5657 2 Grammar

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Course: Grammar (5657)

Semester: Spring, 2022
Level: Dip TEFL

Conduct a research study to analyze the effectiveness of prescriptive approach to
grammar teaching at secondary level. You may employ experimental research design and
delimit you research to one particular aspect of grammar. Conduct a pretest in the
beginning of your study to assess the existing proficiency level of the learners. Your
lesson plans, during the treatment phase, should include activities based on prescriptive
approach to grammar teaching. Conduct a posttest at the end of the treatment phase.
Compare the means of achievement scores to draw interpretations and give

We describes a generalized, present-day Standard English – a form of speech and writing

used in public discourse, including broadcasting, education, entertainment, government,
and news, over a range of registers, from formal to informal. Divergences from
the grammar described here occur in some historical, social, cultural, and
regional varieties of English, although these are more minor than differences
in pronunciation and vocabulary. Modern English has largely abandoned
the inflectional case system of Indo-European in favor of analytic constructions.
The personal pronouns retain morphological case more strongly than any other word
class (a remnant of the more extensive Germanic case system of Old English). For other
pronouns, and all nouns, adjectives, and articles, grammatical function is indicated only
by word order, by prepositions, and by the "Saxon genitive or English possessive"
Eight "word classes" or "parts of speech" are commonly distinguished in
English: nouns, determiners, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions,
and conjunctions. Nouns form the largest word class, and verbs the second-largest.
Unlike nouns in almost all other Indo-European languages, English nouns (with a few
uncommon, non-mandatory exceptions) do not have grammatical gender.

The teaching of grammar within the teaching of the mother tongue has been handled in
various ways in the historical process. Today, grammar is seen as a field that supports
basic language skills, therefore, it is necessary to teach grammar in a functional way. The
text-based grammar teaching method is used to provide functionality in grammar
teaching and to implicate the rules regarding the use of language. The 2018 Turkish
Language and Literature Teaching Curriculum, the current language and literature
curriculum implemented in Turkey, is also regulated in accordance with this
understanding. This approach of the 2018 curriculum on grammar teaching is a relatively
new approach in Turkish education. For this reason, the applicability of the curriculum,
the opinions of teachers about the curriculum and the effect of grammar teaching
practices on students' academic achievement and attitudes towards the course is a
situation that should be examined. When the application of the curriculum is examined, it
is seen that the teachers have negative views against the grammar teaching approach of
the curriculum and have problems in implementing it. In addition, the curriculum gives
different results in terms of students according to the academic level of the school in
which they are educated, and the academic success and attitudes of the students change
accordingly. As a result, various arrangements are needed for effective teaching of text-
based grammar teaching in our schools


There are few methods of teaching of grammar:
1. Deductive Method
2. Inductive method
3. Inductive Deductive Method
4. Incidental Method
1. Deductive Method:
• • In this method, grammar is taken as an independent subject and taught with the help of
a grammar book.
• The teacher uses a grammar text book. He first tells his students rules or definitions and
then explains those with the help of examples then he gives exercise and ask his pupils to
apply the rules.
• The learners are supposed to memories the definition of noun.
• This method is not very effective as it is against the principles of teaching and students
find it boring and dull.
1. Average teacher can use this method in country like India.
2. It is based on the theory “From generalization to example”.
3. This method helps students to compare the ideas in grammar of mother tongue and
second or first language.
4. The learner can try the grammatical questions very easily.
5. Learner can respond effectively and can explain rules, structures, etc.

1. This method makes learner learning about language.

2. This method cannot develop communicative ability among learners
3. The learners become inactive during classroom teaching
4. This method is not child centered but teacher centered.
5. In the classroom teaching there is hardly use of audio visual aids.
2. Inductive Method:
• Inductive method is also known as informal method.
• In Inductive method the teacher first presents or takes the example from the students
then comes on theory of concept.
• This method implies teaching of grammar not by rules but by usage. Through
continuous practice of using words while speaking, reading and writing, grammar can be
taught and therefore learnt by students.
• This is done while teaching of text book or detailed translation of the text book is carried
on Grammatical implications are taught simultaneously.
• Through this method, practical uses of grammatical rules are elicited. But sometimes
this method becomes time consuming and may divert the attention of the students.
1. Inductive method is based on the theory “From example to generalization”. So it is very
useful in classroom teaching.
2. This method helps students to understand the difference between particular notion in
grammar of L1 and L2 / FL.
3. This method is child centered.
3. The learners learn the particular grammar point through use. First they have to deduce
the meaning and later they generalize the form or structure.

1. This method is not useful in over crowed classes like India.

2. The institute must be ready to focus the language aspect, not the mark criteria. In this
method the teacher has to use modern method of teaching language. Only an innovative
teacher can use this method.
3. Inductive-Deductive Method:
Through this method student they formulate rules with the help of examples. Some steps
of this method are as follows.
• Students are given some examples of similar type.
• Students try to find out similarities by analyzing or observing these examples.
• Students are asked to draw some conclusions.
• Then the teacher will give the rules and give new examples and ask her pupils to verify
the rules.

This method of teaching grammar proves very successful and advantageous as it

becomes practical, real and scientific. It follows all the maxims of teaching and pupils are
not forced to cram the rules. This method also stimulates the power of thinking and
Some shortcomings of this method are that it can be applied only to young learners.
Moreover, this method is not complete in itself because sometimes students are unable to
correlate examples with the topic.

4. Incidental Method:
This method is also known as correlation or reference method of teaching. This method
helps students to correlate grammar with other related logical structures. Students gain a
practical knowledge of grammatical rules.

Some disadvantages of this method are that it interferes with normal teaching Productive
learning is less and sometimes creating or forming an incident related to a topic may be
difficult for the teacher.

Importance of grammar in development of communication skill:

• Grammar helps in learning correct pronunciation.
• With good grammar spoken or written words gain their meaning and value.
• Knowledge of grammar improves skill of expression.
• Grammar is also helpful in increasing accuracy. Grammar frames the mind to habits of
order and clearness and also to logic and rhetoric. So, grammar rules can help learners
develop a habit of thinking logically and clearly.
• Grammar also helps in acquiring fluency in a particular language. The person will also
learn how to organize and express the ideas in his mind without difficulty.
Importance of grammar in development of writing skill:
• The learner learns to write with correct punctuation and correct language and spellings.
• With the knowledge of grammar, parts of speech etc. the child develops an effective
writing style.
• Expression of feelings, emotions, and frustrations in an impressive manner is possible
only by knowledge of grammatical rules, syntax, vocabulary etc.

Once we start to look at naturally occurring language we see that there is systematic
variation in the choices people make. These choices relate to both the meaning and the
context of the communication. Specifically we have looked at differences in mode between
grammar in speech, especially conversation, and in writing.

You may already be familiar with the idea of variation within a language. For example,
there are different varieties of English used in different parts of the world. India, the USA
and Australia, for example, all have different varieties of the language we refer to as
English. But variety also occurs within countries where different lexical and grammatical
choices may be associated with regional dialects. Often people have a choice over
whether to use their dialect or to communicate using what has come to be called standard
English. Exploring the grammar of English can help us look at a level of variation which
is much more subtle – in this free course we have used a very crude distinction between
written and spoken modes. Grammar is a tool for adapting our communications in ways
which present us and our message in different lights and it is dependent on many
contextual factors.

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