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• The factors affecting the cost and location optimization are analyzed.
• carbon tax can influence the optimal network configuration.
Keywords: Driven by the global campaign against climate change, the market of electric vehicles has boomed across the
Electric vehicle world in recent years. Since Lithium-Ion batteries are commonly used to power electric vehicles, a huge amount
Battery recycling of batteries will soon reach their end-of-life; how to recycle them to reduce environmental pollution and pro-
Carbon emission moting the sustainable development of the electric vehicle market has become an urgent challenge today.
Network design
Implementation of the secondary reuse of used electric vehicle batteries is a valuable recycling strategy.
However, there is a lack of research investigating electric vehicle batteries recycling network design at the
enterprise level, which impedes the sustainable development of electric vehicles. Driven by this, this paper
developed a model considering carbon emission for simulating the recycling of electric vehicle batteries. The
proposed model takes into account three potential battery handling strategies (recycling, remanufacturing, and
disposal) to processing used vehicle battery cells of different quality levels at different centers. A real case study
from a Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer is presented, wherein a 5.7% decrease in total cost and a 21.8%
reduction in CO2 emission can be achieved. Moreover, the results of the scenario analysis show that transpor-
tation costs, carbon tax, and the number of used batteries, which can change both the configuration of the
network, have been identified as three major factors affecting the optimal design of recycling networks. In
addition, developing more economical recycling technology for electric vehicle manufacturers to further reduce
the total cost of the recycling process is the main direction. In all, this research will provide foreign researchers
with a perspective on Chinese companies in terms of electric vehicle battery recycling at the enterprise level, and
promote economically and environmentally sustainable development in the electric vehicle battery industry.
Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technologies, Chongqing University, Chongqing,
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Wang).
Received 22 February 2020; Received in revised form 20 May 2020; Accepted 2 June 2020
0306-2619/ © 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
L. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 275 (2020) 115328
extended cycle life, nickel metal and high specific capacity, so they 6.62% compared to manufacturing batteries from raw materials; Hao
have become the most widely used EVB in the market [4].Due to the et al [26] analyzed electric vehicle (including EVB) recycling tech-
booming EV market, the global Compound Annual Growth Rate of Li- nology in China. The analysis results show that about 10% of lifecycle
thium-ion batteries (the batteries most used as power sources in EVs) greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by recycling. Ciez and Whi-
will grow by 36% from 2015 to 2020 [5].Along with the rapid growth tacre [27] compared the carbon emission situation of three recycling
of the EV market and the application of LIBs, a huge amount of batteries technologies (i.e. pyrometallurgical recycling, hydrometallurgical re-
will soon reach their end-of-life. According to the China Automotive cycling, and direct cathode recycling), and found that direct cathode
Technology and Research Centre, 120–170 thousand tons of used EVBs recycling has the potential to reduce emissions and is economically
will need to be processed by 2020 [6]. It is well known that all materials competitive.
used for making EVBs are extremely hazardous to both the environment In addition to the technologies adopted for disposing of used EVBs,
and human health, and are able to permeate into the ground soil and the design of recycling networks also has a significant impact on costs
thus water supplies when they are directly placed into landfills. For this or profits. A recycling network usually consists of: collection center,
reason, how to properly deal with so many used EVBs has become an disassembly center, material recycling center, and waste disposal
urgent challenge today. center. Because transportation between these centers causes costs and
Currently, information is abundantly available concerning the carbon emissions, there is no doubt that profits can be increased also by
Chevrolet Volt battery. The cost of manufacturing a new Chevrolet Volt optimizing the design of the recycling network. To reach this purpose,
battery is estimated to be $10,000 [7]. According to a report from the Kannan et al. and Subulan et al. [28,29] proposed a closed-loop supply
Argonne National Laboratory Center for Transportation, the breakdown chain network to reduce the total cost of battery recycling and to re-
of the manufacturing cost of an EV battery shows that material, labor, cover valuable material from used EVBs; Li et al [30] also proposed a
and overhead account for 80%, 10%, and 10%, respectively [8]. In similar network for remanufacturing LIBs, and found that integrating
order to lower battery costs, one potential way is to remanufacture from remanufacture into LIB supply chains can help to increase profits; Gu
used batteries, since recycling materials from used EVBs is critical to et al [31] formulated optimal pricing strategies for manufacturers and
saving on material costs. In the meantime, the increasing use of Lithium remanufacturers, and studied the relationship between the rate of re-
for EVBs is leading to the rapid depletion of Lithium, which implies an turn, the rate of sorting, and the rate of recovery to optimize total profit
urgency to reduce the consumption of raw materials by recycling in different periods.
[9,10]. In addition, EV manufacturers need to take greater responsi- In short, the recycling of car batteries can lead to more sustainable
bility in battery recycling. For example, The Ministry of Industry and EVB production, which in turn supports the mass adoption of electric
Information Technology of China (MIIT) promulgated the Provisional vehicles. However, there is not much literature relating to EV battery
Regulations on Traceability Management of Recycling and Utilization of recycling network design, and there is a lack of research investigating
Power Batteries for New Energy Vehicles in July 2018, which clearly states EVB recycling at the enterprise level, which impedes the implementa-
that EV manufacturers must provide battery recycling service and tion of the secondary reuse of used EVBs. In fact, it is crucial that dif-
promise to recycle in accordance with requirements, placing particular ferent handling strategies be adopted for different quality levels of used
emphasis on the traceability management of batteries. In response to batteries for recycling network design; these strategies include, for ex-
government regulations, it is mandatory for EV manufacturers to ac- ample, recycling raw materials, remanufacturing battery cells, and
tively get involved in building recycling systems to reuse certain com- landfill disposal. Although [28,29] have designed a closed-loop supply
ponents, thereby yielding savings in raw materials, manufacturing chain network for used batteries, unfortunately, their research rarely
costs, and energy consumption, leading to a reduction in environmental considers the differences between these used battery handling strate-
impact. Such a policy is very helpful to the conservation of raw mate- gies, and their main consideration is to recycle and reuse raw materials
rials, the lowering of manufacturing costs, and the reduction of energy from used batteries. Meanwhile, the design and optimization of re-
consumption and environmental pollution risks. cycling networks also has a significant impact on the reduction of
Recycled lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles could provide a carbon emissions, but to date, carbon tax, as an effective energy saving
valuable secondary source of materials [11]. It is also gratifying that, and emission reduction mechanism, has not been considered in the
currently, more and more EV manufacturers have considered recycling context of EVB recycling networks.
used EV batteries. Nissan, Volkswagen, and BMW require their EV The purpose of this research is to fill this knowledge gap by de-
customers to return used batteries to licensed points or local authority veloping a mathematical model to optimize recycling networks for
battery collection schemes [12,13]. These returned used batteries are EVBs. Unlike other models [20,28,29,30,31], the model proposed in
expected to be used as home energy storage instead of other energy this work considers three potential strategies to handle used batteries,
storage equipment [14,15,16], considering the current price of lithium- including recycling, remanufacturing, and disposal (more information
ion batteries. In addition, Chevrolet has established an energy storage is given in Section 2.1). Used battery cells are classified according to
station using used EV batteries at the General Motors plant in Michigan quality, and are assigned to different processing centers in the recycling
[17]. In Europe, Tesla has begun recycling in cooperation with Umicore network. Moreover, to make the model more suitable for the develop-
[18]. And the recycling of EVBs has been studied from various per- ment of the global low-carbon economy, carbon tax is also considered,
spectives. For example, Georgimaschler et al [19] reviewed the re- to explore how the design of the EVB recycling network would be af-
cycling techniques for used batteries manufactured before 2012; Tang fected by the impact of carbon tax. The proposed recycling model is
et al [20] investigated the social-economic-environmental impacts of justified by a real case study of Chang'an Automobile (Group) Co., Ltd.
recycling used EVBs under reward-penalty mechanisms; Liu et al [21] (China). This research will bring guidance and decision-making to re-
evaluated the latest technologies for used battery recycling and utili- levant companies at the enterprise level, that is, it supports EV manu-
zation; Qiao et al [22] compared Cradle-to-Gate greenhouse gas emis- facturers in reducing environmental burdens and total costs in the re-
sions of internal combustion engine vehicles and battery electric ve- cycling network. Most importantly, this research will bring huge energy
hicles, and found that the production of EVBs causes an approximate and environmental benefits to the electric vehicle industry, while also
20% increase in greenhouse gas emissions; Hyung Kim et al [23] esti- reducing the consumption of fossil fuels, and promote economically and
mated the Cradle-to-Gate greenhouse gas emissions of an EV battery, environmentally sustainable development in the EVB industry. By
and found it accounted for 45% of total emissions. Similar conclusions conducting this research, the following three fundamental questions
are also drawn in the research reported in [24]. To identify an effective will be answered:
way to reduce carbon emissions, Xiong et al [25] found that EV battery RQ1: How to design a recycling network model to reduce costs and
recycling and remanufacturing can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by carbon dioxide emissions?
L. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 275 (2020) 115328
L3 cells
Remanufacturing Plant
EVB Collection Center
L2 cells Waste
RQ2: How do different factors affect the optimal location of facil- and
ities in the recycling network? • Class 3 (L3) – capacity is lower than 60% of initial capacity.
RQ3: How to further reduce costs to promote recycling of used
batteries based on the designed recycling network model? Based on the test results, different downstream processing strategies
Accordingly, the rest of the paper is organized as follows. A math- will be adopted for dealing with different qualities of cells, i.e.
ematical model is developed and discussed in Section 2. A case study is
conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed model in • the L1-class cells will be transported to the remanufacturing plant
Section 3. Scenario analyses are performed in Section 4. The paper is and reassembled into new EVBs;
finally ended in Section 5 with several important conclusions and a plan • the L2-class cells will be transported to the recycling plant, where
for future research. some of the cells will be transported again to the remanufacturing
plant and reused directly as batteries in other applications. The
2. Model of recycling network other L2-class cells in the recycling plant will be dissected, and only
the reusable materials in them will be transported to the re-
2.1. Designing recycling network manufacturing plant to make new battery cells;
• the L3-class cells and the waste from the remanufacturing plant and
This section introduces a model for EVB recycling networks con- the recycling plant will be transported directly to the waste disposal
sidering carbon emissions. This model includes: collection centers, re- center.
cycling and remanufacturing center, and waste disposal centers, as seen
in Fig. 1. The proposed model will be able to determine the number of 2.2. Main modeling assumptions
each type of center constructed in the recycling network, and the
number of EVB batteries that should be transported from one center to In order to simplify the model development, the following as-
another. The objective of the model is to minimize the total cost in an sumptions are introduced:
EVB recycling logistics network, which includes transportation costs,
fixed costs, acquisition cost, cost for processing activities and environ- (1). (NiX Co y Mn1 − xy)O2 (NMC) is the most in-demand technology for
mental costs associated with carbon emissions. The environmental costs EVBs, mainly due to its low self-heating rate and high energy
are measured by monitoring greenhouse gas emissions, such as the CO2 density [32,33]. Therefore, all EVBs are assumed to be the same
generated by the transportation and disposal processes. The amount of type.
carbon emissions is measured throughout the entire EVB recycling (2). All centers have disposal capacity constraints;
cycle, from the collection center to the reuse and waste disposal facil- (3). The possible locations of centers are known in advance;
ities. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the used EVBs stored at the collection (4). Cells in EVBs will be processed with multiple potential strategies
center will be disassembled first; then their cells will be tested and (remanufacturing, recycling, and disposal) based on the cells’
categorized based on quality. Usually, the cells in a used battery can be quality; where the number of cells processed (corresponding to the
roughly classified into the following 3 classes based on their capacity: different strategies) follows Normal Distribution [17];
(5). The geographical location of each facility, and the distance be-
• Class 1 (L1) – capacity is higher than 80% of initial capacity; tween each facility, are determined by each facility’s latitude and
• Class 2 (L2) – capacity is between 60% and 80% of initial capacity; longitude, and accordingly straight-line distance is considered
L. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 275 (2020) 115328
FCj , FCj , and FCj - fixed cost of collection center i, recycling and fTEC = ∑i ∑j pct ∙Dij ∙te ∙QCRij ∙ω + ∑i ∑j pct ∙Dij ∙te ∙QCMij ∙ω
remanufacturing center j and waste disposal center k, respectively + ∑i ∑k pct ∙Djk ∙te ∙QCWik ∙ω
x i - binary decision variable equal to 1 if collection center i is open
and 0 otherwise + ∑j ∑k pct ∙Djk ∙te ∙QWjk ∙ω (9)
xj - binary decision variable equal to 1 if recycling and re-
manufacturing center j is open and 0 otherwise where
xk - binary decision variable equal to 1 if waste disposal center k is
ω - number of goods per container,
open and 0 otherwise.
te - CO2 emissions of shipping one container of products per kilo-
The processing cost of each center is mainly composed of three meter.
parts, i.e. the cost of detection and disassembly in the collection center,
the production cost in the recycling and remanufacturing centers, and 2.3.3. Constraints
the processing cost in the waste disposal center. This can be fPC To solve the model, the following constraints are considered.
L. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 275 (2020) 115328
L. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 275 (2020) 115328
I2 J1
The flow of L1&L2 cells
I4 The flow of L3 cells
The flow of wastes
I5 I Collection Center
K2 J Recycling & Remanufacturing Center
Table 1 Table 4
The flows cells at different centers. Unit emission parameters.
Collection No. of Recycling and remanufacturing centers To Waste Parameters Values
center used disposal
EVBs for To To centers CO2 emissions in collection centers (CO2 kg/cell) 2.43 [24]
Chang'an RemanufacturingPlant RecyclingPlant (L3 cells) CO2 emissions in recycling plants (CO2 kg/cell) 8.55 [40,41]
(L1 cells) (L2 cells) CO2 emissions in remanufacturing plants (CO2 kg/cell) 31.03 [21,42]
CO2 emissions in waste disposal centers (CO2 kg/cell) 0.35 [40,42]
I1 420 62 260 98
I2 351 54 217 80
I3 684 107 421 157
cost represented the biggest share in the total cost; even though it was
I4 539 82 333 124
I5 574 83 360 132 reduced by 7.3%, it showed the most obvious impact. These data prove
I6 637 97 391 149 that the developed model does work in optimizing the design of the
I7 314 48 184 82 recycling network.
I8 720 117 421 164 From Fig. 8, the cost per unit battery is 3977.4 USD in the recycling
network; this is much lower than the cost of manufacturing a new
battery ($10,000) [7,8]. Meanwhile, the battery cells produced by the
Table 2
recycling and remanufacturing process can be reassembled in new
EVB parameters.
batteries, thereby further reducing the cost of raw materials purchased
Weight (kg) the weight per cell (kg) Cells within an EVB Capacity (kWh) by enterprises in the process of producing new batteries. In addition,
the cost of a unit battery is based on the current recycling amount of
365 3.5 96 52.56
used batteries and cost parameters. As more and more used batteries are
recycled, and recycling technology develops, the value will change.
Table 3 Therefore, the optimization in this paper mainly involves transportation
Cost parameters. costs and carbon emissions generated during transportation.
L. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 275 (2020) 115328
I Collection Center
J Recycling & Remanufacturing Center
I2 J1
K Waste Disposal Center
I K Closed Center
I3 K1
19.27 20.11 I8
9.12 J3
Acquisition Fixed Processing Transportation Carbon emission
Cost cost cost cost cost
Total I6
L. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 275 (2020) 115328
I Collection Center
I K Closed Center
Fig. 6. The recycling network after determining location of new opened center.
L. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 275 (2020) 115328
J2 J2
I1 I1
K1 K1
J4 J4
I2 J1 I2 J1
I8 I8
I3 I3
I4 I4
J3 J3
I7 I7
I5 I5
K2 K2
I6 I6
S1&S5 S2
S3 S4
I1 J2
K1 I1
I2 J1
I2 J1
J3 I4
MUSD S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
Acquisition Fixed Processing Transportation CO2 emission
cost cost cost cost cost
L. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 275 (2020) 115328
L. Wang, et al. Applied Energy 275 (2020) 115328
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