Position Paper OMAN

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Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee

Eliminate the Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia,
and Related Intolerance
Ni Putu Fika Risma Natalia-Udayana University
Serlivuri Chaterina Takoy-Udayana University

“Wherever we see racism, we must condemn it without reservation, without hesitation,

without qualification”
-António Guterres, UN Secretary General-2021

Background of the Topic :

We are living in a more open and pluralistic society, where contacts between different
populations are easier and more and more constant. There are various kinds of differences,
ranging from race, and language even the smallest things like differences in views and
opinions. Although pluralistic enrich countries’ diversity, they also face multiple forms of
discrimination resulting in marginalization and exclusion. This happens because not everyone
can accept these differences. Some people think that their race or group is "superior" or
"better" than other groups so they demean and deny other people or other groups that are seen
as different from them, to enjoying their rights. This is where racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia, and interrelated intolerance occur. Racism and racial discrimination are not only
in the form of words but also include any obstacle that denies one from enjoying their
alienable rights because of their race or differences.

Country’s stances and past actions :

Oman has a long history as a multicultural society. Since 1970, Oman has
continuously strived to build a basis for justice and equality among all citizens by
consolidating the values ​of tolerance, brotherhood and solidarity in Omani society. The
government has also supported them with a series of laws and measures to guarantee basic
rights to all Omanis without discrimination. Its guarantees of freedom of belief, worship and
religious education are based on the values of tolerance, mutual understanding and
Delegates of Oman believes that any actions such as racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia, and interrelated tolerance constitute a violation of fundamental human rights. In
confirmation of this orientation, the Basic Law (Yemen's Constitution) states that “all citizens
are equal before the law ... There shall be no discrimination between them on the grounds of
gender, origin, colour, language, religion, sect, domicile or social status”.
In order to prevent all of the things that relate with the Racism, Racial Discrimination,
Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance, the government was conducting awareness-raising
campaigns against discrimination, and school curricular included human rights education,
civic education and Islamic teachings. Oman had ratified the Convention on the Rights of the
Child and its two Optional Protocols, the International Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities. Oman had also ratified core International Labour Organizations (ILO)
Conventions, including ILO Convention 29 concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour, ILO
Convention 105 concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour, ILO Convention 182 on the
Worst Forms of Child Labour, and ILO Convention 138 concerning Minimum Age for
Admission to Employment. Oman also often be able a sponsored in every religion events and
overall Oman has rejected all kind about racism and discrimination.
In an attempt to eliminate the racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related
intolerance, Oman would like to propose :
1. Inserting ethical and moral learning in educational activities.
Education is the most important aspect in a country. Through education regarding
good morals and ethics, it is hoped that it can cut the chain of racism against other
2. Instilling mutual respect and respect since childhood.
This requires a very large family contribution, because it is where the child first
grows, develops, and carries out the first internalization stage. The parenting style of
parents who always teach children not to discriminate against people in terms of
ethnicity, race, ethnicity, religion, between groups will create good children's
3. Many countries have implemented various efforts to eliminate all forms of racism and
racial discrimination, as was done by Indonesia with the issuance of Law no. 40 of
2008 concerning the elimination of racial and ethnic discrimination. After that
European nations also formed a committee to eradicate the continuation of racism and
discrimination itself which is called ECRI. And in the US, a bill was also passed as an
effort to eliminate anti-Asian acts. In theory, the making of binding rules is necessary
because they are firm, but now the most important thing is that the actual
implementation of the rules that have been made must be carried out by all involved
properly or in accordance with the applicable legal principles with no deviation from
these rules.
4. The involvement of minorities can be further increased in participation in the life of
the nation and state, this requires support from various parties. By establishing a
forum or quota for the minorities themselves such as freedom of expression, creating
political party slots that are evenly distributed in each region, in the social and
economic field the distribution of all forms of facilities and infrastructure must be
evenly distributed throughout the region with the encouragement of good
transportation access.

Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination examine report of Oman.

(2016). OHCHR. Retrieved December 16, 2022, from



Juhriyah, I. (2022, January 19). Wajah Toleransi di Negara Oman. IBTimes.ID.

Retrieved December 16, 2022, from


Religious freedom. (2022). FM.gov.om. Retrieved December 17, 2022, from


UU Nomor 40 tahun 2008 tentang Penghapusan Diskriminasi Ras dan Etnis –

Referensi HAM. (2014, October 10). Referensi.elsam.or.id/. Retrieved

December 17, 2022, from



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