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047 Puppet Ig v1.0

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Installation Guide

© Brain4ce Education Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Version 1.0
Installation Guide www.edureka.co/

Setting up Vagrant
 You will need vagrant to set up a virtual box for master slave configuration. You
can do this only when we come to the portion on master slave.
 The complete instructions for same can be found here:
» http://www.edureka.co/blog/development-environment-using-vagrant/
» And here: http://www.edureka.co/blog/10-steps-to-create-multiple-vms-

Puppet Master and client setup

Before installing in Ubuntu, ensure that your machine is properly served on DNS and
host name has been changed to a unique entry in DNS

##Enable Repos

##YUM Systems

#puppetlabs-release-<COLLECTION>-<OS ABBREVIATION>-<OS VERSION>.noarch.rpm

#Therefore for RHEL,

#sudo rpm - Uvh https://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-pc1-el-7.noarch.rpm

# for specific version For centos7/

#sudo rpm -ivh https://yum.puppetlabs.com/el/7/products/x86_64/puppetlabs-release-7-11.noarch.rpm

#for Ubuntu 14.04

wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb

dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb

apt-get update

apt-get install puppetmaster

#Edir /etc/puppet/puppet.conf edit below 2 lines



dns_alt_names = demo1,demo1.sridemo.com

#Also, remove the line templatedir=$confdir/templates, which has been deprecated.

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#Restart Server

service puppetmaster start

TIP: Before doing any installation and restart, ensure first ensure

DNS has been set up correctly (See Class notes for DNS setup)

Edit /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and ensure correct hostname has been set (also use
hostname command to set this correctly.

For client, the same setup is required. Here are the full steps:

#### For latest versions, you still need to get the DEB/YUM package and install it..

#### ***** the documentation.

#### For ubuntu 14.0.4, the agent is already installed...

# but if you need to do it,

wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb

sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb

sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get install puppet -y

TIP: To remove an existing puppet client installation, do the following:

sudo apt-get purge puppet puppet-common -y

sudo apt-get autoremove -y

rm -rf /etc/puppet # if you so desire, take a backup

rm -rf /var/lib/puppet

rm -rf /var/run/puppet

### Change /etc/puppet/puppet.conf

# Client install for Ubuntu 14.0.4

apt-get install puppet

# for YUM

#sudo yum install puppet-agent

### Depending on whic version, auth.conf is not automatically created..

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### if not already created, "touch" (create) it...

#touch /etc/puppet/auth.conf

#Edir /etc/puppet/puppet.conf edit below 2 lines


server = demo1.sridemo.com

#Restart client

#service puppet start

# to make this auto...

# enable in /etc/default/puppet (client) or /etc/default/puppetmaster (server) and set START to yes.

# Client install on RPM (specific to Centos) On

rpm -ivh https://yum.puppetlabs.com/el/7/products/x86_64/puppetlabs-release-7-11.noarch.rpm

yum install puppet

#Edir /etc/puppet/puppet.conf edit below 2 lines


server = demo1.sridemo.com

#Restart client

systemctl start puppet

TIP: when you install the puppet client, by default, it will create a section called
[master]. Rename this to [agent] instead manually.
Now on client, verify you can reach your master and type the following command:

puppet agent -t

on server, run the following command:

puppet cert list –all # you should see your new client listed up without a + sign

pupper cert sign <your client certificate name>

puppet cert list # you should see nothing

puppet cert list –all # you should see your new client listed up with a + sign

Now on client, verify you can reach your master and type the following command:

puppet agent -t

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Interesting commands to be seen:

puppet agent --fingerprint # on client, used on server to verify client identity

puppet agent --configprint runinterval

puppet config print manifest --section master --environment <ENVIRONMENT>

Extlookup data setup

## Data file for ExtLookup
## Created under /etc/puppet/data - make this directory first..
## Update the data to point to your name server and domain
## Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 - adapt accordingly

## Sample PP to verify this..

$extlookup_datadir = "/etc/puppet/data"
$extlookup_precedence = ['common']
#Class definition --> Pay attention to spaces and spelling :-)
class dnsdns {
$dnsserver= extlookup('dnsserver')
$searchdomain = extlookup('searchdomain')
#again check for spacess...
file {'/etc/resolv.conf':
content => "search ${searchdomain}\nnameserver ${dnsserver}\n",
notify => Exec['dns-clean'],
# execute 'restart DNS Cache"
exec { 'dns-clean': # exec resource named 'dns-clean"
command => '/etc/init.d/dns-clean restart', # command this resource will run
require => File['/etc/resolv.conf']
# actuall run the class
include dnsdns
## if all ran fine

Hiera setup
### Hiera is automatically installed with Puppet 3.8.7
## from a command line
hiera ntp_server
hiera ntp_server --yaml web01.example.com.yaml
## The config file is found here /etc/puppet/code/hiera.yaml (or /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml. For
Hiera 1,

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/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml in *nix open source Puppet

/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml in *nix Puppet Enterprise
COMMON_APPDATA\PuppetLabs\puppet\etc\hiera.yaml on Windows
##use -m or --mcollective IDENTITY to collect data via Mcollective
## Use --config to specify differnt config file..

NOTE: to test this from command line, the file hiera.yaml has to be present in /etc. instead of copying
the file, link it as below:

ln -s /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml /etc/hiera.yaml

Without this step, command line testing for hiera will not work.
## Sample hiera.yaml file.
- yaml
- json
:datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
:datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
- node/%{::fqdn}
- "%{::environment}"
- common

# Other sample hiera files.

Download links:
Common.yaml - https://edureka.wistia.com/medias/oag2wfcae4/download?media_file_id=135866149
Stagin.yaml - https://edureka.wistia.com/medias/ybzepruw8i/download?media_file_id=135866161
Devweb01.sridemo.com.yaml -

These files are used from hiera.yaml file.

Installing ActiveMQ

#installing ActiveMQ
## to install ActiveMQ, first install Java
# Next
wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/activemq/5.11.2/apache-activemq-5.11.2-bin.tar.gz

cd [activemq_install_dir]

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tar zxvf apache-activemq-5.11.2-bin.tar.gz

#From a command shell, change to the installation directory and run ActiveMQ as a foregroud process:
cd [activemq_install_dir]/bin
./activemq console

#From a command shell, change to the installation directory and run ActiveMQ as a daemon process:
cd [activemq_install_dir]/bin
./activemq start

# Verify this... (user name admin/password admin)

netstat -an|find "61616" #(also 61614 and 8161)

#next install mcollective on nodes

#Ensure you are installing from official repositories (see Module #1 notes)
sudo apt-get install mcollective

# to install the mcollective agent on an admin workstation

sudo apt-get install mcollective-client

#If all is installed correctly you should see something like below:

TIP: It is recommended to use puppet to install mcollective on the nodes to be managed. Sample code is

class mcollective {
# Install
package {'mcollective':
ensure => latest,
# Run
service {'mcollective':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
require => Package['mcollective'],

# Restart the service when any settings change

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Package['mcollective'] -> Mcollective::Setting <| |> ~> Service['mcollective']

The above assumes that only servers are being managed and clients are managed separately.

TIP: If libdir specified in server.cfg or client.cfg does not exist, create one as
mkdir -p /usr/share/mcollective/plugins

Interesting commands:
mco find
mco ping
mco inventory <hostname>
mco rpc rpcutil agent_inventory -I some.node
mco rpc service start service=apache2
mco plugin doc service
mco rpc service status service=apache2
mco rpc service status service=httpd -S "environment=development or customer=acme"
mco ping -A service
mco ping -C apache2
mco ping -C /service/
mco ping -F "country=/uk|us/"
mco ping -I dev1 -I dev2
mco ping -I dev1 -I dev2
mco ping -I /sridemo.com$/
mco ping -S "((customer=acme and environment=staging) or environment=development) and /apache/"
mco ping -S "environment=development and !customer=acme"
mco ping -S "environment=development and not customer=acme"
mco ping -S "fstat('/etc/hosts').md5=/baa3772104/ and environment=development"
mco rpc nrpe runcommand command=check_load -I dev1 -v #see data verbose
mco rpc nrpe runcommand command=check_load -I dev1 -j # see in JSON format
mco package status kernel

See this link: http://workblog.intothenevernever.com/?p=127 for exposing facts between mcollective and

mco facts mcollective -v #Output is as below

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mco facts consumernode -v #Output is as below

Install Apache 2

 sudo apt-get install apache2

 #sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev rubygems
 sudo a2enmod ssl
 sudo a2enmod headers
 apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev
 service apache2 restart
 sudo gem install rack passenger
 sudo passenger-install-apache2-module

If you’re running Puppet 3.x, make sure the always_cache_features setting is set to true
in the [master] (not [main]) section of puppet.conf. This improves performance.
In post-4.0 versions of Puppet, the example config.ru file hardcodes this setting to true.

Make sure Apache’s KeepAliveTimeout setting is set to at least 5. (5 is the default value,
but your global Apache config may have set a different value, in which case you’ll need
to change it.)
Although this setting is valid at virtual host scope, the way Apache reads its value means
it’s safer to set it globally.
Puppet includes a config.ru file, which tells Rack how to spawn Puppet master processes.
To install this Rack application in a form Passenger can use, you’ll need to:
» Create three directories for the application (a parent directory, a “public”
directory, and a “tmp” directory)
» Copy the ext/rack/config.ru file from the Puppet source code into the parent

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» Set the ownership of the config.ru file

Also, make sure the Apache user (which may vary by platform) can both read and
traverse all three directories, can traverse all of its parent directories, and can write to
the “tmp” directory.
These steps will look something like this:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd

sudo mkdir /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/public /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/tmp

sudo cp /usr/share/puppet/ext/rack/config.ru /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/

sudo chown puppet:puppet /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/config.ru

Sample vhost configuration is below:

Download link:
Adjust paths and permissions as required
On Debian

sudo cp puppetmaster /etc/apache2/sites-available/

sudo a2ensite puppetmaster


$ sudo cp puppetmaster.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/

Start or Restart the Apache service

Ensure that any WEBrick Puppet master process is stopped before starting the Apache
service; only one can be bound to TCP port 8140. Basically stop the puppetmaster

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart


sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart

If all works well, you’ll want to make sure the WEBrick service no longer starts on boot:


sudo update-rc.d -f puppetmaster remove

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sudo chkconfig puppetmaster off

sudo chkconfig httpd on

If all goes ok, apache2 should be run (we added our own index.html) and puppetmaster
should run as an Apache2 application and custom facts should still run

And puppet file server (after integration should still work)

A much easier way is to install Passenger separately along with Apache. Next install
puppet gems and that’s it. In both cases, pay close attention to PassengerUser (it
should be set to puppet (if not already set)) and the config.ru file should be accessible
by this user

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