Reviewer For Hope 4finals

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1690 - Edmund Halley developed an improved diving bell.

WEEK 7: SCUBA DIVING The diving bell with trapped air was brought down two
people inside.

WHAT IS SCUBA DIVING? 1825 - William James invented the first workable, full-time
 Scuba is an acronym for SELF CONTAINED SCUBA. It had a cylinder belt around the diver’s trunk that
UNDERWATER BREATHING APPARATUS. served as an air reservoir.

 Scuba diving is a diving method where a diver uses a 1715 - Englishman John Lethbridge built the “diving
regulator as the breathing apparatus and a tank with engine” which was an underwater oak cylinder supplied
compressed air which enables the diver to breathe with compressed air from the surface.
 normally underwater.

 With these equipment, a diver can explore the waters

for a longer period of time.

 Modern-day divers are fortunate to have better means

of going deeper and staying longer underwater.

Evolution of Scuba Diving (US Manual, 1993)

1300s - A simple cauldron in the shape of a bell was used 1823 - Charles Anthony Deane invented the “smoke
where the idea was to trap the air inside the container where helmet” originally for firefighters. The helmet fits over a
the diver swims out until he or she runs out of breath then man’s head with an attached hose for supply of an air which
returns to the bell to replenish air. comes from the surface.
1837 - German inventor Augustus Siebe innovated a closed
diving suit to complete the diving helmet of Deane. The suit
was connected to an air pump on the surface and became the
first standard diving dress.  Swimming skills

“The following are the essential needs of every diver”

 DIVE MASK creates the air pocket to have a clearer

view of the underwater life.

 SNORKEL is breathing tube allowing you to inhale

and exhale through your mouth when swimming face
1943 - Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan redesigned a down on water surface.
car regulator which provided compressed air to divers in the
1843 - The first diving school was established by the Royal slightest breath and later on called as the aqualung. This  REGULATOR lets you breathe underwater.
Navy. design has changed the landscape of diving and remains to
be what we know as the SCUBA of modern day.  BCD or BOYOUNCY CONTROL DEVICE helps
control the position in the water column.
1866 - Frenchmen Benoit Rouquayrol and Auguste
Denayrouze patented the “Aerophore”, where the diver  OCTOPUS is the back up regulator.
carries a steel tank of compressed air and is connected
through a valve which goes to the mouthpiece.  WEIGHT BELT is used to counteract the buoyancy.


shows how much of the air left.

 SCUBA TANK contains the pressurized air which

allows one to breathe and to stay longer underwater.


Almost anyone can scuba dive. However..
 FINS provide the propulsion that makes it possible to
swim with less effort.
 Age
1876 - Henry A. Fleuss, an English merchant seaman,  SCUBA or WET SUIT provides protection from the
 Health
developed the first self-contained diving gear that used coldness of the water and from other elements.
compressed oxygen and not compressed air.  Disabilities
DIVING? Step 1: Understand the use of the Buoyancy Compensator
Device (BCD)
 Pre-Dive
Step 2: Do not deflate all the air from the BCD to begin the
Diving is really a new adventure as one seem to enter an descent
entirely new world, with species that can only be find in
water. But this becomes a nightmare if certain safety Step 3: Exhale fully to begin your descent
procedures are not followed. The pre-dive entails
procedures that diver adhere to. There is the detailed safety Step 4: Re-establish neutral buoyancy
check of equipment and readiness on the divers as well. The
procedures are standardized and observing it step-by-step is
a must. Step 5: Regroup

 Pre-Dive Safety Check  Ascending

A pre-dive safety check must be done before going to the

water. five steps of the pre-dive safety check are as follows:

1. Check the buoyancy compensator

“OTHER ACCESSORIES” 2. Check the weights

 DIVE COMPUTER monitors the diver’s depth, time 3. Check the releases
of being underwater, and the remaining time for one to
be safely down in the water. 4. Check the air regulators

5. Final okay
 DIVE LIGHTS provides the needed light as it can be
dark underwater.
 Descending
 DIVE KNIFE is used for cutting ropes, lines, and
mono filament. Descending to water should be done in a slow and
controlled way; this is what they call the controlled descent.
It is using the lungs to descend and the BCD for making
 DIVE CASE is used for protecting the gears while oneself neutrally buoyant.
The following steps will ensure a completed descent:
What is Hiking? Hiking Shoes - These shoes are lighter compared to boots
and more flexible but offer less support. They are best for
 is an activity of moderate difficulty, which involves well defined trails and shorter hikes where one carries
walking across long distances generally on trails or relatively lighter load. For seasoned hikers, carrying some
paths. The duration of the activity varies between weight goes farther even on rugged trails when wearing
short half-day programs and longer itineraries of over these shoes.
20 days. It is usually an activity that allows groups of
different sizes. Hiking Boots - Hiking boots give more support and have
more protective features than the hiking shoes because they
have higher cut with slightly stiffer materials. The trade-off
What is Trekking? though is the weight these are
heavier than hiking shoes.
 is an outdoor activity of walking for more than a day.
It is a form of walking, undertaken with the specific Backpacking Boots - For longer treks carrying heavy loads,
purpose of exploring and enjoying the scenery. then the backpacking boots more advisable. These shoes are
Trekking could be a motive, It could be a tough and can cope with all kinds of terrain and weather
commitment, an aim, an objective, a mission, a party, condition. They are taller and stiffer and have thicker out
a social gathering. soles with an all-around protection.

What are hiking and trekking essential? Trekking Poles - Trekking poles have a maximum length
135 cm (54 inches). They are often made into two or three
 Backpack – is very important during a hike, since sections and can be retracted or extended as necessary.
everything that one will be needing is carried in this When fully retracted, it may be attached to the backpack.
pack. For a day’s hike, a small pack is just fine as The poles are essential aide for those with knee problems.
there are just a few things needed for it. Trekking on However, they are also used by some to provide lateral
one hand is a different story, as this like carrying
“your home on your back.” food, clothing, shelter, stability on steep slopes and aid when climbing rocks and
cooking gears, and other essentials will all be placed boulders.
in one pack.
What are the nutritional considerations for hiking?
 Footwear – trekking requires long walks, and the
shoes are the most important requirement at this point.  On the top list of things, we need to plan for is the fuel
With the wrong footwear, trekking experience will for the body. The body’s need for food depends on
surely be a disaster, going home with blister and this distance of trek, temperature, and mountain
bruises. A good fit is the number one requirement in elevation. The fat in the body supplies a lot of energy
choosing a footwear. and is slowly burned, but it needs to replenish by food.
If one runs out of food, the body consumes muscle for
fuel and this result in fatigue and a slowdown in
Instructions from guides, facilitator, or leader should be
 Calorie Requirement - Calories are taken from food  Taking Breaks – give the heart, lungs and muscle a given utmost attention.
containing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. All the chance to rest a bit. Break also will give time to check
calories can either be burned during the activity or whether one has spots or any potential problem which Keep in mind and heart the leave no trace seven principles.
store mostly as fats which still can be used up later. unnoticed while walking.
Fat is the highest calories and is the best fuel source Ensure safety of self and other. Learn to apply first aid.
for aerobic activities which require more calories to What are the health-related benefits of hiking and trekking?
 Walking up and down trails, mountains, and hills will
definitely make heart pump harder to keep up with the The things you need in your daily normal activities are not
oxygen demand and thus increase the blood flow to the same as the ones that you will need when you trek or
the muscle and brain. hike. What you need are some basic equipment that will
help you survive in the wilderness of the mountain. The
following are the things that you will need when you hike or
trek a mountain for recreation only in this instance as
 Energy Bar - Energy bars are ideal for mountaineers recommended by mountaineering in the Philippines:
who are on the move but are feeling fatigue due to
lack of proper nutrition. These food products are
commonly consumed snack items by mountaineer as
they trek toward their destination.

 Hydrating the Body - The water requirement of the

body depends on the temperature and energy
expenditure. However, generally water requirement is Bag – your bag is your most important companions in your
at least 1 to 2 liters a day. This will increase with the climb. It is where you put almost all the things that you need
heavy walking and hot temperature. It also depends on for the climb. Your bag for the climb should be a backpack,
the kind of food you are consuming. which is a type of bag carried on your back and secured
with straps that go over your shoulders.
What are the basic skills in hiking?
Map & Compass - Whether you've been on this trail 50
 Setting Hiking Pace – the hiker sets the pace to make times or this is your first, there is always a chance of getting
the body feel good. The heart, lungs, and legs become lost. Unexpected injuries, bad weather, a closed trail, wild
the monitor whether one is within his/her pace or not. animals may all require an immediate change in route.

 Establishing Your Rhythm – rhythm is the pace one What are some safety reminders in Flashlight - Even if you start hiking at 6:00am and will be
can maintain for a long time without requiring break. hiking and trekking? finished by 11:00am, still take your flashlight. An injury or
Practice breathing and have it synchronized with your bad weather can easily keep you out through the night. LED
step. Swing arms to keep the upper and lower body Hike with group and never alone.  headlamps are very bright, very small, inexpensive, and last
synced up and in step with good momentum. a long time.
weighs just a couple ounces and takes little space. I also  Diarrhea – loose, watery and possibly more frequent
Food - Your body will expend lots of energy hauling you all have a sheet of aluminum foil to make a small pot in which bowel movements.
over the hills. Continually snacking throughout the hike is a I can heat water. This can be a huge help in hypothermic
good way to keep the tank full and the motor running. If you situations.  Hike with a “buddy” when at all possible. If you
wait to drink when you feel thirsty and wait to eat when you choose to hike alone, make sure someone
feel hungry, your body will already be in need. It's better to Footwear - your feet are the most used body part during a
drink and eat a bit often throughout the day to stay strong. climb. Your feet carry your body weight as they take you  knows where you are headed and when you should be
where you want to go. expected back.

Rain gear & Clothes - If you are a summer hiker at low Hiking and trekking can be hazardous because of terrain,  Avoid venturing off the beaten path. Staying on
elevations, then that's probably all you need for rain-gear. inclement weather, becoming lost or preexisting medical marked trails is important,
But I hike in the mountains and rain can feel more like ice conditions the dangerous circumstances hikers can face
up include specific accidents or physical ailments. Potential  regardless of how familiar with the area.
there and the implications of not being prepared can be hazards involving physical ailments may include the
deadly. I always take a good raincoat with hood and rain following:  Stay hydrated and bring drinking water.
pants. I can wear the extra layer to stay warm when the
temperature drops, to stay dry in fog and dampness, and to  Dehydration – occurs when you use or lose more
shed rain or snow. The pants are critical and often fluid than you take in, and your body doesn’t have  Know where you are going ahead of time. Check out
overlooked. enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal the trail you plan to hike
Fire starter & Matches - I always have matches in film  ahead of time to know what you are getting into.
canister, cigarette lighter, and magnesium sparker. That's  Frostbite – an injury caused by freezing of the skin
three ways I can get warmth if I get caught in a bad and underlying tissues. The skin becomes cold and  Dress appropriately for the weather and specific
situation. The magnesium lighter weighs quite a bit, but it is red, then numb hard and pale. Hypothermia – a hiking area.
my final backup that works when wet. medical emergency that occurs when your body

First Aid Kit - a small kit with basic supplies like moleskin,  loses heat faster then it can produce heat, causing a PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH
tweezers, band aids, antiseptic wipes, gauze pad, and tape is dangerously low body temperature. Normal body Cardiovascular Strength - By walking up and down hills
adequate for most problems. temperature is around 98.6 F (37 C). and mountains, the heart has to pump harder to keep with
the oxygen demand. The heart rate does maintain a steady,
Whistle - All you need to do is blow air. Even if both your  Sunburn – the term for red, sometimes swollen, and increased rate, increasing blood flow to the muscle and
legs are broken and you are at the bottom of a cliff, you can painful skin caused by overexposure to ultraviolet brain.
still use it and the sound of a whistle can carry far to (UV) rays from the sun.
rescuers. Only use it for emergencies, not just for the fun of Weight Loss - These physical activities eventually help
it while hiking.  Heat stroke – a condition caused by your body shed unwanted fat and water weight. In fact, 6 weeks of
overheating, usually as a result of prolonged exposure trekking at moderate level of intensity on a regular basis can
to or over exertion in high temperatures. lead to significant weight loss.
Emergency Stove - An item I take with me is a pocket
stove that burns denatured alcohol. The stove and fuel
Builds a Robust Heart - Hiking and trekking are great bet trekking tour would undoubtedly lead to exercising of each This type of pad, provides protection from the hard ground.
for those who wish to keep their hearts healthy and agile. and every muscle in the body, from the core abdominal Very useful if you want to spend a comfortable night
While trekking, a person has to climb up and down which muscles to the quads and calves, thus making body flexible outdoors.
making the heart pump blood with vigorously and building and muscle agile.
cardiac muscle.

What is camping
Improves Lung Capacity - Hiking and trekking strengthen Camping is an outdoor recreational activity.The participants
the muscles of the neck and chest, including the diaphragm (campers) leave nature while spending one or several nights
and muscles the ribs that work together to power inhaling outdoors.
and exhaling. When you hike or
trek your muscles work harder, your body uses more oxygen What do I need to go camping?
and produces more carbon dioxide. To cope with this extra When you go camping there are several things you should
demand, your breathing has to increase, and your circulation keep in mind. We are going to describe some of the Sleeping Bag
also speeds up to take the oxygen to the muscle so that they essentials for going camping. A large well-padded bag designed for sleeping in, especially
can keep moving. outdoors. This especial bag keeps you warm at night.
Builds Strong Bones - Hiking and trekking require A tent is a portable shelter that is usually made of poles and
optimum effort from the human body, as it requires waterproof materials. It is your house when you are in the
stretching, jumping, climbing and dodging at several outdoors.
intervals. Such small burst of exercises at regular intervals
during a trek help make bones stronger. Hikers also have the
added the burden of carrying supplies, such as water, first Stove
aid kits, clothes and even camping equipment which would A stove is a device made for cooking and heating food. The
mean added weight on the shoulders and spine. If carried
properly, this weight training can help add on bone density
thereby achieving overall fitness.

Agile Muscles - The one thing that a trekker would surely

achieve while on a trekking tour is excellent muscle one you see in the picture is great for camping because it is
strength. The energy and strain that a trekker requires while very small and easy to carry,
on a Sleeping Pad
A hat is a covering for your head. It is very useful to protect
you from the heat of the sun. Coat
A coat is a garment to protect the upper section of your
body. The one you see in the picture is a rain coat,
especially made for the rainy weather.

A backpack is a type of sack to carry supplies. You can use
it to carry food, gear and all you need while camping.

It is an instrument for finding direction, it uses a magnetized
needle to point to the north. Very useful to know where you Biomes
are going.  Desert
 Forest
 Mountains

 Plan your destination
 Food
 Extra Clothing
 Time
This is a small portable electric lamp and it is very useful to
illuminate your path in the dark.


Decide what’s Important in a Camping Experience   Cycling
 Canoeing
 The first question to ask yourself is: “what do I want  Climbing
to do, exactly?” This will dictate where you should go,  Quad biking
and what you’ll look for in a campsite.   Fishing
 Hiking
Reserve Your Campsite  Play music
 Take pictures
 Sit by the fire
 Once you’ve determined what you want out of your
camping trip, the hunt for the perfect campground

Plan Your Menu 

 When planning a camping trip, the menu is often the

most daunting. But preparing meals outside is not as
limiting or difficult as it may seem; from steaks to
omelets and pasta, you can cook it all with the right
tools and storage. 

Pack Your Gear 

 It’s always good to have a camping checklist on hand

so you don’t leave any essentials behind

 Friends
 Family
 Social Camping

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