Lip Angioedema Swellimng and HSV Following HA Inj
Lip Angioedema Swellimng and HSV Following HA Inj
Lip Angioedema Swellimng and HSV Following HA Inj
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Fig 2. Monomorphous vesicles and crusted papules with
4. Buffet M, Grange PA, Gerhardt P, Carlotti A, Calvez V, Bianchi A,
collarettes of scale localized to vermilion border of lips 3
et al. Diagnosing Treponema pallidum in secondary syphilis by
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94-97. We report one patient with erythema and
angioedema-like swelling of the vermilion and cu-
doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2010.11.031 taneous lips (Fig 1) within 12 hours after Restylane
lip injection (Medicis Aesthetics). The procedure was
performed by the patient’s Columbian physician
Angioedema-type swelling and herpes simplex friend in a medical office in the United States.
virus reactivation following hyaluronic acid The patient’s story was substantiated by the
injection for lip augmentation Restylane package and insert (Medicis Aesthetics).
To the Editor: Restylane (Medicis Aesthetics Inc, She reported tingling and pain that preceded the
Scottsdale, AZ) is a hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal swelling by several hours. She presented to the
filler used for soft-tissue augmentation. It is a emergency department where she received an intra-
nonanimal-derived synthetic agent composed of venous methylprednisolone dose. Three days later,
300-m HA particles, cross-linked by ether bonds. she returned to the emergency department with
HA is a glycosaminoglycan distributed throughout worsening pain, swelling, serosanguineous dis-
connective, neural, and epithelial tissue. It serves as charge, and crusting of the vermilion lips (Fig 2).
the viscoelastic network for collagen and elastin fiber Dermatology was consulted. She had profound
binding and provides cell anchor point. Because HA edema of the cutaneous and vermilion lips (worse
is identical in all mammal species, the risk of hyper- on the upper) with multiple monomorphous vesicles
sensitivity is remote. Although adverse reactions can and crusted papules localized to the vermilion lips.
occur with HA derivatives, these are rare.1 Because of our suspicion of herpes simplex virus
JULY 2011