Chapter I V
Chapter I V
Chapter I V
option to the existing formal instruction when one does not have or cannot
It widens the skills and knowledge of the out of school youth, Because of
the hindrance to go to the formal schools, some of the youth are not capable
enough to finish their studies. ALS is one of the bridge to help the learners to be
competent one.
enhance their skills and knowledge’s. They tend to offer an open arm for the
learner to have a better future. Their competencies help the learners to be more
practical after completing. Therefore, the researchers become eager to know the
Statement of the Problem
1.1 Age;
1.2 Sex;
1.3 Address;
1.4 Dialect;
4. determine the effects of Alternative Learning Systems Program to the
System Program to the graduated learners. Since the ALS is one of the program
that helps the out of school youth to increase their knowledge in terms of
To the ALS Current Learners, this study will give them inspiration to strive
To the ALS Teachers, this study will make them know the impact of their
To the School of ALS, this study would acknowledge the school as one of
To the community, this study would tend to give them knowledge that they
Learning System Program and the ALS Learners would become productive
To the School and Teachers, this study would give them information about
and new opinions about the effects of Alternative Learning System Program to
Operational Definition of Terms
Aborlan South District. In this study, it refers to the location where the study
was conducted.
trained teachers.
Effects. In this study, it refers to the changes to the lives of the respondents.
particular place.
Literacy. In this study, it refers to the ability to read, write and comprehend.
research. Also, it included familiarizing the information that are relevant to the
parallel learning system in the Philippines that provides a practical option to the
existing formal instruction. When one does not have or cannot access formal
non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills. Many Filipinos do not
have a chance to attend and finish formal basic education (Grades 1-6 and Year
1-4) due to many reasons. Some drop out from schools while some do not have
schools in their communities. Since every Filipino has a right to free basic
education, the Government establishes ALS to provide all Filipinos the chance to
have access to and complete basic education in a mode that fits their distinct
promotion of other forms of education other than formal education. Article XIV,
Section 2, Paragraph (1) declares that the State shall establish, maintain and
needs of the people and society; and paragraph (4) concisely encourages non-
community needs. The Governance Act for Basic Education otherwise known as
the Republic Act 9155 stipulates the establishment of the Alternative Learning
System (ALS) to provide out-of-school children, youth and adults population with
basic education. There are two major programs on ALS that are being
Learning System (BALS). One is the Basic Literacy Program and the other is the
programs are modular and flexible. This means that learning can take place
McBride (2018) said that “a one size fits all” approach to learning does not
work. Human beings are individuals and each of us has our brains wired in a
certain way for learning; so, one teaching/learning method is not sufficient for all
necessary for any type of learner to be successful and learn to their potential.
privileged out of school youth (OSY) and adults especially those who are 15
years old and above to uplift their skills and knowledge. Hence, the government
should give appropriate funds and technical support to help improve the quality of
life of the hopeless and undeserved people who are determined to learn and are
able to gain functional literacy skills outside formal schooling. To be able to face
challenges ALS will improve the literary skills in reading writing and numeracy for
programs. These will lessen the burden of the government on drug addiction and
towards the quality of life. Every individual must give a collaborative effort to the
program to build human capital of out of school youth and adults through the
credential that can facilitate access to higher education, vocational training, and
implement the ALS, which responds to out-of-school youth and adults who have
socioeconomic conditions. Recent statistics indicate that about 3.7 million youth
aged 16-24 and 3.1 million young adults aged 25-30 did not complete junior high
school and are out of school, which is about 23% of those aged 15 to 30 1. The
ALS has a key role in enabling school dropouts to develop their human capital
Increasing the national budget allocated for ALS, boosting the supply of learning
modes with sound incentive system would further expand access to the program
and support improved learning outcomes. Review and increase the relevance of
the ALS learning content. Reviewing, updating, and monitoring the instructional
skills among learners would improve their relevance to the labor market and
pursuit of the formal education. Develop an overall strategy for reforming the ALS
remedies are interventions that are applied when students at high risk of
dropping out are still in school. Efforts to harmonize the ALS with Alternative
Delivery Mode and regular classrooms at both policy and school levels are
learning that knows no boundaries. The mobile teachers pass through squatters
areas or deprived barangays, walk through rough and muddy roads, trek
the other hand, the learners, as they are referred to in the system, convene in a
shabby bahay-kubo, gather underneath a tree, or, if luck finds them, set up in a
love of learning.
structure in the country. It covers both the informal and nonformal subsystems of
outside the formal school system. If the formal school system delivers education
Studies, etc., the ALS has what are called the learning strands. There are five
They are based on the principles and values that underlie sustainable
that promote participatory learning and higher-order thinking skills. They promote
lifelong learning and is locally relevant and culturally appropriate. The execution
is based on local needs often has international effects and consequences. They
nature of the concept of sustainability, address content taking into context, global
issues and local priorities. They build civil capacity for community-based
Countless children are discouraged every day because they do not understand
the lesson that their public school teachers are trying to convey. Unfortunately,
this leads many students to give up on learning itself and even drop out of
chance to learn in the ways that work for them. Students who learn visually might
not gain much from long lectures, and alternative education programs can
address this. These schools help students to regain their self-esteem and their
wanting and where literacy is needed. The Aeta-clienteles would come to school
in the morning. Not all the students come early because the other are from
different barangays. Some wore uniform others in their ragged clothes. Aetas did
housekeeping and other pre-routinely activities. Basic alphabet, minimal pair
words, read short passages, and ask them to read a loud and write. Education to
people; because learning takes place in this context as well as in the way they
the students because no fees are collected. Learners do not have travel far
because their “school” is just within the community. And they can study their
barangay hall, a hut in the middle of a rice field or a tent pitched on a mountain. It
doesn’t matter where a class is held, learners can gather anywhere and a
facilitator who acts as the teacher will deliver their lessons. If there is one
program that government should sustain, it is ALS. Shaping and educating young
should take their tasks to heart, because they play a huge role in the success of
Conceptual Framework
The diagram shows the conceptual framework of the study about the
possible reasons of enrolling to ALS Program; the dependent variable are the
Conceptual Paradigm
B.Socio-demographic Profile
of ALS Graduated Learners of
Aborlan South District
This chapter tackles the methods and procedures that the researchers
used in conducting the study. It presents the locale of the study, respondent of
Map of Aborlan
Respondent of the Study
Sampling Procedure
choose the graduated learners of ALS Program and selected the respondents
was all about their socio demographic profile; Part II, their reasons of not going to
regular school; Part III reason of enrolling in ALS Program and Part IV, effects of
ALS Program.
Permission to conduct the study was secured by the researchers from the
Humanities and Social Science Students and through their Practical Research
Adviser as well as to the principal of Aborlan National High School. After which,
the researchers proceed to the ALS School of Aborlan South District to seek
the selected graduated learners . The questionnaire was scored, tallied and
Procedure for Data Analysis
means and were organized using tabular presentation and graphs. It has a range
This chapter presents the results and discussion of the findings of the
The table shows that majority of the graduated learner aged from 15-25
the most common age of the respondents. To be followed by 26-35 years old
with thirty-three and thirty-three percent (33.33%). Meanwhile, 46-53 years old
had the lowest percentage of two and fifty-six percent (2.56%). As PSA stated,
15-24 years old were not attending school, have not finished any college or post-
secondary course and were not working because of the involvement in union or
Female 20 51.28%
Male 19 48.72%
The table shows that majority of the respondents were female with fifty-
one and twenty-eight percent (51.28 %). Meanwhile, male had 48.72%.
According to the study of UNICEF, about 32 million girls are not capable enough
The table shows that majority (74.56%) of the respondents lived in Bgy.
(10.26%). Meanwhile, Bgy. Magsaysay, Bgy. Iraan, Bgy. Apoc-Apoc and Bgy.
Maasin got the lowest percentage of two and fifty-six percent (2.56%),
respectively. Lubos ( ), in his study reveals that not all the learners come early
Table 1d. Dialect of the Respondents
that Tagalog is the major dialect used by the respondents because it is the
dialect being introduced to them by their parents at home when they were young.
Secondary 34 87.18%
Elementary 5 12.82%
Table shows that majority (87.18%) of the respondents were High School
family socioeconomic status (SES) and extracurricular involvement) and school-
Table shows that most (33.33%) of the respondents completed the ALS
2016. Meanwhile, year 2011 got the lowest percentage of graduates with two and
fifty-six percent (2.56%). The Philippine Statistics Authority claimed that after
completing the ALS Program and passed the accreditation and equivalency
exam they (students) received a government credential that can facilitate access
Table shows that eighty-four and sixty-one percent (84.61%) of the
respondents who faced financial problem which is said to be the primary reason
why they stop coming in regular school to be followed by “the family problem”
with ten and fifty-six percent (10.56%). Meanwhile, pregnancy and lack of interest
got the lowest percentage of two and fifty-six percent (2.56%), respectively.
the students because no fees are collected. Learners do not have travel far
TESDA” got the lowest percentage of five and twelve percent (5.12%). This is
what PSA stated that ALS Programs deliver a second chance to build human
Table shows the effects of ALS Program to the graduated learners of ALS.
It is revealed that it has a strongest impact in the statement “it helps the
productive citizen” with the mean of 3.89 rated as Strongly Agree, followed by the
statement “it helps the respondents to improve their social skills and decision-
making” with the mean of 3.74 rated as Strongly Agree respectively. Meanwhile,
the statement “it helps the respondents to pursue college education” got the
Skills, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking, Sustainable Use of Resources, and
One’s World Vision. As well as Summary, T.D. they could be able to face
challenges. ALS Program will improve their literacy skills in reading and
graduated learners, (b) to determine the reasons of not going to formal schools,
(c) to identify the reason of enrolling in ALS Program, and (d) to know the impact
about the effects of ALS Program and the basic profile of the respondents was
utilized. The list of the respondents’ names was given by the ALS teacher in
order for the researchers to conduct research. This was accompanied together
with the approval of the research adviser, Assistant Principal and the Principal to
conduct research outside their school area. The data gathered were then analyze
Based on the results, most (48.72%) of the respondents had the age of
15-25 years old. Majority (51.28%) of the respondents are female; majority
respondents are Tagalog; most (33.33%) of the respondents completed ALS
Program during the year 2015; majority (87.18%) of the respondents completed
want to seek a job. It further shows that the strongest effects of ALS Program to
becoming productive citizen” with the mean of 3.89 rated as Strongly Agree.
Based on the result of the study, the researchers came up with the
conclusion that most of the respondents have the age ranging from 15-25 years
old. Majority of the respondents are female; majority of the respondents live in
Bgy. Plaridel; majority of the respondents are Tagalog; most of the respondents
seek a job; it further shows that the strongest effect of ALS Program to the
respondents is that ALS is helping them in improving literacy level and helping in
It opens a new chapter of their lives that could help them to find job easily.
Openness for a better life is a good perspective that could change nor improve
can cope with the other people who came in formal schools. ALS Program
helped them to recognize their strength in order to make an effort to see the
and face it by the help of ALS Program. ALS Program is another life instrument
to see the brightest side of every problems. It is different from formal school but it
has the same goal that is helping their learners to see the potential of every
main goal.
2. To the Current Learners, never lose hope and continue to strive on.
4. To the ALS Program, they should provide additional time for their
classes so that the learners will never lose their eagerness to learn.
ALS Program.
6. To the Community, it should be a good advocacy if they encourage the
their studying in regular class to enrol in the ALS Program rather than
to quit schooling.
Online Sources
(accessed on November 12, 2018)
Lala (2011), Alternative Learning System: The Other Side of Basic Education
Mace, J. (2015), The Importance of Alternative Education Programs. (accessed on November 23, 2018)
Republic of the Philippines
Bgy. Gogognan, Aborlan, Palawan
Jocelyn Tabinga
District ALS Coordinator
Aborlan South District
We, the graduating senior high school students of Aborlan National High School (ANHS) taking
up Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) strand will conduct a research entitled “Effects of
Alternative Learning System to Out of School Youth of Aborlan South District” as a requirement
in Practical Research II subject.
In this regard, we would like to ask your permission to have the list of Alternative Learning
System Learners of Aborlan South District.
Recommending Approval:
(Sgd.)Jocelyn Tabinga
District ALS Coordinator
Dear Respondents,
Good day!
In connection with this, you are chosen to be one of our respondents. The
information gathered will be used only as a tool for the success of this research
I. Demographic Profile
Name: _________________________________________________
Age: ____
Address: _____________________________________Female:____
Male: _____
Ethnicity/Ethnic Affiliation: _______________________Year
Completed: ________
Financial Problem Family Problem Health
Others (Please Specify) __________________________________
Strongly Strongly
10. A LS Program helps me in problem solving.
IV. Directions: The statements below are the impacts of ALS Program to the out-
of-school youth. Put a check ( GOD
/) on BLESS!!!
the specific level corresponding to your
own perception