Mar - 2023

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Sr. No.




Function: Electrical, Electronic & Control Engineering


(India 2023) (Time allowed-3Hours) Total Marks: 100

1) Answer any SIX Questions. Not more than TWO from Each Section
2) All Questions carry equal marks
3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage
4) llustration of an Answer with clear sketches/ diagrams carries weightage.
5) Start answering from the backside of the front cover page.
6) Blank pages if any, to be struck of by (X) at the end of each question.

Ma) Describe the circuit breaker for an a.c. generator using a sketch to show how arcing is

Controlled (8)
b) Explain the sequence of events that might occur if the breaker opens on a short circuit and
state the check you would require following such event; Give a safe procedure to follow should
a main circuit breaker fail to open under fault Condition. (8)

grounded, but it is
in ship's power system, the neutral on the low voltage side is
a not
in detail for the above
mandatory to ground the neutral in high voltage systems. Discuss
difference and with suitable sketches, explain the different earthing arrangements for Hv

dip occurs in two stages.

3.a) In a.c. generators, voltage
I. Sketch a voltage-time graph showing the pattern of voltage dip. I1. Referring to this graph,
state with reasons the effect on the electrical system of a small power installation when a large
load is suddenly switched on. (8)
EACH of the following categories of voltage control: (i) Error operated; (i)
b). Explain
What are the various ways in which it can
Aa) Why is a synchronous motor not self-starting? 6)
be started?
The reverse bias saturation current for a P-N
b) Differentiate Ge and Si diode characteristics.
its AC resistance at 150 mV forward bias. (10)
junction diode is 1.0 LA at 300 K. Determine

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ETO-March 2023
5.a) Describe the no-load saturation characteristic of
a.d.c.generator. (6)
A 400V shunt motor has anarmature resistance of 0.3 ohm and a shunt-field circuit
resistance of 300 ohm. Calculate the
speed attained by the motor when the current taken
from the supply is (a) 30A and
(b)50A. The open -circuit characteristic of the machine,
when driven as a generator at 1500
rev/min, is given by the following figures:
Field cutrent (A) 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5
Open-circuit voltage 220 398 515 598 638 662
Neglect the effects of armature reaction.
6.a) What is back emf Derive the relation for
the back emf and the
of armature reactance.
supplied voltage terms

b) Two earth lamps at 120 V, 15 W are used on a 110 V distribution circuit. Due to (6)
a motor, the resistance of the
damage to
positive line is reduced to 10 ohm and that of the negative
line to 5 ohm. Find the voltage across each
lamp and the extra load on the generator due
to the fault.
7. With refe.rence to Annex V of
MARPOL73/78 that deals with the prevention of pollution of
the sea by gabage from ships-a) Define the
i)Garbage ii) Nearest land ii) Special areas
b) State the regu'lations governing the disposal of garbage outside special areas.

BWith reference to oil

monitoring of bilge and tanker ballast discharges.
aDescribe with a sketch, the general arrangement of an oil monitoring system (8)
b) State the inputs that are recorded
c) Explain the difficulties encountered with the efficient operation of the oil
9 . Explain the principle of port State control and give in detail the verification the Port State
Control Officer may carry out with reference to the following:
a) Emergency generator (4)
b) Auxiliary steering gear (3)
c) Lifeboat engine
d) Bilge pump (3)
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