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WIS 4-21-02

WATER INDUSTRY October 1994: Issue 1

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Reprinted June 2006

for web publication
UK Water Industry


1600mm/1.5 to 48” INCLUSIVE
referred to IGN 4-01-02 for guidance on the test

Where fittings are designed to connect more than

This document is the specification for bolted one pipe material, performance testing shall be
mechanical couplings and repair clamps for use with carried out in accordance with IGN 4-21-04 (draft in
iron pressure pipes for cold potable water progress).
(underground use).
Purchasers are reminded that this specification
It has been prepared by WRc plc under the direction requires that the manufacturer shall operate a quality
of the UK Water Industry Engineering and Operations system relating to the manufacture of fittings to this
Committee in consultation with the Water Industry specification in compliance with BS EN ISO 9002
and the principal product suppliers' associations. It which ensures that products claimed to comply with
defines the properties required for mechanical this specification consistently meet the required level
couplings and repair clamps for use with cast iron of quality. Enquiries regarding the availability of third
(vertically cast) pipes conforming to BS 78, cast iron party certification should be addressed to an
(centrifugally cast) pipes to BS 1211 or BS 4622 and appropriate third party certification scheme or to
ductile iron pipes to BS 4772 as applicable. WRc.

Two types of fitting are covered by this specification: Compliance with this specification does not itself
confer immunity from legal obligations.
Part 1: Repair clamps and couplings, designed for
repair of existing pipes, and couplings for insertion of This specification does not purport to include all the
new pipe lengths to existing buried iron mains; and necessary provisions of a contract. Users of this
specification are responsible for its correct
Part 2: Mechanical couplings, designed for jointing application. Reference to a British Standard, Water
new ductile iron pipe to pipe and pipe to fittings such Industry Specification or any other specification
as valves, tees and bends. applies equally to any equivalent specification.

This specification includes basic performance-related This specification includes the use of substances
type tests and quality control tests which have been and/or procedures that may be injurious to health if
agreed by the Water Industry and the principal adequate precautions are not taken. It refers only to
product suppliers associations. Appendix I identifies technical suitability and does not absolve the user
those other performance issues for which test from legal obligations relating to health and safety at
methods and/or performance criteria have yet to be any stage.
established but which may ultimately be incorporated
in a later issue of this specification. In particular no It has been assumed in the drafting of this
assessment for end-load resistance is included in this specification that the execution of its provisions is
specification. Manufacturers and Purchasers are

Technical enquiries to:

WRc, Frankland Road, Blagrove, Swindon, Wilts, SN5 8YF Tel: (01793) 865151 E-mail: [email protected]

This reprint has been prepared by the UK Water Industry and published by WRc plc. UK WIR 
entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced PART 0 - GENERAL

Information contained in this specification is given in

good faith. Neither the UK Water Industry Research 1. SCOPE OF PART 0
Ltd., the Water Services Association nor WRc plc can
accept any responsibility for actions taken by others This specification specifies the materials and
as a result. tolerances together with the basic testing
requirements for mechanical repair clamps and
CONTENTS couplings for the jointing and repair of plain-ended
iron pipes. It covers fittings suitable for joining new
ductile iron pipe of a given nominal size complying
with BS 4772 to itself, to spun grey (BS 1211) and
1. SCOPE OF PART 0 vertically cast (BS 78) iron pipe of a given nominal
2. FIELD OF APPLICATION size and for repairing ductile iron, spun grey iron and
3. DEFINITIONS vertically cast iron pipes of equivalent nominal sizes
4. QUALITY ASSURANCE either individually or in any combination. This
5. MATERIALS specification does not cover ductile iron pipes and
6. GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS fittings to BS 4772 which incorporate joints which are
7. SAMPLING FREQUENCY integral with pipe or fitting. However it does cover
8. MARKING mechanical joints which can be used independently of
9. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ductile iron pipe. It specifies the quality assurance
10. PROTECTION OF FITTINGS and sampling procedures together with the general
design requirements.
COUPLINGS Reference is made to the performance requirements
11. SCOPE OF PART 1 of pr EN 545, the draft European Standard for ductile
12. FIELD OF APPLICATION iron pipes and fittings.


15. FIELD OF APPLICATION Fittings for use with plain-ended iron pipes in the
16. TYPE TEST REQUIREMENTS nominal sizes DN 40 to 1600 and L.5 to 48 in, to be
used for potable water pipelines below ground, are
PART 3 - TEST METHODS AND CONDITIONS required to comply with Part 0 of this specification.
REQUIREMENTS Repair clamps and couplings, designed for repair of
19. TEST CONDITIONS existing pipes, and couplings for insertion of new pipe
20. REFERENCES lengths into existing buried mains are required to
comply with Part 1 of this specification;
Mechanical couplings designed for jointing new
ductile iron pipe to pipe and new ductile iron pipe to
fittings such as valves, tees and bends are required
to comply with Part 2 of this specification.

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WIS 4-21-02
October 1994: Issue 1
(Page 3 of 18)
ISSN 1353-2510

3. DEFINITIONS (d) Identify those characteristics of the design

that are crucial to the safe and proper
functioning of the product.
Mechanical coupling - Any device used in a pipe
system for the purpose of
connecting the pipes to • Verify the design by establishing that design
each other and producing a output requirements meet the design input
seal by means of requirements by means of design control
mechanical action. measures such as

Repair clamp - A device which can be used (a) Undertaking qualification tests and
to seal a defective pipe by demonstrations
mechanical action. (b) Carrying out alternative calculations
(c) Comparing the new design with a similar
proven design
Pressure rating - The maximum permissible
sustained internal pressure,
excluding surge, to which • Establish and maintain procedures for the
the pipe (or pipeline identification, documentation and appropriate
component) may be review and approval of all changes and
subjected in service. modifications.

4.2 Alternatively, manufacturers may operate a quality

NOTE: The term "fitting" is used in this document to system relating to this specification in accordance
cover mechanical couplings or repair clamps but with BS EN ISO 9001.
excludes joints of ductile iron covered by BS 4772
which are integral with the pipe or other casting.
4. QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.1 The body of the fitting may be made of either
plastic and/or metal. These materials shall comply
4.1 Manufacturers shall operate a quality system with the relevant parts of 17.1.
relating to this specification in compliance with BS EN
ISO 9002. In addition manufacturers shall: 5.2 Copper and copper alloy fittings shall be made
from materials conforming to BS 1400 and shall be
immune or resistant to dezincification (see BS 864:
• Establish and maintain procedures to control and
Part 2: 1987 Table 7).
verify the design of the product in order to ensure
that the specified requirements are met.
5.3 Iron fittings shall be made from materials
conforming to BS 1452, BS 2789 or BS 4772.
• Identify and document design input requirements
Malleable cast iron fittings shall be made from the
relating to the product. Their election shall be
materials conforming to BS 6681. Low carbon (mild)
reviewed by the supplier for adequacy.
steel fittings shall conform to BS EN 10025.
• Document all design outputs and express them in
5.4 Stainless steel fittings shall be made from
terms of requirements, calculations and analyses.
materials conforming to BS 1449 Part 2: Austenitic
Grade 304 or better.
The design output shall:
5.5 Where alternative materials are used, they shall
(a) Meet the design input requirements set out
comply with the relevant British Standard or
in this specification.
equivalent where available.
(b) Refer to acceptance criteria set out in this
5.6 Elastomeric sealing rings shall conform to
(c) Conform to applicable regulatory
requirements whether or not these have Type W of BS 2494:1990.
been stated in the input information.

 1994
5.7 All materials shall be chosen so as not to with BS 729. Where components are zinc plated this
introduce a risk of bimetallic corrosion into the shall be in accordance BS 3382: Part 2.
assembled fitting.
6.5 Flanged joints shall be constructed such that they
may be attached to ductile iron pipe or fitting flanges
6. GENERAL DESIGN whose dimensions are shown in BS 4504: Section
Note: For repair purposes, it may be necessary to
6.1 Fittings to this specification shall be suitable for cover other dimensions which should be agreed
use with iron pipelines having a nominal pressure between the supplier and purchaser.
rating of 16 bar.

Where the pressure rating for a fitting to Part 1 of this 7. SAMPLING FREQUENCY
specification varies from this i.e. for repair, the
manufacturer shall declare the fitting to have a
Production quality control activities shall be carried
nominal pressure rating of 6, 10, 16, 25 or 40 bar, as
out in accordance with an appropriate sampling plan
appropriate, and the fitting shall withstand an internal
drawn from BS 6001: Part 1. Guidance on the use of
test pressure as specified in Table 3.
BS 6001 and sampling procedures for inspection by
attributes is given in BS 6000.
6.2 Fittings designed for repair of iron pipes shall be
capable of meeting the requirements of Part 1 of this
The manufacturer shall not knowingly supply a
specification when assembled on test pipes in
defective unit in any batch.
accordance with Appendix F.
Table 1 - Pipe dimensions for metric iron pipes to
Mechanical couplings for jointing new ductile iron pipe
BS 4772 (for information only)
shall be capable of meeting the performance
requirements of Part 2 of this specification when
assembled on test pipes in accordance with Appendix Nominal Outside Tolerance (mm) Maximum
Size Diameter on External Ovality of
F. Diameter of Spigots on
Spigots External
Note 1: For the purposes of this specification, Diameter
vertically cast iron to BS 78, cast iron to BS 1211 or 40 56
BS 4622 and ductile iron to BS 4772 are considered, 50 66
65 82 + 1.0 -3.0 5
dimensionally, to be different materials.
80 98
100 118
Note 2: Users are reminded that external anchoring 150 170
may be required when using stepped couplings and 200 222
when using wide tolerance couplings for jointing pipe 250 274 + 1.0-3.5 10
of similar nominal size but of different material or 300 326
material grade. 350 378
400 429
450 480 + 1.0-4.0 20
6.3 Intrusions of fitting components within the bore of 500 532
the pipe shall not be more than 3% of the pipe 600 635
nominal diameter or 5mm on bore radius whichever 700 738 +1.0-4.5 30
is the lesser. 800 842
900 945 +1.0 - 5.0 40
Note: For couplings capable of joining dissimilar 1000 1058
nominal pipe diameters, intrusions into the bore of the 1100 1152 + 1.0-6.0 50
smallest pipe shall not exceed the requirements of 1200 1255
this clause when the coupler and pipe are axially 1400 1462 +1.0-7.0 55
1600 1668 +1.0-8.0 65
Note 1: This table is for ease of reference only and the latest
issue of BS 4772 should always be consulted.
6.4 Metallic fittings shall be protected against Note 2: The tolerances above for pipes up to and including DN300
corrosion. Where components are protected by apply to the whole length of pipe; tolerances for DN350 and
polymeric anti-corrosion coatings this shall be in greater apply only to the pipe spigot. Attention is drawn to
accordance with WIS 4-52-01 (Class B) unless Appendix H of BS 4772. In addition, users are reminded that
otherwise agreed between the manufacturers and the some degree of spigot ovality may exist up to a maximum given
above. Spigot ovality correction may be required prior to jointing.
purchasers. Where components are hot dip
galvanised this shall be carried out in accordance

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WIS 4-21-02
October 1994: Issue 1
(Page 5 of 18)
ISSN 1353-2510

Fittings complying with this specification shall be
suitably protected following manufacture against
The marking shall include:
subsequent damage prior to receipt by the customer.
Manufacturers are referred to IGN 4-52-02 Section 4
(a) The manufacturer's identification and date of
(The use of polymeric anti-corrosion (barrier)
manufacture (the last two digits of the year of
coatings) for guidance on protection of coated
manufacture, e.g. '94' are acceptable);
(b) The number of this specification, i.e. 4-21-02.
The use of this mark is a claim by the
manufacturer that the product has been PART 1 – MECHANICAL REPAIR
manufactured in accordance with the CLAMPS AND COUPLINGS
requirements of this specification. The claim is
solely his responsibility;

(c) The nominal size of the fitting; 11. SCOPE OF PART 1

(d) The maximum hydraulic working pressure of Part 1 specifies the materials and tolerances together
the fitting in bar in accordance with clause 6.1. with the basic testing requirements for mechanical
The marking may be combined with the repair clamps and couplings designed for repair of
specification number, e.g. WIS 4-21-02/16. existing iron pipes, and couplings for insertion of new
ductile iron pipe lengths to existing iron mains. This
NOTE: Where pressure ratings of fittings are part covers couplings suitable for joining new ductile
different for corroded and new pipe, the iron pipe of a given nominal size complying with BS
product shall be clearly marked with both 4772 to spun grey iron and vertically cast iron pipes of
ratings and their application, e.g. WIS 4-21- a given nominal size, and repair clamps for repairing
02/Part 1/10, WIS 4-21-02/Part 2/16. ductile iron, spun grey iron and vertically cast iron
pipes of equivalent nominal sizes either individually or
(e) The words "This coupling shall not be used in any combination, as specified by the manufacturer.
without anchoring", where required by 17.6 of
this specification;
(f) The gasket shall be clearly marked as
complying with the requirements of BS 2494 Part 1 applies to fittings for the repair of ductile and
Type W; cast iron pipes in the nominal sizes DN 40 to 1600
and 1.5 to 48 in. respectively, to be used for potable
In addition, the marking may also include: water pipelines below ground. The manufacturer shall
declare the fitting to have a nominal pressure rating
(g) Third party certification mark, if applicable; of 6, 10, 16, 25 or 40 bar, as appropriate. Testing
should be carried out at the appropriate level. The
(h) The word "WATER". fittings shall be capable of withstanding a site
hydrostatic test pressure at least as great as that
specified in Table 3.
The manufacturer shall supply limited instructions for 13. TYPE TEST REQUIREMENTS
assembly with each fitting. These shall include
assembly torque, pipe end chamfering, cleaning and Where fittings of the type given in Table 2 are
lubrication requirements. Fuller instructions should be manufactured and supplied, they shall be tested for
provided but may be supplied separately. and comply with the performance requirements
Manufacturers shall include reference to any need for indicated in Table 2 and specified in Part 3.
pipe ovality correction. Associated methods of test are described in the

10. PROTECTION OF FITTINGS Table 2 - Applicable requirements

 1994
Fitting 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 14. SCOPE OF PART 2
coupler Part 2 specifies the materials and tolerances together
√ √ √ √ n √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ with the basic testing requirements for mechanical
& bands)
couplings for use with new ductile iron pipes
Bolted complying with BS 4772 (ductile iron). This
repair √ √ √ √ n √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
specification does not cover integral joints of ductile
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ n √ √
iron pipes and fittings covered by BS 4772.
n Not applicable
Each of the specified tests shall be carried out on test
pipes in accordance with Appendix F. The fittings Part 2 applies to mechanical couplings for use with
shall be assembled in accordance with the new ductile iron pipes in the nominal sizes DN 40 to
manufacturer's installation instructions. 1600 to be used for potable water pipelines below
ground. The mechanical couplings shall be suitable
Each of the tests (excluding the Resistance to for use with iron pipes, have a nominal pressure
Differential Pressure Movement test, Clause 17.6) rating of 16 bar and be capable of withstanding a site
shall be carried out at the appropriate test pressure hydrostatic test pressure at least as great as that
as specified in Table 3. specified in Table 5.

These type tests may be carried out on a size Note: Fittings may also be supplied for use in 25 and
representative of the manufacturer's range of 40 bar systems. Testing should be carried out at the
production. A minimum of one size shall be tested appropriate level
from each of the following nominal size ranges:

(a) <150mm/6"
(b) >150mm/6" - 300mm/12"
Where mechanical couplings of the type given in
(c) >300mm/12" - 600mm/24" Table 4 are manufactured and supplied, they shall be
tested for and comply with the performance
(d) >600mm/24” requirements indicated in Table 4 and specified in
Part 3. Associated methods of test are described in
Fittings of all sizes in the product range must meet the Appendices.
the requirements of this specification.
Table 4 - Applicable requirements
If a grouping covers products of different designs
and/or manufactured by different processes, the
grouping shall be sub-divided accordingly. Fitting 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8
Table 3 - Test pressures coupler
(including √ √ √ √ n √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Size Ranges Short-Term Short-Term & bands)
Hydrostatic Pressure Negative Pressure Flange
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ n √ √
at 1 Hour (bar) * Addition test required for connecting couplings capable of joining
(bar) dissimilar nominal ductile iron pipe diameters
n Not applicable
DN 40 – 600 PN x 1.5 } -0.8 (0.2*)
DN >600 PN + 3 } “
Applications 17.2, 17.5, 17.6, 17.7, 17.3, 18.2 Each of the specified tests shall be carried out on test
17.8, 18.1 pipes in accordance with Appendix F. The
* Absolute pressure (i.e. below atmospheric) mechanical couplings shall be assembled in
Note 1: PN is the nominal pressure rating of the fitting i.e. 6, accordance with the manufacturer's installation
10, 16, 25 or 40 bar as declared by the manufacturer. instructions.
Note 2: The pressures used in Table 3 have been chosen to
reflect those specified in prEN805.
Each of the tests (excluding the Resistance to
PART 2 – MECHANICAL Differential Pressure Movement test, Clause 17.6)
COUPLINGS shall be carried out at the appropriate test pressure
as specified in Table 5.

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WIS 4-21-02
October 1994: Issue 1
(Page 7 of 18)
ISSN 1353-2510

These type tests may be carried out on a size PART 3 – TEST METHODS AND
representative of the manufacturer's range of
production. A minimum of one size shall be tested CONDITIONS
from each of the following nominal size ranges:

(a) < 150mm/6" 17. TYPE TEST METHODS AND

(b) >150mm/6" - 300mm/12"
(c) >300mm/12" - 600mm/24" REQUIREMENTS
(d) >600mm/24"
17.1 Effect of materials on water quality
Mechanical couplings of all sizes in the product range
must meet the requirements of this specification. When used under the conditions for which they are
designed, all materials in contact with, or likely to
If a grouping covers products of different designs come into contact with, water for public supply shall
and/or manufactured by different processes, the be introduced in accordance with the requirements of
grouping shall be sub-divided accordingly. Regulation 25 of the Water Supply (Water Quality)
Regulations 1989. [Water Supply (Water Quality)
Table 5 - Test pressures (Scotland) Regulations 1990 in Scotland].

For products not approved under the former voluntary

Size Ranges Test Pressure
system, and not eligible for use under regulation
Short-Term Short-Term
25(1) (b) or 25(1) (c), Secretary of State Approval
Hydrostatic Negative Pressure
shall be obtained via submission of the product to the
Pressure at 1 Hour
"Department of the Environment Committee on
DN 40 - 600 PN x 1.5 } -0.8 (0.2*)
Chemicals and Materials of Construction for Use in
} Public Water Supply and Swimming Pools" for
DN >600 PN + 3 } “ consideration. Products shall comply with the
Applications 17.2, 17.5, 17.6, 17.7, 17.3, 18.2 requirements of BS 6920: Part 1: 1990; evidence of
17.7, 17.8, 18.1 compliance shall be submitted to the above
* Absolute pressure (i.e. below atmospheric) committee by the manufacturer.

Note 1: PN is the manufacturer's stated pressure NOTE 1: A list of approved substances and products
rating of the mechanical couplings but shall not be is published annually and is available from the
less than the maximum permissible working pressure Technical Secretary of the Committee at the Drinking
of the system i.e. 16 bar. Fittings may also be Water Inspectorate, Room B 153, 43 Marsham
supplied for use in 25 and 40 bar systems. Street, London SW1 3PY.

Note 2: See Note 2 to Table 3. NOTE 2: Regulation 25 applies only to products used
by water companies in the treatment and distribution
of public water supplies; it does not apply to use of
fixtures and fittings on consumers' own premises.
Approval under the Water Byelaws Scheme and
listing in the Water Fittings and Materials Directory is

17.2 Short-term internal hydrostatic pressure


When tested in accordance with Appendix A, each

jointed assembly shall withstand the pressure
requirements in Table 3 or Table 5 of this
specification, as appropriate, for a minimum of one
hour. The assembly is required to show no signs of
leakage. The gasket shall be visually inspected on
completion for signs of stress cracking, the presence
of which shall constitute a test failure.

 1994
completion for signs of stress cracking, the presence
17.3 Short-term negative pressure test of which shall constitute a failure.

When tested in accordance with Appendix B, each 17.8 Leaktightness test under axial draw
jointed assembly shall withstand a negative internal
test pressure as specified in Table 3 or Table 5 of this When tested in accordance with Appendix H, each
specification, as appropriate, for a minimum of one jointed assembly, having been withdrawn under
hour at the end of which time the pressure shall not internal hydrostatic pressure, shall withstand the
have changed by more than 0.08 bar. Fittings shall be short-term internal hydrostatic test pressure
tested with the test pipes withdrawn to the requirements in Table 3 or Table 5 of this
manufacturer's maximum recommended gap. The specification, as appropriate, for a minimum of one
jointed assembly shall then immediately be subjected hour without showing signs of leakage.
to and comply with the requirements of the short-term
internal hydrostatic test in 17.2. The gasket shall be The gasket shall be visually inspected on completion
visually inspected on completion for signs of stress for signs of stress cracking, the presence of which
cracking, the presence of which shall constitute a test shall constitute a failure.

17.4 Bolt-load relaxation test 18. QUALITY CONTROL

When tested in accordance with Appendix C, the
predicted bolt load on an assembled joint after 50
18.1 Short-term internal hydrostatic pressure
years life shall be not less than 1.2 times the bolt load
at which leakage occurs.

17.5 Leaktightness test under angular deflection When tested in accordance with Appendix A, each
jointed assembly shall withstand the short-term
When tested in accordance with Appendix D, each internal hydrostatic test pressure requirements in
jointed assembly shall withstand the short-term Table 3 or Table 5 of this specification, as applicable,
internal hydrostatic test pressure requirements in for a minimum of one hour at ambient temperature
Table 3 or Table 5 of this specification, as without signs of leakage.
appropriate, for a minimum of one hour. Each jointed
assembly shall withstand this pressure for a further 18.2 Short-term negative pressure test
hour when deflected to the manufacturers' maximum
recommended angular deflection. This deflection is to When tested in accordance with Appendix B, each
be recorded and stated by the manufacturer. The jointed assembly shall withstand the short-term
assembly is required to show no signs of leakage. negative test pressure as specified in Table 3 or
The gasket shall be visually inspected on completion Table 5 of this specification, as applicable, for a
of signs of stress cracking, the presence of which minimum of one hour at ambient temperature.
shall constitute a failure. Fittings shall be tested with the test pipes withdrawn
to the manufacturer's maximum recommended gap.
17.6 Resistance to differential pressure
movement test
When tested in accordance with Appendix E, each
assembled joint shall withstand a minimum internal In any case of dispute and unless specified
pressure of 1.5 x PN for a minimum of 24 hours otherwise, specimens for type tests shall be
without showing signs of leakage. As defined in conditioned and tested at a minimum of 20°C, or
Appendix E, the resultant movement shall not be greater if agreed between the manufacturer and the
greater than 0.05mm. Fittings which do not meet the certification body. The temperature shall be controlled
requirements of this test shall be clearly marked with to ±2°C. Specimens shall be conditioned in air or
"This coupling shall not be used without anchoring". water for not less than 12 hours for fittings of wall
thickness up to and including 12.7mm, or not less
17.7 Resistance to shear test than 24 hours for Fittings of wall thickness over
12.7mm. The test pressure shall be controlled to -0,
When tested in accordance with Appendix G, each +1 bar or +10% of the test pressure whichever is the
jointed assembly shall withstand a minimum shear greater.
load expressed in Newtons equal to (25 x DN) for a
minimum of one hour without showing signs of
leakage. The gasket shall be visually inspected on

 1994
WIS 4-21-02
October 1994: Issue 1
(Page 9 of 18)
ISSN 1353-2510

20. REFERENCES graphite or nodular graphite cast

This specification makes reference to the latest
BS 3382 Specification for electroplated
edition of the following publications (except where
coatings on threaded
otherwise stated) including all addenda and revisions,
which should also be consulted. Where reference is
Part 2 Zinc on steel components.
made to a draft standard, it is assumed that this will
be superseded by the requirements of the final
BS 4504 Specification for circular flanges
standard when published.
for pipes, valves and fittings.
Metric series. Part 3 Steel, cast
British Standards
iron and copper alloy flanges.
Section 3.2 Cast iron flanges.
BS 78 Specification for cast iron spigot
and socket pipes (vertically cast)
BS 4622 Grey iron pipes and fittings.
and spigot and socket fittings.
BS 4772 Specification for ductile iron
BS 729 Specification for hot dip
pipes and fittings.
galvanised coatings on iron and
steel articles.
BS EN ISO 9002 Quality systems
Part 1 Specification for
BS 864 Capillary and compression tube
design/development, production,
fittings of copper and copper
installation and servicing.
alloy: Part 2 - Capillary and
Part 2 Specification for
compression fittings for copper
production and installation (to be
published to replace BS 5750:
Parts 1 and 2).
BS 903 Methods of testing vulcanized
rubber: Part A 42 Method for
BS 6000 Guidance to the use of BS 6001.
determination of stress
relaxation in compression at
BS 6001 Sampling procedures for
ambient and at elevated
inspection by attributes.
BS 6681 Malleable cast iron.
BS 1211 Specification for centrifugally
cast (spun) iron pressure pipes
BS 6920 Suitability of non-metallic
for water, gas and sewage.
products for use in contact with
water intended for human
BS 1400 Specification for copper alloy
consumption with regard to their
ingots and copper alloy and high
effect on the quality of the water.
conductivity copper castings.
Part 1 Specification.
BS 1449 Steel plate, sheet and strip. Part
2 Specification for stainless
European Standards
and heat-resisting steel plate,
sheet and strip.
EN 10025 Hot rolled products of non-alloy
structural steels and their
BS 1452 Flake graphite cast iron. Knurling
technical delivery conditions.
EN 29001 Quality systems - Model for
BS 1759 Knurling wheels
quality assurance in design,
development, production,
BS 2494 Specification for elastomeric
installation and servicing.
seals for joints in pipework and
PrEN 545 (Draft) Ductile iron pipes, fittings,
accessories and their joints for
BS 2789 Specification for spheroidal

 1994
water pipelines requirements and A.2 PROCEDURE
test methods.
The pipe/fitting assembly shall be connected to a
PrEN 805 Water Supply: Requirements for suitable device capable of applying and maintaining
external systems and the relevant internal hydrostatic pressure as specified
components. in Tables 3 or 5 of this specification and held at a
constant temperature in accordance with Clause 19.
Fittings not designed to be end-load resistant shall be
Water Industry Specifications provided with a jig or tie-bars to hold the test pipes
and end-caps against the end thrust due to the test
IGN 4-01-02 The determination of end-loads pressure.
to be applied in the performance
testing of end-load resistant The short-term internal test pressure requirements in
pipeline fittings. Tables 3 or 5, as appropriate, of this specification
shall be applied for a minimum of one hour at a
IGN 4-21-04 Guidance on the testing of constant temperature in accordance with Clause 19.
(draft) universal fittings and change
couplings. A.3 REPORT

WIS 4-52-01 Polymeric anti-corrosion (barrier) The report shall include the following:
(a) A full identification of the specimens;
IGN 4-52-02 The use anti-corrosion coatings.
(b) Description of pipe/fitting assembly;

Other References (c) Test conditions;

WRc UM 1022. Development of (d) Observations and results of test;

specifications for mechanical
connectors and repair clamps for (e) The date of the test.
use with water pipeline materials.
August 1989.
British Gas Methods of repairing leaking
BGC/PS/LC8 ferrous gas mains. Part 4 - Pipe NEGATIVE PRESSURE TEST
repair clamps, split collars and
under pressure branch B.1 TEST PIECE
A fitting shall be assembled on test pipes as specified
Swedish Pictorial surface preparation in Appendix F of this specification in accordance with
Standards standards for painting steel the manufacturer's instructions and conditioned on
Institute surfaces. test pipes as specified in clause 19.
SIS 05 5900

APPENDIX A – SHORT-TERM The pipe/fitting assembly shall be connected to a

suitable device capable of applying and maintaining
INTERNAL HYDROSTATIC the relevant negative pressure as specified below and
PRESSURE TEST held at a constant temperature in accordance with
Clause 19.
The test assembly shall be evacuated to 0.8 bar
A fitting shall be assembled on test pipes as specified below atmosphere (approximately 0.2 bar absolute)
in Appendix F of this specification in accordance with and then isolated from the vacuum pump. The
the manufacturer's instructions and conditioned on assembly shall be left under vacuum for a minimum
test pipes as specified in clause 19. of one hour at a constant temperature in accordance
with Clause 19.

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WIS 4-21-02
October 1994: Issue 1
(Page 11 of 18)
ISSN 1353-2510

B.3 REPORT • draw a straight line tangential to the curve of

the 20°C plot after chemical degradation has
The test report shall include the following: begun;

(a) A full identification of the specimens; • determine the log (time) at the intersection of
the two straight lines and record the log (time)
(b) Description of pipe/fitting assembly; as ‘t20’;

(c) Test conditions; • repeat the above sequence for all other
temperature plots and record the log times as
(d) Observations and results of test; ‘t40’; etc;

(e) The date of the test. • plot the log times 't20' etc. against temperature;

• draw the best straight line through the plots

APPENDIX C – BOLT-LOAD and determine the number of log decades of
time between the intersection of the line and
RELAXATION TEST the temperatures 60°C and 20°C. Record as ‘f’.
The bolt-load relaxation test carried out at 60oC is NOTE 1: Should the 20°C plot not exhibit a knee at
designed to assess whether a fitting which relies the expiry of the test time, determine 'f’ by
upon compression of a gasket by tightening of bolts extrapolation of the higher temperature results or, if it
to create a seal, is capable of achieving a minimum results in a higher value of ‘f’, by assuming the 't20' is
working life of 50 years. at the expiry of the test.
The test procedure can be described in four distinct NOTE 2: If a knee is not established at any
sections. temperature (as can occur with peroxide-cured
EPDM) assume that ‘f’ = 0.
NOTE: The criteria for this test have been based
upon the assumption that the bolt load relaxation NOTE 3: The temperatures have been selected for
curve will be modified using the 20°C slope determining the behaviour of seals under UK
determined by C.4. However, if the bolt load conditions.
relaxation curve measured at 60° exceeds the
requirement of 17.4 without modification by C.4, then
this modification may be omitted.
C.2.1 Test pieces
A fitting shall be assembled on test pipes as specified
The experimental relationship between stress
in Appendix F of this specification in accordance with
relaxation and time at 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100°C for
the manufacturer's instructions and held at a constant
the elastomeric seal material shall be determined in
temperature in accordance with Clause 19. Where
accordance with BS 903: Part A42. For each
the fitting contains four or fewer bolts each shall be
temperature, plot the percentage load to maintain a
fitted with a minimum of two strain gauges or load
constant displacement of elastomer (strain) against
cells placed diametrically opposite on the bolt. Where
log time (Figure 1).
a fitting contains more than four bolts, the additional
bolts up to a total of 8 shall be fitted with a minimum
Determine the value of, the shift factor by:
of two strain gauges or load cells, placed
diametrically opposite on the bolt, (or one strain
• determine the slope of the best straight line gauge along the centre axis of the bolt) and uniformly
before the onset of chemical degradation (as spaced around the fitting.
indicated by a knee in the curve) for the 20oC

 1994
C.2.2 Procedure C.4.2 Procedure

The bolt load (F1) at which leakage just occurs shall The bolts shall be tightened to the manufacturer's
be determined on a minimum of five samples as recommended torque and the nominal internal
follows: pressure PN applied. The bolt loads shall be
recorded over a period of up to 6 months as set out in
• the bolts shall be tightened to the C.3.2.
manufacturer's recommended torque and the
test pressure of 1.2 times PN applied; C.5 ANALYSIS OF RESULTS

• the bolts shall then be progressively loosened, The following procedure for the analysis of the results
by equal turns on each bolt until leakage is to predict the 50 year performance at 20oC from
occurs. Record the average bolt load, as a the experimental curve.
percentage of the bolt load at recommended
torque. The experimental values of Fm shall be plotted as a
percentage of the originally applied bolt load taken at
The 95% Upper Confidence Limit (UCL) of the five time t = 0.1 hr (for each gauged bolt) against log10
average bolt loads (expressed as a percentage) time. A best fit curve shall be plotted from these
recorded at the point of leakage shall be taken as F1. results.

C.3 DETERMINATION OF BOLT LOAD NOTE: Whilst the analysis of the data and
RELAXATION CURVE experimental curve fitting should preferably be done
mathematically (e.g. by fitting the data to a binomial
C.3.1 Test piece or polynomial curve as appropriate). fitting of the
experimental curve to the data by eye is acceptable.
A fitting shall be assembled on test pipes as specified
in Appendix F of this specification in accordance with From the point t = 0.1 hr, shift the curve horizontally
the manufacturer's instructions. Where the fitting by the shift factor f. The resultant plot is the predicted
contains four or fewer bolts each shall be fitted with a 20°C behaviour of the joint (see Figure 2).
minimum of two strain gauges or load cells placed
diametrically opposite on the bolt. Where a fitting If the initial slope at 20°C has been determined in
contains more than four bolts, the additional bolts up accordance with C.4, the results of this determination
to a total of 8 shall be fitted with a minimum of two can be superimposed on the above resultant plot to
strain gauges or load cells, placed diametrically give the modified predicted 20°C curve.
opposite on the bolt, (or one strain gauge along the
centre axis of the bolt) and uniformly spaced around By extrapolation of the predicted 20°C curve, the
the fitting. The assembly shall be conditioned in air or remaining bolt-load relaxation at 50 years can then be
water in accordance with clause 19 and held at a read from the final graph. This value shall be greater
constant temperature of 60°C. than or equal to 1.2 times the minimum bolt load to
seal, F1.
C.3.2 Procedure
NOTE: The value "1.2" is a factor of safety intended
The bolts shall be tightened to the manufacturer's to compensate for experimental and extrapolation
recommended torque and the nominal internal errors.
pressure PN applied. A constant temperature of 60°C
(±2°C) shall be maintained throughout the test. The The assembly shall be visually inspected for any
bolt loads (Fm) shall be recorded over a period of six signs of deterioration. Where a gasket shows
months. A minimum of two results shall be recorded evidence of cracking, splitting or shear failure, the
per logarithmic decade of time. result shall constitute a failure.


C.4.1 Test Piece The report shall include the following:

A fitting shall be assembled on test pipes as specified (a) A full identification of the specimens;
in Appendix F of this specification in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions and held at a constant (b) Description of pipe/fitting assembly;
temperature of 20°C in accordance with clause 19.
The fitting shall be strain gauged as set out in C.3.1. (c) Test conditions;

(d) Observations and results of test;

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WIS 4-21-02
October 1994: Issue 1
(Page 13 of 18)
ISSN 1353-2510

(e) The date of the test;
(f) The characteristics of the seal material MOVEMENT TEST
specified against BS 2494.

APPENDIX D – LEAKTIGHTNESS A fitting shall be assembled on test pipes of the

TEST UNDER ANGULAR relevant different pipe materials as specified in
Appendix F of this specification in accordance with
DEFLECTION the manufacturer's instructions and conditioned on
test pipes as specified in clause 19.
A fitting shall be assembled on test pipes axially
aligned and as specified in Appendix F of this The pipe/fitting assembly shall be connected to a
specification in accordance with the manufacturer's suitable device capable of applying and maintaining a
instructions and conditioned on test pipes as constant short-term internal hydrostatic test pressure
specified in clause 19. of 1.5 x PN, and held at a constant temperature in
accordance with clause 19. The test pressure of 1.5 x
D.2 PROCEDURE PN shall be applied for 24 hours. One hour before the
end of the 24-hour period, the average axial
The pipe/fitting assembly shall be subjected to the movement of the fitting relative to the pipe shall be
short-term internal hydrostatic test pressure as measured and the measurement repeated at the end
specified in Tables 3 or 5 of this specification as of the 24-hour period. It is recommended that axial
appropriate for a minimum of one hour at a constant movement is measured at a minimum of two points.
temperature in accordance with clause 19. The resultant movement during this one-hour period
shall not be greater than 0.05mm.
The test pipes shall then be depressurised and
deflected to the manufacturer's maximum Where a fitting is designed to connect different pipe
recommended angular deflection measured between materials, the test pressure is to be chosen as the
the pipe and the fitting and the test pressure lowest specified value for a mechanical fitting of the
reapplied. The test pressure shall be held for a appropriate material when tested on either of the two
minimum of one hour. pipe materials individually (see IGN No. 4-21-04).

NOTE: It is acceptable to carry out this test by E.3 REPORT

deflection of one pipe relative to the fitting.
The report shall include the following:
(a) A full identification of the specimens;
The report shall include the following:
(b) Description of pipe/fitting assembly;
(a) A full identification of the specimens;
(c) Test conditions and pressure;
(b) Description of pipe/fitting assembly;
(d) Observations and results of test, including
(c) Test conditions; resultant movement along the pipe;

(d) Observations and results of test; (e) The date of the test.

(e) The date of the test.

 1994
Percentage load to maintain
constant displacement


70 C 50oC
100 C
0% Time (hours)
3 4 5 6
0.1 1 10 100 10 10 10 10

Figure 1 – Stree Relaxation Curves at a range of temperatures

100 o
20 C curve
50 years
Bolt load relaxation (%)

60oC curve


0 Time (hours)
3 4 5 6
t1 0.1 1 10 100 10 10 10 10

Figure 2 – Predicted 20oC Bolt Load Relaxation Curve

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WIS 4-21-02
October 1994: Issue 1
(Page 15 of 18)
ISSN 1353-2510

APPENDIX F – THE SURFACE Part 1 (tests 17.4 and 17.6) - Fittings shall be
assembled and tested on:
(i) minimum outside diameter pipe - as specified
This appendix details the surface topography of test for Part 2,
pipes for use with this specification.
(ii) maximum outside diameter pipe - as specified
Part 1 - Except for 17.4 and 17.6 (as specified), for Part 2.
fittings shall be assembled and tested on both:
Table 6 - Minimum outside diameters of corroded
(i) simulated corroded surface in accordance with pipes, measured by the UK Water Industry
F.2, Nominal Pipe Diameter Minimum Pipe Diameter (mm)
For Guidance Only
(in) (mm) Grey Cast Ductile Iron
(ii) maximum outside diameter new iron pipe. The 3 85.4
test pipe shall be the manufacturer's declared 4 100 111.8 113.8
maximum diameter but shall not be less than 5 139.8
6 150 167.2 165.8
the dimensions given in Table 7. Note: It is
7 194.6
permitted to substitute the maximum outside 8 200 222.1
diameter pipe by a special casting of the same 9 249.0
material or a steel dummy prepared as 10 250 275.9 269.2
specified in F.3. 12 300 323.7 321.1
14 376.5
Part 2 - Fittings shall be assembled and tested on 15 402.9
16 400 429.3 423.4
each combination of extreme tolerance, i.e. 18 450 482.2 474.3
maximum pipe outside diameter/minimum fitting 20 535.0
diameter and minimum pipe outside 21 561.4
diameter/maximum fitting diameter. The test pipes 22 587.8
shall be: 24 600 640.1 628.5

(i) minimum outside diameter pipe - this shall be Table 7 - Specified outside diameter of new
the manufacturer's declared minimum but shall ductile and grey iron pipe
not be greater than the dimensions given in
Nominal Pipe Ductile Iron (BS 4772) Grey Iron
Table 6,
Diameter (BS 78)
and (in) (mm) Minimum Maximum Maximum
(mm) (mm) (in)
(ii) maximum outside diameter pipe - this shall be 3 80 95 99 3.76
the pipe manufacturer's declared maximum but 4 100 115 119 4.80
shall not be less than the dimensions given in 5 5.90
Table 7. Note: It is permitted to substitute the 6 150 167 171 6.98
7 8.06
maximum outside diameter pipe by a special 8 200 218.5 223 9.14
casting of the same material or a steel dummy 9 10.20
prepared as specified in F.3. 10 250 270.5 275 11.26
12 300
Where it is not practicable to provide mechanical 14
couplings of maximum or minimum diameter, it is 15
permitted to compensate by reduction or increase of 16 400
18 450 To be defined by manufacturer
the pipe diameter to achieve the equivalent gap the
dimensions. 21
24 600

 1994
The shear load shall be applied to one pipe by means
F.2 KNURLED AND PITTED SURFACE of a v-shaped block with an included angle of 120°,
(MINIMUM OD PIPES) located at approximately 0.5 times DN or 200mm
from the end of the fitting (whichever is the largest) as
This surface preparation shall be used for the testing shown in Figure 5.
of fittings to Part 1 of this specification, except where
otherwise specified. The short-term internal test pressure requirements in
Tables 3 or 5, as appropriate, of this specification
Test pipes shall be prepared in each of the nominal shall be applied for a minimum of one hour in
size ranges specified in Section 13. accordance with Clause 19.

The test pipes shall be prepared to the G.3 REPORT

manufacturer's declared minimum outside diameter
and incorporate the surface defects shown in Figure The report shall include the following:
(a) A full identification of the specimens;
Note: Minimum outside diameters of corroded pipe,
measured by the UK Water Industry, are provided for (b) Description of pipe/fitting assembly;
guidance in Table 6.
(c) Test conditions;
Note that the section of each test pipe over which the
knurled surface must be prepared should be at least (d) Observations and results of test;
that of the maximum insertion depth of the fitting plus
20% of that depth. (e) The date of the test.


This surface preparation shall be used for the testing
of fittings to Part 1 (tests 17.4 and 17.6 only) and for TEST UNDER AXIAL DRAW
Part 2, where a steel dummy is permitted as a
substitute for new pipe, of this specification. H.1 TEST PIECE

Pipe test surfaces shall be prepared by shot-blasting A fitting shall be assembled on test pipes as specified
to a minimum standard of SIS 05 59 00 - Sa 2½ in Appendix F of this specification in accordance with
quality. The surface profile shall be 75um (±25µm) the manufacturer's instructions and conditioned as
peak to trough height. specified in Clause 19.

APPENDIX G - RESISTANCE TO The pipe/fitting assembly shall be connected to a
SHEAR TEST suitable device capable of applying and maintaining
an internal hydrostatic pressure as specified in Table
G.1 TEST PIECE 3 or 5 of this specification as appropriate for a
minimum of one hour at a constant temperature in
A fitting shall be assembled on test pipes as specified accordance with Clause 19.
in Appendix F of this specification in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions and conditioned on The test pipes shall then be axially extended at the
test pipes as specified in Clause 19. applied internal hydrostatic test pressure until
displaced to the manufacturer's maximum
G.2 PROCEDURE recommended value. The test pressure shall be
maintained for a minimum of one hour from
The pipe/fitting assembly shall be connected to a completion of the axial displacement.
suitable device capable of applying and maintaining
an internal hydrostatic pressure as specified in NOTE: It is acceptable to carry out this test by
Tables 3 or 5 of this specification and held at a displacement of one pipe relative to the fitting.
constant temperature in accordance with Clause 19.
Fittings not designed to be end-load resistant shall be
provided with a jig or tie-bars to hold the test pipes
and end-caps against the end thrust due to the test

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WIS 4-21-02
October 1994: Issue 1
(Page 17 of 18)
ISSN 1353-2510


The report shall include the following:

(a) A full identification of the specimens;

(b) Description of pipe/fitting assembly;

(c) Test conditions;

(d) Observations and results of test;

(e) The date of the test.


This appendix does not form a mandatory part of the
specification and is included for information only.

The following additional tests are considered to be

important and will be considered for inclusion in later
issues of the specification for:

(a) Product type test evaluation:

Tolerance to ovality
Durability and damage tolerance for plastic-
bodied fittings
Leaktightness under external loading or
diametrical deflection
Resistance to internal pressure fatigue
Leaktightness after impact
End-load resistance
Ease of assembly


(b) Quality control:

Tolerance to pipe dimensional variation

Leaktightness after impact
Leaktightness under angular deflection

These aspects are discussed in WRc report UM


 1994
1.5mm pitch
diamond knurl Two lines of
on pipe OD over equidistant
Drilled max. insertion "corrosion" pits
pit depth + 20%



Test diameter + 0.25mm

Pit detail

bit 75


+ 0.3mm

Figure 4 – Surface Defects on Test Pipe


W = Fc - M (c-b)
c c-a
F = 25 x DN in Newtons
M = mass of pipe and contents

Figure 5 – Method of Shear Testing Joint Assembly

 1994

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