Review Paper
Review Paper
Review Paper
Ms. Heena.B.Kachhela
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering & Technology Nagpur, India.
[email protected]
Abstract- We know that time is much more important than money same as that time is important
for a student and many times this time is loses because of signing Attendance Sheets or giving the
attendance for each new lecture instead of utilizing it for the progress of students. A Student is not
just a machine who Read, Manipulate and Write the things. To make A human from students,
Behavior is the most important thing to be Teached and this could be happen after Observing and
Tracking the progress of students alone just the test papers, To overcome from these things we have
proposed the Integrated System that is "Class Monitoring and Attendance Tracking System".
Which will help teachers to observe students and keep records of their Attendance
without wasting their valuable time. To overcome from these things we have proposed the Integrated
System that is "Advance Class Monitoring System”.
In the life of a student he/she spends a big part of his/her day in their classes. The class for a
student is the place where they are going to structure their Future. That is why a Class is more than
just a room for Student. If there is any reason because of whom a class gets Disturbed then that
going to affect on the studies of students.
We know that time is much more important than money same as that time is important for a
student and many times this time is loses because of signing Attendance Sheets or collecting the
attendance for each new lecture instead of utilizing it for the progress of students.
A Student is not just a machine who Read, Manipulate and Write the things. To make A
human from students, Behaviour is the most important thing to be Teached and this could be happen
after Observing and Tracking the progress of students alone just the test papers. In the life of a
students he/she spends a big part of his/her day in their classes. The class for a student is the place
where they are going to structure their Future. That is why a Class is more than just a room for
“Monitoring and Attendance Tracking System". Which will help teachers to observe
students and keep records of their Attendance without wasting their valuable time.
Keywords: Attendance Monitoring, GSM, Fingerprint Sensor, Arduino, Real Time Clock.
attendance record is that a lecturer may misplace
1. Introduction it. As a result, lecturers can no longer keep track
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