure quality prescribed
under Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 as amended from time
to time or disposed of in accordance with the relevant provisions
notified under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

E. De-weeding

 Periodic dredging (once in three months) of 80 % of dense and

thickly covered aquatic plants viz., floating plants such as algae,
duckweed, watermeal, water hyacinth; submerged plants such as
milfoil, hydrilla, water lettuce, curly-leaf pondweed, clasping-leaf
pondweed, coontail, sago pondweed, water lilly, water shield etc.,
bottom sediment, and associated nutrients should be carried out.
De-weeding methods include: -

 Preventive measures

o such as proper design and construction of ponds or lakes

including levelling and smoothing of banks

 Manual or physical control measures

o Manual or physical control measures such as non-chemical and

non-motorized measures be taken for removal of weeds
(manual harvesting) using hand pulling, rakes, cutters, benthic
barriers, drawdown, aeration, shading and weed rollers as
these measures are typically very low, however, such measures

are labor intensive and are therefore better suited to small, less
established weed populations. Hand pulling and raking may
result in turbid or murky water and may create plant fragments
that can subsequently spread to new sites.

 Mechanical control measures

o Using motor-driven under water weed cutters or floating weeds,

rotovators essentially large-scale underwater rototillers for tilling
up lake or pond sediments as well as to chop and loosen plant
roots, or draglines (in case of underwater pond or lake
dredging) (or) dry-land excavation machinery such as
bulldozers (in case of drained ponds or lakes) shall be used (or)

o Limiting the amount of sunlight available to aquatic plants by

floating black plastic sheeting on the water surface (or) use of
dark-colored and nontoxic water dyes (such as nigrosine,
aniline and aqua-shade)

 Biological controls i.e., introducing aquatic animals and plants

that eat or compete with waterweeds. Herbivorous animals (those
that eat plants) include a wide variety of insects, snails, crayfish,
tadpoles, turtles, fish (sterile, triploid grass carp), ducks, geese, and
swans which can be stocked in ponds or lakes to consume aquatic

 Application of common aquatic herbicides for control of lake or

pond weeds

Use of herbicides is not recommended as it may kill fish in ponds or

lakes. Herbicides should be used in a controlled and systematic
way under the supervision of the expert and general herbicides that
may be used for weed control are as given below-
o For Algae (microscopic, filamentous, Chara) control- Herbicides
such as copper sulfate, copper chelates, endothall,, simazine)

o Submerged Plants (coontail, watermilfoil, pondweeds such as

sago, curlyleaf, leafy) control- Herbicides such as Endothall,
Diquat, simazine, fluridone may be used

o Free-floating plants (duckweed, watermeal) control:- Herbicides

such as Diquat, simazine may be used

o Rooted-floating plants such as (waterlilies, spanerdock) control-

Herbicides such as Glyphosate and 2,4,-D may be used

o Emergent plants (cattails, perennial grasses, and broadleaves)

control: - Herbicides such as Glyphosate may be used

F. Prohibition of discharges or disposal of waste or washing activity

and action against violators

 Ban on discharge of industrial effluent or sewage or waste (such as

municipal solid waste or industrial hazardous waste or plastic waste
or construction and demolition waste or sludges from septic tanks/
STPs/CETPs) into lakes or ponds or drainage channels connected
with ponds or lakes or open defecation in the vicinity as well as
washing of clothes or wading of cattle

 Stringent actions be taken against violating industry by the

SPCB/PCC as per provisions under Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 as well as Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

 Levying of fine or Environmental Compensation on the violators for
improper disposal of sewage or industrial effluent or wastes into
lakes or ponds.

G. Stabilization of earthen bunds and the drainage channels as well as

silt and soil erosion control measures

 Stabilization of earthen embankments, shore line protection with

vegetative or rock riprap to avoid soil erosion and the inflow drainage
channels with the stone revetment or pitching so as to avoid rapid
seepage or leakages

 All the inflow drainage channels should be provided with suitable silt
barriers or sediment traps or sediment detention basins at suitable
intervals for control of silt especially during monsoon.

 Also, at all the outfalls of drainage channels, suitable strains or traps

should be provided to control inflow of all the floating materials and
periodic removal of floating materials should be ensured.

H. Protection drainage basin including preservation of drainage


A lake or pond drainage basin is the logical starting point for planning and
management actions for sustainable lake or pond use. A long-term,
preventive approach for preventing the causes of degradation is essential.

 Historically the drainage channels which used to carry natural runoff

from the drainage basin and presently carrying either untreated
municipal sewage or industrial effluent or both and contributing to
pollution of water bodies eventually due to encroachment in view of
urbanization. All such drainage channels need to be restored by
interventions such as (i) stoppage of inflow of untreated municipal
sewage or industrial effluent. If required, interaction and diversion of
untreated sewage or industrial effluent from such drainage channels
by routing through properly designed dedicated sewerage network to
ensure conveyance and for ensuring treatment and disposal through
STPs/CETPs. Feasibility of in-situ treatment of treated sewage and
industrial effluent within drainage channels and prior to the inflow into
the water bodies also be explored by the concerned authorities.

 Major channels running from the larger watersheds should be

identified based on the historical data and such drainage channels
should be preserved and protected with suitable buffer land without
any impervious cover. This aspect should be ensured by the State
Local/ Urban Development/Town Planning authorities while planning
or expansion of a locality.

I. Removal of encroachments and blockades

 The Stat Government or UT Administration should maintain records

pertaining to the boundaries of each pond or lake in the respective
State/UT and necessary steps should be taken and ensured removal
of all encroachments in the water body spread area/water body
boundary as and when required.

 Removal of encroachments in the drainage channels should be

carried out periodically to facilitates enhancement in aeration
naturally in the water body

 Refrain from granting any consent for establishment for large scale
projects in the catchment areas.

 Pond or lake boundary should be provided with fence (permanent /
temporary fencing) to avoid unauthorized entry.

J. Flood Control Measures

 Excess floods from drainage basin be controlled with a provision of

properly designed ‘spill way’ with a provision of controlled gates for
smooth flow of excess water or run off during monsoon.

 Remove all encroachments (lake bed, storm water drains) to prevent

calamities related to floods and to facilitate inter connectivity of water

 Removal all blockades at inlet or outlets should be ensured to avoid

stagnation or blockage of storm water.

5. Improvement phase that deals with overall improvement in the water body and
its uses including resolution of conflicts among competing users of lake
resources taking into account the needs of present and future generations and of

5.1 Adoption of In-situ techniques for in-situ remediation of ponds or lakes

A. Physical treatment approaches

Aeration (using surface aerators or , submerged aerators or a combination

of both may be used to increase the dissolved oxygen in the water body,
which is used by microorganisms to degrade the pollutants. Aeration also
aids in mixing the different thermal layers of the water body, resulting in
de-stratification, exposing the lower-most layers to atmospheric air. The
need and extent of aeration is calculated based on the water quality
parameters, depth of water body, ambient temperatures, wind conditions

etc.). Apart from aeration, methods such as wastewater diversion, periodic
de-weeding and sediment dredging, proper maintenance of drainage
channels or feeder channels also helps in increase in dissolved oxygen)

B. Chemical treatment approaches

Flocculation using chemicals like alum and neutralizing chemicals

especially during acidification (increase in pH level of the stagnated water

C. In-situ techniques

 Using aquatic plants (Macrophytes such as water hyacinth

(Eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes), Whorl-
leaf watermilfoil (Myriophyllum verticillatum), pondweed
(Potamogeton spp.), common reed (Phragmites communis), cattail
(Typha latifolia), duckweed (Lemna gibba) and canna (Canna

 Using aquatic animals such as clams, snails and other filter-feeding


 Using biological techniques may be used to decompose, transform

and absorb water pollutants. However, concentration and frequency
of dosing of the microbial cultures is decided based on the volume
of the water body, water quality parameters, ambient temperatures
and extent of algal growth [as per literature (i) an enzyme namely
Phycoplus and the nutrients are mixed thoroughly and sprayed into
the pond within 2-3 weeks’ time significance difference may be
seen; (ii) treatment method based on hydroponics technique that
cleans the lake by absorbing nutrients dissolved in the water and
thereby supporting living species inside the lake; (iii) floating

treatment wetlands (FTW) which are artificial islands made of
chemically inert materials, gravel having floating characteristics with
plants that stay afloat on the lake or ponds such as wetland plants,
water hyacinth, mosquito repellents and ornamental plants like
cattails, bulrush, citronella, canna, hibiscus, fountain grass,
flowering herbs, tulsi and ashwagandha) which helps in cleaning
the lake or pond through hydroponics system, (iv) Introduction of
mixture of nutrients to grow algae formed by diatoms (the most
basic, single-cell life form found in water bodies) which helps in
release of oxygen into water and in turn aerobic bacteria present in
water body helps to break down the organic matter and convert the
pollutants to base constituents and also reduces odors from the
lakes or ponds. The diatoms are eaten by zooplanktons that are, in
turn, consumed by fish].

5.2 Drainage basin management

 Drainage basin management includes control of non-point sources,

structural and land treatment measures (regular monitoring of structures
and systems and carrying out necessary rehabilitation and modernization
programmes), interception and diversion of nutrients, sediments control
(terracing, contour farming, grassed water ways, prior to reaching
stagnated water body.

 Crop management, crop residue management and creation of shelter

belts, good Irrigation practices, run off control provisions from agriculture
runoff laden with excess fertilizers and pesticides

5.3 Green or Buffer Zone

 Buffer Zone around a lake or pond (at least 50 to 100 m periphery) should
be maintained as green belt zone or no activity zone and no activity is
allowed within the buffer zone by the concerned Departments in the
State/UT. In case, any activity presently existing within the buffer zone
(50 to 100 m), such as residential or commercial or industrial activity
should take necessary measures to prevent discharge of any wastes into
the water body.

 Within the buffer zone, no impervious cover is allowed and mainly

plantation with a dense population of deeply rooted plants, trees, shrubs
and grasses should be created so as to absorb nutrients (which promotes
aquatic plant growth and a shift in the water quality ) that comes directly
from the anthropogenic activities.

5.4 Creation of biodiversity environment

In case the water body happens to be a site for the visit by migratory birds the
number and type of trees by the side of the water body and water channels have
also to be monitored to ensure adequate shelter as well as suitable environment
for egg laying and propagation of bird species.

5.5 Monitoring of Implementation of action plans for restoration of ponds or


The action plans are to be prepared and submitted to CPCB for seeking
approval. The action-plan should include activity-wise action points, specific time
lines, organization responsible for implementation, budget estimates as well as
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) chart for implementation of action
plans within the specified timelines, Upon approval of action plans for restoration
of ponds or lakes, thereafter, execution of action plans to begin and to be
mentioned on monthly basis by the Monitoring Committee to be constituted under
the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary (Environment) of the respective State
Government or Union Territory Administration. The monitoring committee should
review the progress on implementation of the action plans at least once in three
months and apprise the Chief Secretary of the State/UT periodically.

A model lake restoration technique is given at Figure 1 and a model flow chart
for restoration of Ponds or Lakes is given in Figure 2.



1) Drainage Basin
2) Interception and
Diversion of wastes
3) Legal control



1. Mechanical 1.Clarification 1.Biological

1. Manual or In-situ
Mechanical 1. Neutralization Biolocal
treatment 2.Activated treatment
2. Flocculation 2. Reduction in Carbon
harvesting of Means-
sediment input- Adsorption
biomass 3. Phosphorus Introduction
Silt barriers in
precipitation of aquatic 3.Ammonia
2. Dredging or plant and
drainage Stripping’
Desilting or 4. Use of channels or
algicides and animal 4.Nutrient and
deepening or feeder Ion removal
herbicides Species
dredging channels 5. Disinfection
3. Addition of
Natural Stream
4. Aeration
5. Hypolimnetic
6. Lake drawdown
7. Lake bottom
8. Flood control

Figure 1. A Model Lake or Pond Restoration Technique

Pond or Lake

Historical Information Collection

(Designated Use of Pond or Lake)

Field Assessment of Water Quality of Pond or Lake

Desk Review and Reconnaissance Survey

Action Plans Preparation and Its Implementation to

Achieve Desired Restoration Goals

Restoration Goals
(Implentatmentation of Action Plans)

Passive Restoration Creation



Restoration Evaluation
and Maintenance

Figure 2. Model Flow Chart for Restoration of Pond or Lake

5.6 Steps involved in preparation of Action Plan for rejuvenation of polluted
river stretches

A. Background Information (Refer to Sl. No. 2.1.2)

(i) Digital map of identified polluted river with its tributaries

(ii) Geographical and hydrological description of polluted river
(iii) Catchment description- uses of river, towns, cities and villages, industries
(sector-wise no. of industries), ground water status and its utilisation,
agricultural practices, flora and fauna etc.

B. Water Quality of River and Its Tributaries

(i) Water quality of river and its tributaries ( at least for five years)
(ii) Quality assigned as per modified Water Quality Criteria (Annexure-I)

C. Identification of Causes of Pollution in Catchment Area of the River

 Industrial Pollution

(i) List of water polluting industries, industry sector-wise: water consumption,

effluent generation and quantity of industrial effluent discharged into river
(ii) Status on granting of Consent under Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974
(iii) Status on granting of authorization under the Hazardous & Other Waste
(Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 as amended (as
(iv) Compliance status and action taken (Placing in public domain)
(v) Final disposal mode of treated industrial effluents (i.e., disposal on land or
drain or ZLD or drain connected to CETP etc.,)
(vi) Performance status of captive Effluent Treatment Plants (if applicable)
(vii) Existing Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) and their
performance status.
(viii) Regulation of small scale industries/tiny units’/service units discharging
effluents/sludge disposal into drains/landfill or any other mode of disposal

 Ground water management

(i) Status of ground water level-reserves in the catchment area of river under
(ii) Blocks identified as over exploited, critical, semi-critical and safe (as per
Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) if any)

(iii) Status of permissions granted by Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) to
the industries and other Development projects in the catchment area of
(i) Compliance of conditions stipulated by CGWB and subsequently by
(ii) Ground water sources (Hand –pumps, Wells, Tube Wells) identified in the
catchment area of the river and the characteristics (at least for the period
of two years);
(iii) Ground water sources (Hand –pumps, Wells, Tube Wells) identified as
non-potable for human consumption in river stretch with Geo-genic/or
polluted due to industries.
(iv) Compliance on ground water charging imposed by Rain Water Harvesting
(v) Existing mechanism for supply of potable water to the human population in
the affected areas.
(vi) Health deformities /clinical reports in polluted river stretch areas in view of
ground water contamination.

 Sewage treatment and disposal: -

(i) Cities, towns and villages located on the bank of river stretches
discharging sewage effluents through drains into the river.
(ii) Quantification and pollution load of sewage generated by a
(iv) Status of septage management.
(v) Listing of drains carrying sewage and trade effluents joining river and
determining flow and characteristics with details of catchment contributing
sources (drainage maps from major /minor irrigation development of
State/or local body).
(vi) Existing sewage treatment capacities and performance of Sewage
Treatment Plants and their compliance Status
(vii) Final mode of disposal of treated sewage as well as sludge management

 Waste management in the catchment area of river: -

(i) Area-wise Hazardous waste generation, treatment and final mode of

disposal and the existing infrastructure.
(ii) Area-wise Status on municipal solid waste generation, treatment and final
mode of disposal and the existing infrastructure
(iii) Area-wise Status on bio-medical waste generation, treatment and final
mode of disposal and the existing infrastructure
(iv) Any other waste generation, treatment and final mode of disposal and the
existing infrastructure

 River catchment information

(i) Regulation of Flood Plain Zone

(ii) Encroachment in Flood Plain Zone
(iii) Plantation status
(iv) Flow data of river/tributary

 Gap Analysis and Identification of the problems in the identified

polluted river catchment: -

(i) Sewage generation, existing infrastructure with treatment capacities and

the observed gaps w.r.to infrastructure for sewage management
(ii) Industrial effluent generation, existing infrastructure with treatment
capacities and the observed gaps w.r.to infrastructure for industrial
effluent management
(iii) Waste generation, existing infrastructure with treatment capacities,
designed life of the treatment and disposal facilities as applicable and the
observed gaps w.r.to infrastructure for waste management
(iv) Any other relevant issues

(Note: - All the details such as river and its tributaries, area-wise
population, sources and water consumption quantities, sewage
generation, existing infrastructure for sewage management and the gaps
observed, area-wise industries (industry sector-wise no. of industries),
sources of water and water consumption quantities (industry-sector-wise),
industrial effluent generation, existing infrastructure for treatment ( like
Captive ETPs, CETPs), final mode of disposal of industrial effluents,
waste generation and its management with existing infrastructure,
characteristics of river and its tributaries, identified contaminated ground
water resource areas has to be detailed in the map preferably a digital

D. The River Rejuvenation Action Plan:-

After having complete based information as detailed under earlier paras

A to D above, Action Plans on each Activity with time-lines can be framed.
The key components of action plan may follow the suggested points as
given the Table below:

S. Key Activity and Components Agency to Proposed
No perform the Specific
. task Time
Frame for
ation of
action plan
1 Industrial Pollution Control
(a) Inventorisation of water polluting SPCB
(b) Grant of consents SPCB
(c) Compliance verification SPCB/
(d) Planning for CETP (as applicable) SPCB+ State
or of
(e) Insisting on ZLD measures, SPCB
recycling/reuse of treated industrial
(f) Prohibition of disposal of effluents into SPCB + DM
drains except during rainy season
subject to complying to effluent
discharge norms for disposal in surface
(g) Covering small and tiny units and not SPCB+ Local
allowing discharge of effluents either Body/
individually or combined Urban
(h) Publishing list of defaulting industries in SPCB + DM
local newspapers and involving public in
reporting deliberate discharges (without
entering in the premises-backyard water
and reporting running of industry against
the closure orders.
(i) Hazardous or Non Hazardous Waste SPCB + DM
Management Plan and no dumps
anywhere except at identified locations
(j) Reporting Non-Compliance of CGWB SPCB +
conditions and closure of Non complying CGWB
(k) Levying compensation or fines for non- SPCB
compliances as empowered to UPPCB
under the Hon’ble NGT Order Dtd.
13/07/2017 in Ganga Matter in case of
(l) Other Action as relevant SPCB +
Agency of

2 Ground Water Protection

(a) Declaration of Polluted Blocks CGWB
(b) Embargo on Water pollution /over- CGWB
abstraction of industries as per block
(c) Rain water harvesting Local Body +
(d) Identification of Geo-genic contamination CGWB
(as applicable)
(e) Identification of industries discharging SPCB +
industrial effluent illegally and levying CGWB
fine on such industries including closure
of such industries
(f) Remediation of contaminated ground SPCB +
water (due to discharge of industrial CGWB
/sewage) with the recovered funds from
the default industry
(g) Capping of contaminated tube wells and Water Supply
Potable water supply through alternate Department
measures in the affected areas of
3 Sewage Management
(a) Identification of cities, towns and villages State Local
discharging sewage into river/tributary and Urban
(b) Identifying drains joining river and their Development
quantification and characterizations of and
pollution load Executing
(c) Preparation of Detailed Project Report Agencies
(DPR) for interception and diversion ( I &
D) of drains to sewage treatment plant
(STP) for which suitable site to be
identified and plan for utilization of
treated sewage.
(d) Execution of STP works and necessary
infrastructure and ensuring household
sewer connection for full utilization of
(e) Regular cleaning of drains and
prohibiting disposal of garbage/plastic
and filthy material into drains including
dairy waste
(f) Restoration of natural drains for carrying Local and
only storm water (but not sewage) Urban Bodies
+ State
Resources +
Department +

(g) Ensuring utilization of treated sewage for Local and

beneficial use such as agriculture, Urban Bodies
construction activity, + State
washing/flushing/cleaning, industrial Irrigation
cooling etc., Department +
(h) Interception and Diversion of sewage Local and
from Drains and connectivity to STPs Urban Bodies
4 Flood Plain Zone (FPZ) Protection
(a) Demarcation of FPZ and not permitting State
encroachments Irrigation
(b) Adopting good irrigation practices to State
conserve water Irrigation
(c) Plantation and bio-diversity parks in FPZ State Forest
5 E-Flow
(a) E-Flow determination/gauging State
(b) Regulation of flow from barrages State
6 Health Impact Assessment Reports-
Treatment Services
(a) Epidemiological survey in the catchment State Health
to find out water-born diseases/ health Department
(b) Providing treatment services to the
diseased persons in the catchment area

7 Education and Awareness

(a) Regular involvement of educational State
institutions for creating awareness and Education
conservation programmes Department
8 Funding for execution of Action Plans
(a) Pooling of financial resources of state State Finance
and central assistance Commission/
MoUD and
MoWR, RD &

E. Monitoring of Implementation of Action Plans for Rejuvenation of Polluted

River Stretches:-

(i) In compliance with Hon’ble NGT Order dated 20/09/2018 (OA No. 673 of
2018), State/UT Level ‘River Rejuvenation Committee (RRC)’ constituted
firstly has to ensure timely preparation of action plans (before 20/11/2018).

(ii) Prepared actions plans need to be submitted to CPCB for random scrutiny
as well as for approvals.

(iii) Thereafter, execution of action plans to begin and to be mentioned on

monthly basis by the ‘RRC’ under overall supervision of the Principal
Secretary (Environment) of the respective State Government or Union
Territory Administration.

A model flow chart for rejuvenation of polluted river is given in Figure 3

River Water

Field Assessment of Water Quality of Polluted River

Assess Need For Rejuvenation of River Water Quality

Historical Information Collection

Desk Review and Reconnaissance Survey

(for Idenfication of all Sources of Pollution)

Action Plans Preparation and Its Implementation to Achieve

Desired Rejuvenation Goals

River Rejuvenation Goals

Environmental and Creation

Active Restoration

E-Flows and Wetland Conservation

Sewage Management

Indl. Effluent Management FPZ, Biodiversity Parks and

Waste Management
(Municipal, Industrial Hazardous, C & Good Irrigation Practices
D, Bio-medical Waste and E-Waste)
( Utilisation of Treated Sewage
Sludges Management ( STP, CETP,
Industrial ETP, Septic Tanks) Ground Water Recharge and Its
Removal of Encroachment,
Interception and Diversion of Awareness and Training
Pollution Sources


River Rejuvenation Evaluation

Figure 3. Model Flow Chart for Rejuvenation of Polluted Rivers

6. Sustenance Phase

Good governance, based on fairness, transparency and empowerment of all

stakeholders, is essential to sustain the restoration efforts. Also, ownership of
each waterbody should be decided, as most of them face indefinite sustenance
due to multiplicity of administrative control and/or lack of specific action by
singular authority. The in charge authority should treat the water body as ‘natural
resources’, to act as the potential catalysts to better civic health, provide
recreation, improve tourism, possibly meet water-needs of local people, etc.
Such gains shall be attained only after the water bodies are treated on eco
system based approach.

6.1 Awareness

Awareness for citizen’s groups, resident welfare associations, local

organizations, activist groups, green organizations, political organizations,
educational institutions and government agencies in protection of the water
bodies should be organized periodically by the concerned authorities through
campaigns, electronic media in vernacular languages also be ensured by the
concerned authorities

6.2 Training

Organizing periodic trainings through identified and reputed institutions for all the
concerned on aspects relating to maintenance during post- restoration phase of
the water body.

6.3 Promoting Public Participation

Promoting active public participation (with the help of schools, colleges and
universities, NGOs) for identifying and resolving critical lake or pond problems as

well as periodic maintenance and restoration of water body from aesthetic and
restoration point of view should be organized.

6.4 Dissemination of Information

Water quality of the pond or lake should be displayed at the main entrance of the
pond or lake boundary and such water quality data also connected to the servers
of concerned custodian State Department (s) as well as State Environment
Department, respective State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)/Pollution Control
Committee (PCC). Display boards also should be provided at all the salient
points on ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ for the public.

6.5 Recreational Centre

Creation of pond or lakes can be converted into recreational centers with boating
activities, walkways and benches for visitors on charge basis so as to generate
revenue for operation and maintenance of the lake or pond areas

7. References

 Parliamentary Standing Committee Report 2016-“Repair, Renovation and

Restoration of Water Bodies- Encroachment on Water Bodies and Steps
Required to Remove the Encroachment and Restore the Water Bodies”








 Advisory on Conservation and Restoration of Water Bodies in Urban Areas

published by Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
Organization (CPHEEO), Ministry of Urban Development (August 2013)

 OA No. 200 of 2014 Titled M.C. Mehta Vs Union of India -(River Ganga)
Order of HON’BLE NGT Dated 10/12/2015; and 13/07/2017.

 OA No. 231 of 214 Titled Doaba Paryavaran Samiti Vs State of UP & Ors.
(on river Hindon) Order of HON’BLE NGT Dated 08/08/2018

 OA No. 673 of 2018 Titled News item published in “The Hindu” authored by
Shri Jacob Koshy titled “More river stretches are now critically polluted:
CPCB” Order of HON’BLE NGT Dated 20.09.2018, 19.12.2018 and

-- OO --


Water Quality Criteria-Designated Best Use

Class of
Designated-Best-Use Criteria

Drinking Water Source A Total Coliforms Organism in MPN/100ml shall be 50 or less

without conventional pH between 6.5 and 8.5
treatment but after Dissolved Oxygen 6mg/l or more
disinfection Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20C 2mg/l or less
Outdoor bathing B* Faecal Coliform in MPN/100ml: 500 (desirable) and 2500
(Organised) (Maximum Permissible)
Faecal streptococci in MPN/100 ml: 100 (desirable) and 500
(maximum Permissible)
pH between 6.5 to 8.5
Dissolved Oxygen: 5mg/l or more
Biochemical Oxygen Demand 3 Day BOD, 27 O C: 3mg/l or
Drinking water source C Total Coliforms Organism MPN/100ml shall be 5000 or less
after conventional pH between 6 to 9 Dissolved Oxygen 4mg/l or more
treatment and disinfection Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20C 3mg/l or less
Propagation of Wild life D pH between 6.5 to 8.5 Dissolved Oxygen 4mg/l or more
and Fisheries Free Ammonia (as N) 1.2 mg/l or less
Irrigation, Industrial E pH between 6.0 to 8.5
Cooling Electrical Conductivity at 25 OC micro mhos/cm Max.2250
Sodium Absorption Ratio Max. 26
Boron Max. 2mg/l

* Class B as per Primary Water Quality Criteria for Bathing Water (Water Used for Organised
Outdoor Bathing) as per Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986




1. Introduction

Water Quality monitoring is an essential component to maintain and restore the

wholesomeness of resources by way of prevention and control of pollution as
prescribed under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.
However, the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution), Act, 976 does not
define the level of wholesomeness to be maintained or restored in different water
bodies of the country. In view of the said reason, the Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB) has tried to define the wholesomeness of water in terms of safe
human uses, and thus, taken human uses of water as base for identification of
water quality objectives for different water bodies in the Country. It is considered
ambitious to maintain or restore all natural water body at pristine level which is
possible only by taking proper control measures. The level and degree of
treatment required can be decided depending on the categorization of the
polluted river locations/stretch, as per the criteria detailed below:-

2. Categorization of River Monitoring Location

The water quality data is required to be analyzed and primarily mean or average
values of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Faecal Coliform (FC) need to
be estimated. Then, based on the total score estimated for the parameters BOD
(weightage- 70 %) and FC (Weightage- 30 %), based on the criteria, the
monitoring location is categorized as ‘polluted’ location. The polluted monitoring
locations in a continuous sequence are defined as ‘polluted river stretch’.
However, actual self-purification distance need to be estimated based on the
requisite input parameters which depend on the case-to-case and the local

The monitoring locations may be categorized in five classes from Category I to

Category –VI. i.e., critically polluted to Good or Fit for Bathing i.e., Category –I
indicates ‘critically polluted’; Category-II indicates ‘severely polluted’; Category-III
indicates ‘moderately polluted’, Category –IV indicates ‘less polluted’, Category –
V indicates ‘Good’ or Fit for Bathing’

Above suggested criteria is intended only for categorization of the river

monitoring locations. However, if any State/UT desires to identify any other water
body such as lakes, tanks may also apply these criteria depending on the need
and the requisite achievable goals for rejuvenation of such water bodies.
Table 1 to Table 3 gives the mean or average BOD/Faecal Coliform values or
range and the corresponding scores as well as categorization of the monitoring

Table 1. Observed Mean or Average BOD Value in mg/l and corresponding BOD

S. Mean or Average BOD

No (Weightage-70 %)
Mean or Average BOD Score
BOD (in mg/l) (X)
1 > 48 100
2 24-48 80
3 12-24 60
4 6-12 40
5 ≤6 20

Table 2. Observed Mean or Average Faecal Coliform (in MPN/100 ml) and
corresponding FC Score

S. Mean or Average Faecal Coliform

No (Weightage -30 %)
Mean or Average Faecal Coliform FC Score
(in MPN/100 ml) (Y)

(1) > 5,00,000 100

(2) 5000 to 5,00,000 80
(3) 5000 to 50,000 60
(4) 500 to 5000 40
(5) ≤500 20
Table 3. Total Score and corresponding Category of River Monitoring Location

S. Total Score* Category Priority Category of Monitoring

No (Z‘) Class of the location
Monitoring location
(1) 81-100 Category -I Critically Polluted
(2) 61-80 Category--II Severely Polluted
(3) 41-60 Category -III Moderately Polluted
(4) 21-40 Category -IV Less Polluted
(5) ≤ 20 Category -V Good or Fit For Bathing

(i) Above criteria must be considered only for the river locations having
monitored at least for 2 years and 8 observations in each year covering at
least pre-monsoon and post-monsoon period;
(ii) Above criteria is a preliminary screening criteria for categorizing
monitoring locations. However, comprehensive assessment needs to be
done by States/UTs to arrive at the extent of contamination;

(iii) Please refer to the procedure for estimation of Total Score given in S.No

2.1 Criteria for Category- I – Critically Polluted: - If the Total score is 81-100, then the
monitoring location is categorized as ‘Critically Polluted’.

2.2 Criteria for Category- II – Severely Polluted: - If the Total score is 61-80, then
the monitoring location is categorized as ‘Severely Polluted’

2.3 Criteria for Category- III-Moderately Polluted: - If the Total score is 41-60, then
the monitoring location is categorized as ‘Moderately Polluted’

2.4 Criteria for Category-IV –Less Polluted: - If the Total score is 21-40, then the
monitoring location is categorized as ‘Less Polluted’.

2.5 Criteria for Category -V-Good or Fit for Bathing:-If the Total score is ≤ 20, then
the monitoring location is categorized as ‘Good or Fit for Bathing’.

For easy understanding, flow chart given in Figure 4 and steps for calculating the
total score may also be referred in the subsequent paras:-

3. Steps for calculating total score and categorizing of monitoring location : -

(i) Depending on the average BOD measured value, assign the BOD score
(X) as given in Table 1.

(ii) Similarly depending on the average FC measured value, assign the FC

Score (Y) as given in Table 2.

(iii) Total score (Z) is estimated as: BOD Score (X) X (Weightage of BOD i.e.,
70 %) + FC Score (Y) X (Weightage for FC i.e., 30 %). and

(iv) Now compare calculated Total Score (Z) with the Z’ Value given in the
Table 3 and the monitoring location is categorized suitably.

For easy understanding following examples may be referred in the subsequent

E.g. (1): At a particular monitoring location, the average values of BOD and the
FC values are observed as 6 mg/l and 9000 MPN/100 ml respectively. Then, the
total score is calculated as

 X is the BOD Score corresponding to the mean BOD value of 6 mg/l as

per Table 1 = 20

 Y is the FC Score corresponding to the average FC value of 9000

MPN/100 ml as per Table 2 = 60

 Calculated Total Score (Z) = X X Weightage of BOD + Y X

Weightage of FC i.e.,20 X 0.7 + 60 X 0.3 = 14 + 18= 32.

 Compare 39 value with the Z’ values given in Table 3 to decide on the

Priority Category of the Monitoring Location. In this case, monitoring
location is Category-IV i.e., ‘Less Polluted’,

E.g.(2): At a particular monitoring location, the average value of BOD and the
FC values are observed as 2 mg/l and 45 MPN/100 ml respectively. Then, the
total score is calculated as

 X is the BOD Score corresponding to the average BOD value of 2 mg/l as

per Table 1 = 20

 Y is the FC Score corresponding to the average FC value of

45 MPN/100 ml as per Table 2 =20

 Calculated Total Score (Z) is calculated as = X X Weightage of BOD

+ Y X Weightage of FC i.e., 20 X 0.7 + 20 X 0.3 =20

 Compare 20 value with the Z’ values given in Table 3 to decide on the

Category of the Monitoring Location. In this case, monitoring location is
Category-V i.e., ‘Good’ or Fit for Bathing

E.g. (3): At a particular monitoring location, the average value of BOD and the
FC values are observed as 2 mg/l and 550000 MPN/100 ml respectively.
Then, the total score is calculated as

 X is the BOD Score corresponding to the average BOD value of 2 mg/l as

per Table 1 = 20

 Y is the FC Score corresponding to the average FC value of
550000 MPN/100 ml as per Table 2 = 100

 Calculated Total Score (Z) = X X Weightage of BOD + Y X

Weightage of FC i.e., 20 X 0.7 + 100 X 0.3 = 44.

 Compare 100 value with the Z’ values given in Table 3 to decide on the
Category of the Monitoring Location. In this case, monitoring location is
Category-III i.e., Moderately Polluted’

E.g.(4): At a particular monitoring location, the average value of BOD and the
FC values are observed as 45 mg/l and 400 MPN/100 ml respectively.
Then, the total score is calculated as

 X is the BOD Score corresponding to the average BOD value of 45 mg/l

as per Table 1 = 80

 Y is the FC Score corresponding to the average FC value of

400 MPN/100 ml as per Table 2 = 20

 Calculated Total Score (Z) = X X Weightage of BOD + Y X

Weightage of FC i.e., 80 X0.7 + 20 X 0.3 = 62.
 Compare 100 value with the Z’ values given in Table 3 to decide on the
Category of the Monitoring Location. In this case, monitoring location is
‘Category-II i.e., Severely Polluted’

E.g (5): At a particular monitoring location, the average values of BOD and the
FC values are observed as 24 mg/l and 200000 MPN/100 ml respectively.
Then, the total score is calculated as

 X is the BOD Score corresponding to the mean BOD value of 24 mg/l as

per Table 1 = 60

 Y is the FC Score corresponding to the average FC value of 200000

MPN/100 ml as per Table 2 = 80

 Calculated Total Score (Z) = X X Weightage of BOD (70 %) + Y X

Weightage of FC (30 %) i.e.,60 X 0.7 + 80 X 0.3 = 42 + 24= 66.

 Compare 90 value with the Z’ values given in Table 3 to decide on the

Category of the Monitoring Location. In this case, monitoring location is
Category-II i.e., ‘Severely Polluted’,

Water Quality Monitoring Location

GOOD or FIT FOR Is Total Score
BATHING ≤ 20 ?


LOCATION - Is Total Score 21-40 ?


LOCATION - Is Total Score 41-60?


LOCATION - Is Total Score 61-80?


Is Total Score 81-100 ?

Figure 4. Flow Chart Showing Criteria for Categorization of River Monitoring


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