9231 Scheme of Work Paper 3 (For Examination From 2020)
9231 Scheme of Work Paper 3 (For Examination From 2020)
9231 Scheme of Work Paper 3 (For Examination From 2020)
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Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.6 Momentum .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Equilibrium of a rigid body ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Circular motion ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 Motion of a projectile ................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Hooke’s law ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
3.5 Linear motion under a variable force ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
This scheme of work has been designed to support you in your teaching and lesson planning. The scheme of work has been separated into four documents, one for
each examination Paper: Further Pure Mathematics 1 (for Paper 1); Further Pure Mathematics 2 (for Paper 2); Further Mechanics (for Paper 3); and Further
Probability & Statistics (for Paper 4). This document relates only to Further Mechanics 3 (for Paper 3).
Making full use of this scheme of work will help you to improve both your teaching and your learners’ potential. It is important to have a scheme of work in place in
order for you to guarantee that the syllabus is covered fully. You can choose what approach to take and you know the nature of your institution and the levels of
ability of your learners. What follows is just one possible approach you could take and you should always check the syllabus for the content of your course.
There is a separate table for each topic of the Further Mechanics syllabus content (3.1 Motion of a projectile, 3.2 Equilibrium of a rigid body , etc.). Each of the bullet
points from the syllabus subject content are listed along with teaching suggestions. There is a ‘Main theme’ for each, which is the focus activity/activities for the
content. Where possible, this is supported by an ‘Introduction’ activity to set the context. Suggestions for independent study (I) and formative assessment (F) are also
included. Opportunities for differentiation are indicated as Extension activities; there is the potential for differentiation by resource, grouping, expected level of
outcome, and degree of support by teacher, throughout the scheme of work. Timings for activities and feedback are left to the judgment of the teacher, according to
the level of the learners and size of the class. Length of time allocated to a task is another possible area for differentiation.
Key concepts
This scheme of work is underpinned by the assumption that Mathematics is fundamentally problem solving and representing systems and models in different ways.
The key concepts are highlighted as a separate item in the new syllabus and teachers should be aware that learners will be assessed on their direct knowledge and
understanding of the same. Learners should be able to describe and explain the key concepts as well as demonstrate their ability to apply them to novel situations
and evaluate them. They are not referred to specifically in the Scheme of Work as they are essential to tackling problems in all topics.
Problem solving
Mathematics is fundamentally problem solving and representing systems and models in different ways.
These include:
– Algebra: this is an essential tool which supports and expresses mathematical reasoning and provides a means to generalise across a number of
– Geometrical techniques: algebraic representations also describe a spatial relationship, which gives us a new way to understand a situation.
– Calculus: this is a fundamental element which describes change in dynamic situations and underlines the links between functions and graphs.
– Mechanical models: these explain and predict how particles and objects move or remain stable under the influence of forces.
– Statistical methods: these are used to quantify and model aspects of the world around us. Probability theory predicts how chance events might proceed,
and whether assumptions about chance are justified by evidence.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Mathematical proof and reasoning is expressed using algebra and notation so that others can follow each line of reasoning and confirm its completeness
and accuracy. Mathematical notation is universal. Each solution is structured, but proof and problem solving also invite creative and original thinking.
Mathematical modelling
Mathematical modelling can be applied to many different situations and problems, leading to predictions and solutions. A variety of mathematical content
areas and techniques may be required to create the model. Once the model has been created and applied, the results can be interpreted to give predictions
and information about the real world.
It is recommended that you spend about 90 hours teaching the content for each Paper: Further Pure Mathematics 1 (for Paper 1); Further Pure Mathematics 2 (for
Paper 2); Further Mechanics (for Paper 3); and Further Probability & Statistics (for Paper 4).
The table below gives some guidance about how many hours are recommended for each topic within Further Mechanics (for Paper 3).
3.6 Momentum 12
3.2 Equilibrium of a rigid body 18
3.3 Circular motion 15
3.1 Motion of a projectile 18
3.4 Hooke’s law 15
3.5 Linear motion under a variable force 12
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
The textbooks endorsed by Cambridge International for use with this course are listed at www.cambridgeinternational.org Endorsed textbooks have been written to be
closely aligned to the syllabus they support, and have been through a detailed quality assurance process. As such, all textbooks endorsed by Cambridge International
for this syllabus are the ideal resource to be used alongside this scheme of work as they cover each learning objective. There is also a support resource available for
co-teaching the Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 course alongside the Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709
course: Parallel teaching – A two-year plan to co-teach Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics (9709) and Cambridge International AS & A Level
Further Mathematics 9231, which is available on the School Support Hub.
This scheme of work includes website links providing access to internet resources. Cambridge Assessment International Education is not responsible for the accuracy
or content of information contained in these sites. The inclusion of a link to an external website should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website or the
site's owners (or their products/services).
The website pages referenced in this scheme of work were selected when the scheme of work was produced. Other aspects of the sites were not checked and only
particular resources are recommended.
http://integralmaths.org The Integral® website provides resources developed by a curriculum development project called MEI. Since these schemes were first
written, this website has become available only through paid subscription.
www.mmlsoft.com/index.php/products/tarsia The TARSIA software is free to download. It can be used to download and create puzzles to test manipulation.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
How to get the most out of this scheme of work – integrating syllabus content, skills and teaching strategies
We have written this scheme of work for the Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 syllabus and it provides some ideas and suggestions
of how to cover the content of the syllabus. We have designed the following features to help guide you through your course.
Introduction: To put this topic in context, give some examples of deductive proofs, such as proving the formula for the
use the method of mathematical
sum of an algebraic or geometric series; or the quadratic formula. It is important to make sure learners understand the study (I) gives
induction to establish a given need to show mathematical rigour at every step. (I) your learners
the opportunity
Extension activities provide your Extension activity: Proof by contradiction and by exhaustion could also be examined as an extension activity from the
same resource. Some classical proofs are illustrated on https://undergroundmathematics.org, search for ‘Divisibility &
to develop their
more able learners with further
Induction’. own ideas and
challenge beyond the basic content of
the course. Innovation and Main theme: Proving familiar results such as the sum of the positive integers is a good place to start. Some useful with direct input
independent learning are the basis of examples and exercises can be found on the Integral website (http://integralmaths.org). There is a good matching activity
on the STEM website (www.stem.org.uk) called ‘Creating Connections Between Topics: Proof by Induction’. (F)
from you.
these activities.
Divisibility tests, inequalities, calculus, geometry and series may all be used as contexts and it’s always important that
the deductive step is written out fully with a rigorous argument. Note: some questions involving calculus may require
techniques from Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics (9709) Pure Mathematics 3, so take this into
consideration when planning.
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)
Past papers, specimen papers
Specimen Paper and mark schemes
1 Q2 Divisibility
are available for you
Nov to Paper
2016 download
11 Q4 at:
Properties of factorials Formative assessment (F) is on-going assessment
Jun 2016 Paper 11 Q3 Divisibility
www.cambridgeinternational.org/support that informs you about the progress of your learners.
Jun 2016 Paper 13 Q2 Geometric property Don’t forget to leave time to review what your learners
Using these resources with your learners allows you have learnt, you could try question and answer, tests,
to check their progress and give them confidence and quizzes, ‘mind maps’, or ‘concept maps’.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
3.6 Momentum
recall Newton’s experimental law and the Prior knowledge: Learners should already be familiar with the content of the topics ‘4.3 Momentum’ and
definition of the coefficient of restitution, ‘4.5 Energy, work and power’ from the Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 syllabus
the property 0 ≤ e ≤ 1, and the meaning of (content for Paper 4).
the terms ‘perfectly elastic’ (e = 1) and
‘inelastic’ (e = 0) Introduction: For a simple introduction to the principles in this topic, there is a vast array of material to
allow learners to become familiar with basic concepts. Examples include, a worked introduction on
‘Newton’s Law of Restitution (Experimental Law): ExamSolutions Maths’ on Youtube
(www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6FYmoBB87w) and a worked example on ‘Applying Newton’s Law of
Restitution to a collision: ExamSolutions Maths’, also on Youtube
Main theme: Learners should be familiar with the use of equations based on the conservation of linear
momentum and Newton’s experimental laws. They need to be familiar with the meaning of the terms
‘perfectly elastic’ and ‘inelastic’ when e = 1 and 0 respectively. They should appreciate that e = 0 implies
that the particles coalesce, while e = 1 results in no loss of kinetic energy.
use conservation of linear momentum Prior knowledge: It is vital that learners appreciate the key importance of using a consistent and
and/or Newton’s experimental law to solve straightforward style of notation that they, and others, can follow easily. In problems involving a fixed
problems that may be modelled as the surface, learners should be familiar with either using components of velocity for a single impact or
direct or oblique impact of two smooth considering the components of velocity in the course of more than one impact.
spheres, or the direct or oblique impact of
a smooth sphere with a fixed surface There is a useful presentation (L2: Equation of equilibrium) on the NPTEL website
(http://nptel.ac.in/courses/112103109/2) that includes oblique impacts.
(I) Simple examples can be examined using Geogebra (www.geogebra.org), which is a free online
graphing package. For example, a great interactive activity where learners can experiment by changing
initial conditions, is called ‘Collisions’ (www.geogebra.org/m/m1boNBlV)
As with all work in this area of applied mathematics, the importance of consolidation and practice cannot
be emphasised enough and a significant proportion of the available time must be devoted to attempting
problems of varying difficulty. The past examination paper questions detailed below provide some
examples of the type of contexts in which questions on this topic may be set and learners should gain
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Extension activity: There are a range of problems involving a variety of unusual contexts available on the
NRICH website (www.nrich.maths.org), for example https://nrich.maths.org/9059 (I)
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)
The 2020 syllabus includes changes to the assessment structure, assessment objective weightings and syllabus content when compared to the 2017–
2018 and 2019 syllabuses. Therefore, if you use past papers and mark schemes from earlier series, please do so with caution. It is still possible to help
your learners understand what the examination papers look like and to give an idea of the required standard but please be aware that some of the
content, the assessment structure and nature of the mark scheme has changed. Please also use the specimen papers and mark schemes for the 2020
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
calculate the moment of a force about a Prior knowledge: Learners need to have covered the content of ‘4.1 Forces and equilibrium’ in the
point for questions involving coplanar Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 syllabus (for Paper 4).
forces only; understanding of the vector
Main theme: In almost every case involving equilibrium, a clearly labelled diagram is essential. The
nature of moments is not required
diagram should show all the forces that are acting on the system and the direction, marked with an arrow,
of each of these forces. These forces will include some or all of the weight, the normal reaction, the friction
force and any external forces specified in the problem. Learners should already have met the idea of
resolving forces in two directions for any system that is in equilibrium, and will now be learning an
additional tool, namely taking moments.
It is a good idea to for learners to start by understanding what is meant by the moment of a force, and how
to calculate it for a given force. The Teaching Advanced Physics (TAP) website (http://tap.iop.org) provides
some good ideas for introducing the concept of moments, with practical activities that you can use to
enhance understanding for learners (http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/static/203/page_46264.html). (I) From
the Home page, select ‘Mechanics’, then ‘Statics’ and then ‘Episode 203: Turning effects’. Note: you
should ignore any reference to ‘couples’ as they are not within the scope of this specification.
A useful video tutorial (‘The moment of a force (torque) Part 1 of 3’) that defines moment of forces and
demonstrates how to calculate the moment of a force can be found on Youtube
There is also a helpful tutorial video (‘What is the moment of a force?’) on the Exam Solutions website
(www.examsolutions.net). From the Home page, click on ‘Cambridge International Examinations’, then
‘M2 Tutorials’ and then scroll down to the heading ‘Equilibrium in a rigid body’ and select ‘1. What is the
moment of a force?’.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Main theme: The Teaching Advanced Physics (TAP) website (http://tap.iop.org) has good practical
use the result that the effect of gravity on a
rigid body is equivalent to a single force activities which illustrate the concept of the centre of mass of an object
acting at the centre of mass of the body, (http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/static/203/page_46264.html). (I) From the Home page, select ‘Mechanics’,
and identify the position of the centre of then ‘Statics’ and then ‘Episode 203: Turning effects’.
mass of a uniform body using
considerations of symmetry Learners now need to understand how to identify the centre of mass of certain specified uniform bodies,
either by using symmetry or by using the appropriate formula that is given in the list provided in the
examination. For example, the centre of mass of a square lamina is at its centre, where the two diagonals
A series of video tutorials on this topic can be found on the Exam Solutions website
(www.examsolutions.net). From the Home page, click on ‘Cambridge International Examinations’, then
‘M2 Tutorials’ (www.examsolutions.net/international-exams/cie/m2-tutorials).
Main theme: A couple of good video tutorials can be found on the Exam Solutions website
use given information about the position of
the centre of mass of a triangular lamina (www.examsolutions.net). From the Home page, click on ‘Cambridge International Examinations’, then
and other simple shapes; proofs of results ‘M2 Tutorials’, then scroll down to ‘Uniform Laminas’ and click on
given in the MF19 List of formulae and
statistical tables are not required ‘Triangular laminas’ to see a video of how to find the centre of mass of a triangular lamina
‘Sectors and semi-circles’ to see a video of how to find the centre of mass for a uniform lamina in
the form of a sector and semi-circle (www.examsolutions.net/tutorials/centre-of-mass-sectors-
You should make learners aware that formulae for centres of mass of some shapes are given to them in
examinations. It would be good practice for you to show learners, at least the more mathematically
confident, where these formulae come from.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Main theme: The Exam Solutions website (www.examsolutions.net) has a short series of video tutorials
determine the position of the centre of
demonstrating the process involved in finding centres of mass of composite bodies and frameworks. From
mass of a composite body by
the Home page, click on ‘Cambridge International Examinations’, then ‘M2 Tutorials’
considering an equivalent system of
particles; simple cases only, e.g. a uniform
L-shaped lamina, or a uniform cone joined
Please note that for the purposes of this syllabus, only simple cases of composite bodies will be required,
at its base to a uniform hemisphere of the
for example, a uniform L- shaped lamina, or a uniform cone joined at its base to a uniform hemisphere of
same radius
the same radius. Usually, a moments equation will be the means to a solution, using known results from the
Notation list for the positions of the centres of mass of the separate parts.
use the principle that if a rigid body is in
equilibrium under the action of coplanar
You can find several video tutorials here at the link given above. These tutorials take you through the
forces then the vector sum of the forces is
method in step-by-step, showing the method that can be applied to any similar problem.
zero and the sum of the moments of the
forces about any point is zero, and the
The Mathdup! website (www.mathedup.co.uk) has some interactive lessons on the ‘Centre of mass’
converse of this
(www.mathedup.co.uk/key-stage-5/applied-maths/mechanics-2/centre-of-mass/). Also see the Integral
website (http://integralmaths.org), e.g.
Main theme: Learners need to know that a system will not always be in equilibrium. For example, if a
solve problems involving the equilibrium
cone is placed on its base on a slope, various possibilities can occur. If the slope is small, the cone may
of a single rigid body under the action of
rest there in equilibrium. If the slope is steeper, the cone may slide down the slope, or it may topple over.
coplanar forces, including those involving
It is possible to determined mathematically which of these situations occurs by resolving forces and taking
toppling or sliding
moments. Physically, the steepness of the slope and the roughness of the surface are key factors in the
outcome. There is a large amount of material available in which the conditions for toppling and sliding are
discussed. For example, a video tutorial on Youtube (www.youtube.com) called ‘Sliding or Toppling’
(www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4XjwOc5Uqg) takes you through the different scenarios of sliding and
Other relevant video tutorials can be found on Exam Solutions (www.examsolutions.net) website, for
example, from the Home Page, select ‘Cambridge International Examinations’, then ‘M2 Tutorials’ then
scroll down to the
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
heading ‘Hanging and Toppling Problems’ and select ‘Freely hanging suspended lamina’
lamina/?level=International&board=CIE&module=M2&topic=1704) and ‘Lamina topping on an inclined
plane (www.examsolutions.net/tutorials/lamina-toppling-on-an-inclined-
Extension activity: Learners can extend their understanding of this topic by looking at a selection of the
available internet material, by searching ‘toppling and sliding’. (I)
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)(I)
The 2020 syllabus includes changes to the assessment structure, assessment objective weightings and syllabus content when compared to the 2017–
2018 and 2019 syllabuses. Therefore, if you use past papers and mark schemes from earlier series, please do so with caution. It is still possible to help
your learners understand what the examination papers look like and to give an idea of the required standard but please be aware that some of the
content, the assessment structure and nature of the mark scheme has changed. Please also use the specimen papers and mark schemes for the 2020
Specimen Paper 3 Q1
Jun 2016 9709 Paper 52 Q4 rectangular lamina with circular hole, toppling
Nov 2016 9709 Paper 51 Q2 semi-circular arcs of wire
Nov 2016 9709 Paper 51 Q4 centre of mass of prism, toppling
Nov 2016 9709 Paper 52 Q3 equilibrium of rod
Nov 2016 9709 Paper 52 Q6 centre of mass of prism. toppling
Jun 2015 9709 Paper 51 Q7 equilibrium and toppling of prism on slope
Jun 2015 9709 Paper 52 Q3 triangular frame of rods
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Prior knowledge: Learners should know and be able to use Newton’s laws of motion and understand
understand the concept of angular speed
forces. (This is covered in ‘4 Mechanics (for Paper 4)’ of the Cambridge International AS & A Level
for a particle moving in a circle, and use Mathematics 9709 course.
the relation v r
Main theme: Having previously studied the motion of a particle moving in a straight line under the effect of
a force, learners will now consider the motion of a particle in a circle. There are two different cases to be
considered. Firstly, a particle moving in a horizontal circle, for example on the end of a string. Secondly, the
motion of a particle moving in a vertical circle; again this could be on the end of a string, or on the surface of
a sphere, for example. There are many practical applications of circular motion in the real world: satellites
orbiting the earth, fairground rides, etc.
‘Episode 223: Preparation for circular motion topic’ on the Teaching Advanced Physics (TAP) website
(http://tap.iop.org) provides some good ideas for practical activities, which you can use with learners to bring
out the most important ideas in circular motion. From the Home page, click on ‘Mechanics’ then scroll down
to find episode 223 (http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/circular/223/page_46471.html). There are two other useful
episodes at the same link. (I)
The main purpose of any of the indicated activities is to enable learners to grasp the real-life situation that is
being explored, and realise that by modelling it in fairly simple mathematical terms, predictions can be
made, and the value of physical quantities estimated.
It is important for learners to understand the difference between linear motion and angular motion, and the
relation between the linear speed of a particle and its angular speed: v r . In questions, either speed
could be given but the other can easily be found provided the radius of the circle is known.
More mathematically confident learners may find the theoretical and mathematical background interesting.
You can find useful material on the Exam Solutions website (www.examsolutions.net). From the Home
Page, select ‘Cambridge International Examinations’, then ‘M2 Tutorials’ and then ‘Angular speed and
acceleration’ (www.examsolutions.net/tutorials/angular-speed-and-
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Main theme: Learners need to know the formula for the acceleration of a particle moving in a circle. The
understand that the acceleration of a
expression for this acceleration should be quoted whenever it is required.
particle moving in a circle with constant
speed is directed towards the centre of the
The resource ‘Episode 223: Preparation for circular motion topic’ on the TAP (http://tap.iop.org) website
circle, and use the formulae r 2 and gives some ideas on practical activities for investigating circular motion
r (http://tap.iop.org/mechanics/circular/223/page_46471.html). The resource ‘Angular speed and
; proof of the acceleration formulae is not acceleration’ on the same website (select ‘Cambridge International Examinations’, then ‘M2 Tutorials’ and
required then ‘Angular speed and acceleration’) gives a video tutorial comparing linear and circular motion
acceleration/?level=International&board=CIE&module=M2&topic=11477) gives a video tutorial comparing
linear and circular motion.
The main purpose of any of the indicated activities is to enable learners to grasp the real-life situation that
is being explored, and realise that by modelling it in fairly simple mathematical terms, predictions can be
made, and the value of physical quantities estimated.
solve problems which can be modelled by Main theme: For learners to be successful, you will need to help them to understand clearly what forces
the motion of a particle moving in a are involved in each problem and to choose the correct directions in which to resolve them. It is also key to
horizontal circle with constant speed stress the importance of drawing a diagram, with all the given information clearly indicated: points, speeds,
each force and its direction.
It is worth giving learners time to practise as many different situations as possible to give them wide
experience in analysing the forces involved. Situations will differ, but the method of solution is usually very
similar, involving the application of Newton’s laws.
Video tutorials on different scenarios can be found on the Exam Solutions website
(www.examsolutions.net) – from the Home Page, select ‘Cambridge International Examinations’, then ‘M2
Tutorials’ (www.examsolutions.net/international-exams/cie/m2-tutorials) – and also in the document
‘Mechanics 3 Revision notes’ on Mr Barton’s Maths website (www.mrbartonmaths.com); click on
‘Student’s, then ‘A Level’, then ‘Notes, videos and examples’ and then ‘Mechanics 3 Revision Notes’.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
There are some good ideas for class discussion and extension studies on the NRICH website
(http://nrich.maths.org). For example, ‘Whirlyball’ (http://nrich.maths.org/4756).
Another useful link can be found on the Physics & tutor website (www.physicsandmathstutor.com). Select
the ‘Maths’ link under the heading ‘Revision’. Then under the heading ‘A-levels’ select ‘Mechanics 3’ and
click on the ‘Notes’ link www.physicsandmathstutor.com/maths-revision/a-level- mechanics-3/).
solve problems which can be modelled by Main theme: When a particle is moving under gravity in a vertical circle, the speed is no longer constant,
the motion of a particle in a vertical circle but we can apply the methods that we learned when considering horizontal circles as our starting-point.
without loss of energy; including finding a The following two links give good summaries of the principles and methods involved, using examples of
normal contact force or the tension in a the type that are covered by this syllabus. These are predominantly, though not exclusively, the vertical
string, locating points at which these are motion of a particle attached to the end of a string and the vertical motion of a particle on the smooth inner
zero, and conditions for complete circular or outer surface of a sphere …
‘Motion in a vertical circle’ (this is on the revision maths website (https://revisionmaths.com);
select ‘Mechanics’ under the heading ‘A-Levels’, then ‘ Motion in a vertical circle’)
… finding a normal contact force or the tension in a string, locating points at which these are zero, and
conditions for complete circular motion are all included.
As with all applied mechanics topics the fundamental skills must be practised using as many different
contexts as possible and a complete and fully labelled diagram essential for success. The importance of
consolidation and practice cannot be emphasised enough and a significant proportion of the available
time must be devoted to attempting problems of varying difficulty.
Another useful link can be found on the ‘Physics & tutor’ website (www.physicsandmathstutor.com).
Select the ‘Maths’ link under the heading ‘Revision’. Then under the heading ‘A-levels’ select ‘Mechanics
3’ and click on the ‘Notes’ link www.physicsandmathstutor.com/maths-revision/a-level- mechanics-3/).
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
The past examination paper questions detailed below provide some examples of the type of contexts in
which questions on this topic may be set and learners should gain experience through seeing as wide a
range of problems as possible.
Extension activity: Supplementary notes and extension material called ‘Maths Mechanics 3’ are
available from the TES website (www.tes.com/teaching-resource/maths-mechanics-3-set-of-lesson-
Additional material can also be found on the STEM website (www.stem.org.uk/), providing additional
notes and a range of suitable extension problems. (I)
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)(I)
The 2020 syllabus includes changes to the assessment structure, assessment objective weightings and syllabus content when compared to the 2017–
2018 and 2019 syllabuses. Therefore, if you use past papers and mark schemes from earlier series, please do so with caution. It is still possible to help
your learners understand what the examination papers look like and to give an idea of the required standard but please be aware that some of the
content, the assessment structure and nature of the mark scheme has changed. Please also use the specimen papers and mark schemes for the 2020
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
model the motion of a projectile as a particle Prior knowledge: Learners should have covered the content of the ‘4.2 Kinematics of motion in a
moving with constant acceleration and straight line’ topic in the Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 syllabus (for
understand any limitations of the model; vector Paper 4).
methods are not required
Main theme: Look at ways of modelling the motion of an object in two dimensions. You will be
building on the basic ideas covered when considering the motion of a particle in a straight line, using
the suvat equations to find unknown quantities when others are given. Now, you need to consider
motion in two dimensions, under the action of gravity, considering the horizontal and vertical
components of the motion separately. The horizontal motion is usually the easier place to start,
because the horizontal acceleration is zero. The vertical motion uses a constant acceleration of g,
which is usually taken as 9.8 ms -1.
There are some good ideas for class discussion and examples on the modelling of projectiles on the
NRICH website (www.nrich.maths.org). (I) Also, you could do a search for ‘Modelling projectiles
with quadratic equations’ on You tube (www.youtube.com).
The main purpose of any of the indicated activities is to enable learners to grasp the real-life
situation that is being explored, and realise that by modelling it in fairly simple mathematical terms,
predictions can be made, and the value of physical quantities estimated.
Prior knowledge: Learners should have covered the content of the ‘4.2 Kinematics of motion in a
use horizontal and vertical equations of motion
straight line’ topic in the Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 syllabus (for
to solve problems on the motion of projectiles,
Paper 4).
including finding the magnitude and direction of
the velocity at a given time or position, the
Main theme: Investigate the motion of a projectile by considering the horizontal and vertical
range on a horizontal plane and the greatest
height reached components. This will usually involve resolving the velocity into its horizontal and vertical
components and using the equations of motion for constant acceleration, in this case, the
acceleration due to gravity. Care should be taken with the signs. For example, when a particle is
projected at an angle above the horizontal, and its initial speed is taken as positive, then its
acceleration must have a negative sign because gravity acts vertically downwards. This can usually
be achieved by defining clearly at the beginning of a problem which direction you are taking as
A summary of the above and a simple example can be found on the revision maths website
(https://revisionmaths.com). Click on ‘A-Level maths’ then ‘Mechanics’ then ‘Projectiles’. There are
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
many other tutorials and videos on this topic on the internet, found by searching ‘projectile motion’.
For example, the ‘Projectiles and equations of motion – Mechanics 1 for A-level’ video here on
Yotube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJJpKVSqMcw
The Exam Solutions website (www.examsolutions.net) has a video tutorial which sets out clearly
the essential terminology and ideas for analysing projectile motion. This is the first in a series of
tutorials which look at some different cases of projectile motion, for example a particle projected
from a horizontal surface above or below the horizontal, a particle projected from a cliff top. You
can find the others by searching for ‘projectiles’ on this website.
There are also PowerPoints presentations with activities on the Mathed Up! website
(www.mathedup.co.uk). Select ‘Key Stage 5’, then ‘Applied Maths’, then ‘Mechanics 1’ and
Prior knowledge: Learners should have covered the content of the ‘4.2 Kinematics of motion in a
derive and use the Cartesian equation of the
straight line’ topic in the Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 syllabus (for
trajectory of a projectile, including problems in
Paper 4).
which the initial speed and/or angle of
projection may be unknown; knowledge of the
Main theme: Learners should derive and/or use the equation of the trajectory of a projectile; which
‘bounding parabola’ for accessible points is not
can be found by considering the general case of the method learned in the previous section.
The Exam Solutions website (www.examsolutions.net) has a clear explanation of the method for
deriving the equation of the trajectory. Also included are a useful set of problems for learners to
solve; look in the ‘Cambridge International Examinations’ link. (I)
Extension activity: Learners can extend their understanding of this topic by looking at a selection
of the available internet material found by searching for ‘projectile motion’. (I) For example, the’
What is a projectile?’ page on the ‘Physics Classroom’ website (www.physicsclassroom.com); click
on ‘physics tutorial’, then ‘Vectors – Motion and Forces in Two Dimensions’, then ‘Lesson 2 –
Projectile Motion’ and then ‘What is a projecile’
(www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/vectors/u3l2a.cfm) investigates the links with Physics.
Learners should gain experience of questions in different contexts through seeing as wide a range
of problems and past paper questions as possible.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)(I)
The 2020 syllabus includes changes to the assessment structure, assessment objective weightings and syllabus content when compared to the 2017–
2018 and 2019 syllabuses. Therefore, if you use past papers and mark schemes from earlier series, please do so with caution. It is still possible to help
your learners understand what the examination papers look like and to give an idea of the required standard but please be aware that some of the
content, the assessment structure and nature of the mark scheme has changed. Please also use the specimen papers and mark schemes for the 2020
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Prior knowledge: Learners should have a working knowledge of the content of the ‘4.1
use Hooke’s law as a model relating the force in an elastic
Forces and equilibrium’ topic of the Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics
string or spring to the extension or compression, and
9709 syllabus (for Paper 4).
understand the term modulus of elasticity
Main theme: The TAP website (http://tap.iop.org) provides a good introduction to this
use the formula for the elastic potential energy stored in a topic, with some practical activities: from the Home page, select ‘Mechanics’, then
string or spring; proof of the formula is not required Episode 227: Hooke’s law’. (I)
There is a large amount of material available on this topic. More confident learners may
find the background and physics knowledge illuminating but, for the purposes of this
syllabus, such an understanding is not essential. What is very important is an
understanding of the mathematics involved, and an ability to apply it to worked
examples. The ‘Maths Mechanics 3’ resource on the TES website (www.tes.com) gives
a clear explanation of the mathematics involved, with a series of worked examples
11000759). Another helpful source is Mr Barton’s Maths website
(www.mrbartonmaths.com) click on ‘Student’s, then ‘A Level’, then ‘Notes, videos and
examples’ and then ‘Mechanics 3 Revision Notes’. The following link is also useful
solve problems involving forces due to elastic strings or Main theme: Learners need to be able to apply the knowledge and methods learned in
springs, including those where considerations of work and the previous sections to a variety of problem situations. For example, a particle moving
energy are needed, e.g. a particle moving horizontally or horizontally or vertically or on an inclined plane while attached to one or more strings or
vertically or on an inclined plane while attached to one or springs, or a particle attached to an elastic string acting as a ‘conical pendulum’. This
more strings or springs, or a particle attached to an elastic list is not exhaustive, though it is representative of the type of problem that will be set.
string acting as a ‘conical pendulum’.
You can find notes with examples on the Physics & tutor website
(www.physicsandmathstutor.com). Select the ‘Maths’ link under the heading ‘Revision’.
Then under the heading ‘A-levels’ select ‘Mechanics 3’ and click on the ‘Notes’.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)(I)
The 2020 syllabus includes changes to the assessment structure, assessment objective weightings and syllabus content when compared to the 2017–
2018 and 2019 syllabuses. Therefore, if you use past papers and mark schemes from earlier series, please do so with caution. It is still possible to help
your learners understand what the examination papers look like and to give an idea of the required standard but please be aware that some of the
content, the assessment structure and nature of the mark scheme has changed. Please also use the specimen papers and mark schemes for the 2020
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
solve problems which can be modelled as the Prior knowledge: Learners need to be able to differentiate and integrate a variety of expressions;
linear motion of a particle under the action of a these will be restricted to content from Pure Mathematics 3 in the Cambridge International AS & A
variable force, by setting up and solving an Level Mathematics 9709 syllabus. Learners also need to be able to solve differential equations in
appropriate differential equation; including use which the variables are separable.
of v for acceleration, where appropriate; Main theme: Differentiation and integration will enable the learner to move between expressions for
calculus required is restricted to content from displacement, velocity and acceleration, starting at any one of these. The force acting on the particle
Pure Mathematics 3 in Cambridge International may be given in terms of x or t. The learner will then need to use Newton’s second law of motion to
A Level Mathematics 9709; only differential set up a first order differential equation. This will then usually be solved, subject to given initial
equations in which the variables are separable conditions.
are included.
dx dv dv
This will involve using for velocity, and or v for acceleration, as appropriate. Learners
dt dt dx
need to be clear that the two differential expressions for acceleration are equivalent, but the choice
will depend on whether the variable is expressed with respect to t or x. You can find notes with
examples here on the Physics & tutor website (www.physicsandmathstutor.com). Select the ‘Maths’
link under the heading ‘Revision’. Then under the heading ‘A-levels’ select ‘Mechanics 3’ and click
on the ‘Notes’. Section ‘1 Further kinematics’ is the relevant section for detailed notes with
Extension activity: There are some good ideas for class discussion and extension studies on the
NRICH website (http://nrich.maths.org). For example, ‘Mechanical Mindgames’
(http://nrich.maths.org/7110). (I) The main purpose of any of the indicated activities is to enable
learners to grasp the real-life situation that is being explored, and realise that by modelling it in fairly
simple mathematical terms, predictions can be made, and the value of physical quantities estimated
Cambridge International AS & A Level Further Mathematics 9231 Further Mechanics (for Paper 3) – from 2020 Scheme of Work
Past/specimen papers and mark schemes are available to download at www.cambridgeinternational.org/support (F)(I)
The 2020 syllabus includes changes to the assessment structure, assessment objective weightings and syllabus content when compared to the 2017–
2018 and 2019 syllabuses. Therefore, if you use past papers and mark schemes from earlier series, please do so with caution. It is still possible to help
your learners understand what the examination papers look like and to give an idea of the required standard but please be aware that some of the
content, the assessment structure and nature of the mark scheme has changed. Please also use the specimen papers and mark schemes for the 2020