Chapter 10-Algae
Chapter 10-Algae
Chapter 10-Algae
Photosynthetic Protists
Phycology or algology is the study of algae. The word phycology is derived from
the Greek phykos, meaning seaweed. The term algae [singular, alga] was originally
used to define simple “aquatic plants.” As noted above, it no longer has any formal
significance in classification schemes. Instead the algae can be described as
eukaryotic organisms that have chlorophyll a and carry out oxygen-producing
photosynthesis. They differ from other photosynthetic eukaryotes in lacking a well-
organized vascular conducting system and in having very simple reproductive
structures. In sexual reproduction the whole organism may serve as a gamete;
unicellular structures (gametangia) may produce gametes; or gametes can be
formed by multicellular gametangia in which every cell is fertile. Unlike the case with
plants, algal gametangia do not have nonfertile cells.
According to the five-kingdom system of Whittaker, the algae belong to seven
divisions distributed between two different kingdoms (Table 26.1). This classical
classification is based on cellular, not organismal, properties. Some more important
properties include: (1) cell wall (if present) chemistry and morphology; (2) form in
which food or assimilatory products of photosynthesis are stored; (3) chlorophyll
molecules and accessory pigments that contribute to photosynthesis; (4) flagella
number and the location of their insertion in motile cells; (5) morphology of the cells
and/or body (thallus); (6) habitat; (7) reproductive structures; and (8) life history
patterns. Based on these properties the algae are arranged by divisions in Table
Mitochondrial structure varies greatly in the algae. Some algae (euglenoids) have
discoid cristae; some, lamellar cristae (green and red algae); and the remaining,
(golden-brown and yellow-green, brown, and diatoms) have tubular cristae.
Figure 10.1 Algal Morphology. Schematic drawing of a typical eucaryotic algal cell showing
some of its organelles and other structures.
Figure 10.2: Diagrammatic Algal Bodies: (a) unicellular, motile, Cryptomonas; (b) unicellular,
nonmotile, Palmellopsis; (c) colonial, Gonium; (d) filamentous, Spirotaenia; (e) bladelike kelp,
Monostroma; (f) leafy tubular axis, branched tufts or plumes, Stigeoclonium; (g) unicellular,
nonmotile, Chrysocapsa.
called zoospores. Nonmotile spores produced by sporangia are termed
aplanospores. In some unicellular algae binary fission occurs (nuclear division
followed by division of the cytoplasm).
Other algae reproduce sexually. Eggs are formed within relatively unmodified
vegetative cells called oogonia [singular, oogonium] that function as female
structures. Sperm are produced in special male reproductive structures called
antheridia [singular, antheridium]. In sexual reproduction these gametes fuse to
produce a diploid zygote.
Figure 10.3: Chlorophyta (Green Algae); Light Micrographs. (a) Chlorella, a unicellular
nonmotile green alga (x160). (b) Volvox, a typical green algal colony (x450). (c) Spirogyra, a
filamentous green alga (x100). Four filaments are shown. Note the ribbon-like, spiral
chloroplasts within each filament. (d) Ulva, commonly called sea lettuce, has a leafy
appearance. (e) Acetabularia, the mermaid’s wine goblet. (f) Micrasterias, a large desmid
10.7.2 Euglenophyta (Euglenoids)
The euglenoids share with the Chlorophyta and Charophyta the presence of
chlorophylls a and b in their chloroplasts. The primary storage product is paramylon
(a polysaccharide composed of -1,3 linked glucose molecules), which is unique to
euglenoids. They occur in fresh, brackish, and marine waters and on moist soils;
they often form water blooms in ponds and cattle water tanks. The representative
genus is Euglena (Figure 10.4).
Figure 10.4: Euglena. A diagram illustrating the principal structures found in this euglenoid.
Notice that a short second flagellum does not emerge from the anterior invagination. In some
euglenoids both flagella are emergent.
Chrysophyta (Figure 10.5b), but some species have no flagella, and others have
either one flagellum or two that are of equal length. Most Chrysophyta are unicellular
or colonial.
Figure 10.5: Chrysophyta (Yellow-Green and Golden-Brown Algae; Diatoms). (a) Scanning
electron micrograph of Mallomonas, a chrysophyte, showing its silica scales. The scales are
embedded in the pectin wall but synthesized within the Golgi apparatus and transported to the
cell surface in vesicles (x9,000). (b) Ochromonas, a unicellular chrysophyte. Diagram showing
typical cell structure. (c) Scanning electron micrograph of a diatom, Cyclotella meneghiniana
(x750). (d) Assorted diatoms as arranged by a light microscopist (x900).
10.7.4 Phaeophyta (Brown Algae)
The Phaeophyta or brown algae [Greek phaeo, brown] consist of multicellular
organisms that occur almost exclusively in the sea. Some species have the largest
linear dimensions (length) known in the eukaryotic world. The simplest brown algae
consist of small openly branched filaments; the larger, more advanced species have
a complex arrangement. Some large kelps are conspicuously differentiated into
flattened blades, stalks, and holdfast organs that anchor them to rocks (Figure
10.6). Some, such as Sargassum, form huge floating masses that dominate the
Sargasso Sea. The color of these algae reflects the presence of the brown pigment
fucoxanthin, in addition to chlorophylls a and c, -carotene, and violaxanthin. The
main storage product is laminarin, which is quite similar in structure to
Figure 10.6: Phaeophyta (Brown Algae). Diagram of the parts of the brown alga, Nereocystis.
Due to the holdfast organ, the heaviest tidal action and surf seldom dislodge brown algae from
their substratum. The stipe is a stalk that varies in length; the bladder is a gas-filled float.
depths of 100 m or more. The wavelengths of light (green, violet, and blue) that
penetrate these depths are not absorbed by chlorophyll a but instead by these
phycobilins. Not surprisingly the concentration of these pigments often increases
with depth as light intensity decreases. The phycobilins, after absorbing the light
energy, pass it on to chlorophyll a.
The cell walls of most red algae include a rigid inner part composed of microfibrils
and a mucilaginous matrix. The matrix is composed of sulfated polymers of galactose
called agar, funori, porphysan, and carrageenan. These four polymers give the red
algae their flexible, slippery texture. Agar is used extensively in the laboratory as a
culture medium component. Many red algae also deposit calcium carbonate in their
cell walls and play an important role in building coral reefs.
Figure 10.7: Rhodophyta (Red Algae). These algae (e.g., Gelidium latifolium) are much
smaller and more delicate than the brown algae.
Most dinoflagellates have two flagella. The longitudinal flagellum (undilipodium)
extends posteriorly as a rudder; the flattened, ribbon-like transverse flagellum
propels the cell forward while causing it to spin (Figure 10.8). Due to this spinning,
the dinoflagellates received their name from the Greek dinein, to whirl. Most
dinoflagellates have chlorophylls a and c, in addition to carotenoids and xanthophylls.
Figure 10.8: Pyrrhophyta (Dinoflagellates). Diagram of the parts of the brown alga,
dinoflagellate, Ceratium.
10 Symbiosis
Lichens are algae and fungi symbiosis. Clogging
When water is polluted with nutrients such as fertilizer or sewage, algae grow in
excess and cause clogging of waterways, streams, and filters. Blooms
Freshwater quality strongly influenced by presence of algae. Seasonal changes in
nutrients, light, and temperature cause fluctuation in algal population; periodic
increase in number of planktonic algae are called blooms. Poisoning
Algae can be harmful to humans. Some algae produce toxins that become
concentrated in shellfish and finfish. Although they have little effect on shellfish and
finfish, the toxins accumulate in the seafood flesh, making it unsafe or poisonous for
human consumption. The dinoflagellates (class Dinophyceae) are the most notorious
producers of toxins. For example, paralytic shellfish poisoning is caused by saxitoxin
or any of at least 12 related compounds. Saxitoxin is probably the most toxic
compound known and is 100,000 times more toxic than cocaine. Saxitoxin and
saxitoxin-like compounds are nerve toxins that interfere with neuromuscular
junctions. Alexandrium tamarense and Gymnodinium catenatum are the two species
most often associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning.
spread to the lymph glands. Similar infections, in humans and cattle, are caused by
chloroplast-bearing species of Chlorella (a member of Chlorophyta).
(3) Carrageenan, from the Irish word “carraigin” (meaning Irish moss), are
extracted from various red algae: Eucheuma in the Philippines, Chondrus
crispus in the United States and the Canadian Maritime Provinces, and Iridaea
in Chile. Carrageenans are used as thickening and stabilizing agents in dairy
products, imitation creams, puddings, syrups, and canned pet foods.
(4) Because diatomite can absorb approximately 2.5 times its weight in water, it
also makes an excellent anti-caking carrier for powders used to dust roses or
for cleansers used to clean rugs.
(5) Diatomite is also used in making welding rods, battery boxes, concrete,
explosives, and animal foods.
10.9.5 Fertilizer
Seaweeds have been used as agricultural fertilizers for centuries in many parts of
the world. Coastal farmers cut seaweeds that were spread over the soil. Kelp is now
used to extract macronutrients and micronutrients for specialized plant fertilizers and
animal feed supplements. Dried kelp is almost 50% mineral matter; Ascophyllum
nodosum, for example, contains 55 trace elements.
1. Foundations in Microbiology, Eighth Edition. 2011. Kathleen Park Talaro and Arthur Talaro. The
McGraw−Hill Companies, Inc., New York.
2. Prescott's Microbiology, Eighth Edition. 2010. Joanne Willey, Linda Sherwood and Chris
Woolverton. The McGraw−Hill Companies, New York.