Environment Protection Act 2017 Final
Environment Protection Act 2017 Final
Environment Protection Act 2017 Final
Environment Protection Act 2017
No. 51 of 2017
Authorised Version incorporating amendments as at
7 September 2022
Section Page
Chapter 1—Preliminary 1
1 Purposes 1
2 Commencement 2
3 Definitions 3
4 What is harm? 38
5 What is material harm? 39
6 The concept of minimising risks of harm to human health
and the environment 40
7 Application of Act 41
8 Extraterritorial application of Act 41
9 Simplified outlines 42
Chapter 2—Principles of environment protection 43
Part 2.1—Simplified outline 43
10 Simplified outline—Chapter 2 43
Part 2.2—Application of this Chapter 44
11 Specified principles of environment protection 44
12 Effect of this Chapter 44
Part 2.3—Principles of environment protection 45
13 Principle of integration of environmental, social and
economic considerations 45
14 Principle of proportionality 45
15 Principle of primacy of prevention 45
16 Principle of shared responsibility 45
17 Principle of polluter pays 46
18 Principle of waste management hierarchy 46
19 Principle of evidence-based decision making 46
20 Precautionary principle 46
21 Principle of equity 47
22 Principle of accountability 47
23 Principle of conservation 47
Chapter 3—Duties relating to environment protection 48
Part 3.1—Simplified outline 48
24 Simplified outline—Chapter 3 48
Part 3.2—General environmental duty 49
25 General environmental duty 49
26 Multiple contraventions of general environmental duty 51
27 Aggravated breach of the general environmental duty 52
Part 3.3—Transitional duty relating to material harm 53
28 Transitional duty relating to material harm 53
Part 3.4—Duties relating to pollution incidents 55
29 Meaning of pollution incident 55
30 Meaning of notifiable incident 55
31 Duty to take action to respond to harm caused by pollution
incident 55
32 Duty to notify Authority of notifiable incidents 56
33 Manner and form of notification of notifiable incidents 57
34 Privilege against self-incrimination does not apply 57
Part 3.5—Duties relating to contaminated land 59
Division 1—Core concepts and application of Part 59
35 What is contaminated land? 59
36 Background level of waste or substances 59
37 What is notifiable contamination? 60
38 Act applies whenever land contaminated 60
Division 2—Duties relating to contaminated land 61
39 Duty to manage contaminated land 61
40 Duty to notify of contaminated land 62
41 Manner and form of notification 63
42 Privilege against self-incrimination abrogated 64
Chapter 4—Permissions 65
Part 4.1—Simplified outline 65
43 Simplified outline—Chapter 4 65
Part 4.2—Permissions required for certain activities 67
44 Development licences required for development activities 67
45 Operating licences required for operating activities 69
46 Permits required for permit activities 70
47 Registration required for registration activities 71
S. 1(j)
inserted by
(j) to provide for waste and resource recovery
No. 39/2018 infrastructure and planning; and
s. 5(1).
S. 1(k)
inserted by
(k) to enable the Environment Protection
No. 39/2018 Authority and authorised officers to ensure
s. 5(1). compliance with the Act and require action
to manage risks of harm to human health and
the environment from pollution or waste; and
S. 1(l)
inserted by
(l) to provide for a system of criminal and civil
No. 39/2018 penalties; and
s. 5(1).
S. 1(m)
inserted by
(m) to provide for a system of civil remedies and
No. 39/2018 compensation orders available to the Court;
s. 5(1). and
S. 1(e)
(o) to make consequential amendments to the
as s. 1(o) by Public Administration Act 2004 and other
No. 39/2018
s. 5(2)(a),
amended by
No. 39/2018
s. 5(2)(b)(c).
2 Commencement
(1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into
operation on a day or days to be proclaimed.
(2) If a provision of this Act does not come into
operation before 1 July 2018, it comes into
operation on that day.
3 Definitions
(1) In this Act—
activity includes— S. 3(1) def. of
(a) the storage or possession of waste or inserted by
No. 39/2018
any other substance or thing; or s. 6(9) (as
amended by
(b) anything prescribed to be an activity; No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
associate, of another person, means any of the
inserted by following persons—
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as (a) a spouse, parent, brother, sister or child
amended by
No. 27/2019
of the other person;
(b) a domestic partner of the other person
s. 11).
industrial waste;
(c) authorised under section 157(1) to
receive that type of industrial waste;
(d) specified by operation of section 48 as
not required to obtain a permission to
receive that type of industrial waste;
S. 3(1) def. of
* * * * *
South West
Waste and
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of
* * * * *
South West
Waste and
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of
better environment plan means a better
environment environment plan accepted by the Authority
inserted by
under section 182;
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
commercially sensitive information means
sensitive information that relates to matters of a
inserted by
business, commercial or financial nature,
No. 39/2018 the disclosure of which would be likely to
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
unreasonably expose a person, an authority
No. 27/2019 or an associated entity to disadvantage;
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
court officer
court officer means a magistrate or registrar of the
inserted by Magistrates' Court;
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
dangerous litter has the meaning given by
litter section 112;
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
declared region has the same meaning as in the
region Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and
inserted by Recycling) Act 2021;
No. 55/2021
s. 197(a).
S. 3(1) def. of
economic instrument means a measure that
instrument provides financial incentives or disincentives
inserted by
No. 39/2018
for the purpose of encouraging protection
s. 6(9) (as of human health and the environment in
amended by
No. 27/2019
economic activity, through incorporating the
s. 11). costs of harm and risks of harm, including
but not limited to—
(a) a scheme in the nature of a tradeable
permit scheme; and
(b) an environmental offset (however
S. 3(1) def. of
eligible person, in relation to an application under
person Part 11.4, has the meaning given by section
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
enforceable undertaking means an undertaking
undertaking accepted by the Authority under section 300;
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
environmental audit statement means an
audit environmental audit statement prepared
inserted by
under section 210;
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
environmental auditor means a person appointed
auditor as an environmental auditor under Division 1
inserted by
No. 39/2018
of Part 8.3;
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
environmental value means a use, an attribute or
value a function of the environment;
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
financial assurance means a financial assurance
assurance provided to the Authority in accordance with
inserted by
No. 39/2018
section 219;
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
* * * * * S. 3(1) def. of
Waste and
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
* * * * * S. 3(1) def. of
Waste and
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of * * * * *
Valley Waste
and Resource
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of
* * * * *
Valley Waste
and Resource
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of
Governing Board means the Environment
Board Protection Authority Governing Board
amended by
No. 39/2018
under section 361;
s. 6(7).
S. 3(1) def. of
* * * * *
Central West
Waste and
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
* * * * * S. 3(1) def. of
Central West
Waste and
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of
IBAC means the Independent Broad-based Anti-
inserted by corruption Commission established under
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
section 12 of the Independent Broad-based
amended by Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011;
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
IBAC personnel has the same meaning as it has in
personnel the Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011;
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
improvement notice means a notice issued under
notice section 271(1);
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
industrial waste means—
inserted by
(a) waste arising from commercial,
No. 39/2018 industrial or trade activities or from
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
laboratories; or
(b) waste prescribed to be industrial waste
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
for the purposes of this definition;
S. 3(1) def. of
licence activity, in relation to a licence, means an
activity activity specified in the licence;
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
litter has the meaning given by section 112;
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
litter authority
litter authority includes—
inserted by
No. 39/2018
(a) the Authority; or
(b) any other body created by or under an
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019 Act; or
s. 11).
(c) a Government department; or
(d) a council; or
(e) the Secretary, being the body corporate
established by Part 2 of the
Conservation, Forests and Lands
Act 1987; or
(f) a body declared by Order of the
Governor in Council under section 113
to be a litter authority;
S. 3(1) def. of * * * * *
Mallee Waste
and Resource
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of
* * * * *
Mallee Waste
and Resource
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of
management or control, in relation to industrial
or control waste or priority waste, means exercising
inserted by
No. 39/2018
management functions in relation to, or
s. 6(9) (as control over, the industrial waste or priority
amended by
No. 27/2019
waste and includes the following—
s. 11).
(a) producing or generating waste;
(b) collecting, consigning, transferring or
transporting waste;
(c) receiving, handling or storing waste;
(d) undertaking resource recovery or
processing of waste;
(e) undertaking waste disposal;
* * * * * S. 3(1) def. of
Waste and
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
* * * * * S. 3(1) def. of
Waste and
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of
National Environment Protection Council means
Environment the National Environment Protection Council
established by section 8 of the National
inserted by Environment Protection Council
No. 39/2018 (Victoria) Act 1995;
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
national environment protection measure means
environment a national environment protection measure
made under section 14(1) of the National
inserted by Environment Protection Council
No. 39/2018 (Victoria) Act 1995;
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
noise includes sound and vibration;
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
* * * * * S. 3(1) def. of
North East
Waste and
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
* * * * * S. 3(1) def. of
North East
Waste and
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of
officer in relation to a body corporate means—
inserted by
No. 39/2018
(a) a person who is an officer (as defined
s. 6(9) (as by section 9 of the Corporations Act) of
amended by
No. 27/2019
the body corporate; or
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
participant, in a better environment plan, has the
inserted by meaning given by section 179;
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
permission means—
inserted by
No. 39/2018
(a) a development licence; or
(b) an operating licence; or
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11). (c) a pilot project licence; or
(d) a permit; or
(e) a registration;
permission activity, in relation to a permission, S. 3(1) def. of
means an activity specified in the activity
permission; inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
position statement means a position statement
statement published under section 105(1);
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
preliminary risk screen assessment means a
risk screen preliminary risk screen assessment
inserted by
conducted under section 204;
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
prohibition notice means a notice issued under
notice section 272(1);
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
public entity
public entity has the same meaning as in the
inserted by Public Administration Act 2004;
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
Public Register means the Public Register
Register established and maintained under
inserted by
No. 39/2018
section 455;
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
public sector
public sector body has the same meaning as in
body the Public Administration Act 2004;
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
reportable priority waste means priority waste
priority waste prescribed as reportable priority waste for
inserted by
No. 39/2018
the purposes of section 142 or 143, or both;
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
residential noise enforcement officer means a
noise person appointed as a residential noise
enforcement officer under section 171;
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
residential noise improvement notice means a
noise notice issued under section 172(1);
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
resource recovery in relation to waste, means—
inserted by
(a) preparation for reuse of the waste;
(b) recycling the waste;
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019 (c) reprocessing the waste;
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
Sustainability Victoria means Sustainability
Victoria Victoria established by section 5 of the
inserted by Sustainability Victoria Act 2005;
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11).
S. 3(1) def. of
unreasonable noise means—
inserted by
(a) noise that is unreasonable having
No. 39/2018 regard to the following—
s. 6(9) (as
amended by (i) its volume, intensity or duration;
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
substituted by
(ii) its character;
No. 36/2022
s. 26(1)(c).
(iii) the time, place and other
circumstances in which it is
(iv) how often it is emitted;
(v) any prescribed factors; and
(b) noise that is prescribed to be
unreasonable noise; and
(c) does not include noise prescribed not to
be unreasonable noise
S. 3(1) def. of
Waste and
* * * * *
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
S. 3(1) def. of
waste and
* * * * *
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 6(9) (as
amended by
No. 27/2019
s. 11),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 197(c).
of that activity.
(3) A reference in this Act to waters includes a S. 3(3)
inserted by
reference to— No. 39/2018
s. 6(10).
(a) the bed and subsoil lying beneath those
waters; and
(b) the airspace superjacent to those waters; and
(2) This Act extends to, and applies to, the discharge S. 8(2)
amended by
or deposit of pollution or waste into, or on to, the No. 36/2022
waters of the River Murray from any place or s. 27.
Pt 2.1
Part 2.1—Simplified outline (Heading and
new s. 10)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 2.2
(Heading and
Part 2.2—Application of this Chapter
new ss 11, 12)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Ch. 3
Chapter 3—Duties relating to environment
and ss 24–42)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 3.1
(Heading and
new s. 24)
Part 3.1—Simplified outline
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 4.1
Part 4.1—Simplified outline (Heading and
s. 43)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
43 Simplified outline—Chapter 4 S. 43
inserted by
(1) This section sets out a simplified outline of this No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
Chapter. amended by
Nos 27/2019
(2) This Chapter provides for the issue or grant of the ss 12−30,
following permissions—
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
(a) development licences;
(b) operating licences;
(c) pilot project licences;
(d) permits;
(e) registrations.
(3) Part 4.2 prohibits persons from engaging in
specified or prescribed activities without a
Section 314 provides that subsection (1) is a civil penalty
provision. The penalty for contravention of this civil penalty
provision is set out in the table in section 314.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply—
(a) in respect of any action or thing the person
takes or does to comply with—
(i) a pilot project licence issued to the
person that is in force in respect of the
activity; or
(ii) an authorisation granted to the person
under section 157 that is in force in
respect of the activity; or
(iii) an exemption granted to the person
under section 80(1) that is in force in
respect of the activity; or
(iv) requirements specified under section
48(a) in respect of the activity; or
(b) in respect of any action or thing that the
person is required to take or do under an
improvement notice or environmental action
notice; or
(c) if a prescribed exemption applies to the
(3) An offence under subsection (1) is an indictable
This offence may be heard and determined summarily (see
section 28 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009).
The applicant may apply to VCAT for review of a failure to issue
or refuse to issue the licence or permit within the period during
which the Authority or council must determine the application—
see section 4(2) of the Victorian Civil and Administrative
Tribunal Act 1998.
52 Notice of applications for development licences to be S. 52
inserted by
published No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
(1) On receiving an application that complies with amended by
section 50 for a development licence, the Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
Authority must ensure that a notice in accordance 3/2020 ss 42–
with subsection (2) is published— 44, 47/2020
s. 26).
(a) on the Internet site of the Authority; and
(b) in at least one other publication that the
Authority considers appropriate, taking into
consideration the Charter of Consultation
developed under section 53.
(2) A notice under subsection (1) must—
(a) state that an application for a development
licence has been made; and
(b) describe the activity that is the subject of the
application; and
(c) contain any prescribed information; and
(d) invite public comments or submissions
within the time specified in the notice, being
not less than 15 business days from the
publication of the notice; and
(e) state that, if the notice for the proposed
development licence is intended to be
combined under section 70(a) with a notice
for works given under the Environment
Effects Act 1978, any submissions referred
to in paragraph (d)—
Pt 4.4
Part 4.4—Licences
and ss 69–80)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
Division 1—Development licences
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
S. 69 69 Development licences
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
(1) The Authority must, not later than 4 months after
amended by receiving an application for a development licence
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
that complies with section 50—
(a) issue a development licence subject to any
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26). specified conditions that the Authority
considers appropriate; or
(b) refuse to issue a development licence.
(2) The Authority must refer an application for a
development licence to a prescribed agency for
comment in the prescribed circumstances.
(3) When determining whether or not to issue a
development licence, the Authority must take into
(a) any measures the applicant has taken or
proposes to take in order to comply with the
general environmental duty when engaging
in the activity that is the subject of the
application; and
(b) the impact of the activity on human health
and the environment, including the impact on
any environmental values identified in any
relevant environment reference standard,
taking into account any other activities being
or proposed to be engaged in by the
applicant or any other person; and
81 Permits S. 81
inserted by
(1) On receiving an application for a permit that No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
complies with section 50, the Authority or the amended by
council to which the application was made must— Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
(a) issue the permit subject to any conditions
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
that the Authority or council considers s. 26).
appropriate; or
(b) refuse to issue the permit.
(2) A decision under subsection (1) must be made
(a) in the case of an application made to the
(i) any prescribed period not exceeding
42 business days after receiving the
application; or
(ii) if no period is prescribed, 15 business
days after receiving the application; or
(b) in the case of an application made to a
council, the prescribed period.
(3) When determining whether to issue the permit, the
Authority or council must take into account any
prescribed matter.
Pt 4.6
(Heading and
Part 4.6—Registrations
ss 85–87)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
86 Renewal of registrations S. 86
inserted by
(1) The holder of a registration may apply to the No. 39/2018
Authority for the renewal of the registration. s. 7 (as
amended by
(2) An application for renewal must be made before Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
the day on which the registration is due to expire. 3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
(3) An application for renewal must— s. 26).
Pt 4.8
(Heading and
Part 4.8—Environment protection levy
s. 91)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Ch. 5
Chapter 5—Environment reference
and ss 92–
standards, compliance codes and position
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 5.1
(Heading and
s. 92)
Part 5.1—Simplified outline
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
S. 92 92 Simplified outline—Chapter 5
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
(1) This section sets out a simplified outline of this
amended by Chapter.
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30, (2) Part 5.2 provides for the making, preparation and
review of environment reference standards for
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26). assessing and reporting on environmental
conditions in the whole or any part of Victoria.
(3) Part 5.3 provides for the making of compliance
codes that provide guidance on how a person may
comply with a duty or obligation under this Act.
(4) Part 5.4 enables the Authority to make a position
statement setting out—
(a) how a provision of this Act or the regulations
would apply to a class of persons or in
specified circumstances; or
Pt 5.2
(Heading and
Part 5.2—Environment reference standards
ss 93–99)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 5.3
(Heading and
Part 5.3—Compliance codes
ss 100–104)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 5.4
(Heading and
Part 5.4—Position statements
ss 105–109)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 6.1
Part 6.1—Simplified outline (Heading and
s. 110)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 6.2
(Heading and
Part 6.2—Objects
s. 111)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
S. 114(2)
amended by
(2) A litter authority may appoint an employee of the
No. 36/2022 litter authority, or each member of a class of
s. 45. employee of the litter authority, as a litter
enforcement officer in relation to—
(a) any bus, tram, watercraft, rail vehicle or
aircraft owned or managed by the litter
authority that is being used for a public
purpose; or
(b) in the case of a litter authority that is a
council, any land or waters in the council's
municipal district; or
(c) any land or waters under the control or
management of the litter authority; or
(d) any offence under this Part that may result in
waste appearing on land or waters under the
control or management of the litter authority
(regardless of where the offence occurs).
(3) The Secretary, being the body corporate
established by Part 2 of the Conservation,
Forests and Lands Act 1987, may appoint a
person as a litter enforcement officer in respect of
any land managed under a relevant law within the
meaning of that Act.
Pt 6.4
(Heading and
Part 6.4—Duties relating to industrial waste
ss 133–137)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 6.5
(Heading and
Part 6.5—Duties and controls relating to
ss 138–143)
inserted by
priority waste
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 7.1
Part 7.1—Simplified outline (Heading and
s. 153)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Section 314 provides that subsection (1) is a civil penalty
provision. The penalty for contravention of this civil penalty
provision is set out in the table in section 314.
(2) An offence against subsection (1) is an indictable
This offence may be heard and determined summarily (see
section 28 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009).
Pt 7.3
(Heading and
Part 7.3—Obligations for managers of land
s. 156)
inserted by
or infrastructure
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Division 3—Enforcement
S. 170 170 Persons who may take proceedings for certain
inserted by offences
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
(1) This section applies despite anything to the
Nos 27/2019 contrary in section 347.
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42– (2) Proceedings for an offence against section 167(1)
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
may only be taken by—
(a) a person claiming to be directly affected by
the alleged offence; or
(b) a police officer; or
(c) a residential noise enforcement officer.
(3) Proceedings for an offence against section 169(3)
may only be taken by a police officer.
(4) Proceedings for an offence against section 175(4)
may only be taken by—
(a) a police officer; or
(b) a residential noise enforcement officer.
(5) Proceedings for an offence against section 177
may only be taken by a police officer.
(6) Proceedings for an offence against section 172(6)
may only be taken by a residential noise
enforcement officer.
Pt 8.1
Part 8.1—Simplified outline (Heading and
s. 178)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 8.2
(Heading and
Part 8.2—Better environment plans
ss 179–188)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 8.4
(Heading and
Part 8.4—Financial assurances
ss 218–234)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 8.5
(Heading and
Part 8.5—Advisory panels
s. 235)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 8.6
(Heading and
Part 8.6—Conference of interested persons
ss 236–240)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 9.1
Part 9.1—Simplified outline (Heading and
s. 241)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
246 Authorised officer may enter and inspect any place S. 246
inserted by
or premises No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
(1) For the purpose of performing a function or duty amended by
or exercising a power under this Act, an Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
authorised officer may enter and inspect a place or 3/2020 ss 42–
premises. 44, 47/2020
s. 26).
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), an authorised
officer may enter and inspect a place or premises
for the following purposes—
(a) determining if a person has contravened this
Act or the regulations;
(b) monitoring compliance with this Act or the
(c) determining if there is a risk of harm to
human health or the environment from
pollution, waste or contaminated land;
(d) inspecting or testing equipment or a vehicle.
(3) An authorised officer may exercise a power to
enter and inspect a place or premises—
(a) at any reasonable time; and
(b) at any other time, if the authorised officer
reasonably believes there is an immediate
risk of material harm to human health or the
(2) An authorised officer is not required to notify, or
produce the authorised officer's identity card for
inspection by a person if—
(a) to do so would unreasonably interfere with
performing a function or duty or exercising a
power under this Act or cause unreasonable
delay; or
(b) the person has been notified in advance of
the entry.
250 Persons assisting authorised officer S. 250
inserted by
(1) An authorised officer may request the assistance No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
of any person for the purpose of entry and amended by
inspection of a place or premises and the taking of Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
any other action under this Division. 3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
(2) The occupier or person in management or control s. 26).
of a place or premises must allow the person
assisting an authorised officer access to the place
or premises.
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
Under section 268 it is a reasonable excuse for a
natural person to refuse or fail to give information if
the giving of the information would tend to
incriminate the person. However that excuse does not
apply to the production of a document.
257 Extension of time under information gathering S. 257
inserted by
notice No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
The Authority may, by written notice given to the amended by
person on whom an information gathering notice Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
has been served— 3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
(a) extend the period for complying with the s. 26).
notice, if the Authority is satisfied that the
circumstances of the case justify an
extension; and
(b) revoke or amend a requirement specified in
the notice.
258 Court orders S. 258
inserted by
(1) The Authority may apply to the Court for an order No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
compelling a person to comply with an amended by
information gathering notice. Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
(2) The Authority may apply for an order under
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
subsection (1) whether or not a proceeding has s. 26).
been commenced for an offence against this Act
or the regulations.
Division 8—General
S. 268 268 Protection against self-incrimination
inserted by
No. 39/2018 (1) It is a reasonable excuse for a natural person to
s. 7 (as
amended by
refuse or fail to give information, or do any other
Nos 27/2019 thing that the person is required to do, under this
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
Part if the giving of the information or the doing
44, 47/2020 of the thing would tend to incriminate the person.
s. 26).
Ch. 10
Chapter 10—Notices
and ss 270–
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 10.1
(Heading and
s. 270)
Part 10.1—Simplified outline
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 10.2
Part 10.2—Improvement and prohibition
and ss 271,
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
Division 1—Improvement notices
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
S. 271 271 Improvement notices
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
(1) The Authority or an authorised officer may issue a
amended by person with an improvement notice if the
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
Authority or authorised officer reasonably
3/2020 ss 42– believes that the person—
44, 47/2020
s. 26). (a) is contravening or has contravened a
provision of this Act, the regulations or a
subordinate instrument made under this Act;
(b) is not complying or has not complied with a
permission issued or granted under this Act;
(c) has engaged in or proposes to engage in an
activity that has caused or is likely to cause
harm to human health or the environment
from pollution or waste.
(2) An improvement notice may require the person to
whom it is issued—
(a) to take any action that the Authority or
authorised officer reasonably considers
necessary to remedy the contravention, or
the matters or activities that are causing the
contravention; or
(b) to remedy the activity that has caused or is
likely to cause harm to human health or the
environment from pollution or waste.
Pt 10.3
Part 10.3—Notices to investigate and
and ss 273,
environmental action notices
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
Division 1—Notice to investigate
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 10.5
(Heading and
Part 10.5—Non-disturbance notices
s. 278)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 10.6
(Heading and
Part 10.6—General matters relating to
ss 279–282)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 10.7
(Heading and
Part 10.7—Redirection of corporate
ss 283–285)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 10.8
(Heading and
Part 10.8—Offences relating to notices and
ss 286–293)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Section 314 provides that subsection (1) is a civil penalty
provision. The penalty for contravention of this civil penalty
provision is set out in the table in section 314.
(2) An offence under subsection (1) is an indictable
This offence may be heard and determined summarily (see
section 28 of the Criminal Procedure Act 2009).
288 Failure to report S. 288
inserted by
If an improvement notice or a prohibition notice No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
requires the person to whom it is issued to report amended by
to the Authority on a specified matter, the person Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
must not fail to comply with that requirement. 3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
Penalty: In the case of a natural person, s. 26).
60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate,
300 penalty units.
289 Non-compliance with notice to investigate S. 289
inserted by
(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person to whom a No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
notice to investigate is issued must not, without amended by
reasonable excuse, fail to comply with that notice. Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
Penalty: In the case of a natural person,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
120 penalty units; s. 26).
Section 5G of the Corporations Act provides that if a State law
declares a provision of a State law to be a Corporations legislation
displacement provision for the purposes of that section, any
provision of the Corporations legislation with which the State
provision would otherwise be inconsistent does not operate to the
extent necessary to avoid the inconsistency.
298 Unrecovered costs can become charge on property S. 298
inserted by
(1) If the Authority cannot recover costs under this No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
Division from an owner or occupier of a place or amended by
premises, the costs become a charge on the Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
property of the occupier or the land of which the 3/2020 ss 42–
place or premises forms part (as the case may be) 44, 47/2020
s. 26).
after an advertisement under subsection (2) has
been published.
(2) The advertisement must specify—
(a) the purpose of the advertisement and the
section of this Act under which it is made;
(b) the amount in respect of which the charge is
to be imposed; and
(c) if the property charged is land, the land on
which the charge is to be imposed.
(3) The Authority must publish the advertisement
(a) if the property charged is land, displaying a
copy of the advertisement on the land (if this
is possible); and
(b) publishing the advertisement on the Internet
site of the Authority; and
(c) publishing the advertisement in at least one
other manner that the Authority considers
Ch. 11
Chapter 11—Enforcement and proceedings
and ss 299–
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 11.1
(Heading and
s. 299)
Part 11.1—Simplified outline
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 11.2
(Heading and
Part 11.2—Enforceable undertakings
ss 300–306)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 11.3
(Heading and
Part 11.3—Infringement notices
s. 307)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Pt 11.4
(Heading and
Part 11.4—Civil remedies
ss 308–313)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
Maximum Maximum
penalty for penalty for
contravention by contravention by
Item Civil penalty provision a natural person a body corporate
1. Section 25(1) 2000 penalty 10 000 penalty
(Breach of general units units
environmental duty)
2. Section 28(1) (Breach 2000 penalty 10 000 penalty
of duty not to engage units units
in conduct that results
in material harm)
3. Section 32(2) (Failure 240 penalty units 1200 penalty
to notify Authority of units
notifiable incident)
4. Section 40(1) (Failure 120 penalty units 600 penalty units
of person in
management or control
to notify the Authority
of notifiable
5. Section 44(1) 2000 penalty 10 000 penalty
(Engaging in a units units
specified activity
without a development
6. Section 45(1) 2000 penalty 10 000 penalty
(Engaging in a units units
prescribed operating
activity without an
operating licence)
7. Section 46(1) 1000 penalty 5000 penalty
(Engaging in a units units
prescribed permit
activity without a
8. Section 47(1) 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
(Engaging in a units
prescribed registration
activity without a
9. Section 63(1) (Breach 2000 penalty 10 000 penalty
of condition of units units
Maximum Maximum
penalty for penalty for
contravention by contravention by
Item Civil penalty provision a natural person a body corporate
10. Section 63(2) (Breach 1000 penalty 5000 penalty
of condition of permit) units units
11. Section 63(3) (Breach 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
of condition of a units
12. Section 88(2) 240 penalty units 1200 penalty
(Prohibited person units.
engaging in an activity
prescribed for the
purposes of section 88)
13. Section 133(1) 2000 penalty 10 000 penalty
(Unlawful deposit of units units
industrial waste)
14. Section 133(2) 2000 penalty 10 000 penalty
(Deposit of industrial units units
waste without consent
of holder of
permission or
15. Section 134(1) 2 000 penalty 10 000 penalty
(Unlawful receipt of units units
industrial waste)
16. Section 135(2) 2 000 penalty 10 000 penalty
(Failure by person in units units
management or control
of industrial waste to
take reasonable steps
in relation to
transporting industrial
17. Section 137(1) 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
(Provision of false or units
information in
connection with
industrial waste)
18. Section 139(1) 120 penalty units 600 penalty units
(Failure to classify
priority waste by
person in management
or control)
Maximum Maximum
penalty for penalty for
contravention by contravention by
Item Civil penalty provision a natural person a body corporate
19. Section 139(2) 120 penalty units 600 penalty units
(Failure by person in
management or control
to take reasonable
steps in relation to
priority waste)
20. Section 142(1) 240 penalty units 1200 penalty
(Failure to record or units
provide the prescribed
transaction details in
connection with
reportable priority
21. Section 143(1) 240 penalty units 1200 penalty
(Improper transport of units
reportable priority
22. Section 155(1) 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
(Failure to comply units
with order relating to
hazardous substances)
23. Section 168 (Emit or 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
permit noise that is units
prescribed to be
aggravated noise)
24. Section 215(1) 500 penalty units
auditor issuing false or
misleading preliminary
risk screen assessment
statement or
environmental audit
25. Section 216(1) 500 penalty units
(Failure of
environmental auditor
to notify the Authority
of imminent state of
Maximum Maximum
penalty for penalty for
contravention by contravention by
Item Civil penalty provision a natural person a body corporate
26. Section 286(1) 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
(Failure to comply units
with improvement
27. Section 287(1) 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
(Failure to comply units
with prohibition
28. Section 289(1) 120 penalty units 600 penalty units
(Failure to comply
with notice to
29. Section 290(1) 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
(Failure to comply units
with environmental
action notice)
30. Section 292(1) 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
(Failure to comply units
with site management
31. Section 293(1) 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
(Failure to comply units
with non-disturbance
32. Section 463(2) 500 penalty units 2500 penalty
(Providing false or units
information or a
document or conceal
information or a
Division 2—Orders
328 General S. 328
inserted by
(1) The Court may make an order under this Division No. 39/2018
in addition to, or instead of, any other penalty that s. 7 (as
amended by
the Court may impose on the person under this Nos 27/2019
Act. ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
Note 44, 47/2020
s. 26).
See section 313 for the Court's power to make a
compensation order.
(2) The amount of money that the Court may order a
person to pay under this Division is not limited
(a) any penalty that may be imposed under this
Act; or
(b) the jurisdictional limit for a civil proceeding
specified under section 100(1) of the
Magistrates' Court Act 1989.
Pt 11.7
(Heading and
Part 11.7—Evidentiary and related
ss 337–348)
inserted by
enforcement provisions
No. 39/2018
s. 7 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 12−30,
3/2020 ss 42–
44, 47/2020
s. 26).
(2) Subject to subsections (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7), S. 347(2)
amended by
proceedings for an offence against this Act or the No. 36/2022
regulations may only be taken by a person s. 59(1).
S. 4
substituted as
Chapter 12—Environment Protection
Ch. 12
and s. 355) by
No. 39/2018
s. 8.
Pt 12.1
inserted by
Part 12.1—Simplified outline
No. 39/2018
s. 8.
Ch. 13
Chapter 13—Waste and resource recovery
and ss 381–
infrastructure and planning
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
Pt 13.1
(Heading and
s. 381)
Part 13.1—Simplified outline
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
S. 381(2)
repealed by
* * * * *
No. 55/2021
s. 192.
(3) Part 13.3 provides for the Victorian Waste and
Resource Recovery Infrastructure Planning
Framework by—
(a) defining, and setting out the objectives of,
the Victorian Waste and Resource Recovery
Infrastructure Planning Framework; and
Pt 13.2 * * * * *
and ss 382–
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27),
repealed by
No. 55/2021
s. 193.
S. 419(1)
amended by
(1) After submitting a draft Regional Waste and
No. 55/2021 Resource Recovery Implementation Plan to
s. 203(1). Sustainability Victoria and the Authority under
section 415, the Head, Recycling Victoria and
Sustainability Victoria must jointly review the
draft Plan for the purposes of—
(a) integrating the objectives and priority
infrastructure requirements of the Regional
Waste and Resource Recovery
Implementation Plan and the State-Wide
Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure
Plan; and
(b) ensuring there are no inconsistencies
between the Plans.
S. 419(2)
amended by
(2) In jointly reviewing a draft Regional Waste and
No. 55/2021 Resource Recovery Implementation Plan,
s. 203(2). Sustainability Victoria and the Head, Recycling
Victoria must—
Government Gazette—
(a) the Head, Recycling Victoria must publish S. 422(a)
substituted by
the Plan or the revised copy of the Plan No. 55/2021
(as the case requires) on a website s. 205.
(2) The Minister may at any time direct the Head, S. 423(2)
amended by
Recycling Victoria to prepare draft amendments No. 55/2021
to a Regional Waste and Resource Recovery s. 206(2).
S. 424(1)
amended by
(1) A council must perform its waste management
No. 55/2021 functions consistently with any Regional Waste
s. 207(1). and Resource Recovery Implementation Plan
applying to the council's municipal district.
S. 424(2)
amended by
(2) If a council disposes of waste in a declared region
No. 55/2021 other than the declared region in which the
s. 207. council's municipal district is located, the disposal
of the waste must be consistent with any Regional
Waste and Resource Recovery Implementation
Plan applying to the other declared region.
S. 424(3)
amended by
(3) Any person involved in the generation,
No. 55/2021 management or transport of waste within a
s. 207. declared region must not do anything in relation to
the waste that is inconsistent with any relevant
Regional Waste and Resource Recovery
Implementation Plan while the waste is in that
Division 4—General
426 Authority may refuse applications for certain S. 426
facilities if Plans not observed inserted by
No. 39/2018
(1) This section applies to the following— s. 18 (as
amended by
(a) any application for a permission in relation Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
to a waste management facility; 3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
(b) any application to amend a permission in s. 27).
relation to a waste management facility.
(2) The Authority may refuse to consider an
application or refuse an application if—
(a) the operations of the waste management
facility could be inconsistent with the State-
Wide Waste and Resource Recovery
Infrastructure Plan or a relevant Regional
Waste and Resource Recovery
Implementation Plan; or
(b) the applicant is in breach of any relevant
requirements of a schedule of existing and
required waste and resource recovery
Pt 14.1
Part 14.1—Simplified outline (Heading and
s. 428)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
Pt 14.5
(Heading and
Part 14.5—Information sharing
ss 452–457)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
Division 1—Collection, use, disclosure and
s. 18 (as publication of information
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
Pt 14.8
(Heading and
Part 14.8—Impersonation, interference, and
ss 460–463)
inserted by
information offences
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
Ch. 15
Chapter 15—Regulations
and ss 464–
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
Pt 15.1
(Heading and
s. 464)
Part 15.1—Simplified outline
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
Ch. 16
Chapter 16—Transitional provisions
and ss 467–
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
Pt 16.1
(Heading and
s. 467)
Part 16.1—Simplified outline
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
Pt 16.2
(Heading and
Part 16.2—General
ss 468, 469)
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
Pt 16.3
Part 16.3—Transitional provisions:
and ss 470–
permissions, notices, directions and orders
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
Division 1—Permissions
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
Pt 16.6
Part 16.6—Transitional provisions: financial
and ss 488–
inserted by
No. 39/2018
s. 18 (as
Division 1—Funds
amended by
Nos 27/2019
ss 32−40,
3/2020 ss 45,
46, 47/2020
s. 27).
* * * * * Pt 4
and ss 27−46)
repealed by
No. 51/2017
s. 46.1
Sch. 1
inserted by
Schedule 1—Regulations
No. 39/2018 1 Duties
s. 23 (as
amended by
Nos 27/2019
1.1 Regulating the way in which duties or obligations
ss 41, 42, imposed by this Act or the regulations, including
47/2020 s. 28).
but not limited to the general environmental duty,
are performed.
1.2 Prescribing standards for the performance of
functions or duties imposed by this Act or the
2 Septic tanks
2.1 The construction, installation, alteration,
maintenance, repair, notification and monitoring
of septic tank systems.
3 Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure
Planning Framework
3.1 Prescribing any thing necessary or convenient to
give effect to the Waste and Resource Recovery
Infrastructure Planning Framework.
Sch. 1 item 3.2
repealed by
* * * * *
No. 55/2021
s. 210.
4 Contaminated land
4.1 Investigation and assessment of suspected
contaminated land.
4.2 Assessment, management and remediation of
contaminated land.
4.3 Exempting a person or class of person in
management or control of land from a duty to
manage contaminated land or a duty to notify of
notifiable contamination, whether unconditionally
or on specified conditions and to any extent as
specified in the regulations.
5 Financial assurances
5.1 Circumstances in which the provision of a
financial assurance by a person is a condition of a
5.2 Exempting a person or class of person from the
requirement to provide a financial assurance as a
condition of a permission.
5.3 Prescribing the financial assurance risk
assessment criteria.
6 Waste
6.1 Regulating or prohibiting things that may become
litter or waste.
6.2 Further regulating waste in connection with Part
6.3, including in relation to the loading, or moving
of, vehicles.
6.3 Regulating or prohibiting the deposit, affixing and
commission of documents (including unsolicited
documents) or advertising material.
6.4 Prohibiting the defacement of, or setting fire to,
public litter receptacles.
6.5 Regulating or prohibiting the production,
generation, collection, consignment, transfer,
transport, receipt, handling, storage, use,
management, containment, treatment and
processing of waste.
6.6 Regulating or prohibiting waste disposal.
6.7 Regulating resource recovery.
6.8 Regulating or prohibiting reuse of waste and the
use of recycled substances.
6.9 Allocating responsibility for operations in relation
to waste management, waste disposal and resource
10 Permissions
10.1 Prescribing activities or classes of activity to be
development activities, operating activities, permit
activities or registration activities.
10.2 Regulating or prohibiting exemptions from a
requirement to hold a permission.
10.3 Prescribing circumstances in which persons may,
or must not, engage in an activity or class of
activity without a permission.
10.4 Prescribing permission activities that a person or
class of person, including prohibited persons, may
not engage in.
10.5 Prescribing activities or classes of activities to be
permit activities to be administered by a council.
10.6 Determining the type of permission that must be
held by a person engaging in an activity or class
of activity.
10.7 Determining the process for changing the type of
permission that must be held by a person engaging
in an activity or a class of activity.
10.8 Regulating or prohibiting conditions to which
permissions are subject.
10.9 Regulating or prohibiting the surrender or
revocation of permissions.
10.10 Regulating procedures relating to permissions,
including applications for permissions.
10.11 Regulating the review of permissions or decisions
relating to permissions.
10.12 Regulating or prohibiting the factors considered
during the determination of decisions relating to
10.13 Regulating consultation procedures and
requirements relating to permissions.
11 Appointments
11.1 Regulating the appointment of authorised officers.
11.2 Regulating the conditions that may be placed on
the appointment of a person or a class of person
under this Act.
12 Noise
12.1 Regulating the prevention, minimisation or
control of noise, including—
(a) regulating or prohibiting the use, supply,
distribution or sale of any item, equipment or
vehicle; and
(b) regulating or prohibiting the manufacture or
assembly of any item, equipment or vehicle.
Sch. 1
item 12.2
12.2 Prescribing noise that is not to be unreasonable
inserted by noise.
No. 36/2022
s. 71(3).
The regulations may prescribe municipal districts that are subject
to a higher waste levy payable for each tonne of municipal waste
or industrial waste that is received.
Table 2
Amount of waste levy payable under
section 145(2) for each tonne of priority
waste received
Date when waste is waste Category Category Category
received asbestos B waste C waste D waste
On or after 1 July 2021 2·06 fee 17·15 fee $105.90 $105.90
and before 1 July 2022 units units
On or after 1 July 2022 2·06 fee 17·15 fee $125.90 $125.90
and before 1 July 2023 units units
On or after 1 July 2023 2·06 fee 17·15 fee 8·13 fee 8·13 fee
units units units units
There is no amount of waste levy payable for receiving Category
A waste as receiving Category A at a landfill is prohibited.
1 General information
See www.legislation.vic.gov.au for Victorian Bills, Acts and current
authorised versions of legislation and up-to-date legislative information.
Minister's second reading speech—
Legislative Assembly: 7 June 2017
Legislative Council: 22 August 2017
The long title for the Bill for this Act was "A Bill for an Act to provide for
the continuation of the Environment Protection Authority, to specify a new
objective of the Authority, to provide for a new governance structure of the
continued Authority, to provide for the Governing Board of the Authority
and to make consequential amendments to the Environment Protection
Act 1970 and the Public Administration Act 2004 and for other purposes."
The Environment Protection Act 2017 was assented to on 24 October 2017
and came into operation as follows:
Sections 1, 2, 4, 30–32 on 1 January 2018: Special Gazette (No. 433) 12
December 2017 page 1; sections 3, 5–29, 33–46 on 1 July 2018: section 2(2).
2 Table of Amendments
This publication incorporates amendments made to the Environment
Protection Act 2017 by Acts and subordinate instruments.
Environment Protection Act 2017, No. 51/2017
Assent Date: 24.10.17
Commencement Date: S. 46 on 1.7.18: s. 2(2)
Note: S. 46 repealed Pt 4 (ss 27–46) on 1.7.19
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Environment Protection Act 2017
Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018, No. 39/2018 (as amended by
Nos 27/2019, 3/2020, 11/2020, 47/2020)
Assent Date: 28.8.18
Commencement Date: S. 19 on 28.8.18: s. 2(2) (as amended by No. 11/2020
s. 54); ss 4–18, 20–23 on 1.7.21: Special Gazette
(No. 124) 16.3.21 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Environment Protection Act 2017
Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2019, No. 49/2019 2
Assent Date: 3.12.19
Commencement Date: S. 186(Sch. 4 item 18) on 1.1.20: Special Gazette
(No. 514) 10.12.19 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Environment Protection Act 2017
Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021, No. 55/2021
Assent Date: 14.12.21
Commencement Date: Ss 192, 193, 197, 198, 200−207, 209, 210 on 1.7.22:
Special Gazette (No. 285) 7.6.22 p. 1
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Environment Protection Act 2017
Environment Legislation Amendment (Circular Economy and Other Matters)
Act 2022, No. 36/2022
Assent Date: 6.9.22
Commencement Date: S. 27 on 1.7.21: s. 2(2)(a); s. 53 on 1.7.21: s. 2(2)(b);
s. 58 on 1.7.21: s. 2(2)(c); ss 73, 74 on 1.7.21:
s. 2(2)(d); s. 26(1) on 7.9.22: s. 2(3)(b); s. 28 on
7.9.22: s. 2(3)(c); s. 45 on 7.9.22: s. 2(3)(d); s. 46 on
7.9.22: s. 2(3)(e); s. 49 on 7.9.22: s. 2(3)(f); s. 52 on
7.9.22: s. 2(3)(g); ss 56, 57 on 7.9.22: s. 2(3)(h); s. 59
on 7.9.22: s. 2(3)(i); s. 62(3) on 7.9.22: s. 2(3)(j);
s. 64(3)(4) on 7.9.22: s. 2(3)(k); s. 66(1)(2) on 7.9.22:
s. 2(3)(l); s. 67 on 7.9.22: s. 2(3)(m); s. 71(3) on
7.9.22: s. 2(3)(n); s. 72 on 7.9.22: s. 2(3)(o)
Current State: This information relates only to the provision/s
amending the Environment Protection Act 2017
3 Explanatory details
Pt 4 (Headings and ss 27−46) (repealed): The amendment proposed by
section 21 of the Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018,
No. 39/2018 (as amended by Nos 27/2019, 3/2020, 11/2020, 47/2020) is not
included in this publication due to the earlier repeal of Part 4 by section 46 of
the Environment Protection Act 2017, No. 51/2017.
Section 21 reads as follows:
21 Part 4 repealed
Part 4 of the Principal Act is repealed.
Table of Amendments (Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2019):
The amendment proposed by section 186(Schedule 4 item 18.1) of the
Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2019, No. 49/2019 is not included
in this publication because section 338(a) is not part of this Act on the
commencement date of section 186(Schedule 4 item 18.1).
Section 186(Schedule 4 item 18.1) reads as follows:
18 Environment Protection Act 2017
18.1 In section 338(a), for "Roads Corporation"
substitute "Secretary to the Department of