A Primer On Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
A Primer On Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
A Primer On Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
Shuvajit Bhattacharya
A Primer
on Machine
Learning in
SpringerBriefs in Petroleum Geoscience &
Series Editors
Dorrik Stow, Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh, UK
Mark Bentley, AGR TRACS International Ltd, Aberdeen, UK
Jebraeel Gholinezhad, School of Engineering, University of Portsmouth,
Portsmouth, UK
Lateef Akanji, Petroleum Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
Khalik Mohamad Sabil, School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society,
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Susan Agar, Oil & Energy, Aramco Research Center, Houston, USA
Kenichi Soga, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
California, Berkeley, USA
A. A. Sulaimon, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Universiti Teknologi
PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Malaysia
The SpringerBriefs series in Petroleum Geoscience & Engineering promotes and
expedites the dissemination of substantive new research results, state-of-the-art
subject reviews and tutorial overviews in the field of petroleum exploration,
petroleum engineering and production technology. The subject focus is on upstream
exploration and production, subsurface geoscience and engineering. These concise
summaries (50-125 pages) will include cutting-edge research, analytical methods,
advanced modelling techniques and practical applications. Coverage will extend to
all theoretical and applied aspects of the field, including traditional drilling, shale-
gas fracking, deepwater sedimentology, seismic exploration, pore-flow modelling
and petroleum economics. Topics include but are not limited to:
• Petroleum Geology & Geophysics
• Exploration: Conventional and Unconventional
• Seismic Interpretation
• Formation Evaluation (well logging)
• Drilling and Completion
• Hydraulic Fracturing
• Geomechanics
• Reservoir Simulation and Modelling
• Flow in Porous Media: from nano- to field-scale
• Reservoir Engineering
• Production Engineering
• Well Engineering; Design, Decommissioning and Abandonment
• Petroleum Systems; Instrumentation and Control
• Flow Assurance, Mineral Scale & Hydrates
• Reservoir and Well Intervention
• Reservoir Stimulation
• Oilfield Chemistry
• Risk and Uncertainty
• Petroleum Economics and Energy Policy
A Primer on Machine
Learning in Subsurface
Shuvajit Bhattacharya
Bureau of Economic Geology
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX, USA
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
The application of traditional machine learning and emerging deep learning algo-
rithms in subsurface geosciences is now a hot topic. The advent of big data analytics
is changing the conventional workflows used in the subsurface community at various
levels. Many new organizations, irrespective of industry and academia, are adopting
data analytics and machine learning for the first time. Today’s geoscientists are eager
to learn new techniques and methods in data analytics to solve their geoscience
This book provides with a concise review of data analytics and popular machine
learning algorithms and their applications in subsurface geosciences, specifically
geology, geophysics, and petrophysics. Machine learning is a part of data analytics.
I emphasize machine learning in this book, concisely.
This book was written to aid other machine learning practitioners and newbies—
including students—in geodata analytics. This book is intended for geoscientists and
reservoir engineers of various specialties. In this book, I attempt to impart a basic
understanding of data analytics (DA) and machine learning (ML) and how we can
use these tools to solve our problems more efficiently and consistently, regardless of
programming language.
Language is often a problem when it comes to new techniques and methods. ML
is no exception. There are hundreds of terms and abbreviations commonly used in the
computer science and engineering communities that are unfamiliar to geoscientists.
I have tried to use language familiar to geoscientists while gently introducing these
new concepts. This book will not turn geoscientists into programmers overnight, but
it will help them understand the fundamentals of ML and how to apply these methods
to geoscience data.
This book provides a timely review and discussion of the fundamentals, workflow,
proven success, promises, and perils of ML. It can be used as a ready-to-go reference
for understanding machine learning and its nuances in both subsurface and surface
applications. This book will provide necessary knowledge regarding:
1. the existing approaches in exploratory geoscience data analysis and their
vi Preface
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to many individuals from whom I person-
ally learned a great deal about data analytics and quantitative aspects of geosciences:
Dr. Tim Carr, Dr. Kurt Marfurt, Dr. Mahesh Pal, Dr. Shahab Mohaghegh, and Dr.
Srikanta Mishra. Thanks to my colleagues and supervisors at the University of Alaska
Anchorage and the University of Texas at Austin for their support and encourage-
ment. The preparation of this manuscript was partly supported by a publication grant
from the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas at Austin. Thanks
to the inventors of machine learning algorithms, developers of R, Python, Julia,
scikit-learn, and tensorflow, and the writers of informative blog posts (e.g., toward
data science and Machine Learning Mastery). I would also like to express thanks to
numerous individuals and professionals with whom I had an opportunity to discuss
artificial intelligence and learn from their experiences.
Special thanks go to Dr. Anthony Doyle and Ashok Arumairaj at Springer Nature
for making this book happen. Thanks to Dr. Shayan Tavassoli and Emily Harris
at the Bureau of Economic Geology for proofreading this book. I also acknowl-
edge all the publishers and individuals who provided permissions to use figures
from their technical articles and websites. I deeply appreciate all your support and
Shuvajit Bhattacharya
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 What are Big Data, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning? . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Data Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.3 Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 History of Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Where are the Geoscientists in this Digital Age
and ML-Tsunami? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 Why should we care about Machine Learning in Geosciences? . . . . 8
1.5 Types of Data Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.6 Geoscience Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.6.1 Numerical Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.6.2 Non-Numerical Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.7 Scales, Resolutions, and Integration of Common Geologic
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2 A Brief Review of Statistical Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.1 Random Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2 Common Types of Geologic Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.2.1 Univariate Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.2.2 Bivariate Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.3 Time Series Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2.4 Spatial Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.2.5 Multivariate Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.1 Identification of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2 Learning Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.2.1 Unsupervised Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.2.2 Supervised Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
x Contents
xvi Acronyms
Abstract In the first chapter, we will learn about big data, data analytics, and
machine learning, as well as their utilities in different disciplines, including
geosciences. A thorough understanding of data analytics problems, algorithms, and
geoscience-specific data is critical before applying these sophisticated tools. We will
also go into the brief history of the advent of different machine learning algorithms,
the different types of geoscience databases, and their fitness to machine learning
Keywords Big data · Data analytics · Machine learning · Data analytics types ·
Geoscience databases · Nature of geoscience data
processing unit (GPU). Simply put, big data is any data that we cannot analyze on
our personal computers. We often describe big data with three v’s: velocity, variety,
and volume. Velocity represents real-time data (e.g., fiber-optic data, logging-while-
drilling data, and fluid production). Variety represents the data coming from different
domains and scales (e.g., core, well logs, seismic, drilling, and completions). Volume
indicates the size of the data that cannot be handled using personal computers (Bhat-
tacharya et al. 2019). The term veracity is also used to indicate that certain data comes
with uncertainties. Figure 1.1 shows the simplified concept of big data. Recently, data
scientists have also added variability and visualization to the definition of big data.
Data is at the heart of data analytics. Data analytics is the science of examining data to
identify trends and draw conclusions from them, which we can use to make actionable
decisions. It deals with fundamental principles, methods, processes, and techniques
to provide hindsight, insight, and forecasts from the available data. Conway (2010)
depicts data science in his famous Venn diagram, showing the intersection of math
1.1 What are Big Data, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning? 3
and stat knowledge, domain expertise, and also hacking skills (!), which attempts to
capture some of the essential skills needed in data science. Humor aside, data scien-
tists must have a solid foundation in mathematics, statistics, and domain expertise,
though the exact mixture may vary depending on the role and business application.
In addition to these major skills, data scientists must be able to understand busi-
ness problems, derive value from data analytics solutions, and communicate their
conclusions effectively.
Data science is a diverse, multidisciplinary field. It is an emerging field and
currently one of the hottest job sectors. Data scientists are employed by organizations
dealing with finance, retail, marketing, health care, information, energy, manufac-
turing, and scientific and technical services. A 2017 report by the European Commis-
sion projected that the number of professionals in this field would increase to 10.43
million with a compound average growth rate of 14.1% by 2020. The U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics projects there will be about 11.5 million new jobs in data science
by 2026.
There are different components of data analytics that we need to understand.
Analytics is not a one-time study that we conduct, present, and then put back to the
shelf. It is an ongoing process. We need to be mindful of certain data analytics compo-
nents if we really want to harness big data and build an excellent data-centric strategy
for our businesses. These key components are reliable upon data acquisition sources,
standard programs to analyze data, data security, standardized data governance, data
migration, data storage, data processing, data visualization, data integration, data
analysis, optimization, knowledge discovery, and data ethics. Although these terms
may sound more like Information Technology, we as geoscientists have responsibili-
ties to adopt these best practices, whether in the industry, research labs, or academia.
For example, we would want to use an up-to-date and consistent coordinate system
for the same data across several projects. We would also like to use the same unit for
a particular geophysical measurement (such as sonic velocity and neutron porosity).
The same thing goes for geodata file formats. Different formats are used for the same
type of data. In such cases, the upper management (or at least the project managers at
the group level) should develop an objective-oriented operational model consistent
across the units to make these things standardized, well-documented, and the enabler
of employee success. Only then will we start receiving the dividends back from our
investment in data analytics.
Machine learning (ML) is part of data analytics. In this book, I emphasize machine
learning. Tom Mitchell, the renowned Carnegie Mellon professor, defined ML as
“the study of computer algorithms that allow computer programs to automatically
improve through experience” (1997). He went on to formalize the definition of ML:
“A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class
of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured
4 1 Introduction
by P, improves with experience E” (Fig. 1.2). This means that ML can improve the
performance of executing a task over time. We do not need to memorize this formal
definition, but understand it, as ML is more about the practice and yielding knowledge
from data-driven modeling. These tasks can vary and may include clustering, clas-
sification, regression, outlier detection, etc. We use metrics such as accuracy, false
positive, false negative, and errors to measure model performance. We run these
models using supervised, semi-supervised, and reinforcement learning approaches
(see Chapter 3 for more details).
ML may seem a buzzword these days; however, science fiction reveals that human
beings were always fascinated by the idea of creating machines having human-like
qualities. The mathematical formulation of ML began in the early 1940’s (Fig. 1.3).
The seminal paper by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts (1943) is often cited as the
starting point of modern ML. Their work provided the first logic-based theory on the
mind and the brain, building on Alan Turing’s notion of ‘automatic machines’ first
described in 1936. McCulloch and Pitts were motivated to find how human brains
learn (biological learning). Their simple model was fed by many binary inputs (or
neurons), which were then processed to generate a binary output (i.e., ones and zeros).
This simple model was later modified by combining several neurons to generate
complex functions that could learn non-linear behavior.
Fig. 1.3 A simplified timeline of major milestones in AI research since the 1940’s
1.2 History of Machine Learning 5
Fig. 1.4 A simplified diagram of a perceptron model, consisting of input, weight, activation func-
tion, and output. Activation functions will generate an output of one when a certain threshold is
crossed; otherwise, it will provide zero as the output
mindful of the perils of such research, including fake images and videos generated
using AI. We all must learn about and practice proper ethics and integrity in data
their regional equivalents. Special interest groups were formed in some of these soci-
eties, such as AAPG and SPWLA, to share knowledge and foster collaboration across
the industry and academia. A few of these professional societies and organizations—
for example, SEG, TGS-Kaggle, and FORCE—also started organizing hackathons
on open datasets since 2016, in which the competitors had to release their codes.
This occurred in tandem with the industry and geological surveys releasing massive
subsurface datasets (e.g., seismic, well log, core, and production data) to the public.
Of course, many of these sudden changes were introduced in a top–down manage-
ment approach in the industry, which was needed to break the status quo and make
the businesses more efficient, collaborative, and productive with limited resources.
Currently, data analytics and machine learning are being applied in geophysics, petro-
physics, hydrology, structure, stratigraphy, geochemistry, and paleoclimate studies
(Li and Misra 2017; Waldeland and Solberg 2017; Araya-Polo et al. 2017; Ross et al.
2018; Scher 2018; Wu et al. 2019; Zuo et al. 2019).
Fig. 1.5 A typical set of geoscience tasks (with examples) that can be performed using machine
Gartner (2012) divided data analytics into four different phases based on the rela-
tionship between difficulty and derived value (Fig. 1.6). These four phases include:
descriptive analytics, diagnostic analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive
analytics. Understanding each of these types is helpful throughout the lifecycle of a
data analytics project.
Descriptive analytics is the first step in data analytics. In this step, we analyze both
historical and real-time existing data. Simple statistical analyses and visualization
are useful at this stage, which is more of a standard reporting, dashboard, and drill-
down type exercise. As scientists, we are more interested in causality, not just the
correlation between certain existing variables.
In diagnostic analytics, we analyze why certain variables show certain relation-
ships. In this step, we must use our domain expertise to analyze the data and find
the reasons behind certain behavior. This helps us discover knowledge and select
meaningful attributes for the next stage of predictive analytics. A few sophisticated
techniques, such as the Bayesian network, can be useful to infer the direction of
Fig. 1.6 The four stages of data analytics (after Gartner 2012). If everything goes well with the final
stage, prescriptive analytics, we can apply specific knowledge derived from the previous phases of
the ongoing study to another area (analog or asset) and recommend certain types of data acquisition
and workflow adoption
1.5 Types of Data Analytics 11
The next step is predictive analytics. This stage is about understanding the past to
predict the future. In this step, we apply traditional ML and deep learning algorithms
to predict features of interest (e.g., facies, fractures, porosity, permeability, fluid
production, carbon price, etc.) using historical and real-time data. For predictive
analytics, we need a large volume of data. Sometimes, we do not have enough data,
especially in the case of image analysis. In those cases, we can generate synthetic
data based on certain rules and domain knowledge. We can add white noise to such
data to make it more like real-world data, a method often employed in geophysics.
Prescriptive analytics is the last step in data analytics. At this stage, we have
already performed several experiments, modeling, and sensitivity analysis that have
provided critical insights into the data, their relationships, and the underlying rules
(e.g., geology, physics, and chemistry). This stage is based on optimization tech-
niques. Prescriptive analytics help businesses generate multiple scenarios, fore-
cast the possible outcomes in each of these scenarios, and recommend the best
possible action. Keep in mind that prescriptive analytics is more complicated than
other analytics approaches to administer. When implemented correctly, it can make
businesses or research more productive and efficient.
Data in geosciences come in all types and amounts, from a handful of lab analyses to
petabytes of remotely sensed subsurface and satellite data. Depending on the mode
of data acquisition, tools, and project objectives, we deal with a variety of data in
geosciences, including numerical and image data. However, these different types of
data are also present in other disciplines, not just geosciences.
Numerical data in geosciences can be divided into two broad types: discrete and
continuous (Wessel 2007). Discrete variables have distinct integer values (i.e., a
finite number), whereas continuous variables can take any possible values without
any breaks (Fig. 1.7). For example, the number of times we flip a coin is a discrete
variable. Length is a continuous variable, as it can take any possible values.
There are three types of discrete variables: count, ordinal, and nominal.
Count refers to the number of experiments or samples. Examples include the
number of fossils in an area, the number of pyrite framboids in a scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) image, and the number of fractures in a unit area.
12 1 Introduction
Continuous variables can be divided into at least four types: ratio, interval, closed,
and directional.
Ratio data have a fixed zero value as the starting point. Examples include age,
length, width, and mass. Many rock properties from well logs and seismic data are
ratio data, such as resistivity, density, photoelectric factor, and velocity.
Interval variables differ from ratio variables in that the zero value in these variables
is not the end of the scale. For example, temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit is
interval data because negative temperature values are possible. However, the same
temperature data in Kelvin is ratio data. Also, keep in mind that the negative values
in certain wireline log responses (e.g., neutron porosity and density porosity) do
not mean porosity is negative. Rather, it means the formations are tight. Porosity is
neither a ratio nor an interval variable; it is a closed variable.
Closed variables are described in the form of percentages and ratios (i.e., parts per
million, etc.). The sum of the closed variables equals one or 100, implying a closed
system or universe. Geochemists and geophysicists frequently use the concept of
closed variables. For example, the proportions of quartz, clay, and carbonate in a rock
are closed variables. We often use ternary diagrams to plot such data to understand the
heterogeneity of formations. Keep in mind that plotting such data in a biaxial graph
to determine the nature of correlation is inherently wrong. When one variable shows
an increase in values in a closed system, the remaining variable should automatically
show a decrease in values. Therefore, we need to be cautious when using such data
to infer relationships.
Unlike many other disciplines, directional variables are unique to geosciences,
where they are critically important. We express such data in angles, such as the strike
and dip of a geologic feature (i.e., fold and fault). These data require special methods
of plotting and analysis because they have a circular distribution.
Apart from numerical data, we also use various data types in geosciences. Figure 1.8
shows other varieties of data used in ML, including image, text, audio, and video
data. Image data are very common in geosciences (for example, thin sections, CT
scans, scanning electron microscopy, seismic, outcrop, and remote-sensing images).
A picture comprises several pixels (2D) and voxels (3D) depending on its dimen-
sions. Each pixel or voxel contains the fundamental properties of the image that can
be analyzed statistically. Different open-source packages exist for processing and
interpreting image data and may facilitate better statistical analysis of certain types
of features, such as minerals, pores, and fractures. Deep learning is particularly useful
in analyzing image data. As we move into more real-time analytics, audio and video
data may become more mainstream.
In geosciences, we often deal with variables that are a combination of other vari-
ables of different types. For example, reservoir quality is an ordinal variable because
it is based on a certain reference. It can be excellent, good, moderate, poor, or very
poor. However, reservoir quality is also based on several other factors, such as grain
size, porosity, and permeability, none of which are ordinal variables, but continuous
ratio variables. In this context, we should also remember the common definition
of reservoir quality as applied to conventional reservoirs is not always applicable
to unconventional reservoirs (e.g., shale and tight sandstones/carbonates). Because
unconventional reservoirs (including enhanced geothermal systems) typically require
hydraulic stimulation, geomechanics, fracturability, organic matter content (for shale
reservoirs), and heat flow are also considered when analyzing reservoir quality (see
Mohaghegh 2017 for further details). Studies have shown that geomechanics plays a
larger role in certain hybrid plays than many other parameters which are commonly
recognized as important. In subsurface fluid storage studies (carbon, hydrogen, and
wastewater), geomechanical and matrix properties are critical. The bottom line is
that the definition of reservoir quality is relative, and the parameters it uses also vary
from continuous to discrete nature.
During integrated geologic and reservoir modeling purposes, we must also be
aware of the concepts of ‘hard’ data and ‘soft’ data. Hard data refers to field measure-
ments (e.g., outcrops and subsurface). For example, mineralogy, fluid types, and
volume are all hard data. Soft data corresponds to variables interpreted, estimated,
or guessed by geoscientists and engineers. The knowledge and understanding of a
specific depositional system (i.e., facies association rules) and hydraulic fracture
geometry are examples of soft data. We often do not have access to hard data; in
these cases, we can use soft data-based rules to make interpretations and generate
geologically meaningful models.
In geosciences, we deal with multi-scale data. Data come from different scales of
resolution, ranging from nanometers to thousands of kilometers. The concept of scale
is fundamental in geologic data analysis. This concept is useful in every domain,
especially in integrating data from multiple sub-disciplines, such as lab measure-
ments, outcrop observations, geophysics, satellite measurements, etc. All these data
1.7 Scales, Resolutions, and Integration of Common Geologic Data 15
Fig. 1.9 Conventional ‘integration’ versus a ‘fusion’ approach. The outcrop picture on the upper
left is courtesy of Jonathan Rotzien
resolution than the original seismic data. We will discuss some of these applications
in Chapter 5.
That being said, well log motifs and seismic reflector patterns are still very useful
elements, as deep learning shows massive potential to better analyze and capture
images and shapes for further integration and analyses. We expect more research in
this direction in the future. We should find a balance among new theories, conceptual
models, and practicality. Because each theory and conceptual model has their own
assumptions and limitations, and because real data come with all their assumptions
and limitations, we need to be cautious in our data processing and integration efforts
(Ma 2019). We can often achieve significant milestones with limited high-quality
data in a laboratory that cannot be replicated in a massive field deployment scenario.
Figure 1.10 shows the proportion of vertical versus lateral resolution of different
types of data used in geosciences.
Fig. 1.10 Different types of geosciences data with their proportion of vertical resolution versus
their lateral coverage depicted
18 1 Introduction
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Chapter 2
A Brief Review of Statistical Measures
Abstract As geoscientists, we use a variety of data types (see Chapter 1). To analyze
different varieties of geodata, we must use different statistical measures. A thorough
understanding of various statistical measures and their applications to data analysis
methods is important. In this chapter, we will learn about fundamental concepts in
statistics and different data analysis measures. This chapter begins with the basic
concept of random variables, which are widely used in statistics. We then move on
to univariate, bivariate, time series, spatial, and multivariate graphing and analysis
investigation of the sample. The same concept applies to all other related variables,
such as permeability, fluid saturation, grain size, etc. (Fig. 2.1).
We can classify standard statistical and other data analytical techniques into at least
five types based on the problem, the number of variables and types of variables being
analyzed. These types include univariate, bivariate, time series, spatial, and multi-
variate analysis (Fig. 2.2). The measures of analysis are unique to each analysis. We
use different statistical measures to describe the main characteristics of the dataset.
We can use any statistical software or open-source programming (such as Python,
R, and Julia) to plot the data and perform univariate analysis. In this book, I mostly
use Python and Microsoft Excel™ for data plotting and analysis.
Univariate data analysis is perhaps the most common type of analytical technique.
In univariate analysis, we analyze each variable of interest individually. If the full
Fig. 2.3 Histograms showing distribution quartz volumes at two different locations. a Unimodal
and symmetric distribution and b asymmetric, bimodal distribution
24 2 A Brief Review of Statistical Measures
Fig. 2.4 Histograms with different bin sizes of a porosity (F1 ) dataset. Note how the different bin
sizes change the histogram’s appearance (a versus b)
Now, we will consider the scatter or spread of a dataset from the central position.
An understanding of the data spread is important to characterize an experiments’
preciseness and the robustness of the model that will be generated based on the data.
If the scatter is high, more experiments may be needed to obtain a reliable average
value of the variable. We use statistical measures, such as range, standard deviation,
and variance to quantify data spread. Range refers to the difference between the
maximum and minimum values of a variable. Consider the previous dataset of the
porosity of sandstone samples, in which F1 (%) = [10, 10.2, 10.5, 10.9, 11.2, 11.6,
11.8, 12, 12.6, 12.9]. In this case, the range is equal to the maximum value [12.9]
minus the minimum value [10], which equals 2.9. A 2.9% variation in porosity is
reasonable. However, if we consider the second dataset, F2 , the range is meaningless
(Fig. 2.5). The presence of outliers (including null values) affects range and its
effectiveness in statistical analysis.
We commonly use standard deviation (SD) and variance (σ) to quantify data
spread (equations below). Variance is the square of standard deviation. In essence,
these two measures quantify the variability around the mean value of the variable.
It is the difference between the mean of the squares and the square of the mean. If
a dataset has a high standard deviation or variance, the values are spread out over
a wide range, whereas if the dataset has a low standard deviation or variance, the
values are close to the mean.
(xi − x)2
SD = f or population S D, use (n − 1) instead o f n f or sample S D
(xi − x)2
σ = f or population σ, use (n − 1) instead o f n f or sample σ (2.3)
Fig. 2.7 Distribution of daily initial production from a formation in two fields, A and B
there is a large standard deviation, which might be due to geologic and engineering
parameters. However, the average IP from the formation is smaller in field A but
with a small standard deviation. Although this is a multivariate problem, based on
the IP rate only, the company should invest in the area with lower standard deviation
because this will reduce the chance of failure.
Many times, we encounter datasets with the same central location and disper-
sion, but different shapes. Shape is a subtle property with implications in geologic
data analysis. We use measures such as skewness and kurtosis to measure the asym-
metry in data. Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of the tails of a distribution.
Distributions with positive skewness have large tails that extend toward the right
(Fig. 2.8a). In contrast, distributions with a negative skew indicate that the distribu-
tion is spread out more to the left of the average value (Fig. 2.8b). For the first dataset,
F1 , the skewness is 0.27, making it positively skewed. Shape analysis is also impor-
tant in log-based sequence stratigraphy (i.e., fining-upward and coarsening-upward
Fig. 2.8 An example of a positively skewed distribution and b negatively skewed distribution
28 2 A Brief Review of Statistical Measures
Fig. 2.9 Porosity distribution in a mudrock, shown by a a box plot and b a violin plot. Mudrocks
have lower porosity than sandstones and limestones
Apart from the commonly used histograms, other plots, such as box-and-whisker
plots (or box plots) can represent more complete visualizations of univariate data.
Box plots are a quick way to summarize data distribution (Fig. 2.9a). A box plot
consists of five statistical measures: minimum and maximum values, the upper (Q1)
and lower (Q3) quartiles, and the median. To create a box-and-whisker plot, we
partition the whole data distribution into quartiles, mark the median value, and then
draw lines (‘whiskers’) at both ends of the first and third quartile to reach the extreme
ends (i.e., minimum and maximum values). The difference between the minimum
and maximum values provides us with the range of the data distribution. Often,
box plots are useful for detecting outliers present in a dataset. This makes them an
important step in the exploratory data analysis and data pre-processing stage prior
to deploying ML algorithms. If outliers are not detected and removed from the data,
the ML model results will not be useful in terms of prediction and prescription.
Since the boom of ML applications in the physical sciences and widespread use
of open-source programming languages such as Python and R, several other types
of graphs have emerged to represent the data better and tell a more compelling story.
The violin plot is an extension of the common box plot. In addition to the box plot’s
statistical measures, the violin plot also provides data density estimates (Fig. 2.9b).
It is important to understand the shape of the data in a violin plot. Wider sections of
a violin plot indicate a higher probability of that value, and thinner portions indicate
lower probability.
Where x and y are two variables, n is the number of samples, σ represents variance,
and d represents the distance between the ranks of x and y variables. Covariance
indicates the joint variation of the two variables under study. It is the summed product
of the deviation of two variables from their mean divided by the number of samples.
Unlike variance, covariance can be either positive or negative.
Correlation coefficients provide us with a rough estimate of the relationship in a
bivariate dataset. Depending on the dataset, the relation between two variables can be
positive, negative, linear, nonlinear, or even a combination of these in certain points
of the dataset. In simple cases, correlation coefficient is a useful metric for identifying
the relationship between two variables and looking for causal mechanisms to explain
that relationship. However, keep in mind that correlation is not causation.
Pearson’s correlation coefficient (RP ) is a measure of the degree of linear corre-
lation (Fig. 2.10). To compute Pearson’s correlation coefficient, we must find the
Fig. 2.10 Bivariate relationships between two variables (X and Y) in different datasets: a the
positive relationship between X and Y and b the negative relationship between them
30 2 A Brief Review of Statistical Measures
Fig. 2.11 Examples of spurious correlations: a effect of an outlier, b effect of the closed nature of
the dataset, and c and d effect of data transformation on correlation coefficients
number of samples, the mean deviation, and each variable’s standard deviation. This
coefficient is dimensionless, and its value can range between −1 and 1.
We must keep in mind that the correlation coefficient measures are subject to
several controls, such as outliers, data transformation, and the closed nature of the
data. The presence of extreme outliers affects the correlation coefficient significantly
and thus can influence the model’s predictive performance. Figure 2.11a depicts an
example of such cases. To achieve accurate statistical inferences, we must detect
outliers and remove them from the dataset.
Another common case of flawed correlation arises when we work on closed data,
in which the sum of all the variables either equals 1 or 100%. For example, we would
like to understand the relation between quartz and clay in sandstones. A scatter plot
of these two variables will show a negative relationship because when one variable
increases, the other should automatically decrease. Therefore, the premise of such a
correlation is flawed. Figure 2.11b shows an example.
Data transformation can be a necessary step in ML-based analysis. However, we
should also keep in mind that certain operations or transformations of variables (such
as natural logarithms) can affect correlation. In these cases, the correlations between
variables do not reflect the true relationship between those variables. Figure 2.11c
and d show such examples.
Another important aspect of using correlation coefficient-based information for
modeling is related to the boundary conditions under which the variables were
2.2 Common Types of Geologic Data Analysis 31
Fig. 2.12 Regression plot of the data (porosity [Phi] and water saturation [Sw]) from Table 2.1,
with corresponding Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficient values
Time series is similar to bivariate data, except that the variable on the y-axis varies
with respect to time on the x-axis. The main variable of interest changes with time.
An ideal time series has a few basic features, including seasonality, stationarity,
and autocorrelation. Seasonality corresponds to periodic fluctuations in the data, for
example, household gas demand in the winter versus summer. Stationarity means the
statistical properties of the variable (e.g., mean and variance) do not change over time.
32 2 A Brief Review of Statistical Measures
Table 2.1 Porosity and water saturation data for computing Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
Phi Sw R(Phi) R(Sw) di d2i
R(Phi)−R(Sw) [R(Phi)−R(Sw)]2
16 15 9 1 8 64
17 17 10 2 8 64
14 18 8 3 5 25
12 20 7 4 3 9
10 22 6 5 1 1
5 30 3 6 −3 9
6 32 4 7 −3 9
8 35 5 8 −3 9
4 37 2 9 −7 49
3 40 1 10 −9 81
Total 320
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient: −0.94
Fig. 2.13 Examples of time series, a water discharge over time and b gamma-ray log over depth (one
may also call it a depth series)
2.2 Common Types of Geologic Data Analysis 33
determine which geologic zones can produce more hydrocarbons. Streaming micro-
seismic and fiber-optic (DTS and DAS) data are prime examples of areas that make
use of time series analysis and require future research (Amini et al. 2017; Ghah-
farokhi et al. 2018). This is also critical to long-term carbon and hydrogen storage
programs in subsurface.
There are several important factors we need to keep in mind while analyzing
time series data or applying ML to analyze such signals, many of them critical to
geosciences. Time series analysis requires data acquired at equal intervals, and the
data should have a high signal-to-noise ratio. It is not always possible to collect
good data at equal intervals in the subsurface and on outcrops due to logistics,
cost, time, access, and instrumental issues. In such cases, we can use several signal-
processing techniques, such as interpolation, smoothing, and filtering, to remove
artifacts. In another scenario, we might have a combination of variable sedimenta-
tion rate, including a hiatus (e.g., unconformity) in an area. In such cases, the infer-
ences drawn from time series analysis would not be insightful. The resolution of the
instrument being used to record time series data is also important to consider. Take
an example of the recording of micro-earthquakes (magnitude < 2.0). In general,
commonly used seismographs do not record micro-earthquakes, but studies show
that micro-earthquakes are important in analyzing induced seismicity because the
accumulation of several tremors over time can lead to a big earthquake. Therefore,
recording and analysis of micro-earthquakes are useful in disaster mitigation and
operational management.
Markov chains are a useful concept in time series analysis. A Markov chain describes
a sequence of possible events in which each event’s probability depends on the state
attained by previous events. This unique feature enables us to analyze the nature of
transitions from one state to another in a variable of interest.
Many geologic data can be considered as a succession of different states over
time (or depth), such as facies variation. Markov chains are very useful for analyzing
stratigraphic successions in which we might expect cyclic patterns (Fig. 2.14). We
expect these patterns in a variety of depositional settings, including deltaic and lacus-
trine deposits. The Markov chain’s utility lies in analyzing the transition frequency
and probability, which can be further used in predicting the pattern of change over
time and predicting samples that might be missing from a section. The transition
frequency matrix in Markov chain expresses the number of transitions from one state
to another (including self-transitions), and the transition probability matrix quantifies
the tendency for one state to succeed another at a fixed sample rate (Wessel 2007).
We compute transition probability by dividing each row of transition frequency by
its row total. Figure 2.14 shows a line plot of different well logs, defined by facies.
Table 2.2 shows an example of transition frequency and transition probability using
the data from Fig. 2.14.
34 2 A Brief Review of Statistical Measures
Fig. 2.14 A plot of three well logs (gamma-ray, density, and P-wave velocity) and simplified facies
in a shaly sand formation. Yellow color in the fourth track corresponds to sandy facies, whereas gray
indicates more shaly facies. Black dash arrows indicate coarsening-upward (or cleaning-upward)
sequence. The log plot shows the presence of cyclicity of log curves and facies. Markov chains can
be used to quantify cyclicity
Table 2.2 An example of Markov chain transition frequency and transition probability using data
from Fig. 2.14. It shows a high probability of self-transition of cluster 1 (177 times with a 0.94
transition probability) and a relatively low probability of transition for cluster 1 to cluster 2 (nine
times with a 0.05 transition probability), compared to cluster 1 to cluster 3 (two times with a 0.01
transition probability) Autocorrelation
Fig. 2.15 Autocorrelograms for the data used in Fig. 2.13. Curve patterns indicate cyclicity present
in the datasets Cross-Correlation
Spatial data are perhaps the most common data that geoscientists deal with on a
regular basis. One can say that we, geoscientists, are paid to make maps and interpret
them. Therefore, maps should be meaningful, consistent, predictive, and useful for
reaching actionable decisions. If a map does not have these features, the map should
be discarded.
Dealing with spatial data requires expertise in the relevant domain and compu-
tational literacy. In general, spatial data is composed of three parameters: latitude
(x), longitude (y), and the value of the variable of interest (z), which we can use
to generate maps (Fig. 2.17). In the case of subsurface data, we use latitude, longi-
tude, depth, and the value of the variable to generate property maps and 3D models.
36 2 A Brief Review of Statistical Measures
Fig. 2.16 Cross-correlogram between gamma-ray and density logs for the dataset in Fig. 2.14.
Note the cyclicity present in these two curves, which is due to the repetitive pattern of facies
Understanding the nature of the variable and its spatial correlation limits is necessary
for generating maps, regardless of hand-contoured and computer-generated maps.
Although we do not need the specific value of the variable’s spatial correlation
limit in hand contouring, we do use it based on the patterns of the observed data
and gaps, our experience, and an understanding of the probable geologic model. For
computer-generated maps, we need to determine the spatial correlation limit to make
meaningful and predictive maps. The variogram (or semivariogram) provides us with
the spatial continuity or roughness of a dataset (Deutsch and Journel 1992).
Variograms are at the heart of geostatistics. Variogram analysis consists of an
experimental variogram calculated from the data and the variogram model fitted to
the data. In essence, it is the variance between samples at a specified interval or
distance apart along different directions. A variogram consists of three elements:
range, sill, and nugget. Depending on the problem and data availability, we can
construct variograms in different directions, horizontally and vertically. A variogram
can be mathematically expressed as.
Fig. 2.17 a Structure map of the upper Bakken member in the United States. b and c show the
3D mudstone facies models (after Bhattacharya and Carr 2019). Sequential indicator simulation
was used to generate 3D facies models of the upper and lower Bakken. Both models (b and c) are
flattened on the top using a reference horizon to better visualize facies variation (Reprinted from
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 177, S. Bhattacharya and T.R. Carr, Integrated data-
driven 3D shale lithofacies modeling of the Bakken Formation in the Williston basin, North Dakota,
United States, 1072–1086, Copyright (2019), with permission from Elsevier)
and models. Figure 2.18 shows different variograms with different sill, range, and
nugget values.
There are several mathematical models of variogram, including linear, spherical,
exponential, and Gaussian, etc. (Fig. 2.18b). Each of these models behaves differently
and has different output maps. Although spherical and exponential variograms have
similar behavior near the origin, exponential variograms climb faster than spherical
variograms. Gaussian variograms yield very smooth results. An exponential vari-
ogram may show a very high degree of heterogeneity, which may be useful for rock
Gorsich and Genton (2000) suggested computing derivatives and using them to
select what kind of variogram models should be used. We must ensure the chosen
mathematical model fits the observed data. Based on the apparent fit, we must deter-
mine the sill, range, and nugget values, which we can use for mapping and modeling.
Different variogram models applied to the same data will result in different maps,
38 2 A Brief Review of Statistical Measures
Fig. 2.18 a An experimental semivariogram; the region between A and B is spatially correlated,
whereas the region between B and C is not correlated. The shape of the curve can be used to
determine range, sill, and nugget values. b Various types of empirical variogram models which can
be used based on the data pattern.
which will have significant implications for decision-making. We should also keep
in mind that fitting mathematical models to observed data also requires subjective
judgment and previous experience. Nonetheless, variograms should be data-driven
(using good data) and based on geologic information.
Multivariate analysis applies to more than three variables. More variables mean
more dimensions. High dimensionality means the dataset has many features. As
mentioned in Chapter 1, geosciences—specifically subsurface geosciences—have
been experiencing a massive boom in data due to the advent and combined application
of new drilling, completion, and sensor technologies. Additionally, geoscientists are
also figuring out ways to mine data from a trove of old resources. Data can take various
formats (numerical, image, text, audio, and video) or even a combination of formats.
In such cases, commonly used measures in univariate and bivariate statistics are not
very useful for visualizing and gleaning important information from data to make
effective decisions. Conventional spreadsheet-based graphs (e.g., ExcelTM ) are not
helpful in analyzing multidimensional data. Although some authors treat multivariate
data as an extension of bivariate data, this is not accurate.
Effective visualization is key to understanding a multivariate dataset. We can
deploy different strategies to visualize multivariate data. These could be in the form
of a pair plot (scatter matrix plot) or a plot in a reduced number of dimensions through
principal component analysis. We can generate pair plots by combining scatter plots
of all variables in a dataset. Figure 2.19 shows wireline log data from a mudstone
formation in North America and the corresponding pair plot (Fig. 2.20). We can also
add the correlation coefficients between each pair of variables, trend lines, or color
2.2 Common Types of Geologic Data Analysis 39
Fig. 2.19 Plot showing conventional wireline logs and classified facies in a mudstone-carbonate
succession. Y-axis corresponds to sample numbers (not the exact depth) with respect to an increasing
order of facies (first track from right)
Fig. 2.20 Pairplot or scatter matrix plot of conventional wireline log responses a with clusters and
b without clusters
codes to indicate the relationships between different variables. Such plots provide
us with an overview of the relationships among several variables and their patterns
Interestingly, such pair plots reveal that some of the clusters are overlapping,
which cannot be resolved with such plots. Therefore, we must move beyond the
regular measures used in conventional statistics (or STAT 101). This is where we
begin using ML for data classification and prediction.
Principal component analysis (PCA) provides a convenient mechanism for visual-
izing multivariate data. It is a technique for reducing data dimensionality (Fig. 2.21).
Humans cannot perceive multidimensional data, but we can reduce the number
40 2 A Brief Review of Statistical Measures
Fig. 2.21 The simplified concept of principal component analysis for dimensionality reduction.
Principal components are essentially scaled eigen vectors
of dimensions by combining the most important ones and removing the rest with
PCA, allowing us to observe and analyze the essential features of the dataset. Prin-
cipal components define a variance maximizing the mutually orthogonal coordinate
system. Although there are several principal components, the first few principal
components are adequate for describing most of the variability in data.
Suppose we are working with n number of parameters for facies classification (e.g.,
seismic attributes, petrophysical properties, and geochemical data). If we graph such
data, they will form a data cloud in the n-dimensional space. However, we cannot
use this information with conventional techniques. PCA proceeds by first finding the
axis along which the data is most spread out. It does this by computing eigenvectors.
The first principal component (or the first eigenvector) accounts for the maximum
amount of variability (or information), whereas the remaining components (or other
eigenvectors) represent the rest of the information. We can then plot only those
principal components which account for most of the information and analyze them
in the scatter plot (Fig. 2.22). Thus, the dimensionality of an n-dimensional space
shrinks to a lesser dimensional space, or principal component space, which still
contains most of the information in the original dataset. Essentially, the principal
components provide a new reference frame for looking at the data. By providing
the most important principal components, PCA helps us in feature selection, outlier
detection, and clustering.
Geoscientists have widely used PCA over the years. Qi and Carr (2006) demon-
strate the application of PCA to lithofacies classification in a carbonate formation in
Kansas. PCA analysis is used for unsupervised pattern recognition and discrimina-
tion. Zhao et al. (2015) show an example of PCA for seismic-attribute-based facies
classification (Fig. 2.23).
We must keep in mind that some information may be lost after PCA. The examples
could be rare facies within the dataset. Although the number of samples representing a
facies may be small, this data is necessary for geologic mapping to truly understand
the processes at work. If these rare facies do not influence the problem, we may
2.2 Common Types of Geologic Data Analysis 41
Fig. 2.22 Principal component analysis plot corresponding to data from Fig. 2.19. a Scatterplot
between principal components 1 and 2, b explained variance, c cumulative explained avarice (or
scree plot), and d heatmap showing the relationship between original log data and feature space in
PCA (d)
discard this information. Another common problem with PCA is its oversimplified
analysis which reduces the dimensionality of the original data. Interpretation of PCA
results can be very difficult because original variables are no longer used. Moreover,
PCA works on the principle of linear relationships between variables, which is not
relevant to numerous geologic problems. Therefore, we need to understand the scope
of the problem, the nature of the data, and their representability to solve the problem
before resorting to this technique.
42 2 A Brief Review of Statistical Measures
Fig. 2.23 An example of principal component analysis on seismic data for stratigraphic feature
identification (e.g., channels and point bars) in New Zealand. The 2D color bar corresponds to two
principal components plotted here (Zhao et al. 2015) (Permission granted from SEG)
Amini S, Kavousi P, Carr TR (2017) Application of fiber-optic temperature data analysis in hydraulic
fracturing evaluation: a case study in Marcellus Shale. Unconventional resources technology
conference, Austin, TX, 24–26 July 2017. https://doi.org/10.15530/urtec-2017-2686732
Bhattacharya S, Carr TR (2019) Integrated data-driven 3D shale lithofacies modeling of the Bakken
formation in the Williston basin, North Dakota, United States. J Petrol Sci Eng 177:1072–1086.
Chopra S, Marfurt KJ (2007) Seismic attributes for prospect identification and reservoir character-
ization. Society of Exploration Geophysicists
References 43
Davis JC (2002) Statistics and data analysis in geology. Wiley, New York
Deutsch CV, Journel AJ (1992) GSLIB: geostatistical software library and user’s guide. Oxford
University Press, New York
Ghahfarokhi PK, Carr TR, Bhattacharya S, Elliot J, Shahkarami A, Martin K (2018) A fiber-optic
assisted multilayer perceptron reservoir production modeling: a machine learning approach in
prediction of gas production from the Marcellus shaleShale. Unconventional Resources Tech-
nology Conference, Houston, Texas, 23–25 July 2018, https://doi.org/10.15530/urtec-2018-290
Gorsich D, Genton M (2000) Variogram model selection via nonparametric derivative estimation.
Math Geol 32:249–270. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007563809463
Krumbein WC, Dacey MF (1969) Markov chains and embedded Markov chains in geology. J Int
Assoc Math Geol 1:79–96. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02047072
Qi L, Carr TR (2006) Neural network prediction of carbonate lithofacies from well logs, Big Bow
and Sand Arroyo Creek fields, Southwest Kansas. Comput Geosci 32(7):947–964. https://doi.
Swan ARH, Sandilands M (1995) Introduction to geological data analysis. Blackwell Science,
Wessel P (2007) Introduction to statistics and data analysis.
Zhao T, Jayaram V, Roy A, Marfurt KJ (2015) A comparison of classification techniques for seismic
facies recognition. Interpretation 3(4):SAE29–SAE58. https://doi.org/10.1190/INT-2015-0044.1
Chapter 3
Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based
2. Identifying the groups in seismic data for an exploration area with no ground-
truth or calibratable data (clustering problem)
3. Characterizing the vertical and lateral heterogeneities of a sedimentary forma-
tion to better understand the depositional and digenetic processes and basin-fill
history (classification problem)
4. Characterizing the presence of vugs in a carbonate reservoir to understand the
degree of fluid-rock interactions and diagenetic processes for better prediction
of sweet spots for resource exploration or fluid injection (classification problem)
5. Analyzing the distribution of multiphase faults and fractures in an area and
associating them with plate tectonics and stress directions over geologic time
to better understand their implications on reservoir compartmentalization and
deliverability (classification problem)
6. Predicting the vertical and lateral variations in reservoir and geomechan-
ical properties at the seismic scale for decision-making in an unconventional
reservoir (regression problem)
7. Predicting the occurrence of hydraulic frac-hits (yes or no) in an active resource
development area due to variations in rock properties, drilling, and completion
designs (classification problem)
8. Analyzing the efficacy of hydraulic fracturing on fluid flow from individual
stages of horizontal wells to better understand the controls on foot-scale (or
meter-scale) geologic variations and completion designs (regression problem)
9. Predicting the missing rock physics properties of a reservoir to guide the seismic
inversion process for mapping variations in acoustic impedance and facies
properties to delineate sweet spots (regression problem)
Classification problems are problems in which the response variable is discrete or
categorical in nature. Clustering problems are classification problems in which we do
not have access to ground-truth data to validate the models. The predictor variables
can be either continuous or discrete; for example, the presence or absence of facies,
fractures, faults, vugs, salt, and mass-transport deposit, etc. These problems are
similar to Boolean algebra, in which we can assign a value of one if a condition
is true and zero if false. These problems are of particular interest to geologists,
geochemists, petrophysicists, and seismic interpreters. By applying ML to these
models, we can quickly generate a map or a 3D model showing the distribution of an
output variable. This information can be primarily used for understanding geologic
processes and making decisions on drilling, resource recovery, and fluid storage.
Clustering problems are useful at the exploration and appraisal stages when we have
seismic and limited borehole data. We can use these datasets to better understand
and perhaps refine the conceptual geologic model prior to field development.
Apart from traditional ML algorithms, deep learning algorithms are becoming
more commonly applied to classification problems when the problems involve large
data and images, such as seismic, advanced petrophysical logs (i.e., image logs
and nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR]), and core photographs. We will discuss
deep learning in Chapter 4. In the last few years, researchers have shown a variety
of case studies on ML-based facies and fracture classification using well log and
3.1 Identification of the Problem 47
core data (Al-Anazi and Gates 2010; Wang and Carr 2012a, b; Bhattacharya et al.
2016; Howat et al. 2016; Li and Misra 2017; Bhattacharya and Mishra 2018). There
has been a major uptick in deep-learning-assisted seismic interpretation of structure
and stratigraphy (Huang et al. 2017; Alfarraj and AlRegib 2018; Di et al. 2018,
Dramsch and Lüthje 2018; Zhao 2018; Alaudah et al. 2019; Di et al. 2019; Wu
et al. 2019). Pires de Lima et al. (2020) showed an excellent example of fossil
identification using deep learning. Figure 3.1 shows an example of a ML-based
classification problem.
In the case of regression modeling, the response variable is continuous. The
predictor variables (or input) can be either continuous or discrete. In geosciences,
we can consider the output from regression models more like a sequence or a series
in time, frequency, or depth domain; for example, reservoir properties (i.e., porosity,
permeability, fluid saturation), geomechanical properties (i.e., Young’s modulus,
Poisson’s ratio, etc.), and hydrocarbon production, etc. These problems are useful
Fig. 3.1 An example of supervised facies classification results from support vector machine, SVM
(third track) and artificial neural network, ANN (fourth track), compared against the core-log defined
facies (second track) in a well in the Appalachian Basin, North America. The SVM-based facies
match the original facies better than the ANN-based facies
48 3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling
Fig. 3.3 A simplified example of different types of sequences identified based on well-log motif
in a siliciclastic environment (modified after Emery and Myers 1996). The arrows in the sand track
indicate coarsening or cleaning upward sequences, whereas the arrows in the shale track indicate
fining-upward sequences (Copyright © 1996 Blackwell Science Ltd, Permission received from John
Wiley and Sons)
50 3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling
deposition over smaller temporal scales (Fig. 3.4). Please see SEPM (https://www.
sepmstrata.org/) and Emery and Myers (1996) for further information on sequence
stratigraphy in this context. The bottom line is that the response variables in classifi-
cation problems can be dynamic in certain cases. There are certain ML algorithms,
such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Toeplitz Inverse Covariance Clus-
tering (TICC), which are suitable for such dynamic problems. I will discuss these
algorithms and their applications in Chapters 4 and 5.
Fig. 3.4 An example of the cyclic depositional pattern in the Khuff C Formation, Saudi Arabia
(Alqattan and Budd 2017). The vertical profile shows the gamma-ray (GR) log, lithology, dolomite
fabric, facies, interpreted fifth-order depositional cycles, and fourth-order sequences (AAPG ©
2017, reprinted by permission of the AAPG whose permission is required for further use)
3.2 Learning Approaches 51
Fig. 3.5 The concept of unsupervised ML. The original unlabeled data goes into the ML algorithm,
which classifies it into different clusters based on user input
52 3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling
Fig. 3.6 An example of unsupervised seismic facies classification using the self-organizing map
technique (after Coléou et al. 2003). Examples with a 6 classes and b 12 classes (Permission
granted from SEG)
Fig. 3.7 A simplified concept of supervised ML. Different arrow colors indicate different phases
of modeling. The gray arrows indicate the first phase (model training), the green arrows indicate
the second phase (model test), and the blue arrows indicate the third phase, in which the model is
tuned based on the initial model performance
3.2 Learning Approaches 53
can use either categorical data (e.g., facies, fractures, faults, etc.) or continuous data
(e.g., porosity, permeability, shear wave velocity, etc.) as the output and fine-tune the
network hyperparameters based on the results.
Supervised learning is useful when we have some knowledge about the system,
but that knowledge does not necessarily cover the whole study area. In such cases,
we need a function that can automatically map the input to the desired output in
unseen data that does not have labels or interpretations yet. This situation is very
common in the appraisal and development stage; often we have enough well logs but
not enough core data. We can assign facies based on the core-log integration, apply
supervised ML to learn the pattern of the facies associated with different well-log
signatures, and use that pattern to predict certain facies in a well not covered by core
data (Fig. 3.8). Several researchers have published their work on this problem (Wang
and Carr 2013; Bhattacharya and Carr 2019). The beauty of this approach is that
it allows us to supervise geologic observations on geophysical, petrophysical, and
reservoir responses, building meaningful models that we can use to make actionable
decisions. Di et al. (2018, 2019) show an application of supervised deep learning for
seismic structural and stratigraphic interpretations and evaluate the model’s perfor-
mance. Supervised learning is also useful in seismic inversion and geologic image
classification (such as fossils, minerals, and outcrops).
Fig. 3.8 An example of supervised facies classification in the Devonian interval, including the
Marcellus Shale in the Appalachian Basin, United States (after Wang and Carr 2012a). The results
are based on an artificial neural network algorithm. The square legends in the log tracks indicate
different facies. The results show the overall similarity of facies across the study interval; however,
there are sections where the log-predicted facies do not match exactly with the trained facies. See
Wang and Carr (2012a) for more details (Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature Customer
Service Centre GmbH: Springer Nature, Mathematical Geosciences, Marcellus Shale Lithofacies
Prediction by Multiclass Neural Network Classification in the Appalachian Basin, G. Wang and
T.R. Carr, © 2012)
3.2 Learning Approaches 55
Fig. 3.9 A simplified concept of semi-supervised learning. Different colors of the arow indicate
different phases of modeling. The gray arrows indicate the first phase (model training), the green
arrows indicate the second phase (pseudo-labeling), and the blue arrows indicate the third phase
(model retraining)
learning approaches, and Fig. 3.12 shows a schematic diagram of the basic workflow
used in ML projects. Each of these steps are critical.
Fig. 3.10 A comparison of facies classification by semi-supervised learning (self-train label prop-
agation with cross-validation) and XGBoost (XGB) algorithm from a reservoir in Kansas, United
States. There are nine facies based on core and log data. Semi-supervised learning with cross vali-
dation increased the model performance by ~ 6% compared to the XGB method. See Dunham et al.
(2020) for further details (Permission granted from SEG)
Fig. 3.11 The simplified concepts of a unsupervised learning, b supervised learning, and c semi-
supervised learning. The unfilled circles indicate unlabeled data, whereas the filled circles indicate
labeled data in a and b. Semi-supervised learning c generates pseudo-labels for unfilled circles,
which are used in combination with the already labeled samples for ML model building
3.3 Data Pre-Processing 57
Although we may have the pertinent data, it does not mean the dataset is complete
for undertaking an ML study. It may contain outliers, null values, missing data,
noise, inconsistencies, or formatting issues. Noise can be both random and periodic.
For example, well logs can contain varieties of noise in the data due to borehole
washout, high-density mud (e.g., barite), improper grounding of electrodes, mechan-
ical failure of the logging tools and assembly, etc. At this stage, we can apply different
windowing, filtering, interpolation, and smoothing techniques to remove such effects
from data.
This is an important step in data pre-processing. Datasets may have missing values,
which often causes problems in model performance. While writing a computer code,
we can present these values in different ways, such as null, NaN (not a number), N/A,
etc. Values could be missing due to several reasons, such as experimental design,
bad measurements, access to the system, etc. For example, in petrophysics, we are
often not interested in logging the top 50 m (at least) of the subsurface, so to control
cost and time, we may not record the conventional logs, except the gamma-ray log.
In such cases, we will have missing values in the other logging parameters for the
first 50-m interval.
There are a few approaches for imputing missing data. If many values are missing,
we could replace them with an indicator variable, keeping in mind whether the
missing variables are categorical or continuous in nature. If it is a categorical variable
(such as facies), we can simply assign a new category to it. If it is a continuous vari-
able, we can compute mean (known as mean imputation) for those variables missing
in a row, if the data distribution is normal. If the data distribution is skewed, we should
use median, instead of mean. Replacing a large number of missing continuous vari-
ables with a constant value implies that the slope is the same across the interval with
missing values, which may sometimes defy geologic rules. For example, consider
sonic log data in which the velocity is missing for a few tens of meters along the depth
in an overpressured region. We know velocity increases with depth, and in overpres-
sured zones, there would be a drop in velocity. If we do not know exactly where the
inflection point of velocity is and we use mean imputation that would be erroneous
58 3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling
and could result in wrong decisions in field. We could also carry forward the last
response of the recorded variable in the dataset, which is a better method. We could
also employ an interpolation strategy of using the last few variables and the variables
ahead. We often use this approach in editing well logs. We could also use related
data from a similar measurement in an analog field or an offset well in the vicinity.
Another less-deployed strategy would be using logic rules. If we can identify when
a particular variable is missing in certain situations, we could impute them using
logical rules. We can also apply regression-based ML to predict the missing values
or well logs from offset wells with good-quality and continuous data. Treatment of
missing values is an ongoing area of research.
In this step, we summarize the data in a format that is usable while keeping the essen-
tial features of the data intact. Although ensemble ML models that can combine data
in different formats are in the development stage, at this point it is advised to aggregate
the data in a similar format for efficient handling and collaboration across platforms.
A lot of geodata (such as petrophysical, geomechanical, and temperature logs) are
available in ASCII format, whereas the seismic and fiber optic data (distributed
acoustic sensing, DAS) are available in SEG-Y format. In general, well log data are
sampled at 0.5-ft (0.15-m) intervals, and fiber optic data (DAS) are sampled at a
spacing of 2–3 ft (0.6–0.9 m). Bhattacharya et al. (2019) show an example of data
abstraction in an unconventional reservoir with a large volume of multi-scale and
multi-source data. They show that in such cases, we could divide the well path into
small bins, covered by all kinds of pertinent data. We can then compute mean and
variance of each parameter in each bin, which can be used for upscaling to a suitable
scale of resolution or directly used in modeling.
Essentially, feature engineering is the process of deriving new features from the
original dataset that could be more sensitive to the output. We use the theories of
mathematics, statistics, and signal processing to derive new features (Fig. 3.13).
While computing new features, we must keep in mind that the new features reveal
something extra compared to the original predictor variables. Feature engineering is
perhaps the most important step for a successful ML project because physics-based
feature engineering can provide us more insight into the data patterns that we can
use for diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive purposes. It is an important step in
incorporating domain knowledge to enhance the capabilities of ML models.
3.3 Data Pre-Processing 59
Feature engineering helps us in two ways. First, it derives more sensitive param-
eters that we can use to classify and predict output more successfully. Addition-
ally, the combination of new features to original data can increase dimension-
ality. Although it is well-known large data dimensionality may reduce the ML
model performance, sometimes this may have a positive implication. Wang and
Carr (2012a) showed in their study on the Marcellus Shale in the United States
that the average distance between different lithofacies clusters can be increased by
using feature-engineered parameters instead of a limited number of conventional
well logs (Fig. 3.14). Increasing the dimensionality of data can reduce the number
of overlapping lithofacies clusters and increase the accuracy of classification.
It is also important to note that certain facies are more sensitive to certain
model input parameters, which include both original and derived features. Although
Fig. 3.14 a The average distance between different Marcellus Shale lithofacies computed from five
conventional wireline logs directly and b the eight derived petrophysical parameters. Feature engi-
neering can improve classification results. See Wang and Carr (2012a) for further details (Reprinted
by permission from Springer Nature Customer Service Centre GmbH: Springer Nature, Math-
ematical Geosciences, Marcellus Shale Lithofacies Prediction by Multiclass Neural Network
Classification in the Appalachian Basin, G. Wang and T.R. Carr, © 2012)
60 3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling
researchers discuss the curse of dimensionality, there are certain powerful ML algo-
rithms that are fundamentally based on increasing the dimensionality and classifi-
cation of the data in the feature space. Support vector machine is one such algo-
rithm. At the same time, we should analyze the interdependence among the features,
which are common in geosciences. An understanding of feature engineering and
its execution can make the ML models more versatile in nature. It is also impor-
tant to infuse domain expertise and causal understanding while deriving and using
feature-engineered attributes in models.
Min–Max Scaling
Min–max scaling is the simplest method of data normalization. With this approach,
we subtract the minimum value from the variable and divide it over the difference
between the maximum and minimum values. By doing this, we standardize the range
of the normalized output between zero and one. Petrophysicists often use this method
while computing clay volume from gamma-ray logs (Eq. 3.1). The drawback of this
technique is that it can include outliers, which can affect the ML results. Therefore,
we need to remove outliers from the data before normalization.
x − min(x)
xn = (3.1)
max(x) − min(x)
Standard Scaling
To reduce the effect of low standard deviation and outliers, we can apply standard
scalar (or Z-score normalization) to the data. With this approach, we subtract the
mean value from the variables and then divide it over the standard deviation of the
distribution (Eq. 3.2). The resulting distribution has a mean of zero and a standard
deviation of one. This is a widely used technique in many ML algorithms (Table 3.1).
x − Mean(x)
xz = (3.2)
S D(x)
the specific label is present or absent. We can label the seismic or petrophysical
dataset with different labels of facies, fractures, and faults, which will be used by
the ML models to train and test the performance against. For example, if you are
working on a fault classification problem, it is suggested working with a structural
geologist who has field experiences and an understanding of the mechanical prop-
erties of rocks and their interactions with faults. The same applies to working on
stratigraphy-related problems.
After pre-processing of the dataset, we partition the data into three parts—training,
validation, and testing—to implement ML algorithms (Fig. 3.15). In ML, there are
several ways to split the dataset. One of the most common approaches is to randomly
split the data into training, validation, and testing segments in a specific ratio. The
proportion of the dataset in each of these segments is different. In general, we use
60–80% of the data as training and the remaining 20–40% for testing and validation.
The question is how we partition the dataset in practice using this method. There are
a few strategies. We can compile the whole dataset into one workbook (e.g., Excel™,
Access™, Tableau™, etc.) and then randomly divide the data into training, testing
and validation segments (i.e., 60-20-20, 80-10-10, 90-5-5).
Here is an example in which we could use a slightly different strategy for the
data split. Suppose we are working on a facies classification problem using well logs
from 10 wells. We can select six to eight wells for training the model and test the
model on the remaining one or two wells. We can show the model performance in
3.5 Machine Learning-Based Modeling 63
Fig. 3.15 Data splitting into training, validation, and test segments for ML modeling
both the training and test datasets as a line plot (facies versus depth). In the case of
3D seismic data with 100 seismic sections, we can train the model on 60 sections,
validate, and test it on the remaining 40 sections. The advent of deep learning has
reduced the number of seismic sections we need for interpretation in the training
phase. Bhattacharya and Di (2020) show an example in which they interpreted 30
seismic sections out of 1,000s for fault classification in Alaska using deep learning.
Random partitioning of the data can lead to major issues, such as class imbal-
ance and sample representativeness in the training, validation, and test sets, even
when there is no imbalance in the overall dataset (Liu and Cocea 2017). Both issues
influence the model performance and its generalization. During the data partitioning
process, it is also possible that some of the critical data (e.g., a rare facies or frac-
tures) will fall through the cracks. There are simply not enough samples for these
categories. This phenomenon leads to errors in prediction because the model did not
have enough training data to understand the relationship between input and output
variables. In such cases, we can employ three strategies:
1. Return to the problem and evaluate how important those pre-assigned outputs
are. Sometimes, petrophysicists or stratigraphers come up with more than 20
facies in an area integrating core samples, outcrops, and well logs. The question
is how many of them are truly important to solving the problem while main-
taining scalability and manageability. If some rare facies or features are not
important, we can remove them from the dataset.
2. If we think we need to include all labels in the modeling, we can apply statistical
techniques to either undersample the majority data or oversample the minority
data. This process would balance the dataset so each label will have enough
samples to train and test the model.
3. We can apply sophisticated techniques such as synthetic minority over-sampling
technique (SMOTE) to randomly generate synthetic data for the minority class
to make the dataset more balanced (Chawla et al. 2002). We can either use the
nearest neighbors (the number of nearest neighbors to use) or the percentage
(the percentage of SMOTE instances to create) to balance the datasets. Bhat-
tacharya and Mishra (2018) used SMOTE to balance their fracture dataset in the
64 3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling
After splitting the data into different segments, we build ML models on the training
data. We can use any algorithms at this stage, depending on the problem. In the model-
building process, we set up the algorithm with optimal network hyperparameters
to enable efficient training, validation, and testing. Hyperparameter optimization
is a critical step. Each algorithm has different hyperparameters which need to be
3.5 Machine Learning-Based Modeling 65
In the next step, we validate and test the trained model. Both validation and test
datasets are held back during the model training process. In model validation, we
evaluate the performance of the trained model using the validation dataset while
keeping the hyperparameters the same. The main objective of this process is to make
sure the trained model is generalizable, or not overtrained, in terms of performance.
If the model is overtrained, the performance of the model in the validation dataset
will be undesirably low. We use different metrics to evaluate model performance. If
66 3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling
Fig. 3.17 The concept of grid search and random search in 2D and 3D
the model is overfit, we will have to go back to the training domain and optimize the
network hyperparameters properly.
During validation, we also attempt to understand the complexity of network hyper-
parameters with model performance, i.e., how the model performance varies (accu-
racy and error for each label and overall dataset) with network hyperparameters.
This process gives insights into the dataset. Some researchers (Mohaghegh 2017)
also recommend using a calibration dataset before validation to check the quality
and accuracy of results after each iteration.
After model validation, we finally apply the model to the test dataset. The test
dataset provides an unbiased evaluation of the final model. Test datasets are only
used to assess the model performance, not fine tune the hyperparameters. There is
some debate regarding the use of both validation and test datasets in the applied
ML community. Many times, the validation set is used as the test set, but this is not
recommended. Kuhn and Johnson (2013) propose the use of both validation and test
datasets because a test dataset is a single evaluation of the model and it has limited
ability to characterize uncertainties in the results from the model. We should also
keep in mind that we do not need a validation dataset if we are already using an
n-fold cross-validation technique. The validation dataset is applicable when we split
the dataset randomly.
3.6 Model Evaluation 67
How can we quantify the performance of models to determine whether they can be
used in further analyses? At each stage of model implementation, we must check
model performance. That means we must quantify how well the model classifies and
predicts output using the training, validation, and test datasets using different metrics
(Table 3.2).
Table 3.2 Confusion matrices showing actual versus predicted values for a two-class problem.
Based on the results, several metrics are computed
68 3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling
Mean absolute error (MAE) is the average of all absolute errors (Eq. 3.3). Absolute
error is the absolute value of the prediction error, which is the difference between
the actual value and the predicted value. If there is no error, the difference would
be zero; otherwise, absolute error can take either positive or negative values. If we
do not take the absolute value, the mean error becomes the mean bias error (MBE),
which provides an average measure of the model bias.
1 y pr edict − ytr ue
M AE = (3.3)
Root mean square error (RMSE) is the square root of the average of the squared differ-
ences between actual value and predicted value (Eq. 3.4). RMSE is more like standard
deviation. Lower values of MAE and RMSE indicate better model performance with
less error; however, there are subtle differences between these two metrics. RMSE
gives a relatively higher weight to large errors compared to MAE.
n 2
1 y pr edict − ytr ue
RMSE = (3.4)
n Recall
Recall is the ratio of true positives to the sum of true positives and false negatives. It
is the fraction of the correctly identified instances over the overall dataset.
T r ue Positive
Recall = (3.5)
T r ue Positive + False N egative
3.6 Model Evaluation 69 Precision
Precision is the fraction of the true positives over the sum of true positives and false
T r ue Positive
Pr ecision = (3.6)
T r ue Positive + False Positive F1 Score
The F1-score is the harmonic average of the precision and recall measurements. The
value of the measure varies between zero and one. If the value is zero, this indicates
the complete failure of the model, whereas if the value is one, this suggests perfect
prediction. In the real-world, we should expect an F1-score somewhere between one
and zero.
2 × Pr ecision × Recall
F1 scor e = (3.7)
Pr ecision + Recall Specificity
Specificity is the ratio of the true negatives to the total of true negatives and false
T r ue N egative
Speci f icit y = (3.8)
T r ue N egative + False Positive
Balanced accuracy score is the mean of specificity and recall. The value of the
balanced accuracy varies between zero and one. In a balanced dataset, this score is
identical to accuracy; however, in an imbalanced dataset, this score avoids inflated
performance estimates.
Fig. 3.18 The concept of model bias and variance. This is a very useful concept to keep in mind
while using machine learning
3.7 Model Explainability 71
Fig. 3.19 The bias-variance tradeoff (Kubben et al. 2019), licensed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
With increased model complexity, bias decreases and variance increases. The dash line indicates
reasonable bias and variance, which is suitable for an optimal solution
Fig. 3.20 An example of ranked features used in predicting daily gas production in a hydraulically
fractured shale well
are more important than others. This will guide which features we need to care
about the most in terms of data acquisition and processing. This step is particularly
important at the onset of a large ML project when we may have a plethora of features
and want to know which ones to use or remove. There are several techniques for
ranking the features, such as fuzzy pattern recognition. Some ML techniques, such
as random forest, automatically rank the features in addition to producing model
results (Fig. 3.20).
It is important to assess the feature importance provided by ranking algorithms
in terms of their physics and reproducibility. We must infuse our domain expertise
and causal understanding to interpret the ranks and recommend actions accordingly.
Under ideal conditions, when the features are properly and consistently processed
and complete datasets exist in all case studies for similar problems (with all labels, in
cases of supervised learning), the ranks should be very similar. However, the ranks
may differ from data to data for a similar problem, probably due to non-linear feature
responses, calibration, scaling, and completeness of the data. Additionally, different
ranking algorithms can produce different results. We need to be very careful when
assessing the ranks of the features. For example, geomechanical parameters (such as
minimum horizontal stress gradient, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, etc.) matter
significantly to successful production from unconventional reservoirs (Bhattacharya
et al. 2019). If we find the surface temperature ranks more than the geomechanical
parameters in predicting daily gas production, we need to carefully assess the situa-
tion and infer its meaning. Ideally, surface temperature should not have more control
on gas production than geomechanical parameters, unless we constrain production
due to supply and demand issues for certain months of the year in an area. This is
why gasoline prices are generally high in the summer than winter in some countries,
including the United States.
3.7 Model Explainability 73
Partial dependence plots (PDP) show the dependence between the target variable and
a set of input features, regardless of other features. There are two types of PDPs:
one-way PDP and two-way PDP. Restricting the number of features between one
to two helps us understand model complexity. One-way PDPs show the interaction
between the target variable and the specific input feature, whereas two-way PDPs
show the interactions between two features for a particular target. Figure 3.21 shows
examples of partial dependence plots for organic mudstone and calcareous facies in
a sedimentary formation.
SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) analysis is a modern tool that can help
explain models to an extent (Lundberg and Lee 2017). It is based on game theory.
SHAP values help us to analyze feature importance at both global and local scales.
SHAP assigns each feature an importance value for prediction. The SHAP value is
the average of the marginal contributions across all possible permutations of features,
which makes it a more unified approach across global and local scales. However, this
also makes SHAP computations very slow. The computational time increases with
the number of features used in the model as the algorithm tries to find all possible
combinations of features and their contributions. Additionally, the output results
from SHAP analysis are approximate solutions. We can use a variety of graphs (e.g.,
bar plot, beeswarm plot, waterfall plots, decision plots, etc.) to visualize the SHAP
values and attempt to explain the model. See https://shap.readthedocs.io/ for further
details. Lubo-Robles et al. (2020) showed SHAP’s application in classifying salt
bodies using 3D seismic data in the Gulf of Mexico, United States. Figures 3.22 and
3.23 show SHAP results from a regression and classification problem.
74 3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling
Fig. 3.21 An example of partial dependence plots to analyze the influence of gamma-ray (GR), loga-
rithm of resistivity (Ln_Rt), and photoelectric factor (PEF) logs on classifying a organic mudstone
and b calcareous facies in a formation. The contour plot in (a) shows organic mudstone corresponds
to high GR and high Ln_Rt response, which makes sense because it is radioactive (due to uranium)
and resistive (due to kerogen). Similarly, thin carbonate layers exhibit high Ln_Rt and PEF values
in b
3.7 Model Explainability 75
Fig. 3.22 SHAP analysis for predicting the first 12 months of oil production from a formation in
the Delaware Basin, United States (after Yang et al. 2020) (This figure reprinted from Q. Yang,
F. Male, S.A. Ikonnikova, K. Smye, G. McDaid, and E.D. Goodman, 2020, with permission from
URTeC, whose permission is required for further use)
Fig. 3.23 SHAP analysis for facies classification. Different petrophysical logs have different
impacts on facies classification
76 3 Basic Steps in Machine Learning-Based Modeling
Fig. 3.24 LIME analysis for an organic-rich mudstone facies classification. Apparent matrix grain
density (RHOmaa), neutron porosity (NPHI), and gamma-ray (GR) logs have positive contributions
to classifying the facies
This is the last step in subsurface geoscience machine learning. At this stage, we
visualize and present the knowledge discovered from our data-driven analysis to
make decisions on collecting new data, updating models, drilling, and completion.
Al-Anazi AF, Gates ID (2010) Support vector regression for porosity prediction in a heteroge-
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Chapter 4
A Brief Review of Popular Machine
Learning Algorithms in Geosciences
Abstract In the last several decades, computer scientists and statisticians have devel-
oped and implemented a plethora of machine learning (ML) algorithms. Although the
application of data-driven modeling is relatively new to geoscience, we can trace back
some of its early applications to the 1980’s and 1990’s. This chapter will discuss the
fundamental theory and analytic framework of many popular ML algorithms. Under-
standing the fundamentals of these algorithms, network-specific hyperparameters,
and their meaning is essential to better implement these algorithms in our datasets
and enhance the success rate of data-driven modeling. These algorithms are based
on solid mathematical and statistical theories. Indeed, some algorithms are better
than others for certain types of applications; however, sometimes, our lack of under-
standing of algorithms and the nuances of their applications to specific datasets cause
them to underperform compared to others. Once we understand the fundamentals of
algorithms and our datasets, ML will be more fun and provoking, which will facilitate
further progress of geo-data science.
Each cluster has a centroid; therefore, this algorithm assumes the original data distri-
bution inside each cluster as spherical or circular around the centroid. The word
“means” in K-means refers to averages. We start the modeling with a pre-defined
number of clusters. It clusters the data in such a way, so the data points inside one
cluster are similar to each other, whereas they are dissimilar to other data points in
other clusters (Fig. 4.1). Therefore, the variance tends to be low within a cluster and
high outside it. The clustering is primarily based on a distance-based metric that is
used to determine the similarity between data points and assign them to different
clusters. We can use different types of distance measures, such as Euclidean and
Mahalanobis. It assigns data points to a cluster such that the sum of the squared
distance (SSE) between the data points and the cluster’s centroid (or arithmetic
mean of all the data points in that cluster) is at the minimum (equation below). Then,
the K-means method recomputes the centroids by taking the mean of all data points
belonging to the same cluster. This step is critical as the centroids computed in the
first step are random and may not be the accurate centroids of the data belonging
to each cluster. The repositioning of cluster centroids with further iterations reduces
the variance inside the clusters, as they become close to the ‘true’ centroids of each
cluster. We can run this process several times until the solutions are converging or
matching with our perceived targets. We need to control a few parameters in K-
means, such as the number of clusters, method for initialization, distance metric, and
the number of iterations.
SS E = x j − ci 22 (4.1)
i=1 x j Pi
cluster numbers and then plot the number of clusters versus the sum of squared
distance between data points and their assigned clusters’ centroids. Figure 4.2 shows
a decreasing error with the increase in the number of clusters. The optimal number
of clusters is selected from that point or area where the error starts flattening out.
Sometimes, it is hard to identify the optimal cluster number as the plot may be
monotonically decreasing and not show a distinctive elbow. Another technique is
using silhouette analysis. This method computes silhouette coefficients of each data
point. It quantifies how much a data point is similar to its own cluster compared to
other clusters. The value of the coefficient ranges between −1 and 1. A value of the
coefficient close to ‘1’ indicates the sample in one cluster is far from other clusters,
whereas a value close to ‘−1’ indicates the samples might have been assigned to
the wrong cluster. If the coefficient equals zero, the sample is very close to other
neighboring clusters. We would want the coefficient value as close to one as possible.
Figure 4.3 shows the results from the silhouette method to identify the optimal number
of clusters.
It is also important to realize our data contains multiple types of information,
including facies, fractures, faults, and rock properties. Some of the attribute expres-
sions of these geologic features may seem very similar. The random initialization
in K-means may lead to a risk of mixing the target features with similar ones into
the same cluster (Di et al. 2018). Therefore, we should use our geologic knowledge
to understand the geologic meaning of the clusters. In terms of initialization, there
are different methods, such as Forgy (1965), K-means++ (Arthur and Vassilvitskii
2007), and principal component analysis-part (Su and Dy 2007), etc. While using
K-means, it is highly recommended to use standardized data; otherwise, the results
Fig. 4.2 An example of the elbow method showing the optimal number of clusters is three
84 4 A Brief Review of Popular Machine Learning Algorithms in Geosciences
Fig. 4.3 An example of silhouette coefficients with respect to different cluster numbers. The optimal
cluster number is three
can be misleading due to the domination of variables with larger variances compared
to other variables. It is highly applicable to geophysical and petrophysical attributes.
Most often, K-means method does not provide global optimal solutions. Due to its
gradient descent nature, it can converge to a local minima rather than global minima
(discussed further in the artificial neural network below). It can also be affected
by noise, outliers, and varying data density that can drag the centroids to wrong
4.1 K-means Clustering 85
positions, thereby increasing the variance. See Celebi et al. (2012) for further details
on the advantages and disadvantages of K-means clustering. Regardless of some of
its drawbacks, K-means clustering has been widely used in geosciences (Coléou et al.
2003; Matos et al. 2007; Al-Mudhafar and Bondarenko 2015; Di et al. 2018).
Artificial neural network (ANN) is perhaps the most well-known ML algorithm used
in scientific disciplines. In essence, ANNs attempt to mimic how the human brain
processes information and yields results (McCulloch and Pitts 1943; Bishop 1995;
Kordon 2010).
ANN is primarily composed of three layers: input, hidden, and output (Fig. 4.4).
These three layers are connected via neurons, which transport the information from
one layer to the next. We feed the original input features to the input layer, which
distributes them to the hidden layer. The hidden layer is the key component of the
ANN structure. It learns data structure in terms of patterns and interrelationships
among the input features, and then it distributes the learned data patterns (mathe-
matically expressed as weight) to the output layer (Bhattacharya et al. 2016). An
activation function controls the output of a node. Activation functions work as a
switch, meaning certain outputs are generated when certain relationships between the
input parameters are found. There are several activation functions, such as sigmoid,
hyperbolic tangent (tanH), rectified linear unit (ReLu), etc. We must use nonlinear
activation functions to introduce nonlinearity to ANN, otherwise, the output becomes
a simple linear function, which is not encountered in many real-world problems.
Suppose we are working on a simple supervised rock type (e.g., sandstone and
shale) classification problem using gamma-ray (GR) and neutron porosity (NPHI)
Fig. 4.4 The architecture of an artificial neural network composed of an input layer, hidden layer,
and output layer. This is an example of a feed-forward neural network
86 4 A Brief Review of Popular Machine Learning Algorithms in Geosciences
logs using ANN. The hidden layer learns the relationship between the GR and NPHI
logs and how sandstone and shale are assigned in the training dataset. Based on
physics, shale exhibits higher GR and higher NPHI values than sandstone due to
radioactivity and clay-bound water. In this case, the shale’s output nodes will be
activated if the instances in the dataset show high GR and high NPHI responses;
otherwise, the nodes for sandstone will be activated as the output.
In general, there are two types of ANN: feed-forward and back-propagation. Feed-
forward ANN is a simple type of ANN. It can be either a single-layer perceptron or a
multi-layer perceptron (MLP). In a feed-forward ANN, neurons’ connections among
different layers do not form a cycle or loop; the information flows forward (input layer
→ hidden layer → output layer). ANN modeling starts with a randomly assigned
weight, then a set of patterns is repeatedly fed forward, and then the weights of the
neurons are modified until the output values match the actual values (Bhattacharya
et al. 2016).
Why should we care about weights? It is because some inputs are more impor-
tant than others to yield output. Weights represent the strength of these inputs
(Mohaghegh 2017). In the case of a backpropagation neural network (BPNN), the
output is compared to pre-assigned output (the training dataset), and the error (or
the difference) is then propagated backward to adjust the weight of the neurons
(Fig. 4.5). This process continues iteratively until we reach a satisfactory level of
convergence between the pre-assigned output and the BPNN-derived output. BPNN
utilizes mean-squared error and gradient descent methods to update the weight of
the neurons.
What is the impact of epoch? Epochs refer to the number of cycles the full training
dataset is passed through the network, and iteration is the number of batches or steps
to complete one epoch. Geophysicists and petrophysicists are very familiar with
iterative processes from dealing with inversion modeling. Increasing the number of
Fig. 4.5 The architecture of a back propagation neural network. In such networks, the error between
a pre-assigned target response (red circle) and a model-based target response (yellow circle) is
propagated backward (blue arrows) to adjust the weight of the neurons (yellow circles)
4.2 Artificial Neural Network 87
epochs can lead to neural network memorization, which may make it overtrained.
An overtrained neural network is as useful as no model.
How do we know that a neural network model is overtrained? If the training model
performance is 100% and the test performance far less than that, the model is not
generalized. For example, the R2 for the training model can be close to 100%, but
somewhere near 30–50% for the test set. In such cases, we need to make the model
more generalized. We should keep in mind that the issue of model overfitting is not
just limited to neural networks. Several other ML algorithms are highly affected by
this phenomenon.
The obvious question is how we avoid overtraining a network. We need to update
the model hyperparameters and carefully assess the input features. In the case of
ANN, there are several other hyperparameters to control while designing the ANN
model, such as the number of hidden layers, number of hidden layer nodes, learning
rate, damping coefficient or momentum, activation functions, and number of epochs
for better optimization. Let us learn about these hyperparameters in more details.
We have already defined hidden layer. Based on experience, simple classification and
regression models can be handled with just one or two hidden layers with different
nodes. For image classification problems, I recommend using a deep neural network
with several hidden layers.
The learning rate hyperparameter corresponds to how quickly a neural network model
can learn the data patterns. The value of the learning rate ranges from zero to one. If
the learning rate is very small, the network operates slowly, and the neurons’ weight
coefficients are updated slowly. If we set learning rate to a higher value, the network
will learn quickly, but too high of a value will make it more unstable, and it may
get stuck at local minima. If the model gets stuck at the local minima, the model
performance cannot improve further (Fig. 4.6). Therefore, this hyperparameter must
be optimized. With a suitable learning rate, the loss function (or error) decays with
the number of epochs. The nature of decay determines the optimal value of the
learning rate. The optimal learning rate depends on the topology of the loss function.
Figure 4.7 shows the scenarios with different learning rates.
Although statistical software packages and programming languages provide
default values for this hyperparameter, we can fine-tune it. Smith (2018) suggests
starting the modeling with a low learning rate and increasing the rate at each iter-
ation. Smith proposed using cyclical learning rates (CLR) and learning rate range
test (LR range test) to find the optimal learning rate. If we plot the learning rate and
88 4 A Brief Review of Popular Machine Learning Algorithms in Geosciences
Fig. 4.7 Scenarios with different learning rates. A small learning rate delays the model convergence,
whereas a high learning rate make the model unstable and unpredictive
loss function with the number of iterations, we will find that at one point (or a small
region), the loss function shows the steepest descent, which after a while may get
unstable for higher learning rates. The value where we observe the steepest descent
is the optimal value of the learning rate.
4.2.3 Momentum
Fig. 4.8 A simplified concept of momentum. The arrows with different lengths indicate increasing
or decreasing momentum, depending on their instantaneous position. Green arrows indicate high
momentum on the steep gradient, whereas red arrows indicate slow momentum on the flat gradient
For optimal ANN modeling, momentum and learning rate should have an inverse
relationship. If we assign a large value to momentum, we may want to keep the
learning rate smaller. If we assign large values to both momentum and learning rate,
skipping the global minima with huge steps is possible. In such a case, the loss
function will be divergent, and test results will be unstable. It is suggested keeping
a lower learning rate and higher momentum in commonly encountered problems in
subsurface geosciences.
Fine-tuning the activation function can change ANN model performance. Figure 4.9
shows a variety of activation functions. Over the last several decades, either sigmoid
or tanH functions have been used with considerable success. However, these activa-
tion functions are suitable for traditional ANNs with one hidden layer, not for deeper
networks, as these functions saturate quickly at their minimum and maximum values,
introducing a vanishing gradient problem (discussed further in “Recurrent neural
network and long short-term memory,” below). In ANNs with many hidden layers,
the gradient diminishes drastically as it is propagated backward through the network.
By the time the error in the loss function reaches the layers, it becomes so small that
it may have minimal effect. In such cases, the network becomes unstable. We can use
either ReLu or leaky ReLu functions in these scenarios. ReLu functions are becoming
quite popular in multilayer perceptrons and convolutional neural networks, which
will be discussed later. It is also possible to assign different activation functions for
different hidden layer sets, enhancing model performance.
90 4 A Brief Review of Popular Machine Learning Algorithms in Geosciences
Fig. 4.9 Varieties of activation functions used in neural networks. Each function has its own
advantages and disadvantages
Support vector machine (SVM) is a popular ML algorithm. Unlike ANN, SVM has
only recently found applications in subsurface geosciences (Kuzma 2003; Al-Anazi
and Gates 2010; Wang et al. 2014; Bhattacharya et al. 2016; Misra et al. 2019).
Vapnik developed the SVM algorithm in the 1990’s using the kernel trick, which is
based on a solid mathematical background of statistical learning theory (Cortes and
Vapnik 1995; Christianini and Shawe-Taylor 2000; Kordon 2010). We use SVM in
both classification and regression problems. In the case of regression problems, we
refer to them as support vector regression (SVR). SVM requires fine-tuning of at
least two hyperparameters, including penalty and gamma, in the case of radial basis
functions, which I will explain below.
4.3 Support Vector Machine 91
In theory, SVM maps the original data from the input space to a higher dimensional
(or even infinite-dimensional) feature space so that the distance between each data
point increases and classification of different variables into classes becomes simpler
(Luts et al. 2010). Figure 4.10 shows the concept of SVM. We use a kernel function
for high-dimensional mapping. Essentially, these functions are projection or mapping
functions. Because we cannot perceive the data in a higher-dimensional feature space,
these functions help us see the results.
Support vectors are key features of SVM (Fig. 4.11). In the case of a simple binary
classification problem, these vectors are the data points (i.e., samples) which lie on
the boundaries of different classes (e.g., facies and fractures) during classification
(Bhattacharya et al. 2016). There can be many hyperplanes, which can distinguish
two classes. The SVM algorithm finds the optimal hyperplane, which is the farthest
from both classes. For binary classification problems, SVM assumes two planes that
Fig. 4.10 The concept of higher-dimensional mapping in support vector machines (modified after
Kordon 2010) (Reprinted/adapted by permission from Springer Nature Customer Service Centre
GmbH: Springer Nature, Machine Learning: The Ghost in the Learning Machine by AK Kordon ©
support each class and maximizes the distance (also called “margin”) between them.
The optimization problem involves pushing these parallel planes or support vectors
apart until they collide with each class’s data points. As we perform the classification,
there is still a chance that data points might be overlapping. In such cases, the data
points are not easily separable. We use the soft margin concept to penalize the data
points on the wrong side of the margin. This penalty parameter (also called “C”
or “empirical error” in SVM) allows a limited number of misclassifications to be
tolerated near the margin (Mishra and Datta-Gupta 2018). A larger C value assigns
a higher penalty to errors.
There are several kernel functions available, such as linear, polynomial, radial
basis function (RBF, also known as Gaussian kernel), sigmoid, and mixture. These
functions must meet Mercer’s conditions. Table 4.1 shows their mathematical expres-
sions. It is important to understand some of the different capabilities of kernel func-
tions in terms of their interpolation and extrapolation abilities. We commonly use
RBF and polynomial kernels in complex problems. RBF has one parameter that we
need to control: gamma. Smaller gamma values reduce the model’s ability for inter-
polation, whereas higher gamma values increase its interpolation ability. This also
depends on how close the data points are.
In the case of a polynomial kernel, the ability to interpolate and extrapolate data
depends on the polynomial degree. In general, a higher degree will have improved
interpolation ability at the cost of extrapolation, whereas a lower degree will have
increased extrapolation ability. We should keep in mind that no single parameter
of a kernel function will provide a model with both interpolation and extrapolation
properties (Zhong and Carr 2016). In such circumstances, we can use a mixture
kernel (i.e., a mixture of polynomial and RBF kernels) to preserve both properties
and provide a more robust model. How can we find a suitable kernel function and
penalty parameter? It depends on the data. Ideally, we should perform a grid-search
method to find the optimal values (Fig. 4.12).
Fig. 4.12 An example of grid search used in support vector machine (Wang et al. 2014) (Reprinted
from Computers & Geosciences, 64, G Wang, TR Carr, Y Ju, and C Li, Identifying organic-rich
Marcellus Shale lithofacies by support vector machine classifier in the Appalachian basin, 52–60,
Copyright (2014), with permission from Elsevier)
choice of good kernel functions and penalty parameters. A single kernel function
may not always be helpful. Zhong and Carr (2016) show a successful application
of mixed kernels that can overcome the limitations of individual kernels in specific
scenarios (Fig. 4.13). There are also limited infrastructure and commercial statistical
software packages available for SVM processing due to its high complexity and
Fig. 4.13 a The schematic diagram of a mixed kernel (RBF and polynomial) and b its performance
over other kernels in predicting reservoir oil minimum miscibility pressure (Zhong and Carr 2016)
(Reprinted from Fuel, 184, Z Zhong and TR Carr, Application of mixed kernels function (MKF)
based support vector regression model (SVR) for CO2 – Reservoir oil minimum miscibility pressure
prediction, 590–603, Copyright (2016), with permission from Elsevier)
4.3 Support Vector Machine 95
recent arrival. However, we can overcome this by using open-source languages, such
as Python and R.
The decision tree is a very well-known and easy-to-understand technique used in both
classification and regression problems. Belson described the first decision tree (DT)
in 1959. This algorithm produces a tree-like structure, which resembles a flowchart.
The trees are composed of three parts: the decision node, branches, and leaf node
(Fig. 4.14). DT starts at the root node (the topmost node) and ends at several leaf
nodes. It learns to partition the data based on certain conditions of the input features
in a recursive manner. Branches represent the chance outcomes connecting the root
nodes and internal nodes. DTs select a feature at each node and classify the data into
two groups based on certain thresholds.
We can think of the operation of DTs in terms of if–then conditional statements,
commonly used in programming. For example, if condition 1 and condition 2 prove
true, then outcome A occurs; otherwise, outcome B occurs. An example in petro-
physics would be if gamma-ray response is high and total organic carbon content is
high; it is probably an organic-rich mudstone, otherwise, it is an organic-lean rock.
Fig. 4.15 An example of model complexity (after Bhattacharya and Mishra 2018) showing a the
impact of the maximum depth on model performance and b the influence of the number of trees on
model performance. It is interesting to see the model performance flatten after reaching a certain level
of complexity (Reprinted from Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 170, S Bhattacharya
and S Mishra, Applications of machine learning for facies and fracture prediction using Bayesian
Network Theory and Random Forest: Case studies from the Appalachian basin, USA, 1005–1017,
Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier)
We can use a few metrics to evaluate the quality of DT models. Information gain or
entropy is the measure of the drop in the input dataset’s impurity. It is the difference
between impurity before split and average impurity after split. The gain ratio is the
ratio of the information gain over the split information. This ratio helps reduce bias
for attributes with several outcomes. The attribute which shows the highest ratio is
selected as the splitting attribute.
Gini is a simple statistical measure of the distribution in a population used to infer
the inequalities. In ML, this index measures the probability of a random variable
being incorrectly classified. The value of this index ranges from zero to one. If the
value is zero, it indicates all variables belong to a particular class, and if it is one, then
the variables are distributed across several classes. A Gini index of 0.5 represents
the equal distribution of variables across classes. We select the features with the
minimum Gini index as the splitting attribute.
The random forest (RF) algorithm is an ensemble of classification trees that can
be used in classification and regression problems using a majority voting scheme
(Breiman 2001) (Fig. 4.16). RF starts with a set of classification trees, each created
from random subsets of input data consisting of input and output variables (Mishra
and Datta-Gupta 2018). Unlike DTs, the RF algorithm starts the model training
process with many decision trees in parallel with bagging (or bootstrap aggregation).
Each decision tree in RF contains information about the random subsets of the full
98 4 A Brief Review of Popular Machine Learning Algorithms in Geosciences
Fig. 4.16 A simplified concept of random forest, which is a combination of multiple decision trees
dataset. At the end, RF aggregates all this information from the decision trees by
averaging, which reduces variance in the model. For prediction purposes, RF uses
the “out-of-bag” samples because each tree uses only a subset of the dataset. For the
mathematical principle of random forest, please see Cutler et al. 2011.
RF needs several network hyperparameters, such as the maximum depth, predictor
variables at each node, maximum features, and the total number of trees. Bhat-
tacharya and Mishra (2018) and Bhattacharya et al. (2019) show the impact of
hyperparameters on RF model performance. Using a large subsurface dataset from
the Appalachian Basin, they show that the model’s accuracy increases as the depth of
the trees (maximum depth) and the number of trees increase; however, the accuracy
flattens out (or saturates) after reaching a certain level. It is also essential to keep
in mind that increasing these two hyperparameters will increase the computational
cost, which is not always favorable. As per the number of trees in the RF, Holdaway
and Irving (2017) suggested using hundreds of decision trees for predictive modeling
in subsurface applications. Increasing the number of trees in RF can improve model
stability (Liu et al. 2017). Liu et al. (2017) also suggest that an extreme tree depth
can decrease the model’s stability, whereas a shallow depth can undesirably underfit
the model.
Apart from its application in classification and regression models, RF can be
used to analyze the importance of predictors built into it. This is a unique feature of
this algorithm. For classification problems, measures such as mean decrease impu-
rity (MDI) or Gini importance and mean decrease accuracy (MDA) or permutation
importance are used to rank the input features (Breiman 2001; Louppe 2014). RF
considers the increase or decrease of impurity with the changes in the input features
to rank them.
Unlike DTs, RF has low variance and bias. RF is an ensemble of several decision
trees containing information of different subsets of the full data, the results of which
4.4 Decision Tree and Random Forest 99
are aggregated into the final result. This reduces the DT’s overfitting problem and
error due to variance (Louppe 2014). However, RF can suffer from an overfitting
problem if the underlying decision trees have a very high variance, which could be
due to significantly high depth and a low minimum number of samples per split.
Many decision trees in a random forest can also reduce the error due to bias to an
extent (Bhattacharya and Mishra 2018).
RF is better than DT in terms of improved model performance. However, the
interpretability of the RF model could be an issue. DT-based models are very fast and
inexpensive to build. They are very useful for visualizing and explaining relationships
in the data. We can use DT over RF when we want a simple model to explain the
nature of relations, do not have enough computational power, and are not concerned
about high accuracy. However, DTs suffer from high variance factor, which is not an
issue with RF.
P(l| f )P( f )
P( f |l) = (4.2)
which P( f |l) represents the posterior probability of the target or class ( f = facies
or fracture) given the predictor (l = well logs), P( f ) represents the prior probability
of a class, P(l| f ) indicates the probability of the predictor given class information,
and P(l) is the prior probability of the predictor.
Directed acyclic graphs (DAG) are perhaps the most useful graphical represen-
tations of the BN theory. DAGs can show the direction of causality in a Bayesian
network. We can define the structure of a DAG in terms of nodes (random variables)
and arrows (Ben-Gal 2007). The nodes represent input features and output, whereas
the arrows connecting them represent the direct connection or dependence between
two variables. The input features are considered the parents, and the output is consid-
ered the descendant. Each node in the input has a conditional probability table that
quantifies the effects the parents have on the node. Figure 4.17 shows an example of
DAG in a Bayesian network problem in which three input parameters can model an
output. The presence of an arrow between two nodes indicate one influences the other
because one of them is the parent in this case, whereas the absence of an arrow indi-
cates no direct relationship between them (Hernán and Robins 2006; Thornley et al.
2013). Not all input features may be connected via arrows; they may not be directly
related to each other, but they can influence the output. We should also note that the
arrows among the input parameters and output do not form a directed cycle, so the
100 4 A Brief Review of Popular Machine Learning Algorithms in Geosciences
graph is a proper DAG. If properly used, DAGs can reveal a lot more about the data
patterns that may not be easily comprehensible by traditional statistical measures.
Of course, we do need to interpret DAGs with our domain expertise. For a detailed
mathematical treatment of causality, see Pearl (2009).
In theory, all possibly important variables are identified in a fully causal DAG,
and each variable is completely defined in terms of all possible states (Huang et al.
2008). Such a BN structure is ideal for causal analysis by domain experts. This may
be possible as a project matures with more data and interpretations.
The complexity of BN depends on the number of parents and the local score metric.
If the number of parents in BN is one, DAGs will not show any connections among
the input variables. This implies that the input features are independent (Fig. 4.18).
Although this condition simplifies the mathematical problem, many features in the
subsurface are interrelated. Therefore, setting the number of parents to one does
not reveal the true complexity of the dataset. Increasing the number of parents may
reveal complex relations between input features and output. Bhattacharya and Mishra
(2018) also found that increasing the number of parents after a certain level might
not increase the model performance (Fig. 4.19), implying saturation of the model. A
few input features may also remain disconnected because they are truly unrelated.
The other important aspect of BN theory is related to the network’s mode
of learning the network structure. There are various approaches to structural
Fig. 4.18 An example of a Bayesian network with one parent, which implies all attributes are
independent. This is not always the case, especially in petrophysics. Increasing the number of
parents will provide more insights
4.5 Bayesian Network Theory 101
Fig. 4.19 The influence of number of parents on facies classification accuracy (modified after
Bhattacharya and Mishra 2018) (Reprinted from Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 170,
S Bhattacharya and S Mishra, Applications of machine learning for facies and fracture prediction
using Bayesian Network Theory and Random Forest: Case studies from the Appalachian basin,
USA, 1005–1017, Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier)
Fig. 4.20 The influence of number of parents on facies classification accuracy (modified after
Bhattacharya and Mishra 2018) (Reprinted from Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 170,
S Bhattacharya and S Mishra, Applications of machine learning for facies and fracture prediction
using Bayesian Network Theory and Random Forest: Case studies from the Appalachian basin,
USA, 1005–1017, Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier)
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is the most widely known deep learning algo-
rithm. Recently, it has emerged as the go-to algorithm for image classification in
geoscience, especially for facies and fault classification problems. By using a CNN
on a benchmark dataset, He et al. (2016) showed an error of only 3.57% compared to
human-driven classification with an error rate of 5.1% (Russakovsky et al. 2015) on
the same benchmark dataset. Several researchers used deep learning algorithms for
automated structural and stratigraphic feature classification (Di et al. 2018; Dramsch
and Lüthje 2018; Zhao 2018; Wu et al. 2019; Alaudah et al. 2019). In general, there
are two types of CNN architecture: fully connected CNN (FCN) and encoder-decoder
4.6 Convolutional Neural Network 103
type. Both architectures have been used in geosciences, depending on the problem
and granularity.
The convolutional layer is the first unit in an FCN. We feed the input data to the first
convolutional layer, and it extracts features from the input images. Computers read
images as pixels, which we can express as the matrix x × y × z (height by width by
depth/channel). For a black-and-white image, z = 1, and for an RGB image, z = 3.
Next, we convolve a kernel function (or a filter) with the original image to produce
feature maps (Figs. 4.22, and 4.23). Feature maps are the output of the convolution
process. These maps can help us understand how CNN generates the features used
in modeling. What are the implications of the feature maps? The feature maps that
result from CNN are not same as geologic maps. They cannot be readily interpreted
by human eyes, but they do represent patterns to computers. This is an ongoing area
of research. We perform the convolutional operation by sliding the kernel over the
input data. This process is followed in multiple steps.
In the first step, the kernel function is convolved with a portion of the input data
having the same dimensions as the kernel function. This window is often called the
receptive field. After the first convolution, the pixel value of the original image in the
receptive field is multiplied by the pixel value in the kernel, which is stored in the
feature map at the exact location. It is at this stage (just before generating the feature
Fig. 4.22 The concept of convolution to generate feature maps in a convolutional neural network
Fig. 4.23 The concept of convolution in a convolutional neural network with an example. The 3
× 4 matrix on the left is the input image, which is convolved with a 2 × 2 filter to produce the 2 ×
3 feature map. The stride here is one
map) when we apply an activation function (i.e., ReLu function) to introduce non-
linearity to the CNN model. The output of the basic convolution operation passes
through the activation functions and is stored in the feature map.
In the next step, the kernel moves to the next receptive field, convolves with the
original image at that position, and generates another set of values stored in the
feature map and corresponding to that location. This process continues until all the
pixels in the original image are covered by the kernel function. We aggregate and
store all the values generated from this convolutional process in the final feature
map. The complexity of the feature map increases with the number of convolutional
layers. The initial feature map generated after the passing the image through the first
convolutional layer is simpler and closer to physically interpretable features.
Why don’t we use a kernel function whose dimension is the same as the original
image? We could, but the output results will be blurred. Using a kernel function with
a significantly smaller size than the full original image helps preserve the granularity
4.6 Convolutional Neural Network 105
Fig. 4.24 An example of different strides (one and two) on a 2 × 4 input image
of the information. A feature map’s size depends on three factors: depth, stride, and
padding (Loussaief and Abdelkrim 2018). Depth corresponds to the number of filters
used for the convolution operation. Stride is the number of pixels to skip by the filter
(or kernel) over the input matrix (Fig. 4.24). It reduces the input image’s size, which
we can express using the formula.
n+ f −1
In which n is input dimensions, f is filter size, and s is stride length. By default,
the value of stride is one. Zero-padding refers to the addition of zeroes in columns and
rows in the input matrix. The padding ensures information at the borders is retained.
After generating the high-dimensional feature map, we use a pooling layer to reduce
the number of features and complexity of the model. Essentially, the pooling layer
merges several semantically similar features into one. This process reduces training
time and variance and enhances the training model’s generalization capability by
reducing the chance of overfitting.
One of the most common methods is maximum pooling. Maximum pooling
extracts the most important features (essentially, the maximum values), such as edges.
It retains approximately one-fourth of the whole dataset (Fig. 4.25). Although we use
a pooling layer in most cases, the nature of the problem and data availability should
indicate to us whether a pooling layer is needed or not. For example, if we are working
with a small set of borehole geophysical logs or geochemical data, the feature map
produced by the convolutional layer is not significantly high-dimensional with several
features. In such cases, using a pooling layer will reduce the model performance,
which is undesirable. This is of particular importance when we have a statistically rare
output (i.e., a particular facies) that is critical to the geologic analysis. However, the
use of a pooling layer is generally recommended when working with large datasets,
such as 3D seismic and fiber-optic data.
106 4 A Brief Review of Popular Machine Learning Algorithms in Geosciences
In the next step, the final pooled feature map is fed to the fully connected layers.
Fully connected layers generate the final output (Fig. 4.26). These layers receive
the previous layers’ output and flatten them to transform them into a single vector.
The output can be discrete or continuous in nature, depending on the problem (i.e.,
classification and regression).
Because of the issues related to pooling layers in FCN, which results in blurred
output with localization problems, some researchers prefer using an encoder-decoder
network (Badrinarayanan et al. 2015). Encoders detect and classify objects, whereas
decoders locate objects in the image accurately. The encoder’s role is to encode the
input data into a feature vector that captures its semantic information, which is then
passed into the decoder that generates the best possible match to the actual or intended
output. These networks are popular in natural language processing. Recently, several
researchers have used this technique to classify faults, facies, channels, salt bodies,
etc. using seismic data (Alaudah et al. 2019; Di et al. 2018; Pham et al. 2019; Sen
et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2019).
Encoders contain stacks of convolutional layers with batch-normalization and
activation functions, followed by pooling layers (Fig. 4.27). Please note that the
fully connected layer is removed from the encoder. This makes the network signif-
icantly smaller and easier to train (Badrinarayanan et al. 2015). Generally, the
decoder component contains stacks of deconvolution layers and unpooling layers.
The deconvolution layers attempt to recover feature maps at the original size, recov-
ering the spatial dimensions. This is also known as the semantic segmentation. Both
deconvolution (or transpose convolution) and unpooling layers facilitate upsampling.
We can design an encoder-decoder network in different ways using hyperpa-
rameter optimization strategies. In general, a deep encoder-decoder network can
outperform a shallow one to an extent; however, it depends on the problem and
computational cost. In a conventional U-net or encoder-decoder architecture, each
decoder block receives input from the corresponding encoder block. However, Sen
et al. (2019) show a modification in which the decoders can also receive input from the
encoder blocks below it. This puts constraints on the upsampling operation. We can
also optimize the stride in the decoder layer. A smaller stride implies reconstruction
of more details in the output.
There are several hyperparameters to fine-tune in CNN. We can classify these hyper-
parameters into two types: spatial feature learning and training. Table 4.2 shows
some of these hyperparameters (Mboga et al. 2017). Some researchers keep the
training hyperparameters constant while varying the spatial feature learning hyper-
parameters; however, there are several studies in which both types are optimized. For
optimization, we use grid search, random search, weighted random search, genetic
algorithm, etc. (Hinz et al. 2018; Andoine and Florea 2020).
Recent studies in geosciences show the popular use of two or more convolutional
and pooling layers. So, how many layers do we need to use? It depends on the
complexity of the problem and the dataset fed to the model. Multiple convolutional
layers increase the number of features extracted from the data to analyze the complex
problem. In contrast, multiple pooling layers reduce model complexity and prevent
it from being overfitted. We can keep the size of each convolutional layer the same
or we can vary them. Wu et al. (2019) shows an example of six convolutional layers,
in which every two consecutive layers (i.e., first and second, third and fourth, fifth
and sixth layers) have the same dimensions. In general, deep neural networks with
several convolutional and pooling layers provide good results. However, we may lose
the object’s location-related information as the network becomes deeper (Alaudah
et al. 2019). We must be careful to check the degree of information loss.
Fully annotated datasets are critical to building a good CNN model. This is an ideal
approach in which domain experts use their knowledge to interpret a portion of the
subsurface data to be used to train the model. For example, a structural geologist
would know more about faults, fractures, and their relationship to rock rheology and
tectonics than a computer scientist would. Similarly, a stratigrapher would be more
knowledgeable about the stratigraphic sequences and underlying first-order to fourth-
order causal mechanisms, such as global sea-level change, changes in local flow
conditions, accommodation space, etc. In such cases, we can use either patch-based
analysis or section-based analysis in CNN.
Patch-based analysis is based on training the model on randomly selected patches
extracted from the input data (i.e., inline and crosslines in a 3D seismic survey).
4.6 Convolutional Neural Network 109
The amount of publicly available subsurface data has been sluggishly increasing in the
recent years that we can use to test models, for example, SEG SEAM dataset and the
F3 3D seismic dataset in the Netherlands. These datasets contain certain structural and
stratigraphic features (e.g., folds, faults, clinoforms, etc.) that are present in several
other areas in the world. We can use such annotated public data for training and testing
models with our own dataset. However, we must be careful with annotations, feature
scaling, signal-to-noise ratio, etc. for public data. This approach is not recommended
if we are not convinced of the relation between the geology and the geophysical and
petrophysical features between the two datasets.
Using synthetic data is a very efficient and popular approach in the geophysics
community because manual annotation of a real dataset is expensive in terms of time
and cost. We can generate synthetic seismic and well-log data using fundamental
principles of geophysics and signal processing. With this approach, we can generate
thousands of synthetic images for model training (Wu et al. 2019). With synthetic
4.6 Convolutional Neural Network 111
data, we can overcome the common class imbalance problem that comes with real-
world data.
If the amount of data is still too low for deep learning, we can perform data
augmentation with horizontal flips and rotations of the data (Alaudah et al. 2019; Wu
et al. 2019). Apart from flip and rotation, we can also use other image transformational
techniques, such as shifting, exposure adjustment, contrast change, etc. However,
the class imbalance problem may persist after these operations. Xie and Tu (2015)
proposed applying a balanced cross-entropy function in such cases, which Wu et al.
(2019) implemented in seismic data for structural analysis in the Netherlands, Costa
Rica, and Brazil. I recommend applying different strategies, depending on dataset,
time, cost, and—most importantly—the underlying geology. Overly sophisticated
ML models that cannot resolve real-world geologic problems are not useful and
should be discarded.
We often work with time series data or spatiotemporal data when the occurrence of
a previous event influences a current event. These types of problems are common
in geosciences, for example when we analyze geochemical, well log, seismic, and
production data. These datasets may contain both regional and local patterns. The
local patterns in the previous event often influence the current event. Traditional
neural networks are not known for using reasoning about previous events to inform
later events. It is also due to our assumption that the datasets in ML are independent
and identically distributed through their length. Unfortunately, this is not true in
most cases, especially with dynamic data (Fig. 4.28). Recurrent neural networks
Fig. 4.29 The simplified architecture of a recurrent neural network. We can use it in sequence data
(time series and depth series)
(RNNs) are designed to handle this issue. RNNs can capture the temporal dynamics
of sequences. Unlike traditional ANN, the output of RNN not only depends on the
current input, but also the previous inputs, making it perfect for sequence analysis.
The sequence could be time series, depth series, and text, etc.
RNNs have loops that pass information from one step to the next (Fig. 4.29).
We can decompose a RNN into several small, time-dependent neural networks in
which the information from a previous network is fed to the next network. We also
call these long-term dependencies. Hopfield (1982) introduced the early version of
RNNs, which was later modified significantly. Although in theory, RNN can handle
long-term dependencies, in reality, it cannot. RNNs can efficiently learn data patterns
if the distance between the previous event (from where the relevant information is
needed) and the current event is small. If the distance grows, the power of RNNs
diminish (vanishing gradient problem). Long short-term memory (LSTM) networks
are specially designed to handle this issue.
Hochreiter and Schmidhuber proposed LSTM in 1997. LSTM networks address
the vanishing gradient problem found in conventional RNNs by incorporating several
gating functions into their state dynamics (Karim et al. 2018). At each time step,
an LSTM network contains a hidden vector and a memory vector responsible for
controlling state updates and outputs. LSTM networks learn relationships among
data during a long-time interval using memory cells that record their states. An
LSTM network contains a cell state and three gates (input, output, and forget gates).
Figure 4.30 shows an LSTM architecture. The cell state runs straight down the
entire chain in the LSTM network, with only some interactions with the gates. This
allows the information to transfer along it. Gates regulate the addition or removal
of information to or from the network. The forget gate layer controls which value
4.7 Recurrent Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory 113
to keep and throw away, expressed in terms of one and zero. The sigmoid function
in the forget gate layer passes the information from the previous hidden state and
information from the current input.
Why do we need a forget gate layer? It is because we are often interested in certain
parts of the sequence, not the other parts, which we want to throw away. The input
gate layer decides which information is updated and stored in the cell state. The
output gate layer controls what parts of the cell state should propagate to the next
layer or output. It basically controls the output flow.
There are several variants of LSTM networks. These include bidirectional LSTM
(Schuster and Paliwal 1997), peephole connections (Gers et al. 2000), LSTM with
attention (Bahdanau et al. 2014), and multiplicative LSTM (Krause et al. 2016), etc.
Each of these variants has certain advantages over others. There have been a limited
number of comparative studies of these variants (Greff et al. 2017).
LSTM networks have a few important hyperparameters, such as the number of
nodes (neurons), epochs, batch size, layers, dropout rate, regularization, and activa-
tion function, etc., which we need to optimize. The number of neurons is an important
hyperparameter. Increasing it helps the model performance; however, we run the risk
of overfitting. Several diagnostic tests reveal that the number of epochs has control
over the LSTM model performance. In general, the error reduces with the increase in
the number of epochs; however, after crossing a threshold, the error starts increasing
due to overtraining. The batch size controls the frequency of weight updates for the
LSTM network. It is the number of samples to be run by the model at a time. In
general, the batch size is less than the total number of samples. If the batch size is
significantly less than the total number of samples in the dataset, the LSTM model
runs fast with less memory requirements, but the model may not be very stable
114 4 A Brief Review of Popular Machine Learning Algorithms in Geosciences
because the network cannot see most of the data at a time to recognize full patterns
in the sequence. This results in higher variance, which is undesirable. On the other
hand, increasing the batch size will stabilize the model with reduced variance, but
the computational cost will be high. In small datasets, keeping the batch size as close
as possible to the total number of samples is ideal. Similar to CNN, we can add
dropout to the LSTM network architecture to avoid overfitting (Cheng et al. 2017).
Figure 4.31 shows an example of such network. This architecture ignores randomly
selected neurons during training and thereby reduces the corresponding weights of
those neurons. Thus, the generalization capability of the LSTM network increases
with the addition of a dropout layer.
many cases, certain algorithms cannot find the true function for classification. An
ensemble can form weighted sums of contributions from individual algorithms to
expand the space, finding the most representable functions.
There are a few methods to construct an ensemble or committee machine
(CM). Gholami and Ansari (2017) combined an optimized neural network, support
vector regressor, and fuzzy logic to estimate porosity from seismic attributes. The
final output of the CM estimated from the optimized individual models can be
mathematically expressed as.
one regime in such a dynamic system, we would not be able to correctly predict fluid
flow. In a small data regime, the vast majority of state-of-the-art ML techniques lack
robustness and fail to converge (Raissi et al. 2019). We also have no mechanism for
comprehending and understanding the meaning of the feature space and attributes
computed automatically by deep learning algorithms.
The bottom line is the application of ML, however computationally powerful,
will generate serious obstacles and negative impacts to scientific development if we
do not integrate them with physical, chemical, biological, and engineering under-
standing of the system. This is the one of the profound ways we can increase the FOV
of ML models in geosciences. We need physics-inspired or physics-informed ML
approaches to solve complex geoscience problems. Figure 4.33 shows the concept
of physics-informed ML. We can also call it a chemistry-infomed ML if we infuse
chemistry-based rules into the model.
The main tenet of ML is that it can map complex non-linear functions with high
accuracy in a limited time using limited input features (Raissi et al. 2019). This
fundamental proposition fails when the input features are not physics-based or at least
physics-aware, when inputs are collected only from certain parts of a system, or when
models do not provide causal insights. We should keep in mind that ML algorithms
have good interpolation capabilities, but not extrapolation. ML-based systems will
not develop the extrapolation ability without physics-based information, at least not
in geoscience. There is a well-established body of subsurface geoscience that is based
on specific physical/chemical laws and empirical relations based on numerous lab
and field-based experiments, such as plate tectonics, sequence stratigraphy, seismic
wave propagation, anisotropy, etc. We should use this prior information as an agent
of regularization in ML-based modeling, which would allow only a certain set of
meaningful solutions and discard other, non-realistic solutions. Moseley et al. (2019)
showed how the addition of causality and physical phenomenon (such as dilation) in
deep learning models improved performance in simulating seismic wave propagation
and convergence of the solution over the traditional application of CNN algorithms.
Physics-informed ML is a growing area of research (Willard et al. 2020) with game-
changing potential in geosciences.
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References 119
Access to high-quality data is the foremost issue for building ML-based models.
Often, our subsurface datasets are noisy and contain outliers. Outliers skew the statis-
tical relations among parameters. Bad data points affect any inversion modeling and
ML-based classification and regression results. If we use such data in our modeling
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 123
S. Bhattacharya, A Primer on Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences,
SpringerBriefs in Petroleum Geoscience & Engineering,
124 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
(e.g., facies classification), the results will not be meaningful and consistent. It
will result in wrong estimates of rock and fluid properties, and ultimately reservoir
estimates. Therefore, quality assurance and check (QA/QC) of data are important.
Outliers can result from different reasons, including subsurface conditions (e.g.,
borehole washout), tool functions, and the formation itself. For the last one, we need
to be aware of the geologic context. We can remove, replace, and transform outliers,
depending on the nature of the outlier, dataset, and problem, but we need to detect
them first. The problem is implementing a consistent outlier detection process in a
large database covering a large area. For example, density and neutron logging tools
get affected by bad boreholes, measured by the caliper log. Often, there are washout
zones in the borehole. Traditionally, petrophysicists look at the individual wells and
flag the bad measurement zones based on the caliper log response and reconstruct
the logs manually to the best possible extent (Fig. 5.1). In addition, bad boreholes
(e.g., large, rugose, and tight) affect different wireline logs differently, which makes
the process more difficult. This takes a significant amount of time, and sometimes
the results may not be consistent across the whole basin, depending on the tool types,
variable responses, vendors, and calibration. We can use ML to identify clusters of
Fig. 5.1 An example of a borehole washout zone (yellow arrow), corresponding responses of bulk
density and neutron porosity logs (raw), and manually edited density and neutron porosity logs
5.1 Outlier Detection 125
good and bad measurements in an unsupervised manner. Sen et al. (2020) demon-
strated an example of the ML-assisted automatic detection of bad density measure-
ment in hundreds of wells in the Permian Basin in the United States (Fig. 5.2). They
used an unsupervised time-series clustering algorithm (Toeplitz Inverse Covariance
Clustering, TICC) on the caliper and density logs to automatically generate labels of
good and bad log response. Once they generated the labels, they used supervised ML
algorithms to predict the bad measurements in boreholes, with no available caliper
logs. They used the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) technique
to balance the samples corresponding to good and bad data because the number of
outliers is always smaller than the actual signal; otherwise, ML-based results would
have been highly skewed. Misra et al. (2019) used unsupervised ML algorithms,
such as one-class support vector machine (SVM) and density-based spatial clus-
tering of applications with noise (DBSCAN), to detect outliers in well log data. Such
applications of class-based ML are beneficial in geosciences.
Fig. 5.2 Density log prediction results for two test wells a and b using light gradient boosting
machine-based models trained on a large dataset in the Permian Basin (United States) before (Model
1) and after (Model 2) removal of bad hole sections, as predicted by TICC algorithm (Sen et al.
2020) (Permission granted from SPWLA)
5.2 Petrophysical Log Analysis 127
Fig. 5.3 Predicted lithofacies probability curve, predicted discrete lithofacies curve, and actual
lithofacies curve for 10 cored wells, St. Louis Limestone: a predicted facies probability plot;
b predicted lithofacies plot; and c actual lithofacies plot (Qi and Carr 2006) (Reprinted from
Computers & Geosciences, 32/7, L Qi and TR Carr, Neural network prediction of carbonate lithofa-
cies from well logs, Big Bow and Sand Arroyo Creek fields, Southwest Kansas, 947–964, Copyright
(2006), with permission from Elsevier)
Fig. 5.4 Interpolated color filled lithofacies cross-section (Qi and Carr 2006) (Reprinted from
Computers & Geosciences, 32/7, L Qi and TR Carr, Neural network prediction of carbonate lithofa-
cies from well logs, Big Bow and Sand Arroyo Creek fields, Southwest Kansas, 947–964, Copyright
(2006), with permission from Elsevier)
5.2 Petrophysical Log Analysis 129
Fig. 5.5 Vug prediction across a few wells (modified after Howat et al. 2016). Spinner tool response
indicates injectivity of fluid. Note wells with higher vug probability have higher injectivity. This is
critical to fluid storage (water, carbon, and hydrogen) studies (Permission received)
they trained the model using five wells and tested it on the held-out well in a recursive
manner until all wells were tested. They found the SVM model as the top performer
with a 78% correct classification rate. Their ultimate product was a vug model with
probabilistic estimates (Fig. 5.5). Recently, Deng et al. (2019) successfully imple-
mented used SVM, RF, and ANN to predict vugs using conventional logs, nuclear
magnetic resonance, and core data in Kansas. They found the SVM classifier to be
the most efficient algorithm.
Mudstone facies classification is considered relatively complex compared to sand-
stone and carbonate formations for several reasons. Mudstones are heterogeneous
at different scales, and they have more vertical heterogeneity than lateral hetero-
geneity because of depositional conditions. Wang (2012), Bhattacharya et al. (2015),
Bhattacharya et al. (2016), and Bhattacharya and Mishra (2018) classified several
mudstone facies in the Marcellus and Bakken Shales in North America using ML
algorithmss. These are prolific hydrocarbon source-rocks. Using 10 conventional
well logs (including feature-engineered petrophysical response), Bhattacharya et al.
(2016) and Bhattacharya and Mishra (2018) classified up to six mudstone facies
in the Marcellus Shale (Fig. 5.6). They showed that RF and SVM models could
classify with up to 81–82% accuracy. They also used Bayesian Network to provide
insights into the relationship between predictors and facies. They show that gamma-
ray, deep resistivity, and bulk density logs are more influential than others to classify
mudstone facies. In addition to classification, they also used multi-resolution graph-
based clustering (MRGC) to compare the results with supervised classification. It
130 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
Fig. 5.6 An example of well log-based carbonate and mudstone facies classification using four
ML algorithms (e.g., SVM, ANN, SOM, and MRGC) across the Tully-Marcellus interval in the
Appalachian Basin, United States (after Bhattacharya et al. 2016). SVM and ANN are better predic-
tors than SOM and MRGC (Reprinted from Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 33,
S Bhattacharya, TR Carr, and M Pal, Comparison of supervised and unsupervised approaches
for mudstone lithofacies classification: Case studies from the Bakken and Mahantango-Marcellus
Shale, USA, 1119–1133, Copyright (2016), with permission from Elsevier)
is important to realize that well log-based facies have coarser resolution than core-
based facies. Similar studies can be done with core-based continuous rock properties
(e.g., core-based spectral gamma-ray and x-ray fluorescence profiles).
Most often, ML-based facies classification studies stop at basic R2 and simple
error estimates. Based on several studies, it does appear that we find errors in classi-
fication in two different patterns. The first one happens at the boundaries of forma-
tion/members, and the second one happens inside the same class when one of the
predictors change its behavior drastically from its previous sample in the same well or
study area. Many times, the first type of error happens due to the shoulder-bed effect
(bed thickness below log resolution) and the inability of ML to extrapolate beyond
5.2 Petrophysical Log Analysis 131
Fig. 5.7 An example of the application of a transparent open box algorithm for facies classification
in a gas field in Algeria. This algorithm attempts to improve facies prediction near transition zones
(Wood 2019) (Reprinted from Marine and Petroleum Geology, 110, DA Wood, Lithofacies and
stratigraphy prediction methodology exploiting an optimized nearest-neighbour algorithm to mine
well-log data, 347–367, Copyright (2019), with permission from Elsevier)
the boundaries. This can particularly affect mudstones and laminated shaly-sand
sequences (composed of thin beds). To tackle these challenges, Wood (2018, 2019)
proposed the application of a new algorithm- transparent open box (TOB) learning
network, which is a modified version of RF. This network rather focuses on reducing
errors in classification. Wood (2019) applied this algorithm with a moderate success
to the Triassic reservoir section of the giant Hassi R’Mel gas field in Algeria. As per
Wood (2019), TOB-based modeling can provide an understanding of the causes of
the few data prediction errors, and these errors can be rectified in several instances
if properly calibrated (Fig. 5.7).
samples, petrographic thin sections, micro-CT images, and image logs for fracture
identification. Keep in mind that the access to core samples and image logs is limited
due to cost and time, which is why, ML-based fracture classification using conven-
tional logs can be a good alternative approach. In addition, the interpretation of image
logs can be highly subjective at times.
Caliper: The caliper log typically shows two types of responses in a fracture zone. It
may show borehole elongation along the main direction of fracture orientations due to
breakage of fractured rocks during drilling (Tokhmchi et al. 2010). Caliper response
may also indicate a reduced borehole size, since high permeability in fracture zones
leads to the presence of a thick mud cake, especially when lost circulation material
or heavily weighted mud is employed (Tokhmchi et al. 2010). As caliper log alone
cannot give precise and readily interpretable information about fractures, a secondary
attribute (called Delta_CALI) can be calculated by subtracting the bit size from the
caliper response (Bhattacharya and Mishra 2018). A high positive value indicates
fractures and/or cavings (weak formation), whereas a high negative value indicates
tight spots. Two-arm caliper logs are useful to separate wellbore breakout from
washout zones.
Gamma-ray: Sometimes, an increase in gamma-ray is observed in fractured reservoirs
without concurrently higher shale volume due to uranium salts’ deposition along the
fractures. Access to spectral gamma-ray could be a good predictor in such cases.
Sonic: An increase in travel time is expected due to the presence of fractures (if open
or fluid-filled).
Bulk Density: We can expect a reduction in density in case of open fractures due to
an increase in total porosity.
Resistivity: We often find a difference between shallow and deep resistivity logs in
open fractures (Vasvári 2011) and invaded by drilling mud. We have to be careful
about the sign of the deviation as it is controlled by the resistivity of the mud filtrate
(Shazly and Tarabees 2013).
There have been limited studies on ML-based fracture classification using well logs
(Ja’fari et al. 2011; Zazoun 2013; Bhattacharya and Mishra 2018; Dong et al. 2020).
There are a few major issues to fracture identification using well logs; first, no
individual conventional wireline logs can identify fractures effectively. Second, it is
5.2 Petrophysical Log Analysis 133
a problem with an imbalanced dataset (far less fractures than no fractures). Zazoun
(2013) studied fractures from core and conventional well logs using ANN in the
Cambro-Ordovician sandstone reservoir of Mesdar oil field, Algeria. Zazoun (2013)
used core measurements from 13 wells and used it to supervise the ANN model with
conventional logging suites (e.g., caliper, gamma-ray, sonic, density, and neutron
porosity) (Fig. 5.8). Three types of fractures were identified, including open, sealed,
and closed fractures. After applying feature scaling, Zazoun assigned 70% of the
Fig. 5.8 Core and equivalent conventional logs showing fracture parameters and grain size distri-
bution in a well in the Saharan Platform in Algeria (Zazoun 2013). GR, DT, Caliper, NPHI, and
RHOB logs have a subtle response to fractures. The caliper log shows changes in its response due to
the presence of larger fractures or fracture zone. In case of open fractures, density and velocity log
responses decrease. Black bars in the first track from the left indicate the fractured zones (Reprinted
from Journal of African Earth Sciences, 83, RS Zazoun, Fracture density estimation from core and
conventional well logs data using artificial neural networks: The Cambro-Ordovician reservoir of
Mesdar oil field, Algeria, 55–73, Copyright (2013), with permission from Elsevier)
134 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
training data and the remaining 30% for test and validation. The ANN with the
conjugate gradient descent approach performed better than other ANN models (e.g.,
back-propagation). The model showed a high correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.948)
between real fractures and predicted fracture density (Fig. 5.9).
Fig. 5.9 A comparison between the real and predicted fracture density in the test well in the Saharan
Platform in Algeria (Zazoun 2013). The numbers of real and predicted fractures per meter present
approximately the same value for the Ri and Ra Units (Reprinted from Journal of African Earth
Sciences, 83, RS Zazoun, Fracture density estimation from core and conventional well logs data
using artificial neural networks: The Cambro-Ordovician reservoir of Mesdar oil field, Algeria,
55–73, Copyright (2013), with permission from Elsevier)
5.2 Petrophysical Log Analysis 135
Poro-perm and fluid saturation are critical petrophysical properties. We can derive
porosity from conventional well logs, but we need different empirical equations
and advanced logs such as NMR to derive permeability and fluid saturation. We
often acquire such data from routine core analyses and calibrate them to wireline log
responses. Similar to classification, geoscientists have been using ML for regression-
related problems for the last two decades (Bhatt 2002; Al-Anazi and Gates 2010;
Zhong et al. 2019).
Helle et al. (2001) and Bhatt (2002) applied ANN to predict porosity and perme-
ability using conventional well logs for a basin-wide fluid flow analysis project in
the Viking Graben, North Sea. Bhatt used both synthetic and real well log data (e.g.,
density, sonic, and resistivity) for model training and implementation (Fig. 5.10).
Core-based grain density data were used to derive the porosity from the core samples;
these are the best possible estimates of in-situ porosity values. 80% of the data
was used for model training and the remaining 20% for testing. They trained 20
neural networks with the same input data but with different initial weights, out of
which they selected nine networks with minimum bias using a committee machine
approach. Helle et al. (2001) showed the ANN-based model showed R in one well
0.89 (Fig. 5.11). ML-based porosity showed a good match with core-based porosity
in most of the formations under study; however, it did not work well in the formations
with thin beds and coal layers. This is beacuse input well logs have coarser resolu-
tion than thin beds; therefore, the ML-model trained using such input data yielded a
low-resolution prediction. In such cases, the application of high-resolution advanced
petrophysical logs or even feeding some core-based information (such as empirical
relations or transforms) back to the ML-model could be useful.
Since the 2000s, geoscientists used several traditional ML algorithms to predict
poro-perm values successfully (Mohaghegh and Ameri 1995; Rogers et al. 1995;
Bhatt 2002; Al-Anazi and Gates 2012). Bhatt and Helle (2002) and Bhatt (2002)
also used ML to predict permeability using conventional well logs. In general, we
estimate permeability using the Kozeny-Carman equation, NMR logs, and well test
data. The common practice is using core-based porosity–permeability transforms and
using that to predict permeability from porosity logs. Bhatt and Helle (2002) imple-
mented a simple neural network and a modular neural network on both synthetic and
real log data (e.g., gamma-ray, density, neutron, and sonic) to predict permeability.
Similar to porosity prediction, they used synthetic log data to design the optimal
ML-architecture. Because the permeability values have a large range, the training
dataset was split into three permeability ranges, and then both ensemble and modular
combinations were applied on. Each module was assigned to predict permeability
in a given range, and the modules, in turn, are combined to cover the entire range.
Figure 5.12 shows the model-driven results, bias, and variance. The final R values
after ML-based modeling varied between 0.73 and 0.83 (Bhatt 2002).
136 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
Fig. 5.11 Model performance on predicting porosity (Helle et al. 2001) (Permission granted from
the EAGE Publications)
5.2 Petrophysical Log Analysis 137
Fig. 5.12 a A comparison of permeability predicted by a single ANN and CM ANN. The circles
show the sections of improvement. b Error distributions from both ANN models (after Bhatt and
Helle 2002) (Permission granted from the EAGE Publications)
Fig. 5.13 CNN-predicted permeability in a formation (Zhong et al. 2019). Also see Fig. 3.2 in
Chapter 3 from the same study (Permission granted from SEG)
was used to train the fully connected CNN model for permeability prediction. The
CNN model consisted of two convolutional layers and two fully connected layers,
without any pooling layer. The model showed R2 between CNN-based permeability
and ~0.92, with MAE and AAE being 69.7293 and 12.1739 for the test data, which
is significantly good (Fig. 5.13). They also showed that CNN performed better than
the genetic algorithm-back propagation neural networks.
Fluid saturation is another important petrophysical parameter. Apart from direct
onsite fluid sampling and lab-based measurements, we use several conventional
log-based empirical models to estimate water saturation (e.g., Archie, Simandoux,
Waxmann-Smits, etc.). Apart from specific petrophysical parameters, these models
use porosity and resistivity logs for saturation estimates. Each of these empirical
models applies to certain reservoir conditions, and they have their own assumptions.
Archie’s equation applies to porous sandstone reservoirs, whereas the Simandoux
method is more applicable to low-resistivity shaly-sand reservoirs often found in
deltaic settings. However, it requires the knowledge of cementation factor, satura-
tion exponent, shale resistivity, etc. We can either measure these parameters in the
lab or assume certain values based on analogs, none of which are always possible.
Carbonate reservoirs pose another set of problems due to the fabric, pore size and
type. We can use data-driven techniques in water saturation estimates.
Bhatt (2002) implemented MLP neural network on synthetic and real well logs
(resistivity, density, neutron porosity, and sonic) for water saturation estimates in
the North Sea. Because of multi-phase fluid in the subsurface, Bhatt also applied
a committee machine for each fluid type (oil, gas, and water), with each network
consisting of several individually trained neural networks connected in parallel. This
model architecture resulted in an overall error reduction by order of magnitude. Khan
et al. (2018) applied ANN and ANFIS to predict water saturation using conventional
logging suites. The ANN model (with one hidden layer and 20 neurons with an epoch
5.2 Petrophysical Log Analysis 139
of about 6,000) showed R2 of about 0.92, with an MSE of 0.07, whereas the ANFIS
model showed slightly better performance, with an R2 of about 0.96, with a similar
MSE. Oruganti et al. (2019) used a tree-based algorithm (XGBoost) to predict gas
saturation in a tight gas field in North America.
Total organic carbon (TOC) is one of the most important properties to evaluate
the source rock potential. We measure TOC in the lab using different pyrolysis
techniques, such as Rock–eval and Hawk pyrolysis. Because of the paucity of core
samples, geoscientists have proposed different empirical equations to estimate TOC
from conventional well logs over the years (Schmoker and Hester 1983; Passey
et al. 1990; Bowman 2010). Although these methods have been widely used across
the unconventional plays, they have several limitations due to certain assumptions.
Schmoker’s method (1983) that uses a density log for TOC estimates assumes any
change in the bulk density is due to the presence or absence of low-density kerogen.
This equation does not consider the effect of thermal maturity on kerogen properties.
Passey’s method (1990) uses sonic and resistivity logs for TOC estimates. However,
these methods assume similar rock composition, texture, and compaction of the shale
formation, which is not true. In addition, the use of the level of maturity (LOM) is
another weakness of this technique since it is an uncommon measure (Wang et al.
2016). In addition, the sonic log is not always applicable to correct TOC estimates.
Zhu et al. (2019) replaced the sonic log with a gamma-ray log to estimate TOC using
Passey’s technique, which provided a better match with core data in the Marcellus
Shale. This implies that the original Passey’s technique is not applicable to all the
plays worldwide.
Tan et al. (2015), Mahmoud et al. (2017), and Zhu et al. (2019) used ML for TOC
estimates using conventional wireline logging suites. Tan et al. (2015) performed a
systematic study to estimate TOC in the Jiumenchong Shale in China using various
Support Vector Regressor algorithms (such as Epsilon-SVR, Nu-SVR, and SMO-
SVR). They started with a combination of gamma-ray, resistivity, density, photoelec-
tric, neutron porosity, sonic, uranium, potassium, and thorium content to estimate
TOC. Their study showed that SVR could be used successfully to estimate TOC with
an accuracy of about 83% and MAE of 0.78. They found the RBF function working
as the best kernel with their dataset. They also showed model performance with
different combinations of well logs and found that the drop of the sonic log results in
a significant drop in model performance. SVR-based TOC performed better than the
Passey’s method. Figures 5.14 and 5.15 show the results from the study. Recently,
Zhu et al. (2019) applied deep learning to predict TOC in the Longmaxi and Wufeng
formations in the Sichuan Basin of China using conventional logging suites. Because
well log interpretation is a problem that involves small sample size, and traditional
deep learning with strong feature extraction ability cannot be directly used in such
cases; Zhu et al. (2019) used a combination of unsupervised learning and semi-
supervised learning in an integrated deep learning model. The model uses a small
140 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
Fig. 5.14 A comparison of the optimal SVR-based TOC prediction results with core data (Tan
et al. 2015) (Reprinted from Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 26, M Tan, X Song,
X Yang, and Q Wu, Support-vector-regression machine technology for total organic carbon content
prediction from wireline logs in organic shale: A comparative study, 792–802, Copyright (2015),
with permission from Elsevier)
number of labeled samples to build a complex neural network model with more
hidden layers for TOC prediction. The model showed better performance (with an
MSE of 0.85) than many classic ML models, such as generalized neural network,
back-propagation neural network, and random forest, etc.
Fig. 5.15 SVR-based TOC prediction with different wireline logs as model inputs. The SVR-based
results with nine- and six-log inputs (TOC9 and TOC6) are consistent with the core-based TOC
data, compared to the SVR model with two- or three-log inputs (TOC2 and TOC3) (after Tan et al.
2015) (Reprinted from Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 26, M Tan, X Song, X
Yang, and Q Wu, Support-vector-regression machine technology for total organic carbon content
prediction from wireline logs in organic shale: A comparative study, 792–802, Copyright (2015),
with permission from Elsevier)
core plugs. The common practice is deriving these properties using multi-component
sonic logs (such as dipole sonic). Dipole sonic logs provide both P-wave and S-wave
velocity information. However, operators do not always collect these advanced logs
due to the cost and time.
Mohaghegh (2017) used ANN to predict geomechanical properties using various
sets of conventional well logs drilled through the Marcellus Shale in the Appalachian
Basin of the United States. They generated synthetic geomechanical logs for 50 wells
142 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
out of 80 wells in the study area, which did not have such logs before (Fig. 5.16).
Based on the availability of different sets of conventional logs (such as gamma-ray,
sonic porosity, and bulk density) in different wells, they generated different groups
of wells for the implementation of ANN. In addition to these limited logs, they also
added location, depth, and general facies information to constrain the results. This
makes sense because the sonic log responses and derived geomechanical properties
will vary depending on the Marcellus Shale’s depth and location in the basin and its
facies variation. After performing the blind tests and evaluating the model results for
each well, Mohaghegh used those logs to generate maps to see the lateral variation
of geomechanical properties in the study area (Fig. 5.17). We can use ML for this
kind of problem for efficient resource recovery, especially in mature basins, where
we have various logging data collected over the decades.
Fig. 5.16 An example of predicted geomechanical logs in a blind-test well in the Appalachian Basin,
United States (after Mohaghegh 2017) (Reprinted/adapted by permission from Springer Nature
Customer Service Centre GmbH: Springer Nature, Shale Analytics, Synthetic Geomechanical Logs
by SD Mohaghegh © 2017)
5.2 Petrophysical Log Analysis 143
Fig. 5.17 Distribution of geomechanical properties in the Marcellus Shale before and after ML-
modeling. The figures on the left side represent the maps generated using data from 30 wells,
whereas the figures on the right side represent the maps generated using synthetic geomechanical
logs from 80 wells (after Mohaghegh 2017) (Reprinted/adapted by permission from Springer Nature
Customer Service Centre GmbH: Springer Nature, Shale Analytics, Synthetic Geomechanical Logs
by S.D. Mohaghegh © 2017)
We can use ML to predict missing logs and process existing logs, such as removing
noise. Here is an example from a well in the Umiat area on the North Slope, Alaska.
The problem was to determine accurate fluid saturation from well log data; however,
we can observe several spikes on most of the log curves in the well (Fig. 5.18). The
density log is particularly bad (not due to borehole washout in this case), which
cannot be used for any meaningful petrophysical analysis. The blue curve shows the
original curve (available data), and the black curve shows the despiked curves after
Basic filtering was applied to the original well logs in the well, but the results did
not improve much. ML was implemented to predict a good-quality density log in
the well using good-quality gamma-ray, neutron porosity, photoelectric, and sonic
logs. A single hidden layer neural network was used for this purpose. For this study,
well logs from two nearby wells (within a kilometer) were used to build a ML model
that can learn the relation between the good-quality density log (i.e., output) and all
144 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
Fig. 5.18 Conventional wireline logs from a well in northern Alaska. Red curves represent the
original log data, and the blue ones indicate the despiked data after filtering. Bulk density curve is
particularly bad for any meaningful petrophysical analysis
other well logs (i.e., input) and predict the desired output (i.e., density log) in the
target well. Figure 5.19 shows the reconstructed density log for the target well. The
Fig. 5.19 A well log display showing the despiked logs such as gamma (first track) and neutron
porosity (second track), photoelectric (third track), original density and predicted density (both in
fourth track) logs for the target well. ML-predicted density log is more meaningful than the original
density log
5.2 Petrophysical Log Analysis 145
refined density log was used in computing the average porosity for hydrocarbon/water
saturation estimations.
We can apply ML algorithms to seismic data for structural and stratigraphic interpre-
tations, and quantitative analyses, such as prediction of porosity, TOC, and geome-
chanical properties. We use both seismic attributes and original seismic amplitude
data for building ML models.
Over the years, geophysicists have been developing and using seismic attributes
to visualize the subsurface and interpret geology. Seismic attributes are mathemat-
ical and statistical quantities derived from the original seismic amplitude. There are
attributes and attributes. Some are useful, some complementary, some redundant, and
some useless. Marfurt (2018) compiled a list of useful seismic attributes, which we
can put into a taxonomic order, such as complex trace, geometric, texture, impedance,
and anisotropy attributes. Chen and Sidney (1997), Liner (2004), and Brown (2011)
also proposed other classifications of seismic attributes. We can use seismic attributes
as input to ML models to classify and predict features of interest. Here we discuss a
few specific attributes which have been used in various ML problems.
Coherence: Coherence or the inverse of variance attribute measures the similarity
of the waveform. If waveforms show the difference in characteristics, the coherence
value will be low, otherwise high. This helps illuminate the boundaries of different
geologic features, such as channels, salt, faults, etc.
Curvature: Curvature is the second-order derivative. It measures the degree of
curvedness of seismic reflectors. There are different types of curvature algorithms
(most-positive and most-negative), which are useful to classify features such as fold,
faults, and channel boundaries, etc.
Flexure: Flexure or aberrancy is the third-order derivative. This attribute helps in
measuring the lateral change or gradient of curvature along a surface. It is a very
helpful attribute to visualize the interactions among various fault segments, especially
in an environment affected by multiple fault systems (tectonic and polygonal).
GLCM: The gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) attributes characterize the
local distribution of seismic texture in various statistical ways. There are at least
seven different GLCM attributes, including contrast, homogeneity, energy, entropy,
similarity, and semblance, etc. A suite of GLCM attributes is useful in seismic facies
146 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
Similar to well logs, geoscientists have used 2D/3D seismic data for facies classifi-
cation, including channels, clinoforms, and mass transport complex. In the case of
seismic, we use three approaches. The first one is the unsupervised facies classifica-
tion or clustering based on an ensemble of seismic attributes (Roy et al. 2013, 2014).
In such cases, clustering is controlled by selecting input attributes and the number of
desired clusters. Roy et al. (2013) used self-organizing map (SOM) and generative
topographic map (GTM) techniques to classify facies in a Mississippian chert reser-
voir in the United States. Initially, they started the work with an ensemble of seismic
attributes, such as GLCM entropy, GLCM heterogeneity, spectral bandwidth, coher-
ence, and P-wave impedance, and classified up to 256 clusters, which they reduced
down to three geologically meaningful facies derived from well log and core data.
The three geologic facies are tight limestone, fractured and layered chert, and high
porosity tripolitic chert, the last one being the sweetspot for resource production.
Roy et al. (2014) applied the same technique to carbonate wash in the Veracruz
Basin of Mexico. Using four seismic attributes (such as P-impedance, lambda-rho,
5.3 Seismic Data Analysis 147
mu-rho, and VP /VS ratio in an unsupervised manner, they classified at least four
different facies, including carbonate conglomerate wash (with good reservoir poten-
tial), harder limestone conglomerate, clay-rich, and tight carbonate facies (Fig. 5.20).
Such work is useful to derisk the prospects.
The second approach is on traditional ML-based supervised seismic facies classifi-
cation. Bhattacharya et al. (2020) used probabilistic neural network (PNN) to classify
submarine slide blocks on the North Slope, Alaska. These deposits are highly irreg-
ular in nature and associated with imaging artifacts (such as diffraction tails, etc.).
They used coherent energy, similarity, and seismic amplitude to classify and predict
the mass-transport deposits. Figures 5.21 and 5.22 show the results.
Deep learning is also being used in seismic facies classification now (Alfarraj and
AlRegib 2018; Dramsch and Lüthje 2018; Zhao 2018; Alaudah et al. 2019; Di et al.
2019a). Deep learning algorithms do not explicitly use the known seismic attributes
an input; rather, it generates a plethora of features from the given seismic image for
facies classification. For this reason, deep learning holds great potential for seismic
facies classification as it does not require a set of already-defined attributes as input to
classify the facies; however, it is also important to physically interpret such features.
Fig. 5.20 Seismic facies from GTM clustering within reservoir units (EOC-10 and EOC-30) in a
formation in the Veracruz Basin, southern Mexico (after Roy et al. 2014). Seven different polygons
with different colors indicate different rock types for reservoir units a EOC-10 and b EOC-30.
c The horizon probe generated for the EOC-10 and EOC-30 reservoir units after unsupervised
GTM-assisted clustering (Permission granted from SEG)
148 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
Fig. 5.21 A seismic section showing the interpreted submarine slide blocks in a shelf-marine setting
in northern Alaska (after Bhattacharya et al. 2020) (Permission granted from SEG)
Fig. 5.22 Plan views of seismic attributes and attribute-derived slide block distribution using PNN
algorithm (modified after Bhattacharya et al. 2020) (Permission granted from SEG)
5.3 Seismic Data Analysis 149
Zhao (2018) used both fully connected CNN and encoder-decoder CNN to clas-
sify facies in the North Sea using F3 seismic dataset. For the fully connected CNN,
Zhao (2018) extracted patches of seismic amplitudes around several seed points
used in training the model. For the encoder-decoder approach, Zhao manually inter-
preted a few seismic sections entirely before using them for training. Zhao (2018)
used 90% of the data for training and the remaining 10% for testing. The encoder-
decoder approach showed better results than the patch-based model (Fig. 5.23). This
difference in the model performance may have to do with the approach themselves.
Fig. 5.23 Seismic facies classification results from a fully connected convolutional neural network
a and an encoder-decoder convolutional neural network b along an inline in the F3 North Sea dataset
(Zhao 2018) (Permission granted from SEG)
150 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
In the first approach, it is conceivable that geoscientists will pick the minimum
number of seed points in the seismic data with the highest quality with the reduced
chances of misinterpretations or mislabeling of geologic features, whereas, in the
latter approach, we would expect the labeling done using geologic insights (regard-
less of ambiguities). This process increases the number of training samples that are
true representatives of the actual data and helps make the model more generalized
than memorized.
Salt body interpretation is another branch of seismic facies classification where
ML has been applied for quite some time. Salt body interpretation is important to
hydrocarbon exploration, carbon sequestration, and hydrogen storage, as salt bodies
provide good seals for the fluids. Compared to regular sedimentary facies, salt bodies
are highly irregular in nature and can change its shape both vertically and laterally.
Besides, there is often noise (such as migration artifacts) associated with imaging
such features. Di and AlRegib (2020) used 2D/3D CNN and compared its perfor-
mance over MLP-ANN to detect the salt body in a supervised manner in the SEAM
seismic dataset (Fig. 5.24). Their CNN model consisted of two convolutional layers,
a pooling layer, and a fully connected layer. CNN model showed better results (97%
accuracy with a false-positive rate of 0.01) than the MLP (2% overall accuracy with
a false-positive rate of 0.08). The pooling layer is useful to reduce overfitting. In
comparison to MLP, the CNN model showed faster convergence and more gener-
alization. Sen et al. (2019) used encoder-decoder CNN (U-net) to predict the salt
bodies in the Gulf of Mexico.
Fig. 5.24 The comparison of the delineating saltbody boundaries (black), using the sample-level
multilayer perceptron (MLP) algorithm from several seismic attributes, including a the 9 manually
selected seismic attributes, b the 8 first-layer convolutional neural network (CNN) attributes, and
c the 16s-layer CNN attributes (Di and AlRegib 2020). CNN results are better than the MLP
algorithm (note the area denoted by ovals) (Permission granted from the EAGE Publications)
5.3 Seismic Data Analysis 151
Fig. 5.25 3D view of the detected faults in a 3D seismic dataset in New Zealand using the super-
attribute-based a SVM and b MLP classification (Di et al. 2019b). MLP results indicate higher
number of faults identified by the MLP algorithm than the SVM algorithm (denoted as the circles)
(Permission granted from SEG)
sections and predicted the fault volume throughout both 3D surveys. The overall
accuracy was for the test dataset varied between 88.5% and 99.2% for faults only
in both surveys. A detailed analysis based on their CNN model also revealed which
faults are younger than others and inherited underlying structures (Fig. 5.27). This
is indicative of a polyphase fault network. The results were later used in building 3D
fault models.
5.3 Seismic Data Analysis 153
Fig. 5.26 A seismic section showing the faults from two 3D surveys in northern Alaska
(Bhattacharya and Di 2020) (Permission granted from SEG)
Fig. 5.27 Plan view of the results from CNN-based faults on the Shublik surface on two 3D seismic
surveys in northern Alaska (Bhattacharya and Di 2020). The arrows show the predominant directions
of the faults and their cross-cutting nature (Permission granted from SEG)
There have been several applications of ML for predicting reservoir and geomechan-
ical properties, such as porosity, permeability, total organic carbon, and brittleness
index. ML-based solutions are useful for drilling development wells for resource
extraction and fluid storage.
154 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
Fig. 5.28 An example a P-wave and b S-wave impedance from a deep feed-forward neural network
(Dowton et al. 2020) (Permission granted from SEG)
Hampson et al. (2001) showed one of the earliest examples of modern-day artificial
intelligence for porosity prediction from seismic data. They used MLFN and PNN to
predict porosity from multiple seismic attributes. They demonstrated their application
in the Blackfoot area of western Canada and the Pegasus field (a Devonian reservoir)
of West Texas. In western Canada, they were looking for ways to differentiate between
sand-fill and shale-fill sequences in an incised valley-type setting of the Manville
group, and in West Texas, they were trying to identify high-porosity reservoir in an
anticlinal setting. Their results showed that the combined application of multiple
seismic attributes (using multilinear regression) could outperform a single attribute,
i.e., acoustic impedance-based porosity prediction. With the increasing number of
seismic attributes, the average error of the ML models decreased exponentially. Using
ML, we can predict different rock properties (such as porosity, fluid saturation, and
clay volume, etc.) in such cases. Hampson et al. (2001) described the methods that
could successfully extract several rock properties of interest with higher resolution
than conventional seismic data and extend the application of quantitative seismic
interpretation techniques to a large extent. This is particularly important, where we
have sufficient well control. Dowton et al. (2020) showed the application of deep
feed-forward neural network (DNN) to model porosity from seismic data (Figs. 5.28
and 5.29).
Verma et al. (2016) performed an important study predicting TOC and brittleness
index (BI) volumes using core, well logs, and 3D seismic data in the Barnett Shale in
North America. They hypothesized that TOC and BI could be derived from seismic
data, and brittleness is related to mineralogy that could be predicted using well logs
5.3 Seismic Data Analysis 155
Fig. 5.29 DNN-based porosity estimates at a the inline going through the blind well and b the
arbitrary line going through the four wells that were initially used to generate the pseudowells
(Dowton et al. 2020) (Permission granted from SEG)
and seismic data. First, they predicted TOC using several well logs to match it to core-
based TOC measurements. Then, they used log-estimated TOC from 30 wells, 3D
seismic-inverted P-impedance, S-impedance, lambda-rho, mu-rho, relative acoustic
impedance, total energy, and stratigraphic height to model the TOC and brittleness
volumes using multilinear regression and probabilistic neural network (PNN). The
PNN-model-based prediction accuracies of TOC and brittleness index were 87%
and 68%, which was a little higher than the multilinear regression technique. See
Fig. 5.30.
Fig. 5.30 a A vertical slice along the line XX’ through ML-based total organic carbon TOC volume.
b A vertical slice along the line XX’ through ML-based BI volume of the Lower Barnett (Verma
et al. 2016). Some of the layers have high TOC and high brittleness, which could indicate potential
sweet spots (Permission granted from SEG)
in the subsurface is expensive, we can use data analytics to glean meaningful and
actionable information from such data. By deploying ML on DTS data from each
hydraulically fractured stage in a 28-stage horizontal well in the Marcellus Shale,
Ghahfarokhi et al. (2018) could predict gas production. Figure 5.31 shows DTS and
fluid production data from a horizontal well in the Marcellus Shale, and Fig. 5.32
shows the comparison of actual versus ML-predicted daily gas production from
individual completion stages. Ghahfarokhi et al. (2018) used upscaled DTS data and
flowtime from previous completion stages to predict gas production for each consec-
utive stage. It is a time series problem. Their sensitivity analysis showed that certain
stages are more productive than other stages, which are tied to the rock properties,
such as Poisson’s ratio. Rocks with a low Poisson’s ratio are more brittle than rocks
with a high Poisson’s ratio, which affects the efficacy of hydraulic stimulation and
fracturing. Stages that were hydraulically stimulated using common engineering or
geometric approach were found to be less productive than geo-engineered stages.
5.4 Fiber-Optic-Based Fluid Flow Prediction 157
Fig. 5.31 An example of DTS signal and fluid production (gas and water) data from a well in the
Marcellus Shale (Ghahfarokhi et al. 2018) (This figure reprinted from PK Ghahfarokhi, TR Carr, S
Bhattacharya, J Elliott, A Shahkarami, and K Martin, 2018, with permission from URTeC, whose
permission is required for further use)
Fig. 5.32 An example of actual versus predicted daily gas production from individual completion
stages from a horizontal well in the Marcellus Shale. Random Forest algorithm was used for the
study. Initially, the model works well; however, the model performance deteriorates after some time
158 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
It also indicates that the shale formations are laterally heterogeneous, and there-
fore, hydraulic stimulation operations will have to take these geologic controls into
account for efficient production.
Fig. 5.33 Examples of the classification performed by the retrained ResNetV2 network (Pires de
Lima et al. 2019). a Nodular packstone-grainstone (facies 7), b bioturbated mudstone-wackestone
(facies 10), c chert breccia (facies 1) and bioturbated skeletal peloidal packstone-grainstone (facies
9), and d bedded skeletal peloidal packstone grainstone (facies 6). CNN failed to accurately classify
facies 6 (Permission granted from SEG)
this type of work is that a sedimentologist can describe facies in certain intervals
and then use CNN technique to predict facies using the cored images throughout
the whole interval and then quality-check the prediction and update the ML model
as needed. Pires de Lima et al. (2020) also demonstrated an innovative example of
fossil identification using convolutional neural network. Nanjo and Tanaka (2019)
used CNN to predict 306 petrographic thin sections to identify carbonate lithofacies
in Japan.
Geochemistry is another branch that is ripe for ML applications. Currently, ML is
used in geochemistry for dimensionality reduction, rock classification, detection of
geochemical anomalies, and mapping (Kuwatani et al. 2014; Chen et al. 2014; Zuo
et al. 2019; Duarte et al. 2020). For example, a hand-held XRF instrument yields
numerous major and trace element composition. We can use different statistical
techniques to reduce the large data-dimensionality and generate relevant features
for chemofacies classification. Duarte et al. (2020) used ten features from a large
XRF dataset from Oklahoma for unsupervised clustering using hierarchical cluster
analysis (HCA), K-means, and DBSCAN methods (Fig. 5.34). They used the method
to identify the optimal number of clusters based on the sum of the squared distance.
They compared the XRF-derived chemofacies with petrographic thin sections and
wireline logs. This helps in inferring the ocean chemistry, depositional and diagenetic
environment, and paleo-anoxia. Milad (2019) and Milad et al. (2020) extended the
application of ML (e.g., self-organizing map) and XRF data from core to outcrops
and they correlated electrofacies, chemofacies, and lithofacies between outcrop and
subsurface samples (Fig. 5.35). Often core samples are missing from a certain logged
interval where we can deploy ML on the existing XRF data to build a non-linear
regression model to generate pseudo-elemental logs, similar to missing petrophysical
160 5 Summarized Applications of Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences
Fig. 5.34 Vertical profile of elemental composition with gamma ray (CGR) and facies in the
Woodford shale, Osage, and Meramec intervals in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma (after Duarte-
Coronado et al. 2019) (Permission received)
log reconstruction. We can also use ML to map XRF-based elemental data to XRD-
based mineral composition (Alnahwi and Loucks 2019). These problems are based
on numerical data, and we can use traditional ML algorithms for most of these
problems. Chemistry-informed ML holds a tremendous promise in crystallography
and geochemistry, such as simulating rock-fluid-fracture interactions, nucleation,
growth, and mineralization. Leal et al. (2017) used ML to simulate the precipitation
of calcite and dolomite due to injection of different fluid along a rock core at three
different simulation times. Such applications can have impacts on the exploration of
unconventional energy resources, geothermal energy, carbon storage, and hydrogen
storage projects.
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Abstract In the last chapter, I discuss the future of data analytics (DA) and machine
learning (ML) in geosciences research, instruction, community, and business, as a
whole. It sets an agenda of ML-focused studies that need to be conducted to solve
critical problems in geosciences. This endeavor will not only help understand the
fundamental geologic processes and better analyze rocks but also assist the businesses
to make better decisions and grow as needed.
It has been about 80 years since the birth of the Turing machine. Since then, artifi-
cial intelligence (AI) has flourished, sparked new interests and controversies, gone
through at least two winters, and reemerged with new capabilities and applications.
The first two waves of AI (1950’s and 1980’s) were centered around developing
new algorithms, and AI was mostly concentrated in the statistics, mathematics, and
biology communities. The ongoing third wave of AI is different than the previous two
in several ways. It has transcended across all disciplines and fostered new collabora-
tions across businesses. It has facilitated the development of new computational tech-
nologies, affordable online courses in AI and general-purpose coding, cloud-based
solutions, and the building and release of large datasets to the public. In a way, many
of these changes have happened in a bottom-up approach, with customers feeding
the AI frenzy, not just the developers of ML algorithms, as in the previous two AI
waves. Of course, there are some top-down emphasis on analytics coming from the
management side to increase business efficiency. These are some of the fundamental
differences wherein lies the direction DA and AI will take in the next several years.
We will use data analytics across industry, in research labs, and in higher education in
different ways to solve organization-specific problems and provide better solutions
to customers.
As we advance, we will see ML becoming more capable of solving complex,
dynamic and multitasking problems, more and more businesses using it, new visual-
ization tools, and availability of reproducible research codes and datasets. More and
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 167
S. Bhattacharya, A Primer on Machine Learning in Subsurface Geosciences,
SpringerBriefs in Petroleum Geoscience & Engineering,
168 6 The Road Ahead
Fig. 6.1 Major areas in geoscience (technical and managerial) in which ML and DA will have a
long-term impact. Many of these improvements will be highly iterative and collaborative
more geoscientists will adopt ML. ML has already proved its worth in geophysical
and petrophysical analysis and will come to have a long-term impact on many more
major areas in geosciences (Fig. 6.1).
Hopefully, ML will provide solutions to some of the fundamental challenges
with analyzing geosciences data. One of the future ML solutions will be dealing
with multi-scale heterogeneity characterization by integrating data from different
sources, resolutions, and formats in one go. The state-of-the-art integration method
is an archaic, time-consuming, multi-step process in which debates are still happening
on upscaling data and even the definition and procedure of upscaling. Future solutions
will be able to generate a tangible product by fusing multi-sensor data at different
resolutions, depending on the customer’s need for granularity. In a way, ML solutions
will become more personalized.
Another area of immediate research need is the automated or semi-automated
labeling of data (with interventions) and access to more labeled datasets. Labeling
requires domain expertise and time, which impedes the massive deployment of ML
in real datasets. More research needs to be conducted on how to generate labels
(e.g., facies, fractures, pores, minerals, good/bad data, etc.) using semi-supervision
or weak supervision approaches, which can be quality checked later. Most of the
6 The Road Ahead 169
recent publications on deep learning deal with classifying features that show clear
boundaries on images. These tasks are relatively easy for ML algorithms to recognize.
Geologists can also pick these boundaries with more ease before using them as
input in supervised classification. However, there are subtle features (e.g., faults
with minimal offset, wing cracks, gradational changes in facies, etc.) that may be
missed by even an experienced geologist or geophysicist. A clustering algorithm can
highlight these subtle features from an entirely data-driven standpoint, enabling us
to analyze and label these features properly. Unlike other disciplines, it is somewhat
challenging to generate truly benchmark geoscience datasets for broad public use
and testing algorithms. There are a limited number of geoscience benchmark datasets
available now. New analytics techniques and more collaboration may reduce this
problem. In the future, we will see a surge in open and labeled datasets released by
the industry and geological surveys. This increase has already started, albeit modestly.
In general, ML has good interpolation capability but not necessarily extrapolation
capability. This presents a fundamental barrier to the commercial-scale deployment
of ML. In the future, we hope to build better ML models by feeding domain expertise
and better features (i.e., physics, chemistry, and geology-based rules) into ML and
develop new algorithms and workflows in transfer learning. Physics-informed ML
has the potential to simulate the propagation of waves through the subsurface and
help us invert recorded waveforms to derive a better picture of the subsurface. We
can use these solutions in several sectors, including energy resources, hydrology,
storage, construction, and agriculture. Coupled physics and chemistry-informed ML
will also help us in predicting fracture geometry, fluid-rock interactions, and reactive
transport modeling. Chemistry-informed ML has the potential to predict reaction
rates and mineralization, which can be helpful to carbon sequestration and hydrogen
storage projects. As these projects, with a focus on reduced carbon emissions, are
becoming more common, it is critical to understand the chemical reactions of injected
fluids with subsurface rocks and perhaps subsequent mineralization process over
time. ML-based solutions can be very helpful to solve such important problems at
both laboratory and field scales. Sequence stratigraphy is another specialty waiting
for the right ML solution. Feeding specific geology-based rules along with forward
stratigraphic models and deep learning models will improve the pace of sequence
stratigraphic interpretations and analysis, regardless of the outcrop, seismic, and well
log data. With advances in ML, we will also be able to perform better correlations
of surface-to-subsurface features, an important research topic in stratigraphy.
Transfer learning has great potential for generating models that can extrapo-
late, perhaps in baby steps. The current transfer learning models are not helpful
for obtaining high-resolution outputs. A combination of physics-based ML with
improved transfer learning will be a new direction for ML. Feature engineering
will have a role in this research. This will help us explain ML models and under-
stand causalities. Recent analytics tools, such as partial dependence plots, SHAP,
and LIME are a modest start to explaining the ML models, but this area needs more
research. We can extend the application of physics-informed ML and transfer learning
to predict rare events, which are of particular interest in geosciences, for example,
earthquakes, volcanic ash beds, bright spots, anomalous pressure and temperature,
170 6 The Road Ahead
etc. These examples are all products of fundamental geologic processes such as
tectonics, sediment deposition, subsidence, uplift, diagenesis etc. Often, these prob-
lems occur in real-time. Because there are a few samples from such events, we need
to build benchmark datasets augmented by forward modeling (at least at the regional
scale) and envision new techniques that can solve class imbalance problems. For
these types of problems, we also need to come up with new metrics for class-specific
error analysis. ML can have great future in geosciences if we can solve this problem.
Another area in where ML can make a long-lasting impact is building multi-
output classification and regression models. Often, we are interested in deriving
multiple rock properties of interest (e.g., poro-perm, fluid saturation, pore pressure,
and Poisson’s ratio, etc.) simultaneously. We already do this in the simultaneous
inversion of seismic data. The same goes for multi-output ML-based classification
problems, in which we can classify different facies and faults together. Multi-output
dynamic ML models will help us make complex real-time decisions in areas such as
time-lapse subsurface monitoring. It is also important because many such properties
are conditionally dependent on each other. Generating simultaneous solutions by
using stacked ML models can perhaps elucidate their complex relationships and
discover new knowledge.
Large companies are already using ML at both research and commercial scales.
We also know about intelligent oil fields (aka digital oil fields) in the United States,
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and other countries. These types of highly instrumented
assets and even field laboratories will become more common in the future because
these ambitious projects provide integrated solutions to optimizing production and
guiding operations safely and efficiently. Companies will have new solutions for auto-
mated drilling. Some of these concepts will be impacting the mining and geothermal
industries. As many surface mines are exhausted and environmental concerns arise,
there will be new research into deep borehole drilling and exploration into mineral
resources using ML. Mining engineers have already developed different ML-based
tools for mapping 3D orebodies, estimating reserves, designing mines, and simu-
lating mills. Although small companies may not be able to afford all these methods,
they can adopt data analytics and ML to solve more mundane problems with feasible
goals, including better data digitizing and storage, maintenance, and prediction of
missing data that is expensive to acquire in the field.
What lies in the future of ML in the energy industry? Energy is the basis of human
civilization. As of 2021, we are undergoing a gradual energy transition. Several
companies are attempting to explore new energy resources and adopting new business
strategies, including geothermal, solar, wind, rare-earth elements, carbon storage,
and hydrogen storage. These new businesses can utilize available data from the
existing oilfields (onshore and offshore) to characterize the subsurface—an attractive
proposition. This will further accelerate geoscientists’ interest in ML and generate
resource-specific solutions. ML will have a significant role in integrating energy,
economy, and the environment, and geoscientists are poised to be major beneficiaries
of that for years to come.
Apart from industry, ML will have a big role in transforming how we teach
geosciences to a diverse body of students in academia and how we train new
6 The Road Ahead 171
new research in the ML community, for example, smart proxy modeling for compu-
tational fluid dynamics. In the late 1970’s, Peter Vail’s work on sequence stratig-
raphy fundamentally changed the thought-processes in the subsurface geosciences
community and the industry. Future research in ML has similar potential.
We should also be careful of what ML can do and what some organizations adver-
tise now. As more and more businesses are picking up ML for the first time without
formal training or understanding, there are numerous chances for misadventures,
overselling, and an eventual lack of motivation in the long term. It is often our lack
of knowledge of a problem, assumptions, principles of ML algorithms, and datasets,
not algorithms themselves, which cause ML models to fail. Algorithms are based on
solid foundations of mathematics and statistics. At the end of the day, ML is not a
snake-oil business. It is a wonderful tool for solving critical and complex problems
beyond human capacity. As geoscientists, we need to rise above conventional wisdom
and pursue innovative research so we can express fundamental geologic processes in
mathematical and statistical forms, based on experiments, observations, and simu-
lations, and assist in making data-driven decisions to make us more successful. ML
could be an enabler of this grand endeavor!