Factory Commissioning Procedure Rod Handler
Factory Commissioning Procedure Rod Handler
Factory Commissioning Procedure Rod Handler
Fill in all blank spaces where writing is required. If something is not applicable, write ‘N/A’.
Place a tick in the appropriate box when there is a multiple choice.
All other boxes to have a tick added as each item is checked.
700 series
1300 series
LF130F (SC11)
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2.1 Check Pilot Dump kit has been fitted to LM Power Pack being used for testing. ............
2.2 Check the Serial Number plate has been fitted and stamped. ....................................
Swing Arm
Bearing (1)
Head pivot
Shaft (1)
There are several bearings that need to be lubricated before operating the equipment.
Check the Carriage Slide Block grease nipples (4) have been greased. ..............................
Check the Swing Arm bearing (1) has been greased. .....................................................
Check the Traverse Cylinder Trunnions (2) have been greased. ....................................
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Check the Gripper Cylinder Trunnions (4) have been greased. ....................................
Check the Head Pivot Shaft (1) has been greased. ...........................................
Check the front and rear Rod Handler mounts have been tightened. ..............................
Handler rear
Handler front mount
2.4 From the Traverse Cylinder Rod end, check the nuts and washers are assembled as
follows: Nyloc Nut, Flat Washer, Handler front mount, Flat Washer, Nut. .......................
Handler front
Nyloc nut Washer (hidden)
2.5 Check the Nyloc Nut on the Feed Cylinder rod end has been tensioned correctly
(1165Nm). ........................................................................................................................
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2.6 Connect the Interconnecting Tank, Drain and Load Sense and Pressure hoses to the Rod
Handler and Power Unit. ..................................................................................................
Load sense
Drain 7/16” JIC
9/16” JIC Pressure Tank
3/4” JIC 1-1/16” JIC
Note: The hydraulic pump used to power this device must be load sensing type. The
LM55/75/90 drills use a load sensing main pump.
2.7 Connect a Laser Safety Beam or Dummy Plug to the SAFETY BEAM / X24
socket on the underside of the Control Panel. Either one has to be fitted. .....................
2.8 Connect the Rod Handler carriage to the Control Panel CARRIAGE CAN BUS
/ X23 socket using the 7 pin plug (i.e. cable p/n 5304196). .............................................
2.9 Connect the Power Pack Starter to the Control Panel POWER PACK / X22 socket
using the 10 pin plug (ie cable p/n 89182). .......................................................................
2.10 Fit Remote Stop / Start pendant cable to STOP/START PENDANT / X21 socket on Rod
Handler Control panel. .....................................................................................................
2.11 Ensure head hoses are cable tied to Head frame to eliminate possible hose damage when
grippers open and close. .................................................................................................
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Remove the two metal covers from the Rod Handler carriage so the three field module
nodes are visible.
2.12 Check field module nodes on PWM Rod Handler carriage are in correct order. From left to
right, 2032, 2032, 2031. . ..................................................................................................
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2.13 Ensure blanking caps are fitted in Rod Handler field module node spare channels. Refer to
the following figure for channel locations.
Node 2 – Channel 2, 4, 6, 8.
Node 3 – Channel 6
Node 4 - no channels need to be plugged. .............................................................
Channel 7 Channel 8
Channel 5 Channel 6
Channel 3 Channel 4
Channel 1 Channel 2
Power LED
2.14 Check termination plug is fitted to field module node 3 CAN out connection. ...............
2.15 Check purple interconnecting CAN cables (2) are fitted between field module nodes. .
2.16 Turn on the electrical supply only. DO NOT START THE HYDRAULICS. ....................
2.17 The PWR LED flashes green on the bottom left of all three field module nodes. .......
If the lights are solid green or red, it is possible the rotary switches have not been set on the
field module nodes, refer figure below for correct settings. Once the switches have been
reset, the power will need to be switched off and on to the rig at least once if not twice to
reset the system. If any of the lights stay red after resetting as per the above procedure,
consult Engineering.
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2.18 Fault Codes: If there are issues with the electrical circuit, it is possible that a fault code will
be generated and displayed on the Rod Handler control panel. The FAULT / BUTTON
PRESSED light will give a series of flashes known as a flash code. Note that some of
these codes will not become apparent until a function is operated like a joystick that creates
a demand for a signal to a particular circuit. Should an error occur, the Control system will
stop all functionality until the error is rectified. Refer to the chart below for flash codes.
2.19 The LED lights on the carriage field module nodes indicate power is reaching the channel
for a particular function or to indicate a sensor has been activated. The following LEDs
should be illuminated on the field module nodes’ assuming the swing arm is out and there is
no rod loaded in the Head Assembly. The PULL ON/PUSH OFF button on the Handler
Control panel should be in the OFF position for this check.
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Emergency Stop
3.1 POWER ON light: This green LED indicates power is reaching the Control Panel from the
power source.
POWER ON light illuminates when electrical power is on. ..............................................
Pushing the button down into the lower position will disable the commands from the
joysticks to the PLC. The JOYSTICKS ACTIVE red LED will turn off.
If the Amber strobe light flashes when the button is lifted up, PRESS WHEN LOAD /
UNLOAD WHEN AREA IS CLEAR button to stop the light flashing. The laser Perimeter
sensor needs to be aligned for the reset to be successful.
Note: The warning light that is normally yellow on the carriage will turn red if there is a fault
detected in the electrical circuit during the following checks. Rectify fault and depress
PRESS WHEN LOAD / UNLOAD AREA IS CLEAR button to clear fault.
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Operating Status Indicator.
When the ROD HANDLER PULL ON / PUSH OFF button is lifted to the raised position,
JOYSTICKS ACTIVE red LED illuminates on the Control Panel. .....................................
Field module node 3, channel 8 LED turns amber on carriage. (Warning light
energised). .......................................................................................................................
Field module node 3, channel 2 LED turns amber on carriage. (Gripper open
energised). .......................................................................................................................
Yellow Light on Carriage terminal box illuminates Yellow. ...............................................
3.3 EMERGENCY STOP button: This button is used to stop all functionality of the Rod Handler
and Drill assemblies. When the Emergency stop button is pressed;
All power and functionality is lost. ...................................................................
The power mains pilot and mains power to rig turns off. .............................................
To reset the Emergency Stop system, pull /twist the E/stop button at the Rod Handler
control panel then reset the main power board. Power should return to the equipment as
per usual. The Rig Starter may also need to be reset.
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The following are sensor system checks. Note that the sensors send a signal to the PLC as
an Input, the lights on the Control panel illuminate as a result of an output from the PLC.
3.4 PERIMETER CLEAR sensor circuit check: This system indicates that the Laser Perimeter
sensor is lined up with the reflector correctly. This is a condition that has to be met before
the joysticks are allowed to be activated. The PRESS WHEN LOAD/UNLOAD AREA IS
CLEAR button is used to reactivate the joysticks after the safety beam has been broken, as
indicated by the flashing Amber strobe light on the Control Panel. The operator should
check the work area is clear before pressing this button to reactivate the Joysticks for
personnel safety. This button is used to reset any fault condition.
PERIMETER CLEAR light on Control Panel comes on when laser is lined up with
reflector. This may require pressing the PRESS WHEN LOAD / UNLOAD AREA IS
CLEAR button during setup. ............................................................................................
Check Strobe flashes by breaking laser beam or removing Dummy Plug. ......................
PERIMETER CLEAR light on Control Panel turns off when beam is broken. .................
Check strobe stops flashing by pressing PRESS WHEN LOAD / UNLOAD AREA IS
CLEAR button. Dummy plug will need to be re fitted if it has been used for this test. .....
PERIMETER CLEAR light on Control Panel comes on after reset button has been
Pressed. ............................................................................................................................
Arm Clear Sensor (top right)
Stop Block
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Gripper pressure sensor
3.5 ROD FRONT sensor circuit check: This system indicates a rod has been sensed loaded
forward of the grippers in the Head Assembly.
Green POWER light on ROD FRONT Sensor is illuminated. .........................................
Amber SENSING light on ROD FRONT Sensor illuminates when a metal object is
placed over square sensing area. ..................................................................................
Field module node 3, channel 7 illuminates when a metal object is placed over square
sensing area. ................................................................................................................
ROD FRONT light on Control Panel comes on when a metal object is placed
over square sensing area. ..............................................................................................
3.6 ROD REAR sensor circuit check: This system indicates a rod has been sensed loaded
rearward of the grippers in the Head Assembly.
Green POWER light on ROD REAR Sensor is illuminated. ...........................................
Amber SENSING light on ROD REAR Sensor illuminates when a metal object is
placed over square sensing area. ..................................................................................
Field module node 3, channel 5 illuminates when a metal object is placed over square
sensing area. ................................................................................................................
ROD REAR light on Control Panel comes on when a metal object is placed
over square sensing area. ..............................................................................................
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3.7 ARM IN sensor circuit check: This system indicates that the Swing Arm is in the
MAKE/BREAK position behind the Rotation Unit. This is one of two conditions that have to
be met before the grippers will open in the MAKE/BREAK area.
Amber Light on ARM IN sensor illuminates when a metal object is placed over
sensing area. ................................................................................................................
Field module node 2, channel 3 illuminates when a metal object is placed over sensing
area. ..............................................................................................................................
ARM IN light on Control Panel comes on when a metal object is placed over
sensing area. ................................................................................................................
3.8 ARM OUT sensor circuit check: This system indicates that the Swing Arm is in the
LOAD/UNLOAD position alongside the Feed Frame. This is one of two conditions that have
to be met before the grippers will open in the LOAD/UNLOAD area.
Amber Light on ARM OUT sensor illuminates when a metal object is placed over
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sensing area. ................................................................................................................
Field module node 2, channel 1 illuminates when a metal object is placed over sensing
area. ..............................................................................................................................
ARM OUT light on Control Panel comes on when a metal object is placed over
sensing area. ...................................................................................................................
3.9 ARM CLEAR sensor circuit check: This system indicates that the Swing Arm has moved
away from behind the Rotation Unit. This is an interlock condition that has to be met before
allowing for the Rod Feeding or Pulling process to commence with the Feed Frame.
Amber Light on ARM CLEAR sensor illuminates when a metal object is placed over
sensing area. ................................................................................................................
Field module node 2, channel 5 illuminates when a metal object is placed over sensing
area. ..............................................................................................................................
ARM CLEAR light on Control Panel comes on when a metal object is placed over
sensing area. ...................................................................................................................
3.10 SLEW sensor circuit check: This system indicates that the Head Assembly is parallel with
the Feed frame. This is a condition that has to be met before the swing arm is allowed to
move either in or out.
Amber Light on SLEW sensor illuminates when a metal object is placed over sensing
Area or if head is parallel with Feed Frame. .....................................................................
Field module node 3, channel 1 illuminates when a metal object is placed over sensing
area. ..............................................................................................................................
SLEW light on Control Panel comes on when a metal object is placed over sensing
area or if head is parallel with Feed Frame. .....................................................................
Position Control panel so you can clearly see Rod Handler Field module nodes from the
Set Rod Pulling / Feeding switch to Feeding position.
It is assumed that there is no rod in the Handler and the arm is in the out position and
parallel with the Feed Frame. ......................................................................................
Channel 7 Channel 8
Channel 5 Channel 6
Channel 3 Channel 4
Channel 1 Channel 2
Power LED
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CR2031 Field module node shown
Pull on the PULL ON / PUSH OFF switch on the Rod Handler control panel, the
JOYSTICKS ACTIVE light will come on.
3.11 LEFT JOYSTICK: When in operation, move joystick left to lower front guide assembly,
right to raise front guide assembly when swing arm is in LOAD/UNLOAD position.
Move joystick up to join rod (make) to drill string, down to undo (break) rod joint.
NOTE: Rotation Unit Break-Out Device is still required to break the joint when pulling rods.
3.11.1 Push the left joystick forward, and look at the Rod Handler field module nodes.
Field module node 3, channel 8 LED flashes amber. (Warning light energised). ........
Yellow light on Rod Handler carriage flashes. .............................................................
Field module node 4, channel 7 LED turns amber. (Roll Make energised). ................
Return joystick to neutral, yellow light on Rod Handler carriage stops flashing but
stays illuminated. ........................................................................................................
3.11.2 Pull the left joystick rearward, and look at the Rod Handler field module nodes.
Field module node 3, channel 8 LED flashes amber. (Warning light energised). ........
Yellow light on Rod Handler carriage flashes. .............................................................
Field module node 4, channel 8 LED turns amber. (Roll Break energised). ................
Return joystick to neutral, yellow light on Rod Handler carriage stops flashing but
stays illuminated. .........................................................................................................
3.11.3 Push the left joystick left, look at the Rod Handler field module nodes.
Field module node 3, channel 8 LED flashes amber. (Warning light energised). ........
Yellow light on Rod Handler carriage flashes. .............................................................
Field module node 4, channel 5 LED turns amber. (Tilt Down energised). .................
Return joystick to neutral, yellow light on Rod Handler carriage stops flashing but
stays illuminated. .........................................................................................................
3.11.4 Push the left joystick right, look at the Rod Handler field module nodes.
Field module node 3, channel 8 LED flashes amber. (Warning light energised). ........
Yellow light on Rod Handler carriage flashes. .............................................................
Field module node 4, channel 6 LED turns amber. (Tilt Up energised). ......................
Return joystick to neutral, yellow light on Rod Handler carriage stops flashing but
stays illuminated. .........................................................................................................
3.12 RIGHT JOYSTICK: When in operation, move left to traverse carriage assembly towards
front of Feed Frame, right to traverse carriage assembly towards rear of Feed Frame.
Move up to move Swing Arm in behind Rotation Unit, down to move Swing Arm out from
behind Rotation Unit.
3.12.1 Push the right joystick forward, and look at the Rod Handler field module nodes.
Field module node 3, channel 8 LED flashes amber. (Warning light energised). ........
Yellow light on Rod Handler carriage flashes. .............................................................
Field module node 4, channel 3 LED turns amber. (Arm In energised). ......................
Return joystick to neutral, yellow light on Rod Handler carriage stops flashing but
stays illuminated. .........................................................................................................
3.12.2 Pull the right joystick rearward, and look at the Rod Handler field module nodes.
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Field module node 3, channel 8 LED flashes amber. (Warning light energised). ........
Yellow light on Rod Handler carriage flashes. .............................................................
Field module node 4, channel 4 LED turns amber. (Arm Out energised). ...................
Return joystick to neutral, yellow light on Rod Handler carriage stops flashing but
Stays illuminated. .........................................................................................................
3.12.3 Push the right joystick left, look at the Rod Handler field module nodes.
Field module node 3, channel 8 LED flashes amber. (Warning light energised). ........
Yellow light on Rod Handler carriage flashes. .............................................................
Field module node 4, channel 1 LED turns amber. (Traverse Forward energised). ....
Return joystick to neutral, yellow light on Rod Handler carriage stops flashing but
stays illuminated. .........................................................................................................
3.12.4 Push the right joystick right, look at the Rod Handler field module nodes.
Field module node 3, channel 8 LED flashes amber. (Warning light energised). ........
Yellow light on Rod Handler carriage flashes. .............................................................
Field module node 4, channel 2 LED turns amber. (Traverse Reverse energised). ....
Return joystick to neutral, yellow light on Rod Handler carriage stops flashing but
stays illuminated. .........................................................................................................
3.13 OPERATION switch. This switch is used to select either Rod Pulling or Rod Feeding
3.14 Push In Rod Handler On / Off button. JOYSTICKS ACTIVE light will turn off. ................
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The Rotation and Feed control levers must be in the neutral position. .........................
The Drilling/Rod Handling selector lever must be in the Rod Handling position i.e.: pulled
towards operator. ............................................................................................................
The Wireline Hoist control lever must be in the neutral position. ..................................
The Water Pump speed control (if fitted) must be fully wound out (anti-clockwise) to the
zero speed position and the selector lever in the centre (off) position. ............................
The Rotation speed control (V16) must be fully wound out (anti-clockwise) to the low speed
position. ..........................................................................................................................
4.1 Check the oil level in the Power Unit reservoir is full. ....................................................
4.2 If not using air cooling, turn the cooling water supply on to give a flow of 20 - 30 LPM. ..
WARNING! For personal safety, turn Rod Handler OFF using switch on Control Panel or
by turning off Power Pack when making adjustments.
All speeds and times quoted below are for Handler when powered by Drill hydraulics.
The following tools are required. 400 bar Gauge with test point connection,3mm & 6mm
Allen key, 10mm spanner, Stop watch, tachometer & self-adhesive reflective patch.
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5.3 Valve pressure settings.
Use a 400 bar Gauge with test point connection, a 6mm Allen key for setting pressures and
the handle supplied with the valve. Pressures can be set by dead heading actuators, or
plugging hose ends.
Function Section Relief Valve Action Setting (bar)
TRAVERSE V1 LSA1 Extend 120
LSB1 Retract 210
5.4 Pull up Handler ON / OFF button. Main Pump will be heard loading up a little. ...............
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5.5 Checking the Horizontal, and Load/Unload PLC functions.
HORIZ. light: This green light indicates that the Head Assembly is within ±5 degrees of
horizontal, and this is one of the two conditions that have to be met before the grippers will
open in the LOAD/UNLOAD area.
LOAD/UNLOAD light: This green light illuminates when it is safe to load or unload rods
from the device, that is, to open or close the grippers without dropping a rod. The Head
Assembly has to be HORIZONTAL and the Swing Arm in the OUT position for this light
(condition) to illuminate.
Firstly, the horizontal sensor (inclinometer) needs to be “taught” the 5 degree limit for both
clockwise and anticlockwise rotation for the Horizontal function to work. Refer to following
image and notes for correct mounting and teaching of inclinometer type switch.
Place the Swing Arm out along the side of the Feed Frame with the Rod Handler Head
Assembly positioned horizontally. In this position, the head should be resting on the
Horizontal stop block, positioned on the right of the Head pivot as shown below if set
up for down hole work. .....................................................................................................
Stop Block
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Press button T1 on the Arm Horizontal sensor and hold for more than two seconds.
The Green Power LED should turn off and the Yellow Out 1 LED should flash. .............
Using the left joystick, move to the right to raise the end of the Head Assembly front guide
assembly by approximately 85mm (equivalent to 5 degrees of clockwise rotation).
Check that the head rotates clockwise when left joystick moved right. ........................
De-activate joysticks.
Briefly press T1, the Yellow Out 1 LED will illuminate continuously for 1.5 seconds,
confirming the clockwise switching point has been set, then flash again. .......................
Remove the two M16 retaining bolts and horizontal stop block from the Head Assembly and
re-activate the joysticks.
Using the left joystick, move joystick left to rotate the Head Assembly anti-clockwise so the
front guide lowers to 85mm below horizontal. This equates to 5 degrees of anti-clockwise
rotation from horizontal.
Check that the head rotates anticlockwise when left joystick moved left. ......................
De-activate joysticks.
Briefly press T1 once more and the Yellow Out 1 LED should illuminate continuously for 1.5
seconds confirming the anti-clockwise switch point has been set. ..................................
The green Power LED on the inclinometer illuminates after 1.5 seconds. .....................
Using the left joystick, carefully place the Head Assembly into a HORIZONTAL position in
the load /unload area at the side of the feed frame.
Check that the ARM OUT light is on. ..............................................................................
Check that the HORIZ. light comes on. .........................................................................
Check that the LOAD/UNLOAD light comes on. ...........................................................
Viewed from operator (Rod Handler) side of Feed Frame;
Check that the HORIZ. and LOAD / UNLOAD lights turn off when the head is tilted 5
in BOTH directions from horizontal. Reteach Horizontal Switch if necessary. ................
The SLEW light may also turn off during the preceding step
Rotate the head clockwise past horizontal and de-activate joysticks.
Refit the Horizontal Stop back on the Head frame with the two M16 bolts and washers.
Re-activate joysticks and return Head Assembly to horizontal position.
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5.7 Check Slew and PLC functions.
SLEW light: This indicates that the Head Assembly is near to parallel with the Feed frame.
The Head Assembly needs to be parallel with the Feed Frame so the Swing Arm can’t be
accidentally operated on steep holes instead of the Traverse function, and the Head swing
to the side striking an assistant or operator.
Using left joystick, tilt Head Assembly until SLEW light illuminates if not already illuminated.
SLEW light is on when Head Assembly is near to parallel with the Feed frame. ............
Select Rod Feeding and using right joystick, move swing arm in half way.
Using left joystick, tilt Head Assembly until SLEW light turns off.
Using right joystick, check Swing Arm function can’t be operated in both directions with
BOTH Rod Feeding or Rod Pulling selected. .................................................................
Using left joystick, tilt Head Assembly until SLEW light illuminates.
Select Rod Pulling, use right joystick and move swing arm to OUT position and tilt Head
Assembly until Head is horizontal if not already in this position.
CLAMP CLOSED light: This green light indicates CLAMP OPEN/CLOSE button has been
pressed to close grippers and the gripper pressure switch has been activated by the
hydraulic pressure in the gripper close circuit.
FAULT / BUTTON PRESSED light: This red light illuminates if any of the four peizo
buttons on the top of the joysticks are pressed. This light is also used to indicate different
fault conditions by displaying various fault codes as a sequence of flashes.
JOINT OK buttons: These are two peizo buttons located on top of the left joystick and are
used for different confirmation functions.
- Either of these two buttons has to be pressed to allow the grippers to close.
- When Rod Feeding, press momentarily when joint made up behind Rotation Unit to allow
grippers to open and swing arm to come out.
- When Rod Pulling, press momentarily when grippers are closed AND joint fully undone
and clear of rod string to allow swing arm to come out.
CLAMP OPEN/CLOSE buttons: There are two peizo type switches on top of the right
joystick used to open and close the Grippers. Note that either of the JOINT OK buttons
have to be pressed before the CLAMP OPEN/CLOSE buttons for the grippers to close.
Place a drill rod of the appropriate size in the rod guides fitted to the Rod Handler Head
Assembly. The pin thread should be located mid-way between the front two guides with the
head in a horizontal position.
Check ROD FRONT and REAR lights illuminate on the Control Panel. ..........................
With Grippers open, Traverse, Roll, Tilt and Swing Arm don’t work. .............................
Yellow carriage light will flash when joysticks are out of neutral.
Press either JOINT OK button on the left joystick, then within two seconds press
either CLAMP OPEN/CLOSE buttons on top of the right joystick to close grippers.
FAULT/BUTTON PRESSED red light illuminates when switches pressed. .................
Grippers close. .................................................................................................................
Field module node 2, channel 7 LED on carriage turns amber. (Clamp Closed
pressure switch). ..........................................................................................................
Field module node 3, channel 4 LED on carriage turns amber. (Grippers Closed
energised). ...................................................................................................................
Check that the GRIPPER PRESSURE light comes on. ..................................................
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Check that the CLAMP CLOSED light comes on. .........................................................
With a pressure gauge connected to LS4A, check that the CLAMP CLOSED and
GRIPPER PRESSURE lights go out when the LOAD SENSE RELIEF is wound
out and pressure drops below 50 bar. ...........................................................................
If the switch needs to be set, refer to the following instructions.
Lock ring
Setting ring
Turn the lock ring so the unlocked symbol lines up with the mark under the setting ring.
For accuracy, turn the setting ring to the minimum value then reset to the required value of
50 bar.
Turn the lock ring so the closed lock symbol lines up with the mark under the setting ring,
being careful not to change the setting value.
Reset LS4A to 120 bar and check both CLAMP CLOSED and GRIPPER PRESSURE
lights come back on. .....................................................................................................
Tilt Head Assembly until HORIZ. light turns off.
Press CLAMP OPEN/CLOSE button to open grippers. Grippers stay closed. ................
Tilt Head Assembly until SLEW light come on.
Select Rod Feeding and rotate swing arm until ARM OUT light turns off.
Press CLAMP OPEN/CLOSE button to open grippers. Grippers stay closed. ...............
Select Rod Pulling, return Swing Arm to ARM OUT position.
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Move Rotation Unit fully forward and place a short drill rod through the Rod Holder so that
150-200mm protrudes out the rear of the Rotation Unit.
Select Rod Feeding. Move Handler carriage to rear of feed frame and tilt head to make
parallel with Feed Frame. SLEW light will illuminate. With a rod loaded and the grippers
closed, move right joystick forward to move Handler Swing Arm and Head assembly in
behind Rotation Unit with front guide clearing rear of drill string.
Adjust Rod Handler at front and rear mounts to line up front guide with drill string and rod in
Handler with Rear Rod Support Roller. Swing Arm and Head Tilt mechanical stops may
need to be adjusted as well.
Front guide lines up with the drill string. .......................................................................
Drill rod sits centrally over support roller. .......................................................................
Swing Arm mechanical stop adjusted. .......................................................................
Head Tilt mechanical stop adjusted. .......................................................................
Fit packers under support roller if necessary. .........................................................
Select Rod Pulling, press JOINT OK button.
Using right joystick, move Swing Arm, Head and rod back out to the side.
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Check that the GRIPPER PRESSURE OK light comes on. ...........................................
Check that the CLAMP CLOSED light comes on. .........................................................
Roll rod back and ensure thread breaks fully. ................................................................
Swing Arm does not come out when right joystick pulled back. ....................................
Press JOINT OK switch momentarily.
Press CLAMP OPEN/CLOSE switch to open grippers. Grippers stay closed. ...............
Swing Arm moves out when right joystick pulled back. ..................................................
Move Swing Arm back out to side until Arm Out light comes on.
Swing Arm travel out time is 3.5 - 4 seconds. ................................................................
Swing Arm does not move in when right joystick pushed forward. ...............................
Open Grippers and remove drill rod. ..............................................................................
5.13 Turn off Rod Handler at Control Panel and check for oil leaks. ..................................
5.15 When dismantling, cap and plug all electrical cables after applying sealant. .............
5.16 When dismantling, cap and plug all hoses with steel fittings to stop contamination and
oil leaks. .......................................................................................................................
Comments: ...............................................................................................................................
Fitter: ........................................................................................................................................
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