Radiology Final 6
Radiology Final 6
Radiology Final 6
3- not removing of objects interfering with the x-ray beam- such as glasses, removable prosthetics (mostly)
2-exposure levels:
The problem with this error is that you might think there is bone loss
*double exposure: to avoid this error the technician should discard 3 films at
A time from the label not one by one also to avoid contamination by saliva
*film bending: caused by crimping film when inserting into slot of bitelock
of the image
Radiology by Osama & Sami paralleling errors
* periapical radio graph must show at least 3mm around the tooth, this radiograph doesn’t show any
*horizontal angulation
-elongation and shortening: length of image is determined by the angle between the bisecting line and the long axis of
the teeth 90<= foreshortening 90>=elongation
-If image is elongated this indicates that the angle is less than it should be and vice versa foe short images
-reversed film
Radiology by Osama & Sami paralleling errors
Overlap (incorrect horizontal angulation) > 1/4” of film beyond occlusal
Double exposure
Film/patient movement
Radiology by Osama & Sami paralleling errors
Bitewing errors:
bitewing is used to :
2-Class 2 carries
3-Look for bone and the lamina dura Patient is not biting on the biteblock
Film placement
film placement
Film placement
Film bending
Film bending
Reversed film
Radiology by Osama & Sami paralleling errors
*Processing errors :
1-Dark film :solution being too warm, too much time in the developer,
excessive fixation
2- White spots: indicate fixer contamination or air bubbles in the chemical containers
3- Yellow/brown stain indicates an inadequate wash for the film or a depleted fixer
6- Dirty rollers
Radiology by Osama & Sami paralleling errors