Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
11 NOVEMBER 2022
1. The Avia Prime Eduvent Management by Xplorasi, is inviting students,
parents and teachers in our division to watch/view the First Edutainment
Film Art entitled “MGA MUNTING PANGARAP” and “TOLITS” where they
can discover and re-discover the Importance of Education and the
Sacrifices dedicating life of a teacher to build someone else’s DREAM.
2. Ifyou are interested, please refer to the attached invitation letter from Avia
Prime Eduvent Management for the full details or you may contact
09993966214, however this activity is not compulsory and therefore,
voluntary or without legal obligation.
3. For your information and appropriate
(e/school vision Superintendent
JSD/BGD/CID /epy /magr
‘Address: Del Pilar comer Velez treet, Brey: 28, Cagayan de Oro City 3000, a
Tel. Nos: (088) 881-2094 | Text: 0917-8992245 (Globe) Z
Email: [email protected]Avia Prime Eduvent Management
&y Natonasi Services
November 3, 2022 sion of Misamis Orient
Schools Division Superintendent Fe
DEPED- Misamis Oriental ‘wd ae
Dear Sir Dela Pena
Greetings of peace!
Avia Prime Eduvent Management by Xplorasi, is a group of Professional Educational Events
Coordinator, Organizer and Exhibitor whose aim is to provide a more effective and enjoyable way of
transmitting knowledge to its clientele. The group is well exposed to the various facet of education that
will surely and productively guarantee total quality LEARNING.
For this season AVIA PRIME will be bringing in your Region, EDUTAINMENT FILM VIEWING
promoting department of education and Commission on Higher Education mission to provide a child-
friendly, gender sensitive, safe and motivating environment thru film art with K to 12 Basic Education
Curric School-Arts and Design Track Specialized Subject and Special Program in the
‘The First Film Art Viewing entitled “MGA MUNTING PANGARAP” and “TOLITS” inspired by
true to life events. A Film by One of the Best Advocacy Director, Storyteller and Educator Mr. Errol
Ropero, advocates children’s values formation, rights to proper education, giving importance to
indigenous people and teacher’s unparalleled dedication in teaching. This Film is RATED G or for all
General Audience by Movie and Television review and Classification Board (MTRCB), the material is
nothing objectionable in the theme and in the scenes and dialogue.
The Objectives of this edutainment film art are:
+ To motivate Leamers
To learn the importance of Teacher in our life
To develop analytical processes
‘To sensitize individuals to another person's life role
‘To be gateway to exploring camplex ideas & open students eyes to ather ways of looking at the
Our Advocacy Films will be premier to Diflerent SM and Robinsons Cinemas every Saturday and
‘Sunday starting December 2022 to August 2023
In line with this, we are writing you to formally invite your Students, Parents and Teachers in your
Region to view the First Edutainment Film Art where they can discover and re discover the Importance
of Education and the Sacrifices dedicating life of a Teachers to build someone else’s DREAM.
Unit Mezzanine Floor RGH Bldg, Timog Ave., cor Panay Ave.Quezon City
Office Tet: (02) 86976361 ; (02) 8293 4034
Mobile Nos: 0906 3505088 ; 0827 5803673
Email add: [email protected]Avia Prime Eduvent Management
By Xalonasi Services
We look forward to hearing from you with regard to this proposal. Should you wish to discuss details
further, feel free to contact us: (02) 8697 6361 ; (02) 8293 4034 ; 0927 5803673 ; 0906 3505088
‘Thank you and God Bless!
‘Your educayign partner,
Marketing Executive for Education
0999 3966214
Unit € Mezzanine Floor RGH Bldg. Timog Ave., cor Panay Ave.Quezon City
Office Tet: (02) 86976361 ; (02) 8293 4034
Mobile Nos: 0906 3505088 ; 0927 5803673
Email add: [email protected]
iAvia Prime Eduvent Management
&y Katona: Services
Unit € Mezzanine Floor RGH Bldg, Timog Ave., cor Panay Ave.Quezon City
Office Tel (02) 86976361 ; (02) 8293 4034
‘Mobile Nos: 0906 3505088 ; 0927 5803673
Email add: aviaprime_education yahoo.comAvia Prime Eduvent Management
By Xalonasi Services
A story about poverty-stricken family of Pedring (Amor Baynosa) and Minda (Luzviminda Jaurique) in
a remote fishing village in rural province of the Philippines. Pedring and Minda have three young sons
who have different dreams of becoming to be when they grow up.
Jojo (Carl Acosta) being the eldest of the siblings helps his father Pedring to catch fish as their
source of income and sometimes work part time in the Tamarind Candy shop to augment on their daily
expenses. He works and study at the same time to help his parents and his younger brothers for their
daily needs. On top of that, he still manages to teach young children in their neighborhood who never
had any chance of going to school. At young age, Jojo has become passionate and devout himself of
his calling to be a teacher.
Caloy (Nourish Icon Lapuz), the second child helps their mother with her laundry job and sometimes.
he iooks after of his youngest brother Popoy. He does not go to school because they don't have money
‘or means for him to be sent to school. His older brother Jojo promised him that he too will also have a
chance to continue his school once they will have enough money save up. Caloy is an intelligent and
talented boy, and that at an early age he showed how persistent he could be on getting his ambition
carried out.
Popoy (Rein Eguin) the youngest is a happy child and have always a positive outlook of life. He
hangs around Caloy a lot and that at an early age he too, dreamt of becoming what he wants to be
when he grows up. Because of the difficulties they experienced of their everyday life, it is never too
hard for them to wish a better life when they grow up. Jojo, their oldest brother gets mad at them
because they tear his notebook and used the paper as their paper boat and airplane when they play at
the big rock. This idea of playing paper boat and airplane brought a positive impact to these
brothers who later become a marine engineer and a pilot respectively.
The road towards success of these three brothers were full of twist and turns. Will they be able to
realize their dreams while they face their difficult challenges in life? Will there be any other way to deter
the break-up of their family and to let what their parents wanted to do? How will they be able to go
through every tough decisions when their only weapons were their lttie dreams? Education is the
‘answer on realizing their dreams, but how will they be able to reach their dreams when the challenges
they face every day is unbearable.
“Mga Munting Pangarap” is presented by Flying High Entertainment Production, starring: Jao
Mapa, Charee Pineda, Jerome Miles Manzano, Carl Acosta, Nourish Icon Lapuz, Edward Ropero,
Domz Palomar and Andrea Kate Abellar.
Unit € Mezzanine Floor RGH Bldg. Timog Ave., cor Panay Ave.Quezon City
‘Office Tel: (02) 86976361 ; (02) 8293 4034
Mobile Nos: 0906 3505088 ; 0827 5803673
Email add: [email protected]‘Avia Prime Eduvent Management
&y Kalonasi Services
JME LES einer lO)
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A e r
Unit € Mezzanine Floor RGH Bldg, Timog Ave., cor Panay Ave.Quezon City
Office lek: (02) Woy 70361 ; (U2) 4293 A034
“Mobile Nos: 0906 3505088 ; 0927 5803673
Email ac [email protected]‘Avia Prime Eduvent Management
By Xalonasi Services
ales of Hove in the Gea
fos BRROL ROPERS russ,
The Tales of Love in the Sea, a story of hop: nip between two dif The story starts
upon the mysterious arrival of whale sharks in Oslob, Cebu and it is also the day of giving birth of Dina
(Precious Lara Quigaman) to Tolits (Jerome Miles Manzano). After 13 years, a fishing town in Oslob serves as
a sanctuary to a group of whalesharks, the largest fish in the world. Locally known as butanding,
whalesharks visit the waters of Oslob everyday between six in the morning until noon time.
Let's take a glimpse of the story of a poor 13 - year old Tolits. He and his mother Dina were abandoned by his
father, Gilbert (Christian Vasquez) for another woman at his early age. Since then, his mother became
lunatic and her behavior become childish. Tolits forced to work at his young age but not enough for their
daily needs. As the increase volume of the whaleshark, the government decided to make a tourist attraction
in Oslob, they call if “Whaleshark Watching”, for it is good to the economy in the community to have a
better livelihood particularly the fishermen. Tolits never experienced the life at school, despite of his
emptiness; he works hard as a tourist’ underwater photographer. It became the primary source of income
for Tolits.
Due to economic growth in the Oslob, the authorities tightened safety and security of the area. They are not
allowing anyone to take pictures with the tourist if it is not a member of Tan-awan, Oslob Sea Warden
Fishermen Association (TOSWFA). Tolits also prohibited to interact with the whale sharks due to risk of
accidents may occur. Indication of the emergence of tame dolphins, he became his companion and he also
considered the dolphin as his best friend aside from his childhood best friend Ening (Andrea Kate Abellar).
Came the opportunity of hope, he was able to study in Manila, together with his so-called Kuya Aris (Edward
Ropero). The condition is that they need to work as a houseboy for a year to support their studies. A faith in
God will be attested for Tolits to overcome the obstacles in life. The reality of his dream is just beyond the
dream. This movie also tackles in God. It will re real val
and essence of education for less fortunate.
The movie is written and directed by Errol Ropero under Dream Creations Entertainment Productions. This
film is recommended to watch by the students in all year levels. Rated A by the Cinema Evaluation Board and
Rated G (General Audience) by MTRCB.
Unit Mezzanine Floor RGH Bldg. Timog Ave.,cor Panay Ave.Quezon City
Office Tel (02) 86976361 ; (02) 8293 4034
Mobile Nos: 0906 3505088 ; 0927 5803673
Email add: [email protected]Republic of the Philippines
Bepartment of Education
11 NOVEMBER 2022
Marketing Executive for Education
Avia Prime Eduvent Management
Unit E Mezzanine Floor RGH Bldg.
‘Timog Ave. cor Panay Ave. Quezon City
Dear Sir Gonzales,
This has reference to your letter received by this Office on November 7,
2022 inviting our students, parents and teachers re: EDUTAINMENT FILM
VIEWING entitled “MGA MUNTING PANGARAP” and “TOLITS” inspired by
true to life events.
This Office approves the said invitation provided that the conduct of the
film viewing will be done on a Saturday or Sunday as stated in your letter, and
that there should be no disruption of classes in compliance with DepEd Order
No.9 s 2005 re: Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-On-Task
and Ensuring Compliance Therewith.
‘Thank you.
Schools Division Superintendent
‘Address: Del Plar corner Velez Stret, Brey. 29, Cagayan de Oro City 9000 d
Tel. Nos: (088) 881-3094 | Tex: 0917-8992245 (Globe)
Email: [email protected] syne,