Glencoe Adv. Math Concepts - Chapter 13 - Resource Masters
Glencoe Adv. Math Concepts - Chapter 13 - Resource Masters
Glencoe Adv. Math Concepts - Chapter 13 - Resource Masters
Glencoe Adv. Math Concepts - Chapter 13 - Resource Add to ...
NAME _____________________________ DATE _______________ PERIOD ________
5. How many ways can the letters in the word attitude be 5. __________________
8. Two number cubes are tossed. Find the probability that the 8. __________________
sum of the number cubes is 6.
10. The odds of all three coins showing heads when three 10. __________________
coins are tossed are 1 to 7. What is the probability of
tossing 3 heads when three coins are tossed?
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