@sap SD Workshop Down Payment: Mickae L Que Snot©

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Workshop MICKAE L


Workshop Downpayment
l Business Process of Down Payment in SD and FI
l Down Payment in the sales order
l Down Payment request
l Partial Invoice - complete settlement
l Partial Invoice - prorate settlement
l Customizing
l Additional Settings in Fi
l Technical information
l Example Data

When dealing in capital goods and in plant
engineering, it is normal to reach an agreement with
the customer on down payments for the creation
and delivery of the contract terms.
The down payments are part of the agreement with
the customer and are stored as a date in the billing
plan in the sales order.
The value of the agreed payment can be entered
either as an amount or as a percentage of the value
of the item.
Down payments in sales order can only be used with
billing plans. No down payments can be settled ,
particularly with delivery-related billing documents.

Business Process of Down Payment in
SD and FI
SD sales order FI
with Down Payment

Down Payment request

SD billing document BSEG-VBEL2 = VBAK-VBELN
Down Payment request BSEG-POSN2 = VBAP-POSNR

Down Payment request
SD Billing document
partial / final invoice

Settle Down Payment

against receivable

Business Process of Down
Payment in SD and FI
Down payments are usually arranged with the customer when dealing with plant
engineering and construction or capital goods.
Down payments are already created in the SD sales order.
At the corresponding due date, a down payment request (SD billing document) is
sent to the customer.
The down payment request (SD) is automatically posted in Financial Accounting
(FI) as a down payment request (posted as a noted item). The item has special G/L
indicator F, which ensures that posting is statistical. Posting is made to a different
reconciliation account, which allows you to differentiate down payment requests
from other receivables.
When posting an incoming payment for a down payment, the incoming payment is
assigned to the down payment request. The down paid amount is also account
assigned for the sales order. The item has special G/L indicator A.
When processing partial/final invoices, the down payments made are transferred as
down payments to be cleared. Within FI, the down payments are deducted from the
special reconciliation account and entered in the standard reconciliation account. The
down payments for clearing then appear as open items for the customer and reduce
the total of receivables.

Down Payment Agreements in
the Sales order
Sales order

Turbine 30.000 EUR

Milestone Billing Plan

Date % Amount Downpayment

1 JAN 10% 3.000 EUR X

1 APR 40% 12.000 EUR
1 MAY 60% 18.000 EUR

Down Payment
Agreements in the Sales
Down payment processing is carried out utilizing the billing plan functionality.
One or more down payment agreements can be stored as a date in a billing plan.
The value of the agreed down payment can be entered either as a fixed amount or
as a percentage of the value of the item.
Control is carried out via the billing rule:
Billing rule 4: Down payment for percentage milestone billing
Billing rule 5: Down payment for value-related milestone billing
The down payment agreement can be assigned directly to an item, or it can be
defined as valid for all items in the order.
The special condition type AZWR is used for down payment items in sales
documents, rather than the usual condition type PR00. Condition category e and
calculation rule B (fixed amount) are assigned to condition type AZWR. When
condition type AZWR is determined, all the other condition types are set to inactive.

Down Payment Request

Sales order

Date % Amount Down Payment

1 JAN 10% 3.000 EUR X

Billing type FAZ

Billing doc. (Down Payment request) Down Payment request

Turbine 3.000 EUR customer 3.000 EUR

Down Payment
As soon as the billing date (in the billing plan) for the down payment
has been reached, the system creates a down payment invoice and
sends it to the customer. Billing type FAZ is used for creating the
down payment request.
This down payment request can be created as follows:
 automatically via billing due list processing in a collective run, or
 explicitly by specifying the order number via the transaction
Create billing document.
Tax is determined and displayed automatically when the down
payment request is created.
The down payment request in FI is created automatically from the
down payment request in SD.
You can view the down payment requests created in SD and FI via the
document flow in the sales order.

Partial Invoice - complete settlement

Sales order

Date % Amount Down Payment

1 APR 40% 12.000 EUR

Reconcilation account 140000

Partial 12.000 EUR settled 3.000 EUR

Partial Invoice invoice Down Payment

Turbine 40% 12.000 EUR

paid Down Payment 3.000 EUR

Reconciliation account 170000
settled Down Payment 3.000 EUR

settled 3.000 EUR Paid 3.000 EUR

Down Payment Down Payment

With partial invoices and final invoices, the
paid down payments are copied in the billing
document as down payments for clearing.
Partial Invoice
- complete

In the output of the Invoice the down

payments for clearing are printed and
reduced from the total amount.

Partial invoice - prorate
Sales order

Date % Amount Down Payment

1 APR 40% 12.000 EUR

Reconcilation account 140000

Partial 12.000 EUR Settled 1.200 EUR

Partial invoice Invoice Down payment

Turbine 40% 12.000 EUR

paid Down payment 3.000 EUR

Reconcilation account 170000
settled Down Payment 1.200 EUR

Settled 1.200 EUR Paid 3.000 EUR

Down payment Down payment

In the partial invoice the value of the The maximum value of the AZWR is the
down payments for clearing can be paid Down payment minus the value of
changed (On the pricing overview on already cleared down payments (error
item level the condition type AZWR is message: VH 810 - Amount of down
Partial invoice changeable). payment may not exceed/fall below the
specified value).

- prorate

In the final invoice all not settled down

payments are included.

Incoming Payment for down

payment (F-29)
Incoming payment for down payment

Customer $ 3,000

G/L indicator: A:

Down payment request

Customer $ 3,000

Add down payment

Open request:
Customer $ 3,000

Incoming Payment for down
payment (F-29)
When a downpayment request is settled, the special G/L indicator ‘A’ displays the
incoming downpayment in FI as a down payment by posting.

In F-29 you can select an incoming downpayment from the open requests and choose the
‘Create down payment’ button to assign it to a sales order so that the fields BSEG-VBEL2
and BSEG-POSN2 are filled automatically by the system.

You can view the down payments in the open items of accounts receivable under the
special G/L indicator ‘A’

The down payment request is correspondingly set to ‘cleared’ in the document flow of
the SD order.

V/06 - condition type AZWR create/check

◦ no access sequence
◦ Condition class „A“ = Discount or surcharge
◦ Calculation type „B“ = Fixed amount
◦ Condition category „e“ = Down pament
Customizing request/down payment clearing
(1) ◦ Item condition
◦ Changes which can be made: Value

In the down payment request all other

condition types are inactive and AZWR
changes to condition class = ‘B‘ this is done in
the coding

VOFM - Ma i ntain: requirements and Formulas

◦ Formulas --> Condition va lue --> Routine number 48 (s hould be delivered)

form frm_kondi_wert_048.

da ta messagenumber like komp-fxmsg.

mes sagenumber = '810'.

i f messagenumber = komp-fxmsg.

cl ear komp-fxmsg.

endi f.

i f komp-netwr < xkwert a nd komp-netwr > 0 or

Customizing komp-netwr > xkwert a nd komp-netwr < 0 or

(2) xkwert < 0

xkwert > 0
a nd komp-netwr > 0 or

a nd komp-netwr < 0.

mes sage s810(vh).

i f komp-fxmsg = '805' or komp-fxmsg is i nitial.

komp-fxmsg = messagenumber.


endi f.


VH 810 Amount of downpayment may not exceed/fall below the specified va lue

V/08 - Maintain Pricing Procedure

◦ before AZWR the net value must be calculated

with base formula 2 (for example: Step 912,
no condition type, base formula 2)
◦ condition type AZWR
◦ must be included after a net value with base formula 2
Customizing and before output tax
◦ output X (so that the down payment is printed in the
(3) invoice)
◦ requirement 2 (item with pricing)
◦ calculation formula 48 (check down payments)
◦ Account key ERL
(after creating of the invoice the down
payment is posted as a revenue)
◦ The flag T683-BONSM should not be set for the
pricing procedure. It changes the condition
classes back when creating the invoice.

VOFA – Maintain Billing Document Types

◦ FAZ (Down payment request )

◦ Billing category P (Down
payment request)
◦ Document type DZ (Customer
Customizing payment)

(4) ◦ Billing type for cancellation FAS

◦ FAS (Cancellation down payment request)

◦ Billing category P (Down
payment request)
◦ Document type DZ (Customer

VTFA – Copy control: sales document to

◦ Header: OR to FAZ
Customizing ◦ Copy requirement 001(header / order-related)
◦ Item : OR to FAZ, item category TAO
(5) ◦ Copy requirement 20 (down payment request item)
◦ Billing quantity = A (order quantity less invoiced quantity)
◦ Item: OR to F2, item category TAO
◦ Copy requirement 23 (Item ord.ref. w/o downpayment

OVV4 – Billing block reasons overview
◦ Set Billing block 02 (Compl Confirm Missng) FAZ

VKOA – Assign G/L Accounts for F2

◦ For example Table 001
◦ Application V
Customizing ◦ Condition type KOFK

(6) ◦

Chart of accts
Sales org.
◦ AcctAssgGr 01
◦ Acct asgnmt grp 01
◦ Account key ERL
◦ Account 800000

OVBN – Date Description Maintenance
◦ 0009 Down Payment

OVBJ – Maintain Date Category for Billing Plan Type

◦ Billing Type 01 :
◦ 03 (Down payment request (proc.)) with billing rule 4
(Down payment in milestone billing on percentage
◦ 04(Down payment request (amount)) with billing rule
5 (Down payment in milestone billing on a value basis)

OVBM – Date Proposal Maintenance for Billing Plan Type

Customizing ◦ Assign Standard billing/invoice plan number

(7) OVBP – Maintain Assignment of Billing Plan Type to Sales

Doc. Type
◦ For eample: maintain sales doc. Type OR with billing
plan type 01

OVBR - Maintain Assignment of Billing Plan Type to Item

◦ For example: maintain item category TA0 with billing
plan type 01

Settings for Financial Accounting
◦ Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable
and Accounts Payable-> Business Transactions -
>Down Payment Received -> Define
Reconciliation Accounts for Customer Down
Payments (OBXR)
Customizing ◦ Down payment: Special G/L Indicator = ‘A‘
◦ Down payment request: Special G/L Indicator = ‘F‘
Maintain Default cost elements for
◦ Controlling -> Internal Orders -> Actual Postings
-> Define Default Cost Elements for Down
Payments (OKEP)

Financial Accounting Configuration (0RFB)
◦ Bus. Transactions -> Base parameters -> Control ->
Posting keys (0B41) -> select posting key ‘19‘ -> Details ->
field status -> Additional account assignments (0B41)
◦ Sales order should be set to ‘Optional entry‘

AND in Customizing
◦ General Ledger Accounting -> G/L Accounts -> Master
records -> Edit G/L Account (Individual Processing) -> Edit
G/L Account Centrally (FS03) -> for example G/L account
800000 -> Create/bank/interest -> field status group:
G029 (Revenue accounts)
Additional ◦ Financial accounting -> Financial Accounting Global
Settings -> Document -> Line Item -> Control -> Maintain
Settings in FI Field Status variants -> select ‘0001‘ -> Field status
groups -> select ‘G029‘ -> Field status -> Additional
account assignments :
◦ Sales order should be set to ‘Optional entry‘
OBXB – Automatic Posting Procedures
◦ Down payments -> maintain the Posting keys :
Debit 29
Credit 19
Special G/L ind. F

VBKD Sales document: Business data
VBELN = Sales document number
POSNR = Sales document item (000000 -> header data)

FPLNR = Billing plan number

FPLA Billing plan

FPLNR = Billing plan number
FPART = Billing plan type

FPLT Billing plan : DATES

FPLNR = Billing plan number
FPLTR = Item for billing plan
AFDAT = Billing date
TETXT = Date description

se80: Function group V60C
VF01: LV 60AA30 – Faktura_auftragsbezogen

-> call function 'SD_DOWNPAYMENT_READ‘

-> perform anzahlungen_ermitteln…
to find all paid Down Payments in FI:
Important sd_acc_downpayment_read (LV60CU07)

Routines -> perform

anzahlungsverrechng_ermitteln… (LV60CF0A)
read the document flow

Release to Accounting:
-> perform
-> call function

Structure: SDACCDPC
BELNR = Number of document FI
VGBEL = Order number
Important FPLNR = Billing Plan number
Tables and
during Internal table: itab_downpay
BELNR = Number of the document FI
processing: VGBEL = Number of the sales document
VGPOS = item number in the sales document
FPLNR = Billing plan number

Milestone billing:

Customer: NJ

Organizational data 0001 / 01 / 01

Material NJ_HOUSE

Order Type OR

Item category TA0

Billing Plan Type 01

Existing order: 21628

For clearing the down payment in F-29:

Example Data Type = DZ

Currency/Rate = EUR

Account = NJ

Special G/L ind = A

Account = 113100

Ammount = value of the down payment request including tax

-> press ‘request‘ -> select the order -> press ‘Create Down Payments‘

-> save


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