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Submitted by
Dhruv Joshi
This is to certify that the Project Report (BCA-355) entitled “ wheather predictor” done by me
is an authentic work carried out for the partial fulfillmentof the requirements for the award of the degree of
BCA(2019-22) under the guidance of Name, Designation of Trainer, Organization. The matter embodied in
this project work has not been submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Dhruv Joshi
With candor and pleasure I take opportunity to express my sincere thanks and obligation to my esteemed
guide Mrs. Minal Maheshwari. It is because of her able and mature guidance and co-operation without
which it would not have been possible for me to complete my project.
It is my pleasant duty to thank all the staff member of the computer center who never hesitated me from
time to time during the project.
Finally, I gratefully acknowledge the support, encouragement & patience of my family, and as always,
nothing in my life would be possible without God, Thank You!
Dhruv Joshi
Weather forecasting means the prediction of the weather through theapplication of the principles of
physics, supplemented by a variety ofstatistical and empirical techniques.
In addition to predictions of atmospheric phenomena themselves, weather forecasting includes predictions
of changes on the Earth’s surface climate. These changes are caused by atmospheric conditionslike snow
and ice cover, storm tides, and floods.
The basis for weather prediction started with the theories of the ancient Greek philosophers and continued
with Renaissance scientists. It was followed by the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries. The
theoretical models of 20th- and 21st-century atmospheric scientists andmeteorologists helped for the
betterment in applications. The so-called synoptic weather map came to be the principal tool of 19th-
century meteorologists. This is used today in weather stations and on televisionweather reports all over the
world. All can happen only through a comprehensive weather forecast. Any weather prediction needs a
systematic collection of weather record of various places and proper analysis using the data for prediction.
Weather forecasting is the prediction of the state of the atmosphere fora given location using the
application of science and technology. This includes temperature, rain, cloudiness, wind speed, and
Weather warnings are a special kind of short-range forecast carried out for the protection of
human life. Weather warnings are issued by the governments throughout the world for all
kinds of threatening weather events including tropical storms and tropical cyclones
depending upon the location. The forecast may be short-range or Long-range. It is a very
interesting and challenging task. This report provides a basicunderstanding of the purpose
and scope of weather forecasts.
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Analyses of weather data
Weather forecasting begins with an analysis of the current state of the atmosphere,ocean, and land surface.
Reliable observations drawn from many platforms, including satellites, radar, weather balloons, surface
stations, and aircraft (both crewed and uncrewed) are crucial for generating accurate analyses. Because
forecast quality is partially reliant on the quality of the underlying analysis, scientistscontinue to develop
techniques to integrate observations into four-dimensional model representations of the Earth system. In
addition to their vital role in weather forecasting, these analyses support scientific investigations designed
to help develop improved weather prediction tools and techniques.
Forecast techniques
Meteorologists have traditionally used their intuition and available observations to create forecasts up to a
few hours ahead of time. Thorough human diagnosis of some complex scenarios, such as severe-
thunderstorm environments, remains necessary to optimize situational understanding and to make and
communicate high-quality forecasts. In addition, rapidly updating numerical models, as well as statistical
tools and artificial intelligence–based models that blend observations withNWP outputs, are increasingly
used to make short-term forecasts, whether those issued by official forecast agencies or those available
through popular smartphone applications.
Beyond a few hours ahead of time, NWP has long been the dominant forecasting
tool. Modern NWP models start from an initial analysis of meteorological conditionsproduced through
data assimilation and then apply the physical and dynamical equations that
govern atmospheric evolution to predict the weather. Such models are continuouslydeveloped and
collaboratively maintained by multiple entities. Despite their increasing skill and ability to depict
progressively smaller-scale phenomena, NWP models are imperfect. Model shortcomings exist due to
limited observations, imperfect data assimilation methods, and the approximations required to represent
small-scale physical processes such as energy exchanges between the surface andatmosphere as well as
phase changes of water. Approaches such as statistical biascorrection, model blending, ensemble forecasts,
and artificial intelligence/machine learning are increasingly used to mitigate NWP models’ shortcomings
while improving forecast skill.
Software Requirements:
Hardware Requirements:
• 2 GB RAM or more.
The Whole Function Structure Diagram of Weather Forecast System 3.1.1. Data Acquisition Module
provides visual Server Application Programming Interface of data distribution and data reception.
Meteorological data can be published manually, data canbe acquired with access of meteorological
data acquisition equipment, the small received data are first stored in an Oracle database, when small
data are accumulated to a certain number, thesmall data will be transferred into the storage module,
transferred data will be automatically deleted. 3.1.2. Storage Module is responsible for data storage
of Metadata and entity data, and provides data backup. Hbase is storage database of entity data and
the metadata, HDFS is underlying storage container, HDFS is not limited by data type and can be
any type of data. Small data in the data acquisition module accumulated to a certain amount will be
deposited in the storage module Hbase on a regular basis.
Fig-1: Use case for weather stations.Here shows interaction between its users
that are admin and the weather station user, and the application in the
viewpoint of each user of weather station system.
Use case for crowdsourcing application.This diagram shows interaction
according to the system and thepubic user.
<p class="mb-0"><strong>Fri</strong></p>
Opportunities exist for increasing forecast skill at all time ranges. However, realizing these opportunities
will require further research, closeinternational cooperation and coordination, improved observations of the
atmosphere, ocean, and land surface, and the incorporation of these observations into numerical models.
Also, benefit will be derived from higher spatial resolution of numerical models; increasingly powerful
supercomputers; wider use and improvement of model ensembles; the development of data mining and
visualization methods that enable forecasters to make better use of model guidance; and collaborative
forecast development activities among operational forecasters and researchers.
Beyond improving the forecast itself, improvement in the communication and best use of forecast
information is also needed. Research integratingsocial science is key in identifying opportunities for future
advances. For example, research conducted by social scientists across multiple disciplines has found that
delivering weather warnings across multiple media increases the likelihood that people will get and act upon
this information. Scholars have conducted numerous studies on different public groups about perceptions of
risk and uncertainty. They are also working to explore the relative value of effective communication of
accurate weather forecasts to appropriate decision-makers. Collaborativeresearch with social scientists will
also enable forecasters to codify best practices in forecasting philosophy, communication, and training
amidst rapid technological change. An increase in the presence and use of socialmedia is contributing to
additional avenues for providing weather information and collecting real-time observations.
In summary, weather forecasts are increasingly accurate and useful, andtheir benefits extend
widely across the economy. While much has been accomplished in improving weather
forecasts, there remains much roomfor improvement. The forecasting community is working
closely with multiple stakeholders to ensure that forecasts and warnings meet their
specific needs. Simultaneously, they are developing new technologiesand observational
networks that can enhance forecaster skill and the value of their services to their users.
lOMoARcPSD|215 364 09
1. Wikipedia
5. https://www.tutorialspoint/