Q Mohamed Sabry

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ny peyn- ere t-te Hi ~~ L 2082 Ahe-most. Correct answerd) OZone is_prvsent in the. -.- + 2-- layer: 2 ~|~9) troposphere b) mesosphere—-c) thermosphere... J) stratosphere A Penney of — $0, gas—in..the p ateetpber lends... ~{-a).asthaa ad preumon'a —_&) carboryheeroglotin.—.c) alkalinity. d).all of them ~|-PAN is. ciel ce a ae 9 o ovoivd ot oa Smog 3 8 aa __--d) particulate material 1-2) primary pollatast 4. os aie concentration ofany substance in_the — enuiromen —— ett ae ne —|—a)-normal level) safe level___e)_ Lethal Jewel _ _.d) active fevel_ --—fS_used on change. transfer h Convert_O,. te: Eos Or) a) or then 6. CO, gas ot cence ___|-e)_teric gas ______b) poffufant__ ¢) healthy — _ dé) basic. 4. No" is_present. in. the — _ —— - —— 4a) uppee layer of ofmesthere .. _b)-inductyial smog. 5 lower fee of ce ee - -..-.d) Eroposphere om §-|--The_chemical _coxjetath of. that dense meg art -|-2)-$0,1 tly and CO .b)-S0, y NOz avd Oy 9 No, 10; and Pav) Comms cq. reen house effect sn present due fe the occurance [ enna alt lag en 4 _|-a)-Oy ) He6 voruur _ <) Coy od). both basd_ Grit /P WN w B ~~ Pelludants_are_ presenti = ——— 8) non. areated aren t). photonchemical_smeg— a) mrestel. aren. “daa J - atures of-Oz—in- the From he. Serious_effect_of-—inereasi | lower Qact_ of almespher@ —————____—____— |] @)-increasing of thesea.levels_b)- formelion_of P A i a) of global temperature. 3) allo thew. — A Release. of_energy. in alesse as.-a—arsull’_of. bh charge tonite _e).ghoto —|--a)-aton transfer —13-|. CO_ pollutant is pert ——|-2) pholonchenical_smey-—_b).cvveal.ed_area__¢)-non-arelftsl_area 5 oa heyy -Ny-|-Collidal_.sized atmosphers ——]-2)-aere’s ol 1b] The_mode of air_sanpling are — | -a)-Size_of seme __ b)_pressure —c).cate.of_sanpliry J) both ood ¢ 17-] An “ehanpleof photo jonization. inudlmosthere_ic ae eee -O-Ny+- Ox. 1§-|-PRN_is_ formed by oe fore eee ae —|@-CO,-on O,.- 1) -O,-on NaNO) 0, on acyl radi al 4 0-d).0, on. ho. . —I9-1 eee at $Oy—> H's a)erothermic —b) endothermic ©) displacement 4) oridation Yep t : 3 3 Air Lo. ' [THe Firat ager: of--almosphere_4> called... -_Layer-—_______-—— H9) mesosehere b) troposphere _c}-stralas here d) there sphere. of gust anely 00. Non aispersive oR, a usd Cor delecninatian- of - ~9)-C6,. —Y)-Hydrocacboas——c} 03 —-3)-CO — The_compenenls Present-in—industeial smog .ave+— -a)-NO,-»-HC-cnnd-C)g——b). QM) 50,159). 0 The Fellowing react von— sae | ©, > Oa N24 b)-oxidation— vednction. |--0)-Charge-Erantier —————— |—-<) _endo-thernie—--——---—-8)-aom--AransFer— eee _ =the fellowing cenchiens represent 2 03+ Wo —+--NOg-* 02-0). decompo sit one Orleye- _—----NO,-4+-O--—> -No—*-01—---— ¥)-danyerous-e@Fect- of NO __--¢) Rormatiion-of Oz-at-the LPA _d)-al\.of them= ——— = -- athe Feltowing pcaction ce presents... removal fh 50, Cer bP _CaCo,.._t -»-GO-+CO1.——— bd vemoval. of Gldg Erem FL |_____CaB-+-SO0z-—> Ca $0,—__—_—. ) formation of CO2— -— __ d) mone of them tions represent the. Pornation sf Gentanrsa = ae ~ @- PAN oe Rae 0 b). green house effed.. ia 0-4, ©). Aeyl-radsed) | FT aNtthen — A < -—-—+.NO 0-0" Qy- 3 2 8 2g | So}. 31 32 -| ¢) indusfrial smog i . Keay AL 130 Km the Composition of Oy and QO @ equally abundant b) Id Oy 4 present © aah of O 2 present NZera'l, why Qe preseal The following reaction a considered.as.t. ; H,0+ hd —>H+ ol @ charge SvancPor suet ov oH +ho ~—5H +O b) atom . “ c) photo-distectalion asaction a) veplecomonl renctfon Hs + H2S0, —> NH, WSO, ) NH, ASCy) + Wt —>-(N Hu), 5.04 The abwe cactions represent: 2). phelochemical. smog b) repleenent ceadion 4) photodissodalion reaction diseates From.the Serious effect of. SO, and SOr c) thickenirg of coer a) ashma b) Carbory —haeneglabin 3). both a and C PAW has the Pollewing structural Cormla S wie yo oO. 7 4 ee Aes 6 N- bb) Re €-0-0— by ° 0 Nie ic) a h—o-o-NOn a) none of Khem Gas - filter ole omely ner in uscd Cov the delerminedior 4 2) CO, gas 4) 0s au c) CO. gat g) Hydrocarbon r 2 S-air COZ and Vapour. gas as: responsible for + 8) Gradual increasing of global temp. - ace green house effect ©) desertation of agricultural soil _ Woof them . os _ 4 iedimelvic._.. ) Colorimetric. —_c) actdstease 4) bath band. ¢ Fem the__Serious . effect au eo Te a a) Pormation of PAN .b). eye ierifant ~€) Bormehion of phafo- Chemical o -2) all of then ———— inal ae }e Pb, Hio anh; - b) 9, Pb. nd smoke 7 oer Na a). tbo COrend PAN ————E eee The Pollowing. reactions represent. —- — Cab-+H.0-—> @@H—--- Go@H), «50, —> GSO, + Ho- ——h) dry method Ca S05 41,0 +50, > A(HSO,)-. - -— 9 decompo sition. of, SOx Saas nate > 2GS0, 0 2HiD-.-—-d) non oF them - — —--@) wet serubbing-methed a) Size. 0f Sanple- 5 Pressure and ay level --0f Some b) size of sample, rate of sampling» dumtion of Sample and. Sample storage c) Pressure »benperntion and Velune 4 Sanple di yd) none of Ahem 34. ‘yo 40 ud 42) é ‘| wale Sterilization of water streams de carck oul hy the adiition n oh a) Bry or Ne 4) CO, c) O or ch, 3) 0, Kem The delermindion of sushended seltds in unter sysbem. is caresed out bys eee = ce ca a) EDTA Titration _ bo) spectrophotometty. ¢) Filteration and -weiybirg of : 4) all of them = Wale’ best oa by-Ne addition of ~~ te vinfer Sam gle ©) MAS, and MO, — b).Mad, and Naok Mast ant 9G Kr a) nd, Nis in a oo denial eet a) winkler’s rest _.b) Nesslersulution.. ta mvebbdate 4) lodimetry Te preserve. air smeciila tae air analy y Abt sanple. dogibe: ©) prettdd firm hesfiond Night )does nef roc with cankriner c)calltctad Vy atserptios ran « 5 8) all ef hem, - -| Cop test is. carricA oul. tes i a) S-doys bh) one week ¢) overnight a) fews hours eats of woler wee Ss deete the presence €L.... 3 CO; HCO, and ob) SOrand 02 _c) pyrite Ae & ee From the. disadvocteges. of Bop tex 2) high and low pH b) presence of ot gae ec) presence of (4:% and Fe" a)-all of thew Factors affect the ammet ef dissclval CRZEn in ubslte x : a) presence dy selute 4) phebosetheris of alpre — ¢) respiration of Niving organites all of then 02° dn delermined spetrurhetemetrically by the additir & Amn. malybdate - Ream. metar varedatie te. product, E a a) Yellow cour —&) blue celour — ¢) ved colour 2) viotet Calour Ton erehange resin ay used Port 4 4 oy slevitination of weler streams b} qurifiation of sally water c) determination. ef 800 3) all of Mhem a From the acidic. seyrees ef water —glytams po 5 a) Presence of Co,” ¥) presence of heavy mefalr ~| the presence of selutes. in_ vole strat, ni c)- increases. Hoe temperature 4 weler c)none 0 Nhem 52 tet Aizaty : 0) distillation -¥) steslizatien —.¢) Lows exchange —. 71 a) Causes mefremenlobin Cblut beby syndrome) &) Causes,.:a5 theme €)-forrction of Cavemeggaie Conpemalr 3) both a ard.c Alkalinity of woley streamer ty caused the Qresence Qo... iy Hey Hae 0 4 ©) deposition of SO_ or Noy gases in wiley. slroune Jal of. then h 2.~ water Q) increases he amoust 4 DO b) decreager he ancial! ot 00 | Purification ef. Sally weier sy cneviel ool Wyo... techarquer ——— dat ef When, w-|Frem the serious effeel of NOz and NO, -in oe che bi 9°) a) Cos” and Hos b) pyride and ren dust c)-deresitor of SO, av V0, 9) increasing of Os 4 -| From he poremeters of sufece tater quality 55} a) disseved orsgee \) Bop €) presente of NOy ad Nor 8)——0 -and—to ie] Bileificdicn readin ix 4 c) Conversion of UL fe NOL ond 03. d) Guertion of NOL lu a) Conversion of COs lo Wa WGrecsan ot NUL fe dittlea! Ox ni” ; 4 "4. unr as The’: e . Following tack uns epretabe 9-0 Cb ~ base veachiow by Atemiaatlan o& COD ¢) ) Sthermination. of Bop by eitfeadlon oattlon rh Sane 4 Kitnopy et > Mati nm amount ot DO. oceurs abt | @ Io ‘ 4d) s0o% | Cb). Zero.% 6) 35-6 soo | -—- | From the factors. .which affect tie omeud..ot. G60 Hat a) Presence of. sstcbe ‘ be) Reavastton - 1-8)-pholes anthesis of algae 3) af of. ther atte Bacteria hich ave_used.te converte WO2—a0d_9903-.——_—- -ay- ampicillin —.b) nibrosomeses_—__c). -|—Kjeldoht_wethedis used ter— Soret ee —--|-e)-defernination—of ozone____-&) delarnication of “To s- Jb) —delermination-of -BOD-—-d) none_of them. $2 _Nessler’s—_selutionin_used Cor_Selenninalion of. _|-e)-—lo.w-—-b)-D.0 ____c) Bop -- 3)-Cop_____ -|- Synthelic_detergzals are ae 63, 0) Very Lorre to_hving organigms—in_waler system —— |<)» Conplevimettrically with Co Gis), |-d)—all-of them = a aes -Most-of_Living organisms in_walerenvirenned-roquice aH fo = _-|-0)—lower_than pH z¢ b).pHrargod From _6—g-— td) none of Miggs h STE Ee |_—J-©)—higher_pH>-g. TL solid woelt Q the environment ey all of then, Ly From the hazardous etfealy of solid aiacleg tn 1) Cerra sitly Wp reactivily ——epigntlabitly 66 Pyrophic substances are chaweltevned by 0 ya” 6) Catch fire spontancoetly in aie uithont yuillen B) Cath Cave by ignition In ate €) Thete higher onidiaing prepaticr a) Their igh stability Gf] Recycling of waslts ay Gurial oak by. i 9) oidation = reducdion Atadlion w) ignition of uncles o) reusing of waster ant converting them & useful produch A) all of (hen 66.) Chemical methede of waste Lrealmests ave ciel bye a) fillvalion » cenlrifugalion and Cletativn. pacrd. base neulalizalion €)- fone exchange resin J) both b ad ¢ C1] phy sical metheds of waste Crealmert are carted oul by a) Compleg alton ceattien b) acid bas’ natedr'zation c) Cleelrodilysie 3) all of them JO] Combustable Substances ave divided inka u) Finely divided parlicler as rice buck b) exidizert cv HNOy c) Pyruphe aubshnce Aall of thew = 7 ave aranepinent hierarchy ia cavnral by applyiay the Pallersamg vwlesr Qventalon by mininization of waste production b) retychitg oft ° CS ignition off waster 3) Wath, «ad Dewyeling of wnele aA =i ay. lo 9. Solid wader i. ae The Flash point of lanmeble. liquid i Q)-meve thas fos Sb) less than 60.5" 8) abe 200% ce ¢) bohueen Goss =A 2G From the explosive hazandeus sublances a) Nax(o, , Feso, and Kel b) THT, KC1d and KEIO c) KL 5 Ly and Naoll 4) strong laser and Naz PO, Chemical classificelionr of waste Q) Flammable ond Gnbughble substancer cubiclances ace divided into p~ b)Gorrosive and resctive subslancer ¢) Toxic. substances d) all of them From the-efforls used fe reduce and clean up the environment Prom hazardous Wastes , He Governments pal some voles ars a) Legistlation b) litigation ...c) modeling of Some rules Jal of ther _| waste minimization and reducion dn carried. by a) changing of the pysical conditions of wouter te reduce hazard ous produdr yow ww Chemigd i To reduce. _ o <) Volume ptduction of the wales 4g) both b& amd ¢ | Lon- exchange resin an wand to. remeve. - From wastes a) atrdily be) basicity €) Cations and anion® — 4) oxidizing substance, EDTA in ured for BD removing , hazardous toric cations by Gmploration —- b) Femoving of ancont From fetie wastes ©) removing of alkalinity Crom Solid waster 2) allof Krom

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