Update DES WKP Perjam 05.50
Update DES WKP Perjam 05.50
Update DES WKP Perjam 05.50
5 4 DH 1 EX1409 bolt frame (done),Controller VECU short ( W/P-> claim warranty) 16/05/2023 06:23 WS welder
EX1376 Swing bearing clearance out of limit. Replace the swing bearing. 30/03/2023 11:51 WS
EX1336 Engine Low power, Error CAN BUS||Waiting Man Power 01/06/2023 22:23 front baracuda
SANY SY500C 12 10 DH 2
2 0 DH 2 HEX1310 Engine and hydraulic low power, head cylinder oil leaks, exhaust manifold crack 13/04/2023 14:52 baracuda
Komatsu PC450
HEX1308 Oil Cylinder Boom Leak 03/06/2023 11:34 waterfill
Commissioning Expired, Shaft final drive and travel motor broken (wait for final drive assy-warranty) 07/05/2023 08:00 ws welder
SANY SY215C 5 4 DH 1
Total 28 20 8
DT2406 Engine Failure (Water mix in oil pan and all lines damage); waiting parts missing on engine when 07/05/2022 07:30 Parkiran HD
sent from BPN. Also some parts cannibal to others units
DT2369 Engine failure - Oil Mix Coolant (UNS/ENG) 06/11/2022 21:17 New Parking Area
KOMATSU HD785-7 7 3 DH 4 DT2408 Engine white smoke, the intake valve 2X cyl. head is broken. Progress completion and test run 30/03/2023 06:57 Parkiran Baru
HDT2491 Low Power, Turbo Charger leak / WP Pipe Fuel 01/05/2023 08:53 Parkiran Baru
HDT2493 Engine failure - Oil Mix Coolant (UNS/ENG) 20/05/2023 10:15 Front Ops 1
HDT2502 Toq rod rear broken 30/05/2023 7:35 disp hd
KOMATSU HD785-7 13 7 DH 6 HDT2508 Error 03, low power, PMS 1200 Hrs, blower ac problem, footing step LH missing 31/05/2023 6:44 f ops 1 dekat ex5032
HDT2479 Error 03, Cant Running 03/06/2023 13:23 Parkiran Baru
HDT2497 PM Service 300 Hrs, Error 03, Radio Problem(Suara tidak Jelas) 04/06/2023 01:07 Parkiran HD
Total 20 10 10
DT2735 Wheel/tyre bolt broken (waiting Part). Some parts had cannibalized to other units 15/12/2022 20:31 Parkiran Baru
DT2726 Tyre pos 2 Jammed, waiting part bearing n repair repair wheel hub 22/02/2023 04:23 Parkiran Baru
DT2747 T/M error / WP T/M 10/04/2023 09:37 Parkiran Baru
DT2748 Brake jammed / WP Wheel Hub 01/05/2023 04:35 WS tyre
DT2721 Bushing Cabin Worn Out >waiting part 11/05/2023 08:02 Parkiran Baru
DT2722 Oil Engine Leak / WP Seal Oil Pan 20/05/2023 09:11 Parkiran baru
DT2752 Ac Hot, PMS 250Hrs (done) WP AC Compressor 27/05/2023 02:25 Parkiran baru
Sany SKT 80 S 40 26 DH 14 DT2725 Ac Hot W/P Compressore 29/05/2023 21:07 Parkiran Baru
DT2751 Accident "Worklamp Rear Broken" 02/06/2023 19:24 Parkiran Baru
DT2749 FootStep RH Bent(Done), Lamp RH Boken (Waiting Weather) 03/06/2023 07:54 Parkiran Baru
DT2718 APS Exhaust Brake Clog 03/06/2023 10:32 Parkiran Baru
DT2739 Rotary Lamp Off, Tyre Front Saat Manuver Bergetar(Waiting Weather) 04/06/2023 02:21 Parkiran Baru
DT2723 Steering LH noise (Waiting Weather) 04/06/2023 02:45 Parkiran Baru
DT2746 Adjust Brake, Grease Autolube Off (Waiting Weather) 04/06/2023 04:07 Parkiran Baru
Accident Property Damage (U nit has finished repairing the body, continue check & inspect & many 15/11/2021 05:10 Parkiran Baru
some part swap to another units (W/P)
DT1385 Wake up-Bracket cylinder dump problem and mostly part swap to others unit 17/11/2021 11:06 Pit 14
DT1399 Wake up-Bolt boogie RH,LH Problem & Brake chamber failure and master clutch failure 21/02/2022 07:45 PITSTOP
DT1393 Differential problem. Modulator Valve LeaK PMS Service 500 hrs (done) 06/01/2023 06:13 Belakang ws
DT1389 Accident Property Damage (ACD) / WP Rearview Glass 06/03/2023 01:00 disp dt
DT1395 Replace Discluth Transmission 10/03/2023 19:56 Parkiran Baru
DT1383 Mounting pivot vesel worn out 10/03/2023 01:00 pit stop
MERCY 4843 28 15 DH 13 DT1376 T/M hard (enggak mau masuk), release bearing broken 23/03/2023 22:48 pit stop
DT1397 Engine noise > waiting waranty ALUN 08/04/2023 07:26 pit stop
DT1381 PMS 4000 Hrs 29/05/2023 09:41 Parkiran Baru
DT1392 Vessel problem (berlubang) 01/06/2023 23:20 Parkiran Baru
DT1382 PMS 2000 Hrs||Continue Inspection Mech Hauler & AE 03/06/2023 11:21 P HD
DT1401 Karet Stabilizer Front LH Empty (Done), Dump Noise (Waiting Add Oil hydraulic) (Waiting Weather) 04/06/2023 01:33 Parkiran Baru
SCANIA P440 HDT1076 Overheat Radiator/Hose radiator leak 10/04/2023 23:32 Pit Stop
4 2 DH 2 HDT1080 Cant Start 03/06/2023 13:07 WS Baru
Total 75 44 31
HDT1136 Center Bearing Broken 18/04/2023 08:11 Pit Stop Atas
HDT1144 Ac Hot, over heat radiator 19/04/2023 14:42 Pit Stop
SCANIA P410 6 1 DH 5 HDT1109 Spring LH rear broken, horn off, alaram fatigue off 19/04/2023 17:29 Pit Stop
HDT1148 Can't start 15/05/2023 11:49 P SCANIA OPS 2
HDT1149 Can't dump 17/05/2023 09:31 ps. Atas
DT1297 Radiator Leak / Engine overheat (Linner cyl 2,3,4,5 leak, gasket cyl head leak 18/04/2022 16:33 WS
Engine White Smoke, Progress Wake up Unit,V belt AC (W/P), Turbo Reuse, Alternator Swab to 25/05/2022 10:20 Pit Stop
DT1301 other unit; Cylinder Head Leak, Install Cyl Head From Engine Repair (done); Completed Part
Total 36 21 15
TD1161 Equalizer Bar Broken, Engine Swab to TD1114; motsly parts swap to other units; will sent to BPN
18/03/2022 22:00 Megashop
Seal out Put T/M Final Drive RH LH leak, bearing equalizer bar R/L worn out > waiting part bearing 21/04/2023 03:04
TD1103 Disp HD
DOZER KOMATSU D155A-6 7 3 DH 4 equalizer bar R/L and Seal out Put T/M Final Drive RH LH
TD1138 Oil Engine Mix Coolant||Waiting Engine Assy 07/05/2023 07:22
W/P Cylinder Lift Blade 2 Ea
TD1137 Seal Adjuster RH Leak (Schedule Undercarriage) 21/05/2023 18:25 parkiran area shutdown
DOZER CAT D8T 1 0 DH 1 TD1193 Engine Low Power 29/05/2023 2,20 Disposal DT
TD1229 Waiting part Segment RH,LH 20/04/2023 14:18 Megashop
DOZER LIEBHER PR754 3 0 DH 3 TD1226 waiting part (segment RH, LH worn out) 03/05/2023 23:23 Megashop
TD1232 Pm Service 250 Hrs 03/06/2023 05:45 Megashop
TD1223 T/M high particle (install new T/M done), complete lantai dan cabin > waiting Crane 21/01/2023 15:20 Megashop
DOZER SHANTUI D22E 5 2 DH 3 TD1240 Disch Clutch T/M Slip > Waiting T/M assy 18/02/2023 22:23 Megashop
TD1219 T/M Problem 19/05/2023 07:35 Front Ops 1
LIUGONG B230 5 5 DH 0
Total 21 10 11
Total Unit B/D
Unit Number Time
Total 10 6 4
Total 1 1 0
MFMS-16 1 0 DH 1 PU3052 Engine high blowby. Remove engine and sent to BPN for OVH 03/03/2023 09:24 water fill
PUMP DND LCCCH-200-610. 1 1 JMI 0
JARUM 12M26V2D0 3 3 JMI 0
PUMP MP-415HX 2 2 JMI 0
Total 10 9 1
MERCY 2528 3 2 DH 1 FT1158 Fuel leak 03/05/2023 22:30 WS
Total 0 2 1
Service truck
MERCY 2528 3 3 DH 0
Total 3 3 0
Water Truck
MERCY 2528 3 2 DH 1 WT1074 Pump PTO Problem 29/05/2023 03,11 ws
HD CAT 777 1 0 DH 1 WT3023 Can't Running 12/04/2023 13:39 Bawah Pos Pantau
Total 4 2 1
Crane Truck 1088 1 1 DH 0
MERCY 2528 1 1 DH 0
Total 1 1 0
MANITOU MT-X1740 SLT 1 1 (CHI) 0
Total 0 0 0
Lighting Plant
LP1507 Generator Failure 22/03/2022 05:25 Disposal
LP1499 Engine Noise 22/01/2023 18:37 Workshop
Lamp off, can't running/ waiting battery N/A.air filter ngeblok, emergensi stop N/A, kipas patah, 08/02/2023 06:00 WS
Lighting Plant 22 17 DH 5 LP1465
sling tower lamp broken, switch start n/a
LP1482 Can't start (doe)> lamp off (Generator Broken) 21/05/2023 03:24 disp hd
LP1487 Cant start 03/05/2023 16:59 front ops 2 baracuda