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Mr. Shivdas S. Jadhav. Mr. Sagar Bopche.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering
& Technology Nagpur, India. & Technology Nagpur, India.
[email protected] [email protected]

Mr. Rajiyaalam. S. Sheikh. Mr. Subham S. Gondule

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering
& Technology Nagpur, India. & Technology Nagpur, India.
[email protected] [email protected]

Mr. Himanshu R. Sangitrao. Ms. Sanjana P. Zade

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering
& Technology Nagpur, India. & Technology Nagpur, India.
[email protected] [email protected]

Ms. Shishama R. Shahu Ms. Swity Pise

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering
& Technology Nagpur, India. & Technology Nagpur, India.
[email protected] [email protected]

Ms. Heena.B.Kachhela
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering & Technology Nagpur, India.
[email protected]
Abstract- We know that time is much more important than money same as that time is important
for a student and many times this time is loses because of signing Attendance Sheets or giving the
attendance for each new lecture instead of utilizing it for the progress of students. A Student is not
just a machine who Read, Manipulate and Write the things. To make A human from students,
Behavior is the most important thing to be Teached and this could be happen after Observing and
Tracking the progress of students alone just the test papers, To overcome from these things we have
proposed the Integrated System that is "Class Monitoring and Attendance Tracking System".
Which will help teachers to observe students and keep records of their Attendance
without wasting their valuable time. To overcome from these things we have proposed the Integrated
System that is "Advance Class Monitoring System”.
In the life of a student he/she spends a big part of his/her day in their classes. The class for a
student is the place where they are going to structure their Future. That is why a Class is more than
just a room for Student. If there is any reason because of whom a class gets Disturbed then that
going to affect on the studies of students.
We know that time is much more important than money same as that time is important for a
student and many times this time is loses because of signing Attendance Sheets or collecting the
attendance for each new lecture instead of utilizing it for the progress of students.
A Student is not just a machine who Read, Manipulate and Write the things. To make A
human from students, Behaviour is the most important thing to be Teached and this could be happen
after Observing and Tracking the progress of students alone just the test papers. In the life of a
students he/she spends a big part of his/her day in their classes. The class for a student is the place
where they are going to structure their Future. That is why a Class is more than just a room for
“Monitoring and Attendance Tracking System". Which will help teachers to observe
students and keep records of their Attendance without wasting their valuable time.

Keywords: Attendance Monitoring, GSM, Fingerprint Sensor, Arduino, Real Time Clock.
attendance record is that a lecturer may misplace
1. Introduction it. As a result, lecturers can no longer keep track

of their students' overall attendance throughout

Attendance systems play a crucial role the semester. The magnetic card attendance
in any organization, including offices, method is currently in widespread usage.
businesses, schools, and institutions. In a
traditional attendance system, teachers either call This pattern is both adaptable and
the students' names or ID numbers or enable useful. It does, however, have significant
them to sign on paper. It is difficult to keep track drawbacks. For example, because the card is
of attendance when the number of students fragile, it is quickly damaged and, due to its
grows. As a result, issues such as proxy small, it is readily misplaced.
attendance and time use may arise.
Most importantly, parents have no idea
Students sign the attendance sheet whether or not their children are in class.
manually, which is generally circulated around
the classroom while the lecturer is giving the Attendance is extremely important in
lecture. This is the most popular method of every organization. If this process is not
recording student attendance in the classroom. managed intelligently and with modern
Using such a system has a number of drawbacks. technology, it will become inefficient and time
consuming. When there are a large number of
The attendance sheet is passed around students, it is difficult to apply the traditional
the class, and some students may inadvertently approach of calling students names and keeping
or intentionally sign the name of another kid. attendance records in educational institutions.
Another disadvantage of keeping a hardcopy Organizations utilize a variety of methods to
track attendance, including document-oriented This programmer was created to track
approaches, card swipes, biometric fingerprints, daily student attendance at educational
and so on. The student will be considered absent institutions. It can also be useful in a corporation
if the card is misplaced or if the student forgets or organization to a certain extent, but not for the
the card. In addition, the student must queue for entire application.
this procedure. Alone this the Class Monitoring System
author will be able to monitor the students from
In the input layer, the data is sent into the place of comfort, that will definitely help to
the model. The number of neurons in the input maintain the class disciplined. Which will
layer is equal to the number of features. directly contribute to the growth of students for
Depending on the model and the amount of data, being disciplined.
there may be numerous hidden layers.
 Objective
The number of neurons in each hidden The most crucial component to solve is
layer is different. The output of the hidden layer storing the biometric, which necessitates the use
is sent into the logistic functions. The output of of a memory module as well as the simultaneous
each Class is translated into the likelihood score capture of the date and time. Because the system
of each class using the logistic function. handles the process of matching saved
fingerprints, the biometric demands that the
The Online Attendance Management finger that is captured be clean in order to match
Application was created for each day student the saved biometric.
attendance in schools, universities, and institutes By monitoring them, significant issues
in order to manage student attendance. It makes such as fighting and mocking between pupils can
it easier to find out about a certain student's be avoided.
attendance in a specific class. The staff members Conducting the Attendance of students
in charge of the topics will be responsible for without wasting the time via Machine.
recording the students' attendance. Only the There will be something by which one
Faculty is responsible for keeping accurate can observe, overall development of students and
attendance records. Based on the subject they track their progress alone test papers.
manage; each member of staff will be assigned a The system requires the saving of
unique username and password. fingerprints according to their id numbers; thus,
each person should keep their particular ID
This page generates an accurate report number fixed.
based on student attendance. This application The objectives of this study include:
will also assist in determining a student's 1. To study the attendance systems,
attendance eligibility criteria. Before every applications and existing systems,
record alteration, all data is thoroughly examined fingerprint attendance, manual
and validated on the server. The college attendance.
Administrator manages the SQL servers where 2. To propose an attendance management
all data is securely kept. This system provides a system model using UML.
user-friendly interface for updating student
3. Use Java as the front-end and MySQL
as the back-end to develop and deliver a
well-functioning attendance
The manual attendance record system is
management system.
inefficient, taking more time to organize records
and determine each student's average out
attendance. As a result, a system that will tackle
2. Literature Review
the problem of student record organization and
average attendance is required.
[A] Shubhobrata Bhattacharya ET.
 Calculation. AI devised a handy device that works
The suggested application shall keep the well and may be used even when the sessions are
attendance details of both absent and present in progress. To evaluate face quality, the authors
students in an electronic format to make used the following criteria: posture estimation,
attendance management easier. sharpness, image size or resolution, and
brightness. They've also spoken about how to
calculate the parameters and how to normalize Chuo University, Faculty of Letters,
them. The final score was obtained by allocating Department of Socio-Informatics, 742-1
weights to the parameters. For face detection, Higashinakano, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0393,
they employed the viola and Jones algorithm. Japan, 2016. This study proposes a unique
framework for managing attendance that
[B] The system proposed by Mayan Yadav comprises of a mobile device and a web
ET. application. They've used a mobile device in
For marking attendance, AI used conjunction with web services. Students'
motion-based detectors and a camera that records registration forms are shared around among
video and detects faces using HMM. It logs participants one by one. Users can choose
attendance and keeps track of whether or not a between two registration methods: selfie
person attended the entire lecture. Harish Met. registration or signature registration. Following
Al created a software that transfers photographs registration, previously registered IDs and names
collected by academics on their phones to are deleted from the list of participants. A
Google Drive. It is retrieved via a system for Monaca-application is a mobile application that
FACENET recognition, after which attendance is runs on a mobile device.
recorded. To improve the contrast of the photos,
use Histogram Equalization. [H] Mahesh G, Jayahari KR, Kamal Bijlani
Amrita e-Learning Research Lab
[C] Smart Attendance System using (AERL) Amrita School of Engineering,
OPENCV. Amritapuri, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Smart Attendance System Amrita University, India, 2016. "A Smart Phone
using OPENCV based on Facial Recognition Integrated Smart Classroom," Amrita e-Learning
Sudhir Research Lab (AERL) Amrita School of
Bussa Department of Electronics and Engineering, Amritapuri, Am This article
Telecommunication, Bharati Vidyapeet. includes research and a survey to determine how
authorities can restrict the use of mobile phones
[D] Smart Online Monitoring System in educational institutions and how this
A Smart Online Class Monitoring technology can save thousands of lecture hours
System (SOCMS) has been proposed t cease per year. They suggest a mobile application that
student’s non-responsive behavior during an will assist institution administrators in
ongoing online class.  controlling students' mobile phones and taking
attendance by the students themselves to save
time. There will be a server on campus that can
be accessed via Wi-Fi routers from students'
[E] Monitoring and supervision of classroom Smartphones. This server will retain attendance
Processes-Tools and Systems data and conduct face recognition.

Systematic classroom observation [I] Ekta Chhatar, Heeral Chauhan, Shubham

systems offer a consistent method of assessing Gokhale
and noting instructors' strengths and limitations, Sompurna Mukherjee, Prof. Nikhil Jha,
as well as determining whether professional “Survey on Student Attendance Management
development initiatives are truly improving System”, S.B. Jain Institute of Technology,
classroom interactions. Management and Research, Nagpur, 2016. In
this paper, the system deals with the maintenance
[F] Attendance Monitoring System of the student’s attendance. It generates the
window-base system, it will open a form attendance of the student on the basis of presence
that contains the SMS application that has a and absence in class. The staffs will be provided
function to send a notification to parent that the with the separate username & password.
student is absent. 
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"Development of Smartphone-based Student optimization such as binary search has been
Attendance System," 2017. The system in this incorporated in the system. The algorithm
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calculate attendance percentages, send emails, traditional attendance monitoring.
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