Analysis On Diamond
Analysis On Diamond
Analysis On Diamond
Note: 51122
Analysis of Diamonds by FT-IR Spectroscopy
Stephen Lowry, Ph.D., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Madison, WI, USA
Classifying Diamonds
A technique used extensively in quantitative analysis is
Classical Least Squares (CLS). The basis of CLS is the
assumption that the spectrum from a sample that is a
mixture of known materials can be modeled by a linear
combination of the spectra from the pure reference materials.
In this case we are using spectra from diamonds with well
defined nitrogen aggregates: Type IaA, Type IaB and Type
Figure 4: Characterizing the Platelet Peak in two diamond spectra by Curve Fitting
Ib. Because we do not know the actual concentrations of
nitrogen in the spectra, we have arbitrarily assigned the The results of the Peak Resolve™ curve fit reveal that
value to be 100 ppm so the actual values reported here are the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) has gone from
relative to the arbitrary value for illustrative purposes. 3.2 cm-1 to 4.8 cm-1 as the peak has shifted from 1359 cm-1
to 1364 cm-1. A closer examination of the curve fit results
also shows that the peaks are asymmetric and can be fitted
better with two synthetic peaks.
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