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Research Log #7 - Solutionary Project 2023

Date: 15 March 2023

Name: Kyana Gaviola
Essential Question: How is mental health significant to the impact it has on people’s daily lives?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Mental health can lead to harmful behaviors.
#2: Mental health affects people’s physical health.
#3: Adolescents experience more mental health problems than any other age

Point that this Source Proves: #3: Adolescents experience more mental health problems than any other

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove)

In the article, Rienzi says that “If a young person experiences depression or anxiety, psychologists say
that's often a sign that they could face lifelong challenges with symptoms”, this indicates that people who
experience mental health problems earlier in life are more likely to develop complications because of
them throughout their life (2022).
Rienzi reported that "Rates of depression in teen girls rose from 11.4% to 23.4% from 2009 to 2019—
more than triple the 3.7% rise seen in boys, according to a study published this spring in the Journal of
Adolescent Health” (2022).
“If a young person experiences depression or anxiety, psychologists say that’s often a sign that they could
face lifelong challenges with symptoms” (Rienzi, 2022).
One in three young people with a mental diagnosis are left untreated (Rienzi, 2022).

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

The COVID-19 pandemic played a huge role in the poor development of young people’s mental
health. Poor mental health among teenagers in the United States was already a rising concern before the
pandemic, but because the virus put the world on hold, people were going insanity. Many adolescents
were negatively affected by COVID-19 in some way shape or form. Despite the growing awareness of
children and teens suffering with mental health problems, there was limited access for them to get treated.
Even though some states offered the best mental health services, many young people were not takin
advantage of those resources to get treated. Even worse, “nearly three-quarters of young people with
depression are not getting help” (Rienzi, 2022). This could be a direct result of adolescents declining in
One of the first steps to addressing this crisis head on, is by understanding how it affects
adolescents and young children. This also means identifying the discrepancy between males and females,
as girls are found to be more vulnerable to mental illnesses. As mental health and the illnesses surrounded
by it have become more prevalent in society, addressing the problem can have a substantial impact on
young people. As teens are still developing mentally and physically, experiencing some form of mental
health issue can cause serious setbacks for their future as they get older. Illnesses like post-traumatic
stress disorder, stress, anxiety disorders, and depression are just a few mental illnesses. To find a solution
for increasing rates in mental health diseases, Tamar Mandelson explained that more people need to be
informed of the disease.
Work Cited (correct MLA format):
Rienzi, Greg. “Teen Mental Health Has Long Been in Peril. since Covid-19, It's Become a Crisis.” The
Hub, 16 Dec. 2022,
This is a reputable and reliable article because it was published by John Hopkins Magazine, apart of
John Hopkins University, which is a renowned institution that encourages research and the advancement
of individual scholars. A university that aims to educate, revolutionize, and develop new ideas to create a
better society.

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