Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
This chapter discusses the important knowledge, concepts, principles and theories
of Metacognition. The chapter provides strategies for learning as a novice or expert
Metacognition describes the processes involved when learners plan, monitor, evaluate
and make changes to their own learning behaviours. It is thinking about one’s thinking.
More precisely, it refers to the processes used to plan, monitor, and assess one’s
understanding and performance. Metacognition includes a critical awareness of a) one’s
thinking and learning and b) oneself as a thinker and learner.
Metacognitive knowledge refers to what learners know about learning. This includes:
- the learner’s knowledge of their own cognitive abilities (e.g. ‘I have trouble
remembering dates in history’)
- the learner’s knowledge of particular tasks (e.g. ‘The ideas in this chapter that I’m
going to read are complex’)
- the learner’s knowledge of different strategies that are available to them and when
they are appropriate to the task (e.g. ‘If I scan the text first it will help me to
understand the overall meaning').
During the planning phase, learners think about the learning goal the teacher has set
and consider how they will approach the task and which strategies they will use. At this
stage, it is helpful for learners to ask themselves:
During the monitoring phase, learners implement their plan and monitor the progress
they are making towards their learning goal.
Students might decide to make changes to the strategies they are using if these are not
working. As students work through the task, it will help them to ask themselves:
During the evaluation phase, students determine how successful the strategy they
used was in helping them to achieve their learning goal. To promote evaluation,
students could consider:
2. Regulation of Cognition
In 1994, Schraw and Dennison created the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI)
specifically for adult learners to bring awareness of metacognitive knowledge and
metacognitive regulation (which they referred to “Knowledge of Cognition Factor” and
“Regulation of Cognition Factor” respectively).
The MAI consists of 52 questions that cover these two components of cognition. They
found through their research there was strong support for both of these factors and that
they were also related as had been suggested by previous researchers.
Recent research has uncovered a significant correlation between the MAI and some
measures of academic achievement (e.g., GPA, end of course grades etc.) However,
when looking at undergraduate students and graduate students (younger adults and
older adults) it was found that they do not differ in their mean scores on the ‘Knowledge
of Cognition’ areas (similar for both groups), but they do differ in terms of their
regulation strategies and skills.
1. Create a few key questions about the content/topic a week prior to the class.
Questions should ask students what they know already about the topic, possible
identification of any misconceptions they hold on the topic, challenges or successes
they have had with the topic, exploration into past experiences or applications of
the content/topic.
Here are 21 statements you could pose to students to start them thinking about
how they think and think about how they learn. Ideally we hope to have students
utilizing deep approaches to learn rather than surface approaches. Strategic approaches
are somewhere in between the two but don’t really result in longer term and
meaningful learning.
1. I think I am quite systematic and organized when it comes to studying for exams.
2. I am pretty good at getting down to work whenever I need to.
3. I organize my study time carefully to make the best use of it.
4. Before starting work on an assignment or exam question, I think first how best to
tackle it.
5. I look carefully at my instructor’s comments on course work to see how to get
higher marks the next time.
6. I put a lot of effort into studying because I am determined to do well. 7. When I
have finished a piece of work, I check it through to see if it really meets
All items are to be responded by choosing from “strongly agree”, “somewhat agree”,
“somewhat disagree” or “strongly disagree”.
These items come from ASSIST (Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students)
designed to evaluate university students’ conceptualizations of learning, approaches to
studying and preferences for different instructional methods (Centre for Research on
Learning and Instruction, University of Edinburgh). The ASSIST tool identifies three main
approaches to studying: deep, strategic and surface. Deep and strategic approaches
usually result in greater success where surface approaches may result in poorer
performance by students.
You may put a few of these statements on a slide or on the whiteboard and ask if
anyone uses that technique, or you may have a discussion around a collection of
Or you could use the handout on this page and give to students and ask them to check
off their level of agreement with each statement. Once completed, ask the students to
identify the “approach” for each collection of statements and have them fill in the type
of approach used. (Answer: Surface, Strategic and Deep).
Anytime you can talk out loud (‘think aloud’) about how you view a document or a
picture or think about a book, or share your thinking processes with students you are
helping them become more metacognitive in their own approaches to the subject.
Once you have modelled for them how you would solve a problem or interpret a piece of
writing, have students work in pairs to talk out loud as to how they are thinking about
an assignment piece of homework or an assignment.
1. One student talks out loud while the partner records what they are saying (the
strategy going to be used to complete the homework or do the assignment). The
partner also guides them to think through all the steps.
2. Students switch roles and do the same for each other.
3. Now students have thought out the process for completing the assignment or
homework, received some feedback from their partner and possibly have a plan
written down as to how they are going to undertake the task. Debrief briefly with
class as to lessons learned etc
“[I]t is terribly important that in explicit and concerted ways we make students aware of
themselves as learners. We must regularly ask, not only ‘What are you learning?’ but
‘How are you learning?’ We must confront them with the effectiveness (more often
ineffectiveness) of their approaches. We must offer alternatives and then challenge
students to test the efficacy of those approaches.” (Weimer, 2012)
Design a brief or detailed concept map of the course or sub-components of the course
and share with students. Then later on in course students can form small groups and
build a concept map as a review activity before a mid-term or as a review of a portion of
the course. Students can do for homework or they can do in class and share with each
other explaining the interrelationships between each component. Ask the students to
draw all the ‘cross-links’ and label them as they see the components connecting fully or
How to use a Concept Map
Every concept map responds to a focus question, and a good focus question can lead to
a much richer concept map. When learning to construct concept maps, learners tend to
deviate from the focus question and build a concept map that may be related to the
domain, but which does not answer the question. It is often stated that the first step to
learning about something is to ask the right questions. Steps to create a concept map:
∙ You can use partially completed version with students to help them initially
6. Classroom Assessment Tools
There are many short activities you can do during class time that will help promote
metacognitive thinking in your students.
Sometimes these little activities are called “Classroom Assessment Tools – CATS” (term
coined by Angelo and Cross).
Here is a sampling of a few tools to consider. They often take a few minutes to do and
are easy to implement. CATs give students and faculty immediate feedback on learning.
You can also write a few prompts on the board to help students with their summary
note (e.g., what were the most important ideas from today’s class? what did I find most
interesting in class today? how did today’s content relate to another class?
8. Reflective Writing
Reflective writing helps students make connections between what they are learning in
their homework/class content and with how they are integrating the content into their
current learning structures. Writing helps students observe themselves before, during
and after their reading, watching and listening experience. Reflective writing can also
take the form of jotting down their affective and other personal reactions to learning the
material. The most popular reflective writing activity is the “minute paper” whereby you
have students respond to prompts that ask them to think about their experiences with
the homework, class activities or recent learning experiences in your class. Here are
some sample prompts to use for your reflective writing activities:
∙ “I learned a lot doing this assignment”. I agree (or disagree) because…. ∙ The advice
I’d give myself based on what I know now and if I were starting this assignment
over again would be….
∙ If I were to paraphrase what we have learned today for a high school student it
would look like this….
∙ What I have learned today, I am able to connect to other courses in this way…
9. Wrappers
A quick and easy tool for monitoring and evaluating metacognitive activity. A wrapper is
an activity that surrounds pre-existing learning or assessment task and fosters students’
metacognition. You can build a self-monitoring wrapper around any pre-existing part of
a course (lecture, homework, or test)
∙ Time efficient
∙ Feedback is immediate
∙ Minor
Interventions can significantly change behavior
Course/Lesson Wrapper
1. Before Lesson Begins: Indicate to students that in the last minutes of class
they will be asked to consider the 3 key ideas from the class. Give the students a
few tips on how to actively listen, make effective class notes and engage with
the content and activities (e.g., while listening think of questions they have
about topic, provide headings on board for students to organize notes, ask
students to summarize and repeat back key content to peers in activities etc.).
2. Near End of Lesson: 10 -15 minutes before class ends, ask students to write 3
key ideas from the class. Students can do individually (on own paper, on a stickie
note they paste on board) or do in small groups (on chart paper, on
white/blackboard) and share (individual volunteers, reps from small groups,
teacher summarizing themes from notes on board).
3. Teacher gives his/her list of 3 key ideas for students to self-check. Students
record the differences between their responses and the teacher’s.
4. Debrief: Have a brief discussion around similarities/differences between
students’ and teacher’s 3 key ideas. Summarize class.
Homework Wrapper
Pre Self-assessment: “This homework is about vector arithmetic… How easily can you
solve problems that involve vector subtraction? How confident are you in being
successful with the homework?”
Post Self-assessment: “Now that you have completed this homework, how easily can
you solve problems around this topic? How confident are you in being successful with
future homework around this topic or a test question?”
Exam/Test Wrapper
Most times instructors hand back exams (tests, quizzes, mid-terms) and focus the
discussion on the exam questions, the areas where students did well or poorly and
rarely engage students in a learning experience around how they prepared, studied or
took the test. An exam wrapper is often a handout with a series of questions students
answer and then discuss. A process might be:
1. Students utilize normal test taking strategies to prepare and take the first exam.
2. The first exam is returned and students complete the exam wrapper either in class
or online within a course management system. (Instructors can either make the
assignment required or award participation points for completion).
3. The instructor collects the exam wrapper and reviews student comments. This
allows the instructor to assess student behavior patterns and determine whether
the teaching staff needs to include additional teaching resources to support
student learning.
4. The exam wrapper is returned to students within a week or two before the next
exam. Students review their comments and then have the opportunity to follow
their own advice for studying
1. How did you prepare for the exam? Explain your process.
2. What resources did you use in preparing for taking the exam?
3. How does your exam preparation compare to three other peers in the class (ask
1. What strategies did you use for studying (e.g., study groups, online practice
quizzes, office hours with instructor, review sessions, peer teaching etc.)? 2. How
much time did you study (and how long over what time period)? 3. What aspects of
the course did you spend more time on (or less time on) based on your current
4. What percentage of your exam preparation time was spent on these activities?
(re-reading the textbook section(s)___?; reviewing your own notes (daily)___?,
reviewing your own notes (sporadically)____?; reviewing PowerPoint
presentations from lecture ____?; generating your own exam questions and
answering them____?; studying in groups_____?; other strategies____?
1. How did your actual grade on this exam compare with the grade you expected?
How do you explain the difference, if any?
2. How do you feel about your exam grade (happy, surprised, disappointed)? 3.
Examine the items on which you lost points and look for patterns. Were you careless
or did you run out of time?
Next Steps
1. Some instructors record the thoughts of students at the beginning of the course
and keep those responses until the end of the course – and revisit those
responses. Alternatively, after learning has taken place (after a class or near end
of a course) ask students to recall how they were thinking about the topic prior
to the course learning activities and compare that with how they are thinking
about the same topic now.
2. Possibly write two prompts on the board to help students: “Before this course I
thought X was….” and “Now I think X is….” OR ask them to write three ways in
which their thinking has changed over the time period (a few classes or the
3. Ask students to complete this task on their own on a piece of paper. During the
last class, have a discussion with students as to how much ‘change’ has occurred
in their learning. Students could also discuss their responses in small groups and
share a summary with the class.
“Too often, we teach students what to think but not how to think.” - OECD
Insights (2014)
What do I know?
What do I want to know?
What did I learn?
The purpose of the chart is to help learners to organise information before during and
after a lesson or unit of learning. A KWL chart will help you to engage your learners in a
new topic, activate their prior knowledge and support them in monitoring their learning.
Learners start by thinking about what they already know that could help them
respond to the learning objective. They record their thoughts in the left column of
the chart. However, learners do not have to be limited to working alone. They
could share their ideas with others using techniques such as think-pair-share.
In addition to activating any useful prior knowledge, this first question can
highlight any misconceptions in your learners’ current knowledge and
C. Ask your learners to complete the middle column of the chart with their
answers to the second question: ‘What do I want to know?’
Monitor the class carefully. If learners are having difficulty coming up with ideas
prompt them to think about questions beginning ‘How…?’, ‘When…?’, ‘Why…?’
This stage provides a good opportunity for you to see what your learners are
interested in and what they already know. You can use this information to shape
your future learning activities.
D. During the lesson or unit of learning encourage your learners to monitor their
own progress and to adjust the strategies they are using as necessary. Prompt
them to ask questions such as: ‘How am I doing?’, ‘What should I do next?’,
‘Should I try a different strategy?’
E. At the end of the lesson or unit of learning, ask your learners to complete the
final column ‘What did I learn?’
At the same time ask your learners to reflect on what they wrote in the ‘What do
I want to know?’ column. Do they have any questions that remain unanswered.
Do they have any questions that they would like to add? Make a note of these
unanswered questions and use them to help plan future activities.
As we saw in ‘What is the theory behind metacognition?’, David Perkins (1992) identified
four levels of metacognitive learners which provide a useful framework for teachers.
Novice learners are well-intentioned folks who are typically brimming with enthusiasm
while lacking actual knowledge about the subject being taught. They have limited or
nonexistent experience with most of their understanding of the subject based on basic
rules. Because of this, their ability to perform is rather limited.
Experts, on the other hand, know a significant amount about the subject and how it’s
organized meaning they cannot only understand but can add to a lesson. Their abilities
allow them to take in the larger picture and not fixate on minor attributes (as
summarized by Ross, Phillips, Klein, & Cohn, 2005). Expert learners are able to apply
what they learn to create a far more intuitive way of working.