GCC EV Emails
GCC EV Emails
GCC EV Emails
Flag: Follow up
Hello Michelle,
It was great connecting with you and your colleagues last week. Thanks very much for following up and sharing
the Smart Growth mapping tool.
It sounds like there are quite a few areas of work where it could be productive to collaborate and align efforts.
I'll circle back next week re: how we could include OCR in some of the rural/small town EV charging
discussions we are scoping out with the TCI states.
Matthew Goetz
Associate Director, Mitigation Program
Georgetown Climate Center
202.661.6674 (o)
Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us yesterday! We really appreciated this initial
conversation to learn more about GCC's initiatives on EV as well as the TCI and have an open dialogue about
what you all are working on, as well as who else is leading in this field (Greenlining Institute, looking to CA's
state programs, etc.), and start to talk about gaps/barriers and potential roles for EPA and federal partners in
supporting equitable EV and EV infrastructure investments.
Look forward to further conversations and keeping each other in the loop as opportunities arise! Keep us
posted on the upcoming meetings with TCI partners and if we might be able to listen in, or if there are other
events we could learn from. Thanks!
As mentioned on the call, OCR has a Smart Growth mapping tool that could be interesting to layer with your
mapping tools (just including the link here in case you didn't catch it in the Teams chat):
-----Original Appointment----
From: Madeley, Michelle
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2021 5:07 PM
To: Madeley, Michelle; Susman, Megan; Maye-Key, Hollis; Thomas, John V.; Macedonia, Jennifer;
[email protected]; JAMES BRADBURY; Joseph Kruger; Ryan Levandowski
Cc: mmg97(a)georgetown.edu; Hoagland, Christopher; [email protected]
Subject: EPA-GCC discuss EVs
When: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 12:00 PM-1:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Hi all,
We look forward to meeting to discuss EV deployment challenges, including equitable charging infrastructure
and other considerations. Thank you to Matthew for coordinating with me to get this on our calendars so
Look forward to speaking with you next week, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach
out. Thanks!
Michelle Madeley
madeley.michelle(a)epa.gov I 202-566-2909
Pronouns: she/her
Microsoft Teams meeting
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