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İngilizce Alfabe

Seçkin Esen

Aa Hh Oo Vv
Bb Ii Pp Ww
Cc Jj Qq Xx
Dd Kk Rr Yy
Ee Ll Ss Zz
Ff Mm Tt
Gg Nn Uu
İngilizce Alfabe

Seçkin Esen
Tekil İsimlerle «Be» Fiili

Seçkin Esen
Subject Verb Object.

Noun am/is/are Noun.

Verb «be» and Singular Nouns

Subject Verb Object.

Istanbul is a city.
English is a language.

Turkey is a country.

A dog is an animal.
A computer is a machine.

Jack is a programmer.

Mary is an engineer.
An a………. → an animal
An e………. → an eraser
An i………..→ an insect
An o………. → an orange
An u………. → an umbrella
A c………. → a computer
A d………. → a dog
A b……….. → a book
A t………. → a tool
A k………. → a keyboard
A b………. → a bug
An a……….→ an animation

a university
a url
an hour
Microsoft is a company.

Europe is a continent.

A hard disk drive (HDD) is a

Oxford is a university.
A dog is an animal.

An ant is an insect.

Michael is an accountant.

Carl is a software engineer.

Tekil İsimlerle «Be» Fiili

Seçkin Esen
Çoğul İsimlerle «Be» Fiili

Seçkin Esen
Subject Verb Object.

Noun am/is/are Noun.

Verb «be» and Plural Nouns

Subject Verb Object.

Istanbul and London are cities.

Turkish and English are languages.

France and China are countries.

Cats are animals.

Computers are machines.

Kate and Mark are programmers.

Carol and Mike are teachers.

Plural Nouns
notebook → notebooks
keyboard → keyboards
house → houses
animal→ animals
image → images
scanner → scanners
city → cities
Plural Nouns
city → cities
country → countries
dictionary→ dictionaries
entry → entries

play → plays
tray → trays
key→ keys
Singular Plural
A dog is an animal. → Dogs are animals.
Turkey is a country. → Turkey and Germany are countries.
A dictionary is a book. → Dictionaries are books.
Mike is a doctor. → Mike and Carol are doctors.
A spider is an insect. → Spiders are insects.
Oxford and Cambridge are
Europe and Asia are continents.

Michael and Bob are hardware

Dogs and cats are animals.
Çoğul İsimlerle «Be» Fiili

Seçkin Esen
Zamirler ve «Be» Fiili

Seçkin Esen
Pronouns and the Verb «be»
I am a teacher.
You are an engineer.
He is a teacher.
She is a programmer.
It is a laptop.
We are engineers.
You are students.
They are doctors.
Jack is a worker. He is a good man.

Jane is my daughter. She is a pretty


Chris and Mike are friends. They are from the

I am not a student.
You are not a doctor.
He is not a teacher.
She is not a nurse.
It is not a dog.
We are not students.
You are not doctors.
They are not workers.
I ‘m not a student.
You aren’t a doctor.
He isn’t a teacher.
She isn’t a nurse.
It isn’t a dog.
We aren’t students.
You aren’t doctors.
They aren’t workers.
Positive Negative

It is a mouse. It isn’t a monitor.

Turkey is a country. It isn’t a city.

Tigers are animals. They aren’t insects.

John is a software engineer. He isn’t a hardware engineer.

I am an accountant. I’m not a nurse.

I am a data analyst, but they are data
Kate and Mike are doctors, but I’m not a
She is a cyber security expert.

They are workers. They aren’t

Zamirler ve «Be» Fiili

Seçkin Esen
Sıfatlar ve «Be» Fiili

Seçkin Esen
Adjective + Noun
nice car
small town
important books
good man
tall tree
old house
critical error
Using Adjectives with «be»
I am hardworking.
My sister is young.
Pets are cute.
This table is round.
A scientist is intelligent.
Teachers are helpful.
Using Adjectives and Pronouns with «be»
I am tall.
You are handsome.
He is young.
She is beautiful.
It is cold.
We are tired.
You are slow.
They are expensive.
My brother is an intelligent architect.

Mary is a hardworking technician.

They are locked files.

Canada is a big country.

It is a closed network.

Europe and Australia are small continents.


tall short

beautiful ugly

hot cold

big small

open closed

hardworking lazy

expensive cheap / inexpensive

wide narrow

old new

old young

sweet sour

dependent independent / free

safe / secure dangerous

important unimportant

high low
Sıfatlar ve «Be» Fiili

Seçkin Esen
«Be» Fiili ile Konum

Seçkin Esen
Prepositions of Location
here in above
there on below
over there at under
inside next to in front of
outside beside behind
upstairs near between
downstairs inside
downtown outside
Be + Location
I am here.
You are there.
They are over there.
The instructors are inside.
Some students are outside.
She is upstairs.
My father is downstairs.
We are downtown.
Preposition + Noun
in the room
on the desk
at work
next to the bank
under the desk
inside the house
outside the garden
My father is in the library now.

The books are on the desk.

The cat is under the chair.

Sally is outside the library.

The post office is next to the bank.

The dog is between the trees.


The pen is in the box. The pen is on the box.

The woman is inside the The woman is outside the

library. library.

The bridge is above the river. The river is below the bridge.

The car is in front of the

The car is behind the house.
It is next to / beside the
It is near the school.
Common Usage
We are in Turkey.
They are in Berlin.
She is at work.
Kelly is at home.
We are at the bus stop.
I am on the bus.
«Be» Fiili ile Konum

Seçkin Esen
«Be» Fiili ile Soru Sorma

Seçkin Esen
Yes / No Questions
• I am a doctor.

A: Are you a doctor?

B: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

• You are an engineer.

A: Am I an engineer?
B: Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.
Yes / No Questions
• He is an experienced worker.

A: Is he an experienced worker?
B: Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

• She is an IT expert.

A: Is she an IT expert?
B: Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
Yes / No Questions
• It is an important file.

A: Is it an important file?
B: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

• We are at work.

A: Are you at work?

B: Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.
Yes / No Questions
• You are administrators.

A: Are we administrators?
B: Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.

• They are permanent changes.

A: Are they permanent changes?

B: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
«Where» Questions
A: Are you in the office?
B: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

A: Where are you?

B: In the office. (I am in the office.)
Where are you from?

Where is the library?

Where are the cables?

Where is the network computer?

Where are the administrators?

Where is the responsible software developer?

Yes / No Question Where Question

Are you in the library? Where are you?

Is the head office near the Where is the head office?


Are they at the bus stop Where are they now?

Are the children in the
Where are the children?
Is David outside the bank
Where is David now?
«Be» Fiili ile Soru Sorma

Seçkin Esen


Jane: Good morning, Michael.

Michael: Hi, Jane. How are you?

Jane: I’m fine. And you?

Michael: I’m fine, too.


Carol: Good evening, Mr. Smith. How do you do today?

Mr. Smith: Hello, Carol. I’m fine, thanks. What about you?

Carol: I’m fine. Thank you.

Mr. Smith: Have a nice day.


Hello I’m fine.
Hi Thanks.
How are you? Thank you.
Good morning And you?
Good afternoon What about you?
Good evening How about you?
Good night I’m fine, too.
How do you do? Have a nice day.


Kate: Hi, my name is Kate. What is your name?

John: Hello, I am John. Where are you from?

Kate: I am from London. And you?

John: I’m from Bristol.


Sally: Hello, Jack. How is it going?

Jack: Hi, Sally. It’s going well. I am on holiday now.

Sally: That’s great.

Jack: Thanks. See you later.

Sally: See you.


My name is Kate. That’s great.
I am John. Thanks.
What is your name? See you.
Where are you from? See you later.
I am from London. How is it going?
And you? It’s going well.
I am on holiday now.


Robert: It’s great to see you, Claire. How have you been?

Claire: Oh, hi Robert. I’ve been great. How are you doing?

Robert: I am doing fine, thank you.

Claire: Take care.


Sarah: Hi, Mark. I’d like to introduce you my friend, Josh.

Mark: Hi, nice to meet you, Josh.

Sarah: Josh is from Sydney and he lives in New York.

Mark: Awesome! I love New York.

Sarah: Me, too.


It’s great to see you. Pleased to meet you.
How have you been? Glad to meet you.
How are you doing? He lives in New York.
I’m doing fine. Awesome.
Take care. I love New York.
I’d like to introduce you my friend. Me, too.
Nice to meet you.


John: Hi, my name is John. What is your name?

Kate: Hello, my name is Kate. How old are you, John?

John: I am 18 years old. How about you?

Kate: I am 21.


Sally: Can you tell me about your sister? How old is she?

Bob: She is 9 years old. She goes to a primary school.

Sally: Does she live with you?

Bob: Yes, she does.

Sally: That’s great.


My name is John. How old is she?
What is your name? Does she live with you?
How old are you? She is 9 years old.
I am 18 years old. She goes to a primary school.
I am 21. Yes, she does.
How about you? That’s great.
Can you tell me about your sister?
«Have» ve «Has»

Seçkin Esen
Using «Have» and «Has»
You + have a car.

She + hasa car.
We have a large company.

Jack has a powerful computer.

Carl and Michael have a lot of friends.

This building has many offices.

Dogs and cats have tails.

My sister has good managers.

«Have got» and «Has got»
I have an important task.
I have got an important task.

She has a big house.

She has got a big house.
Have / Has Have got / Has got

Jane and I have many books. Jane and I have got many
Josh has two smart phones. Josh has got two smart

We have good friends. We have got good friends.

This hard disk has a large This hard disk has got a large
memory. memory.

They have nice teachers. They have got nice teachers.

«Have» ve «Has»

Seçkin Esen
İyelik Sıfatları

Seçkin Esen
Possessive Adjectives
I = my job
You = your task
He = his desk
She = her keyboard
It = its tail
We = ourhouses
You = your teachers
They = their phones
I have a pencil. My pencil is black.

You have a house. Your house is big.

Carl has a bike. His bike is new.

Kate has a shirt. Her shirt is expensive.

My dog has a toy. Its toy is funny.

We have books. Our books are important.

You have teachers. Your teachers are intelligent.

My friends have exams. Their exams are difficult.

Jack and Jane have cars. Their cars are fast.

1. Sally and Kate have cars. ____ cars are expensive.
2. Chris has a computer. ____ computer is fast.
3. My sister and I have a dog. ____ dog is cute.
4. You’ve got a book. ____ book has a black cover.
5. Mike and you have a house. ____ house has a big balcony.
6. Mary has got a brother. ____ is intelligent.
1. Sally and Kate have cars. Their cars are expensive.
2. Chris has a computer. His computer is fast.
3. My sister and I have a dog. Our dog is cute.
4. You’ve got a book. Your book has a black cover.
5. Mike and you have a house. Your house has a big balcony.
6. Mary has got a brother. Her brother is intelligent.
İyelik Sıfatları

Seçkin Esen
This, That, These, Those

Seçkin Esen
This, That, These, Those
• Singular

This is a smart phone.

That is a notebook.

• Plural

These are shoes.

Those are shirts.
I have a car. This is my car.

That is your book.

Is this your umbrella?

These are her pencils.

Those are their chairs.

Are these our desks?

This, That, These, Those + Noun

This car is very expensive.

That man is clever.

These people are from Germany.

Those houses are very expensive.

This is a useful tool. This tool is very useful.

That is an important That computer program is

computer program. important
These are necessary These documents are
documents. necessary.

Those are dangerous viruses. Those viruses are dangerous.

This is not my desk. This desk is not mine.

1. ____ cars are expensive. (This / These)
2. ____ software is harmful to your computer. (That / Those)
3. ____ dogs are really helpful. (That / Those)
4. ____ book has important information in it. (This / These)
1. These cars are expensive.
2. That software is harmful to your computer.
3. Those dogs are really helpful.
4. This book has important information in it.
This, That, These, Those

Seçkin Esen
«Who» ve «What»

Seçkin Esen
Who and What Questions

A: Who is she?
B: She is my grandmother.


A: What is it?
B: It is a device.
Who and What Questions

A: Who is that man? A: Who are these people?

B: He is my uncle. B: They are my friends from school.

A: What is that on the desk? A: What are those on the table?

B: It is a microphone. B: They are grammar books.
A: ____ are they in front of your house?
B: They are my old tools.

A: ____ is that woman?

B: She is my colleague, Jane.

A: ____ is a rabbit?
B: It is a small furry animal.
A: What are they in front of your house?
B: They are my old tools.

A: Who is that woman?

B: She is my colleague, Jane.

A: What is a rabbit?
B: It is a small furry animal.
«Who» ve «What»

Seçkin Esen
Bölüm Kelimeleri 2

Seçkin Esen
01 powerful
Jack has a powerful computer.

02 manager
My sister has good managers.

03 task
I have an important task.
04 memory
This hard disk has a large memory.

05 smart phone
Josh has got two smart phones.

06 desk
His laptop is on his desk.
07 document
These documents are necessary.

08 virus
Those are dangerous viruses.

09 harmful
That software is harmful to your computer.
10 information
This book has important information in it.

11 colleague
She is my colleague, Jane.

12 microphone
The microphone is on the desk.
01 powerful

02 manager

03 task

04 memory

05 smart phone
06 desk

07 document

08 virus

09 harmful

10 information
11 colleague

12 microphone
Bölüm Kelimeleri 2

Seçkin Esen

Seçkin Esen
1 : one 11 : eleven
2 : two 12 : twelve
3 : three 13 : thirteen
4 : four 14 : fourteen
5 : five 15 : fifteen
6 : six 16 : sixteen
7 : seven 17 : seventeen
8 : eight 18 : eighteen
9 : nine 19 : nineteen
10 : ten 20 : twenty
21 : twenty one
22 : twenty two
23 : twenty three
24 : twenty four
25 : twenty five
26 : twenty six
27 : twenty seven
28 : twenty eight
29 : twenty nine
30 : thirty
40 : forty
50 : fifty
60 : sixty
70 : seventy
80 : eighty
90 : ninety
100 : one hundred
200 : two hundred
300 : three hundred
320 : three hundred twenty
537 : five hundred thirty seven
1000 : one thousand
2000 : two thousand
3500 : three thousand five hundred
10.000 : ten thousand
15.250 : fifteen thousand two hundred fifty
100.000 : one hundred thousand
150.000 : one hundred fifty thousand
1.000.000 : one million
1.300.000 : one million three hundred thousand : one billion
2.500.000.000 : two billion five hundred million
18 : eighteen
47 : forty seven
85 : eighty five
253 : two hundred fifty three
579 : five hundred seventy nine
842 : eight hundred forty two
1384 : one thousand three hundred eighty four
4298 : four thousand two hundred ninety eight
27.340 : twenty seven thousand three hundred forty
324.625 : three hundred twenty four thousand six hundred twenty five
1.450.500 : one million four hundred fifty thousand five hundred
14 : fourteen
63 : sixty three
92 : ninety two
162 : one hundred sixty two
348 : three hundred forty eight
726 : seven hundred twenty six
1275 : one thousand two hundred seventy five
8374 : eight thousand three hundred seventy four
57.620 : fifty seven thousand six hundred twenty
615.416 : six hundred fifteen thousand four hundred sixteen
5.500.200 : five million five hundred thousand two hundred

Seçkin Esen

Seçkin Esen
• What time is it?

 It is 5 o’clock.
 It is 6:00.
 It is 10 a.m.
 It is 8 p.m.

4:30 It is half past four.

It is four – thirty.

3:15 It is quarter past three.

It is three – fifteen.

5:45 It is quarter to six.

It is five – forty five.
9:20 It is twenty past nine.
It is nine – twenty.

7:25 It is twenty five past seven.

It is seven – twenty five.

8:50 It is ten to nine.

It is eight – fifty.

6:40 It is twenty to seven.

It is six – forty.
My English class is at 9 o’clock.

The exam is at 5:30 p.m.

The program is at 12 o’clock.

9:00 6:30

3:20 7:35

4:15 9:25

8:45 10:50
9:00 It is nine. 6:30 It is half past six.
It is nine o’clock. It is six – thirty.

3:20 It is twenty past three. 7:35 It is twenty five to eight.

It is three – twenty. It is seven – thirty five.

4:15 It is quarter past four. 9:25 It is twenty five past nine.

It is four – fifteen. It is nine – twenty five.

8:45 It is quarter to nine. 10:50 It is ten to eleven.

It is eight – forty five. It is ten – fifty.

Seçkin Esen
Günler, Aylar, Yıllar ve

Seçkin Esen
What day is it?

It is Monday.
The release of the software is on Monday.

The basketball game is on Saturday.

The final exam is on Friday.

What month is it?

It is January.
The project’s due date is in June.

The midterm exams are in November.

We are in April.
What year is it?

It is 1988.

We are in 2021.

Our graduation is in 2024.

The elections are in 2023.

What’s the date today?

It is the 15th of June.

June, 15th.

It is the 10th of May.

May, 10th.
The exam is on the 15th of May.

My birthdate is on February, 6th.

The final exam is on the 10th of June.

1st : first
2nd : second
3rd : third
4th : fourth
5th : fifth
6th : sixth
7th : seventh
8th : eighth
9th : ninth
10th : tenth
1. My exam is ____ Wednesday.
2. The football match is ____ 8 p.m.
3. The stores are closed ____ the 1st of January.
4. My sister’s birthday is ____ August.
5. We aren’t ____ 1996.
1. My exam is on Wednesday.
2. The football match is at 8 p.m.
3. The stores are closed on the 1st of January.
4. My sister’s birthday is in August.
5. We aren’t in 1996.
Günler, Aylar, Yıllar ve

Seçkin Esen
Bölüm Kelimeleri 3

Seçkin Esen
01 time
What time is it?

02 class
My English class is at 9 o’clock.

03 exam
I have an important exam this week.
04 program
The program is at 12 o’clock.

05 game
The basketball game is on Saturday.

06 due date
The project’s due date is in June.
07 midterm exam
The midterm exams are in November.

08 project
This project is really hard.

09 graduation
Our graduation is in 2024.
10 election
These elections are necessary.

11 birthdate
My birthdate is on February, 6th.

12 final
The final exam is on the 10th of June.
13 day
What day is it?

14 week
Our History class is next week.

15 month
What month is it?
16 year
What year is it?

17 date
What’s the date today?

18 match
The football match is at 8 p.m.
19 store
The stores are closed on the 1st of January.

20 closed
The stores are closed.

21 release
The release of the software is on Monday.
01 time

02 class

03 exam

04 program

05 game
06 due date

07 midterm exam

08 project

09 graduation

10 election
11 birthdate

12 final

13 day

14 week

15 month
16 year

17 date

18 match

19 store

20 closed
21 release
Bölüm Kelimeleri 3

Seçkin Esen


Carol: Hello, Jack. How are you?

Jack: Hi. I’m fine, and you?

Carol: I’m fine, too. What is your job, Jack?

Jack: I am a teacher. What about you?

Carol: I’m a doctor.


Mike: What do you do, Sarah?

Sarah: I am a nurse. And what is your job?

Mike: I am an accountant.

Sarah: Awesome.

Mike: Thanks.


Mike: Thanks.

Joe: What does your father do?

Jennifer: He is a butcher.

Joe: Does he like his job?

Jennifer: Yes, he likes his job a lot.

Joe: That’s great.

What is your job? Does he like his job?
What do you do? Yes, he likes his job a lot.
What does your father do? No, he doesn’t like his job at all.
I am a teacher. Do you like your job?
I’m a doctor. I like my job.
I am a nurse. I like doctors.
I am an accountant. I don’t like lawyers.
He is a butcher.


Michael: Do you have a pet?

Sally: No, I don’t, but I like animals.

Michael: What is your favorite animal?

Sally: My favorite animals is dog. What about you?

Michael: I like cats a lot.


Jane: I like animals very much.

Carl: Which ones do you like most?

Jane: I like elephants, horses and dolphins.

Carl: I like them, too.

Jane: That’s very good.


Jack: Do you like domestic or wild animals?

Sarah: I like wild animals like lions, tigers and bears.

Jack: I like domestic animals such as cows, horses and sheep.

Sarah: It’s interesting. Why do you like them?

Jack: Because they are not dangerous.

Do you have a pet? I like domestic animals such as cows.
No, I don’t. It’s interesting.
but I like animals. Why do you like them?
What is your favorite animal? Because they are not dangerous.
My favorite animal is dog. dog
I like cats a lot. cat
I like animals very much. elephant
Which ones do you like most? horse
I like elephants, horses and dolphins. dolphin
I like them, too. lion
That’s very good. tiger
domestic animals bear
wild animals cow
I like wild animals like lions. sheep


Jennifer: Do you have brothers or sisters?

John: I have a brother. His name is Robert.

Jennifer: How old is he?

John: He is 26 years old, and he is a firefighter.

Jennifer: I think he has a nice job.


Mom: Where is your father?

Son: He is in the kitchen.

Mom: What is he doing there?

Son: I guess he is eating something.

Mom: Okay.


Mark: Can you tell me about your family?

Carol: Of course. I have a big family. I have two brothers and a sister.

Mark: What do you parents do?

Carol: My mother is a teacher, and my father is a doctor.

Mark: That’s great.


David: Do you have aunts and uncles?

Barbara: I have an aunt and two uncles.

David: Where do they live?

Barbara: They live in my hometown.

David: I see.
Do you have brothers or sisters? Can you tell me about your family?
I have a brother. Of course.
His name is Robert. I have a big family.
How old is he? I have two brothers and a sister.
He is 26 years old. What do your parents do?
He is a firefighter. My mother is a teacher.
I think he has a nice job. My father is a doctor.
Where is your father? Do you have aunts and uncles?
He is in the kitchen. I have an aunt and two uncles.
What is he doing there? Where do they live?
I think he is eating something. They live in my hometown.
I see.
mother grandmother
father grandfather
parents grandparents
brother son
sister daughter
sibling grandson
aunt granddaughter
uncle child
Geniş Zaman

Seçkin Esen
The Simple Present Tense
I work as a search engine optimization expert.
You walk to the head office every morning.

He does data mining at the company.

She builds Android applications.
It runs every morning.

We usean antivirus program.

You need a new desktop computer.
They take a walk in the evenings.
We like the wallpaper on your screen.

My brother speaks English well.

Sarah swims in the sea every morning.

The Simple Present Tense
I do not work as a search engine optimization expert.
You do not walk to the head office every morning.

He does not do data mining at the company.

She does not build Android applications.
It does not run every morning.

We do not use an antivirus program.

You do not need a new desktop computer.
They do not take a walk in the evenings.
The Simple Present Tense
I don’t work as a search engine optimization expert.
You don’t walk to the head office every morning.

He doesn’t do data mining at the company.

She doesn’t build Android applications.
It doesn’t run every morning.

We don’t use an antivirus program.

You don’t need a new desktop computer.
They don’t take a walk in the evenings.
The Verb «be»

I am an interpreter.

He is an engineer.

They are important devices.

«Have» and «Has» Negatives

I have an important folder.

I don’t have an important folder.

The game has a lot of bugs.

The game doesn’t have a lot of bugs.
«Have got» and «Has got» Negatives

I have got an important folder.

I haven’t got an important folder.

The game has got a lot of bugs.

The game hasn’t got a lot of bugs.

We get up early every day. We don’t get up early every day.

She has access to the source She doesn’t have access to

codes. the source codes.

Jane goes to bed late at Jane doesn’t go to bed late at

night. night.
My brother and I call each My brother and I don’t call
other every week. each other every week.

He works as a developer. He doesn’t work as a developer.

Geniş Zaman

Seçkin Esen
Sıklık Zarfları

Seçkin Esen
Frequency Adverbs
Frequency Adverbs
 I always read books about my field.
 I usually visit my grandparents.
 They often go on a vacation in the summer.
 My sister sometimes takes the bus to school.
 We seldom eat at a restaurant.
 Jack rarely uploads videos on his YouTube channel.
 He never smokes near children.
Be + Frequency Adverb
 I am usually late for meetings.
 My brother is always happy at school.
 We are rarely at home at the weekends.
 The kid is never sad near his parents.
We often study in the library.

She is never nervous on stage.

We usually stay home and listen to music at night.

Frequency Adverbs

 I sometimes take the bus to work.

 Sometimes I take the bus to work.
 I take the bus to work sometimes.
Sıklık Zarfları

Seçkin Esen
Geniş Zamanda
Evet/Hayır Soruları

Seçkin Esen
Subject + Verb + Object

I work as a computer programmer.

He studies at university.

I don’t like my colleagues.

She doesn’t use a smart phone.
Subject + Verb + Object

A: Do you work as a computer programmer?

B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

A: Does he study at university?

B: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

Do + I/you/we/they + verb …?
Does + he/she/it + verb …?
Subject + Verb + Object
A: Do you speak English?
B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Yes, I speak English.

No, I don’t speak English.

A: Does Robert know how to play soccer?

B: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

Yes, he knows how to play soccer.

No, he doesn’t know how to play soccer.
Subject + Verb + Object
A: Does your uncle work at this factory?
B: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

A: Do Sarah and John live in a small village?

B: Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

A: Do the children play in the garden?

B: Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
A: ____ your aunt live in a big city?
B: No, ____.

A: ____ you and your brother work here?

B: No, ____.

A: ____ you know how to use this tool?

B: Yes, ____.

A: ____ the students study hard?

B: Yes, ____.
A: Does your aunt live in a big city?
B: No, she doesn’t.

A: Do you and your brother work here?

B: No, we don’t.

A: Do you know how to use this tool?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Do the students study hard?

B: Yes, they do.
Geniş Zamanda
Evet/Hayır Soruları

Seçkin Esen
Geniş Zamanda
Bilgi Soruları

Seçkin Esen
Yes / No Questions

A: Do you live in Ankara?

B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

A: Does she work at a factory?

B: Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
«Where» Questions
• I live in Ankara.

Where do you live?

In Ankara.

• She works at a factory.

Where does she work?

At a factory.
«When» Questions
• I get up at 7 a.m.

When do you get up?

At 7 a.m.

• He watches TV in the evening.

When does he watch TV?

In the evening.
«What time» Questions
• I get up at 7 a.m.

What time do you get up?

At 7 a.m.

• He watches TV at ten o’clock.

What time does he watch TV?

At ten o’clock.
«What» Questions
• I buy clothes at the shopping mall.

What do you buy at the shopping mall?


• He plays chess every week.

What does he play every week?

«Who» Questions
• I live with my parents.

Who do you live with?

My parents.

• She meets her friends every day.

Who does she meet every day?

Her friends.
«Why» Questions
• I work because I need money.

Why do you work?

Because I need money.

• She reads books to learn new things.

Why does she read books?

To learn new things.
«How» Questions
• I go to work by bus.

How do you go to work?

By bus.

• He earns money by working hard.

How does he earn money?

By working hard.
«How often» Questions
• I watch TV every evening.

How often do you watch TV?

Every evening.

• She usually eats a pizza.

How often does she eat a pizza?

A: ______ do you study?
B: At the library.

A: ______ do they go to school?

B: They go to school on foot.

A: ______ does she meet her friends?

B: At the weekends.

A: ______ do you go on a holiday?

B: Once a year.

A: ______ does you sister live with?

A: Her friend from school.
A: Where do you study?
B: At the library.

A: How do they go to school?

B: They go to school on foot.

A: When does she meet her friends?

B: At the weekends.

A: How often do you go on a holiday?

B: Once a year.

A: Who does you sister live with?

A: Her friend from school.
Geniş Zamanda
Bilgi Soruları

Seçkin Esen
«-s» Takısının Telaffuzu

Seçkin Esen
play = plays play/z/
run= runs run/z/
rain = rains rain/z/

ride = rides ride/z/

wear = wears wear/z/
drive = drives drive/z/

care = cares care/z/

snow = snows snow/z/
walk = walks walk/s/
take = takes take/s/
put= puts put/s/

work = works work/s/

sleep = sleeps sleep/s/
eat = eats eat/s/

drink = drinks drink/s/

cut = cuts cut/s/
wash = washes wash/ız/
watch = watches watch/ız/
catch = catches catch/ız/

miss = misses miss/ız/

fix = fixes fix/ız/
mix = mixes mix/ız/

go = goes go/z/
try = tries
cry = cries
fly = flies

play = plays
enjoy = enjoys

pay= pays
«-s» Takısının Telaffuzu

Seçkin Esen


Kate: What color is your car?

John: It is white. What about yours?

Kate: Mine is red.

John: And what color is your father’s car?

Kate: His car is black.


Jack: What are your favorite colors, Jane?

Jane: My favorite colors are blue, yellow and purple.

Jack: Nice colors. I like brown and gray most.

Jane: Very nice, but I like more colorful things.


Rebecca: Hi Jonathan, I like your shirt. What color is it?

Jonathan: Really? Thanks Rebecca. It is orange.

Rebecca: Do you often wear it?

Jonathan: I wear it only at the weekends.

What color is your car? Really?
It is white. Thanks Rebecca.
What about yours? It is orange.
Mine is red. Do you often wear it?
What color is your father’s car? I wear it only at the weekends.
His car is black. white
What is your favorite color? black
What are your favorite colors? red
My favorite color is blue. blue
My favorite colors are blue and red. green
Nice colors. yellow
I like brown and gray most. gray
Very nice. Brown
I like more colorful things. purple
I like your shirt. orange
What color is it?


Brother: Where are you?

Sister: I’m in the livingroom. And you?

Brother: I am in the kitchen. What are you doing there?

Sister: I’m watching TV.


Sally: How many rooms are there in your house?

Mike: There are 3 bedrooms, 1 livingroom and 1 kitchen.

Sally: Is there a balcony in your house?

Mike: Yes, of course.

Sally: That’s great.


Chris: Do you have your own bedroom at home?

Jane: Yes, I do. I have my own bathroom, too.

Chris: Awesome. Do you like your room?

Jane: Yes, I do because I read books and listen to music in my room.

Chris: Nice hobbies.


Mary: What do you have in your kitchen?

Carlos: I have a kitchen table, a refrigerator, a dishwasher and a cupboard.

Mary: What about your livingroom?

Carlos: Well, a television, two sofas, one armchair, six chairs and a dinner table.

Mary: Very nice.


Jack: I want to buy a new bed and a wardrobe for my bedroom.

Sarah: Why?

Jack: Because the current ones are too old.

Sarah: You should also buy curtains and a mirror.

Jack: Good idea.


Where are you? What do you have in your kitchen?
I’m in the livingroom. I have a kitchen table.
I’m in the kitchen. a refrigerator
What are you doing there? a dishwasher
I’m watching TV. a cupboard
How many rooms are there in your house? a television
There are 3 bedrooms, 1 livingroom and 1 kitchen. two sofas
Is there a balcony in your house? one armchair
Yes, of course. six chairs
That’s great. a dinner table
Do you have your own bedroom at home? very nice
Yes, I do. I want to buy a new bed for my bedroom.
I have my own bathroom, too. a wardrobe
Awesome. Why?
Do you like your room? Because the current ones are too old.
because I read books and listen to music in my room. You should also buy curtains and a mirror.
nice hobbies. Good idea.


John: What do you feel like eating this morning?

Sally: Well, I feel like eating eggs and cheese.

John: Okay, then. Let’s prepare the breakfast.

Sally: That’s a good idea.


Jenny: I am hungry. Let’s eat something.

Mike: I am hungry, too. Why don’t we go to a restaurant?

Jenny: Great idea. What do you want to eat?

Mike: I want to eat a pizza today.

Jenny: We should go to an Italian restaurant, then.


Waiter: Hello, how can I help you?

Jane: Hi, I would like to order a hamburger with potato chips.

Waiter: Would you like to drink something?

Jane: Yes. May I have a coke, please?

Waiter: Alright.


Ken: What is your favorite meal, Sarah?

Sarah: I love pasta. How about you?

Ken: I love dessert, especially chocolate cake.

Sarah: Let’s make a cake together.

Ken: Great idea.


Susan: Do you know how to cook?

Tom: No, I can’t cook well. What about you?

Susan: I can cook many different meals.

Tom: Excellent! You should teach me how to cook.

Susan: I’d be glad to.


morning We should go to an Italian restaurant.
afternoon How can I help you?
evening I would like to order a hamburger.
night Would you like to drink something?
What do you feel like eating? May I have coke, please?
I feel like eating cheese. Alright.
Okay, then. What is your favorite meal?
Let’s prepare the breakfast. I love pasta.
That’s a good idea. I love dessert.
breakfast especially
lunch Let’s make a cake together.
dinner together
I am hungry. Do you know how to cook?
Let’s eat something. I can’t cook well.
I am hungry, too. I can cook many different meals.
Why don’t we go to a restaurant. Excellent!
Great idea. You should teach me how to cook.
What do you want to eat? I’d be glad to.
I want to eat a pizza today. I’d be happy to.
Şimdiki Zaman

Seçkin Esen
The Present Continuous Tense
be + Verb-ing

I am working on a project right now.

You are reading a new book now.

He is talking on the phone.
She is laughingat the moment.

We are studying English in the library.

You are speaking German now.

They are going to school.

I am eating dinner now.

Jane is swimming in the pool.

They are listening to music right now.

Michael and Bob are chatting at the moment.

We are sitting at a cafe.

He is playing in the garden now.

The Present Continuous Tense

I am not working on a project right now.

You are not reading a new book now.

He is not talking on the phone.
She is not laughing at the moment.

We are not studying English in the library.

You are not speaking German now.

They are not going to school.

The Present Continuous Tense

I ‘m not working on a project right now.

You aren’t reading a new book now.

He isn’t talking on the phone.
She isn’t laughing at the moment.

We aren’t studying English in the library.

You aren’t speaking German now.

They aren’t going to school.

I am not eating dinner now.

Jane isn’t swimming in the pool.

They aren’t listening to music right now.

Michael and Bob aren’t chatting at the moment.

We aren’t sitting at a cafe.

He isn’t playing in the garden now.

Şimdiki Zaman

Seçkin Esen
Şimdiki Zamanda Sorular

Seçkin Esen
The Present Continuous Tense
Yes / No Questions
 I am reading a book now.

A: Are you reading a book now?

B: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

 She is playing tennis.

A: Is she playing tennis?

B: Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
The Present Continuous Tense
Yes / No Questions
 They are working right now.

A: Are they working right now?

B: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

 Chris is fixing his computer.

A: Is Chris fixing his computer?

B: Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
The Present Continuous Tense
Information Questions
 I am studying in the library.

A: Where are you studying?

B: In the library.

 They are smiling because they are happy.

A: Why are they smiling?

B: Because they are happy.
The Present Continuous Tense
Information Questions
 I am talking to my friend.

A: Who are you talking to?

B: My friend.

 She is holding a pen in her hand.

A: What is she holding in her hand?

B: A pen.

A: Is your sister eating something now?

B: No, she isn’t. She is writing a poem.

A: Where are you going?

B: I’m going to work.

A: Why are you laughing?

B: Because you look funny.

Mike: What are you doing, Sasha?

Sasha: I am playing a video game, and you?
Mike: I am watching the news.
Sasha: Why are you watching the news?
Mike: Because I am curious.
Şimdiki Zamanda Sorular

Seçkin Esen
Present Continuous ile
Gelecek Zaman İfade

Seçkin Esen
Expressing The Future
with Present Continuous

 I am flying to Rome next week.

 We are having a birthday party tomorrow.
 She is meeting her friends next weekend.

 They are getting married in October.

Expressing The Future
with Present Continuous

Present: I am going to Manchester now.

Future: I am going to Manchester tomorrow.

Present: We are taking a trip at the moment.

Future: We are taking a trip next summer.
Expressing The Future
with Present Continuous

Sally: What are you doing at the weekend?

Carl: I am meeting my cousins, and you?

Sally: I am moving to another city.

Carol: Really? Where are you moving to?
Sally: To my hometown, İzmir.
Present Future

I am meeting my relatives next month. ______ ______

We are playing chess at the moment. ______ ______

They aren’t watching the news. ______ ______

She’s going to the gym tomorrow. ______ ______
James isn’t studying for her exams. ______ ______
Present Future

I am meeting my relatives next month. ✅

We are playing chess at the moment. ✅

They aren’t watching the news. ✅

She’s going to the gym tomorrow. ✅
James isn’t studying for her exams. ✅
Present Continuous ile
Gelecek Zaman İfade

Seçkin Esen
Geniş Zaman ve Şimdiki
Zaman Kıyaslaması

Seçkin Esen
Simple Present vs Present Continuous

 I get up early every day.

 We play video games on weekends.
 She goes on a holiday every year.

 They always take a walk at the park.

 I usually visit my uncle and aunt.

 You never smoke near children.

Simple Present vs Present Continuous

 I am going to my hometown now.

 We are playing chess right now.
 She is buying clothes at the moment.

 They are moving to another city tomorrow.

 I am going out tonight.

 He is visiting his grandmother next week.

Simple Present vs Present Continuous

 I am going to my hometown now.

 We are playing chess right now.
 She is buying clothes at the moment.

 They are moving to another city tomorrow.

 I am going out tonight.

 He is visiting his grandmother next week.

1. I ______ my friends next month. (meet)

2. We usually ______ out at night. (go)

3. They ______ breakfast in the morning. (not eat)

4. Nicole ______ a magazine now. (read)

5. He never ______ at his friends. (shout)
6. Brad ______ for his keys at the moment. (look)
1. I am meeting my friends next month.

2. We usually go out at night.

3. They don’t eat breakfast in the morning.

4. Nicole is reading a magazine now.

5. He never shouts at his friends.
6. Brad is looking for his keys at the moment.
Geniş Zaman ve Şimdiki
Zaman Kıyaslaması

Seçkin Esen
Bölüm Kelimeleri 5

Seçkin Esen
01 study
We are studying English in the library.

02 pool
Jane is swimming in the pool.

03 chat
Michael and Bob are chatting at the moment.
04 garden
He is playing in the garden now.

05 smile
They are smiling because they are happy.

06 hold
She is holding a pen in her hand.
07 poem
She is writing a poem.

08 funny
You look funny.

09 video game
I’m playing a video game.
10 news
I am watching the news.

11 curious
I am watching the news because I am curious.

12 fly
I am flying to Rome next week.
13 get married
They are getting married in October.

14 trip
We are taking a trip at the moment.

15 hometown
I’m moving to my hometown.
16 move
Where are you moving to?

17 relative
I am meeting my relatives next month.

18 get up
I get up early every day.
19 holiday
She goes on a holiday every year.

20 key
Brad is looking for his keys at the moment.

21 visit
He is visiting his grandmother next week.
01 study

02 pool

03 chat

04 garden

05 smile
06 hold

07 poem

08 funny

09 video game

10 news
11 curious

12 fly

13 get married

14 trip

15 hometown
16 move

17 relative

18 get up

19 holiday

20 key
21 visit
Bölüm Kelimeleri 5

Seçkin Esen


Tom: Do you have a hobby?

Sue: Well, I love horseback riding. What about you?

Tom: I love learning languages.

Sue: This is a very interesting hobby.


Jenny: Are there any hobbies you would like to try?

Mike: Yes. Walking in the mountain is fascinating.

Jenny: Great. Shall we try?

Mike: Isn’t that dangerous?

Jenny: No, we can get help.


Joey: Which hobby do you think is the most dangerous?

Rachel: I think hunting is very dangerous, and I hate hunting.

Joey: Yes, I agree with you.

Rachel: So, which one do you think is the most dangerous?

Joey: I think skydiving is very dangerous.

learning languages Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
love Walking in the mountain is fascinating.
hate Shall we try?
Do you have a hobby? Great idea.
I love horseback riding Hunting
What about you? Which hobby do you think is the most dangerous?
This is a very interesting hobby. I agree with you.
dangerous I hate hunting.


Jack: Have you ever been abroad?

Kate: Yes, I have. I was in New York for a business trip last year.

Jack: Excellent. I would love to see there.

Kate: You should go there this summer.


Betty: What language do you use when traveling?

Alex: English, but sometimes I have to use body language since not all people are good at English.

Betty: Do you prefer traveling by car, train or plane?

Alex: I prefer planes although it can be a little expensive.


Erik: Who do you usually go with?

Emma: I often go with my family, sometimes with my best friends.

Erik: I always go with my sister.

Emma: That would be nice but I haven’t got any sister.

Erik: I got it.

abroad What language do you use when traveling?
business trip Do you prefer traveling by car, train or plane?
excellent I prefer planes although it can be a little expensive.
Have you ever been abroad? usually
I would love to see there. often
You should go there this summer. always
body language Who do you usually go with?
travel I always go with my sister.
prefer I got it.


Alan: Welcome. How can I help you?

Claire: I want a black bag. Can I see the options?

Alan: How is that? It is 60 dollars.

Claire: It is beautiful. I’m buying.


Mike: May I help You?

Sally: Could you show me the red shoes, please?

Mike: Sure.

Sally: These shoes are pretty. How much is it?

Mike: Its only 90 dollars.


Tom: Welcome. How can I help you?

Kate: I want to buy jacket suit.

Tom: Sure. New models have come.

Kate: I prefer classical colors, I guess.

Tom: Okay. Let me see.

help These shoes are pretty.
black Could you show me the red shoes, please?
Welcome. Shop assistant
How can I help you? jacket suit
Can I see the options? prefer
How is that? Welcome. How can I help you?
shopping I want to buy jacket suit.
Sure. I prefer classical colors.
pretty I guess.
May I help you?
Durum Fiilleri

Seçkin Esen
Action Verbs vs State Verbs
 work  want
 talk  know
 go  believe
 sleep  need
 run  love
 listen  see
 read  understand

I am going out now. I want a cup of coffee.

She is talking on the phone. She loves her friends.

We are listening to music

We understand the subject well.

They are running in the park. They need some food now.

I am watching TV now. I see a lot of people here.

State Verbs (Non-Action Verbs)
A: What do you want?
B: I want some tea.

A: Do you know those people?

B: No, I don’t know them.

A: What do you see in this room?

B: I see a table and four chairs.
State Verbs (Non-Action Verbs)
I am listening to music now.
I hear a strange sound.


I am watching TV right now.
I see many books on the shelf.
She is looking at the car.
State Verbs (Non-Action Verbs)
I am thinking about my family now.
I think the world is small.

I have a nice car.
I am having breakfast now.
She ______ (think) about her exams at the moment.
I ______ (see) many insects in the room.
We ______ (look) for our keys right now.
I ______ (think) you have a nice family.
They ______ (have) dinner now.
Mike ______ (enjoy) himself at the party.
You ______ (have) a comfortable chair.
She is thinking about her exams at the moment.
I see many insects in the room.
We are looking for our keys right now.
I think you have a nice family.
They are having dinner now.
Mike is enjoying himself at the party.
You have a comfortable chair.
Durum Fiilleri

Seçkin Esen
Want, Need, Like, Love ve
Hate Fiilleri

Seçkin Esen
State Verbs
 want  love  I want water.  I love my family
 need  hate  She needs food.  They hate exam
 like + Noun  We like soccer.
State Verbs

 want + to verb  I want to drink water.

 need + to verb  She needs to eat food.

 like + verb-ing / to verb  We like playing / to play soccer.

 love + verb-ing / to verb  I love seeing / to see my family.
 hate + verb-ing / to verb  They hate taking / to take exams.
 She loves playing chess.

 We like to go out at the weekends.

 They hate eating vegetables.

 He wants to eat ice-cream.

 I love swimming in the sea.
 I need to do my homework now.

 Tom likes to listen to music.


She wants ______ (watch) the football match.

I need ______ (see) my sister now.
We like ______ (go) to concerts in summer.
They hate ______ (swim) in the pool.

She wants to watch the football match.

I need to see my sister now.
We like going / to go to concerts in summer.
They hate swimming / to swim in the pool.
Want, Need, Like, Love ve
Hate Fiilleri

Seçkin Esen
Think Fiilinin Kullanımı

Seçkin Esen

 think (that) + Sentence

 think about + Noun


 I think the world is small.  I am thinking about my exams now.

 She thinks that she is successful.  She is thinking about her family right now.
 I think that you are a very good friend.  I think about my hometown every day.

 They think we are rich.  They never think about money.

 Do you think she is a good student?

 What are you thinking about?

 I don’t think that he can speak three languages.

 We aren’t thinking about you now.

 She thinks her friends are crazy.
 She is thinking about her past.

They ______ (not) they will win this match.

We always ______ about our country.
She ______ about her grades right now.
I ______ you are a very nice friend.

They don’t think they will win this match.

We always think about our country.
She is thinking about her grades right now.
I think you are a very nice friend.
Think Fiilinin Kullanımı

Seçkin Esen
Would Like Kullanımı

Seçkin Esen
 I would like some water.
 I want some water.
 I would like a pizza.
 I want a pizza.

 I would like to drink some water.

 I want to drink some water.
 I would like to eat a pizza.
 I want to eat a pizza.

 I’d like some water.

 I’d like a pizza.

 I’d like to drink some water.

 I’d like to eat a pizza.

 Would you like some water?

Yes, I would. Thank you.

Yes, please.

 Would you like to go out tonight?

No, thank you.


 I would like to go out.

 I like to go out.

 I would like to read a book.

 I like to read a book.
 I would like to go to the cinema now.

 I like to watch a movie at home.

 Would you like to eat a hamburger?

 Do you like to drink fruit juice?

 They would like to meet at a café.
 They like to visit their relatives.
Would Like Kullanımı

Seçkin Esen
Bölüm Kelimeleri 6

Seçkin Esen
01 want
I want to drink water.

02 know
We know you well.

03 believe
I believe you are successful.
04 need
We need some food now.

05 understand
He understands the topic well.

06 subject
The subject of the lesson seems hard.
07 strange
I hear a strange sound.

08 shelf
I see many books on the shelf.

09 insect
I see many insects in the room.
10 comfortable
You have a comfortable chair.

11 vegetable
They hate eating vegetables.

12 concert
We like to go to concerts in summer.
13 successful
She thinks that she is successful.

14 rich
They think we are rich.

15 grade
She is thinking about her grades now.
01 want

02 know

03 believe

04 need

05 understand
06 subject

07 strange

08 shelf

09 insect

10 comfortable
11 vegetable

12 concert

13 successful

14 rich

15 grade
Bölüm Kelimeleri 6

Seçkin Esen
Sayılabilen ve
Sayılamayan İsimler

Seçkin Esen
Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable Uncountable

one ring some jewelry

two chairs some furniture
many students much water

a car some information

a few pens some money
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
 There are two books on the table.
 I have several pens in my bag.
 Some people know you.
 There are many students here.

 There is some water in the bottle.

 I have a lot of money in my pocket.
 Is there any sugar in your tea?
 I have some information about this job.
Some Uncountable Nouns
music art love
happiness advice information
jewelry cheese baggage
money equipment poetry
furniture help homework
salt luck traffic
courage luggage news
peace mail rice
a glass of water
some water
any milk a cup of tea
much money
a bottle of milk
a little coffee  
a tube of toothpaste
a lot of furniture
plenty of information a sheet of paper
a piece of cheese
a loaf of bread
a bowl of rice
a bar of chocolate

I have a few coins in my I have a little money in my

pocket. wallet.
There are many people in There is much water in the
this room. bottle.

I have some books. I’d like some tea.

There are a few rings in this There is a little jewelry in this

box. box.

We have a lot of problems. We have a lot of information.

Countable Uncountable
furniture _________ _________
milk _________ _________
chair _________ _________
music _________ _________
student _________ _________
money _________ _________
rice _________ _________
ring _________ _________
Countable Uncountable
furniture ✅
milk ✅
chair ✅
music ✅
student ✅
money ✅
rice ✅
ring ✅
Sayılabilen ve
Sayılamayan İsimler

Seçkin Esen
There is ve There are

Seçkin Esen


There is – There are
 There is a car in front of the house.
 There is one student in the classroom.
 There isn’t any water in the bottle.

 There are children in the garden.

 There are two books on the desk.
 There aren’t any cars behind the house.
There is – There are
 Is there a pen in your bag?
 Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

 Are there hospitals in your hometown?

 Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
______ a brand new car in front of your house.
______ a hardworking student in your class?
______ (not) many people at the concert.
______ some bugs in the computer program.
______ (not) any milk in the refrigerator.
There is a brand new car in front of your house.
Is there a hardworking student in your class?
There aren’t many people at the concert.
There are some bugs in the computer program.
There isn’t any milk in the refrigerator.
There is ve There are

Seçkin Esen
How much ve How many

Seçkin Esen
There is – There are
 There is a car in front of the house.
 There are children in the garden.

 There isn’t any water in the glass.

 There aren’t any teachers at the ceremony.

 Is there a child in the park?

 Are there books on the desk?
How much – How many

 How much bread is there in the box?  There is a little bread in the box.
 How much coffee is there in the cup?  There is much coffee in the cup.
 How much money do you have?  I have a lot of money.

 How many schools are there in your city?  There are 20 schools in my city.
 How many students are there in the classroom?  There are 15 students in the classroom.
 How many books do you have?  I have ten books.
There are two hospitals in this neighborhood.


We have three houses.


There isn’t much orange juice in the fridge.


There is little money in the bank account.

There are two hospitals in this neighborhood.

How many hospitals are there in this neighborhood?

We have three houses.

How many houses do you have?

There isn’t much orange juice in the fridge.

How much orange juice is there in the fridge?

There is little money in the bank account.

How much money is there in the bank account?

How much ve How many

Seçkin Esen
Bölüm Kelimeleri 7

Seçkin Esen
01 jewelry
She likes to buy jewelry.

02 furniture
There is not enough furniture in your room.

03 information
We need more information to understand this
04 several
She has several friends at school.

05 pocket
I have some money in my pocket.

06 happiness
Money doesn’t bring happiness.
07 courage
He has a lot of courage.

08 peace
We need peace everywhere.

09 art
He studies art at school.
10 advice
My mother usually gives me advice.

11 equipment
We need some equipment to fix the chair.

12 poetry
I like poetry better than drawing
13 hospital
My uncle works at a hospital.

14 brand new
He has a brand new car.

15 refrigerator
We always put the fruit in the refrigerator.
16 ceremony
All the teachers are at the graduation ceremony.

17 neighborhood
There are no hospitals in my neighborhood.

18 bank account
She has a lot of money in her bank account.
01 jewelry

02 furniture

03 information

04 several

05 pocket
06 happiness

07 courage

08 peace

09 art

10 advice
11 equipment

12 poetry

13 hospital

14 brand new

15 refrigerator
16 ceremony

17 neighborhood

18 bank account
Bölüm Kelimeleri 7

Seçkin Esen
Özne Zamirleri ve Nesne

Seçkin Esen
Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns

I = me
You = you
He = him
She = her
It = it
We = us
You = you
They = them
I know you.
You know me.
He knows her.
She knows him.
I know it.
We know them.
You know us.
They know you.
 I am a student.
 My parents love me.
 You are intelligent.
 People admire you.

 He is a great architect.
 We trust him a lot.
 She lives in a small town.
 Her friends sometimes visit her.
 It is hot and sunny today.
 I don’t like it at all.

 We are happy together.

 Some people don’t like us.

 They are looking for the keys.

 Jack hates them.
 I have many friends at school. I like them a lot.
 I usually drive my car. I am washing it now.
 Elena is happy when she is with her father. She loves him very much.
 We like that house, so we are buying it now.
 They don’t know your sister, but you know her very well.
 We like them a lot, but they don’t like us much.
Özne Zamirleri ve Nesne

Seçkin Esen
a – an – the Belirteçleri

Seçkin Esen
Indefinite Articles Definite Article

Carol is in a garden. Carol is in the garden.

I need an apple. I need the apple.
I want some books. I want the books.
Give me a pen. Give me the pen.
 Kate: Do you have a car?
 Mike: Yes, I do.
 Kate: Where is the car?
 Mike: It is in the garage.

 There is a dog in the garden. The dog is running after a cat.

The cat is running after a mouse. The mouse is very fast.
Nouns used with «the»
the sun
The sky is dark now.
the moon
The sun is shining.
the king I see the president on TV.
the queen The weather is very nice.
the president
the sky
the weather
 Apples are good for you.
 Rice is important for our economy.
 Students always do their homework.
 Music is necessary for everyone.
The earth revolves around the sun.
I see the moon in the sky every night.
The king is giving a speech now.
Jack has a nice family.
Michael is buying a new house now.
My father is sitting in the kitchen right now.
a – an – the Belirteçleri

Seçkin Esen
Belgisiz Zamirler

Seçkin Esen
Indefinite Pronouns

someone anyone no one

somebody anybody nobody
something anything nothing
somewhere anywhere nowhere
Indefinite Pronoun + Singular verb
Someone is waiting for you outside.
Something is burning in the kitchen.
Nowhere is like my hometown.

Using indefinite pronouns as objects

There is something strange in the room.
I don’t see anyone there.
He is somewhere near here.
someone / somebody – something – somewhere

I would like to help somebody in this city.

I am going shopping to buy something.
Let’s go somewhere to relax.
Someone is coming towards us.
Do you have something in the refrigerator?
anyone / anybody – anything – anywhere

There isn’t anyone in the classroom.

I’m not doing anything now.
I don’t want to go anywhere.
Do you have anything in your pocket?
Is there anyone to talk?
no one / nobody – nothing – nowhere

There is no one in the classroom.

I’m doing nothing now.
I can live nowhere else.
I know nobody in this neighborhood.
Nothing can change my mind.

Nothing is more important than health.

I don’t have anything in my mind.
There isn’t anywhere to go in this city.
No one can help you now.
Anyone can solve this problem.
Belgisiz Zamirler

Seçkin Esen
Bölüm Kelimeleri 8

Seçkin Esen
01 intelligent
He is an intelligent man.

02 admire
People admire you.

03 great
You are a great architect.
04 trust
We trust him a lot.

05 together
We are happy together.

06 sun
The sun is shining now.
07 moon
Do you see the moon in the sky?

08 sky
The sky is clear today.

09 weather
What’s the weather like today?
10 president
I see the president on TV.

11 king
The king is giving a speech.

12 queen
The queen is having a meeting with the prime
13 economy
Rice is important for our economy.

14 necessary
Music is necessary for everyone.

15 revolve
The earth revolves around the sun.
16 burn
Something is burning in the kitchen.

17 shopping
I’m going shopping to buy something.

18 towards
Someone is coming towards us.
19 mind
Nothing can change my mind.

20 health
Nothing is more important than health.

21 solve
Anyone can solve this problem.
01 intelligent

02 admire

03 great

04 trust

05 together
06 sun

07 moon

08 sky

09 weather

10 president
11 king

12 queen

13 economy

14 necessary

15 revolve
16 burn

17 shopping

18 towards

19 mind

20 health
21 solve
Bölüm Kelimeleri 8

Seçkin Esen
Geçmiş Zaman: «Be» Fiili

Seçkin Esen
The Simple Past Tense
Present Past
today yesterday

this week last week

this month last month
this year last year

this morning yesterday morning

this afternoon yesterday afternoon
this evening yesterday evening
tonight last night
two days ago
three weeks ago
in 1998
The Simple Past Tense
I am a student.
I was a student.
You are beautiful this evening.
You were beautiful yesterday evening.

He is in Ankara this week.

He was in Ankara last week.
She is happy today.
She was happy yesterday.
It is rainy this morning.
It was rainy yesterday morning.
The Simple Past Tense

We are outside the library now.

We were outside the library two hours ago.

You are in New York tonight.

You were in New York last night.

They are nervous in today’s class.

They were nervous in yesterday’s class.
I wasn’t at home last night.
You weren’t happy this morning.

He wasn’t a student two years ago.

She wasn’t in class yesterday afternoon.
It wasn’t sunny last weekend.

We weren’t in town last summer.

You weren’t at the meeting yesterday.
They weren’t pleased with their exam results.
My brother and I were at school yesterday morning.

My father was very happy this morning.

Jack was at the bus stop last night.

I wasn’t here three days ago.

They weren’t with us last weekend.

My exam results weren’t good enough.


We ______ at the office last week.

She ______ very happy today.

I ______ never late for my work.
Kate ______ abroad a few months ago.

You ______ at home last night.

Mike and Bob ______ good friends now.

We were at the office last week.

She is very happy today.

I am never late for my work.
Kate was abroad a few months ago.

You were at home last night.

Mike and Bob are good friends now.
Geçmiş Zaman: «Be» Fiili

Seçkin Esen
Geçmiş Zaman: Düzenli

Seçkin Esen
The Simple Past Tense

Present Past
walk → walked
work → worked
talk → talked
stay → stayed
look → looked
watch → watched
play → played
The Simple Past Tense
I walk to school every day.
I walked to school yesterday.

You work in your own office.

You worked in your own office last year.

He often smiles at us.

He smiled at us this morning.
She watches TV every evening.
She watchedTV last night.
It always rains a lot in this city.
It rained a lot last weekend.
The Simple Past Tense

We talk on the phone every week.

We talked on the phone last week.

You look nice today.

You looked nice at the ceremony.

They stay at a nice hotel in summer holidays.

They stayed at a nice hotel last summer.
did not + Verb = didn’t + Verb

I didn’t walk to school yesterday.

You didn’t work in your own office last year.
He didn’t smile at us this morning.
She didn’t watch TV last night.
It didn’t rain a lot last weekend.
We didn’t talk on the phone last week.
You didn’t look nice at the ceremony.
They didn’t stay at a nice hotel last summer.
Did + Subject + Verb …?

A: Did you talk to your teacher yesterday?

B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

A: Did your sister watch the film with you?

B: Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.

A: Did Michael and Sam stay with you?

B: Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.
My friends laughed at my mistakes in class.

My brother needed my help yesterday morning.

Jack didn’t like the cake.

We didn’t live in this city when we were young.

Did they help you with your homework?

Last week we decided to buy a new car.

Geçmiş Zaman: Düzenli

Seçkin Esen
Geçmiş Zaman: Düzensiz

Seçkin Esen
The Simple Past Tense

Present Past
go → went
sleep → slept
buy → bought
take → took
get → got
have → had
know → knew
speak → spoke
The Simple Past Tense
I sleep eight hours every night.
I slept eight hours last night.

You buy some bread every morning.

You bought some bread yesterday morning.

He speaks with tourists every summer.

He spoke with tourists last summer.
She has breakfast every morning.
She had breakfast this morning.
My dog eatsa lot when he is hungry.
My dog ate a lot yesterday.
The Simple Past Tense

We takea walk in the park every day.

We took a walk in the park last weekend.

You know many people in this city.

You knew many people in this city ten years ago.

They do their homework every night.

They did their homework last night.
did not + Verb = didn’t + Verb

I didn’t speak much in class yesterday.

He didn’t buy a new house last month.
My cat didn’t run when it saw me.
We didn’t see you at the concert.
They didn’t eat anything during lunch.
Did + Subject + Verb …?

A: Did you break the vase?

B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

A: Did Carol understand the teacher well?

B: Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.

A: Did they sleep well last night?

B: Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.
Mark understood that he made a mistake.

My brother broke the plates in the kitchen.

Sally didn’t go to the cinema with us yesterday.

They didn’t swim in the lake because it was dirty.

Did she make a cake yesterday evening?

Last week we had an important meeting.

Geçmiş Zaman: Düzensiz

Seçkin Esen
Geçmiş Zaman: Sorular ve

Seçkin Esen
I was at home last night.
I wasn’t at home last night.

You were very happy this morning.

You weren’t very happy this morning.

We watched an horror movie yesterday.

He did not watch an horror movie yesterday.

Jane took the bus to school.

Jane didn’t takethe bus to school.
Yes / No Questions
A: Were you at home last night?
B: Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.

A: Was Carol in class yesterday?

B: Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.

A: Did they walk in the park last weekend?

B: Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.

A: Did you buy a car two months ago?

B: Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.
Information Questions
A: Where were you last night?
B: At home. (I was at home last night.)

A: When were you at home?

B: Last night. (I was at home last night.)

A: What did she buy at the shopping mall?

B: A computer. (She bought a computer at the shopping mall.)

A: Why did you come here?

B: Because I needed help.
Information Questions
A: What time did you get up this morning?
B: At 8 o’clock.

A: Who did you meet yesterday?

B: My uncle.

A: How did they go to work?

B: By bus.
Were they at the concert last night?

Where were they last night?

Did she read a novel yesterday?

What did she read yesterday?

Did you help your brother?

Who did you help?

Did you get up at 7 a.m?

What time did you get up?

How did he go to school?

Geçmiş Zaman: Sorular ve

Seçkin Esen
Geçmiş Zaman: Who,
What ve Which Soruları

Seçkin Esen
Who / What
Mike bought a car last year.
Who bought a car last year?

I met Carol at a café yesterday.

Who(m) did you meet at a café yesterday?

An earthquake happened in Izmir last week.

What happened in Izmir last week?

We sold a house a few days ago.

What did you sell a few days ago?
What / Which
A: What did you eat last night?
B: A cake.

A: What did you have in your bag?

B: A cell phone.

A: You had two cars. Which / Which one / Which car did you sell?
B: The red one.

A: There were three books on your desk yesterday. Which /Which

one / Which book was yours?
B: None of them.
Who helped you yesterday?

Who did you talk to on the phone?

What happened?
What did you see in the garden?

What language did you speak?

English or French? Which language did you speak?

Who was at the party?

Whom did she get married to?

What did you see in the room?

There were two windows in the room. Which one

did you open?
Geçmiş Zaman: Who,
What ve Which Soruları

Seçkin Esen
Bölüm Kelimeleri 9

Seçkin Esen
01 nervous
They were nervous in yesterday’s class.

02 pleased
They weren’t pleased.

03 result
They weren’t pleased with their exam results.
04 own
You worked in your own office last year.

05 mistake
My friends laughed at my mistakes in class.

06 decide
Last week we decided to buy a new car.
07 during
They didn’t eat anything during lunch.

08 vase
Did you break the vase?

09 plate
My brother broke the plates in the kitchen.
10 horror movie
We watched an horror movie yesterday.

11 novel
Did she read a novel yesterday?

12 earthquake
An earthquake happened in Izmir last week.
13 happen
What happened?

14 window
There were two windows in the room.

15 shopping mall
She bought a computer at the shopping mall.
01 nervous

02 pleased

03 result

04 own

05 mistake
06 decide

07 during

08 vase

09 plate

10 horror movie
11 novel

12 earthquake

13 happen

14 window

15 shopping mall
Bölüm Kelimeleri 9

Seçkin Esen
Gelecek Zaman: Will

Seçkin Esen
The Future: Will

I willgo out tomorrow.

You willvisit your parents next week.
He willhelp us soon.
She willbuy a new house next year.
It willfall down.
We willmeet in the afternoon.
You willtake an exam tomorrow morning.
They willgo to bed late tonight.
The Future: Will

I’ll go out tomorrow.

You’ll visit your parents next week.
He’ll help us soon.
She’ll buy a new house next year.
It’ll fall down.
We’ll meet in the afternoon.
You’ll take an exam tomorrow morning.
They’ll go to bed late tonight.
The Future: Will

I will not talk to her again.

You will not answer their questions.
He will not get up early tomorrow.
She will not sell her car soon.
It will not work.
We will not invite them to the party next week.
You will not visit us tomorrow morning.
They will not see a doctor next month.
The Future: Will

I won’t talk to her again.

You won’t answer their questions.
He won’t get up early tomorrow.
She won’t sell her car soon.
It won’t work.
We won’t invite them to the party next week.
You won’t visit us tomorrow morning.
They won’t see a doctor next month.
The Future: Will

A: Will you come home early tonight?

B: Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

A: Will she pass the test?

B: Yes, she will. / No, she won’t.

A: Will they help you tomorrow?

B: Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.
Jack will join the army in two years.

Carol and I won’t accept their offer.

Will they ask you questions tomorrow?

My parents will pick me up at the airport.

I think it will rain tonight.

The boss will not see us tomorrow morning.

Gelecek Zaman: Will

Seçkin Esen
Gelecek Zaman:
Be Going To

Seçkin Esen
The Future: Be Going To

I am going to watch a movie tomorrow.

You are going to start school next week.
He is going to buy a house next month.
She is going to meet her friends next weekend.
It is going to rain soon.
We are going to go on a trip this summer.
You are going to eat dinner tomorrow evening.
They are going to read books tonight.
The Future: Be Going To

I’m going to watch a movie tomorrow.

You’re going to start school next week.
He’s going to buy a house next month.
She’s going to meet her friends next weekend.
It’s going to rain soon.
We’re going to go on a trip this summer.
You’re going to eat dinner tomorrow evening.
They’re going to read books tonight.
The Future: Be Going To

I am not going to go there again.

You are not going to see us next week.
He is not going to go to school tomorrow morning.
She is not going to join us next week.
It is not going to work.
We are not going to go on a holiday this year.
You are not going to take up a hobby soon.
They are not going to see a doctor next month.
The Future: Be Going To

I ‘m not going to go there again.

You aren’t going to see us next week.
He isn’t going to go to school tomorrow morning.
She isn’t going to join us next week.
It isn’t going to work.
We aren’t going to go on a holiday this year.
You aren’t going to take up a hobby soon.
They aren’t going to see a doctor next month.
The Future: Be Going To

A: Are you going to go out tonight?

B: Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

A: Is she going to buy that car?

B: Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

A: Are they going to call each other tomorrow?

B: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.
He is going to get a promotion in a couple of years.

Jane and I are going to get married next summer.

They aren’t going to go to bed early tonight.

Is your sister going to attend the ceremony?

The sky is dark and cloudy. It’s going to


Carol is sick. She isn’t going to go to school today.

Gelecek Zaman:
Be Going To

Seçkin Esen
Geçmiş ve Gelecek
Zaman Zarfları

Seçkin Esen
Time Expressions
yesterday tomorrow
yesterday morning tomorrow morning
yesterday afternoon tomorrow afternoon
yesterday evening tomorrow evening
last night tomorrow night
last week next week
last month next month
last year next year
last Spring next Spring
last Tuesday next Tuesday
Time Expressions
two hours ago in two hours
five days ago in five days
5 minutes ago in 5 minutes
ten years ago in ten years
a couple of hours ago in a couple of hours
a few months ago in a few months
several weeks ago in several weeks

I attended a ceremony I will attend a ceremony

yesterday. tomorrow.
Jess took a hard exam Jess is going to take a hard
yesterday morning. exam tomorrow morning.
We graduated from high We will graduate from high school
school two years ago. in two years.
My friends rented an My friends are going to rent
expensive car last month. an expensive car next month.
He had a big breakfast a few He will have a big breakfast in a
hours ago. few hours.
We are going to move to Ankara two years later.

We are going to move to Ankara in two years.

We are going to move to Ankara within two years.

He bought a car a couple of days ago.

Mike and I will go on a trip within a week.

They are going to get married in six months.

Did you see your friends last weekend?

Are you going to go out next Friday?

Where will you live in the future?

Geçmiş ve Gelecek
Zaman Zarfları

Seçkin Esen
Bölüm Kelimeleri 10

Seçkin Esen
01 invite
We won’t invite them to the party next week.

02 fall down
It will fall down.

03 pass
Will she pass the test?
04 army
Jack will join the army in two years.

05 accept
Carol and I won’t accept their offer.

06 pick up
My parents will pick me up at the airport.
07 join
She isn’t going to join us next week.

08 take up
I’m going to take up a hobby soon.

09 call
Are they going to call each other tomorrow?
10 promotion
He is going to get a promotion in a couple of days.

11 attend
Is your sister going to attend the ceremony?

12 rent
My friends rented an expensive car last month.
01 invite

02 fall down

03 pass

04 army

05 accept
06 pick up

07 join

08 take up

09 call

10 promotion
11 attend

12 rent
Bölüm Kelimeleri 10

Seçkin Esen

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